Volume 2, Number 2 AUGUST 2006 Student Nurses Notes A Publication of the Student Nurses’ Association of South Carolina T H I S I S S U E Brought to you by SNA-SC Information 1 President’s Letter 3 SNA-SC Executive Board 4 NEC Director’s Letter 4 Running for SNA-SC Office 5 Important Dates 5 First Vice President’s Letter 6 Leadership: Can You MEET the Challenge 7 Meet Those Who Have Met The Challenge Career Development 13 Hurst Review Questions I N 14 Career Corner Welcome to a new school year South Carolina! Hope you all are having a great summer! A big Thank You to all those students that was able to attend the 2006 annual NSNA convention that was held in Baltimore, MD. We all had a great time participating in the House of Delegates, focus sessions, elections, and many other events. I hope that the spirit of NSNA will stay with many of you throughout the year. Our profession of nursing is one that requires dedication, compassion, hard work, and, of course, leadership. As a leader in SNA, I can’t express how much this experience has enhanced my education and time spent in nursing school. Each and every one of you decided to become a leader when you enrolled in nursing school. With that being said, I would like to encourage each of you to expand on your leadership skills and consider running for a position on the state board. I can tell you personally that my time as president has been one of the most rewarding of my life. I have been given the opportunity to travel across the country, meet many other student nursing leaders, and form many friendships that I know will last a lifetime. I have been fortunate to work with and learn so much from the current board members during this term which has influenced my term in office. If you think you would be interested in running, I strongly encourage you to contact the NEC Director, Natalie Cupps, at [email protected] With the fall approaching, this is a great time to become more involved with your local and state SNA chapters. Fundraising will soon be underway to send students to the 55th Annual SNA-SC State Convention in North Charleston. It’s a great time to get involved on your local level! Please visit our website for continuing convention updates. Also feel free to contact myself at [email protected] if you have any questions. I hope you all are as excited as I am about this upcoming year and I look forward to hearing about how active you all are in your SNA’s! Jordan Stoner 1 SNA-SC President Student Nurses’ Notes • August 2006 The Torch • January/February 2005 Student Nurses’ Notes • August 2006 2 Student Nurses Association of South Carolina 2005-2006 Executive Board Jordan Stoner ................................................................................................................. President [email protected] Ryan Bell ......................................................................................................... First Vice President [email protected] Rebecca McArthur ..................................................................................... Second Vice President [email protected] Jessica Simpkins ............................................................................................................. Treasurer [email protected] EmilyAnn Raynor ............................................................................................................ Secretary [email protected] Andrea (Andie) Bain, RN .................................................................... Community Health Director [email protected] Lashell Strickland ...................................................................... Breakthrough to Nursing Director [email protected] Naida Harris, RN ............................................................................................ Legislative Director [email protected] Anita Cauthen, RN .................................................................. Newsletter Editor/Website Director [email protected] Natalie Cupps .............................................................................................. Historian/NEC Chair [email protected] Brooke Huggins, RN ..................................................................................... Executive Consultant [email protected] Jenny Simpson, RN ....................................................................................... Executive Consultant [email protected] Gloria Fowler, MN RN ............................................................................. Professional Consultant [email protected] Yvonne Dudderar, BSN RN ..................................................................... .Professional Consultant [email protected] Congratulations to all graduates during the year 2005-2006 from the SNA-SC Executive Board!! We look forward to seeing each of you continue as leaders as nurses and members of the ANA, NLN, SCNA! Thank you in advance for your contributions to the nursing profession! 