& ROYAL, CLARKE -DEALER IN- BROWNING & LEMAN, Chemicals! Medicines andleave Springs, the beas IE inform the Undcrsigned leave public Sab1seribvr bv.gs Glenn To the ublic, and TluE to T SHALL open to my friends itht the above pleasant WATERING PLACE the! public, on the first .loday in ill OF will be re-opened for the receplton of company on IMPORTERS the known as Hotel the E S H O S, January, BOOTS, the 1st of April next, under the ianag-tement of ir. & BRITISH GERMAN has FRENCH, CARPET BAGS, VALISES, &c., NEWBERRY HIOTEL, which J1. C..ANNEY, late ,f jan'ey's Ilotel," Cogoni unbia, S. C. The buildings are now in thorougi IRON FRONT STORE, BROAD STREET, just been thoroughly renovated :nd repaired and faitAhful servants shall always be in attendance OProsITE TIE lMAOXCtC HALL, AUGt'sTA, GEonrwk. repair, :mld before April next they will also be handthe guests of the I louse shall not want for an: slInely furnikhed. aind will aaflord. The subseribel 111 Undlersigned having formed a Co-partnerThe advantages of GLENN SPRINGS, as a 209& 211 KING, CORNER M.ATKET-ST., thing th:it the market under the.yirm of C L A RKE & ROYAL trumis by strict attention to business, to tmerit a shar< Wat-rin.z Place, and the reputation of Mr. Janney, S. C. CHARLESTON, the of transaction of the public patronage. for the general are such as to require no further as a Ilotel .1 0Il W. FOWLEfI, Proprietor. notice. keeper, T. S. ARTHUR, Proprietor. constantly on hand, and offer to their Boot and Shoe Business, and K EEP Dec 27. 51 largest C. the m friends and the public generally, Newberry II., 3m 4 Feb 7 Will keep at all times on hand the FINESTi assortment of Laboth fur MOST FASlIlONA FLE GOOI)S, e Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods die ;and Gentlemen, that is now manufactured, to. FOR SALE! with a large assortmettrfor lttisses in the Soutlern Swttes. Their Stock is constantly II E Trustees (if this Institution take pleasure gether Also, heavy work for Platttitn supplied with a full assortment of in alnnltnein tlhait they ha ve made ample aranl Childretn Aiso will keep We raiinveets for its con-iule durig th-- lre elt year. louse Servants. an ,lIS well.known s~ttntiin t Trunks, and Mr. ER ASMLU8 Lr WILLI.AM lcCASLIN1 Travelitig and Packillg of and Fabric. varitlies the newest two young gentlemen of fine StyltVALISES, CARPET BAGS, 4c. con- OflinallSilks. on the Phak Itoad Ieadinj TOUNGil OOD, Illuste, Grenadines. Tis.ues, Bareges. Chs-sical education, have the School now in charge. City, Our Store i% in the cential part of thewell-kiown Aluslins. B'ombarines, Al pacas, and Mourning to Augusta, is now oflerred for sale. Boith Trustees and Teachers flatter themselves with venient to all -.be 1Hotels. being the of its desira h.lief thiat their School will not have its superiIt is almost needless to say anything From our lon1! Goods of nll kinds, Ithe stanl of ALDRICl & ROYAL. of every and Lace Goods. Embreideries variety. ble properties. Every one is aware that nip u hr in the State. Either Teacher is qualified to we flatter ourselves that of exp-rienee in the business, Goods every description. Evening I)ress than healthful, m1ore beautiful or itort valuable place, instruct thoroughly in every branch required for enwe can give as good, if not better bargains, and Boys' Wear. the sane size, is to be fotund in South Carolina. trance into our Colleges, North or. South. As it is Gentlemens endeavors will be Our best elsewhere. can get you There are two hundred acresattached to the resio not probable, from the delay we have unavoidably a us Linen and favor Drills who with Cloths. Cassimeres, Vestings, may to give satisfaction to all and capable encountered in opening the Academy, that we siall dence, all of it 1ying level as a floor lENRY E. CLARKE, Coatings, of best French Goods. 'call. being carried to a very il state of productivenest have at any time during the year an inconveniently W.M. S. ROYAL. Satinets, Tweeds, .leans, &c. Indulzence given to suit the purchaser, provided large number of Students, those who do come will 6 1y A ugusta, Feb 2, FOR FAMILY USE. the purchase money be amply sectrtd. privilege of constant and careful suenljoy the great :V' For further particulars enquire of the Sub Parents will at once see this advantage pervision. PROTECTION! PROTECTION! Rose. Whitney, and Bath BLANKETS, scriber on'the premises. ill its proper light. h:ivu b -en waiting for OiS' Red and White Flannels, LL. those .ho J. Rl. WEVE,:,R. We respectfully ask of our friends,and the friends and Anerican Cotton Flannels, Paxtent lassulated Lightlsnng English I ti 17 of the School, that they will come forward and enConductors, e.n now be furniish'd with them. French, English and American Prints and Canm- Jan ter their bo'vs immediately. The full Scholastic brics, Readl what Professor .1. N. l.oostis, formerly Prowill be taught. for y.ar celebrated of ichardson's near make, Linens, Frankl.i College, in fessor of Natur;al Scienee Terms. Daimasks, Table Pillow Cases, Shirtiiigs. of A cade Cliemistry Shcetings. T of these NT t T.\l lrofessopr at N )EP.\ LE HEA Na-hville. Tenn., present IluekaE. and Towell gsR. MaJ. DIoylies. Classical the of it For per"annum,...Q36,00 College Napkins. Department, the Mr. in the Medical Sme i; under supervisionl and Natural llistory " " back Diapers, Fruit Cloths, GIss Cloths, Apron L->1LY, Iliigher Eng. 32, 0 A sisted by Mr. B ASS. con, Ga., s.tys about the rod ruuning through glass " " " " 28,00 Linins, &c. Ordinary Female Depirtinent will he supervisedMub3 'Thli rings:CARPET IN GS. board to be had in pleasant families. Mr. A. P. BUT[AR, assisted by competent Capitol last eilit years givenconsid' rallaving for the various Ingrain. three Ply. Bru'ls, Tapestry and Velvet, sical and other ln4tructoresF. JOHN LIPSCOIB, ) depairtnients of electrical b:e att.ntion to the con- British and A merivan Fi or Oil Cloths, R. T. fillaS. Tuition. of Rates sei-nee, and having exIOmiednany lightning in Wiltoi Velvet andi A xniinster Rugs. i A RTHUR SIMKINS, y no bes'itaney duet..rs. North anl South, I lve First Cass, Primary I:epartnment, per Scss'on $9,0( GEO. A. A DDISON, ited Lightming Con- White and COlored mt:ncs, of all widths, Patent Otis' linul " ordin:iry English branches,......12,0( ilr..noinneinig 2nd Stair Carpetins. of all kinds. LEWIS -JONES. JP do~r. as emb~odying more of the necessary scien- Stair Rodsand higher En-lish tranches........15,0( 3nii tf 2 Jan 24 with tiie pr:neiples and14 of tihe eonlitions of certin ProGreek anl I tman Iitetrature .11i Tlhe \% ORSTED highter and teerioti than :mv now it useofin Ili s ciuntry. .