Document 399790

Issue 38
Ashara Mubaraka 1436H Mumbai, California, Broadcast and Amal Details.
‫بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم‬
َ ‫أَ يَوَد ُ أَ حَد ُك ُ ْم أَ ن تَكُونَ لَه ُ جَن َة ٌ م ِن‬
ٍ ‫نخ ِي‬
‫تح ْتِهَا الْأَ نْهَار ُ لَه ُ ف ِيهَا م ِن‬
َ ‫تجْرِي م ِن‬
َ ‫اب‬
ٍ َ ‫و َأَ عْن‬
ِ َ ‫ل الثم ََر‬
ِ ُ‫ك‬
ُ ‫ات و َأَ صَابَه ُ ال ْ كِب َر ُ وَلَه ُ ذُرِ ي َة ٌ ضُعَف َاء‬
َ ِ ‫ت ۗ كَذََٰل‬
ْ َ ‫ف َأَ صَابَهَا ِإ ْعصَار ٌ ف ِيه ِ ن َار ٌ فَاحْت َر َق‬
* َ‫َات لَعَل َك ُ ْم تَتَف َك َر ُون‬
ِ ‫يُبَي ِنُ الل َه ُ ل َكُم ُ الْآي‬
(Surat al-Baqara: 266)
Does any of you wish that he
should have a garden with datepalms and vines and streams
flowing underneath, and all kinds
of fruit, while he is stricken with old
age, and his children are not strong
(enough to look after themselves)that it should be caught in a
whirlwind, with fire therein, and be
burnt up? Thus doth Allah make
clear to you (His) Signs; that ye
may consider.
In the beginning of the new year, on
the solemn occasion of Aashura,
Huzurala Syedna Khuzaima
QutbuddinTUSbestows Doa Mubarak
for all mumineen. May Allah Ta’ala
grant mumineen the strength to
remember the musibat of Imam Husain
and his Ahle Bait and Ashaab and
follow in their example. May Allah
Ta’ala by the wasila of Imam Husain,
safe guard mumineen from all
calamities -- Husain na gham siwa koi
gham na dikhave.
May Allah Ta’ala by the wasila of
Panjatan, Aimat, and Duat, fulfil
mumineen’s wishes in this coming year
and shower them with barakaat and
SIJILL ARTICLE: Rasulullah’sSAwaari
Syedna al-Muayyad al-Shirazi, the bab
al-abwab of the 14th Imam MuizzAS in
Cairo says that this ayat of the Quran,
quoted above, describes the tragedy of
Imam Husain in Karbala. Would you
not want that such tragedy never befell
you and your loved ones.
The tragedy of Imam HusainAS and his
family and companions has been
remembered throughout the centuries.
Featured updates:
Doa Message
Syedna BurhanuddinRA and Syedna
QutbuddinTUSperform ziarat in Karbala
Imam HusainSA Doa in Aashura
(allahumma anta siqati) & ‘Ya
We weep for Imam Husain and his
family, and what befell them in Karbala,
because we love Imam Husain. It is a
measure of love that when the beloved
undergoes tragedy, we feel the hurt in
our hearts, just as if we were
undergoing it, or even more. Husain is
our beloved Imam, the grandson of our
great Nabi Mohammad RasulullahSLA,
the son of our most revered and
beloved Aqa Ali Amirul mumineenAS,
and of our beloved Molatuna FatemaAS.
