CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Volume 17, Issue 11 November 1, 2014 Mission Statement: Christ Lutheran Church exists to “...continue to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with members, community & the world”. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 Dear Friends in Christ, I recently heard some wise words from a friend that I want to pass along to you. He said, “Unspoken expectations are premeditated resentments.” In other words, if we have expectations of people, or of God for that matter, that we do not express to others and come to agreement about them, we are setting ourselves up for disappointment and bitterness. The words of God from Jeremiah 29:11 are meant to be powerfully comforting words about the salvation that God has in store for all who trust Him, and believe in the salvation that Jesus Christ won for us. However, people often mistake God’s plan for success in jobs, material gain, or good health. None of these are promised, but peace, joy, and salvation are. As we go about our life as a congregation and as individuals, I want to encourage you to make your expectations known. Not only known, however, but have a conversation with people about them. Expectations need to be clear, reasonable, and agreed upon. If they are not agreed upon, they become premeditated resentments that will destroy relationships and separate us from the body of Christ. The best place to start with understanding expectations is to hear what we can expect from God and what He expects from us. To put it simply: We can expect love, and we are to respond with faithfulness. Yours in Christ, ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING The annual Congregational meeting will be held Sunday, November 16th, immediately following worship. There will be a catered meal. The important business of the day is the approval of the 2015 budget for Christ Lutheran Church and the election of the 2015 Church Council. Members may pick up a copy of the proposed budget in the church office or a copy will be mailed to you upon request. The slate of nominations for the 2015 Council is: OFFICERS: President, Clifford Fischer Vice President, Dr. Kelly Kensing Secretary, Arlene Hale Treasurer, Jennifer Bryson COUNCILMEN and COUNCILWOMEN: Christian Growth Director, Vicki Sweetman Community Outreach Director, Kathy Franklin Community Relations Director, Marky Edwards Properties Director, Billy Guetersloh Stewardship Director, Eric Bruning Youth Director, Jack and Rebecca Meeks SPIRITUAL BOARD MEMBERS: Jim Diers, Rodney Donahue, Allen Graham, Roger Pamperin, Phillip Guengerich, Brooks Jennings, Chris Weiss and Tom Jackson Volume 17, Issue 11 1 BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES November 1, Riv Feagan November 2, Sharmila Jes'son November 3, Dennis Miller November 3, Mia Pamperin November 5, Garry Pollock November 9, Eric Bruning November 9, Angie Redd November 11, Barb Merz November 12, Grace Feist November 13, Nick Sweetman November 15, Miranda Hunsucker November 16, Rachel Donahue November 18, Glenna Warrick November 18, Stephanie Jarrett November 19, Jeff Dean November 20, Clifford Fischer November 23, Roxie Sammons November 24, Steve Peterson November 24, Steve Watson November 25, Eddie Wilt November 25, Shanna Friday November 27, Marylin Ormsby November 27, Rod Huenergardt November 29, Roy Nolte November 8, Art and Marylin Ormsby PARENTS’ DAY OUT by Betsy Fischer, NOVEMBER’S SERVANTS Director The PDO teachers and I are THANKFUL for: Sharon: My family: Jerry, Christopher, Dustin, Ally, Isaac, Mama, Susan, & John; my good health; my church; my home; my PDO job. Cindy: My family: Marty, Zachary, Jacob, Luke and Max; my good health; my very special sister Betsy; my home; my PDO job. Betsy: My entire family, especially Clifford, Megan and Lane; the Lutheran Faith; good health for my family; the generous people who support the PDO program; the PDO families who trust us with their children. Altar Service Arlene Hale Lay Reader Ron Rodeck Offering Tellers Joyce Kuhl and Ken Schoppa Kitchen Hostesses Rebecca Meeks and Annie Miller Acolytes November 2: Bella Redd The students are THANKFUL for: November 9: Kendall Graham Wesley—Zip line Ziva—Doggy's leash Brynlee—Toys Christian—Crayons Adam—Clothes Charlie—Hot Wheels Gavin—Puppy Riv—Chapel Ava Grace—Sister & Brother Lauryn—Playing House November 16: Lyric Garlitz November 23: Ashleigh Hoffman November 30: Ethan Morgan We hope and pray that you and your loved ones will find many things to be Thankful for. Volume 17, Issue 11 2 CHRISTIAN GROWTH A Prayer for Our Children and Our Schools Father, we ask that Your Truth will reign supreme in their hearts and minds. May they base their lives on the Truth of Your Word and not the lies of this world. We ask that they daily renew their minds with Your Truth and keep their thoughts on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, excellent, and worthy of praise. CHRISTMAS TREE GOOD NEWS! The Good News Bible Study group invites you to join us as we continue our study called "The Vine Speaks", by Cindy Steinbeck. We'll meet on November 12th and November 26th, at 1:30 P.M. in the southeast corner room. If you miss the 8th, come on the 22nd, when we gather again at the same time. Come and enjoy the conversation, hospitality, and growth in God's word. See you there! —Jackie Watkins DECORATING EVERYONE is invited to join in the decorating of our Christmas trees in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall on Friday, November 28th, at 4:00 P.M. A chili supper will be served following the decorating. Come and join in the fellowship! Contact Sue Huenergardt at (806) 797-2552 with any questions. Hebrews 13:15 By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF THE SOUTH Christ Lutheran