Poster Session Program Monday 8 December 1300-1330 Poster # Presenter Poster Title 1 Ula Alexander Flinders University Ardalan Armin Flinders University Chathura Bandutunga Flinders University John Bartholomew Flinders University Christopher Thomas Chantler Flinders University Christopher Thomas Chantler Flinders University Shen V. Chong Flinders University Md Amdadul Huq Chowdury Flinders University Jessica Eastman Flinders University Jesse Everett Flinders University Zhi-Da Gao Flinders University Bahman Ghadirian Flinders University Lisa Harvey-Smith Flinders University Quantum Conversations - The Art of Fluorescence 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Electro-optics of organic photodiodes Acoustics Meets Optics: Photonic Microphones Nanoscopy in rare-earth-ion crystals Recent Advances in Atomic and Condensed Interactions of X-rays with matter XFELs but not imaging! – how structure can probe detailed plasma dynamics in||extreme systems. Oxygen vacancy engineering – the key to controlling the magnetic properties of||thin films, bulk and nanostructural TiO2 Localised solutions of higher-order Manakov-type continuous and discrete||equations Generating pseudo random quantum circuits with quantum trajectories An optical memory exploiting time reversal symmetries in atom-light interactions PbS Modified TiO2 Nanotubes for Visible-Light-Activated Photoelectrochemical||Sensing Trace Amount of Ag+ A predicted force in NMR restricted diffusion experiments The Australian SKA Pathfinder telescope 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Jacob Hughes Flinders University Larissa Huston Flinders University Jiri Janousek Flinders University Hadiya Jasbeer Flinders University Harry-Dean Kenchington Goldsmith Flinders University Alexander Kozlov Flinders University Katanya Kuntz Flinders University Jean-Michel Le Floch Flinders University Boon Lee Flinders University Tommy Li Flinders University Aravindan M Warrier Flinders University Lars Skovgaard Madsen Flinders University Nicolas Mauranyapin Flinders University Dane McCamey Flinders University Nathan McMahon Flinders University Adam Micolich Flinders University Adam Micolich Flinders University Anita Milroy Flinders University Peter Norman Flinders University Implementation of a digital Doppler spectroscopy system for material||characterisation Stability of pressure-induced phases in Germanium Highly Tunable Miniaturised Parametric Monolithic Optical Cavity Characterization of defect induced stress birefringence in CVD grown diamond Breakup dynamics of 8Li Precise optical atomic clocks with suppressed BBR shift Frequency response measurement of optical cavities using an intensity modulated||laser beam and direct power measurement 3D Microwave Cavity for strong coupling to nitrogen-vacancy centre in diamond KLL Auger spectra following inner-shell ionization of Rubidium by nuclear decay||using Multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock Method Confinement due to the spin-orbit interaction in quantum point contacts Developing Ultrfast Raman Lasers Atom-mechanical coupling in a tapered fibre trap Quantum limited nano-fibre trapping and sensing of dielectric particle for||biophysics application. Improved electrically-detected spin-resonance techniques for spin-based organic||electronic devices Closed Form Solutions to General Gaussian Master Equations: Applications to||Classical Channel Gravitational Decoherence Comparison of mobility and carrier density in wurtzite and zinc blende InAs||nanowire FETs Using light and heat to controllably switch and reset disorder configuration in nanoscale devices 'Labpunk'- Creating Art with Physics Symmetric Nuclear Bond Models 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Bogdan Opanchuk Flinders University Bogdan Opanchuk Flinders University Eliza-Jane Pearsall Flinders University Prithvi Reddy Flinders University Iain Reid Flinders University Benjamin Roberts Flinders University Vivian Robinson Flinders University Vivian Robinson Flinders University Kirrily Rule Flinders University Sergey Samarin Flinders University Sergey Samarin Flinders University Sebastian Sambale Flinders University Richard Scalzo Flinders University Harley Scammell Flinders University Eoin Sheridan Flinders University Soumya Soumya Flinders University Yuxin Sun Flinders University Christopher Tanner Flinders University Richard Taylor Flinders University Multipartite simulations of 60-qubit Schrödinger Cat states Art from the start of Time Quantifying physical stimulation of Arabidopsis thaliana using nanoindentation Ab initio calculations of fine structure of the NV- centre in