ALLIED / APPENDANT ORDERS Scottish Rite Bodies in South Florida 2000 North D Street, Lake Worth, Fl 33460 561-582-6794 MIAMI Scottish Rite - 3rd Wednesday 471 NW 3rd Street, Miami FL 305-374-4700 Scottish Rite Clubs MASTERS AND WARDENS ASSOCIATION OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS 33rd MASONIC DISTRICT South Broward Scottish Rite Club - 2nd Wednesday 12:00 Noon Roe Fulkerson Lodge—Robert Scheinwold KCCH Recorder 954-927-2344 North Broward Scottish Rite Club 2nd Monday 12:00 Noon Margate Lions Club, 508 Melaleuca Drive in Margate Sydney King Recorder. York Rite Bodies FORT LAUDERDALE, 1st & 2nd Monday 7:30 PM 407-459-3896 nd J. Dewey Hawkins Lodge – 555 NE 42 Ct, Oakland Park Fl 33334 Commandery - 1st Mon. / Council - 2nd Odd Mon. / Chapter - 2nd Even Mon. Shrine Temples of South Florida MAHI TEMPLE – 2nd Thursday 1480 NW North River Drive, Miami, Fl 33135 954-764-1044 AMARA TEMPLE— 2nd Wednesday 3650 RCA Blvd, Palm Beach Gardens, Fl 33410 561-627-2100 Shrine Clubs in Broward County NOVEMBER 2014 BULLETIN PRESIDENT: W Scott Burnett 1390 NE 30th Street Oakland Park, FL 33334 C: 954-270-1892 [email protected] VICE-PRESIDENT: Br. Claudio Kletsel 12181 NW 51 Court Coral Springs FL 33076 C: 954-304-2009 [email protected] TREASURER: Br. Edward S. Vitoulis 541 ST Michelle Way Margate FL 33068 C: 954-261-8096 [email protected] SECRETARY: Bro. Adam Litvin 14908 Wildflower Ln. Delray Beach, Fl. 33446 C: 561-945-5474 [email protected] HOLLYWOOD SHRINE CLUB meets on the first Wednesday each month at 12:00 Noon at Piccadilly Cafeteria 4500 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood, FL 33021 President, Mel Lerman 954-441-4528 BROWARD SHRINE CLUB meets on the second Tuesday each month at 7:30 PM 954-448-1872 (Dinner 6:30 PM) Broward Shrine Club, 2900 Taylor Street, Hollywood, FL 33023 Dan Fierimonte President Feramo Grotto M.O.V.P.E.R. Br. Ralph Fasano - Monarc Secretary : RW SOL GOLDENBERG, P.M. 2nd Friday 7:30 P.M. at the Lauderdale Lakes Moose Lodge, Rock Island Roads Order of the Eastern Star—District 29 POMPANO CHAPTER NO 187 - Terry Scott 786-251-4509 954-658-8803 2nd & 4th Monday 8:00 P.M. - Deerfield Lodge TRI-GATE CHAPTER NO 276 - Sandy Clevens, W.M. 954-970-1543 2nd & 4th Wednesday 8:00 P.M. - Doric Lodge International Order of the Rainbow for Girls HOLLYWOOD ASSEMBLY NO 12 — MOM TERRY 954-792-3409 2nd and 4th Mondays 7:30 P.M. at Eureka North Shore Lodge LOVE ASSEMBLY NO 95 — LUANNE BURG (MOM LU) 954-540-1294 1st and 3rd Mondays 7:30 P.M. at Roe Fulkerson Lodge George Washington Masonic National Memorial R:.W:.Ronald L. Tallmadge P.D.D.G.M. Florida Masonic Ambassador 954-587-7763 Masonic Services Association W:. Brad Bodie 305-303-2345 CHAPLAIN: W Phillip Slack 18831 NW 2nd Street Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 C: 954-699-7086 A message from our Hosting Worshipful Master !!!! 33rd MASONIC DISTRICT COMMITTEES - 2014 / 2015 SENIOR COMMITTEEMAN WNelson Rose CHILD I.D. PROGRAM RWSolomon Goldenberg, P.M. FRATERNAL ADMINISTRATION: FA-100W Bro. Matthue Goldstein GRAND MASTER’S CHARITY/MMRL W Scott Burnett P.M. Brethren, C-954-882-1046 R 954-252-8189 [email protected] C-954-655-9032 [email protected] C-954-270-1892 [email protected] It has been a pleasure to work with the Worshipful Masters and Brethren throughout District 33 during this past year. Some of the most memorable times the Brethren of Roe Fulkerson have had were with the Joint Degrees and Degree Work we did with the other Lodges in the district. We look forward to many more years of sharing degree work and the camaraderie that goes hand and hand with the practices. As the year comes to a close I look forward