In the majlis, the waaz, the marsiya,
when we hear of the merciless killing of
the family of the Nabi of Islam, by
people who called themselves Muslims,
our hearts bleed and our eyes shed
tears, as if it was our own flesh and
blood undergoing this tragedy. When
we hear of the army of Yazid denying
the ahlul bayt water for three days, the
three continuous days of thirst and
hunger, even of the six month old Ali
asghr; when we hear of Imam Husain
giving courage to all those with him on
the eve of Ashura, preparing them for
the day of massacre to come; when we
hear of Abbas Alamdar not drinking
even a drop from the river, seeing to
get the water quickly to Sakina; when
we hear of Husain holding his young
son Ali Akbar’s head in his lap and
giving us mumineen good tidings of
our last moments; when we hear of
Husain raising his six month old Ali
Asghar high up on his hands, and the
arrow piercing his tender neck; when
we hear Husain saying to Zainab and
Umme Kulsoom to all wear “double
double kapra”; when we hear of Zainab
watching from afar as Shimar
separates her beloved brother Husain’s
sacred head from his pure body; when
we hear of the women and children of
the Prophet’s family being tied with
ropes and driven as slaves in the
unforgiving heat of the desert, with the
Imam Ali Zainulabidin walking with
chains tied around his neck, his hands,
and his bare feet. We cry even more
than we would for our own flesh and
blood as Syedna al-Muayyad al-Shirazi
has said that the spiritual relationship
between a mumin and his spiritual
parents is much stronger and
everlasting than the relationship with
Issue 38
physical parents. The Imam is the
spiritual father of all mumineen; this is
not only our family, this is the
Prophet’s family. This is Husain, who
sacrificed all for the sake of Islam and
the muslim umma, for the sake of the
Dawat of his grandfather, for all those
mumineen who came after him till
The example that Husain Imam and his
Ahle bayt and ashab have set for the
world is beyond comparison, beyond
description and beyond superlatives. It
not only changed the course of history,
but ensured the survival and prosperity
of Dawat and mumineen till the day of
Qiyamat. The only person who could
aspire to this was Husain’s Dai, Syedna
Qutbuddin ShaheedRA, who did the
same for the Dawat of satr, the Dawat
of Imamuzzaman -- standing up for
principal against tyranny and falsehood.
Today, our Dai, who Syedna Taher
SaifuddinRA gave the laqab (name) of
Qutbuddin, taking the barakat of the
name of Syedna Qutbuddin ShaheedRA,
Syedna Khuzaima QutbuddinTUS, is
following the example set by Imam
HusainAS in Karbala and by his
predecessor Syedna Qutbuddin
Shaheed in Ahmedabad. He is standing
up to falshehood, tyranny and
oppression, sacrificing everything for
the sake of the Dawat of
Imamuzzaman, the community of
mumineen, for its survival and its
identity as the Dawoodi Bohra
Community, nurtured so fondly by Dais
before him, especially the 51st Dai
Syedna Taher SaifuddinRA and the
52nd Dai Syedna Mohammed
Syedna QutbuddinTUS is doing waaz
with great shaan in Darus Sakina, in
Ashara mubaraka. Each waaz is a book
unto itself, and an aayat (proof) of Haq
unto itself. It does not even compare to
others who may call themselves
waaezeen and then use language on
the takht not becoming even language
on the street. Syedna Qutbuddin
recited the history of the victory of
Imam Mansur over the usurper Dajjal in
North Africa in great detail. The Imam
bore much hardship in his campaign to
free his people, mumineen from the
clutches of Dajjal. The Imam was in the
battlefield for ten years continuously.
After many years in the field, he wrote
to his son and successor Muizz who
was in Mahdiyya the capital of the
Imam, “I want from this only to please
my Creator, and the glory of the
Empire of the progeny of Rasulullah;
What greater loneliness, what greater
calamity, but in the way of Allah it is
nothing, it is nothing; I thank Allah for
what He has ordained, He is my succor
and on Him I depend.” When finally
Dajjal was caught by the Imam’s army,
Mansur Imam AS addressed him and
said, “did you what God has done; He
raised the truth, Haq, up high, even
though its helpers are few, and
destroyed the falsehood, Batil, even
though its helpers are many.” Syedna
Taher SaifuddinRAfought many court
cases, some which he himself initiated
against perpetrators, and some which
were brought against him. Allah taala
gave Syedna Taher Saifuddin victory.
Syedna Taher Saifuddin said, “there is
attack after attack but I do not
complain, rather I thank Allah taala,
that in all these difficulties, I am
getting the reward of fighting for the
truth, Haq.”
It now falls upon us mumineen, who
love our Dai-zzaman, Syedna
Khuzaima QutbuddinTUS, as our
spiritual father, as Syedna Hatim has
said. It is now upon us, just as we weep
for Husain out of love for him, to stand
by our beloved Dai, and his Dawat in
these most adverse of times. Every
step that each of us takes towards this
end today, will have a far reaching
impact, because these are formative
times; Our Dai is showing us the way,
all that we need to do, as we remember
the sacrifice of our Aqa Husain in these
days of Ashara and especially Ashura,
is to live by the example set for us, by
our Imam, and by his Dai today; and
stand up for the defense of Dai and
Dawat, and the future of our children
and our community.
