雅思 A 类机经 小站机经

雅思 A 类机经
针对 2014 年 11 月 8 日考试
小站教育 YOUNG 老师, 以十年磨一剑的功力,专注托福、雅思机经的研发,现
确预测, 形成史上最小范围的雅思机经预测体系。
YY 频道 868686 TPO 小站留学 YY 公开课,只等你来!
参加 11 月课程,学英语,涨分数,得金币,赢手机话费!
11 月 06 日 11 月 8 日 【机经点题】Garcia:高分开头段
11 月 06 日 11 月 12 日 【机经点题】Bas:迷人的英伦口音
2014.11.08 听力机经预测
雅思听力考试中,一般都会有部分旧题(在过去曾经考过的,每场考试都以 V001 等形式作为编号),一部分新题共同组
2014 年 11 月 1 日
Secti on 1: 旧题 搬家 i ns urance cl aim
Secti on 2: 旧题 V111022(09144)咨询学前班课程(一级命中)
Secti on 3: 旧题 新西兰毛利建筑
Secti on 4: 旧题 V111022 高科技游泳池(一级命中)
V110108 S1 S2 S4; V110115 S2 S4; V110122 S1 S4; V110127 S1; V110212 S2; V110217 S2, S3; V110219 S2;
V110226 S2 S4; V110305 S1; V110312 S1 S2 S4; V110319 S4; V110402 S3 S4; V110416 S2; V110428 S2;
V110430 S2, S4; V110507 S1 S3; V110514 S1; V110519 S2 S3 S4; V110528 S2 S4; V110604 S1 S3; V110611 S1
S2 S3 S4; V110612 S1 S2 S3 S4; V 110625 S2 S3 S4; V110709 S2 S4; V110728 S1; V110730 S3 S4; V110813 S3
S4; V110825 S2 S3 S4; V110827 S1; V110903 S1 S2 S4; V100915 S2; V110917 S2; V110924 S1 S2; V111008 S3;
V111020 S1 S2; V111022 S3 S4; V111029 S1; V111105 S3; V111117 S1 S2; V111119 S2; V111126 S1; V111201
S4; V111203 S3 S4; V111217 S1 S2 S3 S4
V09117 S3; V09119 S2, S4; V09120 S3; V09121 S2, S3, S4; V09122 S3, S4; V09123 S4; V09124 S3; V09125 S3;
V09129 S2; V09130 S4; V09132 S1, S4;V 09133 S1, S3, S4; V09136 S3, S4; V100206 S1, S2; V100211 S4;
100220 s3; 100320 S2, S3, S4; V100327 S1, S4; V100415 S2, S4; V100424 S1; V100508 S1; V100515 S1;
V100617 S1; V100619 S1, S2; V100710 S1; V100717 S2; V100731 S4; V100828 S1, S3; V100911 S1, S3;
V100916 S2, S4; V100925 S1; V101023 S2; V130214 S1, S2, S3, S4; V130223 S2, S4; V130309 S2, S4; V130314
S1, S2, S3, S4; V130105 S1, S3; V130110 S1, S2, S3, S4; V130112 S4; V130119 S1, S2; V100109 S1, S2;
V100114 S1, S4; V100123 S1, S2; V100130 S1, S2, S3; V100227 S4; V100626 S2; V100805 S4; V100814 S1;
V100821 S2, S4; V101104 S3, S4; V101104 S3, S4; V101106 S3, S4; V101120 S3; V1011127 S3; V101204 S1,
S3; V101211 S1; V101218 S3;
V120107 S3; V120112 S3; V120114 S2; V120204 S4; V120209 S2, S4; V120218 S1, S4; V120308 S3; V120616
S1, S3; V120630 S4; V120707 S1, S3; V120712 S1, S3; V120721 S1, S2; V120728 S1, S2; V120804 S2; V09108
S1, S4; V09109 S1, S4; V09104S1,S2; V09105 S1; V09106S2,S4; V130525 S1, S2, S3, S4; V130606 S1, S2;
V130608 S1, S3; V130622 S1, S2, S3, S4; V130706 S1, S3; V130713 S3, S4; V130718 S1, S3, S4; V130727 S3,
S4; V130803 S1, S2; V130817 S1, S2; V 130824 S2, S4; S130829 S2, S3, S4; V130907 S1, S4; V130912 S3, S4;
V130921 S1, S2, S3; V130928 S1, S3, S4; V131010 S1, S2, S3, S4; V131012 S1, S4; S1301019 S1, S3; V131026
S3; 131109 S1; V131116 S3, S4; V131121 S2, S3;
V131130 S1, S2; V131207 S2, S4; V131212 S2, S3, S4; V131214 S2, S3; V131221 S1, S2, S4; V130202 S3;
V130323 S2, S3; V130413 S1; S3; V130418 S1, S2, S3, S4; V130427 S2; V130511 S1, S2; V130516 S1, S2, S3;
V130518 S3, S4; V08117; V08118; V08119; V08120; V08121; V08122 S2 S4; V08123; V08124; V08125;
V08126; V08127; V08128; V08129; V08130; V08131; V08132; V08133; V08134; V08135; V08136 S1 S3;
V08137; V08138; V08139; V08140
V08141; V08142; V08143; V08144; V08145; V08146; V08147; V08148; 08101; V08102; V08103; V08103;
08104; 08105; 08106; V08107; V08108; V08109; V08110; V08111; V08112; V08113; V08114; V08115;
V08116; V120310 S1, S2; V120317 S1, S4; V120331 S2; V120414 S3, S4; V120421 S1, S3; V120510 S1, S3, S4;
S120512 S1, S3; V120609 S2, S4; V120614 S2, S3
Section 1 & Section 2 的重点场景(生活类):租房、图书馆、旅游活动报名、加入会员等,Secti on 1 注意数字、号码、人
名、地名、时间;Secti on 2 注意地图。
Section 3 & Section 4 的重点场景(学术类):独白介绍某事物、学术讨论、作业讨论,注意掌握机经中陌生的词汇。
TPO 小站倾亲奉献 ——
★ 2014 年雅思机经全年汇总 ★
★ 2014 年度大陆雅思考试真题回忆及真题解析汇总 ★
听力真题 V110127
Section 1
Question 1-5 Multiple Choice
报名满了,选 B
有晚上上课的 a va ilable in the evening 选 D
Begi nner 可以学的,选 A
有优惠的 Di s count 选 C
和老师相同国家 tutor from rel evant country 选 C
男子名叫 Furness
出生日期:16th October 1987
住在运河大街 Ri ver Avenue
怎么通知你 Mes sages
A. Tha i Cookery
B. Ita l ian cookery
10. 问 credi t ca rd 有没有额外优惠 Cash
Section 4
Question: 31-40 Completion
per month
profi t
s i ze
res earch
fl oor
get ri d of dirt
pl a stic
wa ter treatment
i nk
听力真题 V110212
Section 1
Question 1-5 Multiple Choice
有个小的 s wi mming pool
di ning room
单个的 ga ra ge
C. French Cookery D. Al l three
Pa rk, 然后打电话的访客说太好了,正好可以带女儿去,房东说正好有个 s chool,过度到第六题
有个 pri ma ry s chool,房子的租金$980
要填的是租金 i ncl ude the maintenance of gardens
房子是 21 或者 22 号空出来,但房子 a va i lable 的 date 是 23rd April
女的说中午 12 点半 meeti ng,所以可不可以早点看房,最后敲定 10.15 a m
10. Spri ng Street
Section 2
介绍 Revlgain Mall
11. 问建设那个大厦前主要遇到的问题,答案时因为土地的问题,l a nd 什么什么,具体选项不记得,好像是 B
12. 问这个大厦的特色,选 C. di s play of art works.
13. 问之后会装什么安全措施,选 B.Emergency button. A.摄像带头(这个干扰选项,已经装了)
14. 问这个大厦为残疾人提供什么服务,让他们觉得骄傲,选 A.
15. 问这个大厦的餐厅有什么特色。 选 B. not too ma ny chain resturanrants
16. 问为什么这个大厦没有什么娱乐设施,比如说电影院什么的,女的说因为设计师考虑到他们没有太大的用途, 这个设
施在其他地方已经提供很多了,所以我选了 B
17. 第一个地址的位置在图的中间,文中提到实在 centra l,但是 opposite the main entrance
18. 第二个地址在图最下方,两个店的中间
19. 第三个地址是说靠近一个什么 Ca fé
20. 第四个地址靠近 ma i n entrance,选的好像是 A
听力真题 V110305
Section 1
一个女学生打电话给一个男的,说她想找 part-time job
Question 1-5 Completion
Compa ny Name
Job’s duty
Reference Number
Conta ct Pers on
Power (ma nufacturing
compa ny)
In a 1. wa rehouse s ection
Ja ne Hitch
2. Cotton
Work i n a 4.bakery
Go to office
In 3. s upermarket
Question 6-10 Completion
Buy a pa per (略读)就是 newspaper
也可以 a gency(女的说会考虑也找中介,男的不建议她的)
Remember to bring: s tudent card
9. Ca n us e a tutor as a referee
10. 还要填一个 feedback form
Section 2
一个男的在做 radio program
11. Ma de s ome special music, 选 C(做 classical music)
12. Di d s ome social events, 选 A(通过音乐互相认识朋友)
13. Won s ome musical prize, 选 B
14. Record a CD recently, 选 C
15. Do s ome charity, 选 A
16. 一个是问现在合唱团多少成员: 选 C, A9 B12 C19 A 是 4 年前的数目, C 是现在的,B 是平均数
问这个合唱团都是什么时候做音乐: 选 B, A. before work B. a t lunch ti me C. a fter work,干扰项 C, 说大部分音乐制作的
都会选择工作后,课这个团队是中间的 Brea k 的时候。
A. by s elling performance cl othes
B. by functi on some commercial music
C. by pa yi ng for singing classes
19. 合唱的作用:改善了员工之间的 rel a tionship
20. 使他们 es ca pe from work.
听力真题 V110312
Section 2
Seeing a doctor
Ma i n topic of this s peech: economy
M 这个地名的起源是: Ea s t Coast
一开始这个叫 M 的地方出口什么?
Fa rm
现在主要向亚洲出口: A
举办 concert: B
下雨天做什么: A
Ma tchi ng 四个景点适合什么类型的人
Hot s pring: ma rried couples
第二个: young a dults
第三个: pri ma ry s chool s tudents
10. 第四个: di sabled people
Section 4
11. Several species of frog which lost habitat because of human activi ty 因为人类失去 habitat
12. Bi rds
13. 单一的种植 s i ngle crops 例如 corn 会对动物不利
14. Wi th disguise of i nsects
15. protections are i nfluenced by opinions of media
16. Wi th s hock or fear
17. ri va ls
18. pl a nts
19. i n terms of food chain
20. Di s orders of blood system
听力真题 V110319
Section 2
介绍一家叫“global travelling”的公司
Question 11-12 Completion
Question 13-16 Matching
USA: s pecific date (在某个特定日期前到岗 a vailable at particular time)
Wha t you s hould do to get the Global Travelling Certificate?
A. Record a ctivity every da y (需要些 diary 定期记录, 通过对 report 的评定来换取证书)
Aus tra lia: minimum period 澳洲是必须至少一段时间 will work i n a farm
South Afri ca: must be good a t sports
India: s tay with Local family
Question 17-20 Multiple Choice
Ta l k the experience with the assessor
When you should pay the final installment?
A. Before you l eave
B. mus t be paid 1 month before the trip
C. before get the ticket
Fi nal i nstallment should be paid one month before leaving
10. Wha t you need to do to exchange the certificate? 走之前必须做什么
A.hea lth check
B. go to work s hop C. meet wi th the people you will work with
Section 4
某学校采取了新的模式 student tutor
ema il
rel a tionship
computer teaching method
enjoy communication
confi dence
more fl exible a pproach
s ol utions to new prelims
ti me management skill
ma terials
i ncome
听力真题 V110416
Section 2
Question 11-16 Matching
B.会员可以选择做 C.组织者做
DVD pl ayers: C
Book ca mp: C
Ta ke bikes: A
Buy the tra i n ti ckets: C
Buy ma tch ti ckets: B
Col l ect i nformation: C
目的地 1:不确定,fa rmi ng museum
目的地 2: ma rket selling cl othes
目的地 3:l oca l produced food
目的地 4: tra ns port museum
Section 4
29. fa t 摄入量最多的群体:teenagers
30. 以不同的 a ge, ra ce, i ncome, whether born overseas 来分组调查
31. s urveys
32. s i milar
Res ults:
33. dri nk milk
34. pa rents have no time
Li mi tation of this research
number of children
rel a tionship between the
i nfluences decrease wi th the age of children
i nfluenced by fri ends
听力真题 V110730
Section 3
Question 21-30 Completion
Res earch
Ma ke notes on
Ta ke test
As k tutor a rrange more time for problems
2 es says
Gi ve s ummary presentation
Communication system
Ca s e study
outl ine
听力真题 V110903
Section 1
31. Address: 10. Fowler Road
32. Code: RO62LR
33. Occupa tion: waiter
34. Street 干净的程度
35. Hea lth s ervice
36. Pol i ce 的印象
37. Pa rks 很多
38. Schools 方便,质量好
39. Ta l k to local people
40. Swi mming pool
Section 3
Question 21-22 fill in the blanks
21. a pi ece of jewelry
22. s ti tching
Question 23-27 multiple choice
23. C. much more i nfo. In the Internet
24. A. vi s ible l abel
25. B. too us eful for owner to remove
26. B. 关于 ma terial 来辨认物品的年代
Question 27-30 Match
A.Li nda only
C.Nei l only
27. met i nteresting person 选 A
28. new method for search 选 B
29. 选 C
30. Fel t prepared at the s tart 选 A
听力真题 V110915
Section 1
打电话要求 hous e cleaning servi ce
答案有:第三间放给 chi l dren; 2 间 double 房; 地名是 anyes(不确定);最长需要 3hours;位置是 southern west.
Section 2
地图题 野营公园
全部选择, 最后有 2 个双选题,比较简单
选择题答案中有 BBQ 和 bi ke trail
Section 4
有关 bionomics 仿生学的,人从自然和昆虫(蜘蛛)中获取技能。
听力真题 V110917
Section 2
一个 evening school 有一些课外的课程,艺术班的课程介绍
Question 11-14 多选
A. venue change
B. l i mited a ge
C. yoga -all the a ge D. ha l f price(special price
F. competition
11.12. 哪两个课程要自带材料
13.14. 哪两个课程持续多一个学期
Question 15-20
听力真题 V110924
ection 2
Question 11-15 Multiple Choice
这个 hea lth ca re center 有多少病人?B. 5000
哪个医生主治 hea ring problem? B. Dr. Green
可以和女医生的见面时间是:A. every weekday morning
E. tennis famous coach
病人们可以在哪里买药? C. Hea lth ca re’s pharmacy
病人们会被问道是否同意做什么?A. one s tudent attending in the consultation
Question 16-20 Map
Reception: F (左上角)
Ma na ger room: C (两个 s tore room 中间)