to joining the rank of "has-been", or as the Lewis to W:. Stewart Davies, the 2nd "Worthless Davies" from Roe Fulkerson. We at Roe Fulkerson invite all Masons and their Family + Friends to our Thanksgiving Feast at the Lodge, on November 23rd. We will be having Ham, Turkey, and all the fixings. Please see an Officer of Roe Fulkerson Lodge for Tickets. Again, a big congrats to the Officers and Members of District 33 on a splendid year of Brotherly Love and Affection throughout Broward County. Fraternally, LET YOUR PENNIES MAKE GOOD CENTS Bro. Claudio Kletsel C 954-304-2009 [email protected] MASONIC EDUCATION Bro. Brad Joyner C-954-600-7069 [email protected] MASONIC LEADERSHIP TRANING Bro. Stephan Veins C-954-709-0865 [email protected] Richard Davies Worshipful Master November 7th 2014 Grand Master MW James W. Ford MASONIC YOUTH ACTIVITIES T.B.A. MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Bro. Marvin Feller MASONIC HOME ENDOWMENT MH-100 WJohn Bonner C 954-695-5885 [email protected] R 561-218-8512 [email protected] Saturday November 15th 2014 6:00 PM — 10:00 PM Tropical Acres Steakhouse 2500 Griffin Road, Fort Lauderdale Enjoy a gala evening of fellowship and charitably giving, Chinese auction baskets and fine jewelry to the lucky winners! “A FORMAL EVENT” PERPETUAL MEMBERSHIP T.B.A. WILLS AND GIFTS Bro. Jeffrey Passin Dinner @ Iron Workers union Hall located at 1201 NE 7th Ave, Ft. Lauderdale 33302 Meeting @ J. Dewey Hawkins Lodge PUBLIC EDUCATION AND CITIZENSHIP T.B.A. GRAND MASTER’S COINS WShawn Kershner official visit to the 33rd district C- 954-461-8699 [email protected] C 561-385-1424 [email protected] REGISTERED 501C - 3 CHARITY CHECKS, VISA MASTERCARD ACCEPTED From the Editor: My Brothers, If there is any wrong information, or any Brother wishes to help and assist in the making of this Bulletin, please contact W. Armando Foronda at 305-458-1068, or send your suggestions to : [email protected], or by fax to 1(866)279-3875 MASONIC EDUCATION Boynton Lodge Esoteric Research Group Presents Worshipful Anthony Mongelli Boynton Lodge Esoteric Research Group Cost US$ 30.00 Saturday, November 8, 2014 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM (EST) Boynton Beach, FL W. Anthony Mongelli W. Anthony Mongelli W. Anthony Mongelli, Jr. was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on December 7, 2001, in LaGuardia Lodge No.1130 on Staten Island, NY. He is a member of Tyrian Chapter No.219 Royal Arch Masons, Recorder of Flatbush Council No. 80 Royal and Select Masters, and a Sir Knight in Bay Ridge Commandery No. 79. He is also a member of Antares Council No. 532 Allied Masonic Degrees. W. Anthony Mongelli is the founder and director of the Society for Masonic Research, not-for-profit organization that extends grants in aid of research to support Masonic research. His articles have been published in The Working Tools and Living Stones magazines. He wrote the book entitled, "The Craftsmans Symbology." Seminar Schedule Each session includes a lecture, discussion and a ten minute break 10:00A.M.-10:50A.M. The Circumpunct 11:00A.M.-11:50A.M. Lucifer and the Craft 11:50A.M.-1:00P.M. LUNCH 1:00P.M-1:50P.M. The Twin Pillars 2:00P.M.