\athematies..........18.0( Of every vari, ty in SILK. S.\TIN elega it ai-l perfect in.-tho I insuatiooi, constitutes Curtain Canibries and N-usliis. Music................ its Chief excellence, white it combines iall the advanEmbrmidered Lace and Sluslin Curtains, FOR YOUNG LADIES! from the tittme of entering un rol Pupils :te ges 11f Quimibv's and other rods. When lie Gilt Cornices, Curtaini Gitps. Holders, Loops, til the end elarged the Session. Tuition in advanee. of are supported which rines. the glass throiugh 42 PUrILs JS ATTENDANCF. LAST SEStoN. pases Tassels. l)rapery Cords, Bell Hopes. &c. The year is divided into two Session of fiv< by metall:e ron bolts driven ito the wal sis of the GOODS. PLANTATION 'ech. motIs E next Session will commence on Monday h1#n e. as i dth e ioll tetihol, the glass ring easily n7' Good lonim1 can be li.l int tile itglbolt-ool rpIl &c. Bhinkets. Plains. Kersys. Caps, 8th. 1855. broken-Ist. fr..ni be~ni iiiterposed between two .lanuury nontIt. makes dol'ars Southern to tle tromt best the S8 S10 all It of per Cotton Osniaburgs, metal ie sur ace. 2.1, by the (..n.lensati..n of the Tivltiomi .3ERislWETT1ER., per Sessiosa, 14 weeks. IROuT. A Il the abve, with every ther line of 1) RY iaio:mhe re b/'re :n ele: rienal -urrent i,3d. by fo "-r 00 Trustees. of Board Clair'n .'rimary Department................7 GOODS which cal I. demandid. are of OUR vilent c'o!!apse of the air wlieli inineoliatily 5 if Academical . .................12 o0 andl are Feb 14 IMPORTATION, DIRECT SOVN lo Vs. aind 4th, by tl.- hat of tile rlecitrical discharge, Collegiate. . ................1; 00 offerted at the Lowest Market, Prices for Cash, or hke ti pouring of h.t water into a tlasi tumbler. or Piano...........18 00 IIusiC-Guitar rIhe insla.rs b.-ing thus brioktn. the elctrical fluid City acceptance. 00 and with Drawing French,eac!I............1) til adMany is lin!. b hlous--s SYSTEM the to E PRICE SOUTE. ON THE invited The o strictly is evei THE FIWTH rAiR 0- All using the Apparatus are vlharged each per by hired Pupils INSTITUTE. for the promotion t ace warranted. and all orders Gonlds to. un1erfect prot ction hrove licen destroytd CAROLINA thiIn Session 12,00. tiled with promptness and tihi -os: caeril atten- AlRT, MECHANICA L INGENUITY AND INDUS litini. But a few ilays since I Saw a suall two such rok. tion. TRY. "ill he hel-t at the New Hall. recently erecte< Pupils using the Piano for praicee are charged & LEMAN. BROWNING house struck though protected w:tlh conductor com of as a tie in Charleston, for Keeping them in tune per Session $1,00. tn Meeting.street, city 3 ly -lan. I re-d the inventor of this neto 23, Charleston, All Pupils are charged fifty cents each for conmencig on benetraetor of i:nkind. ini haviii turmnh-l tle WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, wirlI with so certain a protectiotn to lift. and proper& Rnd continiing open for exhibition until lthe twenty The Musical Department is furnished with FIVE tv, aga:nst the most territic agent. LOOMIS." N. PIANOS, which are kept in excellent order, and J. of April. fifth ii 1852. takes E inoutinc:tg pleua-ir Uidersigited July 1, Tril take of the Institute. gr.at used pleantr Directors The constantly isby the Pupils. surnil I. Ii V.UkLe. Erdig of I Insulathe citizeins to " I have carefully examitned Otis' Patent th, to the public that, by tht. liberality of staling in Music taught daily without extra charge. Vocal Romii the see.ire has lie that to the rounding coutiry, thelPost Uelie. tor the tid Condtuetor, nd have hai it at'ached Sttte and cit y, they h, et.ie enabled to erect a larg.: will continue in their several DeTeachers The! as known purpose constructed recentiv cmmiodionsw atnd el.-eani bunild in,.e'apable of'ho~tlding~ partments the same as hast Session. building -in which I reside. It is b.-t*er HI.\RNE$S .ND SAl)lI.E rinectiot the in f aid alsit. carry'ngon in its innin Ilall, 3500 peorstos, an imole securely i'tsulatei thanany fonr c lightCIIAS. A. RAYMOND, PSiNcirAL. and siarions MAC IN!: antd oheap. BULI. t N IESS in all its various branches, andi holies. with it. a very well ;adapiel them 50 tf niiig Ro.s I have seen. It is also neatcannot suffiirien to ftrnish 27 to his etnaible D.c ent usted will whicl work all to [OO31. attentili to fail strict by giving and if properly attaelel to a building, offered be that of kind fir may anly power Machinery of share liberal a to receive patronage. ahforil security against loss of life mtd property by etre, for exhibititin. elee:ricity. I thelchore reoiiend it as worthy oh Saddles, Bridles, Trapping & Harness, Snitable premiutms will he aiven to the best speci the confidence of the coiinuity. nens in Art, Mechani-in antd other branches of In Dr.. WM. PIERCE, DErATM.NT, ANCIENT LA,.NUF EVERY DESCRIPTION, it. T. 15RU. I Y, 11u-4try : also 'if Cotton, lIZtee,$wngar,Tlobacco, Whetat immo-t and in litest the to GUAGES. be made Will order, prodnets. Pr ,ftssor of Chemistry, &c live, O:te. Potatoes ani other auricultural " ENGLin LITE'Tie Ladies. to whonm the Institute ims h.