November 2, 2014 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Page 1 Memories of the Future The Future is as Bright as the Promises of God St. John Brebeuf Parish 8307 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714 847-966-8145 Dear Parishioners, Thank you for your sacrificial support of St. John Brebeuf Parish. You are good people who continue to give yourselves year after year to make our parish and school a place of compassion and hope for all. This Annual Report for the fiscal year 2013-2014 gives us a “snap-shot”, a “glimpse”, of what we have accomplished together through the grace of God. While many good things have occurred this past year, some of the highlights are: Two Popes, two Hopes! The Canonization of Saint John Paul II and Saint John XXIII certainly was the most important event for the Church Universal and for us. Deacon Mariusz Kosla generously took on the responsibility to lead a parish pilgrimage to St. Peter's Basilica, Rome for the Canonization Mass. Along with millions around the world, they brought our prayers for peace and unity to this once in a lifetime Papal Mass of Thanksgiving. These great men, saints of our time, transformed the church and world. Our 60th Anniversary Celebration at Chateau Ritz last September brought old time parishioners and new arrivals together to celebrate God's many blessings. The Festival reprise “Variety Show” that tied the parish history together in song and dance brought down the house. The earlier 60th Anniversary Parish Picnic in the Forest Preserve enabled the little ones not only a chance to ride a Camel but help all of us to enter into community life and be a part of something much, much bigger than our own projects and desires. It's Christ working through us! To Teach Who Christ Is, a Campaign to Support Catholic Education and Faith Formation has enabled us first and foremost to continue to pass on the faith to young and old alike. If we don't have the infrastructure, none of the strategically important elements of Catholic Education for teens, children and adults would be possible. Through the generosity of 386 donors we have replaced a part the school roof and entire gym west wall and east windows. Our school, religious education, Polish School and the entire parish will benefit for decades! The Monsignor Flanagan Hall was refreshed by installing a new floor and being painted. St. John Brebeuf School has become a recognized leader throughout the Archdiocese and has recently upgraded its technology and is constantly looking to enhance its approach to ensure each child can grow not only academically but as a disciple of Christ. Mrs. Elise Matson and her team brings enthusiasm, hard work and Christian compassion to our young children each and every day! The Concert Series organized by Marek Rachelski, our Music Director is designed to deepen our Catholic faith, provide a rich cultural experience and build community. This year, everyone is looking forward to the performance of Handel's Messiah and the annual do-it-yourself concert on Tuesday, December 2, at 7 p.m. Yes, we have challenges but with God, all things are possible! Thank you, Fr. Mike Meany Page 2 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed November 2, 2014 2013-2014 Annual Report Accomplishments—2013/2014 Awardee, Charlotte Lindquist. GALA raised $81,773 in 2013. Enhanced Sunday Liturgical Celebration - Under the leadership of Marek Rachelski and Deacon Mariusz Kosla, there has been effort to have better coordination between the English and Polish speaking communities in order that our worship each Sunday is prayerful and provides a means for a deeper encounter with our merciful God. The liturgical ministers and choirs have undergone training and have been challenged to always do their best. Plus there has been an ongoing invitation to the entire community to join a particular liturgical ministry. Strong Catholic Families – A program was begun to support Catholic values and practices in the home. Respect Life – Baby Bottle Collection to Support the Women's Center - $17,000 - 40 Days for Life Scouts – Good attendance at Monthly Mass, Pancake Breakfast, Spaghetti Dinner, Camp Trip and two new Eagle Scouts—Andrew Cichon, Adam Cieply Women's Club – International Night, Holiday Craft Fair – Woman of the Year - Connie Sparkowski St. Queen Jadwiga Society – The parish received a relic of the saint at a special mass of thanksgiving Men's Club – Support of Parish Picnic, Ice Skating celebrated by Bishop Andrew Wypych. Eight new Rink and Sunday Bingo – Yearly donation to the Liturgical vestments were given to the parish on the parish of $10,000.00. occasion of the canonization of John Paul II. New Year's Eve Party – Largest attendance 2014 Altar Server training – Father Peter Rapcia, along $22,000.00 in their account for special church with his team, has provided more training, conproject. ducted recruitment drives and has celebrated accomplishments with the servers. Religious Education for children on Saturday to support those families who attend Nicholas CoperSacristans - Funerals and daily Mass, and recently nicus School of Polish Language and Culture. have begun using high school sacristans for Sunday Participate in parish celebration of the Sacraments. mass with the responsibility to set up the proper Classes conducted in English. vessels and assist the altar servers. Thanks to Nancy and Pat O'Connor who have been present for all 10th Anniversary of Eucharistic Chapel with Bishop funerals (155), except when away for the winter Joseph Perry – Rev. Pavel Komperda gave evening months. of reflection on the importance of the Eucharist. Youth Ministry – Alive In You Camp had the largest number of attendees. Pam Perez, Fr. Robert Pajor and Deacon Andy Beierwaltes attended this year’s week in Cincinnati. Youth Minister helped host Totus Tuus Summer Youth Camp with 60 attendees. 