3 Student Nurses’ Notes • August 2006 WE NEED YOUR HELP. . . . . Elections are coming up this year for a new Executive Board. In addition to a new executive board, there will be an open position for a Professional Consultant. If you know a nursing professor who has a be a HUGE influence in your life and you believe that the state would benefit from their wisdom, influence, and experience, then PLEASE encourage them to apply for the position of Professional Consultant for 2006-2008!! An application is available online, www.sna-sc.net or contact [email protected] Thank you for all your help to find another inspirational leader to influence the state of South Carolina! WOW what an exciting time of year! A new semester is beginning and, for some of us, it will be our last! Our SNASC convention is just two short months away! Sadly, that also means my time in office is coming to an end. However, you all have the opportunity to become a part of the SNASC executive board! The anticipation is building to see our next group of leaders as they apply to pre-slate, prepare their display boards and give their speeches. I have had a wonderful year on the board, and I can say it has prepared me to step into my role as a nurse. Please do not let this opportunity pass you by! Information on becoming a preslated candidate can be found on our website, www.snasc.net or by emailing me at [email protected]. Natalie Cupps SNA-SC NEC Director/Historian Student Nurses’ Notes • August 2006 4 Mark Your Calendars!! COSR: August 5, 2006 at 10am, SNA Headquarters September 2, 2006 at10am, SNA Headquarters October 7, 2006 at10, Location TBA Conventions: SNA-SC 55th Annual Convention, October 12-15, 2006, North Charleston, SC NSNA Midyear, November 2-5, 2006, Atlanta, GA NSNA National Convention, April 11-15, 2007, Anaheim, CA SNA-SC 56th Annual Convention, October, 2007 Award Application Deadline (for SNA-SC): October 7, 2006 Dear South Carolina constituents, I would like to invite you to experience a wonderful event this October with student nurses across our great state. We will be holding our 55th annual Student Nurses’ Association of South Carolina Convention on October 1215, 2006. The event will be held at the North Charleston Embassy Suites Hotel Airport and Convention Center. Countless hours and hard work has gone into the planning of this convention to make it even better than in years past. I expect that you will all enjoy contagious fun, great food, informative speakers, the FAMED HURST NCLEX REVIEW (with a new twist!), and many opportunities for all of you to get involved. I encourage every nursing student to attend this event so that no one misses out! Please also consider running for an SNA-SC office, so that you can further make a difference in the career you will soon hold. If you have any questions/concerns, please email me at [email protected]. Sincerely, Thomas Ryan Bell SNA-SC First Vice President 5 Student Nurses’ Notes • August 2006 Leadership: Can you MEET the challenge? Editorial By Anita Cauthen, SNA-SC Newsletter Editor/ Website Director Can you meet the challenge? Each nursing student will be a future leader in the lives of patients, changing healthcare, and evolving communities. During the education process, we attempt to develop our skills in leadership, which leads to the next question. What does it take to be a leader? I looked toward several sources, such as the internet, journals, and books, looking for the answer. If you are interested in the overwhelming results, then I suggest using the internet site www.google.com, type in “Leadership Traits,” to see how the NUMEROUS different websites define it. If you aren’t a computer person, then visit your local bookstore and peruse some of the books on leadership. The answers are so diverse that it’s hard to answer the question. However, I find that reading this information is helpful in assessing where I am and what things I can incorporate into my leadership skills. In the nursing journals, I found there were several articles that feature different topics such as examples of leadership in action; CEU’s to teach leaders how to encourage other leaders; and areas of “I think one’s feelings waste nursing that leadership is lacking in. I had a hard time finding an article that focuses on the leadership traits themselves in words; they ought in nurses. However, I did find an article that seems to all to be distilled into actions briefly address leadership in nursing. Vickie A. Miracle which bring results.” has a brief closing word in Dimensions of Critical Care ~ Florence Nightingale Nursing. Among the character traits that she believes a leader in nursing should have, she also writes “Nursing today has some wonderful leaders but we desperately need more (Miracle, 2006).” I can agree with her. For those of you that attended Nationals and last years state convention, many of you can remember that pre-slated candidates are rare. Last October, we had less than 4 people pre-slate for the 10 positions that are needed to be filled every