26th October 2014 FELLOWSHIP, FAITH and SUPPORT . . . . Prayer Diary: The Prayer Diary for November is now available for you to take away. It also gives more information about this month’s charities. Prayer for Backwell: Next meeting is Tuesday 4th November at West Town Methodist Church, starting with homemade cookies at 7.45pm and ending at 9.30pm Rotas for Dec/Jan/Feb. The availability forms have gone out by email but if you would like a paper copy please help yourself to one in the Link and complete and return it to the office by Sun 2nd November to enable the next rota to be drawn up. Remembrance Sunday on November 9th Our Ecumenical Service of Remembrance begins at 10.45am with a service in church followed by a time of prayer at the Memorial. At 6.15pm we are led in our Eucharist by the choir singing The Faure Requiem Ladies Group: Whist Drive on Monday Nov 10th 7.30pm in Church House. Tickets £5 from Gill Boylan tel: 462282 Womans’ Refuge in Bristol (Survive) supported by M.U. We are glad to help, collecting goods to support women and children who have had to leave their homes through fear of violence. They need basic toiletries when they arrive and help when they are found safe housing . Knowing that somebody cares when they have been in a place of abuse is hugely important. Full list in the link together with box for items. Thank you for your help. Loaves & Fishes Food Bank Project: There is a letter on the notice board in Church House from the Sisters in St Pauls, Bristol thanking everyone for the generous donations from the recent Harvest Eucharist. There is always a box in the Link and at St Bridget’s for donations of tins and packets which are gratefully accepted all year. Welcome to St Andrew’s Backwell and St Bridget’s Chelvey with St Nicholas, Brockley. Worship Today 8.00 am Holy Communion (Common Worship) 10.15 am Eucharist with Junior Church/Crèche in Church House Hymns: SP 185, 94, 293, 289 Communion: SP 186 Anthem: O Sing Joyfully - (Batten) Please do join us for refreshments in Church House after the 10.15 service 6.15pm Meeting Point ~All Age Crafts. Tuesday October. Come and be crafty at Meeting Point this week. Small children through to Grannies (and Grandpas) can have a go at making a fridge magnet or a button art card. Finger paints are available for the youngest visitors, while Mums, Dads or Carers enjoy a cup of coffee and a piece of cake. Activities start at 10am and last until craft materials run out (we have lots of buttons, but fewer fridge magnets!) 28th Parish Office: tel 463469 is open 9.00am -12.00 pm Monday-Thursday, 9.00 am - 1.00 pm Friday Website: www.backwellchelveybenefice.org.uk email: [email protected] Churchwardens: Backwell: Anthony: Tel 462844 or Carol: tel 463810 Chelvey: Sue Tel 853879 or Tony: tel. 853138 Rector: The Reverend Margi Campbell: tel 462391 Not available Fridays Wild Harvest Eucharist at St Nicholas, Brockley All are invited to Brockley for this Harvest Celebration—the harvest of hedgerows and wild places for nature’s sustenance...a wonderful opportunity to worship in St Nicholas. Collect for the day Merciful God, teach us to be faithful in change and uncertainty, that trust in your word and obeying your will we may enter the unfailing joy of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. HALF TERM ACTIVITIES... Toddlers Play Morning: Thurs 30th Oct 10am-12pm we welcome Parents/Carers and Toddlers to a coffee and play morning in Church House. School age siblings welcome. Bible Sunday Readings 8am and 10.15am 6.15pm Colossians 3: 12-17 Matthew 24: 30-35 Verses from Psalm 104 Matthew 6: 25-33 TRAIDCRAFT TODAY.. ...GIFTS, CARDS, ADVENT CALENDARS plus.... Today the Traidcraft stall is in Church House after the 10.15am service and includes some craft items as well as the usual food items. There is also the opportunity to order Christmas cards and Advent Calendars; so come and have a look or take home a catalogue. Clergy and Readers in the Benefice Rector ~ The Rev’d Margi Campbell Assisting Priest (Rtd) ~ The Rev’d Canon Peter Bailey Licensed Readers ~ Martin Canning, Julie Densham and Vicky Dunscombe Reader Designate - David George If you would like to receive communion but are not able to go up to the altar - please tell one of the sidespeople and communion will be brought to you in the congregation. We do have