REPORTER Our five week emphasis on stewardship is winding down. To recap, each of the past few Sundays we have focused on an aspect of stewardship using the theme, “Walking Together.” We have emphasized service, worship, mission, and prayer. On November 9th we will focus on our financial commitment to our church. Please bring your commitment cards to the front as you come up for communion and place them in the basket on the table. This year you may also access the commitment card on our website, You can fill out the form and submit it electronically. Remember, stewardship is ongoing on our lives, so just because the fall emphasis is over, it doesn’t mean our stewardship efforts are over. Let’s continue “Walking Together” in faith in God and love for each other into the future. The Richardson Interfaith Alliance is celebrating its second community Thanksgiving service on November 20th with the theme of “Compassion”. The service will be held at 6:30 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, 503 N. Central Expwy. The service will again be represented by the many different faith communities in the City of Richardson. This year there will be a children’s message from Pastor Kris. There will also be a children’s choir and you are invited to bring your children and grandchildren to the service. If you are interested in the children’s choir, please ask Pastor Kris for more information. The assisting ministers at my last congregation served at both worship services when they were assigned to a week. That meant they heard my sermon twice. It was not unusual to hear “Boy, was your sermon different at the second service!” It was basically the same words, just a whole different sermon. That was because the energy in the congregation was very different. You see, I get fed by the energy that comes back to me, and it comes out in the message I deliver. At the early service, there was rarely any expression on the faces of the people, and certainly no laughter or response. It always felt like my sermon went over like a lead balloon. At the late service, it was just the opposite. So my energy level in delivery was higher too. Same message, different sermon. Does this mean the early worship folks didn’t appreciate the sermon? No, not at all. They just had a different piety about them. Worship is a time of quiet reflection, almost a somber experience. Does that mean it’s wrong? No, not at all. It was just a reflection of how they grew up understanding worship. Does this mean the late worship folks did worship better? No, not at all. They just had a different piety about them too. For them, worship feeds their spirit when it is exuberant and joyful. Not better, not right, not wrong. Just different. It gets tricky when you have only one worship service filled with people of both pieties. That’s the case here at St. Luke’s. We have those who want worship to be quiet and reflective, and those who like exuberance. Somehow we need to find a way to blend the two. The issue where this is coming out the most is in clapping. For some, clapping is an expression of joy. For others, it is a disturbance to the reflective tone of worship. Neither is wrong. The bigger issue is whether it is expressing appreciation for a “performance” or whether it is just an expression of gratitude and joy. So what I propose is this: if you are clapping simply out of politeness because you are responding to a performance, then it is better not to clap. However, if you are so moved by a stirring offering of music that you feel a need to express thanks to God for the gift with which others have been blessed, then that’s ok too! In other words, if the Spirit leads you to clap, then clap. If it’s just a polite response, then don’t. And there are some times when it just shouldn’t be at all because of the somber nature of the season (like Good Friday.) We are so very blessed that our worship lately has been filled with stirring music (thanks to Dale and the amazing choir.) So there has been a whole lot of clappin’ going on that has been a spontaneous response. This is a good dilemma for us to have, because it means we are discovering new life and energy here. God doesn’t care whether we clap or not, just that we are here celebrating worship together. We just need to be respectful of each others’ needs and also joys. 2 Social Seniors, lets go to brunch! We will go to the Egg and I located at 930 E. Campbell Road, 1/2 mile east of Central Expressway on Friday, November 14th For waffles, pancakes, eggs benedict, omelets, frittata, corned beef hash, eggs, and more. Meet at the church at 9:30 a.m. to carpool, or you can meet us at the restaurant about 9:45 a.m. When you sign up, let us know if you want to