October. Nationals had similar results for the 14 positions that were available on the National level. So what keeps us from running for a position? Fear? Failure? Time Constraints? <you can insert a well thought out reason here>? I’m sure that all of us, me included, can come up with several reasons to not run for an office before conventions. However, many of us arrive at convention and the energy is contagious. We get caught up in a whirlwind of the SNA-SC spirit and before we know it, we have signed up to campaign for a position on the board. These events we attend show us the results of being apart of something bigger than nursing school that is performed by students and full of excitement. Many people want to be apart of it and become interested in being an elected member of the board. So, can you meet the challenge? Introspect and reflection will help you discover how you can be the leader you can be. You can supplement your self-knowledge with books, school, and theory. However, the knowledge isn’t References: complete until you can meet the challenge and Florence Nightingale Quotes. Retrieved June 19, 2006 experience the leadership. Only then, do we really from http://www.brainyquote.com /quotes/authors/f/florence_nightingale.html learn about ourselves and our leadership Miracle, V.A., Leadership, Dimensions of Critical capabilities. Are you ready to meet the challenge Care Nursing, 2006 Mar-Apr; 25 (2): inside back cover. and discover yourself? Pre-slate today! Student Nurses’ Notes • August 2006 6 MEET THOSE WHO HAVE MET THE CHALLENGE Jordan Anne Stoner Sumter, SC President of SNA-SC Council of State Presidents Chair (NSNA) Current School: University of South Carolina-Columbia Past SNA Positions: Secretary (SNASC), NEC/Historian (SNASC/USC SNA), President (SNASC) What influenced you to become a leader? I was influenced by those around me to become a leader. I felt I had to step up after seeing those I looked up to. Now I’m so glad that I did, because I know I’ve become a better nurse and person. How has your position on the 2005-2006 SNA-SC Executive Board prepared you for your role as a nurse? This position on the board has offered me many opportunities to expand on my leadership skills in addition to developing and using critical thinking skills. I feel like I will be better prepared for my career as a nurse because of my experience I’ve had on the executive board. What has been the highlight of your term thus far? The highlight of my term is the professional connections I’ve made with many other nursing students and professionals around the state and country. Current School: University of South Carolina-Aiken Past SNA Positions: President, SNA at USC Aiken and Website/ Newsletter Director at USC Aiken What influenced you to become a leader? My high school AP U.S. History teacher influenced me. She told me I had a gift of speech and leadership and I should follow my heart in any roles where I could use those talents. How has your position on the 2005-2006 SNA-SC Executive Board prepared you for your role as a nurse? I have learned valuable communication skills while on the Executive Board. Sometimes we may disagree on some matters, but we have to work together to come up with a compromise that allows us to effectively execute our tasks. I know this team work I have experienced on the Board will follow me through my nursing career as I work with many different kinds of people. What has been the highlight of your term thus far? I really have enjoyed the friendships that I have made on the Board. I truly feel we could be friends for life, and I have treasured the trips we have taken together. This really has been one of the most awesome experiences of my life, around the state and country. 7 Thomas Ryan Bell Edgefield, SC First Vice President SNA-SC Student Nurses’ Notes • August 2006 Rebecca McArthur Blenheim, SC Second Vice President SNA-SC Current School: Florence Darlington Technical College Past SNA Positions: N/A What influenced you to become a leader? I wanted to be a leader so that I could help encourage others to reach their GREATEST potential. Also, there were Really Great role models in my life that were an influence (my mom!) How has your position on the 2005-2006 SNA-SC Executive Board prepared you for your role as a nurse? I have had the opportunity to network with students, faculty members, and professional organizations from around the US. This has allowed me to meet great people, practice communication skills, and work in a group for a common goal — a SUCCESSFUL 2005-2006 SNA-SC term! What has been the highlight of your term thus far? Meeting friends on the executive board that will last a lifetime, (— and some great role model nursing instructors from various schools around our state). Current School: Piedmont Technical College Past SNA Positions: Treasurer for PTC SNA What influenced you to become a leader? My mother was the biggest influence in my life. My mother had a 13 month battle with cancer. During