-en si muel r.v. 0. I. TRIMMIER, South Carolina College. proved styles, and out of the best material th.at cali RtAT;R E. be procured. pre indebted. are respect fully inlirmd t hat sitable CoLUMIA. S. C., Feb. 1, 1S55. " MA-TE.ATIs miums will be provided by the Ctmmittee and award MoNs .. IIOLET, REPA IRING neatly and promptly executed. We haive tundlrede of written testimonia's from ed to the best speeimens inevery department of Ladiei AND CONTINENTAL ToNGUEs. numof a course are Also CASH, Terins State. As each my in my men COthe motst scientitic BOYS iay be accommodated with Board, than customary work. The. ftllowinlg is a list tf tte ariieles for the bes her certifyine to this most important fact, that hu l- hares will be far more reasonable Stationary and vomtar a sat Lightq, LodginLr, Washing, glass ien throuih sfy are trial.imd Give in this which rod thotugh rumiming tfTrered, tif rounl ecim.ns the prenittlni. viciniity. dI ng iuvitig five months, invariof Session at antd nill be received $100 with ktmtdG. other Truitionl, GOLDING. per of tall REUBEN premitm destroved been licies have selves. them to rings. attache1 4 awnrirded for the sane: tf ablyA in advance. Feb i_ thi.ir contents. from the ell'ets of lightning This Architectural Drawing. Cooper's work. I ly iken, S. C., Jan. 17 Iisalated Coniduct.or was awardedl the premium at Sale. Oil. inl Paintting Paper. Sherifl'is th Wirld's Fair. (Iist seaimon iti New York )-Also, Soile Leather. Colors. Water in Paintiig on. STATE OF soVI;THCX GAlNLINA, TRUNKS, TlsTip, AlMost VaIua bl Residence Edgefield Male Acadefny. T n..r T citizens of Edgefieldof D:strict, thata heWELL has just SE. in the Town Hamburg, 1pened LECTED Stock of CHOICE MEDICINES AN D CHEMICALS, ro which lie respectfully solicits their attention. Amongst his large assortment will be foundToilet Articles and Perfumery, to announce to TUTT & PELLETIER'S NEW STORE! DRUC Hamburg, S. C. E Respeetfully solicit the attention of PlanMerchants. Physicinns, and the public W VERY HANDSOME AND generally, ters, to our ;ELECT STOCK of and Chemicals, Pure Medicines NEW and GENUINE. All of which are entirely -AIONG OUR ASSORTMENT WILL BE FOUND- DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Dye Stuffs, PATENT 19EDICINES Of the day, all of which we offer at Whosesale or the most reasonable terms ever hereto- Edgefield Collegiate Institute, letail, upon rore offered in this market. 11. 11. TUTT, M. D. A. J. PELLETIER, Next door to B. S. Dunbar's Corner. 49 3mn ITaiiiurr, Dee IS DEALER IN Oils and Glass, Paints,Charleston, S. C. for sale, a general assort1E Keeps constantly Oils of all kinds, Varnishes, iient of Paints and Window Glass and Sashes, Spts. Turpentine. Spirit Gas. Cotton Foot-Gin Fixtures, Glue and Brushes f various kinds. .14 1y Charleston, Sept 4 HAMPTON'S SHOPI the foot T ofIE theBlackemithreadyis stillto atdohisEVERY post JOB coinnear hill, mitted to his hands in the best stylepf the day. H e to receive a liberal share of pu*blic custom, as hopes is prepared with the BF.ST 01 M" AT1EI A LS hle rrom that I-st of Hardware Stores, llobinson & Jackson's." Remember Old llamip' "le makes his sled ge-hammer For to rise and to failAnd he strikes this, And lie strikes that, And then he strikes all " Aiken Sub-Collegiate Institute. chanitge. Thiose applyittg for Ahrentres, add res DOUGLf A MS& .IOIIN SON. Ownters of the R ight for this State. 37 One oof the proprietors can be see at F. M1. N'ichtoohi lotel. -6 3t Feb 21 For Ninety-Six Depot, HAMBURG AN3D AUGUSTA ! heaves Edgetteld C. ill E IT. S. .\A.\ .. COACh SI I.. ion Mionodays, Wedtnessinys anid F~ridatys. fori Ninetv-Mix l)epoot. at 1ioclock, P. . lecaves' EIketiehil G. 1I., Tuesdays, Thursdays andI :aturdays, at 5 P'. MI., foor A ugusta. ACC0.\M.\I0ATTON COAdil leaves Edgcfield C. II. Mloindays. Wedlnesdays and Friodays at I P. M1., for Auguta,-conntecttig witht the Night .SIail Trainis on all the Rail R. ads-atnd returingt leaves Augusta next day, at 2 o'clock P. M1. F. M1. NICilOLAS, Agent. 5 Feb 14 1im r Tax Collector'sando Notice! hereinafter at the timest I specifi-d,.attentd W I LL to co!!eet the p'aeies GENER.\L. POOR and RO 'AD TAX, for the year commtienieing the first October 18~>.. At Edgefield C. H., Mlonday, Mlarch 5th, andI .con'inue every day during Court. Wim. S. Smytley's, Mottnday March 19. Satie evening, 4 o'clock, at Dr. 16-ady's. Tttesday. W ed Tige, 20thl .\atch. ntesoiny 21st Ml Lv brands', ireh. o'cloik, att C. C. Piunket's. Thursday, 22d1 M\arch. Friiday, 23d1 " 2 Same evening, 5 Ilatcher's, Beach Islantd, " Gratniteville, Saturday, I lambturg, Cherookee Ponds, M,.otiiay, T1u.sday. ith 2Gth " 27th " Arehiy \loreani'. WViehtmnni'o Schoool II. We d'dav, --8th March. "' Colier's, Thursday,~29th " 30th Red Il11l, Frniday, .D~untoonsville, Saiturday, 31st "i Same evetn.g 4 o'clck. C. Stroim's Store. 2.1 A pril. .Edgen.ld C. Ll., 1ondiy, 3d " Hoiwardl's, '1Tuesday " .Sam,-o eenitig, 5 o'cloock. at . Rocky Pond. Maj."Middlletonoo, Park.s, Freelaind's, Liberty H ill, Shitterfield, Steven's Store. W~o. N. M oore's, Coopersville, Nickerson's, R. Mt. Seurrv's, We dn.-.dayt, 4thl Thusday, 5th " ith " 9th 1Otht Wed nesdaty I I th Thur.sday, 12th " " Fridayt aiturdayi M inlay, .Tuesday " "i Friday, 13thI"~ Saturday, 1-ithl" Monday, 16th ""i Tuesda~y, 17th Coleman's X Rtoads, Wednesday 18th " Same evening, 4 o'clock at Cool. Clary'sStor:e. Thursdaiy, 19th A pril. Perry's X Roads. Sante evening, 4 o'clock at hlavird Stoore. " Friday, 20th Ritnehart's, Same evening, 4 o'clock at .1. Wise's. Sat urday 21st " Norrisville, Satme evening. 4 o'clock tat A. Whiittle's. " Monday. 23d Mount WVilling, Same evening, 4 o'clock at J. Mickleor's. " Tuesday, 24th Allen's, Wednesday 25th "i" ,J. S. Smyley's, Thutrsday, 26th " .J. Dornt's Store, Friday. 27th Pleasant Line. Edgefield C. H., Monday and Tuesdaty, the 7th which tmy books wvill close for and Sth of Miay, after the present yeatr. 7 Free persons of color are required to pay their Tax in March. it-- Births, D~eaths an'1 Marrinog.-s are to lie re'J. QUATTLEBUXM, T. C. E. Do. urned. 0 3m Feb 21 Richardsounville, Received, and Half Barrels No. 3, M ACK E95"4 BBLS. REL. Also, Just A few Kits, quarter and half bbls No. 1, Macke4. reL. Hamburg. Jan 2.1 SllBLET & SON. 2 tf Improved Cotton Gins. will exhibit one ouf his Improved IUM GINS, on the Public Square, at M~1R.IPRWEMYNE Court week. Edgefield C. hi., during Feb 7 2t Good Peach Brandy ! received large supply PURE OLD JUIST PEACH BRANDY.E. BOWERS, .S. a Hr.a....., v2. of tlf T Aeademy BViteof thec iof - tvr lNS,' Plataton for Sale, n ivethndre "~ 6th AGENT. 