A Transforming Force for Good in the World in the Name of Jesus Christ 3846 King Street Alexandria, VA 22302 Phone: 703.931.7344 Fax: 703.931.6062 www.fpcusa.org [email protected] Christmas Eve December 24, 2014 1 THE CHURCH AT WORSHIP WE GATHER IN GOD’S NAME PRELUDE In Dulci Jubilo **Various Composers WELCOME Elder Mike Smith LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT CANDLES The GiglioWinckler Family The grace of God is with us now. The Savior of the world has come. Give thanks for the gift of grace from God: Shine in our lives, Lord Jesus Christ. HYMN No. 133 “O Come, All Ye Faithful” WE LISTEN FOR GOD’S WORD FIRST LESSON CAROL No. 140 Matthew 1:18-24 Rev. Juli Wilson-Black Once In Royal David’s City (v. 1 & 3) Once in royal David’s city stood a lowly cattle shed, where a mother laid her baby in a manger for his bed: Mary was that mother mild; Jesus Christ, her little child. Jesus is our childhood’s pattern; day by day like us he grew; he was little, weak and helpless; tears and smiles like us he knew; and he feels for all our sadness, and he shares in all our gladness. 2 SECOND LESSON CAROL No. 145 THIRD LESSON CAROL No. 113 FOURTH LESSON CAROL No. 128 Luke 2:1-7 What Child Is This Luke 2:8-14 Rev. Juli Wilson-Black Angels We Have Heard on High Luke 2:15-20 Elder Mike Smith Infant Holy, Infant Lowly CHRISTMAS MEDITATION CAROL No. 266 Elder Mike Smith Rev. Juli Wilson-Black Joy to the World WE SHARE OUR OFFERINGS CALL FOR THE OFFERING OFFERTORY Joseph's Lullaby arr. Fred Pratt Green Chris Hatfield, Soloist DOXOLOGY tune: Angels from the Realms of Glory All Creation, join in praising God the Father, Spirit, Son, Evermore our voices raising To the eternal Three in One: Come and worship, come and worship, Worship Christ, the newborn king! PRAYER OF DEDICATION 3 EUCHARIST Please come down the center aisle, take a piece of bread, dip it in the cup and return to your seat by the side aisle. If you wish to receive communion in your seat, it will be brought to you. Gluten-free elements are available at the right-hand station. INVITATION TO THE TABLE GREAT THANKSGIVING . . . Therefore we praise you, joining the song of the universal church and the heavenly choir: 4 Remembering your goodness and grace, we offer ourselves to you with gratitude as we share this joyful feast. (Sung first by cantor, then by congregation) Through the Lord Jesus Christ, in the unity of the Spirit, we bless you, God of glory, now and forever. (Sung first by cantor, then by congregation) THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil, For Thine is the kingdom and the power And the glory forever. Amen. BREAKING OF THE BREAD COMMUNION OF THE PEOPLE PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION 5 FIFTH LESSON John 1:1-5, 9-14 Rev. Edwin Brooks {As the organ begins to play “Silent Night,” ushers will begin to pass the light. The person holding the unlit candle tilts their candle into the light of the person next to them.} WE GO OUT TO SERVE CAROL No. 122 Silent Night, Holy Night! BLESSING AND CHARGE POSTLUDE Three Carols arr. Gordon Young Many thanks to our acolytes Lily Finch and Gabriella Giglio! ** Our prelude “In Dulci Jubilo” is comprised of 5 different arrangements of the same tune by the following composers: Robert Wetzer, Lani Smith, Marcel Dupre, Dieterich Buxtehude and J.S. Bach. 6 ANNOUNCEMENTS OFFICE HOURS The church office will be closed for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays on December 25-26 and also December 31-January 1. SUNDAY SCHOOL Please note that we will not have Sunday School this Sunday, December 28. Children are invited to attend Godly Play during worship. CHILDREN’S CHOIR ON WINTER BREAK The Children’s Choir will resume its regular rehearsals on January 11 at 9:30 am. NEW MEMBERS & INQUIRERS CLASS Pastor Juli and Lisa Miller will lead a New Members & Inquirers Class in January. Get a deeper understanding of the Presbyterian Church, meet some of the leaders of our congregation, and share your faith journey with others in this community. We will meet in the Parlor at 9:30am on January 11, 18, and 25. Questions? Contact Pastor Juli at [email protected] or at 703.931.7344. 7 THE POINSETTIAS ADORNING THE SANCTUARY ARE GIVEN TO THE GLORY OF GOD. Given by…. Kimberly Ball-McCarthy Susan Berry & Pablo Nüesch Frances Davis The Giglio-Winckler Family Elaine Halchin Melanie Hansen & Gary Hughes Darlene & Dick Johnson Frances Kerns Karen Laughlin Mary Olsen Pam Oyugi Gun Ja Quigg Jim & Katie Rowley The Schroeder Family Dawn Troutman Given by…. The Giglio-Winckler Family The Schroeder Family In Memory of… Roland & Betty Block Jacobo Nüesch & Robert Berry Charles Davis, Ray & Cynthia Jester & James & Dorothy Cropp Elvy Giglio Lilla and Matt Halchin Joy Buckendorf & Donald & Marjorie Hughes Our Parents - Alois & Bonita Weiland & Richard & Marie Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Harley Payne Edythe Laughlin Ray & Martha Olsen My late husband Joseph Oyugi Donald J. Quigg Jack Rowley Loved ones who have passed Alan & Barbara Chamberlain In Honor of… Bill & Shirley Winckler & Dr. John Giglio Craig & Pam Bremer 8
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