THE MAGAZINE OF SAINT NINIAN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Corner of Albert Drive and Pollokshaws Road Glasgow NOVEMBER 2014 Service Times Sunday Services 8am Morning Prayer 8.30am Eucharist (said) 10.15am Sung Eucharist Weekday Services Thursday 9.30 am Morning Prayer 10am Eucharist (1970) Saints’ Days Eucharist as announced Clergy and Ministers Bishop: The Right Revd Dr Gregor Duncan, Bishop’s Office, 5 St Vincent Place, G1 2DH Tel 0141 221 6911/6912 Fax 0141 221 6490 E-mail: [email protected] Rector: The Revd Paul Romano, 32 Glencairn Drive, G41 4PW Tel 0141 423 1247 E-mail: [email protected] NSM Assistant Priest: The Revd Dr Eamonn Rodgers, Deacon: Mr Paul Whitton, Eucharistic Assistants: Mrs Liz Booth Mr Vivian Davey THE MAGAZINE MAY ALSO BE DOWNLOADED FROM OUR WEBSITE - The Diocesan News can be read online at 2 Rector Writes The past month has seen me grapple with the issue of prayer. One of the readings for the Thursday mid-week Eucharist considered Christ’s injunction to “ask and you shall receive…” and so was an opportunity to discuss prayer. Then I had one of the regular meetings and Eucharist for our Prayer Circle colleagues (not to be confused with the monthly Prayer Hour at the Rectory). The prayer circle folk undertake to pray for the sick and to maintain the “sick list” sheet (those double sided sheets you see in the vestibule). This was another opportunity to give a mini-sermon on the power of prayer in the context of our healing ministry. Finally, I was teaching a class for the Episcopal Institute (what used to be the old TISEC) theology students on the subject of prayer and spirituality. So all in all I have been thinking a great deal on this subject. Some folk take to prayer like the proverbial duck to water and some struggle with the notion all their life and most are somewhere in the middle. It was very instructive to listen as the students described their experiences of discussing the topic on their placements and in their own charges with a wide variety of people. The responses of the people the students met seemed to fall into four categories - (a) personal prayer was not for them except for formal prayer in church on a Sunday and anything beyond that was for the “professionals”; (b) you have to be in a “special” place to pray and you have to do so in a “special” language or else it doesn’t count; (c) “I don’t know how to pray”; (d) “what’s the point? – my prayers never get answered”. Does any of the above strike a chord with you? I have to admit that I have never asked any of you outright what the state of your prayer life might be. Maybe such a bold approach would be regarded as intrusive and embarrassing. On the other hand I can’t recall many coming to me (with one or two notable exceptions) and talking to me about the positives and negatives regarding personal devotions. The encounter with the theology students, when they in turn talked of their personal experiences of what worked and what did not, has inspired me to make an appeal to all of you. I would love to hear from you about the issue of prayer. In a sense I really don’t care what you might say to me. There is no “correct” or “incorrect” answer. I want to hear the positive and the negative. I have to admit that I don’t have a specific agenda in mind. I’m not sure where (if anywhere) this all might lead. I have this strong feeling that I should tackle this topic at this stage in our pilgrimage together at St Ninian’s. So, over to you: as the old BT advert used to say – “it’s good to talk!!” The Rector 3 CALENDAR FOR NOVEMBER 2014 *** indicates use of incense 2 Sun All Saints 8am Morning Prayer 8.30am Eucharist 10.15am Sung Eucharist 1970 Liturgy*** 3 Mon All Souls 10am Eucharist 9 Sun Remembrance Sunday 8am Morning Prayer 8.30am Eucharist 10.15am Sung Eucharist 1982 Liturgy 16 Sun Pentecost 23 8am Morning Prayer 8.30am Eucharist 10.15am Sung Eucharist 1982 Liturgy 23 Sun Christ the King 8am Morning Prayer 8.30am 10.15am Sung Eucharist 1982 