diamond. Long term observations of the MLT region at Adelaide (35ºS) Limits on P-odd interactions of cosmic fields with electrons, protons and||neutrons The Gravitational Redshift in an Infinite Static Universe makes it Stable and||Fits Properties of the Observed Universe Better than the Expanding Universe||Model. Treating Spin as Angular Momentum can Explain Quantum Superposition and Neutrino||Properties Recent developments for the thermal triple axis spectrometer, TAIPAN at ANSTO Role of kinematics in spin-polarized single- and two-electron spectroscopies. Emission of correlated electron pairs from surface states and d-states of||Au(111) under low-energy spin-polarized electron impact. Large negative magnetoresistance in FeSr2Y2-xCexCu2O8+y A Bayesian Toolkit for Analyzing the Bolometric Light Curves of Supernovae Violation of the Spin Statistics Theorem and the||Bose-Einstein Condensation of Particles with Half Integer Spin Integrated Cavity Opto-Electromechanical System: Towards Phononic Circuits Impact of Cascading on Efficiency of CW External Cavity Raman Lasers Silicon-based charge pumping devices for single-electron counting Quasifission Timescales in the 64Ni + 238U Reaction Nanoscale vector force sensing using nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 115 Alexander Buese Flinders University Joshua Torrance Flinders University Jesse Vaitkus Flinders University Kirsten Vo-Phuoc Flinders University Lei Wang Flinders University Samuel Wilkinson Flinders University Jim F Williams Flinders University Jim F Williams Flinders University Sara Wilson Flinders University Ka Wu Flinders University Min Jet Yap Flinders University Yair Zarate Flinders University Yong Zhang Flinders University Ruichen Zhao Flinders University Matthew Sellars Flinders University Lisa Harvey-Smith Flinders University Quantum interference of photon pairs beyond the conventional Hong-Ou-Mandel dip||as a function of path length difference Polarisation Spectroscopy: Phase Lead, Bandwidth and Linewidth Waveguide structures for digital adiabatic passage Comparing fusion barrier distributions to barrier heights from||Hartree--Fock calculations Polarisation encoded hologram based on a reflective metasurface Energetics of the Quantum Graphity Universe Correlated electron spin and vortex motion Validation of e+ trapping in PVC-EVA (C=O) and PVC-SAN (C≡N) polymer blends Supercode Extension to Digital Interferometry Self-pulsing and excited-state absorption in Tm:YAlO3 Wavelength Conversion of Quantum States with an Opto-mechanical System Tuned Chirality in Auxetic Metamaterials|| Phase superposition in second-harmonic Talbot self-imaging Modelling of electrostatic confinement in a single-electron pump based on a||silicon quantum dot Demonstration of long coherence times in Eu3+:Y2SiO5 Two views of the sky - Indigenous art and astronomy Tuesday 9 December 1300-1330 Poster # Presenter Poster Title 59 Jim F Williams Flinders University Julian Berengut Flinders University Michael Brown Flinders University Ann Bui Flinders University Ann Bui Flinders University Haitao Chen Flinders University Cinthya Chianca Da Silva Flinders University Kenneth Grant Flinders University Christine Creagh Flinders University Martin Cyster Flinders University Shakib Daryanoosh Flinders University Robert Dewar Flinders University Jacquelene Drinkall Flinders University Victor Flambaum Flinders University A topological phase from atom, to molecule, to surface 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 Victor Flambaum Flinders University Victor Flambaum Flinders University Limits on the dependence of the fine-structure constant on gravitational||potential from white-dwarf spectra Symmetry Improvement of 3-Particle Irreducible Effective Actions for O(N) Scalar||Field Theories Escape force calibration of optical tweezers Chromosome escape force calibration with optical tweezers Synchronous coherence imaging of drift waves in MagPIE Beam-shaping and stabilisation of vortices in laser beams and superfluids Demonstration of Asymmetric Lasercomm with Forward Error Correction Dr. C's First Year Physics Demos. On YouTube Josephson Junction formation at experimental pressures using iterative molecular||dynamics Quantum jumps are more quantum than quantum diffusion Plasma Relaxation Dynamics Moderated by Current Sheets Aesthetics of Quantum Action at a Distance in Transdisciplinary Art and Theory Statistical theory for finite systems (atoms,||molecules, nuclei) based on properties of chaotic eigenstates: enhancement of||weak interactions, electron recombination and Raman photon scattering,||suppression of photoionization