The Worn Dentition 26-27 Sept 2014 15 Hours Scientific CPD SE P T E MB E R 26 – 2 7 201 4 GO LD CO A ST Q UE E N SL AND Day 1 - The Path towards Successful Restoration • A Step by step approach based on the Stages of Toothwear is developed to manage patients presenting with moderate to severe toothwear • Diagnostic Principles are reviewed • Lifestyles, diets & medications of patients with toothwear are evaluated • Case Selection and patient factors influencing restorative outcomes • Oral medicine considerations influencing Prevention & Management • Participants are taken through Clinical Cases of toothwear of varying severity • Variation of the occlusal vertical dimension and restorative considerations • Toothwear lesion Site Specificity and restorative implications Day 2 - Restoration of the Worn Dentition • Restorative Aspects involved in rebuilding cases of dental erosion • Techniques to work around the Limitations of Dental Materials • Developing a favourable oral environment to best restore a worn dentition • Methods to Improve the Aesthetic Results in ‘Worn Out’ cases • Template techniques for composite rehabilitation en masse • Direct Conservative restorative Rehabilitation • Indirect restorative Rehabilitation options • Various pitfalls in restorative approaches will be identified • Cases with varying amounts of loss of vertical dimension will be reviewed F RO M $6 80 G ST I N C Professor Ian Meyers is currently in general dental practice in Brisbane, Australia and has honorary professorial positions with the University of Queensland School of Dentistry, and James Cook University School of Medicine and Dentistry. Ian has worked in both public and private dental clinics and has been involved with the University of Queensland over two decades. He was the 2010 President of the Queensland Branch of the Australian Dental Association. He is a product consultant to a range of dental companies and has been a member and chairman of the ADA Dental Instruments, Materials and Equipment Committee. He is a member of the International Association for Dental Research, Chairman of the Australian Dental Research Foundation and a member of the editorial board of The Australian Dental Journal and several other international journals. His major interests include adhesive restorative dental materials, diagnosis and management of the worn dentition, minimum intervention dentistry, and teaching in general practice dentistry. Dr Farid Khan has recently led an international collaboration of thirteen contributing authors, co -editing and contributing chapters to a textbook on toothwear through publishers Wiley-Blackwell. He has completed numerous research projects in the field and has previously co-authored two other textbooks on toothwear and dental erosion. In compiling these books, he has spent extensive time reviewing the latest international dental literature, whilst still remaining a preventively orientated clinician at heart, detailing topic specific perspectives relevant in day to day practice. He is the current Director of the Queensland Dental Group and is a member of the International Association of Dental Research, Pierre Fauchard Academy and various other professional organisations Dr Tony Coyne, prosthodontist, graduated from the University of Queensland in 1969 and completed his Post Graduate training in Prosthodontics at the Eastman Dental Centre in Rochester New York and at the Eastman Dental Hospital in London. He was appointed Assistant Professor of Prosthodontics at the University of Saskatchewan later, Assistant Professor of Prosthodontics at the University of British Columbia. In 1980, he returned to Australia and established a Specialist Prosthodontic Practice on the Gold Coast. He has had Clinical appointments at both the University of Sydney and the University of Queensland and has been involved in many national and international Prosthodontic organizations including presenting papers to most of these groups. 07 3839 8000 RE G I S TR ATI O N Session Time Registration 7:30am Presentation Session #1 8:00am Morning Tea 10:15am Presentation Session #2 10:30am Lunch 12:30pm Friday 26 Sept (Day 1) Saturday 27 Sept (Day 2) Presenter Dr Farid Khan Presenter Prof Ian Meyers Presenter Dr Farid Khan Presenter Prof Ian Meyers Presentation Session #3 1:30pm Presenter Prof Ian Meyers Presenter Dr Tony Coyne Afternoon Tea Presentation Session #4 Conclusion 3:40pm 4:00pm 5:00pm Presenter Dr Farid Khan Presenter Dr Tony Coyne The Queensland Dental Group TM Organising Dental CE the way it’s meant to be. EVENT C The Worn Dentition D A Y D E N T A L SY M PO SI U M SE P T E M BE R 2 6 - 27 2 Day EARLY BIRD Registration 201 4 Q U EEN SL A ND Dentist 2: 2 Day Standard Registration Dentist 3: 26-27 September 2014, Cost $1250 GST inc. For registrations received after 10 June 2014. Address: Single Day Registration - Day 1 Friday, 26 September 2014, Cost $680 GST inc. Suburb: Single Day Registration - Day 2 Phone: ( Saturday, 27 September 2014, Cost $790 GST inc. Special dietary requirements GO LD C O A ST Dentist 1: 26-27 September 2014, Cost $1090 GST inc. For registrations received by 10 June 2014. The Worn Dentition 15 Hours Scientific CPD State: ) P/Code: Mobile: Please bill my credit card MasterCard Visa Amex Name on Card: Card Number: Expiry Date: Signature: Fax completed registration form to (07) 37200800 I enclose a cheque payable to the Queensland Dental Group Mail cheque & form to the: Queensland Dental Group Ground Floor, Silverton Place, Suite 12 101 Wickham Terrace, Brisbane Qld 4000 For further information call us on 07 3839 8000 Fax completed form to (07) 37200800 2 QDG CE Events: Endodontics Update 2014 Event URL: March 14, Stamford Plaza Brisbane Dental Update 2014 August 15-16, Stamford Plaza Brisbane Fax completed form to 07 37200800 The Worn Dentition 2014 Sept 26-27, Mantra Legends, Gold Coast Paedodontics Update 2014 Queensland Dental Group TM October 31, Stamford Plaza Brisbane Practitioners may use this course to meet CPD requirements as set by the Dental Board of Australia. Each day of the symposium has also been accredited by the New Zealand Dental Association (NZDA). For Australian and New Zealand dental practitioners, a maximum of 15 Hours scientific CPD credit is attainable upon completion of both days. Discounted early bird registration is available for registrations received and paid for by the 10th of June 2014. Registration starts at 7:30 am each day & presentations commence at 8:00 am. Registration for this course includes morning refreshments, lunch & afternoon tea. ‘The Worn Dentition’ is being organised by the Queensland Dental GroupTM ACN 139051362, ABN 32139051362. The Queensland Dental GroupTM guarantees the course is compliant with Section 4 of the Dental Board of Australia guidelines on continuing professional development. NZDA course accreditation does not imply promotion or endorsement of the contents of any course. Attendees need to use professional judgement to assess the validity and usefulness of techniques, materials or therapeutic products to their own practice. All details including the event timetable in this brochure were accurate at the time of printing. The organisers reserve the right to make changes from time to time and will, if appropriate, make such information available on the website. No sponsorship has been sought for these events to allow all presenters to provide their own unbiased views, opinions and preferences. Cancellation Policy: Any registered participant whose cancellation is received in writing at least twenty (20) business days prior to a seminar for which the participant is registered for, will receive a refund of 75% of the registration fee paid. Any registered participant who cancels his or her registration within twenty (20) business days prior to a seminar for which the participant is registered for, will not receive a refund of the registration fee or any other costs incurred. The organisers reserve the right to cancel or postpone a seminar at any time with no responsibility to the participants other than a full refund of the registration fee. A full list of terms and conditions may be requested in writing or alternatively can be viewed at The Worn Dentition 2014 Event Registration Form EVENT C
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