this time she left her job as a RTT at the Cancer Treatment Center for 21 years. She told me, “Jessica things can come in your life but that does not mean that you give up.” My mom gave speeches to groups, churches, and families with cancer. My mom spoke on being the caregiver and the patient. I have never before seen so much courage, strength, and honor in a person. My mom touch lives in different ways. A true leader touches your life. How has your position on the 2005-2006 SNA-SC Executive Board prepared you for your role as a nurse? My job has prepared me to be a nurse in many different ways. The one that impacted me the most was you learn to work as a team. When you work in a hospital or other facility you have to be the person the team can count on and this is what I have learned being on the board. What has been the highlight of your term thus far? The highlight of the career is the friendships that I have acquired. These are friendships that will last through the test of time. Emily Ann Raynor Aiken, SC Secretary, SNA-SC Secretary/ Treasurer, NSNA Student Nurses’ Notes • August 2006 Jessica Mitchell Simpkins Greenwood, SC Treasurer SNA-SC Current School: University of South Carolina-Aiken Past SNA Positions: USCA fundraising coordinator and Community Health chair What influenced you to become a leader? I have always wanted to make a difference in everything I do. How has your position on the 2005-2006 SNA-SC Executive Board prepared you for your role as a nurse? Nursing is all about teamwork. Working with the SNA-SC board this year has been a great opportunity to work with others to accomplish great things! What has been the highlight of your term thus far? Being able to attend NSNA midyear and annual conventions together with the group has been an incredible bonding experience. 8 Current School: Tri-county Technical College Past SNA Positions: TCTC President What influenced you to become a leader? I enjoy being a positive influence and, when the opportunity presented itself in college, I did not want to pass it up. How has your position on the 2005-2006 SNA-SC Executive Board prepared you for your role as a nurse? Leadership and being a team player would be top on my list. Both of these are needed in your daily life as a nurse. What has been the highlight of your term thus far? The highlights of my term have been the friendships that I have gained and meeting a number of nursing students throughout the state. Also, being an important part of what happens in our state and local SNA. Lashell T. Strickland Conway, S.C Breakthrough to Nursing Director SNA-SC Andrea (Andie) Michelle Bain Starr, SC Community Health Director SNA-SC Current School: Horry Georgetown Technical College Past SNA Positions: HGTC BTN Director What influenced you to become a leader? I was influenced to become a leader by my sisters and brothers. I had to take care of them every since I was a little girl. Then I learned leadership skills from working in the church. I first became a good follower. You will never be a good leader until you can follow someone else leadership. I realize sometimes people could lead you in the wrong direction and I wanted to be the director of my life. I am a take charge kind of person. If something needs to be done I am more than willing to do it. We need good leaders and good nurses. How has your position on the 2005-2006 SNA-SC Executive Board prepared you for your role as a nurse? My position as BTN Director has made a tremendous impact on my role as a nurse. There are very few minorities in the RN position. So it is very important that we recruit minorities into the field of nursing. What has been the highlight of your term thus far? The highlight of my term was meeting the different diversity of people. I love the BTN position and would do it all over again without hesitation. 9 Student Nurses’ Notes • August 2006 Naida Harris Bartow, FL Legislative Director SNA-SC Current School: Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College Past SNA Positions: N/A What influenced you to become a leader? I was approached after the spirit luncheon at last year’s state convention by an executive board member. I was so excited to be apart of the convention, so I decided to run for office. Although I ran for the BTN position, I was selected to be the Legislative Director. How has your position on the 2005-2006 SNA-SC Executive Board prepared you for your role as a nurse? When you enroll in nursing school, you automatically sign up to be a leader; classmates look to you for support, patients look to you for answers, and instructors look to you for initiative. We are all leaders. Being on this board further enhances those leadership abilities. What has been the highlight of your term thus far? Planning and executing Capitol Day. Current School: University of South Carolina - Columbia Past SNA Positions: BTN Director and Parliamentarian for USC SNA What influenced you to become a leader? Actually, I was very supportive of others