AE MULTI HOLDINGS BERHAD (“AEM” OR “THE COMPANY”) (I) PROPOSED PAR VALUE REDUCTION; (II) PROPOSED RIGHTS ISSUE WITH WARRANTS ; AND (III) PROPOSED AMENDMENT (COLLECTIVELY, REFERRED TO AS “PROPOSALS”) Unless stated otherwise, the terms used herein shall carry the same meaning as those defined in the earlier announcements in relation to the above Proposals. M&A Securities Sdn Bhd on behalf of the Board of Directors of AEM ("Board"), is pleased to announce that the Board has resolved to fix the issue price for the Rights Shares at RM0.18 per Rights Share and the exercise price for the Warrants at RM0.25 per Warrant. The issue price of the Rights Shares has been determined by the Board after taking into consideration, amongst others, the following: (i) the historical share price movement of AEM Shares; (ii) the (5)-day volume weighted average market price ("5D-WAMP") of AEM Shares up to and including 3 November 2014 of RM0.2149, being the market day immediately preceding the date of this announcement; and (iii) the par value of AEM Shares of RM0.10 each. The issue price of the Rights Shares of RM0.18 per Rights Share represents a discount of 14.88% to the theoretical ex-all price of AEM Shares of RM0.2115, calculated based on the 5D-WAMP up to and including 3 November 2014 of RM0.2149, being the market day immediately preceding the date of this announcement. The exercise price of the Warrants has been determined by the Board after taking into consideration, amongst others, the following: (i) the 5D-WAMP of AEM Shares up to and including 3 November 2014 of RM0.2149, being the market day immediately preceding the date of this announcement; (ii) the theoretical ex-all price of AEM Shares of RM0.2115, calculated based on the 5DWAMP up to and including 3 November 2014 of RM0.2149; and (iii) the par value of AEM Shares of RM0.10 each. The exercise price of the Warrants of RM0.25 represents a premium of 16.33% and 18.22% to the 5D-WAMP of AEM Shares up to 3 November 2014 of RM0.2149 and the theoretical ex-all price of AEM Shares of RM0.2115, respectively. Premised on the above, the issue price of the Rights Shares and exercise price of the Warrants differ from that which was announced on 9 May 2014 as well as in the circular to shareholders dated 18 August 2014 (“Circular”). The comparison is as follows: Issue price of the Rights Shares Exercise price of the Warrants Indicative price announced on 9 May 2014 and disclosed in the Circular(RM) 0.20 Price fixed as at the date of this announcement (RM) 0.18 0.20 0.25 As a result, the utilisation of proceeds and financial effects of the Proposed Rights Issue with Warrants are adjusted, the details of which are set out in the ensuing sections below. Utilisation of proceeds Based on the issue price of RM0.18 per Rights Share, the Proposed Rights Issue with Warrants will raise gross proceeds of RM7.02 million (under the Minimum Scenario) and RM22.65 million (under the Maximum Scenario). The proposed utilisation of the proceeds are as follows: Minimum Scenario RM„000 Maximum Scenario RM„000 Timeframe of Utilisation (from the listing of the Rights Shares) 4,000 1,500 1,020 500 5,000 8,000 4,000 5,150 500 Within 6 months Within 12 months Within 12 months Within 12 months Immediately 7,020 22,650 Details Repayment of bank borrowings@ Upgrade of machinery* Construction of factory# Working capital** Expenses relating to the Proposals ^ Notes: @ The Group’s outstanding borrowings as at the date of this announcement is RM21.74 million. The repayment will save the Group RM0.33 million per annum under the Minimum Scenario to RM0.42 million per annum under the Maximum Scenario in interest based on an interest rate of 8.35% per annum. * The upgrade of machinery located in Thailand comprises amongst others the addition and/or replacement of 1 auto machine and 1 photo imaging machine, as well as parts for printing, shearing, drilling and punching sections of machinery such as frames, rollers and conveyor belts. # Consists of construction of new factories for AEM’s Thailand operations, addition of tools and equipment, as well as purchase of furniture and fittings and facilities such as computers and air conditioning. The Company has commenced in August 2014 the construction of a new factory located at Tambol Prakasa, Amphur Muang Samutprakarn, Samutprakarn Province in Thailand and is expected to comprise a double storey office cum factory with a built-up area of 1,836 sq m occupying land area of 3,400 sq m. It is expected to have a production capacity of 15,000 sq m. The construction of the factory is expected to cost THB50 million, and is expected to be completed in April 2015. ** Working capital comprises mainly general operating expenses, staff salaries as well as purchase of inventory which includes mainly raw materials used in manufacturing of PCBs such as are copper clad laminates, industrial chemicals and printing ink. ^ In the event that the actual expense is less than the allocated amount, the excess allocated amount shall be utilised as working capital for the AEM Group. The exact quantum of proceeds that may be raised by our Company from the exercise of the Warrants would depend on the actual number of Warrants. The proceeds from the exercise of the Warrants will be received on an “as and when basis” over the tenure of the Warrants. Based on an exercise price of RM0.25 per Warrant, the Company will raise additional gross proceeds