Exchange-assisted tunneling and enhancement of positron annihilation with||inner-shell electrons Highly-charged ions for atomic clocks, quantum information, and search for||alpha-variation 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 101 102 103 Victor Flambaum Flinders University Chris Garvey Flinders University Todd Green Flinders University Swaantje Grunefeld Flinders University Michael Hall Flinders University Kyle Hardman Flinders University John Holdsworth Flinders University Sophie Hollitt Flinders University Nevin Kalkan Flinders University Mahmoud Khaki Flinders University Simon Kiesewetter Flinders University Martin Kurth Flinders University Martin Kurth Flinders University Peter Lamb Flinders University Brett Layden Flinders University Andrew Lee Flinders University Ivan Maksymov Flinders University Nikita Kostylev Flinders University Russell McLean Flinders University Periodic table of positronic atoms Anomalous SAXS and crystallographic reconstruction of electron density of||self-assembled unit cells Phase-modulated of qubit-oscillator systems Non-linear optics of gaseous alkali-metal atoms Paying Heisenberg's toll: the cost of gaining quantum information Development of an ultra-high precision atomic gravimeter The figure of eight laser as a student experiment in advanced optics Comparison of diode pumping efficiency of an Er:YAG laser at 300 K and 77 K for||Gravitational Wave Interferometry Anisotropic conductivity of TlBiSe2 ternary compounds Electrical resistivity survey for investigation of shallow subsurface structure||in Selangor State, Malaysia Scalable quantum simulation of pulsed entanglement and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen||steering in optomechanics An Insulator-Metal-Insulator Dimple for Plasmon Nanofocusing Pressure-Driven Flows for the Delivery of Residual Molecules to Nanohole-Based||Plasmonic Sensors Fighting the Dark Arts of Dark Matter and Dark Energy Wave–particle interactions in anisotropic plasmas Design and application of intracavity continuous wave THz polariton lasers All-magneto-dielectric subwavelength nanophotonics for 3D imaging and magnonics Spectroscopy of the 1S0-3P1 line in laser cooled Yb with an injection-locked||diode laser Collimation and coherence of frequency-converted cw infrared and blue radiation||in Rb vapour 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 Peter Metaxas Flinders University Michael Hush Flinders University Andreas Naesby Flinders University Samuel Nolan Flinders University Chandani Palshetkar Flinders University Steven Pederson Flinders University Jen-Chih Peng Flinders University Karsten Pyka Flinders University Milos Rancic Flinders University Ivan Reid Flinders University Chin Chin Gan Flinders University Lachlan Smillie Flinders University Tim Stait-Gardner Flinders University Glen Alan Stewart Flinders University Daiqin Su Flinders University Stuart Szigeti Flinders University Jodie Bradby Flinders University John Tran Flinders University Tuan Tran Flinders University Capture of sub-micron magnetic particles with ferromagnetic discs and routes for||their electronic detection Quantum Observer-based Control Design for Linear Quantum Stochastic Systems Ultra strong optomechanical coupling between a toroidal resonator and a||nanomechanical system using plasmonic enhancement Quantum Enhanced Measurement of Rotations with Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates Effects of dissipation on the decay of the compound nucleus 164Yb Does God play dice? Implementation of SIKA instrument control system Experimental apparatus for quantum simulation with two-dimensional 9Be+ Coulomb||crystals Investigating the nuclear coherence properties of 167Er:YSO in large magnetic||fields Upgrade of the outer silicon tracking detector of the Compact Muon Solenoid||experiment at the Large Hadron Collider|| Optomechanical tests of the Schrodinger-Newton equation Morphology of subsurface modification of Si by nanosecond laser exposure The art of NMR and MRI, from applications to theory Revisiting the Crystal Field Transitions for Er3+ in ErNiAl4 Using Polarised||Inelastic Neutron Scattering Quantum communication in the presence of a horizon Realisable supersolid, Haldane insulating and charge-density wave phases in||one-dimensional Josephson junction arrays Structural properties of Southern Ocean pteropods Simulating liquidity stress in an interbank network Ion Beam Induced Epitaxial Crystallisation of Amorphous Germanium 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 Li Huey Tuen Flinders University Joanna Turner Flinders University Joanna Turner Flinders University