20th Anniversary Gala 2013 – Thanks to all who founded the Gala and to the Shelia Harrington Priests – Welcome Father Robert Pajor, Father Robert Banzin, pastor emeritus of SJB celebrates 50th Priesthood Anniversary, Frances Cardinal George visits St. John Brebeuf in August to thank donors and inspect progress of the Gym Wall replacement funded by To Teach Who Christ Is Campaign. Father Jim Joslyn, Father Pat Marshall and Father Pavel Komperda continue to celebrate weekend liturgies. November 2, 2014 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Page 3 Joy in Jesus - A Ministry to 3 and 4 year olds during the Sunday Liturgy has largest number of participants in many years. Rectory – Asbestos removal in the ceiling and floors in the old office areas and dining room $16,000.00. Old office area being reconfigured and Protecting God's Children – A program established renovated to make a family room and informal 12 years ago to protect children from sexual abuse dining – kitchenette. by anyone involved in church ministry to children – for the laity, priests and adults whether paid or volunteers. Deacon Larry Skaja has trained 600 Goals—2014/2015 leaders. He has organized Virtus sessions with the help of Pam Perez and Tim Spadoni. Provide retreat experiences for adults. Days of Reflection and Adult Education for families and Seminarian Ruben Chaidez – St. Joseph College adults. Seminary Student – 10 week summer apostolate . Reach out to younger families—Strong Black Hawk Ice Skating Rink, Bear's Tailgate Catholic Families. Party, Mr. Patrick McCaskey talk about the Bear's Catholic Foundations, Sunday Bingo are ways we Register parishioners, conduct a census in the have brought the parish together! summer. Polish Speaking parishioners learned a great deal about the history of the sacraments lead by Deacon Mariusz Kosla and Father Peter Rapcia. About 60 people came each week for 7 weeks. Deacon Candidate Pavel Jurkulak makes final preparation after 4 years a student for Deacon Ordination in spring 2015. Public Relations – Mr. Dick Barton has enabled us to have very good coverage for parish events both locally and across the archdiocese. GLADD – For 44 years Mrs. Lois Kozeny continues to provide Religious Education for 120 children and adults with special needs. Over 100 friends assist Lois to teach, pray and celebrate God's love in classes held during three different times a week. This is an all volunteer ministry! Moved Offices to the Father May Ministry Center – In July 2013 the offices moved from the rectory to the space that was designed for that purpose in the May Ministry Center which was built 10 years ago. Mr. John Mazur and Jim Zarembski assisted with the move. Barbara Bronder sorted through 60 years of old files – 120 boxes of files were shredded dating back to Msgr. Flanagan. Bereavement Ministry to assist those preparing the funeral rites and who are grieving. Marriage Preparation – To provide Marriage Preparation classes for the approximately 48 couples who celebrate the sacrament each year here. By The Numbers… Registered Families Registered Parishioners Non-Registered Persons October Mass Count (2013) Baptisms First Communions Confirmations Marriages Funerals Anointing of Sick/Emergency Calls School Enrollment K-8 School Tuition Rate Religious Education Enrollment R/E Tuition Rate Parish Organizations 3286 9622 1675 3348 140 84 66 48 155 102 298 4902 412 200 55 Page 4 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed November 2, 2014 November 2, 2014 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Page 5 Page 6 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed November 2, 2014 Update on Parish Transformation: Homilies Did you know our parish priests and deacons meet on a regular basis to pray and exchange ideas on how the clergy can improve our weekly liturgies, including preaching homilies relevant to Catholics today? As part of the ongoing implementation of Parish Transformation, a series of homilies will be given in conjunction with the Strategic Pastoral Plan for the Archdiocese of Chicago. This year the focus will be on the “Year of the Sacraments.” The first Sacrament to be featured in this series of Homilies is: The Sacrament of Baptism at the weekend liturgies, November 8 and 9. By virtue of our Baptisms, we as members of the Catholic Church are called to Holiness and the need to develop our faith and spiritual lives. The Sacraments of Initiation in Particular provide us the gift of Grace to help us with our Spiritual journeys. And this is why Sacraments are never a “private affair.” We hope this series will enrich your