45 Academy, much pleasure Iarnes. Leather. 3Mittiature Paintitni. Calf Skin, drersed fur take ie Trustees of this Pen Drawiti. itils. Pencil Drawing. .i inin... the community and its former pat. (Carriaige Hlarneiss. Crayon Drawing. runs5 that it will be opened on'the 2nd Mtanday in or Sulkt' Harness. Sculpure. Iatggy under the charge of Miss C. E. Gare W. lurst and .\manda, his Janary ins~t. Giart or Dray Hlarness. W Penmanship. 1EKS in the Academical De',artmnent, and Miss Sadle. constritcltin of modle Riding Bes~t ati Order frm 1I. TI. Wrighit, Esq. Be aver or Silk Hat. F.M3. D. 11EN D)RICK iln the hI usical Deparltment. Wharveit. of E~lgelieldl istrict. I shall pro-~ liest preparation for pack- ClothlCap. Orditnary Academyv Miss II EN UR:CK has had charge of thissatisfaction, at Cap or in Fireman's ~ Miitary ing~ Ctttn. eeed to sil otn the first .ilonday .\arch next. for the pa~st year, anid has1 given general Rice Ilest of Land Tract Threshing conttiiing aolf Ma-,ioits. Edgefild C. 11., One and1 .Alis W~El.:zs ha~s hadl the conduc a school chine. ;Shoes, in this vicinity during the year 1854. and we are real estate or more less, Twentseve acres, ie~t Rit.rigerator. I I.ilies' Gaitera'. A o'.Faulkner, Peni dee'd., onhorse bly tillse who patroniized her schlol, that situateid ass:ured badies' Best Sliitppera.. Pltogh. PartCreek. adjiniing Latids of .Johnz Durst, .dle is well gnllihied to teacht. To those whlo have Umbrella or P'arasc'l. lest Chnurn. low and othiers. lh-arl Mliss II ENDaIICK performt on the Piano it is [lest Washting Mlachline. IHair Dresser's work. to say anyvthing in commnendation of TERMs --A crecit until the first day of October unnlecssalry next, except costs whieb mnu-t be paidl in Cash.lapetrs wtork hSv htandl. tulcli work. hecr qua~lilication's itt this epartmnenit. a .Modtellintg in Plaster. We teel well assured that our school merits the 'urhiaser civinig bond with ample secur~ty. anid artpenter's work ~by M'ta- Tiln work. chinery. mirgage of the premises to the Ordinary to secture pat ronage of the community. wood. Plumbing. in arving the putrehase li~onev. TIhis schooill is situted~l iln EdgefielId lI istriet, withB:isket or wicker work. SIitdel of a sthip. LEWIS JIONES, S. E. D. in two lmites fi E\irksey's Crlo's Roauds P. O., in a ware. Willtowi wttrk. ulilder's Iltat 5 3t hiebl an11. healhy setionl Elf the l'ist rict. Feb 12 Siip Joinetr's wotrk. lvil i iol iko Good bllard ini the n..itehbrlhool at $7 tol $8 pe and utlc m~,e naking .lti. Ptnmpt4idwrighti. Sheriff's Saic. 's i rk. tttl~tr~ mo(nthl. Rates of Initioni are reasonlable. Fa., to mie idijY Virtue of Stindry writs~toof Fi. i odo esil. The year i< fiv-ided into two Sessions of 22 weeks [-mur wheel Carrm ge. Lirtdr in noli, sell oin thte first Jreeted, I shatll proceed gy. Pititta in Br'' [rot arDyrin -eh. ~All the branches usually taugh~lt ill female imritrvnSlko Mlona; in Mlirchi next, at Edlgefield C. 11., the lIng or Suilkey. flwiig property. in the fiolluwing eas, s, vix. :asiie i Ionor ri V.Ebroid er oom. French aol Spanish L anguages ;1 trawing~ andpit Alfred .\lav vs. Jhln Younitgb~iiii, One Tract ot atid music, instrunmenand twi 2r.lyOn ing, EOE E drawing acres, and o (It60) hundreid ine sixty. Sik Embr containiin2 Stcing Land l iittder Irtis or tppr ta and vocal. Wlorse. lt mreior less. adjiiining lands of damies Dorn, A bner o ra. 's 'ar hleani ani others. E. AND)R EWS,I Trustees. 011 nr Wiica iwer. vs. -rii.n )in'Brs vron others and Executors, Addison A. S. ST EPH Geoirge Wrk Ortlfnmtellrv Walood.krs~atk and Smith A vs. I:'lizabeth Same The John ntry ; J. hIARRIS, John A utry ;The Samte vs The Sante. Oneo Tract S. STAl.NAKER.)J moire of Landl containuing Onue hiunidred (100) acres, 51__ 2m* .11 Ja rin RitlingFect Gt. C1ot tn Yare n. or less. adjoininig lands of BurtrelI T. Boatwright it or i Stpperwo. r tnite als.okns os nra atd o thers. is. S mt. Reaing, Grtlve Land ttrektmith'lwrk Bleksit~'s work. jittevnr .laihn S. Smvlev vs. S. Tiimmerman and Peter owrLom wrnorkBs. ttin rasti iotl~ri, for saie the P'lantation onl Sixtyiif Land Tract containtinlg 518 Subscrib~l'et imnermllmi Onie wh.ichel he now~ -eIdes, conltainintg sx (thi~) acres. mtore or less. adlj ininig lanids of lttr. .'ln Latke. .laieob Tiimmiermiani and iithiers. Fifteen Hundred Acres, iamr.ntalSg 3 tiake' gwr. mentaleavng ott theu tolumllbia antd Edg-ieid Road, in situated er' ork. ahin |Ctfectiter. vs The Sumte, Cothran son vs..:The do ne;. Johni te R'idg.e settlemenlt, adjinitng thec lAnds oif Mrs. One Bav llir. fattrt Wttsoni, .\laj. Ti. Watsonl, U. Ward, .J. MleCarter T. 3a TireLtta Watc [ l i c k oach i Hand m vs. MIatthew Gra andW.i W. iger Benjamtin Uritiint. Beard, One Niegri lioy ina adorna It is itt excellent coniditionl,anld has on it an EL Eta out iransmilei GimpTlli. Srim th'stwork 'las.a Plakingw. Cress & iltima v, Jo.:u .\. Hloustin: Other GANT TWO STORYi DWElLLING HOUSE, te in to e cIotuse andI Lot Plaititffs vs. The'ae tell hooms (tour of whlich ate twety cnltatiig the of Bridge, Town iif Ilamburg. neatr the end feet sqjuare-dinitng room sixteent by twventy-four,) For thed hitntielo l mronehd NIlEN. N by the I teenidatt known as the " Woods ieccupi.d and has ten Closets. ewele' awork.i n LeIe~inred otugr lue,"' in' xcel'entt retpair, biund, dl West by S. Thlere is also oln the place an excellent Gini Tiouse, C. Rail Rload South by Le't belon~ging to City t 11 ft itru by 415, besides a larg!e Linlt Room1 ott the side, tier. j work Milv termih' S to Lot belonging Council o'f A~ u uti, North by doubtle machelinery for ginnling and thrashing. and11 C. Rail Roadl.I ITere is also attachedl to the Gill a Iirst rate Screw. .1. William and .lhn .loeis *s John Quaittlebmum Onl said Tract is a splendid1 strong N EW thte vs. Faukner, Ex'ors: .hiimes Smtyley, As-igntee, il lb. about a mile froml thec Dwellint. CORN One vs The ettro. lur ie tmins 'lE 1E.IE 3anarinrl Satni, The Sanme: Other l'laintt< A FishI Ponid, oh the purest spritng water, in good and eighty Two hundred Tract of Laind ciintaining trout whicIhlne abounld, is also cit this very valua-IreBrc. t. htphy ir. of Lanids (20) acres. mire or less. adjointint the acres arc fence, and .Iohna Landrumi .Iamnes F'. Lowry and others, |Preil~iikssiedricktothse.i~v bout OIchl Dienir. roperty of .ledtn Faiulkner, dee'd. 