Liudmila Uvarova Flinders University Peter Vouza Flinders University Kelly Walker Flinders University Matthew Woolley Flinders University Adelle Wright Flinders University Nikolay Yaremenko Flinders University Changqiu Yu Flinders University Jie Zhao Flinders University Stability of a two-volume MRxMHD model in slab geometry From Art to Science: Measuring the action spectrum of the cyanotype reaction due||to ultraviolet radiation. Using an artistic technique to educate the public in the physical measurement of||UV radiation exposure The interaction of laser radiation with dispersion particles on wave surface of||liquid at different temperature A dissipative soliton resonance described by the complex cubic-quintic||Ginzburg-Landau equation in the normal dispersion regime Competition between charge carriers in superconducting Josephson junction arrays Photon-assisted tunnelling with non-classical light A Rotating, Streaming Model for MAGPIE Plasmas Geometric structure of the space generated by metric and torsion tensors,||derivation of the field equation Optomechanical Magnetometry: Macroscale CaF2 Resonator for Ultrasensitive||Magnetic Field Detection Deterministic Multicopy Entanglement Concentration Wednesday 10 December 1300-1330 Poster # Presenter Poster Title 60 Jim F Williams Flinders University Ziyad Alrowaili Flinders University Ziyad Alrowaili Flinders University Christopher Artlett Flinders University Ken Baldwin Flinders University Francis Bennet Flinders University Boyd Blackwell Flinders University Tamara Babij Flinders University Juan Francisco Caneses Flinders University Eric Cavalcanti Flinders University Elliott Claven Flinders University Ewa Goldys Flinders University Joel Corney Flinders University Toshio Croucher Flinders University Bryan Dalton Flinders University Nitila Dediyagala Flinders University Matthew Guenette Flinders University Turn-key GaAs polarized electron source and its applications 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 Magic Plate: 2D Silicon Diode Array for Quality Assurance during Patent||Treatment Characterisation of Magic Plate as a Transmission Detector for radiotherapy||Quality Assurance during Patient Treatment Remote Sensing of water temperature and salinity using Raman spectroscopy: From||principles to field trials|| RF transfer by laser over optical fibre: a frequency reference for radio||astronomy Ground based adaptive optic enhanced LIDAR for space environment management New Capabilities of the Australian Plasma Fusion Research Facility|| Absolute Elastic Differential Cross Sections for Positron Scattering from Argon Investigating the effects of hydrogen Lower Hybrid resonance in the MAGnetized||Plasma Interaction experiment (MAGPIE) Bounding the reality of the quantum state Fabrication of Ellipsoidal Nanowires: control and application Singlet oxygen generation by photosensitisers conjugated to CeF3 nanoparticles:||towards photodynamic therapy in deep tissues. NonGaussian correlations and entanglement in Kerr media Fluctuations in the Cost of Erasing Information Spin Squeezing and other Entanglement Tests: Two Mode Systems of Identical Bosons Comparison of experimental, theoretical and Finite Element Analysis on fibre||Bragg||grating pressure sensitivity Diamond, graphite and their ion-damaged forms in fusion-relevant plasma 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 Ruben Dilanian Flinders University Svetlana Dligatch Flinders University Marcus Doherty Flinders University Bronwyn Dolman Flinders University Stuart Earl Flinders University Allan Ernest Flinders University Iryna Fylymonova Flinders University Iryna Fylymonova Flinders University Stephen Gensemer Flinders University Parth Girdhar Flinders University Andrew Groszek Flinders University Sean Hodgman Flinders University Heinrich Hora Flinders University Andrew Horsley Flinders University David Ing Flinders University Pekko Kuopanportti Flinders University Brian Le Flinders University Wai Tung Lee Flinders University Kenny Li Flinders University Coherent diffractive imaging in protein nanocrystallography Post-deposition shape correction of a large coated optical flat Diamond spintronics: spin polarization, transport and readout via defects The Australian Operational Wind Profiler Network Coupling single optical antennas to subwavelength sized quantum dot aggregates Radiative decay trends of Rydberg-type states in electric and gravitational||fields and their application to astrophysical cross sections and dark matter Features of exciton migration in cyanine dye J-aggregates formed in reverse||micelles Features of J-aggregates formation in