ST. PETER’S CHURCH 433 WEST CHURCH STREET SOMERSET, PA. 15501 RECTORY: 814-443-6574 FAX: 814-445-7766 Rev. Fr. Daniel J. O’Neill, VF, Pastor Rev. Msgr. Samuel J. Tomaselli, Pastor Emeritus 814-445-7382 Rev. Mr. Ronald Kolonich, Deacon ORDINARY SCHEDULE PASTORAL & SUPPORT STAFF Jill Harris, School Principal Carol Wagner, Administrative Assistant Linda Gattian, Church Secretary Mary Wilk , Dir. of Religious Ed. Beth Svonavec, School Secretary Bart Sharbaugh, Maintenance Supervisor Michael Fapore, Pastoral Council Sean Isgan, Finance Council Karen Kuhn, Director of Music SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2014 MASSES FOR THE WEEK: NOV. 10-16 Sunday Masses: 4:00 PM Saturday 8:00 AM and 10 AM, 12:15 PM Sunday HOLY DAY MASSES – As announced CONFESSIONS: 2:45 PM Saturday or anytime upon request. Additional times during Advent & Lent. BAPTISM: Parish registration and participation in baptismal preparation are necessary. MARRIAGES: Please make the priest your initial contact as early as possible. An interview with the couple must precede the setting of a date. He will also guide the preparation process. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK: Please call the Rectory to request the Sacrament of the Sick for family members who are seriously ill. Communion is taken to the hospital, nursing homes, and the home-bound on a regular basis. PARISH MEMBERSHIP: It is important to be a registered parishioner in order to gain the benefits and privileges of parish membership. New parishioners are most welcome. If you have moved into, within or outside the parish or are not a member of the parish at present please call the rectory so that your situation may be addressed. Mon. 7:00AM Carmel D’Arrigo-Joe Crimone Tues. 7:00AM Joseph Hillegas-Carl & Loretta Keiser 8:00AM Barb Holland-The Kinsingers Sun. 8AM-2PM Holiday Bazaar-Parish Hall Wed. 7:00AM Ross Gary-Paul, Cyndi & Claudia Battaglia Mon. Thurs. 7:00AM Joe & Venera Barbera & Virginia Crimone-Family 6:30PM 7:00PM “Monday Night Discussion Group”-Annex Msgr. Adult Religion Class-Annex 12:30PM Veterans Day-Rectory Closed Bible Study Group-Annex Wed. 8:30AM 6:30PM 700:-9:00PM Quilting Group-Annex Knights of Columbus Meeting-Annex Choir Practice-Choir Loft Thurs. 9:00-11:00AM 7:00PM Toddler Time-Parish Hall Ultreya-Annex Sat. 12Noon 9th Grade “Baptism” Retreat-Church Crop Fri . Sat. Sun. 7:00AM In Thanksgiving-Bob & Sue Hook 11:15AM Grace Carey-Husband, Leon Carey 4:00PM Inez Pero-Joe & Ann Zanoni 8:00AM Peggy Rozinsky-Bunco Babes 10:00AM For the People 12:15PM Isabelle & John Gonger-Joe and Andrea Zachar & Family WEEKLY SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Tues. VISIT OUR ANNUAL HOLIDAY BAZAAR Featuring …...THEME BASKETS and SILENT AUCTION Sat., Nov. 8, Noon– 6PM & Sun., Nov. 9, 8AM-2PM IN THE PARISH HALL! NOVEMBER 9, 2014 FEAST OF THE DEDICATION OF LATERAN BASILICA PASTOR’S COMMENTS * For many years, there was rectory staff available on weekends to conduct business and perform varied tasks. That has not been the case during my time here. I value that time after weekend Masses to meet parishioners and visitors while the opportunity exists. To dash to the rectory to conduct business (or receive or retrieve something) is very difficult. As much as possible, please strive to conduct business or pick up or drop off things at the rectory during weekday business hours or by appointment. * Traffic is especially heavy after the 10AM liturgy as people leaving Mass also encounter parents dropping off students for religious instruction. Please use caution while driving on the church grounds; be especially vigilant after the 10AM Sunday Mass. * Thursday, Nov. 27, is Thanksgiving Day. As a nation, as a community, as a parish, as families we have much for which to be grateful. It is a secular celebration with religious overtones as we praise a generous God. Mass attendance is fitting component of our Thanksgiving celebration. A vigil Mass will be on Wed., Nov. 26, at 4:15 PM. Mass will be at 9AM on Thanksgiving Day. * 2015 WEDDINGS-Couples planning marriage in 2015 should call the rectory as soon as possible. Good dates are going fast! Couples should meet with the priest for the initial interview and to set a church date before making hall arrangements, etc. * PRE-CANA 2015-The annual Somerset County Pre-Cana Presentation for those preparing for marriage will