spiritual growth and knowledge of the gifts instituted by Christ, which we receive in the seven Sacraments of the Church. We welcome your feedback. Fr. Meany, Parish Priests and Deacons. The following book, 2015 “Workbook for Lectors” is now available in the usher’s room through Sunday, November 23rd. Any workbooks not picked up by the 23rd will be available for pickup at the parish office. November 2, 2014 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Devotions in the Church Rosary Monday through Friday After 8:45 AM Mass After 7:30 AM Mass Saturday Ave Maria Polish Prayer Group Wednesday, After 7:00 PM Mass (Including Benediction ) First Friday Devotions To the Sacred Heart of Jesus After 8:45 AM Mass and After 7:00 PM Polish Mass First Saturday Devotions To Immaculate Heart of Mary After 7:30 AM Mass and After 6:30 PM Polish Mass Devotions in the Adoration Chapel Marian Prayer Group Monday 7:00 PM Godzinki Ave Maria Prayer Group Thursday 8:00 AM Hour of Divine Mercy Friday 3:00 PM (Includes Stations of the Cross) Page 7 LITURGICAL CALENDAR Saturday, November 1 All Saints Day 9:00—All Saints/All Souls Day Mass Sunday, November 2 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Sunday, November 9 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 9:00—Scout Mass 2:00—Gladd First Friday, November 7 6:00—Confession 7:00—Liturgy (Polish) Sunday, November 16 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 2:00—Archdiocesan Confirmation Retreat—Bishop John Manz Pray for priests every Thursday The Marvelous Rosary Join in Rosary Prayers daily, Monday through Friday, immediately following the 8:45 AM Mass; Saturday following the 7:30 AM Mass; Sunday before the 7:30 AM Mass. Praying the rosary together in front of the Blessed Sacrament gives many graces and is so peaceful. PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Christ's followers were skeptical when He preached the reality of His Body and Blood as food and drink. St. John said, "many of His disciples withdrew and no longer went about with Him." Seeing this, Jesus asked the Twelve, "Do you also want to leave me?" Simon Peter did not understand any more than those who left Christ, but his loyalty was more firm. "Lord," he said, "to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." We have the "Word of Eternal Life" right here with us day and night in our Adoration Chapel. Do you have something you want to ask Him? There are several hours needing adorers. Please pick one for your personal hour with Him. Altar Server Schedule Week of November 3—9 Monday: 8:45—Samantha Dias, Vincenzo Genualdi Tuesday: 8:45—Alex Cichon, Ryan Inumerable Wednesday: 8:45—Jake Wargo, Vincent Macam Thursday: 8:45—Shane Tarjan, Johnny Sliwa Friday: 8:45—Grace Seitzinger, Delilah Denka Saturday: 7:30—Amanda Tolentino, Caitlin Aguada Allison Regailo 5:00—Cameron Faust, Jonathan Abon Monica Schoenfeldt 6:30—Magda Chilinski, Karolina Dyczko Agata Soltys Sunday: 7:30—Gabriel Catane, Jesse Anamoo Renz Yuson 9:00—Bryanna Manogura, Brandon Manogura Benjamin Manogura 10:45—Jason Parinas, Alina Bosak Daniel Bosak 12:30—Steven Sciwiarski, David Jozefczak Julia Lukasik 6:00—Denise Gomez, Agnieszka Rostkowski Ania Rostkowski Page 8 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed READINGS FOR NOVEMBER 8 First Reading —I saw water flowing out of the temple; wherever the river flows, every living creature shall live (Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12). Psalm — The waters of the river gladden the city of God, the holy dwelling of the Most High (Psalm 46). Second Reading — Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? (1 Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17). Gospel — Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up (John 2:13-22). Your Music Ministry Schedule Sundays 4:00—5:30 PM Teen Choir Tuesdays 2:00—3:15 PM Children's Choir (in school) Tuesdays 7:00—9:00 PM Niles Metropolitan Chorus Wednesdays 3:15—4:00 Multigenerational Hand Bell Choir Thursday 6:45—7:30 PM Cantate Deo Women’s Ensemble Thursday 7:30—9:00 PM Adult Choir November 2, 2014 December 21st, Sundays from 10:00 am to Noon. Our title is Spirituality of the Gospels. The four Gospels of the New Testament provide a rich multidimensional portrait of Jesus Christ. Each maps a unique spiritual path into life with him. In Spirituality of the Gospels, the modern guest for Spiritual fulfillment is met with profound insights from the gospels and enduring examples from the lives of the saints it has inspired. Contact Chester Gilbert at 847966-4789 or [email protected] for more information. Drop off registration form and $10.00 fee to the parish office. Name: __________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ Phone No.: All rehearsals in Church Music Rehearsal Room. __________________________________________ Altar Bread and Wine will be Offered in Memory of Michael F. Priami, Jr. Donated by Michael & Elizabeth Priami during the week of November 2, 2014 PARISH SCRIPTURE STUDY Would you like to know the meaning that scripture holds for you today? Plan to join our Fall session beginning on November 2nd to Fee Paid: __________________________________________ A BIG “THANK” YOU FROM YOUR PARISH DEACONS We are truly grateful and graced