'The ri timiber. of line Maig.TretineMoanufacmpred tchse gheckand near onle tho-usabnd itn wolds .tirdan P. Pool vs .Jaickson I lolmes and Jlames Meal. Pichr orFift Dolar. mciiutl rtetryuti best water everylfield. thro~ught runls oif sprlin.. of F.ourteen Tract Lanid Otto containing Murell, SILr Witeroseno he argst uanityuerUSper Wtax huren (1400() acres. more iir less. adjitnitng hlands ho Fort PainingTalow Dr RImenta ten ori pountds. otless thant of inettlnttiot. cosayotuildin~gs aeconvemnttly arrageduo ail r CandL. pininsui f B. TI. Boatwright, tDerick I lolsonhaitke and others, SignIes Foramena the premises. tte Iron, tepr.'c ~ S pane Wrtk.rgo the property of the .Defendatnt .icksitn ilhnes. To sold -on good terms if applied for ae nd Ledger.a reitoEge and llMdl (T it will hiePossession LEWIS dIONES,s. E. D. Terms Cash. G ld Meup al STEALMIENGIE the bestinindG. For Rtlaed givenl this Sprintg, or niext ofaney inltediaeldy. 5 Feb 10 3t New Year's day, as best suits the parties. I-. WARD. 4 7 tf Feb E ON tcer for sale HIUN'lE'Sbcriber of lers orSiler. tme e pnnfcRip, sErior oroen' rtiht lDR EDDand SEVENTY-FIV E acres of Land. aC GbiMea. Sileren men It is a:1 in woods, and the best iti ureid of ainy Subscriber will offer for sale at pubie outtT"lE L:tds in this section of cotuntry. Sai.l Tract adcry, on thle first alonday itt M\ardi. alt Edge1. h L. of lands Col. WV. lai'el Colemaitn. jeis Posey. A VA LUA BLE TRACT OF PINE field C.~I1., anid ot the Estate Leiwis terr.ek. Malihti Cogburn, i F~ 1ron, Cheeser. n LA NDI, bounded hy Lands of B. latchler, Alfred a SilerCl SierPilts tnbt C rAher tepot Spr tnt If r. sles. the Subscriber on the tract whiichl lerCr aNGiE W Me al. orForthetiekind. .\lrs. A. Griflal anld others. I Iughes, sold at private sale, it. will be iiisp -sedl iof IRELIN mAdel ofaCmpoed best CaSIGold previously in wvoods and hteavily tmbered,a first TIract is tillFour Thie Mlonday in October niext, ,on a credit onthe hunldred acres, and htavintg imArove TAISLYANDON~iv cntiningtI tnboutits centre. For thech.-st until the first Jltnuary next. Pillh. Silver Mill Sent ne-ar will also sell, it the purchaser of the abtoe dea credit of onte and Lanlis will be sold on date. sires to buy, the highly valuable phmitation ont which oplataetn BO Ies ha te ushlp.ile twoESaidyears. Note and two from interest with ACRES. FOUR lIUND)REDJ live, containing For h net ioin of SUNbeM FLWE EOPL good securities will be required t.. secure the parIt is deemed uninecessary to say anty thing more of it Rof ol. STEEDL, made fror ebase moe.R. M. FULLE~R. Pilher urnieSilver these truly excellent Tracts of Lantd. specimens For the hi eat ______5_ 3 Feb 14 If treated for privately, a good bargain can be obtain td. an Gif For fufther information call on the SubscriBfACKSMIlTI[, by the month or Fr the tbest tspeienofAmericant CSCULPTUEI,:t ber on the premnises. ear, for whlom liberal w-ages will be given. I)ERICK JHOLSONBAKE. sd no For tethe brest A pply to the Subscriber, at E'dgefield C. IT. frS pTiAKEiunodauh Jbdes gAn.atilof to 5 parof MttAb.COCOSp. 8m Feb 14 S. F. GOODE. For the barest quatt oN P S SILKR thAeSpodc Jan 3l iCA i()LI N A, .3 STX'I'l OF soUTHDISTRICT. if EDGEFIRLD O S E Ps h Wn ALKE. d ive npriett PUBLIC SA LE Ol [N EQUITY. ilvero Cupri.et, c SaTrAyLLON aonlREC For on a'. tha tebe M. S. Manrtin, Ex'ors of SmTLtCrLINa SIn F or the aes ESilver fthA ler TACKtEecyanp.es or Robert Martin, dec'd. the bes RCALS Jr 7. L. A. SilverSCr.. TO CLOSE A CONCE RN. vs. i. Bill for Accounts,4-c For2For b8.o C.31ASMIIEKI, hatre-arte tiyrett TACKEYrGELDIN of ..tivIXTILL. be s-ill to thle highest bidder- on Sale day the bentlMARSH Frepc th. Johin Matrsh, RNES~oa 9 r 3.iC.r. Cup. OR N. IUankerson and others J lfouse.NIEN-lmonigst Mlarch at thle Coutrt F .o F the hestEAR. 10.ilve Ct. NEGRO ITEN VTin VALUIAIBLE N Pursuance of the Order of Chan. WAanuAw Drivers s 5.uC.in rizetaSlve Pie.E..o tenm are Entginleers, Sawyers, Axenmen, in this cause, ailt anid singular, the Creditors of PrsiEDtO. V Rc speIenWOODU Fo3tees mutheuno 1orFLOW nered f A6. artce prmim and Field hlands. the Defendant Jlohn Marsh, claiming uinder the ic A rlnet af orbfrJan2 ray reet as.-Credit until Ist.Januar~y 1856, with [FT assinmnt executed by .the said Jo'hn Matrshi, when note and securIty, bearing interest. TIapproived Acadmitted to thc benefit of the insolvent Debtors ACKWOOD & TAYLOR. tles lBL warranltedl. in and be to aippear 4 count, arc hereby requited 5 3t 12 Feb H amtburg, to of next, May my Omlee on thei nineteenth day deIn make proof of their respective d~peinl!s. Notice. fault qf which thiey will be exclgded from all benefit IS [ intenld to close my Tan Yard, I will not of the Decree to be pronounced in this eause. more HIides after this date. I.receive any A. SJMKINS, c. E. E. D. unider Valuable Landffor Sale. Valuable Pine Lands for Sale. AGOOD W Eight I ted, Ten Negro Men, EIGilT C. B. LANItAM. i Elegant Mloriantigue SILKS 4 do 4t* Rich Satin, Striped Feb 7 Plaid do Elegant BlackPlaids and figured; Small Striped Rich Brocade Plain, Striped and Plaid, 50 cents To former Friends and Patrons, E. BOWERS, thankful for past patronper yard, worth 75 cents ; Plain Black Silks. all widths, very cheap; S age, would beg leave to inform the public that Black Plaid Watered and Brocade, new styles; he is now receiving L A RGE Consignments of White Silks and Satins; Brandies, Wines. Cordials, Figured, all Wool. French Muslin DeLaines, 12J Whiskeys, OF ALL KINDS, AND LIQUORS