听力真题 V111008
Section 3
Question 21-25 Matching
credi ts
good a dvi ce
Question 26-30 Multiple Choice
Admi nistration office
Fi nancial
Res idence hall
l i brary
听力真题 V111022
Section 3
Question 21-30 Multiple Choice
C. good future
B. fi na ncial planning
Pa ti ence
老师对 ecotourism 的看法:A. popular
对比大学,某个地方学校有什么特点: A. 价钱便宜
语言课包括 Ja pa nese: 选 learning language s kills
包括了 medi cal ca re class, 因为提到了 injury: 选 l earning medical skills
10. 这个是提供一些接待的技能,选 l ea rning customer relationship
Section 4
Question 31-35 Multiple Choice
11. B
12. 为什么 uni que: B
13. 有什么作用: A. 找出缺点并且 focus on
14. C
15. Ca meras
Ques tion 36-40 Ma tching
16. 第一个人事反应太慢
第二个人是需要提高 l eg, kicking
Sl ow turn
Di ve too deep i nto water
Short s troke
听力真题 V111029
Section 1
1. $37.50
2. 20
3. pl a yground
4. pri ma ry s chool
5. report
6. fa mi ly photo
7. September
8. a pron 围裙
9. certi ficate
10. Col l ipe.
听力真题 V100109
Section 1
Enquiry (job)
是一篇学生出国留学同时想找 PART TIME JOB 的电话联系对话,一个女孩子想出国,并找一份工作,开头姓名已经给出,叫
Sarah Brown
答案肯定是 Ma rch 8th 1988
电话号码 0903 775 115
hopes to travel North Europe
wa nts to by tra in
fi nd work i n a hotel
recommend to do e.g. farm work
better to have a European pass
provi de a booklet of i nformation
9. a pply a n i nsurance from agency
10. Internet Ca fe to communicate
Section 2
Introduce a place 地图题
10. G
11. A
12. D
13. E
14. wooden or gas cook
15. hot wa ter for the shower
16. pl a nts
17. wi nd-powered toys
18. next i tem is called "Apple Day"
20. Cos t 9.50(pound 已给出)
听力真题 V100114
Section 1
Type of policy: s tandard
Na tura l medicine
Na me: Ja ne Galloway
Work tel ephone: 033835071
Occupa tion: s tudent
Broken window
by a s ma sh
Ca mera
Anti que ring
10. Ma tchi ng cover 填 carpet
Section 4
31. ol d people a re happiest
32. money dost not impact happiness
33. very ha ppy people are more s ociable
34. negative thinking
35. i vertri p
36. huma n's mind is used for : 选 A
37. C. s et a goal
38. a rea listic a ttitude of work
39. a health life styl e
40. hel p others
听力真题 V100123
Section 1
1. 为什么在机场:转机,选 C tra nsit
2. 还要等多久:选 C over 3 hours
3. 对 voucher(优惠券)的看法:选 B not a ttractive
4-6 多选,希望机场增加的设施:beds, cinema, fish ta nk
7. 一年飞 20 次
8. 希望在飞机上用 l a ptop
9. 形容自己的生活 enjoya ble
10. 希望飞机上增加 frui t
Section 2
11. 对公众开放日:19th (18th 为干扰项不是对公共的)
12. 观看人数:70,000
13. 儿童平日价:5 pounds
那天最合适:Sunday (主持人说周末好,但是不推荐周六)
有什么新发展:el ectricity
包含的游乐有:ra ci ng car
17—20 Ma tchi ng 近两年的比较 A-l ast year, B-this year, C-both
17. 座位,去年不够数,今年有所改善,选 B
18. 儿童设施,两年都有,选 C
19. 4×4 试驾,两年都有,选 C
20. 汽车抽奖,今年没有了,很遗憾,选 A
听力真题 V100130
Section 1
1. 要带 ca s h
2. 至少呆 4 da ys
3. Ca ra va n(房车),很多人都误写成了 hotel
4. Mus eum
5. went s ailing
6. s now boarding
7. Whi te mountain
8. 在山上的 ca fé 吃 cakes
9. 租辆 ca r(motorbike 为干扰项)
10. 前买 ma p
Section 2
讲在 Ship Travel 结束之前,船上的人告知第二天的安排和手续什么;填空+选择:
11.a bi ll
12.a comment card
13. a booking form
14.最后拿行李时间 11.30pm
15.晚饭时把 ca bi n keys 留在桌子上
16.room s ervices(最后一天不提供 Room servi ce)
17.排除法:什么时候开始准备下船 A.停船之前的两个小时 B. before the goods is unloaded C. a fter legal formality
18.什么样的人先走选要搭飞机的(A. **** B.要搭飞机的 C.行李是红色的)
19.在下船之前大家要呆在哪里选 Publ i c Room
20.如果 goods 要 declare 的话,要怎么办选 Phone
听力真题 V100211
Section 4
interactive lecture
Why tra di tional l ecture i nefficient
31.hi gh a bsent ra te
32.s tudents hard to recall
Why s ti ll use traditional l ecture
33.l ecturer do not want change
34.s tudents feel confused
35.A s urvey do on a regularly basis
36.B qua rter
37.A us e real-experience
38.B s entence completion
39.C s top wi thout activities
40.C under different subjects
听力真题 V100220
Section 3
一个男的去找他 tutor 问选课的事
21-23 选课需注意的地方,选择题 7 选 3
21. rel evant to future career
22. s tructure of the course
23. s election of topics
然后有 brea k,跟着几道单选题
24. Tutor 说 ti me management 跟你以前一门课重了(overlapped),不用选了,是 A。
25. 关于 di ssertation. tutor 问他为什么要写 dissertation 而不是做 research,他说他想 going to details,选 B
26. 说 di ssertation 的 topic s hould be narrowed down,所以选 C- the research was too complicated.
27. Wha t will he do for the dissertation,他说另一个老师建议他去企业问,选 A-interview
28. di ssertation 的完成时间是 5 月底,所以 first draft should be finished by the end of Ma rch.
29. di ssertation should be registered with the secretary i n department office.
30. you ca n get the relevant database from the computer office
听力真题 V100206
Section 1
A lady and a man discussing about the drama club.
1. Membership Li mitation: No children
2. Next membership s tart (not sure a bout the question, but sure about the answer) October
3. Loca ti on i s college
4-7 Acti vi ties in following months (Not sure about the sequences)
4. June Art Tri p
5. Jul y Dra ma Workshop
6. Augus t No a ctives/Outdoor party(can not remember)
7. September Pl anning Meeting
8-10 Mul ti ple Choice
8. Now a nd Then is a A. comedy
a . comedy b. detective c. fi ction
9. Now a nd then is originally wri tten as C. ra dio
a . fi l m b. drama c. ra dio
10. Now a nd then is good for people C. remember l ate 60s'.
a . i n their 20s b. love music c. remember late 60s '.
Section 2
Media Career Development
11. People go to s omewhere to C. a sk for price
a . get tra nsport to the location
b. book a place
c. a s k for pri ce
12. Who wi ll present today's event? B. A media professional
a . a fa mous person
b. a media professional
c. a l ecture (not sure)
13-17 Ga p fi lling i n a table
13. TV producer
14. mus ic vi deos
15. Fi l m
16. ca meraman
17. DJ
18-20 Adva ntages of being a runner
18. C. ma ke good contacts
19. E. tra vel to other places
20. F. l ea rn techniques
Section 3
Discussion of books related to Insects
21. Fl i es in Col or
22. 198
23. Mus eum
24. outs tanding
25. Common
26. edi tor
27. i dentification
28. orga nization
29. pi ctures
30. i ndex
听力真题 V100227
Section 4
是一个女人建了一个帮助学习的 website:
1. 为什么建这个 website,好像是一个同事建议的,
2. 用什么 ma terials,是从一个以前的学生写的文章里得到的灵感,
3. 第一次建立网站是在什么样的基础上建立的,
4. 是关于她如何能够决定什么东西帮助的了学生 选 C s tudents‘ journal
5. pers uasive writing A
6. E
7. 说唯一 one a nswer
8. s cores
9. 多一些 a ca demic essays
10. code
听力真题 V100320
Section 2
11. 必须有一个 certi ficate 才可以 diving
12. 英国沉船数量 250000
13. ca n not s ee
14. 船的名字 na me
15. 回忆不详
16. 不会遭受 s harks 的威胁
17. 威胁在于潜水的深度和在水下的 ti me
18. 还有人们捕鱼用的 nets
19. Peckha m 人名 有拼写
20. 电话号码 很长 记忆不详
听力真题 V100327
Section 1
1. 地址:Wi ckford
2. Pa cka ge: Silver,因为 Golden 是 for full ti me
3. 开始时间:from 7.30a .m. (干扰说从 6 点多开始)
4. 价格:£40(per month)
5. Joi ning fee: £30
6. tennis(outside only)
7. da nce (问有没有 yoga class ,说没有,但是有 dance)
8. ca fé for everyday(all week open)
9. hi re a towel (50p)
10. 报名需要两个东西:XX 和 photos
Section 4
第一部分 三个选择
31. A 说发展很快的那个
32. B. more i mportant than other buildings
33. 和 ci ty 相似之处在于 A. res pond to change
第二部分 五个 ma tching
34. s hortage of fuel 使 flight 更贵
35. 不断有 new a irport 建成(文中说的是发展中国家机场越来越多航线越来越多出行更方便)
36. 不断的有新的交通形式产生
37. 人们对乘坐飞机旅行的兴趣下降
38. 航空公司现在很难维持经营
第三部分 两个小填空
39. 如果不解决污染问题,"green tax"
40. 航空公司将无法经营如果不保证 get i nsurance
听力真题 V120107
Section 3
21. 那个公司未来发展有帮助 B….experience….
22. 导师觉得学生哪一点没有想到 C. Overs eas XX
23. 学生哪一点 i mpress 导师了?选 C. new l egislation
24. 学生的论文中还需要补充什么 A. fi na l recommendation
Not s ui table for their s tudy
Ha rd to a pply
Sui table for a ny s ize of business
29. Sa ve ti me and effort
30. 无回忆
听力真题 V120113
Section 3
21. B
22. B
23. B. 演员都能够接受变化
24. A
25. C
26. B
Question 27-30 Match
27. 含有 pra cti cal 的选项
28. 含有 s uper 的一项
29. 待定
30. 含有 too l ong 的一项
听力真题 V120114
Section 2
Question 11-15 multiple choice
31. A. 有很多 s pecies
32. B
11. B. 用 meta l XX 是为了 s eed label
12. C. ga rden 新开的会设置 toy vehicles
13. C. ga rden 的创意来自于 J 这个人看到的一个 Italian garden
Question 16-20 match
16. 含有最近建造的一项
17. 含有自己设计的一项
18. 含有 l i nked with exibition 的一项
19. 含有 ol d s tatus 的一项
20. 含有 a wa rd 的一项
听力真题 V120204
Section 3(=V09139 S3)
21. 上网查资料 男女一起做
22. 去图书馆找资料 女的做
23. 査旧城区资料 男的做
24. 找人做采访 男的做
25. E. Ca fé
26. B. Pri s on(at the corner of the fair street)
27. G. Ra i lway Sta tion(alongside s omewhere of the college street)
28. D. Stora ge warehouse(opposite to the Fair Street, on the square)
29-30 选 2 男女 focus 什么方面
Lei sure activity
B. Fa mi ly C. s hopping
D. work E. mediate
听力真题 V120209
Section 2
1.The museum was cl osed down i n the year of 1988
2.Mi ne museum i ncludes the s ocial a nd the technological a spect
3.Touri sts are recommended to take a tour underground for 1 hour by the ex-miner
4.If you do not come please contact the reception
5.A rel ax please go to restroom a rea next to the s taff office
Wha t does***souvenirs s ale beside the postcards?
Ma p
B. cl othes
C. pos ters
E. dri nks
B. Lecture theatre
C.Bookstore 是 workshop
Li ft entrance close to…
Section 4
a broken egg
fi s h hooks a re made of fish bones
roa d i s built
you need to get a permit immigration tra vel
a re s afer than… as l ess l ikely to…building
ea rl y settlers a te Hugh birds
ra re gl ass objects ca n be found in European maddens
La kes are beside a mountains
Found where soldiers stayed
听力真题 V120218
Section 1
A. ***
B. Sa turday excursion
C. Fi l m festival
D. Cul ture evening event
E. Di sco dance
F. Lecture of***
4. 钱交到 cl ub office
Deposit of $15
Li bra ry s tart from 11.00 a .m.
女的通常说 us ually to museums
One more guest
包括免费的 one free drink
10. Gra nd hotel 举办
Section 4
31. a s a function of vi llage
33. i n the form of a tree
33. bui ld on the top of bridge in city center
34. the problem of finance
35. ma de of concrete
36. tri a ngle s haped
37. a s mall garden
38. a s tudy exhibition hall
39. New Building School
40. good fa cilities
听力真题 V120225
Section 4
31. 选择含有:hi gh a bsent rate
32. 选择含有:Students hard to recall
33. 选择含有:Lecture do not want change
34. 选择含有:Students feel confused
A. s urvey done on a regular basis
B. 34%
A. us e real-experience
B. s entence completion
C. pa use without a ctivities
C. under different subjects
听力真题 V120310
Section 1
1. Na me: Prenay
2. Da te of birth: 17th Ma rch
3. Address and contact No.: 34Ma rket Road
4. Ra ce: European
5. The Ci ti zen
6. Type of ca rds: the New Zealand high user
7. Former company: the ca stle hill
8. Loca ti on: north island
9. Hours : Full-time
10. Specialist: Sports
Section 2
11. Something a bout the company's history -A. quickly established
12. 为什么要招人 A. to develop new products or C. ca ter for more customers
13. 人么工作时间长短-B. ha l f a year
14. 大部分职位 the bi ggest number of positions are in? -B. Pa ckage
15.出问题的环节是?C. pa y s l ow
16. 第一个人-wa ges
17. 第二个人-production
18. 第三个人-ma i ntenance
19. 第四个人-computer
20. 第五个人-ma i ntain customer relationship
听力真题 V120317
Section 1
1. Tythe
2. fa s hion
3. Ja nuary 1s t
4. Top fl oor
5.̜ 150
6. phone
7. photo
8. ca fé
9. 3 months
10. s ta tion
Section 4
31. tra ns port service
32. i nformation
33. cl ean
34. vi s i tors
35. Loca l doctors and staff
36. bonus
37. effectiveness communication
38. s pa ce
39. equipment
40. pl a nning
听力真题 V120331
Section 2
11. H = ga rdening book
12. I = a rt books
13. C = N/A
14. F = N/A
15. E = chi l dren's reading area
16. A = s el f-helping book
Penny’s ***=has good illustrations
The hi dden= a real story
Ora nge Moon= come from and part of a s eries
Running boy= award-winning
听力真题 V09117
Section 1
一男的咨询关于 Interserve Exhibit, 全部都是填空。
21. Da te (for pri vate visitors): 25th June (26th for business)
22. Content of the Exhibition: Demonstrations of s pecial computers
23. Opportunities for people to use the products
24. Cl i nics for those who need expert a dvice: bring prepared questions a nd s pecifications for computer 5. Ha rdware
6. Bes t way to book: on the i nternet
7. Fee (for general public): $210 (180 for members) (in a dvance) Venue
8. Na me of Building: Skydome, Address: Ma ple Avenue, Toronto
9. Tra ns port, Best way to go by s ubway, Admission, No charge,
10. Securi ty, ca meras allowed, For further i nformation, Contact Linsey Murra y
Section 2
The Australian Quarantine Service 澳大利亚机场检查违禁物品之类
11. The ma in aim of the service is to A. educate people
12. The number of people working a t Sydney a irport is A. 440
13. Dogs are chosen because B. They s tay ca lm, Specially: A. ha ve good s mell, B. kept ca lm C. ea sier tra ined
14. The number of postal items that were dealt with l ast year a mounted to A. 52,000
15. People ca rrying i tems that are not allowed C. wi ll be given a warning.
16. When goods ca rried are found with insects, they will B. be dealt with by the customs.
17. A vi deo that was checked was found with B. plant s eeds
18. The a cceptable material for packing goods in Australia is paper.
19. The belongings most of ti me a re refused due to problems with the l abels.
20. The cus toms must be given notice of the goods from two to ten days before it a rrives in Australia.
听力真题 V09120
Section 1
Question 1-8 填空
女的打电话题咨询健身会员 fitness center membership
women (两个健身房,一个大的,一个专门 for women)
hea lth check (这个是入会时免费的)
6 weeks. (多久一次有个什么 meeting, 后面也说了 one year,我想一年开一次会不太会吧)
Progra m
Ca fe (C 要大写, 这个是男的自己说的,ba l a 的比较长)
ma s sage (还有两种服务,有一个什么给出)
Question 8- 10 选择题
三种卡,gol d, off-peak gold, s ilver. A gold 啥时都能去,B off peak 有时不能去,C silver 只能在有时去。(记得 silver ca rd
三个时间,选 weekday evenings
A $50, B $57, C $200 多,三个都有说,选 B
Section 2
Travel Centre
Question 1-3 Multiple Choice
旅游公司是干嘛的:A. Tra vel package; B. Business; C. Budget tri p…她先说了内容,接着说,但是我们不光是干这个,我
们的服务 cover 你旅行的整个过程
为什么喜欢自这工作, 她说原因是 fri endly environment: A. 免费机票(免费旅行); B. 这里的长期员工…; C. s upportive
a tmosphere,新人来了都是 work with computer 的,然后又什么 deliver ti ckets, receptionist.
新人来这里都干嘛?她说,你需要帮着接电话,记录一些东西之类的,但是你的主要工作是对着 s creen, 新人来了都
是 work wi th computer B. i n front of s creen 的,然后有什么 deliver tickets, receptionist,然后不记得啦
Question 4-7 fill in the table
i tems
l oca tion
pen, pencils, etc
4. s tore room
Coffee machine
Ma i l hall / ca nteen
Fi rs t aid kit
5. ki tchen
Voucher should be delivered with 6. ti ckets to clients
7. receptionist
Ma na ger’s office
8-10 sentence completion
有问题可以问我,ma nager 说虽然我的房间一直是开着的,但是最好先问 front desk
工资怎么发啊 on hourly basis /on Thursday
会计给你们的信里会告诉你该付多少 ta x。
Section 3
course change enquiry 一个学经济学的学生 Ann 不想读统计学课,去学校咨询
女孩专业是什么, 填 economics, 不想读统计学课 s tatistics
如果她要不学的话会被记录到 a ca demic record
She has difficulty i n understanding i deas
然后说 s ta tistics 是 compulsory 的,可以把它当成一个应该是 challenge
然后是表格题 下面有解决办法
s tudy group
cl a ss representative
a dministration
s ecretary
Computer Centre
听力真题 V09119
Section 2
Radio program 介绍关于 Festival 的
Question 1-7 fill in the table
Fes tival
Loca ti on
Fea tures
Probl ems
(gi ven)
(gi ven)
3. Li mi ted room for parking
(gi ven)
(gi ven)
1. Sui table for families
2. Li ve music
4. Chi l dren ca n feed a nimals
(gi ven)
(gi ven)
Pri ze for the best fl ower
a rra ngement
Be ca reful of getting lost
Question 8-10 short answer
8. 热,尤其是小孩儿,更要带 s unhat
9. 好带点水,我写的 s omething to drink
10. 推荐一个省钱的东西最好买 s pecial offers: weekend bus ti ckets
Section 3
Student Orientation
1st day introduction
别在 i ndividual doctor 那注册,要在 medical center 那注册
最好参加 s tudent union
参加 cl ubs 丰富业余生活
2nd-5th day
帮助提高语言能力 el ectronic directory
s elf-access lab
6th-7th day
Codes of different courses.
text s tructure
(cite) References
excl usive outline
10. PowerPoint
Section 4
5. crowded
Student survey questionnaire
是讲 Shrona 做的一个 survey 有 6 个选择题通过其他国家的人拿到数据,选的是 B helps from the students from the
forei gn countries ( C tutor 的学生也帮忙了但没提 tutor,那 tutor a nd tutor's s tudents 是误导项)
调查对象包括:A young people B working men C unemployed women,
问卷的目的:A ga ther a wide ra nge of data B l imit people's vi ew? C guide people’s vi ew
在初始阶段发现的问题:A 媒体对于人们关心的医疗问题误导了方向 B 政府缺钱 C 医院内部变革失效
A s ea rch findings for government B how much fund a re needed C what people really need\
发现什么问题:A 实验初期要做好计划 B?C 同事的意见会不和,(听到一个什么 group 里面啥的)。
最后 4 个配对题选项
s omeone i n the street 因为比较 shy,选的是 stop participating, 因为他第二个就不回答了
a col lege undergraduate student:选 confidential 的那个选项(因为学生说他不希望 personal detail 被别人知道)
a col league 反应,选 kept changing his answer 那个选项(一开始说,would do, then didn’t want, then back too would do) 好
像是 D:cha nge mi nd during participating 先提供了很多细节,然后又不讲了,但最终还是讲了。
10. TUTOR, 我选的是不愿意告诉别人 C:Wha t their job about
听力真题 V09121
Section 2
Travel agency recruitment
1-3 multiple choice
旅游公司是干嘛的 A tra vel package; B business tri p; C budget tri p(主管一开始说以前是以卖便宜机票为主,但是现在什
为什么喜欢在这工作? 她说原因是 fri endly environment:A. 免费机票还是免费旅行 B. 这里的长期员工很 fri endly C.