-3:00P.M. Approaches to Comparative Symbology 33rd MASONIC DISTRICT DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTER RWWalter G. Flemke 10106 NW 49 Street, Coral Springs FL 33076 Res: 954-755-1964 E-mail: [email protected] Cell: 954-242-5673 My Brothers, Let me start by thanking all of the lodges in the district for making the Masters and Wardens Picnic such a huge success. Special Thanks to Brother Claudio Kletsel who worked through some bumps and, with the help of his committee, made sure everyone who attended had a great time. It shows that when we work together we make GOOD THINGS HAPPEN. November 7th is the Grand Master James W. Fords visit to our district. Dinner will be held at the Miami Iron Workers Union Hall located at 1201 NE 7th Ave. Ft. Lauderdale, 33304. Registration starts at 5:30pm. Tyled Meeting will be at J. Dewey Hawkins Lodge No 331, located at 555 NE 42nd Court Oakland Park, 33334 lodge starts at 7:30pm (thanks to the brothers of J. Dewey for the use of their lodge) December 20th is the Christmas Party at the Masonic Home, Please plan to attend, it is always great to see the brothers and sisters at the home get so excited having so many visitors. On a sad note due to the small turn outs for the open books on the third Monday of the month, it has been decided to only have open books and school of Instruction on the first Wednesday of the month. R.W. McDonald and R.H. Dixon give a lot of themselves to assist our district and I think it is sad that not many take advantage of their knowledge. I know they have helped me, and continue to keep me straight as I struggle to do my work. On October 25th R.H. Dixon did the first section of the Masonic Leadership Training which was attended by nine brothers of the district. I hope we get a better turn out for the second section. (thanks to Brother Stephan Viens for helping set this up and bringing donuts). It is also getting time to vote for the leaders of your lodge for next year. Be sure you vote for a brother who you believe can lead your lodge while keeping piece and harmony in the lodge. This is not always as easy it sounds. If request R. H. Dixon will cover voting for lodge officers and Installation practice at open books in November. Remember the holidays will soon be upon us, have fun with your family, friends and brothers, be safe, and be careful. Installations 2015!!!! Fraternally RWWalter G. Flemke District Deputy Grand Master 27-Dec-14 J. Dewey Hawkins Lodge No 331 03-Jan-15 Doric Lodge No 140 09-Jan-15 Coral Springs Lodge No 373 Important Dates to remember!!! 7 Nov Grand Masters Visit 10-Jan-15 Roe Fulkerson Lodge No 299 (Mid Day) 10-Jan-15 West Broward Lodge No 253 (Evening) 13 Dec Boat Parade MMRL 17-Jan-15 North Broward Lodge No 404 20 Dec Masonic Home Christmas Party 23-Jan-15 North Star Lodge No 405 24-Jan-15 Eureka North Shore Lodge No 269 THE MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF FLORIDA Honorable Richard E Lynn. P.G.M.—Grand Secretary P.O. Box 1020 Jacksonville, Fl 32201-1020 800-375-2339 Fax 904-632-3865 Email [email protected] GRAND MASTER M WJames W. Ford 2206 Parkwood Drive Valrico, FL 33594 (R) 813-651-1864 (C) 813-624-3696 [email protected] DEPUTY GRAND MASTER RWStephen P. Boring 1506 War Admiral Drive Deland, FL 32724 (R) 386-738-5163 (C) 386-717-2705 [email protected] SENIOR GRAND WARDEN RWStanley L Hudson (R) 772-336-0438 1680 SW Cefalu Circle (C) 772-332-4956 Port St Lucie FL 34953 [email protected] JUNIOR GRAND WARDEN RW Richard G. Hoover (Robyn) 334 59th Lane S Petersburg, FL 33707 GRAND TREASURER RWElmer G Coffman (Pat) 2819 Navajo Rd Orange Park, Fl 32065 (R) 727-347-0849 (C) 727-409-6665 [email protected] (H) (904) 264-7332 (B) (904) 354-2339 [email protected] MEMORIAL LODGE NO 33 Stated Meeting last Wednesday 7:00P.M prior to and at the same location as the Masters and Wardens Association Meeting -ALL MAIL TO THE SECRETARYWMichael J. Weber SR - Worshipful Master Brother Steve Rushefsky - Secretary / Treasurer C: 954-473-0916 [email protected] R: 954-629-0711 [email protected] M.O.V.P.E.R FERAMO GROTTO MYSTIC ORDER OF VEILED PROPHETS OF THE ENCHANTED REALM Meetings