worth 50 cents, cents; S u g a rs, French lerinos, very cheap; 4 Lupins' best Bombazine, exceedingly low; BROWN, CLARIFIED, CRUSHED AND LOAF Back Jamiese, a newiand very desirable all-Wool SEGARS, HAVANA AND AMERICAN, Goods for mourning; Black Alpaccs all qualities, some very fine and And all articles usual.y kept in the Family Grocery Business. low S priced; Trankadil!o! TiE Subscriber begs leave to aulel. to what has well said above. that he is sole proprietor of I been so .11'PTON'S SI lOP, and will endleavor to have evervihing done up brown, or not at all. .f- PLOW WORKl thankfully reeeived and promptly done at all times. A. SIMKINS. Jan r TII 17 24, 2 &c, Carriages, Buggies, for --ale greatly Subscriber at nowotl ers Iduced prices, a lairge acting Gingltams, styles, very cheap, inform all that his business must be done Domestic Goods of all kinds; spectfully for .is low Blankets and Kerseys unusually low, and a great on the CASH SYSTEM ENTIRELY; will not warrant exarticles to which we would respect- prices and small commissions variety of otherattention tension of time on Goods sold. of the public. fully invite the He is determined to sell Low, for Cash, GRAY BROTHERS. and hopes to merit a share of the trade. Come one, 44 tf Augusta. Nov 14 come all, and examine hi Stock before puichasing, -it is all he asks. FALL --- - CR The business will be conducted under the naic and style of S. E. BowERs, Agent. FULfor R. M. 42 tf A. RANSOM, Ao-rV Nov. 1, isl LlER, lamburg. C., has now on hand a Ilambur,. Calicoes tind ' AND WINTER GOODS! JOSEPR WHILDEN, Saddle Harness Mfanufactory FIEID) DISTRIC''. "Know-Nothings," ilantillas, Cloaks and Talmas of the very latest ChIEMICALS, COSMETICS, for two large Wholesale Confectionary French Being Agent exceedingly cheap; styles, one in New York and the other in AugusPerfmnery, Essential Oils. I ashmere and Woollen Shawls; Houses, Crape, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, SPICES, Embroideries of all kinds, of the most elegant ta, he is prepared to fill all orders for BRUSHIES AND SOAPS OF EVERY VARIETY, descriptions; TIs, 1W313982 4.2 Ribbons for the Million, fine bonnet and neck, 64 At1WAR Old Port Wine for MIedicinal Purposes, notice possible. shortest the 20 worth cents cents a ; vard, And the most popular as Agent only, he would reAs lie is best South Carolina Institute, BDG inform the public, that their Fall pur- to wviti " Oak Grove EG CLOCK REPAIRING BUSI1IESS. All work entrusted to his care will ba attended to with neatness and despatch. lie will nlso give hia attention to the REPAIRING OF FU RN ITURE. He warrants satisfaction to all, and solicits a liberal W LEWIS. patronae. 52 tf Jan 10 A .. Premnims fron every State in the Un ir7 W,: live conpetnt workmen to pitt up our coonductrs in this District. Other rods taken in ex- pose of carrying on the GRAY BROTHERS, P T . .. ' Chemicals, Drugs , 10001 "CHEAPER THAN THE VERY CHEAPEST." chases this season have b. en UNUSUALLY and having been in the Northern markets LARGE, over three months this Summer, where so many PAINTS, OILS AND DYE STUFFS, sales took place, offering decided adlarge auction GLASS, PUTTY, VARNISHES, &c. to close purchasers. We can confidently vantage and \ledicines plantasupplying In compounding that our Stock is MUCH CHEAPER than the ions, the strictest attentio'n will be given to the re- say like quality or Goods could be obtained a few weeks LL those who make small or large purchase' his of patrons. rluirements when the great body of Merchants went to of the London College of Phar- later, in BEDSTEADS. WINDOW BLINDS* Being a graduate had market. PANNEL DOORS. &c., without coniultan experience of eighteen SASIl, 'haev. and h-vina that season short to very Our the owing desire, a half West of ears, in the business, lie feels confilent of being we will now necessarily have, is to dispose of this ing the Subscriber, one mile and ble to give satisiiction to all who may favor him lairge Stock. independent of profits, and we may Cherokee Ponds. certainly belong to thi;s Suciety. their patronece. renovated, Also, old Furniture to say that we can offer as strong induceAIFRED S. R.\VENSCROFT. venture As in former advertis-ments stated; m1ent9s any of our neigihbors, if not stronger. 47 3 TIlamburg, Dec 4 Can do a number of other things tooIn our I)RESS GOODS ROOM will be found For further proof, call and we'll show you. the richest varieties or the Season, such as- Curryton Academies, .........-- RICHDRYGO.ODSlI Clock Reparing! Subscriber wod respectfully inform the citizens of Edgefleld- Village and vicinity. that he has taken the I [oust? formerly occupied by blis. R. Gray, opposite the Plafnfeti Hote, for the purHE re- numiber of fine and well linishied BUGGIES, R00XAWAYS, CARRIAGES, &c. TheGoods belong teo the Estate or the late lVrede-rick Darrow, and are oft-red at a G;RE AT liA RGA IN.to Prsns in want of such articles will do wvell S. T. A GN EW, and examine. ell Adim'or of F. Darrow. I 6it Newberry C. TT., Jan 15, - Superb . Stock of Dry Goods, Which he is SELLING FOR CASH at prices that cannot fail to please. and would resp<etvully invite the attention of his customers and all in want of Goods to an examination of his Stock, among which will be foundRich Brocade SILKS, 'Fittred, Plain, Black, Gro de Rhine SILKS, do Col'd Marceline and Sarconett All wool DeLaines, of beautiful styles, Common and Medium do., from 12J to 50 ets. Solid Colored Persian DeLaines, various shades, Velvets, Ilighland Plaids and Figured Flannels, plain and figured, from 12 to 25c Sariue Scotch and A nerican Ginighams, English and American Prints, all qualities, do do Furtatine, do Ladies Colored Black Cloth Cloaks and Talmas New Fall and Winter Goods I f Subscriber is receiving his FALL WINTER GOODS (at the Brick Store). THEandwhich be found now may among Rich Satin. Plaid and Fancy SHILKS, of the latest and most fashionable styles, Rich Figured. Plaid and Plain DELANES, Plain French and English MERINOS, Ladies' CLOAKS and MANTILLAS, " Embroidered French COLLARS, UNDERSLEEVES and CI IEMlIZETTES, A variety of BONNETS and Bonnet RlBBONS Boots and Shoes, flats and Caps, NEGRO SHOES AND BLANKETS, OSNABURGS and FACTORY STRIPES, GROCERIES, Hardware, Crockery, &c. of the latest styles, Black and Colored Shawls, various qualities, Together with a large and well seleted variety of Gauze and Welsh Flannels, warranted not to other Goods, too numerous to mention. shrink. W' The public generally are respectfully solicited Bleaclied aid Brown #n various qualities, to call and examine the above mentioned Stock beRichardsoi's undressed Irish Linens, re purchasing elsewhere. B. C. BRYAN. Bleached and Brown Table Damask do. from tf 41. 