supportive atmosphere
新人来这里都干嘛?她说,你需要帮着接电话,记录一些东西之类的,但是你的主要工作是对着 s creen, 新人来了都是
work wi th computer B. in front of screen 的,然后有什么 del iver tickets, receptionist,然后不记得啦
4-7 是一个表格填空
i tems
l oca tion
pen, pencils, etc
4. s tore room
Coffee machine
Ma i l hall / ca nteen
Fi rs t aid kit
5. ki tchen
Voucher should be delivered with 6. ti ckets to clients
7. receptionist
Ma na ger’s office
8-10 sentence completion
有问题可以问我,ma nager 说虽然我的房间一直是开着的,但是最好先问 front desk
工资怎么发啊 on hourly basis /on Thursday
10. 会计给你们的信里会告诉你该付多少 ta x。
Section 3
course change enquiry 一个学经济学的学生 Ann 不想读统计学课,去学校咨询
女孩专业是什么, 填 economics, 不想读统计学课 s tatistics
如果她要不学的话会被记录到 a ca demic record
She has difficulty i n understanding i deas
然后说 s ta tistics 是 compulsory 的,可以把它当成一个应该是 challenge
然后是表格题 下面有解决办法
s tudy group
cl a ss representative
a dministration
s ecretary
Computer Centre
Section 4
presentation about an architect of England (名字 D 开头)
为什么选这个题?先说从小就崇拜他,等等,最后听到个 C interesting life
选想要有别于传统 tra di tion,干点特别的。那个人为什么从事那行? A 受他父亲的影响,错(父亲是个做生意的),B
他第一次的选择错误了。 我选的是 C 他想要与众不同那个。
为什么那个人最后从伦敦回来了?文中说,因为他去的那个地方有赚钱的机会。选项 B 说回来有更多 bus iness
是这个人最后干吗了选的是 B 被 commission 授予什么
后面那几个建筑的填空 (一个表格填空讲了 3、4 个那个人设计的建筑):
第一个建筑是用玻璃材料做的,wi ndow tend to l eak 然后说这个建筑现在做什么了 conference centre.
第二个有一个 ba l cony,很大的 space
现在用作 ca r pa rk
第三个建筑原来是监狱,不方便囚犯做 exerci ses ,后面最后改成 hotel
最后这个建筑现在用作 tra ns port museum
听力真题 V09123
Section 4
Cape Breton Mining in Canada
说从 1720s 就怎么怎么样了。。。。
31. move coa l from cl iffs(一定有 s。他说矿工已开始是挖那些裸露在悬崖外的矿石,布列塔尼角 Cape Breton 这里有很多这
32. 政府开发布列塔尼角 Ca pe Breton,developed an efficient system of tra nsport
33. 说很多矿工一开始只是季节性的从事这个行业,自从发现煤矿以后就改变了,people from rural a reas
34. 工作时间是人们 i n the spring
35. 这个地方全面发展以后,这个地方产的 coa l accounts for 40%
36. 说这个地方变成殖民地了,从很多地方来人到这里寻找工作,有 Rus sian, French,等等。the majority of population from
Scotl and
下面就开始讲 miner 用过的工具,说一开始并不是用手电的
i tem
des cribe
a dva ntages
Grea se torch
A 37. ca ndle in a holder
Da vy La mp fitted link with a 38. l ock
Ca rbi de Lamps
Ha ve fewer 39. a ccidents to occur
conta ined certain material that
mi xed with 40. wa ter
听力真题 V09124
Section 2 (=07138 Section 2)
Hot dri nks a nd ca kes
中午提供的事物:9:00-12:00 Lunch (ma inly s alads)
Pa rents a nd tutor
运动: s tretching movements 有说道体操,瑜伽,那就是伸展运动
Bri ng your own mat
人名 Mrs Wa ddell,紧接着是个 phone no, 6967812
Match 付款方式和各个活动
Book i n a dvance 提前预定
FREE Enter 不要钱
Pa y a t the door 来了在门口直接付款
Pa y a fter you fi nish
Pa y a dva nced
小孩的那个 A
体育的那个 C
Qui z B
听力真题 V09125
computer technology 对教育的影响
A. 男教师名字
B. 女教师名字
C. 文中谈到那本书的作者,教授的名字
研究主题,选 A. mus ic’s effect on customers
In***restaurant, music is played
In di fferent areas B. uniform l evel C. certain time
调查问卷的第一目的在于:di s guise the purpose of the survey
5.6 选择该餐馆考虑因素:Competi tor nearby & s eat ca pacity
Question 7-10 match 4 中音乐和 6 中人的态度
Ja zz: people spend more money
Nomusic: people did not think the…worth the price
Cl a ssic: people left right a fter eating
Pop: people ca me back again
Section 4 (=40213 Section 4)
Bus iness Culture. 一个教授讲不同管理风格的特点、有点、缺点、适合哪种人。
Orga ni zation
Centra l Power Source
Bi g company
Res ponsibility
Fl exible
Forma l meeting
Convers ation
Ta ke risks
Ma rket
Ma ke decision
听力真题 V09126
Section 1
是找工作,谈论各个公司的情况。一个表格, 三个公司.
(4 位区号已给出)填一个 6 位
2. 电话号码 900641
Ga rden
3. tool s
4. ca rpets
5. tra i ning
progra ms
6. website
7-10 搭配题,此女说了几个她自己看到的在招聘公司,被此男以每家公司的一个 problem 给毙掉了,公司和它的 problem 对
公司 A 选 由于要搬家(move), 所以 upset employees,
公司 B 选 cus tomers complain.
公司 C 选 有 s urroundings 的那项,意思是 环境不好.
10. 公司 D 是 s a les in falling.
Section 3
Marketing research
讲一男一女学生要完成一个 marketing research,他们在讨论第几周完成什么内容,需要填一个表格也分别是按照第几周做
要调查这个产品是 hea lthy dri nk a imed a t children
要做 di et research
男生要负责收集数据 s a les/trade figures
check (performance of similar products), 女生负责的工作已给出。
要在本周完成 fi rs t s ection
开始准备产品描述 deta iled product description
男生可以借女生相关资料是一个 booklet/book,
里面有一个 us eful checklist
s hop managers
听力真题 V09128
Section 2
关于一个什么学校活动的 school activity = version 08122
11. morni ng program: XX,XX 已经给了,第三项 cl a ssroom tour
12. 13. 学校的二个强项(s trengths): music a nd s cience(这个注意有干扰,开始说数学 mathematics, 后来说 s cience 发展 boost,,现
14. 然后说下午参加什么活动 不记得内容,但答案是 tea a nd coffee
15. l unch time activities: chorus, XX, orchestra, 16. chess club
17-20 是表格填表题
progra m, pri ce, sports
17. need report from previous reward
18. 发钱的时间 Ja nuary (这个有干扰,开始说 November,后来说 November to January)
19. Aca demic s cholarship
20. £650 (这个有干扰,开始说 400,后来说涨了)
Section 4
营销调研和顾客的关系 marketing and customers
31-36 是选择题
31. 公司在问及市场咨询时 confi dent about the results
32. 好像是说 即使在产品 l a unched 了(新产品投放市场)还是会 unsuccessful
33. 说消费者 对 new technology 不熟 limited knowledge
34. 是说 ‘l ead ’ 的,他们 not typi cal
35. 对于新产品消费者觉得 unnecessary 的功能太多
37-40 填空
37. s tra tegies 38. outcome 39. di rect 40. behavior
听力真题 V09129
Section 1
Booking hotel –Rainbow hotel
pos tcode TO34YU 还有问他从哪个杂志知道 HOTEL 的 前面问是和不是从 New Ideal, 后来他说是从 Country Li fe
房子要靠近什么地方:s outh coast
要有几个 bedroom: 3 他说了几个人,wi fe a nd I, mother-in-law, two children,好像还说了2个小孩能住一起,所以我填的
外部需要有什么设施: 最好能安静:qui te
fa rm
ca fé
ga ra ge
Ba th
fri dge as well a s a freezer
10. di s h washer
Section 2
Photography match
在国际的节目上叫什么:Open Gallery(要大写)
摄影主题'On the Street 要大写
展览地点 thea tre foyer
后面部分,介绍大赛 3 位评委的资料。第一个是澳洲出生的,后来去了意大利,再后来去了 UK 攻读学位,目前居住在伦
Na me
Na ti onality
Pres ent job
Interesting things
4. Aus tra lian
6. Kes teven
Bri ti sh
col l ecting old 5 ma ps
runni ng a 7.picture library
8.wi l dlife photograph
l ecturer: college of 9 design
10 s ports photograph
听力真题 V09130
Section 1
part time job (A girl student looking for part time job in a children store)
问是住在哪条街上 Aca ci a Avenue
直接的一个填空 Pos t Code: RA67BU
问她的专业: demography (先说了是在一个艺术学校读个什么专业,后来她转到 demography 了)
4-6 表格题
1.5yea rs
4. Fl ower s tore
Sa l es assistant
1 yea r
5. Nurs ery
s upervisor
0.5 yea r
6. wa i tress
7-10 搭配题 问哪些工作时间合适
A definitely available
B possible
C definitely unavailable
weekends 她说大部分空余时间都在周末 可以的所以选 A
a fter 7 pm 她说有功课要做就最好不要选 C
hol idays a re ok 选 A
l unch time 要 make i t flexible 所以 B
Section 4
a survey about university and employers relationship (一个 research,关于 employer,university 和 professor 对于毕业生的素
质的一个调查 )
31-32 选择
A the i ncrease of a pplication will decrease
B s ome subject will not be popular i n future
C the enrolment number is as before
某个人的论文得出了一个结论,但是这个结论 don’t have support based,问结论是怎么来的:(c)很不完整
33-35 填表: 有关这个 survey 的调查对象,人数,和调查方法
33. (tel ephone s urvey)
34. (ca s e s tudy)
35. (pos tal s urvey)
36-40 填空: 有关调查结果的汇报
s tudent of s cience lack skill of
36. (probl em s olving)
37. (communication) 原文是 lack of communication s kill, 这里要变一变
老师认为学生要在两方面加强 group discussion
38. 是一个 s el f-开头的词, self-evaluation
empl oyer 认为学生要
39. get young gra duates involved in
40. ha ve (further tra ining)
听力真题 V09131
Section 1(=version 09131 s1)
第一种方式里 1. Lunch i s not i ncluded 2. mus t pay for one term
第二种住宿种类叫做 3. Studi o 4. us ually keep the contracts for 12
第三种 el ectricity 的费用 5.是£43 (一开始说去年 30 多,又说今年是 43)。 6. wa ter 是£8
第四种住宿种类 7. Fri endly Faces 8. 费用从 35 英镑到 80 9. i ncl ude bills and 10. meals
听力真题 V09133
Section 1
邮编:EF142BF(不确定:也可能是 AL142BF)
Address: Queen's
Fa mily na me: Atkinson
Bi rthday: 1986
眼睛的问题:fl a shing
Ca us e: bright condition 打网球
Address: central
医生的建议是 res t
还可以买 eye drops
10. s unny conditions
Section 3
Ques tion 1-4 multiple choice
C 学生对一个 s el f a ccess center 的看法:学习生活中的一部分
C 部分老师对于这个 center 的看法:调高监管进入
B 这个中心迁到图书馆的不利因素:di fficult to help
Question 5-10 fill in the blank
Rea ding materials 分类
CDs col lection
Work books
Book a ti metable
Ins tall a n alarm
10. Us e of E-mail
Section 4
Wa l ls made of branches
Roof—a l ayer of grass
一个建筑形状是 s quare
一个建筑形状是 dome
形状像 tent
用 mud 做个什么
确保每个家庭都有一个 room
At a n a ngel
10. Us e the pressure of wind blowing
听力真题 V08146
Section 1
Question 1-3 multiple choice
B 老师赞扬小女孩是其他人的榜样 good exa mple--B
改时间原因: 教室不够大 the s ize of classroom—B
C 时间改到 4.45 了 C (15 to 5)
Question 4-6 配对:老师推荐三个课程, Emma 不能去的原因:
人满了 da ncing class----full--A
5. 当天晚上 Emma 有其他课 singing class----have other cl ass this evening---D
6. voi ce cl ass-----high pay---B
Question 7-10 fill in the blank
学乐器...a nd how to wri te music
好像有个价格的,好像是$85 (题目问的是那个新的课程是多少钱?然后老师说是 85。接着说,如果小女孩把课程转到
这个新的课程上来,只要再多交 22 就行了(因为原来的课程已经交了一定的费用)
日期是 14th September 开始(注意,不是 7th of September)
10. 人名是 Curti s (会拼出来)
Section 2
环保及垃圾回收问题,前半部分是选择,后半部分是大表,根据不同颜色填回收的东西 还有紧跟括号里填(For used ...)
11. 体现环保的一个措施是买的颜料 pa i nt 够用就好 A 不要用某种 paint B. not too much paint
12. 回收垃圾的时间在哪里查到-我选的 A Cons umer Servi ce Centre B 垃圾筒盖子、C i nformation pack
13. 分类的垃圾桶怎么放 我选的是 A l ea ve s ome space between them
14. 玻璃垃圾怎么处理把 B 压扁再丢,我选的是 C bottl e tops 留下
15. 某 zone 是用于回收 paper a nd ca rds
16. 某 zone 是用于回收电脑之类东西的 spare components
17. 某 zone 是用于回收 car batteries
18. 某 zone 是用于回收 glass
19. but not col ored glass
20. 某 zone 是用于回收 printers and i nk ca rtridges
听力真题 V08147
Section 2
20 mi l lion 树被种植了
Provi de s hade
Lower people’s s tress l evels
Reduce tra ffic noise
Ma ke ri sk of flooding
Rura l area
Cha nge of climate
听力真题 V08131
Section 4
engineering design
Question 1-2 multiple choice 讨论 engineer 和 scientist 的不同
Compa red with Science what is difference?
engi neer 是技术社会的 interface
拿真空吸尘器作例子,说如果 s ci entist 来做的话肯定要失败
Question3-10 填表格 engineer design 的发展历史(共 4 个阶段)
3. des ign and manufacture 最早的时候 engineer 和 manufacture 同时进行
4. s ta ge: a slow process evolution
5. 然后制造大型东西的时代(造船), us ing models of s hip s ections
6. Industrial Revolution: a l ot of men were involved, reproduce lots of parts
7. 21 世纪电脑时代,用电脑设计有很多 a dva ntages:complex
8. s peed
9. ha nd
10. no need to meet
听力真题 V08132
Section 2
11. There a re two key: the flat key (the s maller one) and XXX key
12. You s hould not forget bring key with you because the door is s elf-locking
13. There a re two bathroom i n the flat but only one has the shower
14. Mus i c is not allowed before 7 a m and after 9 pm
15. You ca n have you own food (meal) in the kitchen
16. You ca n do laundry a t the basement
17. you ca n fi nd fire blanket on the roof
18. Fi re alarm is on the wall
19. You ca n find cl eaning materials in the XXX
20. You do not have to ta ke ca re of the outside environment and the outside windows
Section 2
关于科学课程,还有什么生物课程。有些课程提供 full-time, part-time long distance 等授课方法
Question 21-30 multiple choice
21. The s pecialist subjects/courses is? Compulsory a nd regular
22. Mi crobi ology s cience course a vailable for? A full-time a nd flexible s tudy ti me 或 full-time and student only
23. Appl ied s cience course a vailable for? Full-time on campus
24. Who a re interested in microbiology s cience course? People out of ca mpus
25. 为什么某一门没开设?No experimental facilities.