Liturgy 30 Sun Advent 1 8am Morning Prayer 8.30am 10.15am Sung Eucharist 1970 Liturgy 4 MOTHERS’ UNION Wednesday November 12: 2 pm Heather Wright, a member of the Tapestry Guild, will speak about the History of Scotland Tapestry and the Commonwealth Tapestry. All are welcome! Aileen Grieve, Secretary ************************************ REMEMBRANCE COFFEE MORNING Saturday November 8th 10am-12noon The Remembrance coffee morning is being organised by Rosemary and Valerie. In addition to the usual stalls there will be one in aid of the Erskine Hospital for ex-service men and women. ************************************ September Coffee Morning Belated thanks to all who supported the September Coffee morning. A pleasant day and a great result money-wise. Many thanks DS and CZ ************************************** Duruflé Requiem Sunday November 2 6.30pm Glasgow Chamber Choir returns to St Margaret's with organist Christopher Nickol to perform Maurice Duruflé's sublime Requiem for All Souls-tide. The meditative programme will also include music by Elgar and Judith Weir, plus another opportunity to hear Judith Bingham's new commission, 'Glass Beatitude'. A ‘Time to Remember’ Service Saturday 8th November 3pm at St Margaret’s Episcopal Church Please join us for a time of peaceful remembrance with music, readings, prayers, reflection and contemplation. Refreshments will be provided at the end of the Service. If you would like further details, please contact Eileen Smith on 0141 423 2801. ************************************ Magazine Donations Many thanks for your generous donations: Ms R Laidlaw, Mrs D Merrick, Canon and Mrs J Taylor. Edna sends all their best wishes to all their fiends in St Ninan’s. They have now moved to Kirriemuir. We all wish them the very best in their new home. JS ************************************** HOST is looking for kind, friendly, hospitable people in Scotland who are inspired by the idea of welcoming an international student at university here, far from his or her own family, to their home. This could be for a day, a weekend or Christmas, and you don't need to live near a university, as students will travel for the privilege of meeting you, learning about real life in this country, and sharing their own culture. HOST is a voluntary activity which makes ambassadors for international goodwill of us all. Please see or call regional organiser Anne-Marie Nicol on 01738 621633. Thank you. 5 PRAYERS FOR HEALING Your prayers are asked: for Eric Coleman, whose health is failing rapidly; for Jean Whalin, Kate Zochowska's Mum, who is too weak to undergo an operation - please pray that her health will improve; for Brian O'Hara who continues to have problems with his lungs; for Catriona Graham who is undergoing hospital visits; for Audrey MacAulay who, although being well cared for in Mearnskirk, is a very poor wee soul; for Nora Mall who is undergoing chemotherapy in hospital; and for June and John Sweeney who recently lost their son Cal in tragic circumstances. Thank you so much for all your prayers which are always most appreciated. Alva 2 7 8 11 12 16 21 22 27 29 30 November Mindings Jack Gravell Douglas Gennis Margaret Scott Alan Lyell Hilda Pickford Artemio Lumbag Douglas Marr Thomas White David Sharpe Kathleen Tait Jeanette Neesham Alaster Hinds Elizabeth Irvine Amanda Rowson Gilbert McDougall Hilda Kirk Margaret Beattie James Beattie John Lowrie MOTHERS’ UNION On Saturday 18th October St Ninian’s hosted the Autumn Council Eucharist and Commissioning Service of the Glasgow and Galloway Mothers’ Union. At the Service we welcomed our new Diocesan Chaplain, the Rev Lucy Ireland, and commissioned our new Diocesan Secretary Elaine McAlpine. We thank Paul our Rector for taking the service and our new Chaplain for a fine sermon. After lunch in the hall, our President, Ann Glenesk, took the Chair for the Business Meeting. Elaine McAlpine and Margaret Horrell both spoke about their involvement in the Commonwealth Games: Elaine was a “Clydesider” and Margaret and her husband provided hospitality. Margaret also spoke about matters of risk assessment and insurance as they affect the MU. Lesley Lucas and Esther Muchena reported on their visit to Sweden on behalf of the MU. Once again St Ninian’s people did us proud. We are grateful to David for the music, to Sandra and Paul as servers, and to Val and Graham as welcomers. Our thanks go also to the folks who contributed to an excellent lunch: we 6 thank Kate (and also Lesley) for making the delicious soup, Isobel, Val and Lesley’s friend Heather for the home-made cakes which went down a treat; Kitty, Peter and Chris contributed most efficiently in the serving and clearing-up roles. (With Kate unable to be present, being urgently obliged to attend to her mother, it was very good of Chris to come and bring the supplies, serve out the soup and tidy up afterwards. We send our good wishes to Kate’s mother.) Finally, we are grateful to Kitty for collecting and bringing Elsie along to the meeting. As an “elder stateswoman” of the MU Elsie is very well known in the Diocese and at this event was welcomed by many friends. Aileen B Grieve Secretary ***************************************** UNICEF JAR OF GRACE APPEAL Children are hardest hit by emergencies, losing lives, families, homes and schools. UNICEF provides lifesaving help and protection for these children. With a permanent presence in more than 190 countries, UNICEF can respond rapidly wherever and whenever disaster strikes, to deliver vital food, medicine and clean water. For example, the crisis in Syria has forced more than 1.1 million children and their families to take refuge in neighbouring countries. Many of these families are exposed to harsh conditions and live in makeshift settlements, facing increased risk of disease. Khalil is just one year old and was born in a refugee camp in northern Iraq. He is frail and underweight for his age. UNICEF is working to provide care, support and supplies to Khalil and his family to ensure he can grow up happy and healthy, despite his uncertain start in life. Copies of this year's UNICEF leaflet giving more information are available on the table at the back of the church. To create a Jar of Grace simply cut out the label on the back of the leaflet and stick it to the jar. In the last year we have raised £190 to protect children from diseases which can be prevented by vaccines, so thank you to everyone who participated. It must be mentioned, however, that in recent years the number of people in St Ninian's supporting the appeal has declined and some new participants would be very welcome. The principle of the appeal is that you put a coin in your Jar of Grace each time you have a meal. 7 NOTES FROM THE PAST: From Canon Bullough’s Diary Monday 29 July 1957 (Dunoon) Tonight the girls and I went to meet Dorothy at the pier on her return from Glasgow where she had been on Saturday and Sunday. . . . she was full of information about the church, the garden and Colin’s departure for the Jamboree. . . . The amusing event of the weekend seems to have been Allan Marr’s going to sleep during the Curate’s sermon at evensong and remaining asleep in the server’s seat in the sanctuary through the prayers and the concluding hymn! Tuesday 01 April 1958 An amusing incident tonight. As I passed the manse gate next-door, Mrs Grieve called to me and offered me a “lift” in her new car. Roy drove us to St Ninian’s. When we reached there I showed them round the church which they had not seen inside before. On their return to Glencairn Drive Roy was just about to take the car into the garage when Dorothy passed on her way to church. Thinking that Roy was just going out, she asked for a lift to the nearest point to her destination. She popped into the car. In a few minutes, not wanting to take him out of his way, she suggested that he could let her walk the rest of the journey, and asked what his destination was? “To St Ninian’s, I presume” he replied, “I have just driven