Seminar: License to produce & positioning of meat/meat products to

Muscle Based Food Network
License to produce
& positioning of
meat/meat products
to the consumer
Danish Crown, Randers – November 18th 2015
The MUSCLE BASED FOOD NETWORK invites everyone
with an interest in meat and consumer science to a
seminar in prominent surroundings.
In a global market where consumer habits are
changing fast, export markets develop and Danish
producing conditions are under pressure, we ask:
How do we obtain license to produce?
What does the future consumer look like?
How do companies and retailers work with
consumer segments and positioning of meat and
meat products?
Which R&D gaps could/should be fulfilled to obtain
license to produce?
Join us in Randers at Danish Crown
On November 18th 2015
NOVEMBER 18th 2015 – register to [email protected]
Date & time
November 18th 2015 at 9.30 - 16.00
Marsvej 43,
8960 Randers
Register to [email protected] no later than
November 13th. The seminar is free.
For further information
Contact Fie Vesterled at
[email protected] or +45 3339 4095
Muscle Based Food Network Seminar
License to Produce & Positioning of Meat
10.10 – 12.00
Registration and breakfast
Jette F. Young, Network Leader, Ass. Professor, AU
How does companies and retail work with consumer segments and
positioning of meat? And how does the future consumer look like? We
 Søren Riber, R&D Manager, Danish Crown
o How does the DC Group regard itself in relation to securing
its license to operate?
 Esben Meier, Category Group Manager, Coop Denmark Food
o Innovation – inside out or outside in.
 Elena Sørensen Skytte, AgroTech A/S, Innovation Consultant,
Master of Arts in Experience Economy
o Business models – Selling dining experiences or beef cattle’s?
12.00 – 13.00
13.00 – 14.45
How does the Danish meat industry obtain License to Produce?
We ask...:
 Athanasios Krystallis Krontalis, Professor, AU Department of
o Citizens’ view of sustainable food/meat production and its
effect of consumption behavior.
 Puk Maia Ingemann Holm, Chefkonsulent, Landbrug & Fødevarer
o Is eating meat good for us or disease waiting to happen?
– State of play on research and trends
 Rikke Ingeman Svarre, Project manager, Seges
o Animal welfare, “farm to consumer” actions and
communication to support the “License to produce”
14:45 – 16:00
Workshop: Future (R&D) efforts, how do we collaborate to provide