26. 哪门课选修人数上升最快?Envi ronmental science
Question 27-29 fill in the table 从表格 8 门课中选出三个共同的必修课
B. Computi ng
Ma thematics
E. s ta tistics
F. bi ology
La boratory Technology H. *********
Question 30 fill in the blanks
不需要学费 offered every yea r
$1500 ca s h
Book l oans
听力真题 V08133
Section 2
顺序想不太起来了,反正是有个人画 l a ndscape,有个人画 people(他说到 singer 什么的),有个人画 wildlife 还是 farming
a ni mal(这个不确定,因为他说画 birds 和一个什么东东,也不晓得鸟属于啥)地图题不是很好回忆吧!~
第一个 a ccommodation 貌似是右下角的
第二个什么 outdoor paint 我听到在 river bank 但是不知道是长方形的那个,还是在树里面的那个正方形的那里,走神了。
第三个是 fi l m studio 在最远的那堆山里面
第四个是 s tudent 什么来着,是最左下脚那个,上面那个是什么 professional 的
Section 4
Question 1-4 multiple choice
先是 4 个选择题,两个学生对话,其中一个研究一个建筑师,并解释为什么研究,建筑师的经历。
Question 5-10 fill in the table
是 conference center,
现在是 conference center 有一个大的 balcony,
第二个是 s upermarket 的 car park,第三个没有地方
do exercise,缺点没有足够的 room 给 prisoner do exercise
个地方现在是 hotel 以后会变成博物馆 Museum。
10. 缺点是窗户 l ea k
听力真题 V08134
Section 3
Asian honey bee
21. As i an honey bee 最早在 Australia 哪里发现 A. Queensland
22. 对 Aus tra lian bee 造成什么影响 A a ttack C. da mage crops
23. Aus trulia bee 的一个特点:我选的是数量少了影响了 B pollinate
24. 引进 AHB 的影响:A(a ffect economy)(好像提到了影响 make money 之类的)有助于 agriculture
25. Ins ects
26. Feeding
27. La boratory
28. wa ter,
29. wi ngs,
30. rel iable
Section 4
multiple choice
31. 为何选这个 Town 做 research? ( 多 references i n the library)(我选的是经常被提到,好像是 B 吧,因为有很多 reference
32. The Mos town was first 用来 tra de 什么的?
Cra fts B. Agri culture C. Ani mals (我选的是 C,因为听到原文中说,famers brought the cattle to sell in the market 什么的,
33. Fee 用来做什么,我选 development,有人选 reconstruction, fee 做什么用:development (说用从那些店收来的 toll 建新的店
34. 什么导致 decl ine:我不记得了, (因为 tra nsport)
35. 钱被用于 defense
36. bel l tower 最早做什么选 prison(文中说 jail)
37. ma rket
38. i nterviews
39. us eless, cri mes
40. photographs
听力真题 V08134
sports club
Question 1-2 fill in the blanks
讲 Gym Membership,有个女的叫 Jean Simpson( Example)
1、出生日期:24th Augus t 1979
2、a ddress: Fox
Question 3-4 multiple choice
3、问那个女的为什么选择参加 the yea rly membership
A. Get more fitness B. Free Gift C. Sa vi ng money (原文:男:yearly 比较便宜而且还有更多的设施可以让你用,女:这样可以省
钱,又使身材更加 fi tness)
4、Jea n 有什么事情要做 on June…this year
A. Hol iday B. Tra velling for business C. Get marri ed (原文: her s ister gets married next year)
Question 5-10 Match
问女的有没有兴趣 CACBCA
A. Interest in Future B. Interest in Now C. Not i nterest
5) Fi tness
6) Wei ght class(原文:她 interest now, but before this class 她要参加 XX class)
7) Swi mming
8) Pool
9) (fi tness or weight)under wa ter
10) Chi l d mind (老公现在在放假,她的小孩由他带。等老公回去上班了,她在考虑这个)
Question 31-40 Fill in the blanks
考古探寻,内容涉及到 Scotland, North Ireland 等,科学家希望分析出 resources 和 age…
Confl ict a nd xxxxx
res ources
a ge
Technology and techniques…..
of form
…Fa rmi ng……Soil damage…… by
ma chines
37. chemi cal
用 La w 来保护:该列小标题是指各国法律的严谨程度,从最完善的开始到最差的
Scotl and –8) that was found must be reported
Irel and -…. 9)l icense……
Engl and - 10)…
听力真题 V08136
Section 2
找工作, 指导大家如何弄好简历,简历要注意 layout
Internet(建议使用 internet, 因为 newspaper 也不错,agency 不能提供你想要的职位)
Resume not too l ong, 因为没有时间去看,求职信要 typed
ha ndwriting(说有些公司希望通过书写看出些什么)
CV l a yout 要好
避免问题出现,correcti ons(是问什么一定不要出现在 application 上)
列出 s ki lls
保留 conta ct number (比 e-mail 什么的都好用)
Question 8-10 多选三个,在 interview 中应当问什么
10. F
training ,promotion opportunities, holidays
这个问题是问在面试的时候最好问什么,hol idays, work ti me 第三个不太确定了好像是 tra ining 或者是升职的可能,反正原
文说最好不要问关于钱的问题 ,所以 s a lary 等就不能选了
Section 3
讨论对课程的评级,两人都同意还是反对,还是都没表态。对于哪个部分需要改进,有食堂还有 sports center,填写学生对学
Both of the students agree with the statement
The s tudents neither a gree with nor disagree with the statement
The s tudents disagree with the statement
Enough room in the library: C
Li bra ry provision: C
Comments on whether the tutor's feedback is useful: A
Cours e 每一部分的教学目标完成情况:B
Cours e outlines are good: B
Aca demic s upport: A
need helpdesk servi ces
更多的 pa rt-ti me job
Which two parts of college should be improved?
ca teri ng facilities
hea lthcare servi ce
2014 年雅思考试真题回忆及 TPO 小站名师解析(年度汇总)
2014 年 01 月汇总
1月 9日
1 月 11 日
1 月 18 日
1 月 25 日
2014 年 02 月汇总
2月 1日
2 月 13 日
2 月 15 日
2 月 22 日
2014 年 03 月汇总
3月 1日
3月 8日
3 月 13 日
3 月 15 日
2014 年 04 月汇总
4月 5日
4 月 12 日
4 月 24 日
4 月 26 日
2014 年 05 月汇总
5 月 10 日
5 月 15 日
5 月 17 日
5 月 24 日
2014 年 06 月汇总
6月 7日
6 月 19 日
6 月 21 日
6 月 28 日
2014 年 07 月汇总
7 月 10 日
7 月 12 日
7 月 19 日
7 月 26 日
2014 年 08 月汇总
8月 2日
8月 9日
8 月 16 日
8 月 21 日
2014 年 09 月汇总
9月 4日
9月 6日
9 月 20 日
9 月 27 日
2014 年 10 月汇总
10 月 2 日
10 月 11 日
10 月 18 日
10 月 25 日
2014 年 11 月汇总
11 月 1 日
11 月 8 日
11 月 13 日
11 月 22 日
2014.11.08 写作机经预测
2014 年 11 月 1 日:Bar
The first chart below shows the value of goods that Australia imported from China and those exported to China from
Australia. The second chart shows the types of goods imported from China.
Sample Answer:
The bar charts provide some detailed information about importation and exportation between Australia and
In 1998, the value of Australia imports from China was 20 billion. Since then, it climbed smoothly and
reached 40 billion at the end of this period. Similarly, there was also a marked increase in the value of
exports to China. At the beginning, the figure for imports was 10 billion. The following six years had
witnessed a rise of 20 billion. In 2004, the value of Australia exports to China was three times as much as
that in 1998.
Between 2003 and 2004, there was a striking difference in the value of five types of goods that were
imported from China to Australia. The years of 2003 and 2004 saw the same value of clothes, which were 4
billion. The figures for computers and furniture were also the same, with 5 billion i n 2003 and 6 billion in
2001 respectively.
As to toys or sports equipment and computers, the value increased dramatically from approximately 2 billion
to 8 billion.
Overall, the value of Australia imports outnumbered that of the exports during this period, and the value of
toys or sports equipment imported from China rose the most remarkably from 2003 to 2004.
2014 年 10 月 25 日:Map
The plans show community center 10 years ago and after redesign of the community center.
Sample Answer:
The diagrams illustrate the changes in the community center before and after the decoration.
It is noticeable that the whole area for indoor activity has been expanded over the 10-year period. The most
significant change is that the initial garden was replaced by inner sports.
Inhabitants can enter the reception through a door as before. In the center of the community center, there
is a hall which can accommodate 100 people at the same time, and this is also the same as before. However,
the large storage room north to the hall, has been divided into two parts today, namely, a smaller storage
and toilets.
The coffee bar is no longer a part of the community center. Instead, an office equipped with toilets has taken
its place. Also, four offices in the northeast corner and the storage opposite to the kitchen disappeared. A
newly-built café area occupies this area and is open to all visitors currently. Finally, the kitchen and parking
lot are still in use.
2014 年 11 月 1 日
It is better for people to be unemployed rather than to be employed without a job they enjoy. To what
extend do you agree or disagree?
Nowadays, people’s choice of jobs has drawn more attention. Some people would rather to be unemployed
if they are not satisfied with their jobs. My view is that employees should take financial factors into account
before deciding to resign.
Obviously, an unsatisfactory job has a negative effect on the working efficiency of enterprises for the reason
that employees who don't enjoy their jobs will probably not be able to fully devote themselves to their work.
When these employees are confronted with an overwhelming number of tasks, there exits a possibility that
they would choose to give up rather than take responsibilities and accomplish all the tasks positively. If a
large number of such employees are recruited, the morale in the workplace is likely to be influenced and the
employers are bound to have difficulty in developing the company sustainably and successfully.
In addition, people's attitudes towards life depend on many factors, including their job satisfaction. Apart
from being employed in a company, people still have a lot of options. One choice for many peop le is to
operate their own businesses. It is true that some new business models such as E-commerce and franchising
have provided many unprecedented opportunities for self-employment. Therefore, it is not a wise choice for
employees to accept the jobs they don't enjoy.
However, it is undeniable that unemployment is believed to threaten social instability. This is because a
decent income people obtain can ensure the life quality. If they are unemployed for a long time, they may
face numerous problems caused by economic crisis.
In conclusion, the unwise persistence in the jobs people don't like is meaningless to the development of both
individuals and enterprises, although a decent job can guarantee the quality of people’s life.
2014 年 10 月 25 日
Some people believe that job satisfaction is more important than job security. Others believe that people
cannot always enjoy their jobs and that a permanent job is more important. Discuss both views and give
your own opinion.
It is true that seeking for a decent job is not as easy as decades ago due to the economic recession and
competitive job market. Although some may argue that a sense of satisfaction towards their jobs is crucial,
personally, I believe that a permanent job is more meaningful.
On the one hand, a permanent job can guarantee to meet employee’s basic needs. This is because almost no
one can escape from the reality. Every day, we are facing with a variety of expenses, such as food, shelter,
transport, bill and even education tuition for children. With a relatively stable job, people, especially those in
middle aged can cover most expenses. In addition, those who stay in the same company or institute are
more likely to get a promotion as they show the loyalty towards their company. However, those who change
their jobs frequently may have unintended outcomes. For example, they may find it is difficult to support
themselves and raise their family members.
On the other hand, those advocates for pursuing a job they love might regard job satisfaction as the priority
when finding an employment. They believe only working with friendly colleagues and employers and under a
flexible working time schedule, can they fulfill their potential and accomplish all tasks well. However, this
idea is unrealistic. For example, dozens of young graduates in all parts of the world have the bitter result
because of their immature thought, which is unemployment.
In my opinion, there is no perfect job in the world. The only thing we can do is to find a suitable job rather
than a perfect one. There is a 10,000 hours theory in psychology that people who devote themselves to jobs
and spend more than 10,000 hours constantly can become experts in that field. This theory tells us a plain
fact that no one can achieve a sense of job satisfaction without years of efforts and persistence.
In conclusion, people having a constant job are more likely to have a promising career and wellbeing.
A 类 Task 1: 11 月 1 日在针对小作文这块考了柱状图(一级命中). 考题的中心从表格转向了其他的图表形
A 类 Task 2: 大作文在 11 月 1 日的考题是关于工作类(四级命中),和上周的考试考了相同的话题
Task 1
Map, Table
Line, Pie
Task 2
教育, 政府职能
化, 旅游
1. 教育 Hot
a) Some people think children should obey rules and do what the teachers want them to do, others think
controlled children are not prepared for children’s adult life in the future. Discuss both sides and give
your opinion.
b) Some people suggest that school should pay more attention to academic subjects because these
subjects are useful for their future career. They think that subjects like music and sports are not useful
and should not be reduced. To what extent do you agree?
c) Some people believe that teenagers should concentrate on all school subjects. But, others believe that
teenagers should focus on the subject that they are best at or that they find the most interest. Discuss
both these views and give your own opinion.
d) Government should invest more in teaching science than other subjects such as arts, because science
could contribute to the country’s development and progress. To what extent
e) Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students to judge what is right and
wrong so that they can behave well. Others say that teachers should only teach students academic
subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
f) Some think that children should start school as early as possible, while others believe that they should
start school at the age of seven. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
g) Full-time university students need to spend a lot of time on study, but it is essential to get involved in
other activities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
2. 政府职能
a) Some people argue that the government should support the funds for the arts, while some other people
suggest that the money should be used for public health and education. Discuss both vies and give your
Some people think government should invest more money in teaching science than other subjects in
order for a country to develop and progress. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Nowadays, people all over the world are watching foreign films much more than locally produced films.
Why? Should government give more financial support to local film industry?
Higher education is funded in several ways: all costs paid by the government; all costs paid by students;
all costs paid by students with a government loan which must be repaid after graduation. What are the
advantages of these options? Which is your choice?
3. 科技 Hot
a) Mobile phones and the internet are very useful. However, it is rare for the old people to use them. In
what ways can mobile phones and the internet be useful to old people? What could be done to
encourage the old people to use mobile phones and the internet?
b) There are social, medical, and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms
do you take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phone?
c) Some people think that robots are very important to human’s future development, while others think
they are dangerous and have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
d) Around the world, more adults can work from home and more children can study from home as
computer technologies become cheaper and more accessible. Do you think it is a positive or negative
e) Technology makes life complex, and to make it simple is to stop using technology. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?
4. 社会发展/生活
a) There is a movement of the people from agricultural areas to go to cities in order to get work, what are
the most serious problems in both places. What are the measures of solving these problems?
b) In many countries, more and more young people are leaving schools and unable to find jobs after
graduation. What do you think youth unemployment will cause to the individual and the society? And
make some suggestions.
c) It is generally acknowledged that the relationship among family members is now not as close as it used
to be. What causes this is situation? How to solve?
5. 公共设施/建筑
Many old building are protected by the law because they are part of a nation’s history. However, some
people think they should be knocked down to make way for new ones. Do you agree or disagree?
6. 媒体 Hot
We rely on news for our knowledge nowadays, but we are unsure how much we can trust journalists. What
is your opinion on it? What qualities do you think should be required by journalists?
7. 环境保护/动物保护 Hot
a) Many people think it is very important to protect environment but they make no effort to do it themselves.
Why does it happen? How to solve this problem?
b) Development in technology leads to environmental problems, and some people think that the solution to
these problems is for everyone to lead a simpler way of life, while others say that technology can solve
these problems. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
It is no longer necessary that animals should be slaughtered and made into either human foodstuffs or
non-foodstuffs, such as fur and medicine. Do you agree or disagree?
8. 犯罪
Today prison is the most common solution for crime. But some people think that it would be a more
effective way to provide them with better education to prevent them from becoming criminals. To what
extent do you agree or disagree.
do you agree or disagree?
9. 职业
Nowadays, some employers give increasing importance to employing people with social skills in addition to
good qualifications. So it is widely accepted that social skills are as important as good qualifications. To what
extend do you agree or disagree?
10. 文化+旅游
Some visitors are interested in other countries’ culture and traditions. How they learn other cultures and
traditions? Why this is interesting to some visitors but not to others?
11. 社会发展+环境+交通
Nowadays, travelling by air is becoming cheaper and cheaper and bring freedom, but it also brings some
environmental problems. Discuss both sides and give own opinion.
❤ TPO 小站福利时间 ❤
《剑桥雅思官方指南》又名雅思 OG,是今年最新出版的雅思官方用书。这本书被许多从事雅思培训
材只有真题集,没有官方指导的尴尬局面。在这本书的后半部分,编写者还提供了 8 套剑桥雅思官方
试题。不过,一如剑桥的一贯风格,这 8 套题后并没有附送详细的解析。
YOUNG 老师出品,小站独家雅思 OG 试题全面解析
【全网独家】剑桥雅思官方指南 OG 试题全面解析
范文 1:公共建筑+政府类
The restoration of old buildings in major cities in the world spends numerous government
expenditures. This money should be used in new housing and road development. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
 Function better.
 Ex: spatial and material efficiency to accommodate increasing population
represent history and culture
Ex: Yu Garden
During the process of urbanization, governments in different countries show different attitudes
towards their historic buildings. In China, a large quantity of old fashioned houses and sites such
as siheyuan (courtyard houses) and the ancient rampart (City Wall) have been demolished to give
way to modern high rises.
The new modern buildings of course look much more glamorous and function better than old
ones. Modern architectural techniques give modern buildings advantages in terms of spatial and
material efficiency of use in an attempt to accommodate increasing population in crowded
metropolis. Meanwhile substantial infrastructures including new roads are also in need due to the
fast progress of inter-province trade and business. There is also an economic factor regarding this
practice. Constructing new buildings consumes more materials, which can boost related
industries such as steel, iron, lumber, cement and so forth.
However, the above reasons cannot justify tearing down old buildings, especially historic ones
which represent local unique history and culture. In addition, residents living in these old
buildings can still hold their traditional life style. So it is not exaggerating to say that living in an
old building is like living in a museum. It is true that renovation of old buildings costs government
money. However, heritage is worth of such expenditure because keeping those buildings as they
were many years ago allows local people from generation to generation to better understand
their history and culture and share their values and traditions. Such common in values and
traditions means significant for a nation to be strong and integrated. Therefore, it is worthwhile
for the government to make such investment.
Based on the analysis above, it would be safe to arrive at this conclusion that although
conservation of old architectures and sites cost a lot, such practice gets rewards in terms of
cultural transmission and national integration.
范文 2:教育类
Some people think that all young people should be required to stay in full-time education
until they are at least 18 years old. To some extent do you agree or disagree.
 Access sufficient and effective knowledge, provision and support.
 Ex: how to put theory into practice
Increase the financial burden of the family.
Ex: over 5,000 RMB/ per semester
It is generally acknowledged that many school-aged young adults miss out on full-time
education. Thus some educationalists argue that students aged under 18 should receive
compulsory full-time education. I agree with this statement.
There is no doubt that young adults who receive education (include schools and colleges)
would benefit from this experience greatly, for they have more opportunities to improve
their life prospects. If they have one or two more years of studying, they could access
sufficient and effective provision and support. For example, they may learn how to put
theory into practice, thus enhancing their practical work skills. As a result, it would make it
easier for them to climb the career ladder in future work.
Besides, this may produce positive outcomes on society as a whole. As more young people
could access provision and support in terms of education and jobs, the number of youth
unemployment may be controlled and reduced. Evidences show that those who have A -levels
education tend to earn more than those who drop out school earlier.