by the outpouring of the support received from the parishioners of St. John Brebeuf for the annual Chicago Diaconate Community St. Francis of Assisi Banquet, October 12. We received over $3700 in donations and raffle ticket purchases making St. John Brebeuf Parish once again the top supporter for our annual fundraiser. The funds collected will help support the many ministries of the Diaconate Community in Chicago. We are truly humbled by your generosity and support for your parish deacons and their ministries. We are also happy to report that the $1000 grand-prize winner for the raffle was a parishioner of St. John Brebeuf! Many blessings to you and your loved-ones! Deacons Mariusz, Andy and Larry November 2, 2014 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Page 9 The Christifideles Award was bestowed on Gloria and Frank Morvay by Cardinal Francis George on Sunday, October 26 at Holy Name Cathedral. This award is given to lay people who participate in parish life and have demonstrated exemplary service to God and their neighbors. Pictured back row (left) Most Reverend Alberto Rojas; (right) Most Reverend Andrew P. Wypych Fr. Michael Meany, Gloria and Frank Morvay and Cardinal Francis George YOU CAN HELP A VETERAN You are invited to help a Veteran by tying a knot on a rosary. My name is Jimmy Connolly and I am a Life Scout from Troop 175. My Eagle project is to lead the community in making knotted twine rosaries for Veterans in the Hines VA Hospital. Please come to Flanagan Hall on Sunday, November 16, any time from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Tying just a few knots will take a short amount of time, but will mean a lot to the Veterans who have done so much for our country. Donations will be used to pay for supplies and religious items for Hines VA Hospital. THEOLOGY OF PARK RIDGE How to Reach Young Adults (and older ones, too) with Pope Francis’ Vision of the Way This World Should Be—is the subject of the Wednesday, November 5 lecture/discussion presented by Theology of Park Ridge. Gregory F. Pierce, publisher, with ACTA Publications will tackle the subject at 9:15 AM at Our Lady of Hope Church in Rosemont (9711 W. Devon). Cost is $10.00 and includes “coffee and…” Please call Judi Stephens for information or a ride, 847-842-9295. We Have a Place for Your Pre-Schooler While You Attend Mass! Are you not enjoying a meaningful worship experience at Sunday Mass because of your active pre-school child sitting alongside of you? Are you aware there is a solution? The Joy in Jesus Sunday pre-school program was established in the parish over 30 years ago to give young children the opportunity to learn about the wonders of God in terms they understand. The program provides a basic foundation for a future understanding of Christian revelations. Emphasis is given to the children’s self-awareness and their place in the Christian community. Joy in Jesus sessions are held in the school during the 10:45 Mass each Sunday. There are openings remaining in the classes which are for children age 3 1/2 through kindergarten. The fee for the year is $40. For information or to register, call Charlotte Lindquist, 847-470-1434. Page 10 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Mendelssohn’s Masterpiece ELIJAH October 26, 2014 November 2, 2014 November 2, 2014 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Page 11 Page 12 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed November 2, 2014 SJB YOUTH MINISTRY ANNOUNCEMENTS NOVEMBER 2014 1. IT’S TIME TO THINK SUMMER! SJB Youth Ministry is now registering teens for our Summer Service camp “ALIVE IN YOU 2015”. Be part of an inspirational summer experience! We will be traveling to Springfield, Illinois, from June 23 through June 28, 2015. “Early Bird” registration fee is $100 if turned in by November 30, 2014. Interested? Contact Mrs. Pam Perez by texting (847-239-2379) or emailing her. Tell your friends! ALL TEENS 13 YEARS AND OLDER ARE WELCOME! 2. Our next OPEN ROOM is this Sunday, November 2nd in the Youth Ministry Office from 7:00-9:00pm. Enjoy video games, board games, or watch a movie. Invite your friends, and make new ones! SJB Youth Ministry provides snacks and pop. Pizza is only $3.00. ALL TEENS ARE WELCOME! 3. TEENS join us this Friday, November 7th, for “J3”, our Jammin’ Jesus Journey! We meet in the Youth Ministry/Extended Day area from 7:00-9:00pm for a prayerful and inspirational evening. It’s a great way to “Restart” your faith with Praise and Worship Music. Check it out! Invite your friends. BRING A SNACK TO SHARE WITH THE GROUP. 4. Our next LIFETEEN MASS and LIFE NIGHT is Saturday, November 22nd. We meet in the church for the 5:00 Mass. Then we go to FLANAGAN HALL for our evening activities until 8:00pm. ALL TEENS ARE WELCOME! 5. Our OVERNIGHT MOVIE EVENT is coming! Join us at 7:30pm Friday, November 28th to 10:00am Saturday, November 29th in the Youth Ministry/Extended Day area for a fun and inspirational time! Permission form and $5 donation will be required to attend. More details are coming! Find us on Facebook! Search for St John YM or our group St John Brebeuf YM Questions? Contact Pam Perez, Youth Ministry Director, 847-966-9815 [email protected] Check out our upcoming events at and select Parish Ministries, then Youth Ministry, then select Calendar. November 2, 2014 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Page 13 NOVEMBER IS MARKET DAY PIE MONTH Help Uncle Peteʼs Ministry aid those less fortunate this Thanksgiving. Donate an Apple Pie for $12.00. Complete the form below and include payment to the Market Day box in the vestibule of the church or to the school. Please make checks payable to Market Day. Or ............ Place your order online at Please contact Angela Schurr at 847-583-1863 with any questions. Thank you and May God Bless you and your families this Holiday season. Volunteers needed to help unload the pies day of pick-up. ______ I would like to donate ___pies to Uncle Peteʼs Ministry @ $12.00 each. My payment is enclosed. _____I placed my order online. Please Give Uncle Pete #____ Apple pie(s) Name:________________________ Phone #___________________________ Orders Due by November 10. Market Day Pick up is November 17 in the school gym 3-4pm. November 2—Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time: In the Gospel today, we hear the good news that when we keep our focus on God and serve one another, God exalts us! As you place your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Poor Box, please say a special prayer for the poor who have no one to pray for them. Parish Office: (847) 966-8145 Email: [email protected] BECAUSE OF YOU…… Our Sack Dinner Ministry has been a joy filled experience for all the parishioners who have participated. Whether you have handed out the bags, filled sacks and delivered them to Church, collected sacks, or distributed them to the less fortunate, you know that the face of the Lord is seen in those whose lives you have helped. A big Thank You and God Bless You to all who cared about the less fortunate and participated in this Let us pray for all women who ministry. Over 4000 sack dinners were distribhave lost a child due to SIDS (sudden uted to needy locations and individuals over the infant death syndrome,) miscarriage, eight months. Some of these locations include St. or abortion. May they find God's healing peace in Matthias, Madonna House, Grace House, St. Leothe arms of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. nard, St. Malachy, Marillac House, Deborah’s Let us continue to pray daily: “Jesus, Mary and Place, St. Martin de Porres, The Sisters of CharJoseph, I love you very much. I beg ity, the Franciscan Homeless Shelter, the homeyou to spare the life of the unborn less in the park, and many families. We will start baby that I have spiritually adopted again in March. THANK YOU AND GOD who is in danger of abortion.” BLESS YOU. Page 14 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed November 2, 2014 HOLIDAY CRAFT FAIR Sunday, November 23rd is the date of the annual Holiday Craft Fair hosted by the Catholic Women’s Club. It will be held in the May Ministry Center from 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM. Featured at the Holiday Fair will be a wide variety of seasonal and year-round handmade items created by individual crafters. A selection of cakes and cookies will be available for purchase at the popular bake table. Shoppers can enjoy a snack or lunch. Raffles will be held throughout the day. The Holiday Craft Fair always has something for everyone! The time for ordering wreaths has arrived. Look for your friendly scout from the troop to place your order. These wreaths will make wonderful holiday gifts. The troop will also be selling them at the holiday craft fair on Sunday, November 23rd. Need more information—call David at 847-3226454. VIRTUS TRAINING call Larry Skaja at 847-966-8145. Please arrive 30 minutes before the class to sign in. Per Archdiocese policy, all employees and volunteers No one will be allowed in after the session starts. working with children, in any Catholic Parish and/or School must attend a Virtus Training Session, before beginning their service to their faith community. We will GIVE THE FAMILY A “WEEKbe offering this training, here at St. John Brebeuf on the DAY TREAT” following dates: On Tuesday, November 4th, from 4:00 until closing, Graziano’s Restaurant, 5960 Monday, November 10, 7:00 PM—10:00 PM W. Touhy, Niles, is hosting a “family night Flanagan Hall out” to benefit the SJB Catholic Women’s Club. You can order anything on the menu You need to only attend one session; however, you and the CWC will receive 20% of your bill. must be present for the entire three hours to get credit Just inform the restaurant that you are from St. John Breand to receive your certificate. You must also be regisbeuf. Take-out orders can also be credited to CWC. tered on-line in advance of the date of the class. Why not take your family out for a week-night treat To register, access and click- and benefit the SJB Catholic Women’s Club at the same ing on the lower left side of the screen, where it reads: time? Reservations are encouraged for larger parties; call Protecting Children. The screen will then walk you Graziano’s at 847-647-4096. For any other information, through the registration process. For further information contact Pam Lowder, 847-692-4624. November 2, 2014 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed CATHOLIC WOMEN’S CLUB BOARD MEETING The CWC Board Meeting is Tuesday, November 4th at 7 p.m. in the school library. All officers, board members and chairwomen are asked to attend. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S CLUB GENERAL MEETING Have you checked-out your Niles Public Library lately? Sue Wilsey will present interesting details about the many services, online resources, exciting programs, clubs, etc. available at the new Niles Library. Tote bags with goodies to all attendees. Join us for an evening of facts, fun and refreshments. Tuesday, November 11 at 7 p.m. in the PMC—see you there! WINTER COAT DRIVE Please bring your gently used winter adult coats to the church lobby on Saturday and Sunday, November 22nd & 23rd. They will be picked up by one of our volunteers at “People Sharing,” and delivered to St. Leonard’s and Grace House on Chicago’s west side. Your generosity is greatly appreciated! “People Sharing” is a group of Chicagoarea residents committed to supporting the needs of underserved communities. Page 15 Page 16 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed November 2, 2014 "KNIGHTLY NEWS" Are you looking to enrich your life and be more fulfilled and sharing your talents while doing more for your community? If so, the Knights of Columbus are looking November 5, 2014 - General Business Meeting will be held at St. Juliana Parish Center Lounge at 7:30 located at 7200 N. Osceola. *Please visit our website at for the latest information regarding the Knights of Columbus activities. for you! For more information regarding Knights of We are seeking practical Catholics that would Columbus insurance benefits and insurance prodlike to put their faith in action and help with our ucts to protect you and your family please contact mission. Being a member of the Knights of Colum- field agent: Pierre Zermatten at 847-323-0914 or bus does not mean you have to attend every email: [email protected]. monthly meeting or volunteer for every activity. We only ask members to do as much as they are "WEST SIDE STORY" able and share their talents. We all lead very busy lives and sometimes feel that we would like to give Presented by the Golden Agers back but never have enough time. The Knights of Columbus are made up of 1.8 A modern retelling of Shakespeare's Romeo million members across the world that give of their and Juliet, the story tells the tale of two star time to help others in need. crossed lovers caught between rival gangs. A Did you know that our council based here at St. work that changed the course of the American John Brebeuf has over 300 members. Our Pastor, Musical, features electrifing Latin and Jazz Deacons and most recently our Organist are all Infused score. Including "Somewhere", members of our council. "Tonight", "I Feel Pretty" and "America". We assist our brothers and sisters and youth in the community and around the world that are down WHERE: Drury Lane Theatre on their luck and need our support. One of the WHEN: Wednesday-January 21, 2015 Knights mottos are "Yes I am My Brother's TIME: Leave St. John Brebeuf Parish Keeper". If you are interested in becoming a member of at 10:00 AM the Knights of Columbus or would like further in- RETURN: Approximately at 4:00 PM formation about our organization, please contact PRICE: $58 per person-Includes Bus, Grand Knight, Michael Curtis at 847. 663. 1733 or Lunch and Show email me at: michaelc.kofc@ Lunch choice of: I would look forward to sharing my personal exTraditional Turkey Dinner with all periences with you. Upcoming Events: Ongoing- The Knights of Columbus ID drive to help support the intellectually disabled will continue throughout the year. All donations and purchase of Tootsie Roll Banks (great giveaways for Halloween) goes to support the Gladd Program at St. John Brebeuf and the Intellectually Disabled programs at St. Juliana and St. Isaac Jogues Churches. Contact Trustee John Preston, Chairman for more information at:[email protected] or call with inquiries at 847-965-2572. Trimmings OR Roast Striploin with Merlot Mushroom Sauce. We promise a wonderful afternoon! All reservations and food choices must be in by Monday, December 21, 2014. For Reservations call: MaryAnn Krueger-847966-9588 November 2, 2014 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Page 17 Drodzy Parafianie, Dziękuję za Wasze ofiarne wsparcie parafii Św. Jana Brebeuf. Jesteście dobrymi ludźmi, którzy nieustannie dają siebie, rok po roku, aby stworzyć naszą szkołę i parafię miejscem współczucia i nadziei. Ten Coroczny Raport za rok podatkowy 2013-2014, daje nam „migawkę”, „spojrzenie” na to, co osiagnęliśmy razem, z pomocą Bożą. (parz strona 2) Podczas, kiedy wiele dobrych rzeczy zasistniało w poprzednim roku, niektóre z tych wydarzeń to: Dwóch Papieży, dwie nadzieje! Kanonizacja Św. Jana Pawła II i Św. Jana XXIII, na pewno była najważniejszym wydarzeniem w uniwersalnym Kościele i dla nas Wszystkich. Diakon Mariusz Kośla hojnie podjął się zobowiązania, aby poprowadzić pielgrzymkę na Plac Św. Piotra w Rzymie, na Mszę kanonizacyjną. Razem z milionami ludzi z całego świata, zanieśli oni nasze modlitwy za pokój i jedność do tej niepowtarzalnej Mszy Dziękczynnej. Ci wielcy mężczyźni, święci naszych czasów, zmienili kościół i świat. Nasza celebracja 60-cio lecia w Chateau