50 to $1,25, 26 Oct Bird's Eye and Scoteh Diapers, all qualities, & SMITH, McGREGOR Hluckaback Towels and Towelings, -DALER INFurniture Dimity and Fringes, &c. Drab Morino, for Skirts- Marsales do CARR1AGE!, Ladies' Missses and Children's losiery & Gloves to build order Car& SMITH, do Lin n Cambric flandkerchiefs, I riages of every description. They also keep do Worsted Sleeves, on hand a large and splendid assortment of 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 Whitney Blankets, Extra heavy led, Crib and Cradle do. New and Second-Hand Large Lot of Negro Blankets, very cheap, promptly attended to, and Regg All orders Cassimeres, Suttinets, Tweeds and Kentucky pairing neatly executed. Jeans, all qualities. I tf II., Jan 18 Edgefield 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 Brd and Brown Sheetings, and Graniterillc .5-4 4-4 and Shirting, 3-4, 7-8, other makes, Subscriber taikes this opportunity of informOstnahurg Stripes and Yarns at Factory prices. TIHE ing his friends, that he hans renmved tio the Real G'i'raia Plains, best quality. STOR E adjoiingt the .irore of It. Ladies', Misses and Children's Shoes, good as- N'W BRICK where he has just openmed a LARG K sortent, with a great quantity of other Goods C.VABryvan, RIETY of niew articles in his vairi. us brnehes sutitale for the season. executed. He intends keepng in the of Trade. and Orders solicited faithfully gg Medicine Department, and 46 Drug Nov 28 if A full supply of every article that is in common use by the Profession, which will be constantly under the inspection of Drs. Bland, A buey, Minms and~ lirt ; and if an article is reported to~ be impure it GROCERS AND COTTON will not be offered for sale. D~r. M. W. AIbney has taken an Office in the second Story of the buildling,. HAMBURG, S. C. and will give me the benefit or h:s experience ini ESPECTFULLY feg leave to inform Compounding Medicines and preparina presceripions. and having been six yeasrs engaged in the buSthteir old cuist.,mers anel the Planters generally inss, I flatter myself, with these aimph- arm angetht they are %till to bte rum' at t heir O'd Stanid. RImT PillICE ad are paving the 1110G illT lAK cms, I s-hall receive a l:beral hnre..f the pmatronfr Cotton aiid oither P'ru'duce: and have in Store, age of Physicians, families, and the publie g.-nerally. arc daily receiving a MOST COMPLETE assortand In the Grocery Department mnict ofEVERY THlING will be kept that is' usually found G ROCE RI ES, in a Family Grocery Store. In the Fancy -A3oNG wnien MlAY DEi FotUND&c., 20.000 Yds. (;unny atnd Dundee BAGGING, Department of Books, Stationary?Sebl, 200 Coils ilemp and Russian ROPE, be found a full supply of Standard W~ill 2t00 T!;as COFFEE. Rio, anid .la'a, Books, Bibles, 1 rymna Books. Fools Cup. Letter n::d 200 Ubis. Superior and Refimed SUGARS, Note Paper, with a'most every article iti th.s line 2.5Tlhds. Minscovado and N. 0. do. will be kept constantly for sale. 100 Uis. MOL ASSE S, In the Confectionary Department, of 3,000 Sacks S ALT. May always be found a nmneh larger a-,sor itent&c., 25 BEDSTEA DS. some of them Fancy, Candies, Fruits, Piekles. Ketchmurs. Suu-es, In 25 Boxes superior CHE ESE, than has ever been offered for sale. ini this place. A splendid nos"rtmient of BLANKETS and truth, tis is to be a Store of good things', and it is NEGRO CLOTHS. hoped will be considered a great couvenim nce.jnd -Also-therefore be largely patronized. A n atssortment of Saddles and Brid!les. Chairs, G. L. PENN, A gent. Pepper, Spice, Linseed, Lanmp aind Tan49 tf Dec 20 ners Oil, Osnaburgs, Stripes, hirting and Yarns, and in fact everything usually in a Grocery Store. round OST on Saturday the 23d ult., my POCKET BOOK, containing three One Hundred iDolWTE take this means to inform our Customers and four Fifty Dollar Bills, with may name sr B ills, not Tand the Planters generally, that we are written on the back of one of the One Ilundtred one snnected with any other house, and otnly haveoccu- D~ollar Bills. A reward of $25 wilt be ginkn upon which is the Brick Corner. formerly tore, delivery of said Pocket Dook and contents, or any J. SIBLEY & SON. .Josiah Sibley. pied by it will be thankfully received. tf Hamburg, Nov 28 46_ information concerning M. A. PA DGETTr. BUGGIES, l"fC'GREGOR Carriages. REMOVAL! Devon Stock 10armburg, Snbseriber has fur sale the PURE DETIE impartation. his VON CATrTLE, J. SIBLEY & SON, from Exeter. England. For further umiiermiatio~n, specimen the Stock from own of a Sulliv.mn, Esq., or Dr. E. .J.Minms, Eelectie'd C. IL., S. C. A Orang-burg C. 1I., refer to Dr. W. S. Rowe, C. N. CAS E. r !!u.l & Co. Cas, I ean.-eenl be and hal of J1. 1;. larwini, .. t'cm ,.Jan 10. 1 S55. 9t State of South Carolina, IN EQUITY. 1 Elizabeth Berry, as. Bil111 for Part ition. H lillen Bertry, and I annahIi Ilery, Jont G. lierry, et al. J Eequity BYVirtue of aug Order fromn the Court ofEeldete1 this case, I will prce to sell at the lirst Mondieay in .