However, there are of course some potential issues. One main issue is the financial burden
on families and individuals, since they have to pay more tuition fees. Another issue is th at
some students may become demotivated. The reason lies in the fact that they may want to
pursue their dreams in other fields. However, these issues could be addressed strategically
through the efforts of communities and schools.
In conclusion, I believe that anything which could enable young people to become
economically and academically active and able members of society should be adopted.
范文 3:职业+生活
It is said that work is the most important thing of people's life. Without the success of
career, life will become meaningless. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the
 Provide financial support
 Ex: use the income to purchase necessities
Many other factors influencing life
Ex: hobbies, religious pursuit, nurture of friendship
Many of us in modern society devote much more time in working life than our parent
generation, which means it plays a vital role in our life. However, has it come to a point that it
has taken over our life? This is the question that requires a close examination.
No one can deny the importance of work to a person. Our physical and mental energy needs
a channel and the effort in a vocation is the best one. Employment not only provides us
income and supports us and our families economically, it also helps us establish our selfesteem and pride when we regard our job as an opportunity to make a contribution to our
community. In other words, we fulfill our social value through a job. More importantly, work
can be the creative means of finding and improving ourselves because work is like a mirror
reflecting our thoughts and behavior patterns and we can see ourselves in it.
However, the belief that occupational endeavor makes our life meaningful and rewarding
does not necessarily lead to the assumption that without a satisfying career, life is
meaningless. Life is not only about work. Instead, there are many other factors that influence
our well-being. Family life, personal hobbies, religious pursuit, the nurture of friendship and
even rest and recreational so contribute to our happiness. If these aspects are not in balance
with working life, there can be little chance to embrace a successful career. Those who overly
focus on career tend to agonize over some problems, such as health issues, fear of failu re,
disorientation of life, materialism and so forth.
My personal view is that while work is an important part of life, it is not the only thing we
have to do in our life. There are other things we can enjoy. The key is the balance between
working and personal life which helps us take the most advantage of our mundane life.
小站大课堂更多精彩等你发现: 身在考场的你准备好“脱光”了吗?
范文 4:犯罪
Some people think all lawbreakers should be taken in to prison, others believe that there
are better alternatives, (for example, being work to do which is beneficial for local
community). Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
 Pay for what they do
 Ex: robber, 10,000 fine, 5 year in prison
Other alternatives
Offer some training and education program
EX: Mike, find a decent job and able to get rid of vicious circle
To handle criminals is a problem that all countries and societies face. Traditionally, the
approach has been to punish them by placing them in prisons to pay for what they have
done. Some, however, advocate for trying to make them better with training and education
and it seems they may have a good point.
First of all, consider all the money that we have to spend to lock people up in jail. It doesn’t
seem like a good use of public money if the people don’t actually get any better. Because
most criminals eventually are let out of prison, our focus should be on making them better
In fact, the reason why many people end up in jail in the first place is because they didn’t
have a good education or happy family. So if they can learn job skills they perhaps can find
work and feel they can contribute in a positive way. If they do this, they won’t need crime.
Surly everyone deserves a second chance. Of course this does not mean that we should be
too lenient on criminals. Those who commit crime should still be punished, but during their
punishment they should also be treated. If we make an investment in them and show
compassion, most will be able to make a new start.
To summarize, we must make more of an effort to go to the root of the problem. We need to
treat criminals as patients and give them the medicine they need: education and training. By
giving people the skills for a second chance we can make our society safer and healthier
范文 5:(多元)文化
In order to learn a language well, we should learn about the country as well as the cultures
and lifestyles of the people who speak it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Agree (reason 1)
 Culture difference may trigger misunderstanding
 Ex: greeting in China differs with other nations
Agree (reason 2)
Lifestyle differs.
EX: Muslim, perform rituals many times a day
I fully support the assertion that to learn a language well, we should also learn about the country as
well as the cultures and lifestyles of the people who speak it.
Let's first see how we normally define "learning a language really well". By my understanding, learning
a language well would mean being able to speak the language in a proper way. As to speaking it
properly, we need to know that due to cultural differences, many things are just so different from
culture to culture. For example, the Chinese often greet each other by asking "Have you taken your
meal?" which, to the Western ears, would make an invitation to lunch or dinner. Therefore, the lack of
a knowledge of the cultures of different countries will give rise to wrong interpretations of the
message issued or received and as a result, lead to misunderstandings. In this way. We cannot say that
we are speaking the language properly and further, we cannot say that we speak it well.
Second, the ultimate purpose for us to learn a language is to use it in our communication with other
people who speak it, mainly the native speakers. Suppose we know nothing about the US or Britain,
including its government, its people, its tradition, and its other aspects, do you think you can speak
English properly, thus achi eving effective communication with the American or British people? I'll say
at least I can't.
Third, the lifestyle of the people whose language we are learning is also something we need to know in
order that we can speak their language properly. For instance, the Chinese eat pork, but this is not the
case with Muslims. Also, Muslims are very religious people and perform rituals many times a day. If we
don't know these things, how can we expect to communicate with them without incurring troubles? In
this logic, if we cannot make sure that we are speaking their language properly, how can we say that
we have learned their language well?
From the above discussion, we can draw the conclusion that to learn a language really well, we also
need to learn about die country as well as the cultures and lifestyles of the people who speak it.
范文 6:科技
Nowadays the jet plane is considered to be one of the most important and influential
inventions in the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion
Agree (reason 1)
 bring humans great convenience and efficiency
 Ex: trip across Atlantic or pacific ocean only takes hours
Agree (reason 2)
EX: an international journey was expensive in the past
Since jet plane appeared in the 1950s, it has had some revolutionary effects. Many people are of
the opinion that it is one of the most important and influential inventions in the world. Some
others, however, disagree with them. It seems quite clear to me that one of the most important and
influential inventions in the world has been the development of jet plane. My arguments for this
point are listed as follows.
One of the reasons is that jet travel brings us great convenience and efficiency. A hundred years
ago, it took weeks to cross the Atlantic or Pacific oceans by ship. Today, those same trips can be
completed in a matter of hours. One can attend a meeting in Paris and have dinner in New York the
same day. These ama7ing speeds have changed people's concepts of space. Today the world is
much smaller than it was in the past.
Another reason why I advocate the attitude is that jet travel is relatively cheap. An international
journey one hundred years ago was extremely expensive. Only wealthy people could afford to travel
comfortably in first class. Poor people had to save for years to purchase a ticket, and the conditions
in which they traveled were not very good. Today it is possible for more and more people in every
country to travel in comfort. Thus it is possible for business people to do business a ll over the world,
for students to attend universities in other countries, and for tourists to take vacations anywhere in
the world.
For the reasons presented above, I strongly commit to the notion that jet plane is one of the most
important and influential inventions in the world. The speed and low cost of jet travel have changed
the world. Individual nations are not as isolated as they were in the past, and people now think of
the whole planet as they once thought of their own hometowns.
小站公开课 11 月精彩上演:身在考场的你准备好“脱光”了吗?
范文 7:媒体
Some people spend more time reading books, while others prefer to watch TV. The
former group are more likely to develop creative imaginations and have a much better
grasp of language skills. Do you agree or disagree?
 people are able to grasp the meaning and concepts of the book they read
 Ex: the Dream of Red Mansions
watching television programs helps to practice viewers’ imagination as well as speaking
and listening capabilities
EX: authenticity and vividness of TV programs
Rea ding books a nd watching TV a re two main channels to cultivate imagination and develop l anguage s kills
duri ng people’s whole lives. Nowadays, a controversial issue about whether i ndivi duals reading books for
enjoyment are more ca pable of practicing their vi sion a nd ta king a command of languages or not has been into
fi erce discussion. In my opinion, reading can enhance people’s imagination and language a bilities.
To begi n with, from books, readers a re not only a ble to grasp the author’s concepts and ideas, but also have a
comprehensive understanding of the s ocial background. This ca n be illustrated by one of the four classics of
Chi na , the Dream of Red Ma nsions. The master piece reflects the author’s recognition of humanity destiny a s
wel l as his values on love, and more importantly, the book describes a fantastic and detailed social
phenomenon in feudal society, which plays a pivotal role in capturing readers’ imagination. Another merit of
rea ding is that people ca n hone their language abilities, especially i n expanding voca bulary a nd i mproving
wri ti ng s kills. A fa ntastic demonstration would be the success of great writers. For instance, a world renowned
wri ter, Li n Yutang, with his great passion in reading for comfort a nd pleasure, his master work, the Moment in
Peki ng, once gaining the Nobel Pri ze nomination, has been widely a ccepted and praised by exp erts worldwide.
Admi ttedly, to s ome degree, watching television programs helps to practice vi ewers’ imagination as well as
s peaking and listening capabilities, which ca n be illustrated by the authenticity a nd the vi vidness of s uch TV
s hows, intensifying people’s appreciation a bilities and encouraging the audience’s imitation. Accordingly,
i ndividuals’ vi sion ca n be inspired and their spoken language can be furthered. However, TV programs, mostly
TV epi sodes, a re mainly originated from books a nd tend to just represent the ideas of the directors.
Cons equently, wa tching such shows may s tifle televiewers’ creativity a nd imagination.
To s um up, although watching TV ma y have certain positive impacts on vi ewers’ i magination a nd language
s ki lls, reading books are a ble to develop indivi duals’ s uch capacities better, I believe, due to the diversity a nd
deta iledness of books. The point i s that people are s upposed to read more, not regarding studying as a
burden, but reading for pleasure, which is the most i mportant factor readers should consider.
TPO 小站祝考生在雅思考试中勇夺高分!向梦想进发!
范文 8:动物/环境保护
Some people think that it is acceptable to use animals in medical research for the
benefit of human beings, while other people argue that it is wrong. Which side do you
agree with?
 It is proper to sacrifice animals to maximize the health and safety of mankind.
 Ex: animal have similar biological character and structures.
Animals have their intrinsic right to life.
EX: animals can feel pain
In modern society, laboratory testation on animals is a common way of ensuring the safety of a new
medicine or medical procedure and most people have formed this conception that it is acceptable
that animals are tested on for medical purpose. However, whether it is legal is different from
whether it is ethical, especially when we see it not from our human perspective.
Obviously people who support this practice put more value on human life than animals and they
believe that animals should be sacrificed for the benefits of human races. To maximize the health
and safety of mankind, animal testation is the best way to get the accurate and reliable data for a
particular medicine or procedure because animals have similar biologic al characters and structures.
Conducting experiments on animals before launching a new therapy is also a responsible practice to
patients who deserve every respect to their life.
However, it is equally reasonable to say that animals have their intrinsic right to life. In other words,
animals and humans have totally the same rights to live on the earth and therefore no one should
take the life of the other for any purpose. Animal protectors also raise the evidence that laboratory
rats have nerve system which means that they can feel pain. That is why many opponents of animal
testation suggest computer simulation, hoping to replace the cruel way of experimentation with
To summarize this essay, while I believe animals should be respected under every ci rcumstance, I
have to admit that there is no better way than medical testation on animals to secure patients
against potential dangerous effects. Reconciliation is hard to achieve, but suggestion can be to
control the number of animals tested on in laboratory and reduce the pain that they may endure
during the experiments.
加 11 月课程,学英语,涨分数,得金币,赢手机话费!
2014.11.08 口语机经预测
经过多年预测后,我们发现,口语预测其实不如参考考试当日的回忆。比如,甲 16 日 11:30 考试,
他的题目很可能就是乙 15 日 14:00 考过的题目,也可能是丙 16 日 9:30 考过的题目。我们小站根据学
请童鞋们特别关注标有 New 字样的题目,这些题目是针在最近这场考试中刚出现的新题,命中率极
Part 1
a) Your full name?
b) Who gave you name? And why did she/he give you this name?
c) How do other people usually call you?
a) Do you prefer paper or electronic dictionary?
b) Do you have a dictionary?
c) How you feel if you receive e dictionary as a gift?
d) Do you use dictionary frequently?
a) Are there many museums in your hometown?
b) Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown?
c) Do you often visit a museum?
d) Did you go to any museums when you were a child?
e) Do you think museums are important?
f) Do you think it's suitable for museums to sell things to visitors?
g) What can we learn from museum?
h) Is it appropriate for children to visit museums?
i) Do you prefer to visit the museum or the art gallery?
Park or public gardens
a) Are there many parks or public gardens where you live (or, in your hometown)?
b) Do you like to go to park?Why?
c) How often do you go there?
d) Do you like outdoor park or indoor park?Are there any changes that can be made to parks?
e) Is there a park that you go quite often recently?
f) What do you (like to) do when you go to a park or public garden?
g) What do other people do in these places?
h) Do you think parks and public gardens are important to a city?
i) Do you think every city and town should have parks and public gardens?
j) Which one do you like better, garden or park?
Language Hot
a) How many languages can you speak?
b) How to learn English?
c) Are there any other languages you desire to learn?
d) (上一个题目回答法语之后)Why do you learn French?Is it difficult to learn?
e) How do you think the teacher can make the foreign language class more interesting?
f) Is it necessary for a school to teach foreign languages?
g) What language can you speak?How did you learn it?
h) Is it easy or difficult to learn English?
6. Music Hot
a) Do you like music?
b) Do you like only one type of music?
c) What's your favorite kind of music? why?
d) Which type of music do you dislike?Why?
e) Do you like to listen to the same music?
f) Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
g) Which instrument would you prefer to study, the piano or the violin?
h) Do you think it's important for children to learn (to play) a musical instrument?
7. Concentration Hot
a) Is it important to focus on things?
b) When do people need to focus?
c) Is it easy to concentrate on things?
d) Can people focus on two different things at the same time?
e) How to concentrate the mind on the particular object?
f) Which do you think is easier, concentrate on study in the morning or afternoon?
g) Was it easy to concentrate when you were a child?
h) For which period of age is it easier to concentrate?
i) Do you like quite places or noisy places?
j) How to enhance your concentration?
k) Is it easier to study nowadays or in the past?
l) Which ways is better, to study in a quite conditions or a noisy conditions? In which condition can
people gain more concentration?
8. Map Hot
a) Do you use maps frequently?
b) How to learn maps?
c) When do you use a map?
d) Do you think map is important?
e) Do you prefer to use electronic maps or those made of paper?
f) Who taught you to read map when you were a child?
g) Why do parents teach kids to read maps?
h) Do you ask directions when you get lost in the cities?
i) Have any teacher taught you how to use maps?
9. Gifts Hot
a) What gift do you prefer to receive? Why?
b) Do you like to send gifts to others?
c) What do you usually give to others as gifts?
d) What kind of gift did you like when you were a kid?
e) Is it good to send gifts to others?
f) What is the best gift you received when you were a kid?
10. Weather Hot
a) Which season rains more?
b) Do you like raining?
c) When will it rain?
d) What kind of whether do you like most?
e) Where has the most rain in China?
f) Does whether have any influence on you?
g) Do you discuss whether with others?
h) How do you feel about the rainy day? And how about a rainy day in summer?
i) Does it rain quite often in China?
j) Do you think climate in China is different from that in the past?
k) Do you think the climate in China is getting worse than before?
l) Weather cold & Hot
Shopping Hot
a) Do you like shopping?
b) Why do you like shopping?
c) What brands of clothing do you like?Why?
d) Do you go shopping on line quite often?Why?
e) Do you want to work in a store?Why?
f) What do you like to purchase?
g) Do you like to purchase on line or in store?
Special day Hot
a) What do you usually like to do?
b) Do you do the same thing every week?
c) Which day do you dislike most?
d) Which day do you like best? Why? What did you do that day?
e) How about other day?
Which day is busiest?
g) If you can make a change of a week, what would it be?
h) Which day is your favorite day in a week?
i) Holiday
a) How do you use computer?
b) How often do you use computer?
c) Is computer quite important?
d) The bad aspect of computer
e) Is it good or bad for kids to use computer to study?
f) Influence of computer on people’s life
g) Should people use computer to educate young kids?
h) Do you use computer frequently?
i) When did you use computer for the first time?
a) Is punctual important?
b) Do you like to wait for others?
c) What is the advantage of being punctual?
d) Are you punctual?
e) Do you like to wear watch?
Food/cooking Hot
a) What kind of food do you like best?
b) Do you usually cook?
c) Do you think something you cooked in your childhood is different from what you cook now?
d) Why do you like it?
e) When do you like to enjoy it?
f) What kind food did you like most when you were a child?
g) Do you like the same type of food as the one you like when you were a child ?
h) What food is famous in your hometown?
i) Why different regions have different types of food?Do you think it is important?
j) Do you like cooking? Why?
k) When did you start cooking?
l) Could you cook when you were a kid?
m) Do you cook frequently?
n) Who usually cook in your family?
o) Do you think cooking programs are popular in China?
p) Can you cook?
q) Had you ever helped your mom do cooking when you were a child?
r) Do you think it is good for kid to do cooking?
16. Hometown Hot
a) Where is your hometown?
b) What are the things you dislike about your hometown?
c) Do you want to live here forever?
d) Will you move to other places?
e) Do you like your hometown?
f) Are there any changes happened in your hometown?Do you like it?
g) How many people are there in your family?
h) Where do they come from?
i) Is it suitable for the elderly or the young to live?
j) How about the transportation in this city?
k) Does everyone need to learn how to drive?
17. Living place
& Accommodation
a) Where do you live?
b) What do you dislike about this place?
c) Do you know anyone there?
d) What kind of people live nearby?
e) Are there any famous people living near your home?
f) Will you choose to drive your car to other places?What are the advantages and disadvantages of
g) Who do you live with?
h) Do you like the place where you live?
i) Do you think it is a suitable place for living?
j) Is it a suitable place to raise a child?
k) Which one is more suitable for a kids, a small size-family or a big-size family?
l) Do you know your neighbors well?
m) Do you live in a flat or a house?
n) Is there any good sides and downsides of the place that you live in?
o) Will you stay in that place for a very long time?
p) Would you like to change where you live?
q) Where do you want to live in the future?
r) Is it suitable for kids and the elderly to live?