Mumbai & Bakersfield Program
On Aashura day (Sunday 2nd Nov)
Syedna Khuzaima QutbuddinTUS will
deliver the 9 waaz of Muharram at
10.30AM followed by Zohor Asar
Namaaz and Aqa HusainSAMaqtal
Bayaan. Mumineen are invited for
Imam HusainSA Niyaz and Salawaat
Jaman after Maghrib.
In Bakersfield, Shz Taher bhaisaheb
will begin morning waaz at 10.30AM
and Maqtal Bayaan at 2.30PM, which
will be broadcast live as stated above
for those in a similar timezone. For
those ahead of US Pacific time, please
view Amal Details below.
AMAL DETAILS: Aashura Night &
Aashura Day 1436H
Mumineen who are unable to attend
waaz in Mumbai or Bakersfield are also
urged to congregate and get together
to listen to waaz and for Imam
HusainSA Niyaz jaman in their home
towns. In Toronto please contact
(289)627-9822 for further details.
On Aashura Night Mumineen should
listen to recording of Shahaadat
Bayaan of Shz Dr. Aziz bhaisaheb
Mumineen should spend the night in
bandagi and pray Bihori Namaaz,
especially Nisful Layl – but also take
rest to be able to take barakaat on
Aashura Day.
Mumineen should observe ‘laagan’ on
Aashura day. Laagan is like roza in the
sense that we refrain from all food and
drink from dusk to dawn, but
the niyyat is of laagan – that is
refraining from food and drink in
remembrance of the thirst and hunger
of Imam HusainSA and his Ahle Bayt
and Ashaab. In the afternoon children
should be given a small snack so that
they have strength for maatam.
For those on the West Coast of the US,
Shz Taher bhaisaheb live waaz will be
broadcast starting 10.30AM PST
followed by Maqtal Waaz at 2.30PM
Mumineen who are unable to listen to
the live waaz should view recording of
SyednaTUS waaz from previous year in
the morning before Zohr Asar Namaz.
Issue 38
Mumineen are gathering in various
cities. After zawaal mumineen should
pray Zohor Faraz with Sunnat and
Naafelat. After Zohor Naafelat
Mumineen should pray Imam Husain
Taqarrub namaaz and Syedna Taher
SaifuddinRA and Syedna Mohammed
Buranuddin Tawassul Namaaz
followed by namaz for Doa for tulul
umar of Dai al-Asr. PDF of Niyyats for
those namaz as well as the Doa after
tawassul namaaz is available
on (p. 18).
Recording of wasila is also presented
which should be listened to after
tawassul namaz. After wasila
Mumineen should pray Asar Sunnat
and Faraz.
In the afternoon (Asar ni ghari)
Mumineen should view Maqtal Bayaan
recording, keeping in mind that
mumineen should finish viewing before
Mumineen should observe all adab of
Majlis as they do in Masjid and
immerse themselves throughout the
day in the remembrance and grieving
of Imam HusainSA. The full day should
be spent in remembrance and
mourning, in any spare time mumineen
should pray Ya Sayyida al-Shuhadaa’i
marsiya (PDF with translation available
on website) and Fulkul Husain (PDF on
website) and do tasbeeh of Imam
HusainSA 128 times (as per the adad of
Husain – just as Ali is 110).
After Maghrib Namaz Mumineen
should pray ‘Ya Muhsinu qad jaa’akal
musee’ doa and ‘allahumma ya mu’tias
su’alaat’ doa before iftaar (PDF of Doa
available in Amal Details section
of p. 38).
NEWS & EVENTS: Highlights &
Photos from SyednaTUS Ashara
Syedna Qutbuddin bestows the
greatest blessing of Ilm-e-AaleMohammad to mumineen and delivers
waaz mubarak that inspires each and
every soul to achieve greater heights in
aqeedah (conviction) and akhlaaq
(character). It is impossible to capture
the essence of MoulanaTUS waaz
mubarak on paper, but here we would
like to briefly narrate the contents of
each waaz. We will offer a more
detailed summary of each waaz and
videos in upcoming Sijill issues
In the first waaz mubarak,
SyednaTUSbegan with explaining that
the new year (1436H) is a day of
happiness, but it is immediately
followed by Ashara mubaraka’s days of
mourning and remembrance of Imam
Husain. Syedna then narrated hamd ni
ibarat from Syedna Taher Saifuddin’s
Risalat sharifah, Masarraat ul fath il
mubeen, (celebrations of “Fath e
Mubeen”, great victory). This waaz
marked the beginning of Syedna’s
series of four waazs in zikar of Fath-eMubeen, explaining in elaborate,
breathtaking detail its historical
anecdotes. The first zikar of Fath-eMubeen was of Rasullulah’s Fath-e
Makkah. Syedna narrated
Rasulullah’sSAW early history until
hijjatul wadaa.