your husband to church, and was in the act to putting the car into the garage when you came past.” ABG By Stuart Ardern Directed by Joyce Maxwell Wednesday 3rd to Saturday 6th December St Ninian’s Church Hall Wed to Sat at 7.30pm Sat at 2.30pm Tickets £8 (£6) from 616-2391 8 DUTY ROTAS Date 2nd November 9th November 16th November All Saints Remembrance Pentecost 23 Sidespeople E Graham L Lucas J Mclean A Marr M Montgomery A Caldwell Readers G Vahey V Vahey T Baylis Readings Rev 7.9-17 1 John 3.1-3 Mt 5.1-12 Job 19.21-27 1 Cor 15.51-57 John 6.37-40 Zeph 1.7,12-18 1 Th 5.1-11 Mt 25.14-30 R Anwar P Ward C Zochowski I Nairn I Nairn R Anwar C Zochowski P Ward P Whitton C Zochowski Intercessions Y Grieve P Whitton I Nairn Elements T Baylis L Booth B Smith E Graham J McLean R Anwar Coffee J Sinclair Y Grieve K Falconer A Marr T Baylis A Forrest D Sinclair V Rodgers G Hunge Welcomer E Graham B Smith R Laidlaw Servers (r) (l) (c) (th) 9 DUTY ROTAS Date 23rd November 30th November 7th December Christ the King Advent 1 Advent 2 Sidespeople J Sinclair D Sinclair G Vahey M Arroll E Graham L Lucas Readers R Anwar V Davey S Walker Readings Ezek 34.11-16,20-24 Eph 1.15-23 Mt 25.31-46 Is 64.1-9 1 Cor 1.3-9 Mark 13.24-37 Is 40.1-11 2 Peter 3.8-15a Mark 1.1-8 S Whitton I Nairn C Zochowski R Anwar P Ward C Zochowski I Nairn P Whitton C Zochowski Intercessions A Caldwell Rector S Walker Elements T Baylis L Booth B Smith E Graham J McLean R Anwar Coffee C Shearer J McLean J Maxwell J Sinclair Y Grieve K Falconer A Marr T Baylis A Forrest Welcomer A Caldwell E Graham B Smith Servers (r) (l) (c) (th) 10 Lay Officers Lay Representative Alternate Lay Rep Regional Council Rep Rector’s Warden People’s Warden Vestry Secretary Vestry Treasurer Child Protection Officer Property Convener Chris Zochowski Rory Anderson vacant Liz Booth vacant Irene Nairn Vivian Davey Rosemary Anwar Peter Falconer The Vestry The Rector, Liz Booth, Irene Nairn, Vivian Davey, Chris Zochowski, Rory Anderson, Rosemary Anwar, Kitty Falconer, Angela Forrest, Moira Gemmell, Nicola Gordon, David Pritchard, Kate Zochowska . The Church At St Ninian’s, as in nearly all Episcopal Churches in Scotland, we reserve the sacrament of the Eucharist. From this reserved sacrament Holy Communion is given to the aged, sick or infirm at home, in hospital or in hospice to assure them of Christ’s love and presence and to enfold them in the communion and fellowship of the church. The sacrament is also reserved to assure us all of Christ’s constant presence with his people. For Baptism, Visitation of the sick, Funerals, Marriages and Confession please speak to the Rector. At St Ninian’s we meet our needs largely through planned giving envelopes. Every member of the church is urged to pledge a definite amount and, if possible, to GiftAid their offering. Please apply for information and envelopes through either the Recorder or the Treasurer. The Vestry has reluctantly decided that it is unwise to keep the church open on weekdays. If you need access at times other than the services and events posted on the notice board please email the Vestry Secretary: [email protected]. Life at St Ninian’s To contact any of the people listed below, please email [email protected] Organization Contact Bible Reading Fellowship Library Choir Graham Vahey Christian Aid Flower Guild Magazine Rosemary Anwar Sandra Whitton The Rector (Editor) Joyce Sinclair (Sec & Treasurer) Mothers’ Union Lesley Lucas (Branch Leader) Aileen Grieve (Secretary) Rosemary Anwar Paperback Book Club Pew Sheet Pollokshields Churches Together Prayer List Recorder Sacristy Guild Sanctuary Guild Servers Guild Traidcraft Web Page David Pritchard, Isabel Stainsby David Spottiswoode Valerie Rodgers Vivian Davey Margaret Arrol Alva Caldwell Sandra Whitton Christine Shearer Sandra Whitton Paul Whitton Catherine Cumming Susan Walker [email protected] St Ninians Episcopal Church; Glasgow is a charity registered under no. SC010966
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