Czech Mountain Orienteering National Championships 2014 Bulletin 2 Organizer Organization Team Date Event Type Czech Association of Rogaining and Mountain Orienteering (ČAR) Slavia Liberec orienteering 1st - 2nd November 2014 Two-stage race of teams (pairs) in mountain orienteering Liberec, Elementary school Ostašov, Křížanská 80 50°45'54.256"N, Event Centre 15°0'36.396"E By car – from the motorway R35 exit to the shopping area (Globus) then towards airport Ostašov - parking fee - 50 CZK valid from Friday to Sunday - the map of the arrival Arrival and parking By train – get off at the train stop Ostašov then follow the bands to the Event Centre (300 m) By public transport – from Liberec centre take bus number 16 and get off at the bus stop Ostašov škola Friday – 31st October (19-22h) Saturday - 1st November (7:00 – 8:15) Event Office We urge all the competitors to come in time to the Event Office; especially on Saturday since at 9:00 everybody has to leave to start. It is compulsory for all the competitors to come to the Event Office to register. Therefore we recommend you to arrive on Friday. - Participant restrictions Event Centre Classes Competition Area Terrain Maps Description of controls Punching Only members of ČAR can participate in the event. If you are not a member of ČAR, you can register for free at the Event Office. - Only runners who are 15 years old and older can start. Younger competitors may ask for an exception at ČAR. Younger competitors may start in the public category (P) only with the permission from their parents. - Participation in the race is at one's own risk. Everyone has to sign an agreement with this rule before start. - Participants have to follow the rules of ČAR Elementary school – gym, changing rooms, showers, outdoor playground. Classes Lengths (km) / climbing (m) / number of controls Saturday Sunday HH 26,5 / 810 / 21 26,0 / 1500 / 12 DD 20,0 / 590 / 16 19,6 / 970 / 10 HD 22,2 / 620 / 18 21,3 / 950 / 11 HH40 20,9 / 610 / 16 22,2 / 1100 / 13 DD40 17,6 / 480 / 13 16,3 / 650 / 9 HD40 19,1 / 490 / 15 17,8 / 850 / 10 P 14,3 / 560 / 9 13,9 / 600 / 8 Ještěd ridge marked off by the motorways R35 and 13 from North and East and by towns Hodkovice nad Mohelkou, Český Dub, Osečná, Křižany, Žibřidice and Rynoltice. Rugged mountain ridge, altitude 350 - 1012 m above sea level, largely forested, dense network of roads. Saturday: “Rozsocha“ Sunday: “Padouch“ - Both days scale 1:30 000, e=10m, waterproof, size A3 (different from Bulletin 1). - Map documentation: after the revision in the control areas. - Maps will be handed out at the moment of start for both members of the teams. - Using any navigation equipment as well as other maps than those provided by the organizers are forbidden. Pictograms in the map. Checking points will be indicated by a stand with an orange-white control flag 30×30 cm used for OB. SportIdent electronic system will be used for punching the controls. Each member of the team must have SI card. While punching the control, wait for acoustic and visual signal. In case of the failure of the electronic unit, it is necessary to use mechanical punching (R-boxes in the map). SI cards borrowing, according to the entry requirements, will be organized at the Event Office. Borrowed SI cards must be returned immediately after the race. In case of loss of the SI card 700 CZK will be charged. All controls must be punched by both members of a team within 30 s, breaking this rule will be the reason for disqualification. Competitors are required to clear and check their SI cards before start and then get read them at the organizers as soon as possible after passing finish. The rule of maximum distance between the pair members will be checked randomly during the competition. Saturday: All competitors have to leave the Event Centre at 8:50 and together with organizers get on the train at 9:08 at the train stop Liberec, Ostašov (300 m from the Event Centre, marked by bands). The organizers will provide tickets for all the competitors. During travelling by train or before start the competitors have to clear and check their SI cards. Get off the train according to organizers’ instructions. Start is 900 m from the train stop. 4 toilets TOI TOI will be available. Start Start 00 = 10:00 mass start for all categories in the following order: 00 – classes HH, DD 05 – classes HD, HD40 10 – classes HH40, DD40, P The organizers provide transport of clothes from start to the Event Centre; put your clothes to plastic bags at the start. Sunday: Start 00 = 9:00, chasing start up to 60 minutes of time loss according to Saturday results, then mass start by categories. Distance to start 1600 m, climbing 100 m. Competitors who stay at the gym and expect that they will spend a longer period of time in the race are asked to take their belongings from the gym. On Saturday, all categories (except category P) will start their race by free order of the controls. These controls are marked in the map only by their codes. On Sunday, all the controls are in a fixed order for all classes. Embargoed areas are marked in the map by violet stripes; in the terrain they will not be marked. Course instructions Refreshment stations It is forbidden to cross the electric fences with cows and bulls (for your own safety). During both days it is necessary to run across a railway track and a II. class road. Pay attention to your own safety and follow the directions of the organizers. Time limit is 6,5 hours for all categories. On Sunday, competitors must pass all free order controls by 13:00. Exceeding this time limit will not mean disqualification; however, the removal of controls will start. Refreshment stations are marked in the description of controls (a symbol of a cup) or in maps if a refreshment station is not near a control. During both days two refreshment stations are available for competitors of master categories, one for P category. Ion drink Enervit, water, chocolate, energy tablets, banana, oranges, raisins, salt, biscuits will be offered. Besides refreshment stations, it is allowed to use any restaurants and refreshment facilities (refreshment paid by competitors). On Saturday it is 300 m from the Event Centre, on Sunday in the school. Getting through finish is valid if both members of the team punch the finish electronic unit. Water and ion drink Enervit will be prepared for all Finish competitors at finish. Competitors are required to get their SportIdent read immediately after finishing their race in the finis area that will be clearly marked. Paramedic at finish. In case of emergency, call the event director – the First aid telephone number is available in the description of control. Competitors who will stay in the gym will get accommodation tickets at the registration (Event Office) and will be instructed by the organisers how to Accommodation get to the school. Gym, classrooms or changing rooms next to the gym. Please keep all the places in school tidy and clean and follow the organizers directions. Toilets available in school (next to the gym and the canteen). After Hygiene Saturday start, TOI TOI portable toilets will be transferred to school area. Showers available in school (next to the gym). Prize giving Best three teams in each category according to Sunday standing in finish ceremony will be awarded (approximately 14:30). Buffet in the school building – tea, coffee, cakes, non-alcoholic beverages, beer, on Saturday borsch soup and frankfurters. Refreshment in the Dinners that have been ordered will be served in a school canteen from Event Centre and 17:00. Dinner tickets will be distributed at the registration (Event Office). catering There is a restaurant and a variety of shops in a Shop Centre (OC Géčko) 2km from the Event Centre (bus no. 16). Event director: Jakub Škoda Officials Main referee: Jiří Martan (Satruday), Petr Henych (Sunday) Course designer: Petr Henych (Saturday), Jiří Martan (Sunday) Web: Information E-mail: [email protected] Maps of the arrival and Event Centre
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