Church will again be participating in the LSSS Foster Care Angel Tree Christmas party. However, this year, we are teaming with Gloria Dei Lutheran Church to support our 62 foster children registered with our local LSSS foster office. The Angel Tree will be up on Sunday, November 16th, and you may choose a cross from the tree and choose a foster child from the basket under the tree. Please sign the notebook with your name and the name of your foster child so we do not overlook a single child. The wrapped gifts tagged with the child's name need to be returned by Sunday, December 7th, and placed under the Christmas tree in Fellowship Hall. Place the cross either in the child's gift or attach it to the package so the child can place it on their foster family's Christmas tree. A limit of $60 has been set. Feel free for families to join together to support a child. The Christmas Party for the foster children will be held at Christ Lutheran Fellowship Hall on Saturday, December 13th, at 2:00 P.M. Questions? Mary Lee Franklin (806) 795-4445 or [email protected]. Volume 17, Issue 11 GAME DAY WEDNESDAY, November 12TH 1:30 P.M. in the Fellowship Hall 3 STUDENT CENTER NEWS SUPPER ON SUNDAY (SOS): Supper on Sunday for students at the Lutheran Student Center (LSC), 2615 19th Street, is held each Sunday evening with dinner beginning at 5:30, followed by Bible Study. Pastor Grunklee will lead the Bible Study November 2nd, 9th and 16th. Students are invited and encouraged to attend. If you have a group who would like to provide the meal a Sunday evening or two, please contact our LSC Representative, Jan Harrison ([email protected], or 817-8325228), so she can schedule it with the LSC staff. ROSE BIBLE STUDY The Rose Bible Study on “The Psalms & Life in God’s Creation” will meet on Thursday, November 19th, at 3 p.m. at 3706 69th Street. Please come join us! For more information contact [email protected]. BRAILLE WORK CENTER SCHEDULE The Braille Center schedule is shown below and also posted in the Fellowship Hall. More workers are always needed. If you’d like to help, please contact any of the leaders below: Group #1: Marylin Ormsby, 797-1946 Tuesday, November 11th……………9:00 A.M. Tuesday, November 18th……………9:00 A.M. Group #2: Mary Lee Franklin, 795-4445 or Marky Edwards, 788-0566 Tuesday, November 11th……………1:00 P.M. Tuesday, November 18th……………1:00 P.M. Group #3: Jane Goodpasture, 793-1981 Wednesday, November 12th……...6:30 P.M. Wednesday, November 19th……...6:30 P.M. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL BRAILLE WORKERS! Volume 17, Issue 11 HOLY LAND ON THE HORIZON! Only 166 days (from Oct 31) until we leave on the trip of a life time! Several months ago I sent an invitation to join me on this trip. Now it is time to really get in the mood. If you do not already have a passport, it is time to get the process going. Also, If you already have a passport, make sure it will be valid for 6 months from the date of departure (April 14, 2015). So far, all of the updates received from Educational Opportunities Travel (EO) on the situation in the Holy Land have indicated that there is no problems in the areas that we will be visiting. In fact, they have continued sending Tours since the current turmoil started. You must be registered by December 30, 2014 in order to take advantage of the travel protection that EO offers. Final payment for the trip is due by February 13, 2015. If you are interested in going, please call me, Sherry Herzog, at 787-9460 or email me at [email protected]. I will get a brochure to you and keep you informed using the updates that I receive from EO on the situation and travel in the Holy Land. You can also obtain a brochure at , using the following: Tour = HL15 ; Date + 041415 ; Code = A ; ID# = 55590. Thanks! Sherry Herzog IN MEMORIAM We are saddened by the loss of two great church members, Anne Brann and Jim Brewer. Anne Brann passed away peacefully on October 13th, 2014. She is survived by her husband, Albert; 2 daughters; 3 sons; a son-in law; 3 daughters-in-law; 15 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. She was 79 years old. Jim Brewer died October 19th, 2014. He was an active member of Christ Lutheran Church and also a member of the Spiritual Board. Jim was a loving husband to Frida. He was a devoted father, grandfather and greatgrandfather. Jim was 79 years old. Both will be dearly missed. Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” 4 CLC Kids’ Corner Please pray for our children: Almighty God, heavenly Father, You have blessed us with the joy and care of children. Give us calm strength and patient wisdom that as they grow in years, we may teach them to love whatever is just and true and good, following the example of our Savior, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen Volume 17, Issue 11 5 CROSSword Puzzle You may need a King James Version of the Bible to complete this puzzle. Volume 17, Issue 11 6 Volume 17, Issue 11 7 CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH 7801 Indiana Avenue Lubbock TX 79423-1805 Pastor Corey Grunklee Phone: 806-799-0162 Fax: 806-799-2273 Web site: Email: [email protected] WORSHIP SCHEDULE 9:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASSES 10:15 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE Holy Communion is celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. A Time of Worship on Thanksgiving Eve We will gather for a time of worship on November 26th at 6:30pm to receive God’s grace and lift up our voices in thanksgiving! Instead of a monetary offering that evening, please bring a donation of non-perishable food which will be donated to the South Plains Food Bank. This donation can be placed at the altar before worship. Thank you! Volume 17, Issue 11 8
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