carpool or if you plan to go directly there. That way we will know how many to expect. Are you interested in being a bus driver? How about a sound technician? We are in need of volunteers for both. Please contact the church office if you would like to know more about these volunteer opportunities at St. Luke’s. We are looking for a few people to be on the church council for the next two years. The open positions are President, Treasurer, and Chairpersons for the following teams: Music &Worship, Christian Education, Service Outreach, Congregational Life and Congregational Resources. Nominations are now open for these positions. Ed Lysen and Carol Brant will be heading up the nominating committee and, will also be looking for people to be on that committee. Here is an opportunity to be of service to your church. Contact Ed or Carol if you or someone you know are interested in being nominated for one of these positions. The Lutheran Men in Mission breakfast will be held on Saturday, November 22 at 8:30 a.m. at Holiday Garden Inn on 190 at Waterview. For more information, contact Ralph Rizzo, 972-231-3269. Remember to set your clocks back an hour November 2— or you’ll be an hour early for church!! 3 In November, we'll be embarking on a new journey in our adult Sunday School class. For this journey, we'll venture into the next Animate series: Practices. As you can tell by the name, it's not just a discussion about topics. It will invite us to think about some of the practices we have in our faith life, and to stretch ourselves to broaden those horizons. Because we will be encouraging participants to try some daily exercises, you are encouraged to get one of the faith journals to accompany the class. However, they are not required to participate! If you would like to order one, please let Pastor Kris know. We may also take more than one week to work through each session. Flexibility is the key. The topics (and video presenters) we will cover are: Prayer (Brian McLaren,) Food (Sara Miles,) Worship (Mike Slaughter,) Sacraments (Phyllis Tickle,) Money (Shane Claiborne,) Service (Enuma Okoro,) and Community (Doug Pagitt.) Even if you have never tried an adult Sunday School before, please consider checking this one out. It's very user friendly, and a great way to learn about why we do the things we do! This is a reminder that if you need a convenient way to make recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out our electronic giving options. As the pace of life speeds up around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions. To set up a recurring giving schedule, visit us online at and locate the Online Giving button. If you ned help, please contact the church office.. If you are already giving electronically we will not be giving you envelopes for 2015. If you need to have them, please call and request them. Thank you for your generosity and support! 4 Women of St. Luke’s November brings us to the third lesson of our individual circle Bible studies. Mary Ruth and Rebekah Circles are studying Transformation Takes Time (Transforming Life and Faith) by Carol LaHurd from Gather Magazine. Sarah Circle is studying “The Meaning of Thanksgiving” from The Thoughtful Christian. WE ARE CALLED: Theme Ver se for November is “Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in the book. But these are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name.” John 20: 30-31 By reading a portion of the Exodus deliverance story, we will understand how God uses signs both to show his power to Pharaoh and to strengthen the fail of Moses and the Israelites. Both Pharaoh and the Israelites vacillate in their response. We will see that for people in the Bible and for Christians today growth in faith takes time. Transformation takes time. Are you being transformed? NOVEMBER ACTIVITIES November 1: Leadership Team Meeting 9:00 a.m. Adult Education Room November 5: Activity Day, 9:00 a.m. in the Congregational Life Center . Come join in as we continue to work on quilts, layettes, school and health kits for Lutheran World Relief. There’s work for women able to stand and for those who need to sit. November 8: 9: 00 a.m. Sarah Circle will meet in the church conference room. Hostess: Carol Brant, Study Leader: Joy Uhler. A study on “The Meaning of Thanksgiving.” November 11: 10:00 a.m. - Mary Ruth Circle will meet in the adult classroom. Hostess: Ann McMullen, Study Leader: Martha Eastwood 7:30 p.m. - Rebekah Circle members meet in the home of the hostess. Hostess: Adele Bakken, Study Leader: Ursula Peters. LOOKING AHEAD TO DECEMBER: Our Annual Women of St. Luke’s Christmas Luncheon will be held in the Congregational Life Center on December 6th at 11:30 a.m. This will