In the second waaz,
SyednaTUS narrated the Battle of
Khandaq in great detail and discussed
the concept of “mubarazat” (dual in
battle) in this historical context (i.e.
between Amirul Mumineen and Amr
bin Abde Wadd) as well as in today’s
context. Syedna also explained
the fitnat of Majdu during Syedna
Hibatullah al Mu’yyad’s zaman. During
this time, Syedna Mu’ayyad had
instructed mumineen to do, every day,
2000 times tasbeeh of “Yaa Ali”; in
today’s time of dark fitnat, Syedna
Qutbuddin instructs mumineen to do
the same: every day, 2000 times
tasbeeh of “Yaa Ali”.
In the third waaz, Syedna addressed
mumineen as the millat of Ibrahim
Nabi, 3rdNatiq and mustaqarr Imam.
Syedna related that Mohammed
Rasulullah is in the same nasal as
IbrahimAS. Mohammed Rasullullah is
the one who gives both good tidings
and warnings. Syedna also narrated in
great detail Mansoor Imam’s fateh
against Dajjal. Dajjal was a ruthless
rebel who terrorized the people living
in the realms of the Fatimid Imams,
falsely taking the name of Islam; his
army had overtaken most of the
Fatimid empire when Mansoor Imam
finally defeated him— as Mahdi Imam
(his grandfather) had predicted he
would even before he was born.
In the fourth waaz, Syedna explained
that the Imam has been in
concealment (satar) for over 900 years,
and he is represented by his Dai during
this satar. When Tayyib Imam went
into satar, his cousin Abdul Majid was
given temporal responsibility of the
Fatimid Empire. Shortly after Tayyeb
Imam’s concealment, Abdul Majid
wrote a letter to Maulatuna Hurratul
Malika in which he claimed that he
himself was the Imam. Maulatuna
Hurratul Malika sharply rebuked him
for this claim, and told him that she
knew very well the true Imam.
RasulullahSAW promised that for each
age there would be a guide, and today
the Dai is this guide, who shows
mumineen how to recognize and do
ma’rifat of the Imam. Syedna also
narrated zikars about Musa NabiAS and
Isa NabiAS from the KitabIkhwanus Safa.
Syedna elaborated on a specific tale in
which Isa Nabi is traveling with a man
who lies, and ultimately falls prey to his
own greed for bricks of gold; the man is
unable to see the shaan of Isa Nabi
although he himself has personally
experienced his karaamaat and
In the fifth waaz, the waaz of
Rasullulah, Syedna asserts that the
miracles of Rasullullah are not only
allegorical, they occurred in reality.
Rasulullah is the sahib of mo’jiza, and
Syedna BurhanuddinRA was very fond
of the zikar of inshiqaq ul qamar, when
Issue 38
the moon split and half and came to
Rasulullah. Then Syedna narrated the
fourth fateh zikar of Moiz Imam’s fateh
Misr. Moiz Imam had a dream in which
there were many swords lying in front
of him and one sahib is behind Moiz
Imam, one is to his right, another to his
left. On his right is Moulana Ali, with
zulfiqar, on his left is Moulana Hamza
who strikes down three enemies with
one blow. Another man stands in the
distance, the munafiq Abu Musa al
Ashari to whom Moiz Imam refuses a
sword. The sahib behind him laughs
out aloud--Moiz Imam turns to this
sahib and asks, who are you? He says, I
am your grandfather, Rasulullah.
Syedna then explained the fifth fateh Syedna Taher Saifuddin’s fateh in court.
Syedna then explained the sixth fateh Syedna Daud bin Qutub Shah’s fateh
against the pretender Sulayman, and
the Mughal emperor Akbar’s reverence
for and khidmat of Syedna Daud.