on the second Friday of each month Lauderdale Lakes Moose Lodge #2267 6191 Rock Island Road Tamarac. Fl 33319 Mail to: SOL GOLDENBERG, P.M. [email protected] 15011 Featherstone Way, Davie, Fl 33321 R: 954-252-8189 C: 786-251-4509 “Playground of the 33rd Masonic District” Br. Jerry Sherman - Monarch ****************************************************************** The stated/Elections meeting is November 14th at 6.30 pm dinner and meeting at 7.30 pm Lauderdale Lakes Moose Lodge #2267 6191 Rock Island Road Tamarac. Fl 33319 (Open to all Broward Masons - call Sol 786.251.4509 for reservations) Traveling Gavel is at Doric Lodge No 140 The Brothers of Doric Lodge hold the Traveling Gavel and are looking for someone to claim it. Doric Lodge will be holding a Master Mason Degree on Saturday November 1st and that is followed by the RW DDGM’s official visit to Doric Lodge on November 4th. Doric Lodge meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month so make your planning to come and claim the prize. Please remember that the Traveling Gavel may be claimed at either a Stated or Called meeting so pick a date and come to visit and we will be happy to pass the Gavel along to your lodge. Please remember a courtesy call the lodge (954-612-3175) to assure enough food is on hand for your visit. To claim the “Traveling Gavel” for your Lodge, you may attend either a stated or called meeting with seven or more regular members of your lodge which must include three or more of the elected officers. NOVEMBER MEETING WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 26th, 2014 J. Dewey Hawkins Lodge No 331 Time 7:30 PM - Memorial Lodge meets at 7:00 PM MAHI SHRINERS Meets at Mahi Shrine Center (305) 325-0411 Fax: (305) 324-7355 1480 NW North River Dr—Miami—33125 2nd Thursday at 7:30pm E-mail: [email protected] All mail to the Shrine Center ILLUSTRIOUS SIR JOSEPH H. BROWNLOW JR.—Potentate 5301 SW 145 Avenue, Southwest Ranches, FL 33330 (954) 434-4453 JOHN W. BORSA JR. —Recorder 5401 Johnson Street, Hollywood, FL 33021 (954) 963-5195 STATED MEETINGS Future Meetings December -- 31st @ Coral Springs Lodge No 373 January -- 28th @ CNorth Borward Lodge No 404 My Brothers The year is combing to a close, but we still have some work to get done. The Grand Masters visit Friday, November 7 MMRL Diamonds and Gold November 15, the district Annual Masonic home Christmas party December 20. I would like to thank Br Claudio Kletsel, W Shaw Kershner, and all of the Masters for an putting on a great Picnic. We had a great turnout and everyone has an outstanding time. We had over 200 people show up and had to send out for more supplies. NOVEMBER 13th — Dinner 6:30pm. GOOD OF THE ORDER A favor please, Reservations must be made to the Office for any event where food is served. Please RSVP to 305-325-0411. BROWARD SHRINE CLUB Meets 2nd Tuesday at 7:30pm. Dinner 6:30pm. 2900 Taylor Street, Hollywood, FL 33023 J.R. M’SDoques—President—954-591-3346 or [email protected] HOLLYWOOD SHRINE CLUB Meets 1st Wednesday at Noon for Lunch. Picadilly Cafeteria—4500 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood, FL 33021 Jim Gregory—President—305-607-3790 or [email protected] HOSPITAL PATIENT TRANSPORTATION NOBLE MORRIE KURCBAUM — Chairman (561) 212-9199 If you know of a potential Shrine Hospitals patient or would like to volunteer to take a Roadrunner Trip to Tampa please contact Noble Kurcbaum. We are always in desperate need of drivers. WE NEED DRIVERS!!!!!!!! CONTACT MORRIE at 561-212-9199 to volunteer to give one day of your time. We still have three more Miami Dolphins football games Sunday 11/2 (San Diego Chargers - 1 PM), Thursday 11/13 (Buffalo Bills - 8:25 PM) and Sunday 12/21 (Minnesota Vikings - 1 PM) Tickets are still available for $42.00 directly through the Miami Dolphins. Fraternally, Scott F. Burnett, PM President Masters and Wardens of the 33rd District Miami Dolphins Masons Days at Sun Life Stadium! Cost $35.00 each, (Face value is $53). Sunday 11/2 (San Diego Chargers - 1 PM) Thursday 11/13 (Buffalo Bills - 8:25 PM) Sunday 12/21 (Minnesota Vikings - 1 PM ) District E-Mail List To join our email list, address a blank email message to: [email protected]. You do not need a Yahoo sign in and password to use this method. You will get a return email message from Yahoo. Just click reply and then send, and you are done. If you are already familiar with Yahoo groups, so to and then “Join” DISTRICT INSTRUCTOR RHPhil Dixon PM 401 NW 83rd Way , Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 Cell: 954-253-8872 e-mail: [email protected] Open Books (5:00 PM—8:00 PM) School of instruction (7:30 PM) November 5th, 2014 at Doric Lodge No 140 NORTH BROWARD LODGE NO 404 - ALL MAIL TO THE LODGE 1280 SE 6th Avenue, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 Stated Meeting 2nd and 4th Thursdays 7:30 PM W Gerard W. Jordan - Worshipful Master WRichard Morris, PM - Secretary 23461 Torre Circle Boca Raton, FL 33433 990 NW 69 Ave, Margate, Fl 33063 C: 561-338-3666 - [email protected] C: 754-224-1942 - [email protected] All Lodge business to:[email protected] The attendance for the September School of Instruction/Open Books is as follows. October 1st School of Instruction Lodge Attendance Coral Springs 2 West Broward 0 North Star 1 Roe Fulkerson 4 Doric 3 J Dewey 0 North Broward 0 Eureka North Shore 0 Total 10 October 13th Open Books Lodge Attendance Coral Springs 0 West Broward 0 North Star 4 Roe Fulkerson 5 Doric 3 J Dewey 0 North Broward 0 Eureka North Shore 0 Total 12 There will be no Open Books on Monday November 17th, and Monday December 15th! NOVEMBER 13th Stated Communication (Dinner 6:30 PM) The Past Imperial Potentate of Shriners International, Raul Frevel, will visit our Lodge. All Brothers are invited to attend. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to : 7:30 PM [email protected] so we can plan accordingly.*** 27th Stated CANCELLED - Happy Thanksgiving!! My brothers, I ask you to please review the Open Books/School of Instruction attendance figure shown above. The last few months we are seeing only three or four of the eight lodges of the district represented on any given night. We have some lodges that for the most part have no representation on a regular basis. The purpose of Open Books and School of Instruction is to serve the brethren of the Lodges and R:.W:. Al McDonald and I are here to assist you with your ritual work as well. Brothers anticipating taking a chair in their lodge next year and officer’s planning on advancing should have either had some instruction or work in that position or in the process of learning it. I encourage you to take advantage of the Open Books/School to learn the ritual as prescribed by the Grand Lodge of Florida. Due to the continued construction issues at our building, we will continue to meet at Roe Fulkerson Lodge. NORTH STAR LODGE No 405 - ALL MAIL TO THE SECRETARY Meets at J. DeweyHawkins Lodge No 331 Stated Meeting 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 7:30 PM W Lawrence Kunken - Worshipful Master 9401 NW 42nd Street Coral Springs FL 33065 Brother Matthue Goldstein - Secretary C: 954-753-3698 - [email protected] C: 954-655-9032 - [email protected] We are available for individual or lodge instruction upon request. Proficiency and excellence in the ritual work requires