Ritz we wrześniu, zgromadziła razem starych parafian i nowo przybyłych, aby celebrować wiele Bożych błogosławieństw. Festiwal „Różnorodny Pokaz” powiązał historię parafii w pieśni i tańcu. Wcześniejszy piknik parafialny w parku z okazji 60-cio letniej rocznicy, pozwolił najmłodszym nie tylko pojeździć na wielbłądzie, ale pomógł nam wszystkim wziąć udział w życiu wspólnoty i być częścią czegoś znacznie większego, niż nasze własne projekty i plany. To Chrystus przemawia przez nas! Uczyć Kim Jest Chrystus jest kampanią wspierającą Katolicką Edukację i Formację Wiary, która uzdolniła nas przede wszystkim, aby kontynuować przekazywanie naszej wiary dla młodych i starszych. Jeśli nie będziemy mieli infrastruktury, żadna z ważnych elementów Katolickiej Edukacji dla młodzieży, dzieci i dorosłych, nie byłaby możliwa. Poprzez hojność 386 dobroczynców wymieniliśmy część dachu szkolnego i całą zachodnią i wschodnią ścianę okien na sali gimnastycznej. Nasza szkoła, program edukacji religijnej, Polska Szkoła i cała parafia, będzie z tego korzystała! Sala Monsignor Flanagan została odnowiona, poprzez zainstalowanie nowej podłogi i odmalowanie. Szkoła Św. Jana Brebeuf jest postrzegana jako lider w Archidiecezji i niedawno zmodernizowała swoją technologię oraz nieustannie pogłębia swoje podejście, aby upewnić się, że każde dziecko wzrasta nie tylko akademicko, ale równiez jako uczeń Chrystusa. Pani Elise Matsoni i jej grupa, ofiaruje każdego dnia entuzjazm, cięzką pracę i Chrześcijańskie współczucie dla naszych małych dzieci! Seria koncertów zorganizowana przez Marka Rachelskiego, naszego Dyrektora Muzyki, jest stworzona, aby pogłębić naszą Katolicką wiarę, dostarczyć kulturowego przeżycia i budowac wspólnotę. W tym roku, każdy czeka na występ Mesjasza Handla i coroczny zrób to sam, koncert, we wtorek, 2-go grudnia o godzinie 7 wieczorem. Tak, mamy wyzwania, ale z Bogiem wszystko jest możliwe! Dziękuję Ks. Mike Meany Page 18 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed November 2, 2014 November 2, 2014 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Page 19 Page 20 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS OUR DECEASED Marianna Skwarek MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITY If you would like to remember a deceased relative or friend in a special way, here is your opportunity. We are accepting donations for the altar breads and wine that are used at Mass each week. Every week in the bulletin we will post who the bread and wine was donated in memory of. Suggested donation is $50. You can drop off or mail your donation to the Parish Office, marked “Altar Bread Memorial.” Make sure to include your name and the name/s of whom you would like to be remembered. Requests are published in the bulletin in the order that they are received. Celebrating our SJB Military Remembrance St. John Brebeuf Parish is in the process of establishing a military remembrance presentation for all active and fallen since September 11, 2001. We are accepting family members names, branch of service and photo. Please bring them to the parish office, attention Legion of Mary. ARMY, NAVY, MARINES, AIR FORCE, COAST GUARD, NATIONAL GUARD. Please remember in prayer the following who are currently serving in the Armed Forces: Timothy Casey Mark Honsa Joseph Merkel Peter Merkel Robert Monaco Chief Ryan Morrow Thomas Neuhengen Scott Rodberg MSGT Michael Sergot Christopher Vick Daniel Cunningham, Sgt. James Cunningham Pvt. Susanne Connolly Tutwiler CDR John Tutwiler Kevin Michael Kozeny Dominic Carrabotta Col. Barbara Jones (Wiltgen) May they return safely to their families. November 2, 2014 Pray for all our ill Members Carlyn Delort Eugenio & Antonia Dias Diana D’Costa Angela D’Costa Walter Przybysz Aidan Stotz Virginia Penkala Barbara Donovan Kathy Berresheim Sr. Rose Mary Carney Henryk Stankiewicz Michael Curtis Bob Biewald Lorraine Bielat Lourdes Vivar Dolores Perales Esther Prochaska Mary O’Toole Irene Dodaro Mildred Nosko Madeline Albano Jackie Weiss Sally Raphael Clem Juris Shahla Lahijani Anna Chacko Terry & Dominic DiVito Margaret Lach Mary Hamma Debbie Terzakis John Rossi Souk Tha Phone Denise Ottinger Rose Ugel Frank Sergot Cathy Neff Donna Miller Albert DeLorenzo Lisa Owen Dorothy Cichon Wladyslaw Policht Kim Travaglio Pamela Sobie Charlene Green Jeffrey Bandis Betty Weiss Henry Zajac Kamillus Urban Patti Maher Tyska Ida Lui Stanley Kogut Zdzislaw Puacz Stanley Budzinski Laura Begale Michael Luisi Agnes Ornate Lorna Alba John Wargo Annette Schubert Patrick Leahy Eugene Mangan Adam Rowel Varant Minatiskan Madeline Pukal-4 yrs. old Cyril & Peg Maher Elaine Friedman Patricia Clausen Dolores Gruzynski John Peter Rolwes Nanette Sadorra Oscar Malabanan Jeff Sefcik Lita Rosales Alma Kort Randolf Abana Jim Wills Noli Failma Christina Curtis Alberto Odulio Julie Cardone Bernadyne Semmerling Jerry Brazowski Michael Likvan Madeline Hendricksen Mary & Mario Colosi Ruben Pactol Mitchell Miklas Marcelino de la Cruz Donna Kornovich Geraldine Tyre Kira Spedale (11 yrs. old) Barbara Zonsius Edward Kolasa Patricia Jablonski Dolores Perales Linda Karno Marilyn Philippsen Butch Reeder Linda Bennett James Kurtzer Jim Woods Elizabeth Matteoni November 2, 2014 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Mass