Syedna Daud had to stay in full hiding
for three years in a cave in Ahmedabad
and then went to Akhbar Badshah who,
convinced that Syedna Daud was the
sahib of truth, officially declared that
he was the true haqq na Dai. Syedna
then explained the seventh fateh Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin does
iltija to Imam uz zaman for nasr-e
azeez and fath-e mubeen, and he does
iltija to the Imam for zuhoor.Inshaallah
o taala. Syedna concluded the waaz
with the shahadat of Rasulullah.
In the sixth waaz, the waaz of
Maulatuna Fatema, Syedna explained
the shaan of Maulatuna Fatema, for
whom Rasullulah said “Fatema minni
min bad’ah” (Fatema is part of me),
and “Fatema ummo abiha”, (Fatema is
the mother of her father). Rasullallah
said that Fatema was born from a
jannat apple. Syedna elaborated on the
haqiqat meanings of these praises and
many others. Syedna also narrated in
beautiful detail the shaadi of
Moulatuna Fatema and Moulana Ali,
both in the heaven and on earth.
Syedna emphasized the importance of
a strong, supportive, respectful
relationship between husband and wife.
There are five letters in the Arabic
name “Fatema”—Syedna did bayaan of
two shaan of Fatema (1-Rasulullah ni
shahzadi, and 2-Maulana Ali ni dulhan),
and promised to do bayaan of the
remaining three shaan in the next waaz.
There are seven letters in the Arabic
name “Al-Zahra”—seven after seven
Imams in Fatema’s progeny till the Day
of Qiyamat. Syedna concluded the
waaz with the shahadat of Moulatuna
In the seventh waaz, the waaz of
Amirul Mumineen, Syedna explained
the shaan of Amiral Mumineen. There
are 3 letters in the Arabic name Ali—
Syedna did bayaan of 3 shaan of
Maulana Ali: (1) Nabi and Wasi bring
together the dawr of all previous
anbiya and awsiya—12 khajoori na
mo’jiza, (2) Uhud ni larai, Rasulullah
said “Ali is a part of me, and I am a part
of him”, (3) Ali sends Jabir in a stream
of noor from Kufa to perform
Rasulullah’s ziyarat in Medina. Syedna
also completed the 5 shaan of Fatema:
(3) mother of Hasan Husain, (4)
Tasbeeh-e Fatema, Rasulullah’s gift to
her, to be prayed after every farizat
namaaz, and (5) Salmaan ul Farisi zikar,
who came for pursa to Maulatuna
Fatema, and to whom she recounted
the visit of four hoor ul een from Jannat,
who are consorts of the four shaandaar
sahabi: Salmaan, Abi Dharr, Miqdad,
and Ammar. Syedna did pur dard
bayaan of shahadat of “Maulana Ali’s
two shehzada: one, Abbas, was killed
by the dushman cutting off his two
hands, and the other, Shabbeer, was
killed by the dushman cutting of his
head. Syedna ended the waaz with pur
josh shahadat bayaan of Maulatuna
Fatema and Maulana Ali.
In Ashara mubaraka, Mumineen
mukhliseen have been gathering every
day for Syedna’s waaz mubarak,
Husain Imam matam majlis, and
niyaaz-e Husain in Darus Sakina—with
Husain Imam’s zikar, and in Syedna’s
saya, a true Baagh-e Iram.
We will post summaries of the
remaining two days—Tasu’a and
Ashura—in the next Sijill inshaallah.
Photos of Ashara Majalis have been
presented on
NEWS & EVENTS: Highlights &
Photos from Pehli Tarik Majlis
Syedna QutbuddinTUS presided over
the pehli Tarik majlis on Muharram 1,
1436H. Khushi ni majlis was followed
by qadam bosi and the new year thaal.
Presented online are photos from the
in Aashura (allahumma anta siqati)
& ‘Ya Sayyidash-shuhadaai’
We are pleased to present on the
solemn occasion of Aashura, a
translation of the doa recited by Imam
HusainSA in Aashura:allahumma anta
siqati fi kulli karbin.
We are also pleased to present a
translation of Syedna Taher
Saifuddin’sRA iconic marsiya in the
remembrance of the musibat of Imam
HusainSA Ya Sayyidash-shuhadaai’.