effort and commitment. RHPhil Dixon PM NOVEMBER 4th Stated Communication (Dinner 6:30 PM) 7:30 PM 18th Stated Communication (Dinner 6:30 PM) Enter Apprentice Degree 7:30 PM District Instructor UPCOMING DEGREE WORK Saturday, November 01, 2014 M.M. Degree Doric Lodge No 140 Tuesday November 18, 2014 E.A. Degree North Star Lodge No 405 Thursday November 20, 2014 F.C. Degree Eureka North Shore Lodge No 269 Saturday, November 22, 2014 E.A. Degree Doric Lodge No 140 DORIC LODGE NO 140 This Page Compliments of: MIAMI SCOTTISH RITE BODIES (Districts 33, 34, 35) Meets at Scottish Rite Masonic Center (305) 374-4700 471 NW 3 Street—Miami—33128 3rd Wed. at 7:30pm All mail to Secretary ILL. DALE I. GOEHRIG, 33° Sovereign Grand Inspector General ILL. JAMES PARK 33° Personal Representative of the S.G.I.G. in the Valley of Miami 851 S.W. 49th Terrace, Margate, Fl 33068 (954)-971-4966 HERMAN GONZALEZ, 32°, KCCH General Secretary—All Bodies—Office at Masonic Center ILL. DOUGLAS H. BRIDGES, 33° Almoner —All Bodies ILL. Alvaro Lourido , 33° Tr easur er —All Bodies Heads of Bodies TALI ATALA, 33° Master of Kadosh- Miami Consistory RICHARD E. FRIBERG., 33° Commander-Miami Council of Kadosh JOSEPH MARTIN, 32°, KCCH Wise Master- Miami Chapter of Rose Croix CHARLEY McCARTY, 32°, KCCH Venerable Master- Miami Lodge of Perfection DAVID CESPEDES, 32° Venerable Master –Knight of Saint Andrew NOVEMBER MEETINGS Mon Sat Wed Wed November 3rd Scottish Rite Valley of Miami School of Instruction November 8th Grand Master Visit November 12th E-Board 6:30pm/Miami Knights of St. Andrew 7:00pm November 19th Monthly Meeting Open Meeting Dinner 6:30, Meeting 7:30 Sat November 22nd Foundation Dinner 6:30pm ********************************************************************* South Broward Scottish Rite Club meets at 12:00 Noon on the 4th Wednesday of each month at Picadilly Cafeteria Lodge Representatives ILL Ray Williams 33º , District Chairman Doric Lodge No. 140 Rob Latimer 32° West Broward No. 253 Steven Pirkkala 32º Eureka North Shore Lodge No. 269 Gunter Diehl 32° Roe Fulkerson Lodge No. 299 Tony Freeland, J. Dewey Hawkins Lodge No. 331 Michael Binder, Coral Springs Lodge No. 373 Craig Versil, 32° North Broward Lodge No 404 Visit us on the Web at Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Valley of Miami SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTION - ALL MAIL TO THE LODGE 401 SE 15th Street Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33316 Stated Meeting 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 7:30 PM W Erdinc (Artie) Akgunduz - Worshipful Master W Paul Maturse PM - Secretary C: 954-304-7275 - [email protected] 1450 SW 71st Ave, Plantation, Fl 33317 C: 954-612-3175 - [email protected] NOVEMBER 1st Master Mason Degree Saturday, lodge opens at 9:00 for coffee, 10:00 AM degree starts at 10:00am, lunch will be provided. 4th Stated Communication (Dinner 6:30 PM) RW Walter G. Flemke DDGM Official Visit District School of Instruction Open Books 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM, MM’s only 7:30 PM Stated Communication (Dinner 6:30 PM) 7:30 PM 5th 18th 22 th Enter Apprentice Degree Saturday, lodge opens at 9:00 for coffee, degree starts at 10:00am, lunch will be provided. 