be a Potluck Luncheon. Please bring a non-dessert dish to share. Each circle is asked to provide two Christmas decorations to be used as table centerpieces, two volunteers to help set up on Friday the 5th, and two volunteers to help take the dishes from the ladies as they arrive to be placed on the serving tables. All women of St. Luke’s (18 and older) are invited and encouraged to attend a circle meeting and are especially invited to attend the Christmas Luncheon. Please feel free to join any of the circles at any time. 5 Booksome Ladies The Booksome Ladies will meet on Wednesday, November 19th at 9:30 a.m. in the Conrad Library. Our book for discussion is I Am Malala, a memoir by Malala Yousafzai, who was a young girl when the Taliban brought terror and took control of the Swat Valley in Pakistan, where she lived. Her father, a school owner, often spoke out for the rights of children to have an education. Malala accompanied him to many meetings, and from age eleven spoke out in behalf of education for girls in her country. Encouraged by both parents, she refused to be silenced. In 2012, when she was fifteen, Malala almost paid the ultimate price for her actions. She was shot in the head while riding the bus home from school. Few expected her to live. Malala was taken to England for medical treatment and her recovery is considered miraculous. Her determined fight for education has taken her on an extraordinary journey from a remote village in Pakistan to the United Nations in New York. At sixteen, she became a global symbol of peaceful protest and an outspoken advocate for education of girls. Her story reveals the power of one voice and the difference it has made in thousands of lives. She is a memorable part of history. All are welcome to come, listen, learn, participate, and enjoy. Peace, Martha Eastwood Since our pictorial directory came out in 2013, we have had several changes: We have some new members, some members with new addresses and some who have left the church. There are up-to-date print outs on the table in the narthex. Please pick one up if you would like to have a new list of current members.. 6 The members of St. Luke’s and their families that are being prayed for during the month are listed below. THE FAMILY OF TED LEHMUSVIRTA BILLY HARRIS SHELLA GROOM DORIS AUTREY CRYSTAL GARNER LOUIS RODENCAL RITA HUMPHREY NANCY ROSER BERNIE HUMPHREY DON VAN KURIN MARY JAN BEA ORGISH IRMA YOUNG EMILY EASTWOOD TRACY GOLDEN IONE NELSON SUZANNE SLAUGHTER VIRGINIA FISCHER RONNIE GROOM Our appreciation to St. Luke’s Prayer Chain for their dedicated and faithful prayers and service. “Sing unto the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things…” Betty Kennedy, Prayer Chain Chairperson 972-235-6309 972-774-2002 7 November 30 is the first Sunday in Advent! The Worship and Music Team has announced that we will have Advent services on the three Wednesdays during the season (December 3rd, 10th, and 17th) beginning at 7 p.m. We will again sing the Holden Evening Prayer for those services. All are invited to join us. Plans are being made for special Sunday services in December by the choir and children also. Information on these will be forthcoming during the month. We do know that this year we will have two Christmas Eve services, one at 4 p.m. and one at 7:30 p.m. We are St. Luke’s are blessed that we were able to pay off the mortgage on our facilities ten years ago. But even though we don’t have a mortgage, we do have upkeep on our buildings. In 2010 we listed some repairs and upkeep items that needed to be done to keep the facilities in good shape. We set up a special fund and called it the “Mission Improvement Fund.” Those of you who remember that know that this fund was set up to receive dedicated donations from members to pay for these repairs and improvements. As you will also remember, a big part of that fund was to replace the air conditioning system in the sanctuary. We completed that project last year. We have also replaced the furnaces for the pastor’s office and the kitchen, and had work done on several other systems in the past couple of years. The council would like to keep this fund active as it has been very helpful in saving money for other repairs to the church also. At the last council meeting it was decided we should change the name of this fund to “Building Improvement Fund.” This makes it more clear exactly what this money is used for. When you get your pledge card for 2015,you will see that change in the wording on the form. However, the name change did not get done in time to have it changed on the envelopes. So please remember that the “Mission Improvement Fund” category on your 2015 envelopes is the same as the “Building Improvement Fund” on your commitment cards. Please continue to pledge to this fund to help keep our building in good repair. 