18. Study/major/Work
a) Are you a student or do you have a job?
b) What is your major?Do you like your major and why?
c) Are you keep focusing on this major for a long time?
d) Why did you choose to study that?
e) What was the first school you attended?
f) What subjects do you like and dislike?
g) Do you like your high school?
h) The first day go to school/college.
i) Which school are you studying in?
j) Why do you choose this university/school?
k) Which city do you study in?Why did you select this city?
l) Do you like your professors and classmates? Why?
m) Where do you prefer to study?
n) What is your major? Why you choose it?
o) Do you prefer to study in the morning or at afternoon? Why?
p) What do you do during the process of long-time learning?
q) Why do you choose your current job?
r) Were you happy when you were in this company for the first day?
s) Do you like your current job?Why?
t) why study abroad
u) Which subject are you specialized in?
v) What subject do you like or dislike?
w) What subject do you find most useful?
x) Favorite course
y) School party
z) Do you want to change major? Why?
19. Traveling by train/car
a) Do you like travelling by train/car? Why?
b) How often do you travel by train?
c) Is travelling by train very popular in China?
d) Do you prefer traveling by train or by air?
e) Interesting people or thing that you met when travel by train.
f) Are there underground train in your city? Why we need it?
g) Do you take underground quite often?
h) Travel by car
i) Should everyone have their own cars?
j) Describe your last experience of taking a taxi.
20. Animal
a) Do you like animals? Or what is your favorite animal?
b) Do you think we should protect animal?
c) Do you like pets?
d) How often do you go to the zoo to see animals?
e) Do you like zoon?
f) What’s your feeling of visiting a zoo?
g) Is it necessary for the kids to acquire knowledge regarding to animals?
h) Have you ever raised animals(e.g. a dog)?
21. Market Hot
a) Are there many street market in China?
What is the difference between street market with supermarket
Is it a default for the street market to exist in China?
Do you like street market? Why?
Why do some people like street market?
Do you want to go to the street markets in foreign countries?
Have you ever been to street market in other countries? Is it different with the street market in
h) Which one do you prefer, outdoor market, supermarket or shopping mall?
i) Preference for street market or supermarket, why?
j) Do you like go to the supermarket?
k) Why do people like going to the supermarket?
Relaxing Hot
a) How do you relax?
b) What do you like to do in your free time?
c) Do you think sport can relax you?
d) Is relaxation important? Why?
e) How to relax?Does sports work?
f) Is it easy for people to get relaxation?
g) Do you like sports?
h) Do you think vacation is the best way to get relaxation?
our country
a) History of our country
b) When will Chinese exchange flowers as gifts?Is this one of Chinese tradition?
a) Why do children play toys?
b) What toys did you like to play with when you were a child?
c) What is the most important toy you have ever had?
Weekend Hot
a) Are weekends important to you?
b) How do you (usually) spend the weekend?
c) Which do you prefer, Saturday or Sunday?
d) What do you usually do on that day?
e) What are you going to (planning to) do next weekend?
f) Is it important for people to have weekends off?
g) Should people be paid overtime for working at the weekend?
爬树 绿色植物好处
a) Have you ever climb trees?
27. Clothes Hot
a) Do you think people would like to spend a great amount of money on clothing?
b) Do you wear different clothes when you are at school and at home ?
c) What do you usually wear when you are at school?
d) What do you wear for a party?
e) What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
f) Should people wear different type of clothes when they enter into the society?
g) What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
h) Do you change clothes frequently?
i) Do Chinese spend too much money on clothing?
j) Are there any other types of clothes that you want to try?
k) Did you parents dress you up to attend party when you were a child?
l) An experience of attending a party with weird clothing.
28. Sports
a) What sports do you like best?
29. Politeness
a) Is it important to be polite?
30. TV program
a) Do you watch TV quite often?
b) How long will you allow your kid to watch TV?
31. Transport
a) Do you prefer to drive your private car or take a taxi?
b) Do you think there are too many cars on the road?
c) Traffic jam
32. Birthday Hot
a) How do you celebrate your birthday?
b) What did you do on your last birthday?
c) Is birthday important? Why?
d) How do Chinese people celebrate their birthdays?
e) Which birthdays are especially important in China (in Chinese culture)?
f) Are birthdays more important for young people or elderly people ? Is there any special things for
33. Photography
a) Do you like taking photos?
b) How do you take photographs?
c) Which one is better, to take photos with a camera or with a mobile phone ?
d) Do you take photographs with mobile phone?
e) Describe your experience of taking picutres with you friends.
f) Do you take photos quite often?
g) What do you like to take a photo?
h) Is it necessary for you to learn photograph in the future?
i) What do you like to photograph?
j) Do you like cameras?
k) How do you organize (or, keep, 01 save) your photos?
l) How do you think will keep (save) your photos in the future?
m) Are there any photos hanging on your wall at home?
n) Would you say photographs are a good way to preserve memories?
34. Shoes
a) Do you like shopping for shoes? Why? Why not?
b) How often do you buy shoes?
c) What kinds of shoes do you usually buy?
d) Do you prefer comfortable shoes or good-looking shoes?
35. Driving/ Cars
a) Do you like cars?
b) Do you have a driver’s license?
c) What kinds of cars are most popular in your country?
d) Is there anything you don’t like about cars?
Part 2 & Part 3
Category A: People(人物)
An old person you respect
Who is the elderly person that you admire?
Who does this elderly person live with?
Do you think it is necessary to get some suggestions from elder people?
How often do Chinese visit elder people?
Is it necessary for young people to communicate more with elder people?
Is it necessary for young people and elder people to learn from each other?
 Father, mother, math teacher, Confucius
 Elder people are of profound experience
 Communication can facilitate the relationship between…
 Boost harmony of the society
A famous person you want to meet (not from your country)
What are the advantages and disadvantage of being a famous people?
How do the media in your country treat famous people?
How do people become famous?
Why some of them lose popularity after some time?
How to maintain popularity?What factors may contribute the long-term popularity?
Do you want to be famous?
How should famous people guide children?
How could the famous people affect the country by their popularity? New
Do you think the famous people have some social responsibilities? New
Can famous people help to solve the international problems? New
Why are so many young people crazy for the famous people? New
Do you think the famous people have a great impact on children? New
 Bill Gates, Michael Jordan
 AD: earn a lot of money
 Dis: No privacy
 They have to have some special skills to gain popularity
A friend you did not see for a long time
A friend in your school you still remember well.
Describe your best friend
How to keep relationship?
What does the friendship mean to you?
What will be the one who do not have friends like?
What are the possible factors that cause friends to break up?
Have you ever experienced a broken relationship with your friends?
How to strengthen friendship?
Why someone would stop their friendship?
How often should people meet their friends?
What if you are far away from your friends?
What are the differences between the friendship of young people and the one of adults?
What are the advantages of having (a lot of) friends?
Why are friends like family?
Do you think is easier to make friends when you are a child or grow up? Why?
Do you prefer have one or two close friends or have many friends? Which are less close? Why?
Does it because of trust (based on the last question)
Which group of friends is better, the one you know when you were a child, or the one you meet when
you work in a company?
Do you still have contact with the friend you know when you were a child?
Should parents be concerned about your friendship?
How to make friends?
Why does making friends on line sound better?
Why friendship is more fragile than before?
Do you think it is easy to build up relationship?
Why do you think friends lose contact?
Is it important to keep contacting?
Is it easy for people to lose contact?
Do you think class union can keep people in contact?
When and how did you become good friends?When do you usually do when you are together?
Do you prefer to have a lot of friends or several close friends?
In which way do you contact with your new friends?
Compare traditional contacting methods and modern methods.
What are your criteria of good friend?
Will lies deteriorate friendship?
How do you think about the elder person in your class?
Some people don’t like to study with the elder person in class. What do you think?
 Keep relationship: be honest, be loyal
 Stop: be betrayed, being far away
 How often: Once a month
 Far away: using some high-tech communication tool, such as QQ, to communicate
A neighbor you helped
Do you think neighbor is important in our life?
What subject you will talk about with your neighbor?
Do you think we are having a distant relationship with our neighbors?
A person who has an interesting job Hot
Do you like that job?
Which is more important in choosing a job, interest or the pay?
What kind of jobs are popular in young people?
What kind of jobs are popular in China?
Do you want to work in a big a company or small company?
Why do someone choose big companies or small companies?
What are the differences between big companies and small companies?
Is city important for the development of career?
In which city do you want to work?
Chinese likes what type of job?
Full-time studying or studying and working at same time?
What kind of jobs do people usually take in your countries?
Do you know a lot of people who are focusing on related field?
Do you change job quite often?
Do young people like to change job? Why?
Is career important? How to choose a job?
Is it difficult to find a job?
Is it good for young people to work in different regions?
What do you think about working far away from family?
What are the differences between a full-time student and a student with a part-time job?
Some people say that “Interest into work can be boring”. What do you think about that?
 Pay is more important: people need money to sustain life
 Young people prefer jobs related to fashion, creation and so forth
 I want to be in a small company which offers more freedom
 I prefer to work in cities like Shanghai which is the headquarters of bunches of Top
500 companies and offer more choices and chances.
An intelligent person you know
Whether they are self-fish or not?
Are they happier?
Do you think that you are an intelligent person?
Are intelligent people rich?
What subjects they usually work on?
How to train children to be intelligent?
Is the appearance of teachers important?
Will parents have great influence on children?
Is it good for children to be selfish or willing to share?
Can everyone be a teacher?
Who should take more responsibility of educating children, parents or teachers?
Is be more intelligent better?
How can teacher make their students more intelligent?
How can parents make their children more intelligent?
What kind of teachers can be called good teachers?
Do you think that the intelligent person can do well in every aspect?
A popular comic actor in your country
Why people like actors?
Do actors have a high salary?
What kind of entertainment child like?
Why children like amusement park?
What kind of theater attract young people?
Children’s game 还说到中国卡通
Why do young people like to copy these people?
What are the effects the comedians have on children?
A family member you like to spend time with( something you do with elderly people in your family
Family relationship
Family members
Is it important for family members to get together?
What do you usually do together?
How do parents get along with kids? New
Should the young people spend more time with old people? New
What are the typical life of the old people? New
9. Describe a person you know who is beautiful or handsome. New Hot
1. Who the person is
2. When you met the person at the first time
3. What the person’s character
4. And explain how you feel about the person.
Are there many good-looking people around you?
How do you think about those who are good-looking?
Do you think a person can looks more beautiful/handsome when she/he wears beautiful clothes?
Is it important for a person to have good looks?
Is it good for a person to put on makeup usually?
Does it have good influence on young person that there are tall models appearing on the top of a
fashion magazines?
Why does the person with good looks become model? Is that a good thing?
What are the advantages of being good looking?
Are those who are good looking lucky?
Do you think the natural scenery beautiful?
What are the drawbacks of being good looking?
Talking about the changes of the seasons in your country.
What are the beautiful scenery in the rural area in China?
What scenery do Chinese people like?
Are there any sceneries that others consider to be beautiful but actually you don’t?
What do you think of the photos of the scenery?
Is it good to live in a place that surrounded by the mountains and rivers? New
What do you think of the people who are good-looking but not kind? New
Is it necessary to have models? New
Will people judge others by what they wear? New
What kind of clothes do Chinese people prefer to wear? New
Can you judge people by their handwriting? New
Do you think a person’s handwriting can show something? New
10. Describe a person who you wanted to be similar to in teenage years. New Hot
5. Who this person was
6. How you knew this person
7. What impressed you about this person
8. And explain why you wanted to be similar to this person
Do you think you are similar to him/her now?
Do other people also want to be similar to this person?
Why do some companies advertise products by using famous people?
Do you think government should restrict or support that?
Do the famous people have the responsibility to set up an example for children?
Compare the growing process of children today with that in the past.
What’s the relationship between the famous person and the kids?
Do you think parents have to be trained to educate the children? Or, is it a part of human nature?
What kind of famous people are popular among children?
Compare the scientists with singers.
Do you think it is proper for super stars to advertise for the bad products?
What are the major differences between becoming independent nowadays and becoming independent
in the past? New
To what extent do you think children should be independent? New
When do you think people finally become independent? New
What is the most deeds for children? New
11. Describe a popular band or singer in your country. New
9. When it first become popular
10. What style of music it perform
11. Who (what kinds of people) like this band or singer
12. And explain why you think they are popular
What is the most popular kind of music?
What kind of music is the best music?
Why singers seldom sing traditional music?
Can everyone be good at music?
Do you think music industry is important?
Do you think the music producers aim at producing good music or making more money?
Can music show the traditional culture of a place?
Do you like singing?
What do you think about the people who are good at singing?
What is more important for a singer, to earn more money or to sing more good songs?
What are the qualities that professional singers should have?
Do you think the quality of the voice is important?
12. Describe a sportsperson/athlete who played well in the match. New Hot
13. Who the person was
14. What the match was
15. When and where the person played
16. And explain why you think the person played well in the match
What sport is popular in your country?
Do you think young children should have different kinds of sports?
What do you think about competitive sports?
Does every one like the sports competitions?
What qualities should an excellent sportsman have?
What kind of sports do young people like to play in your country? Why?
Should people take part in different games? Why?
Should children do sports?
Is it necessary to learn more than two kinds of sports?
Do adults have sport meetings?
13. Describe an old person you know who you respect. New Hot
17. Who the person is
18. How you know the person
19. How long you have known this person
20. And explain why you respect this person.
Do you think we should respect old people?
Should the family look after their elderly members, or government?
What are the advantages of living with the grandparents?
Do old people help the young parents to look after their kids?
What are the benefits and drawbacks for grandparents to look after their grandchildren?
On what occasions do Chinese people get together?
Do you think people should spend time on family reunion?
What impacts do old people have on children?
What impacts do children have on old people?
Do you like living with the old people? New
Is it good to look after the old people? New
Do old people always lavish their care on children? New
14. Describe one of your friends. New
21. Who the person is
22. What the person looks like
23. How you met the person
24. What you do together
25. And explain what you like about the person.
What are the qualities of a good friend?
How do friends affect your life?
Category B: Place(地点)
An important historical building in your city
A historical site Hot
Is there any implied meaning of this building?
What’s the attitude of Chinese people toward historical building?
What should government do if someone is against the proposal to restore the historical building?
Does every think old buildings are important?
What kind of buildings should government protect and preserve?
What are the attitudes of young people and elderly people toward these buildings? How about you?
What’s the influence of building in history?
What kind of historical site do young people in China like?
How can people discover the historical sites?
How can Chinese students learn history?
Do you like your history teacher?
How can teachers improve their skills in history classes?
Is it important for people to know about the history of their own country?
 Great Wall, Yu garden, Chenghuang Temple
 People show great respect
 Government should listen to different opinions and make concession
An building in your country
Part 3
What is the best building in your country?
Do you think it is important in your life?
Why it was built?
Why Chinese people want to move to a new house? What do you think about that?
Do you have a historical building in your hometown?
What does it mean to you? And what is its social role?
A big city
What are the differences between big cities and small towns?
Who are suitable to live in big cities?
Are there any problems with big cities?
(针对上一问题回答了交通和人际关系之后继续发问)Can you drive?
If you need to take a travel, will you by train or by bus?
What cities have you lived in? Which one do you like most?
A city you visited Hot
Why people want to live in big city?
Advantages and disadvantages of living in big city?
What kind of people like to live in countryside?
What problems and benefits about family live in big city? What about the children?
Where do you like better, the city or the countryside?
Why people want to go to the city?
What are the advantages of education in a city?
What about the transportation system in cities?
Are there any problems with cities?
Are there anything bad about living in a city?
Which city did you visit last time?
Why did you choose this city?
What did you do when visiting this city?
Do you go to any parks?Is it a public park or a private garden?Why?
Do Chinese live in hotel quite often?
What types of hotels existing in China?
What factors are more important for a hotel?
How to select a hotel?
How often do you live in a hotel?How about the quality of the service.
Will you give a hand to your friend if you live in your friend’s home?
What affects people’s life in city?
What makes a town grow into a big cities?
Should every one drive in the city?
 Beijing
 Big cities do have advanced educational, transportation, medical systems
 Old people and those who like nature prefer to live in countryside
 Living in big cities usually suffer great pressure from work and life.
Describe a park or garden you went to
How about working in a park?
What is your opinion about the phenomenon that many people like to plant vegetables by themselves?
Why people like houses attached with garden?
Do you go to visit gardens?
Are there any houses or apartment are with gardens?
Except houses, is there any other types of housing are with gardens?
How about organic food?
On which occasion would people use flowers to decorate in China? Will flowers be utilized under other
Should parks sell tickets?
Is there any parks that needs volunteers?
Do Chinese go to park quite often?
Does going to the park have influence on?
Is it good to have a garden in your home?
What do you want to plant in your garden?
An increasing number of building are constructed in the city and no places can be used to plant
greens?How can Chinese people confront this situation?
Do people in your country use the flowers grown in your nation?How do they use it?
Are there any green areas in your country?
Do you think it is necessary to build more green areas?
Some people think they do not go to parks, so they do not need to donate money to build green areas?
How to solve this problem?
Any bad color of flower
Grow food by self
Bird attracted to trees
Where are flowers planted?
Why do countries invest capital?
What are the effects of the green space?
Who should be responsible to build the green space in the city?
A beautiful place where you want to have a home Hot
Compare rural areas with cities.
What kinds of houses do Chinese prefer to live?
Is it important to live close to relatives?
Why Chinese like small-sized apartment rather than big-sized?
What’s the difference between old houses and modern houses? What are some types of houses?
Is it common for people of several generation to live together?
Is it good for kids to live in a big city or small city?
What kind of houses do people like to live in?
What did government do to cope with the housing problems?