10:00 AM Traveling Gavel WEST BROWARD LODGE NO 253 - ALL MAIL TO THE SECRETARY 927 NW 178 Ave Pembroke Pines, Fl 33029 Stated Meeting 1st Thursday 7:30 PM W Clay Mitchell - Worshipful Master W J. Edward Hedden, PM - Secretary 6991 West Broward Blvd., Suite 100 Plantation, FL 33317 20325 NE 13 Court North Miami Beach, Fl 33179 C: 954– 668-5370 - [email protected] R: 305-651-0456 - [email protected] NOVEMBER 6TH Stated Communication (Dinner 6:30 PM) 7:30 PM 20th Stated Communication (Dinner 6:30 PM) RW Walter G. Flemke DDGM Official Visit 7:30 PM First Monday of every Month 7:00 PM Next class November 3rd 2014 Come and join Us!!! 7:00 PM This Page Compliments of: J. DEWEY HAWKINS LODGE NO 331 - ALLMAIL TO THE LODGE - Fort Lauderdale York Rite J. Dewey Hawkins Lodge No. 331 555 N.E. 42nd Court — Oakland Park, FL 33334 555 NE 42 Court, Oakland Park, Fl 33334 - PH: 954-564-1859 Stated Meeting 2nd and 4th Thursdays WCarlton Mclean - Worshipful Master 7:30 PM RW Michael Maher, PDDGM - Secretary 7441 NW 1 Court, Pembroke Pines Fl 33024 C: 954-218-0190 R: 954-961-7651 - B: 954-484-2929 Fax: 954-484-5155 [email protected] NOVEMBER 13th Stated Communication (Dinner 6:30 PM) How did the craft receive their wages? How important is the Ark of the Covenant? What is the lost word of a Master Mason? How did the original secrets get preserved? By becoming a member of the Fort Lauderdale York Rite, you will learn the deeper connection that exists between the York Rite and the Blue Lodge. To request a petition, contact one of our officers listed below: Keystone Chapter No. 20 :.Excellent High Priest.: – Joseph R. Fretz (754)234-3808 Lauderdale Council No. 24 :.Illustrious Master.:- Garry Paxinos (954)655-7453 Melita Commandery No. 35 :.Eminent Commander.: – Jonathan Macedon (954)415-8126 SK Recorder- Joachim Varga (407)459-3896 [email protected] CORAL SPRINGS LODGE NO 373 Meets at J. DeweyHawkins Lodge No 331 554 NE 42 Court, Oakland Park, Fl 33334 Stated Meeting 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 7:30 PM W Jeffrey A Passin - Worshipful Master W:. Ira Markowitz - Secretary C: 561-385-1424 - [email protected] C: 754-234-5315 - [email protected] NOVEMBER 11th Stated Communication (Dinner 6:30 PM) November Meetings Monday, November 3rd, 6:30pm Dinner / 7:30pm Melita Commandery No. 35 Stated Conclave Monday, November 10th, 6:30pm Dinner / 7:30pm Lauderdale Council No. 24 Stated Meeting Location: J. Dewey Hawkins Lodge No. 331 555 N.E. 42nd Court — Oakland Park, FL 33334 7:30 PM 7:30 PM Looking for a lecturer…. R:.W:. Albert J McDonald C: 954-805-0445 E.A. / F.C. / M.M. R:.W:. Eduardo Brandao C: 954-394-6883 E.A. / F.C. / M.M. W:. Phil Dixon R: 954-253-8873 E.A. / F.C. / M.M. W:. Roger Elliot C: 954-565-2361 E.A. / F.C. / M.M. W:. Billy Duenas C: 954-336-0042 E.A. W:. Nelson Rose C: 954-882-1046 F.C. EUREKA NORTH SHORE LODGE NO 269 This Page Compliments of: Lake Worth Scottish Rite Bodies 2000 North D Street Lake Worth, Florida 33460 - Ph (561)-582-6794 - ALL MAIL TO THE LODGE 101 SE 1 Avenue Dania Beach, Fl 33004 W Daniel Pranckevicius—Worshipful Master Stated Meetings 1st and 3rd Thursdays 7:30 PM W Armando Foronda - Secretary C: 305-712-6680 - [email protected] C: 305-458-1068 - [email protected] NOVEMBER ILL Neil Stegall 33º - Personal; Representative ILL Michael Cribbet 33º KCCH - General Secretary ILL Willian Owen 32º - Master of Kadosh ILL Garry Paxinos 32º - Wise Master Rose Croix ILL Scott Schwartsberg 32º - Commander of Kadosh ILL Wesley Mantz 32º - Venerable Master Lodge of Perfection *********************************************************** 6th Stated Communication (Dinner 6:30 PM) 7:30 PM 20th Stated Communication (Dinner 6:30 PM) Fellow Craft Degree 7:30 PM ROE FULKERSON LODGE NO 299 NOVEMBER MEETINGS 811 Glen Parkway Hollywood, Fl 33021 - ALL MAIL TO THE LODGE Stated Meeting 1st and 3rd Thursdays7:30 PM November - 5th KNIGHTS OF ST. ANDREW MEETING W Richard L. Davies - Worshipful Master R W William A. Marti, PDDGM - Secretary 12932 Meadowbend Dr, Wellington, FL 33414-805 3 811 Glen Parkway Hollywood, FL 33021 November - 12th