of RM7,312,500 under the Minimum Scenario and RM23,593,875 under the Maximum Scenario from the full exercise of the Warrants. Any proceeds arising from the exercise of the Warrants in the future shall be utilised for capital expenditure, investment opportunities and/or working capital of the AEM Group. The exact details of the utilisation of such proceeds, including the breakdown of the utilisation have not been determined. NA, NA per share and Gearing Based on the audited consolidated balance sheet of the AEM Group as at 31 December 2013, the issue price of RM0.18 per Rights Share and exercise price of RM0.25 per Warrant, the proforma effect of the Proposals on the NA, NA per share and gearing of the AEM Group are set out below: Minimum Scenario (I) Audited as at 31 December 2013 RM Share capital Reserves (Accumulated losses) Capital reserves Share premium Warrants reserve Shareholders’ equity/ NA (II) After (I) and the After the Par Proposed Rights Value Issue with Reduction(3) Warrants RM RM 47,187,750 2,219,068 (29,771,561) 5,765,722 25,400,979 9,437,550 2,219,068 (2,723,764) 10,702,403 5,765,722 25,400,979 13,337,550 2,219,068 (2,915,264)(1) 10,702,403 5,944,722(1) 2,632,500(2) 31,920,979 No. of shares NA per share 94,375,500 0.27 94,375,500 0.27 133,375,500 0.24 Interest bearing borrowings Gearing 23,977,704 0.94 23,977,704 0.94 19,977,704 0.63 (III) After (II) and assuming all Warrants are exercised RM 16,262,550 2,219,068 (2,915,264) 10,702,403 12,964,722 39,233,479 162,625,500 0.24 19,977,704 0.51 Notes: (1) In accordance with the Financial Reporting Standards Implementation Committee (“FRSIC”) Consensus 13 Expenses Permitted to be Written Off Against the Share Premium Account under Section 60 of the Companies Act, 1965 (“Act”), costs attributable to the issue of shares shall be written off against the share premium account in accordance with Section 60 subsection (3) of the Act and Financial Reporting Standard (“FRS”) 132 Financial Instrument : Disclosure of Presentation if, and only if, it can be demonstrated that such costs are incremental costs that are directly attributable to the issue of shares that otherwise could be avoided. All other expenses which do not satisfy the criteria of transaction costs of an equity transaction shall be expenses off in the period they are incurred. In such circumstances, the estimated expenses of RM500,000 in relation to the Corporate Exercise were deducted from accumulated losses by RM191,500 and share premium account by RM308,500. (2) Recognition of fair value of Warrants of RM0.09 per Warrant pursuant to the Proposed Rights Issue with Warrants, offset against the share premium account amounting to RM2.63 million. For illustration purposes, the fair value of Warrants of RM0.09 per Warrant was derived based on the Binomial Option Pricing Model. The warrants reserve will be transferred to the share premium account upon the full exercise of the Warrants. (3) The Par Value Reduction was completed on 2 October 2014. Maximum Scenario (I) Audited as at 31 December 2013 RM Share capital Reserves (Accumulated losses) Capital reserves Share premium Warrants reserve Shareholders’ equity/ NA No. of shares NA per share Interest bearing borrowings (RM’000) Gearing (II) After (I) and the After the Par Proposed Rights Value Issue with Reduction(3) Warrants RM RM (III) After (II) and assuming all Warrants are exercised RM 47,187,750 2,219,068 (29,771,561) 5,765,722 25,400,979 9,437,550 2,219,068 (2,723,764) 10,702,403 5,765,722 25,400,979 22,020,950 2,219,068 (2,915,264)(1) 10,702,403 7,030,147(1) 8,493,795(2) 47,551,099 31,458,500 2,219,068 (2,915,264) 10,702,403 29,680,267 71,144,974 94,375,500 0.27 94,375,500 0.27 220,209,500 0.22 314,585,000 0.23 23,977,704 0.94 23,977,704 0.94 18,977,704 0.40 18,977,704 0.27 Notes: (1) In accordance with the Financial Reporting Standards Implementation Committee (“FRSIC”) Consensus 13 Expenses Permitted to be Written Off Against the Share Premium Account under Section 60 of the Companies Act, 1965 (“Act”), costs attributable to the issue of shares shall be written off against the share premium account in accordance with Section 60 sub-section (3) of the Act and Financial Reporting Standard (“FRS”) 132 Financial Instrument : Disclosure of Presentation if, and only if, it can be demonstrated that such costs are incremental costs that are directly attributable to the issue of shares that otherwise could be avoided. All other expenses which do not satisfy the criteria of transaction costs of an equity transaction shall be expenses off in the period they are incurred. In such circumstances, the estimated expenses of RM500,000 in relation to the Corporate Exercise were deducted from accumulated losses by RM191,500 and share premium account by RM308,500. (2) Recognition of fair value of Warrants of RM0.09 per Warrant pursuant to the Proposed Rights Issue with Warrants, offset against the share premium account amounting to RM8.49 million. For illustration purposes, the fair value of Warrants of RM0.09 per Warrant was derived based on the Binomial Option Pricing Model. The warrants reserve will be transferred to the share premium account upon the full exercise of the Warrants. (3) The Par Value Reduction was completed on 2 October 2014. The rest of the details of the Proposals remain unchanged. This announcement is dated 4 November 2014.
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