who were becoming leaders. In the process, I became involved and found myself stepping up to the challenge of becoming one myself. How has your position on the 2005-2006 SNA-SC Executive Board prepared you for your role as a nurse? I have learned how to establish professional relationships with professionals from fields other than nursing. I’ve not only worked with other nursing students but also with companies and recruiters. Also, through my experience, I have improved my public speaking abilities as well as networking with people from all over the United States. What has been the highlight of your term thus far? The highlight of my term has been making changes to the website. It has been long awaited and I’m glad that I was able to take part in the process. Student Nurses’ Notes • August 2006 10 Anita Lisa Cauthen Spartanburg, S.C Newsletter Editor/ Website Director SNA-SC Nursing is a career /VSTJOHJTBDBSFFS you love. ZPVMPWF ...those words not only describe our beautiful South Carolina location, but also the excellent environment you’ll find at our growing Hospital System. You’ve already identified yourself as a compassionate individual by choosing a career in nursing. Now you’re ready to take your education and find a hospital that offers an atmosphere where you can establish yourself. We understand your needs and are here to help. When you join the Georgetown Hospital Family you become part of a dedicated, caring team of healthcare professionals who share a commitment to outstanding patient care. Join a team +PJOBUFBN that respects you. UIBUSFTQFDUTZPV GEORGETOWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Georgetown, SC WACCAMAW COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Murrells Inlet, SC &YQFSJFODFUIF8ĒĝĝĒĔĖ5ęĠĞĤĠğ)ĠĤġĚĥĒĝ UPVDIoXFSFBCFEBDVUFDBSFGBDJMJUZMPDBUFE NJOVUFTGSPN4QBSUBOCVSHJO6OJPOBOE PVSTUBĊFOKPZTPVSSFMBYFEGBNJMZPSJFOUFEBOE GSJFOEMZFOWJSPONFOU"OECFDBVTFXFSFBIPNF UPXOIPTQJUBMFBDINFNCFSPGPVSUFBNJTFRVBMMZ JNQPSUBOUUPVT Competitive salaries & benefits, including relocation assistance, a supportive work environment, generous tuition assistance, excellent growth opportunities and many amenities available on the South Carolina coast are just a few of the many reasons to join the Georgetown Hospital Family. Please visit our website at www.gmhsc.com to learn more about current RN opportunities at Georgetown Hospital System and to complete an online application, or you can reach our Nurse Recruiter at [email protected]. Georgetown Hospital System – Human Resources P.O. Box 421718 606 Black River Road, Georgetown, SC 29442 Phone: 843-527-7165, Fax: 843-520-7889 EOE MLFFWFS!XBMMBDFUIPNTPODPN UFMtGBY www.gmhsc.com (2(0)'9 Natalie Dianne Cupps Greensboro, NC Historian/NEC Chair SNA-SC Current School: University of South Carolina-Columbia Past SNA Positions: Historian of the USC SNA What influenced you to become a leader? I am one of those Type A personalities that naturally leads. I wanted to be a part of the SNA-SC be the best that I could be. How has your position on the 2005-2006 SNA-SC Executive Board prepared you for your role as a nurse? It has done so much! I have gained a much broader perspective of nursing and learned about the political aspects of nursing. Therefore, I think that I know better what it really means to be a nurse. What has been the highlight of your term thus far? All of the people I have met. They have taught me so much! Of course, I also enjoyed exploring Louisville and Baltimore. WJTJUVTPOUIFXFCBUXXXXBMMBDFUIPNTPODPN 11 Student Nurses’ Notes • August 2006 Get on with life... Pass Boards the First Time! A course in critical thinking and application. Learn the NCLEX way to answer test questions. Improve your judgement, prioritization, critical thinking and application. Learn how to delegate, manage, and intervene properly with real patient situations. Learn how to figure out which patient you will see first. Live, Video, and Online reviews. 111 South Railroad Ave. Brookhaven, MS 39603-6025 (601) 833-1961 www.hurstreview.com Money back guarantee. Payment plan available. Student Nurses’ Notes • August 2006 12 Okay, so maybe you didn’t think testicular torsion, which is okay. At least you know they are having some kind of pain that YOU cannot do anything about. Tylenol isn’t going to help SEVERE pain. Apply an ice pack and elevate? Picture this. Not a good answer. Prolonged ice could make the problem even worse. Now, look at D. You are saying, “This is normal”….you’ll be okay. You just brushed off the complaint which could bring harm to the patient. Sample Questions Provided by l. After administration of epidural anesthesia, the nurse obtains the client’s blood pressure and notes it has fallen to 92/42. The priority nursing action would be to: a. b. c. d. The answer is A. 3. The nurse suspects fluid overload in a client receiving IV fluids. Which of the following symptoms is indicative of water intoxication? a. Decreased urine output b. Weight gain c. Change in level of consciousness