GLUTEN-FREE wafers available which will be in the RODNEY CHAPEL. If you would prefer to receive these please do tell the Sidespeople, or the person distributing the wafers. For your collection, if you are a tax payer, please use the Gift Aid envelopes in order that the church can recover an extra 25% on your giving. Large print copies of the Hymn Books and the Service Book are available from the sidespeople. THIS WEEK 26th October 2014 Morning Prayer usually takes place at 9am -9.30am Mondays and Weds-Sat in the Rodney Chapel and on Tuesdays at St Bridget’s, Chelvey All most warmly welcome to this time of quiet prayer St Andrew’s is open every day from 9am until late afternoon Monday *********************************************************** FOR YOUR PRAYERS We pray for those of our community in Care-Homes or at home, and those who are unwell at this time…..those named here and others known to us: Iris Broom, John Southern, Sarah Walker, Roy Nicholls, Joan Gray, Rupert Ridge, Clifford Browne, Patrick Blake We give thanks for the lives of those recently departed and those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Jean Parry October Charities: The Bath Clerical Families Fund, Mencap, St John’s University of Tanzania (Further details can be found in this month’s Prayer Diary in Church) October Prayer Cycle: Please pray for residents of Backwell Hill Rd/ Bramley Drive *********************************************************************************************** Advent Preparation, Christmas Help... OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD......FINAL WEEK...... Last Christmas, 316,323 children across the world received a special gift thanks to the commitment of supporters and volunteers across the UK. For those helping, full information is on the leaflet in church Week 5: This is the final week, please add small toys and games eg ball, doll, car, skipping rope, paints, puzzle, lego, playdough, pocket kite, travel games etc. Please label your box with a sticker from the leaflet and tick the appropriate age group box .....then........... PLEASE BRING IT TO CHURCH NEXT SUNDAY—NOVEMBER 2nd Empty Shoe Box: If anyone has spare shoebox please leave it in the link PREPARING for ADVENT November 22nd - Exploring ~ Expecting ~ Engaging Travelling hopefully into Advent, led by Margi, Ann and Richard A day set aside to read, reflect and respond to the call of Advent 10am –3.30pm in St Michael and all Angels, Flax Bourton with Bring and Share Lunch Bring a newspaper or magazine and your Bible....Please sign up for resourcing purposes Tuesday 2.15 pm 7.45 pm Bible Study at 23 Rodney Road Ladies Group in Church House. Speaker: Terry Merrett-Smith - “Looking for the silver lining” 9.30am-4.30pm The Meeting Point in the Parish Hall 2.00 pm 12.00 pm 2.45 pm Mothers’ Union meeting in Church House Wednesday Holy Communion Backwell Christian Fellowship at Lawnside Speaker: Julie Densham 7.30 pm Bell Ringing Practice Thursday 10am-12pm Parent/Carer and Toddler Play Morning in C/Hse Friday 9.30 am St Andrew’s Art Group in Church House 5.00 pm Wedding Rehearsal in St Andrews 7pm Full Choir Practice (No Junior Practice) Saturday 12.30 pm Wedding of Matthew Roberts and Lois Zinn all are warmly welcomed to join them for the service 2.00 pm Confirmation Service at Wells Cathedral Please pray for our candidates: Andrew Edgell, Liam Edwards, Emily Bower, Kate Hatcher and Professor Christopher Hooley. All are warmly invited to the Cathedral to support them. NEXT SUNDAY All Saints & All Souls 2nd November 2014 8.00 am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) 9.15 am Holy Communion at St Bridget’s, Chelvey 10.15 am Eucharist with Junior Church and Crèche 6.15 pm All Souls Service—a gentle service remembering loved ones we have lost Readings: Morning Services Revelation 7: 9-17 Matthew 5: 1-12 CLERGY, OFFICE and CLEANING COVER—Oct 27th—31st Margi will be off duty this week The office is closed Wed-Fri 29th-31st October. If you have an urgent issue, please try the Churchwardens. As Katharin Goodland is also off that week there will be no official cleaning of Church House/Kitchen/Toilets/Link. Could we please ask all users therefore to ensure that these areas are left clean and tidy after their session to assist others coming in.
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