\li next, iill the U'.n II., Herry. froerly b~eloging to the Iate osejph estate. land inwhich thle lateI lan nab lierry bel a life, The saide Landls conisists of abeut TIIREE RE D AC R ES, mobre or less, situnate on !IUND I in the District and State aforeSalulaRiver, Hig bounede by lainds of Williaim Boukmg~ht, maid, and 0. Bennuet Perry aund othcrs. Coppiek, TEus-Said Lanes will be sold on a cre-dittwoof two y-ears, with interest from date, in atnd :me instalmenrts, except for so mnetuh as may be :-qual be paid accessayto pay costs of suit, wvhich nuet Purchasers will be regnired to give bond incash. two withi good sureties. Bin S. A. SIMKINS, 5t3 Jan 31 c. E. E. D. Adminisjtrator~s Notice. LL having demoands against the Estate Persons of Win. II. A dams, dee'd., are hereby nontilied the same. peroplerly attested, for payment, :opresent tud thse who arc inidebted to the Estate, are reto make payment to :umested E. PENN. Adnm'or. tf Jan 24 Notie. ' indebted to the Estate of W. P. Personus LL make pay.1aynard, ude'd., are reqtuested tothoso having forthwith to the Subscriber ;and nnent against the Estate are requested to hatnd :lemands themi properly in, attested. J. W. M1AYNARD, Ad'or. 4 3m Feb7 ALLWHO ARE IN ARREARS TO TnE~ ! Edgefield S& Oheatham PlankdueRoadthme by 'fRoad il1E is finished, andi debts Copany for Lumber, hire of hinds, &e., must beTIhoesc paid. indebted therefoere, must come firwithoutanty further delay, anud pay ul) theire w.urd, The er...ditors of the Conmpany cannot be Stok. .FGOIEPrst put off loniger. any tf Jan 31 Fine Young Jack lMolto!at the LL stand the present Spring Seaseen, S ubscriber's residence only, anduc Aill be let at $10i.00 to Mares to insure a M\are to he in Foal. Noresponsibility to rest upon thme $utbscriber for that may htappen, but every care will tnyaccident avoid such. Any person puting a bet,takenm the fact is Mre.and changing the righit before be held resp ensible for the insurance will known, Twenity-five cents to be paid to the groonm, money. WTI in everyv insance. nc, innadva PEDIGREE -bselit is five years o'd. and of thme is thirteen hands high. and heavy made.Tie is as wvell foiormd as any .Jack in the e State..DA NIEL 110LLAND.5 6t. Feb 11 .ulteseSock. l1e cautioned against trading for Sarah IRober.tton, A LLLiNotePersons given by the dellars, or bearer, hundred and for one a me, to Mrs. ten for of man Silas. dated aboeut the last of hire negro her 1853. and p)ayable the 25th Decenmber De-cember for I am determined not to pay it unles I am 1854, the princiby law, as the negro wa siekPARKS. compelled W- L. thepart pal year.of n,,f Feb,. R 6 $25 Reward, L STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,' EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN EQUITY. P. Joel Ridgell & ilellen 'j atto Pauline his wife, vs Pope,( William Jacob FrancisMarion and| BL u Bl and o atto Relef Josephine M. Pope.) of an Order of the Court of Equity, VYirtue in this case, granted by his honor F. H. Wardat June ternm, A. D. 1854, all the creditors of law, the minors.,11ellen Pauline Ridgell, (formerly Pope) William Pope, Franceis Ml. Pope and JoseJacob M. Pope, are ordered to appear before me, on phine Drtheby first Monday in Maty next, to prove and estabshtheir deitands, or else they will be debarred il claims against the assets of the estate of the said A. SIMKINS, C. E. E. D. Minors. } Jan 10, 185 SS.15t State of' South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN ORDINAR Y. Lovet B. Tulley and wife Nancy,. vs. Landon Tucker and others. BVirtue of an Order of the Court in this to sale at public outcry, cause, I sh~all expose the Moitday in March next, the following anfirst real estateof Atticus Tucker, dee'd., vi: Oe half of the Land known as the "Swift a'ter seventy one and a h~alf neres have been Tract," cutatndot assigned to Landon Tucker. The " Robertson Tract," except one hundred be cut ofi and assigned to Savanah Uilt, acres to, Witiietht Hit and Tucker 1-tilt. Also, the one fouiteenth part of all the Lands of the -lenning's & Co's Minitng Company. rT4is --A credit of twelve months, except costs to lbein casht. Bonds wvith ample security, paid to segure the pyrohase monecy. requ~ired A. SIMKINS,C. Caution. are MYERCHANTS, Jan23 _ 6t __ Z.B. D. 2 Iorse. S. Broadwater, hivipg before me by TOLLED Estra)N a aout three miles We'st of Collier's P. 0,, a BRIGiTSOfR EL flORSE, about fifteen and- a half hands high, a wvhite star in the threhead-collar, saddltand gear marks. Appraised atE.fifteen lollars. G. W. NIXON, M. D. 3 nim4 J...-0 . tf Jan 3 J 51 Maniufactured Tobacco ! UST Received diret from the Factory, Thirty Boxes CHEWING TOBA CCO, comprisig Four Choice Brands, viz: Honey Dew, Oronoco, Extra and Premiiumn. For sale by the Box, .mr at retail at LOW PRICES. Don't fail to call and sample before buying elsewhere. G. L. PENN, A GENT. 41 tf Oct26 Notic e -ocreta Ilereby gven to all parties concerned,.that FIN AL 5 "TE ENT f the'Esae f.h Anderson. dec'd., will be made at the Ordinary's Office of Edgelield District, on the 3d day~of ApriL 1855. All persons who have demuands against the Estate, will in the nmeatiime, render thenm in proto.. perly attested, and those indebted arc required. JOH N F. T A LBERT, Ad'r. make payment. 3m 5I Jan 3 IS RanawayRidge,. the night of the- 5th instant, his negro F during JIM.* Said negro is of light comple-ctiee.bout. ROM the Subscriber's residence on the man fivefeet eight or ten ineches high, rather stout, with a sumall seat on his righ't cheek. Ile had ott, wvhen he left, light cassimere coat and pants, and a fine pair of boots. ltis probable that Jim. is either in the neighborhood of Columbia or Aiken, mnore probably the A suitable reward will be given for his apprehension and delivery to the jailor at Edgefield C. 1.A ny information thankfully received. M. B. WEVER. 1 tf Ridge, S. C., Jan 17 gri'Columbia papers please enpy tri-weekly until further notice, and forwar4 accounts to M. B. W. NIotice to Guardians, and Trustees, Gunardians,. AL to maske annual retens of whose duly it is Committe~es their transactions as such into the^Commissioner'r Oiceat Edgefleld C. H., are ierpb is.tir3 tin make their returns for the present year by the-10th of. April. 'Otherwise, they will be ruled, without exception. The law must be enforced.- . A. Co,..r. Onie , SlMJlNN, C.leta. i; 3. no 2,185.
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