d. Muscle rigidity and arrhythmias Elevate her head off the bed Begin oxygen by face mask at 40% Change her position to side-lying Begin dopamine as ordered Answer = C Remember the word priority changes everything. When you see this you should say….okay, if I could only do ONE thing, what would I do? Another way to approach this question is to follow these rules: #1. What’s the problem? Low BP. #2. What is the best way to FIX the problem? Let’s identify the problem and fix it as well as we can. If you elevate the head of the bed the BP would drop and make the problem even worse. Oxygen sounds good and you certainly might put oxygen on someone who is hypotensive, but oxygen will not make your BP come back up. Don’t you think dopamine is a bit drastic? Let’s start with something less invasive first. Rule: Always go with the least invasive measure first and see how that works. If you turn the patient on their side this would relieve pressure on the vena cava which would increase blood flow back to the heart and therefore increase cardiac output. If you increase cardiac output there will be more volume out in the systemic circulation. More volume…..More pressure. Answer = C To answer this question you must understand too much water affects the body. When you overload your body with water you become too dilute. When you are too dilute your serum sodium does down. Rule: Your brain does not like any change in the serum sodium. Rule: Sodium problems….think brain changes! So the answer is “C”. Yes, the client could gain weight, but this is not life threatening. A change in LOC is possible in this situation and could be life threatening. The urine output should not decrease, it should increase. Muscle rigidity and arrhythmias aren’t even applicable. These symptoms are more often seen with potassium problems. If you do not know fluids and electrolytes like the back of your hand you better be calling my office or visiting my website and getting my CD’s on this topic. Everybody hates this content, but it is the foundation of Med-Surg and NCLEX is 80% Med-Surg! So “C” is the correct answer. 4. You are making an assignment for a Certified Nursing Assistant. Which assignment would be most appropriate? 2. A 14-year-old male visits the school infirmary complaining of sudden and severe scrotal pain. The priority nursing action is which of the following? a. b. c. d. a. Refer to physician immediately Administer Tylenol with mother’s permission Apply an ice bag and elevate the scrotum Explain to the client that occasional pain is common for his age group b. c. d. Answer = A Assist a 1 hour post-delivery up to the restroom for the first time. Empty the catheter of a 33-year-old female and describe the characteristics of the urine Administer an enema to a 3-day post-op abdominal hysterectomy patient. Take the vital signs on a patient receiving magnesium sulfate. Answer = C First, I must emphasize that the only gender that ever misses this question is female! Next, what is the problem? Severe pain. Is there anything I can do about this? What is the worst possible thing that could be happening? Remember, to ask that question as often as you can. I know it is not my place as a nurse to diagnose, but sometimes I have to try and figure out what is going on so I will make a good decision for my patient. This patient could be having a testicular torsion which could lead to permanent infertility. EMERGENCY! For this young man to have come to you and reported his symptoms, I would think they would they must be in a LOT of pain as this situation would be embarrassing. Now I have to know what this type of personnel can do. “A” is wrong because this is a dangerous time. The patient is unstable. I know nursing assistants help people get up all the time, but since I feel this patient is medically fragile I, as the RN, will help them. “B” was sounding great until it said “describe the characteristics.” Describing is a part of assessment. RULE: Never delegate assessment! “D” is wrong because I will have to use my nursing judgment about the vital signs so I can adjust the mag sulfate properly. Nursing assistants only get ROUTINE vitals. So, the answer is “C.” This is a common tasks done by nursing assistants. If the patient had just had some sort of intestinal surgery, then this would make the situation different. 