Why do some people like to live in old houses?
A place which is far away from your home and you visited
Do you like travel by car?
How do you feel about living in a hotel?
What’s your standard of living condition?
Do you like to travel with families or friends?
Will visitors help hosts?
What are the differences between visit a friend’s home and stay at your home?
Is it important to keep a good relationship with your relatives?
Why do some people prefer to stay at home rather than travel to another place?
Why do people like to travel to the places that are far away from their home?
Compare the changes about the transportation today with that in the past.
Are there any differences of travelling between young people and old people?
Can visiting the real place be replaced by watching TV?
A restaurant you want to visit again and why?
Why fast food restaurant is popular (in china)?
Why people choose fast food restaurant?
How do you think about Gutter oil phenomenon?
Why do people go to restaurant?
What cuisines are offered by these restaurant?
Which type of restaurant is better, native or international?
Is it a must that an expensive restaurant is good?
Which one will you choose, a restaurant or Macdonald?
Why do you eat fast food even if fast food is not healthy?
Does fast food do good to children’s health?
Do Chinese people have more dinners at home or at restaurant?Why?What are the advantages and
disadvantages of it?
What should the government do?
Why do fast food restaurant need to do advertisement?
Compare small restaurant with big ones
What is the type of this restaurant? When did you go there?Why do you want to go there again?
How about the security of food in your country?
What factors determine whether or not the restaurant is good?
 A restaurant called “Shiwuyou”
 Fast food is cheap and can be prepared within minutes
 It’s illegal and immoral to use gutter oil
 Do harmful to children’s health
A foreign country you want to visit at first time Hot
Where do most of the people go in your country?
What are the differences between traveling to other countries and living there?
Do you think we need to respect the region and culture when you go to other countries?
What are the effects of globalization?
What’s the advantages of travelling
What are the advantages and disadvantages brought by travelling to a country?
What’s the advantage for travelling alone?
Why more and more people choose to travel?
Will you choose to travel abroad or take a nationwide travel?
What’s the advantage for a nationwide travel?
What foreign countries will you choose to be the destination for a travel ?Why?
What’s the disadvantage for a nationwide travel? How to solve this problem.
Will you choose to have the service of travel agent?
Travelling to which countries is cheaper?
Will you take a travel to Africa?
10. A school you studied Hot
What a good teacher should be like?
Do you think a responsible teacher is too strict?
Do you think we should give permission to students to talk in class?
Do you think children should go to school?
Do you think children are too tired?
Why do so many people want to be teachers?
What are differences between teaching kids with teaching adults?
What should a school teach students other than school subjects?
Which is better for study, in a small class or big class?
Do teachers prefer to teach young kids or old kids?
Should young children respect teachers?
Do young people making friends on Internet?
Why do you think it’s much more difficult to make friends then before?
11. Street market
Are street markets very common in your country?
Do you think street market is a good thing?
Would you like to visit a street market in a foreign country?
12. A place where you learned a foreign Culture
How to learn the culture of other nations? Are the learning methods different with the past?
Will Olympic Games have great influence on your attitude toward your country?
Will network news broadcast affect your recognition of your country?
How do foreigners learn Chinese?
Is it easy for a foreigner to learn Chinese?
Category C: Object(事物)
A good law in your country Hot
An important law in your country
Part 3
How about the laws in your country?
Do people obey the laws?
Do all the people obey the traffic rules?
What if there are something wrong with the law?Do we still need to obey the law?
How can lawyers and police enable people to obey the laws?
What are the qualities of a good lawyer?
Jobs with law
Do you think policeman is a common job?
Do children like to be a policeman?
Are there a great amount of people who prefer being a policeman?
What characteristics should policeman have?
Compare lawyer with policeman
Why this law is more important?
Does everyone think this law is important?
Why does someone choose to be a policeman?Is it important to be a policeman?
Why do people prefer lawyers than policemen
Do you think it’s necessary to have an international law?
Are there any occasions that people can break the rules?
A Book you recently read
A Book you want to read
Enjoyable Reading
What you like reading
The last book you read Hot
Part 3
What kinds of books does people like to read?
Are there any difference between the books young people favors and the ones elder people prefer?
Are there any difference between books ,magazines and journals?
Are there any differences and commons between physical books and electronic books ?
Do women and men read same type of books?
Compared with people in the past, people nowadays read more books or less books ?
What kind of books are popular in China?
Is it immature for young people to read Manga?
What are the differences between reading Newspaper and watching TV news?
Should children be recommended to read more by teachers or by parents?
Do people of any ages need to read more?
Who is your favorite writer?
Do you think black people write more in sense?
 Harry Potter, a world of magic
 Jane Eyre, true love
 Journals are usually of latest information, with varieties of pictures and other
 Young people favors detectives, fictions and so forth
 Elderly people prefer biography
A wild animal that is interesting
Part 3
Is it a good way to keep rare animals in the zoo?
What are the functions of a zoo?
Don't u think government should use their money on other important things?
Are there any TV programs regarding to wild animals?What are these animals?
Why do they show the name of these wild animals?
What do you think about the children learning knowledge about animals at school?
Should teachers teach children animals in the classroom?
Is this good for kids to raise animals?
Are there any implied meaning for kids to raise pets?What should be paid attention?
What should parents tell kid before raising pets?
What’s the advantage to protect animals?
What methods have children learned to protect animals?
 Penguin, puma, hippo
 Some of the animal are supposed to live in natural environment in order to survive
 The World of Animals broadcasted by CCTV
 Kid will be able to live harmoniously with other species, be compassionate
A language you want to learn
Describe a foreign language that you would like to start learning Hot
Part 3
Do you think everyone should learn a second language?
Someone learn English fast and someone is slow, why?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of learning a new language?
What is the worldwide language in the future?
Do you think everyone need to learn Chinese?
How do you think can Chinese be more popular?
How can you persuade a person who doesn't want to learn a foreign language?
Except English, which foreign language is most learned in china?
Why different people has different abilities in learning a foreign language?
Do you think some people are better than others at learning a foreign language?
Do you think the globalization of language is a good trend?
Which language do you think will become the dominant language in the future (apart from English)?
Do old people and young people have the same problems when learning a foreign language?
Do people who living in the rural area need to learn English?
What kind of English course can be considered attractive?
A magazine you enjoy reading Hot
Part 3
What is the type of this magazine? When did you start to read this magazine?
Why do you like this magazine?
Do young people like newspaper?
Is it good to be a journalist?
Do your parents like newspaper?
What kind of articles does it have?
Do you think all the magazines are useful?
What are the differences between newspaper and magazine?
Do you think newspapers would be replaced by Internet?
Which journal is popular currently?
What are the advantages of journals?
What kind of skills are required for an editor of periodical?
Should information included in magazine be precise?
What other type’s magazine do u know?
What can u learn from a magazine?
Compared with newspaper?
What skills should journalists have?
What’s the reasons for people to read magazine and newspaper?
Is it fun to be a journalist?
Do you like writing?
Do you think the report from a journalist is true?
What are the differences between the journalist in China and those in foreign countries?
What are the qualities of the journalists?
A gift you received (when you were a child)
Part 3
When did you receive it?Who gave it to you? What was your feeling?
What kind of gifts are popular among Chinese children?
Should presents be expensive? What do Chinese like to give as gifts?Why?
On what occasions should people send gifts?
Should every form of entertainment in children’s life be designed to educate them?
Is it important to send gifts to each other in China?
What should people take into consideration when they send gifts to children?
What do you send as gifts for a wedding?
Do you still use that gift?
What kind of gifts do kids like?
Why do girls and boys prefer different types of gifts?
What kind of gifts will you sent as gifts to children?
Something you bought but seldom use
Part 3
How can you balance quality and price when you do shopping?
List things that can be recycled.
How do Chinese recycle?
Is it popular to purchase something in China?
Will E-market have a bright future?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing things in physical stores?
Are things that can be recycled good?
What are the difference of the shopping mode between people in cities and people in rural areas?
Where do students shop?
Will they purchase unused item frequently?
闲置物品说旗袍之后,问: Why did you purchase it in Hangzhou rather than Shandong?
An advertisement you remember well
Part 3
In which channels do you watch this advertisement?
To which group of people does advertisement have more influence?
Should advertisement be put on internet or in TV programs?
Should children be protected from advertisement?
What did this advertising promote? Where did you see this? What was the content of it? Why do you
think it is impressive?
What is the type of this advertisement?
How was this advertisement broadcast?
Did it have great influence on sales revenue of the promoted products?
Are there many public service advertising?Are they effective?
How to publicize public service advertising?
Do most of the advertisements exaggerate the advantages of the product?
Do you think the advertisements have any effects on children?
What effects does the music have in the advertisement?
Do you think the products like toys should be advertised?
Will you buy the products presented in advertisement?
Does that gift still exist?
What’s the impact of gun-like gifts on children?
What’s the meaning of sending gifts?
What’s your opinion about sending IPad to kids?
Do you think it’s essential for gifts to be educational?
Do you think the differences between boys and girls are natural, or caused by the society?
A subject which you want to share with another person (类似 A time when you shared something with
Part 3
What are the advantages of sharing?
What did you share and who did you share with?
Why did you share?
What was your feeling?
Why children don’t like to share with others?
What kind of things do children share?
How do parents teach these children to share with others?Why?
Should people share food in parties?Why?
Should people share transportation tools?
What methods should be taken to enable people to share their transportation tools in cities ?
Would you mind of sharing something in public places?
Do people share their houses/ homes?
If you have to share a room with others, do you think a clear rule is needed?
10. What subject people always ask u about? Why? How?
Part 3
Do you want to know more about your major?
How to find useful information on TV or Internet?
How important it is to know new things?
What do you think about teachers in China?
Should we let students to ask more questions?
Do Chinese teachers encourage children to ask questions?
Do teachers allow children to walk around in the classroom?
many importance of general subject
scientific research
Which do you prefer, study one subject further or know a little about everything?
will people choose to work in the field of scientific research
11. A photo( taken by someone/你很喜欢/ taken by your friend)
Part 3
Where did you take it?
Who took the picture for you?
Which one is better, electronic picture or paper picture?
Is it necessary to install a camera in mobile phone?
Do you think people abuse cellphone?
What your opinion about autodyne?
Is it common to see photos at home and in office?
Do you prefer to make your photo printed or keep it on the Internet?
Do you prefer to use the camera on mobile phone or a professional camera?
Do you know how to use Photoshop?
12. An old object
An antique
Something used but your family still keep
Part 3
Why do people keep old things?
Are new things better than the old things?
Do you think we should protect the historical building?
How about destroying the old one and building a new one?
Are there any historical museums in your country?
Are the museums useful to understand the culture of the country?
What can we learn from the history?
Who would like to keep the old things more, the men or the women?
13. A popular product made in China
A native product
A special product that made in your region
Part 3
What kind of products are popular in china?
Is it necessary for every place to have a product of their own?
Describe a native product. What is it?Is it easy to obtain?
Are there any other products made in your countries?
Are there any products imported from other countries important to Chinese people?
Are there any special products that are made in different cities?
Why do these cities have different types of special products?
Do people from different regions of China eat their local food only?
Can they adapt to the food made in other regions of China?
Describe a foreign good
Why do some products get famous?
What are the differences between different regions in China?
What are the differences between different countries?
Should every country has its unique food?
14. An indoor game(that you enjoyed playing as a child)
Part 3
Are there any games that children like?
Why do children like these games?
Are physical activities important?
Is it good for kids to play iPad?
What are the difference between the games children play right now with the ones in the past?
Is it good for children to play games?
What are the effects of game to a child?
Why do children play games, for fun or for educational purpose?
Do you think it will help children?
Are there any popular indoor games in China?
Outdoor game
Computer games VS outside game
Do you think it's necessary for children to play competitive games?
Is it important to develop the competitive awareness of young children?
What are the purposes for adults to play games?
What kind of game is beneficial for improving intelligence?
15. Something you like to do with an old person in your family
Part 3
What are the activities that family do together?
Do you think nowadays there are more couples working out of their hometown?
Do you think young people today have more contacts with their parents?
How is the relationship between you and your family members?
What are the advantages of having elderly people in the family?
16. A sport (you'd like to play or watch)
Part 3
Which sport is popular in China?
Should children learn the spirit of sports?
To athlete, which one is more important, luck or strength?
How to do this sport?
People like/dislike doing sports, why?
Do you think more people do exercises than before? Why?
What do you wear when you do sport?
Is there any difference between now and the past?
Do children like sports?
Do you think famous athletes are models for children?
Do Chinese like doing sports?
What sports do Chinese usually like? Why some people do not like sports?
Why do some people regard sporting as a profession?
Why are some people not willing to attend sporting competition?
Are there any differences between the current sports and the ones in the past?
Do people like doing and watching sports?
What kind of sports do you think will be introduced into China?
Do you think it is easy to copy the success of those famous athletes?
Hardworking and luck which one is more important?
Why do you think girls don’t like sport?
Compare the sporting facilities in different schools.
Many young athletes today just attend the sports for benefit. How do you think about it?
Do you think there will be some problems when people just play computer games without doing any
17. A movie you dislike
Part 3
Do people prefer watching movie at home or in the movie theater?
Is entertainment bad for study?
What do people usually do when they are at home?
Is entertainment activities different from ones in the past?
Will internet impact people’s life in the future?
Leisure activities in the future
Electronic devices in future leisure
Do Chinese like watching films?
What do you like to do when you are at home? Why?
Where do you usually do for your leisure time? Do other people go to the same place as you do?
Should the entertaining facilities be built in the rural area?
18. A foreign movie you watched recently Hot
Describe a film that you recently enjoy reading
Describe a foreign film you like best
Part 3
Do Chinese like watching foreign movies?
What kind of movies do they like?
What type of American film is popular in china?
Do you like watching foreign movies? Which type do you like?
Why do you like this type of movie?
Does every one like romantic movies?
Do action movies popular in China?
Is it easy for you to get the main idea of this movie?
Do you think these movies can manifest the real life of these countries?
Can you learn culture of a country by watching their films?
Have you ever visited a foreign country?
Do you think foreign movies are popular in your country?
Do many films broadcast in China?
Is it good to learn English by watching foreign films?
Which one do more good for learning language, books or films?
List some types of films.
Cultural exchange
Do Chinese have difficulty to watch film in English?
Can you learn the whole film by just listening?
The differences of Chinese film and American film.
Do you prefer to watch a film at home or in the cinema?
Do you think it’s necessary to have superstars in the film?
How do people in China get foreign films?
19. Your first cell phone
Part 3
What changes did it bring to you?
What are the difference between text message and phone calls?
Who likes cell phone more, old people or children?
Why do people like using application in cell phone?
When did you have your first phone?
Do you think the phone have bettered our life?
Who gave you this cell phone?
Why do you want to use cell phone?
What are the disadvantages of cell phones?
Is there any application of cell phone that you love?
When will parents buy mobile phone for their children?
What do the elderly do with mobile phone?
Is mobile phone popular in China?
Do different kind of people use the same kind of phone?
20. A piece of equipment you had a problem with Hot
Broken equipment(规定是电视或者洗衣机)
Part 3
How to repair, your feeling?
Why people buy equipment?
Should children learn to fix it?
If it is broken, should people throw it away or fix it?
Repair an equipment
Will people be lazy when they washing machines or micro ovens?
How long and why do people change their equipment?
What equipment do you use every day?
Are you willing to help others to solve problems?
Are you good at fixing equipment?
What are the feeling of purchasing something just now? How do people deal with the things that break
down, throw it away or fix it?
Should students be taught to fix things?
Do young people and old people have the same attitude towards the new equipment?
How do people feel when they buy something new?
What will people do if they bought boring equipment?
Why there could be some problems with the equipment?
21. Computer
Part 3
When do you use computer?
What are the functions of computer?
What are the influences of computer on children?
Do computer contribute to education?
22. A course u do in school or evening school what why how long
Part 3
What do parents should learn?
Is teaching popular in your country, why?
Should teachers be strict?
What subject is important?
What’s the attitude of students toward teachers?
Are there any course for adults?
Is it necessary to fund adult education?
What courses are favored by adults?
Where can adults learn the courses they need?
What roles do teachers play?
An important letter or Email Hot
Part 3
What’s the letter about? Why important?
What types of letters or emails do people receive?
Under which condition do people choose to use cell phone rather than email or text message?
Is writing a letter still convenient in daily life?
Which one do you think is more convenient, make a phone call or write a letter?
Say something about an important letter you wrote recently
Compare the difference among different telecommunication methods.
24. Something you took home from holiday. Where? When? What thing? Why did you buy it? How do
you deal with it? Hot
Part 3
Why do people purchase souvenir?
Why do people collect souvenir?Do you like collecting?
Why do people like posting their travel pictures?
(回答 souvenirs 之后)Are there many counterfeit goods that are sold in these tourists attractions?
Some people earn money by cheating tourist, what do you think about it?
Should government control it or not?
Do you like to take a picture with mobile phone or camera?
Do you think technology can change our life?
Which one do you prefer, mobile phone or camera? What are the advantages and disadvantages of
them respectively?
Is it a good trend for people to post their autodyne pictures or life picture in friend circle?
Give one of the examples of technology change life.
25. Describe an important job in your country. New Hot
26. What the job is
27. What people have this job
28. What the job requires
29. And explain why the job is important in your country.
Part 3
How do young people choose their career in your country?
Do schools give the young people advices when they are choosing the career?
What sorts of job are most popular with young people in your country?
What can be the suitable age for people to go for a job?
What preparations should students make before looking for a job? What could schools help to do with
What knowledge can students gain in high school?
What factors do employers pay attention to?
Why some people say that money is not important?
What kind of working environment can be good?
Has the working environment improved in China?
What kinds of working environment need to be improved?
Why do many people don’t want to be factory workers?
Usually when do most of people in your country start a full -time job?
Do you think the diploma is important?
How do schools help the graduates to look for the jobs?