Both, the doa and the marsiya, have
been translated by Shz. Dr. Bazat
Tahera baisaheba.
The PDF of the doa and full qasida with
translation is presented on
Issue 38
EXCERPTS: Selected Excerpts from
Shz Taher bhaisaheb Bayaan on
Specific Themes
During Ashara Mubaraka Waaz
Shehzada Taher bhaisaheb did zikar of
many pertinent themes. Presented on are 9 clips, each 4-7
min each. The first excerpt is about the
significance of walaayat. The second is
about ta’at, and explanation of sajda.
The third is about Abizer’s sacchai,
Abizer was tested on the truth of his
words by Rasulullah. The fourth
excerpt is about the truth about
the nass conferred on Syedna
Qutbuddin and the lies and fallacies
spread by the other side. The fifth
excerpt is about Syedi Najam Khaan,
the Mazoon who was conspired against.
The sixth excerpt is about Yusuf Nabi,
the 11th child of Yaqub nabi, Syedna
Qutbuddin is also the 11th child of
Syedna Taher Saifuddin. In the seventh
excerpt Shz. Taher Bhaisaheb drew
parallels between Syedna Qutbuddin's
considerations in staying absent
from the janaza mubaraka of
Burhanuddin AqaRAand other relevant
historical events. The seventh excerpt
is about Syedna Taher Saifuddin’s
nazaraat on Syedna Qutbuddin. The
eight excerpt is about Faiz and Taeed,
which are received from Imamuz
zaman by the Dai and then through
him to others in Aala rutbas. The ninth
excerpt is about Suleiman Nabi, and
an explanation of tawil of the story.
WEBSITE:Featuring Articles
Published in Print Media Regarding
Current Issues in the Community
We are pleased to present the Media
Section on featuring
selected articles from the hundreds of
articles that have appeared in print
media – particularly in India – regarding
the current issues in our Community.
The articles have been divided in three
1. Press Releases from the office
of Syedna Qutbuddin
2. News Articles: Community
3. News Articles: Legal
Fatemi Madrasa is pleased to present
Riwayat, “Karbala ni Mathi”. This
riwayat is about soil from Karbala that
was given by RasulullahSAW to Umme
Salema, this soil turned red when
Imam HusainAS was martyred.
We are pleased to present a complete
Misri Calendar for 1436H along with
the main miqaats, parallel Gregorian
dates. The calendar is presented in
printable (A4) PDF format.
A version with namaz timings for
Mumbai is also available. We are happy
to send versions with namaz times for
specific cities upon request. Please
send your request
[email protected].
We are also working on a .csv file of our
calendar which mumineen can import
into their existing calendar on their
PC/MAC or google calendar.
This Newsletter
This newsletter will inshaallah be published every Friday. It will include the latest news and instructions from Syedna Qutbuddin’s office and will
be published in Dawat-ni-zaban and Gujarati. It will also highlight the latest updates on
Please register to receive the newsletter regularly at [email protected]
Sijill is an Arabic word which literally means official letter. It was a term often used in the Fatimid chancery.
The name is inspired by the most auspicious letter 'Sijill-ul-Bisharat'.
Updates this week
 SIJILL ARTICLE: Rasulullah’s waari
 ANNOUNCEMENT: Aashura 1436H Mumbai &
Bakersfield Program
 AMAL DETAILS: Aashura Night & Aashura Day 1436H
 NEWS & EVENTS: Highlights & Photos from
SyednaTUSAshara Mubaraka
NEWS & EVENTS: Highlights & Photos from Pehli Tarik
QASIDAS & DOA Translation: Imam HusainSA Doa in
Aashura (allahumma anta siqati) & ‘Ya Sayyidashshuhadaai’
Shz Taher Bhaisaheb Waaz Excerpts
Media Section on Website
FATEMI MADRASA: Riwayat – Karbala ni mathi
1436H Calendar
Issue 38
Upcoming updates
Quran recitation with commentary analysis (regular).
Hikayaat: Morals & Fables from Dawat Kitaabs
Article Series: Women in Islam
Fatemi Madrasa new material
Fatemi Dawat Architecture – Galleries and
 Fatimid Literature Article Series
 Q&A series on pertinent issues: Shari’a compliant
finance, qasar namaz.
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