Invitation Thesis Practicing Changing Engineering Design & PhD Defence by Rikke Premer Petersen Engineering design is essential in our contemporary societies. But does our ways of understanding and educating engineering designers sufficiently prepare them for the complex challenges they will meet in their occupation? This PhD thesis offers a novel practice theoretical perspective on the intricate relations in-between and across education and occupation on a journey through four Danish sites of engineering design. Drawing on engineering studies and organisational studies the journey offers to nuance the understanding of what engineering design involves and the challenges faced when attempting to move the engineering design field forward. Recognising the complex sociomaterial elements of practicing and changing engineering design does not provide answers but rather understandings of how and why design practices are carried out as they are in the everyday life of students and professionals alike. Thesis copy Please go to this link for an electronic copy of the thesis: Supervisors Professor Ulrik Jørgensen | Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark Associate Professor Anders Buch | Department of Education, Learning and Philosophy, Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark Assessment Committee MODERATOR Time Professor Monika Nerland | Department of Education, University of Oslo, Norway Associate Professor Dean Nieusma | Department of Science and Technology Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnics Institute, USA Professor Christian Clausen (chairman) | Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark Associate Professor Hanne Lindegaard | Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark Tuesday June 30th 2015 PhD Lecture 13:00 - 13:45 Questioning 14:00 - 16:00 Reception Host Location Registration from 16:00 Aalborg University | Department of Development and Planning A.C. Meyers Vænge 15, 2450 Copenhagen SV Room FKJ12 1.47 Please sign up for this event no later than June 24th in this doodle:
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