take place on Saturday, March 7, 2015, (with a snow make-up date of March 14, 2015) at St. Peter’s. Further details are upcoming. Couples may register by calling the rectory. * FORTY HOURS DEVOTIONS will be held on Sun., Mon. and Tues., Nov. 23, 24 & 25 at 7PM each evening. On Tuesday we will have the children’s procession and Mass. Visiting priests will hear confessions after devotions on Sunday and Monday evenings. Please plan to set aside some time these three days for our Forty Hours devotions. * THE PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL will meet on Thursday, Nov. 20, at 7PM in the Annex. * THE RECTORY WILL BE CLOSED on Tuesday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day. IN YOUR PRAYERS please remember Patricia Ulerich, mother of Diane Rohlf and Dan Ulerich, and Wilbur Miller, father of Wally Miller, who died last week. May they rest in peace! May God bless, sustain and console their families and friends. THANK YOU FOR THE DONATION to the St. Peter’s Vestibule Expansion Fund in memory of Joseph Hillegas from Sean and Annette Isgan and Leon Cary. THANK YOU FOR THE DONATION to St. Peter’s School in memory of Ron Wasylczak from Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Niemiec. THANK YOU FOR THE DONATION to St. Peter’s Church in memory of Anna Menser from Joseph and Ann Zanoni. PRO-LIFE CORNER For those in positions of authority that they may understand their responsibility to protect all human life, we pray ... This weekend! ST. PETER’S CHURCH ANNUAL HOLIDAY BAZAAR Featuring …...THEME BASKETS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, NOON TO 6PM SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 8AM TO 2PM (*PLEASE NOTE THE SATURDAY CHANGE IN TIME TO 6PM) THE KITCHEN WILL BE OPEN BOTH DAYS! Saturday we will be serving Soup and Sandwiches and Fruit Salad. Sunday we will be serving coffee and donuts. PLEASE BUY OR SELL YOUR CHANCES. Please return the money and stubs by Nov. 9th by 11:30AM. Drawing is at 2PM. If you need more Chances, they are available in the Rectory. PRIZES INCLUDE: 1st Prize-$500.00 Cash 2nd Prize-Queen-Size “Sister’s Choice” Quilt 3rd Prize-$250.00 Cash 4th Prize-$100.00 SCRIP Cards of choice Drawing will be held Sunday, Nov. 9th at 2:00PM STEELER FOOTBALL DRAWING! Tickets are available at the Bazaar. 2013 Autographed Steelers Football in Official NFL Acrylic Case. Tickets: $1 each or 6 for $5. Drawing will be held at 2PM on Sunday, November 9, in the parish hall. EXTRA CHURCH CLEANING ON SATURDAY, November 15. Please come and lend a hand. Starting time will be 8AM, but drop in anytime during the morning. We do have a limited amount of buckets, so you don’t need to bring your own this time! T HE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS will be collecting donations for the poor after all Masses next weekend. Please be generous with donations of food for the Food Pantry or cash for the poor in our area. THANKS TO ALL WHO BOUGHT OR SOLD FOOTBALL SWEEPSTAKES TICKETS this year. It was through your efforts that sales improved over last year, making it possible to purchase 36 children’s winter coats at very favorable cost through the KofC for distribution by the Salvation Army at Christmas this year. Also, please mark your calendar to help with Breakfast with Santa on December 12. KNIGHTS NOTES The next regular meeting will be held on Wednesday Nov. 12, at 6:30 in the Annex. CHOIR CORNER St. Peter’s Choir sings at the 10:00AM Mass on Sunday. Choir rehearsals are held on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the choir loft. If anyone is interested in helping with our Christmas Mass by playing an instrument, please stop in the choir loft and let us know. We are particularly interested in DRUMMERS. CCD NEWS DRE: Mary Wilk Nov. 9: No CCD or Confirmation classes (Holiday Bazaar). Nov. 15: Baptism Retreat for the 9th grade students and parents. Guest Speaker will be Seminarian Peter Crowe. The Retreat will begin at 12 noon in the Church. Please attend since this is part of the Confirmation process. Nov. 22: Retreat for Confirmation Class at St John Gaulbert in Johnstown. Retreat starts at 9:00AM and ends at 8PM. We will be traveling by bus. Please be at the Annex by 8:10. Confirmation class must attend this retreat. Nov. 23: CCD grades 1-10 Forty Hours will be held November 23, 24, 25. Please take advantage of devotions and an extra Mass. (Grades 9-11: This is part of the Confirmation process, to attend an extra Mass or adoration.) Nov. 30: No Classes Thanksgiving break. ULTREYA will meet on Thursday, Nov. 14, at 7PM in the Annex. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY-Somerset Chiropractic Service is hiring a PART TIME Receptionist. Please mail resume to: 1590 N. Center Ave., Ste103, Somerset, Pa. 15501, NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! STEWARDSHIP Knowing that “you are the temple of God,” may you be trustworthy and accountable in the stewardship of the temple. SUNDAY COLLECTION, $10,711 VOTIVE, $152 BEQUESTS, $125 SCHOOL, $50 ALL SAINTS, $1,961 WORLD MISSION, $100 CATHOLIC REGISTER, $16 MINISTRIES: Nov. 15-16 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS: PLATE MINISTERS: CUP MINISTERS: 4:00PM P. Diesel, C. Gombita L.Holloway,S.Kinsinger 8:00AM D.Greene, B.Croushore B. Meyer, S. Isgan 10:00AM J. Harris, S. Hook D. Demchak, R. Evans 12:15PM C. Scioli, D. Petrosky D. Tomko, K. Pessalano LECTOR: GREETERS: 4:00 PM Frank Kovak Gary 8.00AM Jon Wahl Keiser, Reeping 10:00AM Debbie Niemiec C/D Sanner, Kasunich 12:15PM Mike Petrosky Sheets ALTAR SERVERS: 4:00PM B. Prediger, A. & M. Weimer, B. Wilk 8:00AM C.,D. & E. Jano, S. Sujansky 10:00AM G. & N. Perl, M. & W. Reeping 12:15PM S. Kinney, J. Knopsnyder, J. & K. O’Brien ROSARY LEADERS: CHURCH CLEANERS: 4:00PM Volunteer Nov 15, Extra 8:00AM Don Svonavec Church Cleaning 10:00AM Jason Jano please come and 12:15PM Charlie Scioli lend a hand. School News: November 9, 2014 WED., Nov. 12: “Rock’n Readers” Practice 3-4 pm Please bring in permission notes to stay after school. FRI., Nov. 14: Grade 4 School Mass 11:15 – Please join us! Modified Busing Day St. Peter School will have Modified Busing this day due to SASD’s early dismissal. St. Peter School does NOT dismiss early on these days. Vans will run as usual. Students assigned to Modified Busing will ride buses home this day and may arrive home slightly earlier than usual to shorter routes. Any changes to Modified Busing are to be addressed with a note turned in no later than Monday, November 10th. THURS., Nov. 13: Winter Carnival Meeting 7 pm in Annex All sixth grade parents are invited to this Organizational Meeting. SAT., Nov. 15: St. Peter’s PTA “Pot Luck Crop” For more information about how to register to enjoy this fun day of crafting, fellowship and friends, please call Melinda at 445-7161. LOOKING AHEAD: NOV. 17: PTA Meeting 7pm in Hall. NOV. 20: IU08 Interscholastic Fall Reading Competition – Bellwood Antis High School. NOV. 21: Grades 1-3 Thanksgiving Celebration 1-3pm. NOV. 25: Forty Hours Mass & Procession 7:00 pm. NOV. 26: Thanksgiving Mass 11:15. Early Dismissal 12:40 pm. NOV. 27- DEC. 2: Thanksgiving Break. 4TH ANNUAL PUBLIC AUCTION for Somerset Area Hockey Team is on Tues. Nov. 11, 5:30PM at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church Hall, 1845 N. Center Ave., Somerset, Pa (across from JB’s Roadhouse). Great Evening Out! SPAGHETTI DINNER at Holy Family Parish, Hooversville, November 23, from 12 noon to 4PM. Adults $7-Children $5. Tickets sold at the door. Take outs also available. SCRIP CARDS FOR HOLIDAY SHOPPING! We remind our parish family that SCRIP cards are available for all your holiday shopping needs. Consider SCRIP cards for gifts for anyone from friends and family to the mailman, teacher or newspaper carrier. They make great stocking stuffers as well! Everyone will be cooking and baking throughout the holidays and we have Giant Eagle and WalMart cards available for gift shopping or food shopping! Cards can be purchased after all Masses or you can place an order for a specific card or amount by calling the School or Rectory or requesting an Order Form at Masses. Orders are sent out Monday mornings and cards are received on the following Thursday. There is NO COST to purchase the cards and the cards are worth the face value. The school receives a specific commission for each card and all proceeds go directly to maintaining St. Peter’s School. THE LAST DAY TO ORDER SCRIP CARDS FOR BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING IS MON., NOV. 17. THE FINAL DAY TO ORDER BEFORE CHRISTMAS WILL BE MONDAY, DEC. 15. SPONSOR OF THE WEEK We would like to thank Brant’s Lawn & Landscaping for sponsoring an ad in our bulletin.
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