STAFF Fr. Daniel Kresinski Pastor Fr. Edward Walk Resident Julie Felix Office Manager St. Michael the Archangel Eileen Stephen Office Manager St. Joseph Meg Hough Religious Education Facilitator OFFICE HOURS St. Joseph 8 am - 3 pm Monday thru Friday St. Michael 9 am - 2 pm Monday thru Friday St. Joseph Church BULLETIN INFORMATION Information for the bulletin must be submitted in writing to the parish offices by 2:00 p.m. (9) nine days prior to the weekend of the announcement. 301 South State Street, DuBois, PA 15801 Mailing address: 25 Robinson Street Telephone: (814) 371-5773 Ext. 2 Fax: 814-371-5028 Email: [email protected] St. Michael the Archangel 15 Robinson Street, DuBois, PA 15801 Mailing address: 25 Robinson Street Telephone: (814) 371-5773 Ext. 1 Fax: 814-371-5028 Email: [email protected] VISIT OUR WEB SITE AT WWW.STMIKESTJOE.COM BAPTISMS Parents should arrange for Baptisms at their parish office. A Pre-Baptismal session is required and offered the third Sunday of every other month. Parents can complete this requirement anytime during the pregnancy or after the birth of their child. To register please call Pat at 371-4082. MARRIAGES PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to join the parish stop by the parish office for a registration form. Please remember to register as a married couple when you get married or as an adult or after graduating from college. SPONSOR CERTIFICATES A couple preparing for Marriage must follow the Policy of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Erie which mandates a preparation period of six months. Please contact the Pastor well in advance before any other arrangements are made. Sponsor certificates are issued to registered parishioners practicing their Catholic faith. Church Law requires that a sponsor must be baptized, confirmed, receives communion, and if married, living a valid church marriage. PRAYER CHAIN The parish prayer chains effectively brings spiritual help to OUTREACH those in need. For prayer requests please call: 375-1156 or 603-2493 for St. Michael the Archangel and 371-5852 for St. Joseph. These requests should be renewed monthly if needed. DUBOIS AREA ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISHES MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 4:30 p.m. St. Catherine of Siena 5:30 p.m. St. Michael the Archangel Sunday Morning: 7:00 a.m. St. Michael the Archangel 8:00 a.m. St. Catherine of Siena 9:00 a.m. St. Joseph Church 10:00 a.m. St. Catherine of Siena 11:00 a.m. St. Michael the Archangel Holy Day Vigil: 5:15 p.m. St. Catherine of Siena 7:00 p.m. St. Michael the Archangel Holy Day Mass: 7:00 a.m. St. Catherine of Siena 9:00 a.m. St. Michael the Archangel 12:10 p.m. St. Catherine of Siena 6:00 p.m. St. Joseph Church If you are in need of assistance with getting to Mass, preparing meals, getting groceries etc., please call Theresa at 371-9035. Outreach dinners are served first, third, and fifth Friday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the St. Joseph Church Hall. CONFESSION SCHEDULE Wednesdays 8:30 - 8:50 a.m. St. Michael the Archangel Saturdays 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. St. Michael the Archangel Sundays 8:30 - 8:50 a.m. St. Joseph RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Grades 1-11 every Sunday 10:30a.m.-11:45a.m. as per schedule. New students always welcome! new religious education website: AREA CATHOLIC SCHOOL Elementary School Office 371-2570 High School Office 371-3060 Page Two November 9, 2014 SAINT MICHAEL MINISTRY SCHEDULE November 15th & 16th READERS 5:30 p.m. Loretta Lux 7:00 a.m. Larry Cyphert 11:00 a.m. Bill Hough EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 5:30 p.m. Loretta Lux, Bob & Sheila Patton, Jonathan Williams, Michelle Snyder 7:00 a.m. Barry & Sue Andrulonis & Mark McKolosky 11:00 a.m. Cheryl Johnson, Bill Hough, Matilda Illuzzi, and Ken & Helen Straub ALTAR SERVERS 5:30 p.m. Levi Potash 7:00 a.m. Ally Andrulonis 11:00 a.m. Madison Barnett COLLECTION FOR THE WEEK: NOVEMBER 2TH Regular $ 6,932.25, Loose $ 583.00 Monthly $ 1,001.00, Votive Candles $ 85.67 Children $ 6.00, All Souls’ Day 339.00 Misc. $ 23.00 TOTAL $ 8,969.92 Banns #2 Maria Hanslovan & Andrew McCutchen NUTROLL TIME!! St. Michael’s Altar Rosary Society is making those YUMMY nut rolls for the