13 Student Nurses’ Notes • August 2006 Career Corner Heat Up Your Job Search During The Summer As your nursing classes may be coming to a close for the summer, it’s tempting to take a vacation from your job search. However when the weather heats up, your job search should too. Exclusive SNA-SC career resources Whether you are looking for part-time work, an externship or full-time employment, the SNA-SC is here to help you. The SNA-SC provides its student members with an online job board and career resource center, accessible through the SNA-SC website at http://www.sna-sc.net/ and click on “Jobs”. Many people take a break from job hunting during the summer, which means you can stay ahead of your classmates by looking for opportunities while they may be relaxing on the beach. The SNA-SC job board and career resource center is designed to meet the specific needs of job seeking nursing students throughout South Carolina. Available on the job board are the following resources: • • • • Nursing Internships / Externships There are often more internship and externship opportunities during the summer than at any other time of the year. Even if the internship is only for a few months, it can help you make the appropriate connections until you find a permanent position. It also adds to your nursing experience, plus helps you determine whether a certain facility or field of expertise is the right fit for you. New Grad Programs and Internships from across South Carolina and the rest of the country Salary Center (Salary Worksheet, glossary of key terms, negotiation tips, etc.) Interview Center (Including sample questions, advice, tips, etc.) Resume Writing Center (Including sample resumes, action verbs, etc.) Stay Cool Even though the summer heat calls for flip flops and tacky Hawaiian shirts, you must still dress accordingly for an interview. Men can wear suits made of a light-weight material and lighter color, like pale gray or khaki, instead of the usual darker tones. Women can wear a sleeveless top under their suit jacket instead of a dress shirt, but only if you don’t plan to remove your jacket. And remember, don’t wear scrubs to an interview! Stay Flexible Take Caution Keep in mind that nurse recruiters’ schedules may change over the summer. Privacy concerns in the Information Age Students should be very careful when registering with online services or sharing contact information with vendors at conferences. Many career related services will actively sell your contact information and resumes without your knowledge. We urge you to please be cautious when choosing online services and to be sure and read each website’s privacy policy. It may be more difficult to schedule interviews during the standard work week, since many people take time off for extended summer weekends. This just means that you need to be as flexible as possible when scheduling interviews. Don’t Sweat It * If you register through the SNA-SC job board, your contact information and resume are 100% secure. AfterCollege, Inc. will never share or sell your information. Don’t take it as a bad sign if nurse recruiters aren’t responding to you as quickly as you are used to. People spend more time on vacation. It often just takes longer to get things done, and that may impact the length of time when making hiring decisions. Keep submitting resumes, following up with nurse recruiters, and sending thank-you notes to anyone you meet with. In short, do everything you’ve always done on your job search. Just remember that you’ll need to be aggressive. B-E Aggressive…and probably a bit more patient. Student Nurses’ Notes • August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tudent Nurses’ Notes • August 2006 THIS IS THE PLACE 2005 Winner South Carolina Family Friendly Workplace Awards QUALITY OF LIFE + QUALITY OF CARE working here lets palmetto learn from the best Start your career at South Carolina’s largest healthcare employer. Palmetto Health is a great place for students or new graduates to start their careers. Still in school? You can gain real-world experience through working as a Student Nurse Tech or participating in our Summer Nurse Extern program. Graduating soon? You can work alongside the southeast’s leading healthcare professionals who care for nearly half a million patients each year. With three extraordinary hospitals to choose from – Palmetto Health Baptist, Palmetto Health Richland, and Palmetto Health Baptist Easley – we have plenty of room for you to grow with us. EOE. We’re expanding our facility and looking for exceptional nurses to join our team. You’ll find a warm work environment and one of the best benefits packages in the industry, including unique scholarship opportunities that allow you to grow as we do. Exceptional nurses needed APPLY NOW Internships Please contact Bryan Gates by phone 803-791-2219 or by email [email protected]. Apply on-line at www.lexmed.com. 1-800-868-7652 + Enhanced Compensation & Career Ladder + Health Plans/Dental Options + Life Insurance + Short - and Long-term Disability + SC State Retirement Program and 401(k) Plan + Tuition Reimbursement + Sign on Bonus + NCLEX Reimbursement + Career Development + Unique Scholarship Opportunities + Annual Leave + On-site Day Care Center + Critical Care + Medical/Surgical + OR + Summer Nurse Fellowship (rising seniors) ® Apply online at palmettohealth.org or call 800-321-5552 AfterCollege Healthcare 98 Battery Street, Suite 502 San Francisco, CA 94111 1-877-725-7721 Student Nurses’ Notes • August 2006 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SANTA ANA, CA PERMIT NO. 4522 16
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