pores of nanostructured anodic aluminum||oxide Fabrication and metrology of lithium niobate narrowband optical filters for the||solar orbiter Towards an Information-Theoretic Understanding of the Failure of Peres'||Conjecture Regular and chaotic vortex dynamics in two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates Emergence of Coherence and Out-of-Equilibrium Dynamics in Optical Lattices Double Layer Ultrahigh Acceleration Of Plasma By Laser Pulses And Multistaged||PIC Evaluation*|||| High-Resolution Imaging of Microwave Fields and Atomic Relaxation Using Alkali||Vapour Cells The effects of spatial correlations in two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy Ground-state multiquantum vortices in two-species Bose-Einstein condensates A multivariate approach to the search for the Higgs boson decaying to τ pair in the associated production mode in proton-proton collisions with ATLAS Hyper-Polarised 3He and 129Xe Polarising Station for Magnetic Resonance||Functional Lung Imaging Research Markovian Hierarchy of Open Quantum System Dynamics 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 Wei Liu Flinders University Xinjun Liu Flinders University Daniel Lombardo Flinders University Nicolas Menicucci Flinders University Nicolas Menicucci Flinders University Nicolas Menicucci Flinders University Clive Michael Flinders University Gabriel Molina-Terriza Flinders University Thanh Nguyen Flinders University Timo Nieminen Flinders University Timo Nieminen Flinders University Stuart Nulty Flinders University Brian Orr Flinders University Robert Pfeifer Flinders University Tushara Prakash Flinders University Ludovic Arnaud Flinders University Qiongyi He Flinders University Margaret Reid Flinders University Margaret Reid Flinders University Ultra-directional forward scattering by individual core-shell nanoparticles Finite Element Modelling of Resistive Switching in Nb2O5 Enhanced Optical Coupling Between Distant Spins in Whispering Gallery Resonators Ultra-Large-Scale Continuous-Variable Cluster States Multiplexed in the Time||Domain Experimental realization of multipartite entanglement of 60 modes of a quantum||optical frequency comb Detecting Topological Entanglement Entropy in a Lattice of Quantum Harmonic||Oscillators H1 Mode Analysis via Tomographic Inversion of Helium Line Ratios Probing nanostructures with the angular momentum and the helicity of light Thermal noise of silicon flexure Computational modelling of pulsed-beam optical tweezers Rainbows on alien worlds Charged particle dynamics across a magnetic filter in an inductively coupled||hydrogen plasma discharge Sub-Doppler two-photon-excitation Rydberg spectroscopy of atomic xenon:||mass-selective studies of isotopic hyperfine structure Improving efficiency of variational tensor network algorithms Magnetotransport properties of iron oxide prepared by arc discharge One-sided device-independent quantum security using the continuous variable||Einstein-PodolskyRosen steering paradox Continuous variable quantum teleportation and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen||steering paradox The 'elements of reality' of a Schrodinger cat Artistic portrayal of the Elements of Reality of a Schrodinger cat 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 Laura Rosales-Zárate Flinders University Jesse Santoso Flinders University Bernhard Seiwald Flinders University Bernhard Seiwald Flinders University Drew Sheppard Flinders University Bram Slagmolen Flinders University Andrew Bolt Flinders University Salmaan Rashid Syed Flinders University Michael Tobar Flinders University Maarten Vos Flinders University Scott Williams Flinders University Sophie Williams Flinders University Dominic Williamson Flinders University Fermionic Majorana Q-function Negative Ion Production in the MAGPIE Helicon Source Investigations of H-1NF neoclassical transport properties Accurate mapping of magnetic field lines Cost Reduction of Metal Hydrides for Concentrated Solar Thermal Energy Storage Dual Torsion Bar Gravitational Force Sensor Foliated Quantum Turbo Codes Measurement of the third order non-linearity of gold nanorods and nanosheets Constraining violations of Lorentz invariance with rotating cryogenic sapphire||oscillators Dielectric function of HfO$_2$ : the importance of k-dependence modelling Precise alignment of Double Sided Strip Detectors for the Belle II Silicon||Vertex Detector using readily available optical cameras Towards solving membrane protein structures using hard X-ray free-electron laser||sources Symmetry-Protected Adiabatic Quantum Transistors
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