Holiday Season this Tuesday, Nov. 11th. Please call Lorraine at 371-8158 or Connie at 371-3599 to order. Nut rolls are $11.00. Pick up will be Tuesday afternoon between 3:00 and 5:30 p.m. St. Michael’s Holy Name Society Day at Luigi’s in DuBois is this Sun. Nov. 9th from11a.m to 8 p.m. A portion of the day’s sales will benefit HNS. Also a 50/50 will be available. Come enjoy a wonderful meal and help a great group! SHALOM will hold their evening of prayer Sun. Nov. 16th at 4 p.m. (Note time change) at St. Michael’s. For more info call Rich 771-7932. Hosts this week are in memory of: Theresa Kasmierski by: the Straub Family SANCTUARY CANDLES burn this week in memory of: OUR BULLETIN SPONSOR THIS WEEK IS: Roman & Isabelle Straub by: thePHYSICAL Straub FamilyTHERAPY P&G and for: Denise Statler in DuBois 375-6830 by: John & Mary Joan Yargar The book Parish Mission speaker Fr. Bob Gielow, C.M., referred to, “Walk with Me” by Fr. Richard Gielow is available for sale at the Parish offices for $6. Donations to the Memorial Fund have been received in memory of Dr. Joseph Lisa from the Donald Brauer family and Dr. & Mrs. John Smelko. Stress Box Time! St. Michael’s Outreach Group is getting ready to send out College/Military Stress boxes—please drop off donations of candy, snacks, pens/pencils, index cards, etc. in the basket back by the confessional by Mon. Nov. 17th. Sign up your student or soldier on the clipboard near the basket. Thank you. RaymondGornatiofForce,fatherof MarkGornati,passedawayrecently. PleasekeepRaymondandhisfamilyin yourprayers. We would like to thank Loretta Lux for her donation to the new Symbolon program, part of the Adult religious education program, in memory of her husband Urban “Skip” Lux. Religious Education is back on its regular schedule this weekend after the wonderful All Saints’ Party. I hope to have a video of our All Saints Parade on our Religious Education website in the near future. Our Confirmation candidates will be hosting an Advent Adventure on Sun., Dec. 7th at St. Joseph Church and Hall (because of our 3 halls, it is the largest). This event is for anyone in our parishes who would enjoy meeting fellow members of the Body of Christ in a fun, prayerful, and interactive setting while learning about or refreshing their knowledge about Advent as a season of repentance, preparation, and joy. Because we will be setting up various centers for this event, we will need to ask you to sign up to participate. Sign-up sheets will be placed at the back of each church the weekend of November 15-16 or you can call the Religious Ed office and leave your name and the number of people attending this intergenerational event. In the past I have asked your support of our Sacramental prep candidates through your prayers. Please consider showing your support by attending this event in addition to the prayers you are saying. —- Meg Hough SANCTUARY CANDLES burn this week in memory of: The Doksa & Beach Families by: Genevieve Rosio and for: Mary M. Rutkowski by: Dick & Jane Castonguay Page Three The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica SAINT JOSEPH THANKSGIVING OUTREACH PROGRAM It is time to collect for our Thanksgiving baskets. There is a box in the back of church for your donations. For information call the parish office at 371-5773 ext 2. For our baskets and pantry we need: spaghetti sauce pasta of all kind stuffing in boxes instant potatoes canned gravy, fruit, and vegetables Paper products like paper towels, toilet tissue, etc. personal items like shampoo, conditioner, hand soap, dish soap etc. Turkeys are always needed, we have a freezer available. Monetary donations or gift certificates. should have, “Thanksgiving donation” on the envelope and placed in the collection basket. $50.00 LOTTERY TICKET WINNERS ENDING 10/31/14 10/27 (014) Don Short 10/28 (634) Gene Mabie 10/29 (816) David Dodd 10/30 (600) Norm Nagley 10/31 (543) Steve Lydick Fr. Dan’s Bible Class on the Gospel of St. Mark is on Wed. Nov. 12, at St. Joseph, Wed. Nov. 20, at St. Michael and Wed. Dec. 3, at St. Joseph from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. Banns #1 Judy Masonis & Dallas Rensel COUNCIL NOMINATION FORMS You will find forms in the back of each church. Please fill them out for your home parish and return them in the weekend collections during November or at the office. Fr. Bob Gielow, C.M., is very grateful for the donation to the Vincentian Order after our Parish Mission—$3,850.00. WOW! WELCOME NEW MEMBERS We welcome into our parish family at St. Joseph Patrick & Jamel Salada and their children Aaron & Raquel. MEMORIAL CANDLES The candle on the altar of Our Blessed Mother this week is in memory of Helen Galinis by Buzzell family SAINT JOSEPH MINISTRY SCHEDULE November 16, 2014 READER 9:00 a.m. Judy Masonis 9:00 a.m. ALTAR SERVER Bryce Micknis 9:00 a.m. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Don Aravich (Host), Carolyn Rhoades, Teresa Hand ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ COLLECTION FOR THE WEEK: Nov. 2, 2014 Regular $ 1,556.00, Loose $ 281.00, Fuel $ 23.00, Votive Candles $ 141.15, Building Fund $ 443.00, All Souls $ 100.00, All Saints $ 136.00, Donation $ 50.00, TOTAL $ 2,730.15 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PARISH ENVELOPES Envelope packets for 2015 will be mailed out soon. If you have a change of address please call the office at 371-5773 ext 2. PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Next combined parish council meeting is Wed. Nov. 19th @ 7 p.m. @ St. Joseph Social Hall. CENSUS FORM If you have not filled out a census form for your home parish of St. Joseph or St. Michael, please pick one up in the back of either church & return in the weekend offering or to the office. Fr. Ed Walk and Fr. Dan thank the parishioners who provided “gourmet” suppers recently. They were delicious and filling. Please come by the rectory to reclaim your Tupperware or what-have-you. ALTAR FLOWERS The flowers on the altar of the Blessed Mother this week are in loving memory of Ron Kutsel by his brother Butch Family Perspective Sometimes our own homes can feel like marketplaces with the many demands and expectations placed on our children. Do you ever become angry at all of the “things” going on in your lives without any downtime to relax, refresh, and be at peace with your loved ones? Stop. Take notice. Invite the Prince of Peace to calm your whirlwind lives. The family is the “domestic church”, after all. COMMUNITY NEWS NOODLES: Take all the family (the whole “Kit and Kaboodle”) to see the Family Noodle in the DuBois Central Senior Class play, “Noodles,” Nov. 13, 14 and 15 at 7:30 p.m. For tickets call 371-3060. DuBois Central Catholic is hosting an INFORMATION NIGHT— next Sun. Nov. 16 at 6 p.m. This is an open house for potential middle and high school students for next year. For more info 371-3060 x 606 St. Marys Parish of Reynoldsville will have a Super Bingo to benefit the Religious Ed program this Sunday Nov. 9th at 6 p.m. with food available. St. Boniface School in Kersey is having a Cash Bash Sat. Nov. 22 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. Tickets available at the door. More info call 885-8093. The Carmelite Order of Nuns have been in the Diocese of Erie since 1957. Their ministry is for the Church and Diocese of Erie— praying constantly for all its needs and intentions. If you ever wondered if Carmel may be for you, visit the website at Do you want to serve those in need and work for social justice? With 200 programs, RESPONSE 2015, the guide of faith-based service opportunities is available and free. Volunteers serve full-time for periods of one week to one year across the Untied States and in 100 countries. Summer and school break opportunities are available. Our volunteers are from all walks of life– from high school to senior citizens. Positions for both single and married volunteers, including those with children. Click on MASS SCHEDULE Saturday, November 8 - Weekday 5:30 p.m. Mary Kalinowski by family Sunday, November 9 –The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 7:00 a.m. Living & Deceased Veterans 9:00 a.m. Ron Kutsel by brother Butch SJ 11:00 a.m. Linda Syktich by Nancy Duffalo Monday, November 10 - St. Leo the Great, Pope & Doctor of the Church 9:00 a.m. Madolene Ferut by Pat Kulbatsky 5:00 p.m. People of both parishes SJ Tuesday, November 11- St. Martin of Tours, Bishop 9:00 a.m. Jack M. Brunswick by nephew, David Applegate 5:00 p.m. For Living & Deceased Veterans SJ Wednesday, November 12-St. Josaphat, Bishop & Martyr 9:00 a.m. Roberta Robertson (mm) by Tim & Carolyn Robertson Thursday, November 13 - St. Frances Xavier Cabrini 9:00 a.m. Frank Scrano (mm) by Tom & Julia Nowak & family 5:00 p.m. No Mass SJ Friday, November 14 - Weekday 9:00 a.m. Anna & Anthony Monikowski by Lorraine Monikowski 5:00 p.m. No Mass SJ Saturday, November 15 - St. Albert the Great, Bishop & Doctor of the Church 5:30 p.m. Catherine & Steve Makufka by daughters Barb & Marty Sunday, November 16 – 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 a.m. People of the Parish 9:00 a.m. John Duffalo by Mary Jane Rusonis SJ 11:00 a.m. Daniel Glowacki (bd) by Helen & Frank Glowacki & family Fr. Dan’s Musings: Where are our parishioners? Each October all parishes in the Diocese count weekend Mass attendance. At St. Michael the average for the 3 Masses is 501 out of a membership of 2,193 (23%). The average for the Mass at St. Joseph is 227 out of a membership of 549 (41%). Of course, people from both parishes go to both churches, and the 9 a.m. Mass attracts more people for Religious Education. 2,193 + 549 = 2,742, our combined membership. 501 + 227 = 728, our combined attendance (27% of 2,742). Where are our parishioners? LEE ANN SMITH’S BEAUTY SALON Serving The DuBois Area Since 1942 STOLTZCARS.COM 502 Orient Ave. Du Bois, PA 15801 Joe Fender’s Body & Frame Shop KEITH D. MILLIRON O.D. COMPREHENSIVE EYE EXAMINATIONS, GLASSES, AND CONTACT LENSES EVALUATION & TREATMENT OF OCULAR DISEASES VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.DRKEITHMILLIRON.COM Phone: (814) 371-1202 12 S. Jared St. DuBois, PA 15801 Tues. 11AM-5PM; Wed. & Fri. 11 AM-7 PM Thurs. 9 AM-7 PM Sat. By Appt. 814-371-9750 200 S. Main St., DuBois FOX’S PIZZA HOPKINS HELTZEL LAW FIRM Real Estate, Auto Accidents 375-0300 100 Meadow Lane Suite #5, Dubois Melillo Coin Laundry Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. 1 E. DuBois Ave. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, DuBois, PA 15801 Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 101 Hospital Avenue DuBois, PA 15801 Phone (814) 375-1023 Fax (814) 375-7144 Compliments of “Home of the Community Prescription Plan” Over 100 Generic Medicines A 100 Day Supply Just $12.99 (Less than $4.00/Month) 814-371-5827 700 South Brady St. DuBois, PA PRONTOCK BEER DISTRIBUTOR, INC. GLEASON, CHERRY AND CHERRY LLP DuBois, PA 15801 Agent 43 N Brady Street Dubois, PA 15801-2255 Bus 814 371 6840 DUBOIS OLDEST AND BEST Thank you for your loyalty. AND 265-1975 Service First. Safety Always. Physical Therapy We appreciate you. Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. At Home Realty Associates, Inc. 23 Beaver Drive,DuBois,PA 15801 MARLENE E. DUTTRY ® “Where We Always Make You Feel At Home” REALTOR & OWNER (814) 375-8855 Office (814) 591-1318 Mobile Million Dollar Producer Gregory Stemmerich, Broker lasting relief A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. 814-375-6830 The first choice in An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 COOPER TIRE & AUTO [email protected] Stephanie Rindosh, [email protected] RECYCLING COMPANY Lowest Rates Saint Margaret Sunday Missal Toni M. Cherry, ESQ Partner Paula M. Cherry, ESQ Partner P.O. Box 505 1 North Franklin Street DuBois, PA 15801 Phone: (814) 371-5800 Fax: (814) 371-0936 800-566-6150 • 371-6910 COMPLETE WASTE Self-Service OR Let Us Do It For You In 4 Minutes! To Pick It Up! Attorneys at Law 814-375-9113 814-375-0225 2 Minutes 371-0444 Corner DuBois & Sandy Sts. And Catering Open Sundays 11am-9pm Located in “The Commons Plaza” 324 Commons Drive, DuBois, PA 2 Minutes To Drop It Off And Dr. Tom Petraitis Quality Preventive Dentistry (814) 375-0125 “We Are Not Just Your Typical Laundromat” 227 Hamor Street PO Box 306 Dubois, PA 15801 Ph: 814-371-6800 Brian M. Elias, D.P.M. Medical & Surgical Treatment of the Foot & Ankle 375-8882 DuBois Brockway Dedicated to a Life filled with Purpose and Happiness A Service of CATHOLIC CHARITIES DIOCESE OF ERIE 619050 St Michael Church A true feeling of home New Chapel Beautiful countryside locations Continuing Day Care Retirement Community Personal Care Two Dementia Care Units Private rooms and suites Adult Day Care • Home Support Services 1100 West Long Avenue, DuBois, PA 15801 814-371-3180 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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