MASTER MASONS ASSOCIATION . Meeting of Masters and Wardens of District 32. Open to all Master Masons. Meeting starts at 7:30 pm. C: 561-312-7377 - [email protected] Phone: 954-494-7994 - [email protected] November - 19th EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING . Members are invited to attend and see how the Lake Worth Scottish Rite is governed. Meeting time is 6:30 PM. November - 26th CONSISTORY MEETING . Dinner at 6:30 PM in Mural Room with program to follow. ***************************************************************** North Broward Scottish Rite Club NOVEMBER 6th Stated Communication (Dinner 6:30 PM) 7:30 PM 20th Stated Communication (Dinner 6:30 PM) 7:30 PM 23rd THANKSGIVING FEAST at Roe Fulkerson 3:00 PM Wayne Angstrom 32° - President 12:00 Noon each second Monday 508 Melaleuca Drive in Margate. Minimum contribution of $5.00 per meeting. ****************************************************** Don’t forget the Lake Worth Scottish Rite Endowment Fund A 501c3 Charity in your Will and Gifts E-Mail: [email protected] For continually updated information, visit us on the web at: Looking for a lecturer…. NOVEMBER 2014 Sunday Monday 26-Oct 27-Oct Tuesday 28-Oct 7:30 PM Coral Springs Lodge 2-Nov 3-Nov 7:30 PM Doric Lodge Stated RW Walter G. Flemke DDGM Official Visit 7:30 PM North Star Lodge Stated 7:30 PM Keystone Chapter -Lauderdale Council meeting 12:00 PM North Broward Scottish Rite Club 7:30 PM Coral Springs Lodge 9-Nov 16-Nov 4-Nov 7:30 PM Melita Commandery No35 meeting 7:30 PM Scottish Rite Valley of Miami SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTION 11-Nov 17-Nov 18-Nov 7:30 PM Doric Lodge Stated 7:30 PM North Star Lodge Stated Enter Apprentice Degree 23-Nov 3:00 PM Roe Fulkerson THANKSGIVING FEAST at Roe Fulkerson 24-Nov 25-Nov Wednesday 29-Oct 7:30 PM Masters & Wardens @ Roe Fulkerson 5-Nov 5:00 PM Open Books 7:30 PM School of Instruction@ Doric Lodge 7:30 PM Lake Worth Knights of St. Andrew 12:00PM HOLLYWOOD SHRINE CLUB Thursday 30-Oct Friday Saturday 31-Oct 7::30 PM West Broward Lodge Board meeting 6-Nov 7:30 PM Eureka North Shore Stated 7:30 PM Roe Fulkerson Lodge Stated 7::30 PM West Broward Lodge Stated 1-Nov 10:00 AM Doric Master Mason Degree Saturday, lodge opens at 9:00 for coffee, degree starts at 10:00am, lunch will be provided. 7-Nov 7:30 PM District 33 Grand Master Visit at J. Dewey Hawkins Lodge (Dinner 6:30 PM) 8-Nov 7:00 PM District 34,35 Grand Master Visit at Scottish Rite Miami (Dinner 6:00 PM) 12-Nov 13-Nov 14-Nov 15-Nov 7:30 PM North Broward 7:30 PM Grotto stated/ 6:00 PM An Affair of the 7:30 PM Knights of St. Andrew Miami 7:30 PM Masters & Wardens District 32 19-Nov 7:30 PM Miami Scottish Rite 6:30 PM Lake Worth Scottish Rite EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING 26-Nov 6:30 PM Lake Worth Scottish Rite Consistory meeting 12:00 PM South Broward Scottish Rite Club 7:30 PM Masters & Wardens @ J. Dewey Hawkins Lodge Stated 7:30 PM J. Dewey Hawkins Lodge Stated 20-Nov Elections (Dinner 6:30 PM) Heart 6:00 PM -10:00 PM Tropical Acres Steakhouse 2500 Griffin Road, Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy a gala evening of fellowship and charitably giving, Chinese auction baskets and fine jewelry to the lucky winners! 21-Nov 7:30 PM Eureka North Shore Fellow Craft Degree 7:30 PM Roe Fulkerson Lodge Stated 7:30 PM West Broward Lodge Stated RW Walter G. Flemke DDGM Official Visit 27-Nov 22-Nov 10:00 AM Doric Enter Apprentice Degree Saturday, lodge opens at 9:00 for coffee, degree starts at 10:00am, lunch will be provided. 6:30 PM Scottish Rite Miami Foundation Dinner 28-Nov 29-Nov
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