8 Max and Beverly Ashby Barbara Hollowell Natalie Harvey Bill Mechler Daniel Vogt Ellie Wilkins Chris Cesaretti Ben Hong Adele Bakken Alexis Anderson Dennis Brant Carol Rizzo Derek Harvey Arlene Bakner 11-14-1963 11-01 11-03 11-03 11-03 11-04 11-09 11-09 11-12 11-15 11-15 11-17 11-18 11-20 Chad Huffhines Ted Bender Sumi Jacobs Gary Bowers Helgard Fleming Joy Dukowitz Eileen Larsen Judy Reed Claudia Townsend Dianne Plumb Barbara Wright Gregory Bakken Michelle LeGrande 11-20 11-21 11-21 11-24 11-24 11-26 11-26 11-26 11-27 11-28 11-28 11-29 11-30 Welcome to Marlin and Milyon Pope who were baptized into the family of God on October 12th. Congratulations to Bailee Slye-Nelson and Nichola Chatto who were confirmed on October 26th. Thanks so much to everyone at St. Luke's for their prayers, telephone visits and cards when I had surgery. And a special thanks to Pastor Kris for her hospital visits. I am doing very well. Blessings, Ruth Brink 9 Serving in November Nov 2 Assisting Minister: Lector: Communion Servers: Acolyte: Ushers: Carol Herrman Carol Herrman Shirley Shanahan, Earl Scheler Marlin Pope Arnie & Sheryl Prosser Eileen Bottolfson, Don Young Shella Groom, Diane Thorpe Greeters: Nov 9 Assisting Minister Lector: Communion Servers: Acolyte: Ushers: Emily Hoffman Jim Seagraves Jim Seagraves, Eileen Bottolfson Caroline Plumb Chris & Brenda Sherrod Ed & Carol Lysen Suzie Habhegger Greeters: Nov 16 Assisting Minister Lector: Communion Servers: Acolyte Ushers Andrea Herrman Diane Thorpe Diane Thorpe, Kara Herrman Milyon Pope Chris & Brenda Sherrod Ed & Carol Lysen Barbara Tate, Kathryn Kraefft Greeters: Nov 23 Assisting Minister Lector Communion Servers Acolyte Ushers Larry Wecsler Ann Wecsler Ann Wecsler, Barbara Tate Virginia Sherrod Marcie Cook, Allyne Harris Beverly & Max Ashby Betty Kennedy, LaVerne Domel Greeters: Nov 30 Assisting Minister Lector Communion Servers Acolyte Ushers Chris Sherrod Chris Sherrod, Kathryn Kraefft Ashley Sallee Marcie Cook, Allyne Harris Beverly & Max Ashby Earl Scheler, Betty Kennedy Greeters 10 To get a head start on ordering your poinsettia for the Christmas season, you may use this form. Mail it in or put it in the offering plate on any Sunday. Deadline for ordering is December 14th. Help beautify the sanctuary for Christmas by purchasing a poinsettia for the chancel. Fill out the following form and turn it in with your check or cash by December 14th. This year the poinsettias are $9.00 each. Your Name ___________________________________________ Number ordered: _____________ x $9.00 = _________________ Check enclosed ___________ or cash enclosed ______________ Given: _____to the glory of God or _____in honor of _______________________________________ or _____in memory of _____________________________________ 11 NETWORK OF COMMUNITY MINISTRIES Ingathering days are the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. Items always needed are: Jell-O, Peanut Butter, jelly, canned meats and vegetables, soups, paper products, personal hygiene products, baby diapers and baby food. Please place items in the box marked Network in the Gathering Area. The Reporter Published for and by St. Luke’s Lutheran Church Next deadline—Nov. 15 gail@stlukeslutheranchurch. org All members of St. Luke’s are invited to submit articles of interest for publication in THE REPORTER. Articles may be submitted in written form using WORD format or electronic form. Please include your name and phone number. Articles should be no longer than 250 words. Those over 250 may need to be edited. St. Luke’s Lutheran Church Pastor Rev. Kristine Totzke Administrative Assistant Gail Johnson Director of Music Ministries…………………. Dale Dietert Council Members President, Ed Lysen 9/233-6585 Vice President, Carol Herrman ……... 9/669-8936 Secretary, Emily Hoffman 9/669-0125 Treasurer, Jack Greene 9/423-3482 Financial Sec., Shameka Young 2/478-5832 Christian Ed., open Evangelism, Barbara Tate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9/437-5009 Congregational Life, open………….... . . .. . . Congregational Resources, Gail Johnson 9/231-3361 Indoor Property, Jerry Zimmerman 9/234-0771 Outdoor Property, Ralph Rizzo 9/231-3269 Worship & Music, Carol Brant - - - - - - - - - -.-9/422-7288 Service Outreach, Vernon Hardyman . . . . . . 9/979-0215 Youth, Open - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Contact Us: [email protected], Ph.414-416-8660 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Sunday Schedule Worship at 10:00 a.m. Sunday School at 8:45 a.m. Phone number: 972-234-8804 12
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