Is it competitive for graduates to apply for the job?
Compare the salary and benefits of a job with that in the past.
Why do some people choose to work in a small company? New
What do people work for? New
26. Describe a useful APP on phones, computers or tablets you know. New Hot
30. What the app is
31. How long you have used it
32. What it is used for
33. And explain why you think it is useful
Part 3
Why people always go for the latest technological products?
What are the differences between new iPhone and old iPhone?
Describe a situation without technology.
Talk about a technology that made life convenient.
Do you often download new apps?
What influences do the technology have on people?
Do you think new technology useful?
Do you think technology always save people’s time?
Do you think the high-tech product could bring us convenience?
Is it a waste of time to use the high-tech products?
Will you cook for your family in the future?
What do you think about iPhone 6?
What impacts do high-tech products have on society?
Do high technologies always have positive influences? New
27. Describe a handmade gift you gave to your friends or relatives. New Hot
34. What the gift was
35. When you gave it
36. How you made it by hand
37. And explain why you gave a handmade gift to your friends or relatives
Part 3
What are the examples of things that are made by hand?
Why do some people not like giving gifts?
What sorts of gifts do adults usually give to children?
What are the differences between sending a gift and receiving a gift?
Why do girls like hands-on activities?
Is the hand-made gift complicated to make?
Which is a better choice as a gift, the ones made by hand or the ones in the shopping center?
Are women better at making gifts by hand than men?
What kind of things can be made by hand and send as gifts?
Why do girls are more likely to do hands-on activities?
What do you think of handmade gifts? New
Do people like or dislike to receive handmade gifts? New
What kinds of handmade gifts do people like to receive? New
28. Describe a TV or a radio program that you sometimes talk about with your family or friends.
New Hot
What the program is about
How often you watch or listen to this program
What type of people enjoy this program
And explain what you like or dislike about this program or why you talk with your
friends or family about this TV or radio program
Part 3
Which do you prefer, radio program or TV program? Why?
Which do old person prefer, radio program or TV program? Why?
Do TV or radio program help with study? Why?
What are the advantages of TV or radio programs have?
What would TV be like in the future?
What kind of TV program is the most popular one?
Do you think some program should be restricted in a certain period of time?
When do you usually watch TV?
Do you think the TV program is a good way for education?
Is it suitable for children to learn English on TV?
Do you prefer to watch the program on TV or a pad?
Will TV disappear in the future?
What kind of people prefer radio programs?
What advantages that TV program have over radio program?
Should any programs be controlled? Who has the responsibility to do that?
Are there any drawbacks of TV or radio programs? New
29. Describe a meal you invited others to your home or restaurant. New Hot
42. Who you invited
43. Where and when you ate this meal
44. What you ate
45. And explain why you invited the person to have a meal
Part 3
Where do you prefer to have meals, at home or in a restaurant?
What are the benefits and drawbacks of eating at home?
What are the benefits and drawbacks of eating in a restaurant?
Is cooking important?
Usually where do people learn to cook?
Are women more likely need to learn to cook than men?
Do you often eat outside?
Is it expansive to eat outside?
Do people today eat in a restaurant more often than before?
Do people have the same food on festivals as usual?
Compare the food that people in China eat today with that in the past.
30. Describe something you do to (help you) stay healthy. New Hot
46. What you do
47. When you start doing this
48. How much time you spend doing this/ how often you do it
49. And explain what benefits you get from this activity or how this activity helps you stay
Part 3
Should the government provide the public facilities for the citizens to exercise for free?
Why many people today are not in good health?
What can schools do to make the students healthier?
What do people do for keeping healthy?
Should government make some laws to help people maintain in good health?
What influences do media have on people?
What do you think about junk food?
Do young people often do sports today?
What do schools think about PE lessons?
Do many people keep on diet?
What sports do you like? New
What should companies do to help the employees remain in good health? New
31. Describe a project that you were once involved in. New Hot
50. The topic of this project or homework
51. When and where you did this project
52. What research or preparation you did
53. How difficult this tack was
54. How much time you spent on this project or assignment
55. And explain what you spent on this project or assignment and what you learned from
this experience
Part 3
Do students nowadays have a lot of homework to do?
What can students learn after school?
How do parents educate their children at home?
What is the suitable age for children to have homework?
Do the high school students have a stressful school life?
What if the students didn’t do well in the college entrance exam?
What will happen to the students who had a great performance in col lege entrance exam?
What do you think are the reasons for the failure of a group work?
What kind of things are not suitable for group work?
Why do some parents teach their children by themselves?
Do you like the project with other teammates? New
Are computers important for students? New
Do universities provide the computers for students who involved in a project? New
Should parents bring their children to visit museums or galleries? New
Is it good for children to learn calligraphy? New
32. Describe a prize you would like to win. New Hot
56. What the prize is
57. Why you want to win it
58. How you could win it
59. And explain how you feel if you achieve that.
Part 3
How do employers encourage employees?
Is money a good reward to encourage the employees?
What kind of prize do children want?
What competitions do students have in primary schools?
Should children be rewarded?
How could parents praise their children?
Can you give any examples of the different prize?
What are the reasons of setting the prizes?
Do students need the prize? New
Are prizes necessary for employees in the company? New
33. Describe something you want to learn but can’t now. New Hot
60. What it is
61. How you will learn it
62. Why you will learn it
63. And explain why you cannot learn it now
Part 3
Is it difficult to learn that?
What do children learn at school? And what do children learn at home? Which is better?
Are there any bad things that children learned from their parents?
Is it beneficial for kids to use the cell phones?
Who can learn to use a high-tech product faster, the young people or the elderly people?
What are the differences between teachers and parents?
What can be only taught by parents?
Are parents too busy to teach their children?
What are the common ways for people to learn computer science?
What should people do if they cannot search information by computer on line?
Who can learn computer faster, the children or the young people?
How do old people learn new things?
What influences do parents and teachers have on children?
Why some parents do not pay much attention to their children? New
What can be the most efficient way to learn computer skills? New
34. Describe a good habit from your friend that you want to develop. New
Part 3
What are the children’s habits?
What are the changes of adults’ habits?
What’s your daily routine?
How could parents develop their children’s good habit?
What are the changes of adults’ habits today compare with that in the past?
Will people’s habit change when they are older?
What good habits should children have?
Do you think your habit will be change in the future when you are older?
Category D: Event(事件)
1. An event that changed your life in a positive way
Part 3
Do you think young people are more adaptive to changes?
What benefits do changes bring to society?
Does everyone like to live aboard? Why?
Do you like changes?Is it common for people to change job
(估计是回答换工作之后)Do people like to change jobs?
Are there any advantages of changing jobs?
Why do people change jobs, for higher salary or for promotion? Is it due to the differences between
young people and old people? Is it the truth that young people tend to change job quite often and old
people tend to do a job for longer time?
Why do people change jobs?
Is it more easier for young people or old people to adapt to new environment?
Are there any advantages of a stable job?
Is there any difference between China and other nations?
Why is working environment bad in China?
What causes the working pressure in China?
How about working abroad?
How often do Chinese change jobs? Why
Why many people choose to live abroad? Are there any problem they will encounter?
 Giving a presentation, attend a competition
 Extroverted people are easier to adapt to changes
 Young people are more apt to change jobs
 Different jobs offers diverse skills
 Heavy work load cause working pressure
2. A time when you were very busy
Part 3
How to manage time?
How to relax?
Does every one lead a regular life?
Does daily routine work?Why?Why are people not willing to change?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology?
Are you always busy?
Do people in your country always busy?
Do you think people should have over time job?
How to manage your time efficiently?
Is quite environment important?
3. Entertainment
Part 3
What entertainment young people have in china?
Do you think government should invest more to build entertainment facilities for citizens?
Are there any advantages of entertainment?
Is entertainment place important?
4. Describe a time when you stayed far away from your home.
64. Where is was
65. How long you stayed there
66. What you did there/ why you stayed there
67. And explain how you felt about staying at this place.
Part 3
People like to stay near home or away from it?
Where do people want to go, a strange place or familiar place?
Do you think we should help our friends with the housework when we stay at their home?
How do you treat the guests?
What are the differences between staying at your own home and friends’ home?
Do you pay attention to the facilities in hotel?
Do you like the luxury facilities?
Do you prefer to live in the hotel or with your friends?
5. Describe a success of your friend which made you proud of. Hot
Part 3
 Was it a success get in school?
 Can money motivate people to succeed?
 How to judge a people’s success?
 How to judge a school’s success?
 Why is this success important to your friend?
 How to define success? Define it from the perspective of society and school.
 How can they get success?
 Which one is more important, money or dream?
 Which one is more important to your friend, chances or capabilities?
 What can manifest your success except study?
 How can schools reward the students’ success in other aspects except study well?
 Why do education in China often focus on score?
6. Something you forgot to do
Part 3
When did it happen?
What did you forget to do?Why? The results.
Why do people always forget about other’ s name?How to solve this problem?
7. A family celebration
Part 3
Which one do you think is more important, the festivals or family anniversaries?
Do Chinese people celebrate foreign festivals?
What will people do in festivals?
Does everyone like family celebration?Why?
Do you attend family party?
Is marriage more important currently or in the past?
What’s the difference between the wedding ceremony nowadays with the one in the past?Is it good to
have these differences?Which do you prefer, why?
Who should be responsible for the wedding ceremony?
Do you want to be a host for a wedding?
What do you usually talk about in family celebration? What do you usually do?
Why someone say that people spend too much money on wedding?
celebration within a family VS celebration with grand scenes.
What are the differences between family celebration and public holiday?
Which do you prefer, family celebration or national celebration?
Do people take photos on family celebrations?
Do your family members like the photos?
What are the differences between the wedding in China today and that in the past?
Are people generous about weddings? New
Who pay for the weddings? New
8. A time when you shared something with others
9. Something good you did to help others
Part 3
How do you feel if you're helped?
Do you think it's important for children to learn to help?
Are boys or girls better at helping for the family employers have for employees?
How can they achieve that?
Should employees help each other at workplace?
What if they do not want to help?
Can parents ask children to do housework?
How to teach kids do housework?
Should boys help others more?
10. A wedding you've attended
Part 3
What are the differences between the weddings now and the ones in the past?
What are the differences between Chinese weddings and foreign weddings?
How will people celebrate their anniversary?
11. A positive experience
Part 3
Is it true that a large number of children in China have experiences of living with ole people?
How can old people and young people learn from each other?
Do you think there will be misunderstandings between them?
12. Describe a situation that someone gave you suggestion. Hot
Describe a situation that someone ask you for advice. Hot
Part 3
Which one is better, professional advice or advice from teachers?
What are the influences of suggestions on you?
Should people solve the problem by themselves or ask help from others?
Who would give you more advice, parents or friends?
Who would give you suggestions about future and career?
Who give you suggestion quite often?
What are the differences given by woman and man?
Do the suggestions given by teachers only regard to study? Will some of them relate to life?
Will you follow your own idea or take your parents’ advice when you are looking for a job?
What qualification should a person who give suggestions to others have?
When children and parents have different decisions, whose advice would be taken?
How do you think about the advices on products?
Would you follow the advice that presented on advertisements?
13. Help a neighbor(类似 a neighbor you helped)Hot
Part 3
Will young people ask their neighbor for help?How?
How do old people ask for help?Who can help them?
Why are people nowadays not familiar with their neighbors?
Will teachers encourage students to help others in school?Why?
How to enhance the relationship between you and your neighbors?
Why do some people feel lonely when they are in big cities?
Why do people help their neighbors?
Do people in China always help their neighbors?
Are there any problems that you will encounter when you help your neighbors?
What’s the differences between city and countryside about neighbors?
Do people nowadays talk to their neighbors more or less?
Why do old people like to talk with neighbors?
What do they do with neighbors?
Do people go to big cities for work lonely? Why?
Do people have same feeling between work in big cities and travel?
Why many people in cities do not know their neighbors? How could community deal with this problem?
Should government give support for volunteers?
14. 旅行
Part 3
When do you go travelling?What do you do for the travelling?
Where do Chinese like to take a trip?
Is it troublesome to take trip?
15. Describe an experience of purchasing something with the money saved for a long time
Part 3
What do people usually purchase with the money they save?
Why is it difficult for people to save money?
Is it more easier for women to save money, or for men?
What are the advantages of online shopping?
Do people like shopping?
What are the changes brought by the credit cards?
Though which way do people save money usually?
Is it a good to save money to purchase house and car?
Why do elder people save money?
Is it more easier for elder people to save money?
Are young people frugal?
16. Saving money
Something you saved money for a long time
Part 3
What are the ways to save money?
How do people manage money?
Does government use money appropriately?
Who are good at saving money, man and woman?
Who are responsible for the money in Chinese family?
What will affect how people spend money?
Why are more advertisements shown on Chinese website than that of foreign countries?
Why do young people save money? How do they save money?
Where do they do part-time job?
How are children affected by the Internet and TV programs?
Which one do people prefer to use, credit card or debit card? Why?
17. Describe something you did with a group of people. New
68. What the thing was
69. When and where you did it
70. Whom you did it with
71. And explain why you did it with a group of people
Part 3
What are the advantages of team work?
What activities do teenagers like to do with adults?
Should the girls and the boys play together?
Why do people prefer to do things with a group of people?
What methods can be useful to improve the social abilities?
Should children play with adults?
What benefits can children get from playing with adults?
How could parents deal with the conflicts that their children have with other kids because of sharing
18. Describe an interesting conversation you had with other people. New Hot
72. Who the person was
73. Where and when you talked with the person
74. What you talked about with the person
75. And explain why is was interesting
Part 3
Do you think woman like to chat more than men?
When men chat with other men, do they usually talk about the same things that women do when they
chat with other women?
What is the difference between chatting and gossiping?
Compare communicating face to face with talking on the phone.
Why people feel nervous when they have presentation?
Is the images and videos helpful for the presentation?
Do men and women talk the same topics when they have conversation?
Are you polite with other’s suggestions? Is it good to be polite in that case?
Do you think young people and the elder people have the same topics? New
Which do you think is better, to communicate face to face or to talk on the phone? New
19. Describe a long journey that you enjoyed. New
76. Where and when you went
77. How you got there
78. How long it took you
79. Who you went with
80. And explain what you liked about this trip.
Part 3
Have you ever shared this traveling experience with your friends?
What you need to prepare when you travel to a place far away?
What choices would young people make when it comes to travel?
What problems do you think will happen in a long journey?
How do you think can make the long journey comfortable?
Do most people like to travel with someone or travel alone?
Where do Chinese people like to travel to most?
Do you prefer to travel in your own country or travel abroad?
What do people go aboard for?
What advantages that tourism bring for a country?
Do you prefer to travel alone or travel with the families?
What are the differences between travel alone and travel with others?
What places are more attractive for young people in China?
What are the benefits of traveling alone?
What are the benefits of traveling with other people?
What do you like doing on journey?
Do you prefer traveling by car or by train?
20. Describe an occasion that you received a good service from a company or shop. New
81. What the service was
82. When and where you received the service
83. Whom you were together with
84. And explain why you think it was a good service.
Part 3
What jobs require staff to get in touch with many people?
What qualities do the staff need? Why?
How does a company train the staff?
What king of jobs have to face the public?
Do they need special training?
Do all of them will benefit from special training?
How do companies deal with the complaints from customers?
Do you recommend this shop to your friends? Do they like it?
What should a company do in the face of the problems with its products?
How could a company pick up the reputation after the negative events?
21. Describe something you did which was a waste of time. New Hot
85. What the thing was
86. When you did it
87. How you did it
88. And explain why is was a waste of time.
Part 3
What ways do you think can let people save time?
What are some occasions that people waste their time?
What are the possible age for people to realize that they waste time doing something?
Should parents help their children to get rid of wasting their time?
People of what age group are more easily to waste their time?
Why do you think people need to go blank?
Would you say that you are good at managing your time?
Do you think people always waste time?
Do you think successful people can manage time well?
How can you make the life more productive?
Can you give some other examples of wasting time? New
How do you manage your time? New
Is it important to make a schedule? New
How can people avoid wasting their time? New
22. Describe an occasion that you borrowed something from others. New
89. What the thing was
90. When you borrowed it
91. Whom you borrowed it from
92. And explain why you borrowed the thing.
Part 3
Do people feel embarrassed when they request the things back from friends?
What do people usually borrow from others?
Do others often borrow things from you?
Are you willing to lend something to others?
What will you do if others want to borrow something that you also need?
What are the drawbacks when you borrow something from others?
23. Describe a time when you had to wait in a traffic jam. New Hot
93. When and where it happened
94. How long you were in the traffic jam
95. Where you were going at that time
96. What form of transport you were using
97. What you did while waiting
98. And explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam or what happened as a
result of that traffic jam.
Part 3
Do you prefer traveling by car or by bus?
How does having many cars in a city affect the environment?
When it comes to the traffic conditions, what are the differences between China and other countries?
What are the differences between getting stuck in a bus and that in a car?
What actions can be done to improve the situation?
Do you always suffer from the traffic jam? New
What’s your favorite mode of transportation? New
How to avoid being caught by the traffic jam? New
Will there be more cars or less cars in the future? New
24. Describe an occasion that you wait for someone. New Hot
99. Who the person you wait for
When you wait for the person
Where you wait for the person
And explain why you waited for the person.
Part 3
Why you are willing to spend time waiting for somebody?
For the things that you’ve waited for a long time to get, will you cherish more?
What are the differences between waiting for friends and a services?
Will you be inpatient?
Why do so many Chinese people spend a long time waiting in queue to get iPhone 6?
What do you think about going crazily for the latest high-tech products?
Do you think it is worth the time?
Do you always wait for your friends?
Do you think people are not so patient due to the technology?
Are there any differences between the things can be easily got and those you saved money for a long
time to get?
What do people do when they are waiting? New
Do people wait for the sake of modern techniques? Can you give some examples? New
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