Intentions for the Week Monday, November 3—St. Martin de Porres 6:30—Good Health for Mary Thomas 8:45—Walter Pukszta Healing and Health for Matthew Maria Wiechec Bartlomiej Wiechec Tuesday, November 4—St. Charles Borromeo 6:30—Good Health for James Thomas & Valsa James 8:45—Birthday Blessings for Robert Mazur Michelle Przybyla Michelle Tuzollino Andrew Przybyla Wednesday, November 5—Weekday 6:30—Deacon John Perkowitz Albert & Georgiana Dorsch, Claire Lee Good Health for Peter, Viju, Nehe, James & John 8:45—Salvatore Badalamenti, Lee Philippsen Jan Bialobrzewski (1st Anniv. Of Death) Stanley Peszek 7:00—Lawrence Hageman, Blessings for Maciej Thursday, November 6—Weekday 6:30—Good Health for Abu, Tiju, Trisha & Niya 8:45—Monika Chabrowski (1st Anniv. Of Death) Marian C. Endre William Leahy (100th Anniv. Of Death) Blessings & Health for Jessica & Baby First Friday, November 7—Weekday 6:30—Albert & Georgiana Dorsch, Ron Weindorfer Good Health & Special Intentions for Cyriac, Siju, Alex & Angela 8:45—Katarzyna Budiselic, Jozef Reszka 7:00—Jan Kubon, Za Rodzine Jurczykowskich Za Rodzine Kuleszynskich Za Rodzine Boratyn, Za Rodzine Jaczynskich Za Edwarda i Bronislawe Augustin Rodzina Piwko, Stanislaw i Krystyna Wojciak Grzegorz Majerczyk Saturday, November 8—Weekday 7:30—Gediminas Valskys (10th Anniv. Of Death) Genovaite Voveriene 5:00—Celebrant: Fr. Robert Pajor Thomas Birt, Deacon John Perkowitz Thaddeus Kroll, Bette Corr Good Health for Alice, Ancy, Mary, Tresa & Their Families 6:30—Celebrant: Fr. Peter Rapcia Wincenty, Gertruda & Helena Przybycin Zofia & Edward Mankowscy Rozalia, Stanislaw, Tadeusz, Tomasz Dabros Mary Grace Buckingham Zofia & Czeslaw Garbarz Helena & Jan Kurpisz Maria & Ryszard Czubek Jan & Marta Andrzejczak Waclawa & Leon Koltys Lucja Zawadzka Barbara Olszowska Eugienia Stankiewicz Majerczyk Family, Stanislawa Fratczak Kazimiera & Czeslaw Kubaczyk Jozef & Zuzanna Augustyn Edward & Cecylia Mrowicki O Boze Blogoslawienstwo i Powrot do Zdrowia Dla Walerii Janusz-Wojtkiewicz Sunday, November 9—Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 7:30—Celebrant: Fr. Robert Banzin Albert & Georgiana Dorsch Frank Duff & All Dec’d. Mbrs. of the Legion of Mary 9:00—Celebrant: Fr. Robert Pajor Frank Wirkus, Anne Gorski Pamela Beusse (6th Anniv. Of Death) 10:45—Celebrant: Fr. Robert Pajor Michael Puacz, Janina & Jozef Puacz Zofia, Tomasz & Wladyslaw Boczar Ed & Lottie Kozuch, Louie Martinello Walter Bialka, Jozef Maleta (27th Anniv. Of Death) Dec’d. Mbrs. Of Maleta & Stankiewicz Fam. Jan Bialobrzewski and All Souls in Purgatory Christine Rego & Jochieheim Rego Sr. Sylvester, Nilam Chuday & Rakesh Chuday Helen Chuday, Harold & Hilda Lewis, Ignatius & Mary Lewis, Idia Lewis 12:30—Celebrant: Fr. Peter Rapcia Eugenia, Apolonia & Jozef Dopart, Mary Cynar Antoni Mastyga, Krystyna Liszka Stefan & Julian Barabasz, Szymon & Rozalia Skora Jozef & Natalia Barabasz, Dmytro & Julia Lanowyk Barbara Molinska, Barbara Olszowska Eugienia Stankiewicz, Kazimierz Kozla Monika & Jan Bartlomiej, Jan Marciniec Misaczek Family Dziekczynna Blagalna z prosba o Boze Blogoslawienstwo i Dary Ducha Sw. o Opieke Matki Przenajswietszej dla Anny, Wojciecha, Teresy i Henryka Mrugala z Rodzina 2:00—GLADD 6:00—Celebrant: Fr.Peter Rapcia For All Parishioners Wedding Banns 3—James Hochschild & Maria Battung Page 21 2—Dariusz Bagrowski & Anna Dziuba Page 22 St. John Brebeuf Church Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed November 2, 2014 Staff Pastor: Rev. Michael Meany Associates: Rev. Piotr Rapcia Rev. Robert Pajor Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Robert Banzin Weekend Asst.: Rev. Patrick Marshall Deacons: Larry Skaja Andy Beierwaltes, Mariusz Kosla Pastoral Associate: Maciek Karaban Music Director: Marek Rachelski Associate Music Director: Mariusz Kosla Business Manager: Joseph Wojtowicz School Principal: Elise Matson Director Youth Ministry: Pam Perez Staff Secretary: Charlotte Lindquist Bulletin Editor, Parish Secretary: Barbara Bronder Rectory: 8307 N. Harlem Ave. Parish Office: 8305 N. Harlem Ave. Niles, IL 60714 (847) 966-8145 Fax: (847) 966-0014 Website: School: (847) 966-3266 Website: Religious Education: (847) 966-3269 Youth Office: (847) 966-9815 Mass Schedule “We are a people of faith who offer each other and those touched by us the means to experience God through prayer, sacraments, education and mutual support in light of the Gospel and Catholic Tradition.” November 2, 2014 Saturday: 5:00 PM, 6:30 PM (Polish) Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 AM, 12:30 PM (Polish), 6:00 PM Monday—Friday Morning: 6:30 & 8:45 AM Wednesday: 7:00 PM (Polish) Saturday Morning: 7:30 AM Holyday: 5:30 PM (English); 7:00 PM (Polish) Vigil: 7:00 PM English Reconciliation - Saturday 11:00 AM—Noon (English & Polish) First Friday, 6:00 PM (English & Polish) Baptisms Last Sunday of each month during 10:45 AM Mass or 2:00 PM Service (Polish): First Weekend of each month: at 12:30 PM Mass on Sunday & Third Sunday of the Month at 1:45 PM Parents must attend pre-baptism instruction. Matrimony Four months notice is minimal. Eucharistic Adoration 24 Hours a Day In Parish Ministry Center Chapel St. Vincent de Paul—[email protected]
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