Page 1 THE MAGNIFICAT November 2014 The Head of this Church Jesus Christ Bishop Rt. Rev. Edward J. Konieczny Rector Rev. Dr. Mark D. Story Assisting Priest (retired) Assisting Priest Rev. Jim Hunkins Rev. Scott Lee Deacons Rev. Nancy Bridges Rev. Bill Hesse Administrative Assistant Carolene Ball Bookkeeper Kay Zumwalt Nursery Director Annalisa Douglass Youth Minister Dion & Linda Crider Youth Minister Chris Hand Youth Minister David & Jill Youngblood Youth Minister Roger Webb Praise Ensemble Scott Chard Chancel Choir Organist Dr. Karl Nelson Betsy Banks Senior Warden Gail Warne Junior Warden Bill Lambert Vestry Members Davis Berryman John Harrison Mary Hendrick Greg Kamp James Rounsavall Clerk of Vestry Treasurer John Stone Alice Norton Mike Kisthardt Contact Us… E-mail Phone [email protected] (405) 341-3855 St. Mary’s School (405) 341-9541 Head of School Pamela Dockter PAGE 2 Kerygma THE MAGNIFICAT by Father Mark Story Every so often time becomes critical. When John the Baptist began his ministry, he told the people that something special was coming. When Jesus began his ministry, he told the people that the time was at hand. We are living in similar times. Over the past ten years we have been faithfully moving toward this time. We gained control of the block by purchasing the rock house. We remodeled the Sacristy, transforming it into a beautiful, workable, space. We refashioned Egbert Hall. We rebuilt the playground and developed the premier youth ministry in our Diocese. We stood by the Hope Center, contributing substantial financial support over the years; and we did the same for St. Mary’s School. In fact, whenever we became aware of a financial need, whether it was organizational or personal, we have responded with grace. Over the past decade, the Spirit of God has been shaping our hearts and our vision. We are unwilling to continue to use a kitchen that is substandard and to offer bathrooms to our guests that lack the quality of hospitality we wish to extend. We have recognized that our lack of parking has negatively impacted our growth and we have decided that we do not have an easily recognizable and attractive front door. The Spirit, over the past decade, has been leading us to a point of decision and the time is at hand. Our new nursery will be ready before Advent! It’s completion represents the substantial first step toward our Phase I development. David Payne’s presentation on October 19th was the second step. Now we are moving toward schematic drawings that will provide us with an exciting perspective of just what the future might look like. Set your hearts on what God can do among us when we make ourselves available to him. The time is at hand. * Kerygma is a Greek word that means “essential proclamation.” Page 3 Sunday Morning, November 2 Ingathering of Intention Cards "Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving; and pray for us also, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ… Colossians 4:2-3 Lord God, we thank you for giving us our daily bread. Through the power of your Holy Spirit, give us grateful hearts so that we may live generous lives. Strengthen us so that we may choose to love one another with honor and respect. Encourage us So that we may always offer you the best of what we have. All this we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Remember to bring your Intention Card to church with you on Sunday. ************************************************************ 11:00 a.m. Sunday Morning, November 2: Baptism We will be celebrating new life in Christ for Isla Elizabeth McCormick! Please ask for God's blessings for her on All Saints' Sunday. ************************************************************** Daylight Saving Set your clocks back one hour and gain one hour of sleep. ************************************************************** St. Mary’s office will be closed on Thursday, November 27 and Friday, November 28 for Thanksgiving holiday.. PAGE 4 THE MAGNIFICAT Sunday, November 2 St. Mary’s Chancel Choir and the choir of First United Methodist church will present a special All Saints’ Day Evensong on Sunday, November 2 at 6 p.m. in the sanctuary of First united Methodist Church, 305 E Hurd St., Edmond. This service will combine music, prayer and the lighting of candles to commemorate the faithful departed. It will allow us to remember with thanksgiving before God those whom we have known more directly: those who gave us life, or who nurtured us in faith. In this contemplative service, the choirs will present Requiem by Gabriel Fauré with a chamber orchestra. Sunday, November 9 Youth will be selling Poinsettia’s in the Parish Hall More Details to come. Crop Hunger Walk Sunday, November 9 at Mitch Park Registration begins at 1 p.m. Walk begins at 2 p.m. Wear your St. Mary’s T-shirt Website to join is Wanna Steak! Men’s Dinner Ladies Night Out! Café Icon Sushi & Grill, Every 1st Friday of each month is Men’s Dinner in the Parish Hall at 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sign up sheet is in the Parish Hall at the Information Center. Call the church office at 341-3855 if you have questions. 311 S. Blackwelder Ave., Edmond, OK 6:00 p.m.—8:30 p.m. Must R.S.V.P Call Carol Cleveland at 340-8246 or Joan Kenderick at 478-2205. QPR Suicide Prevention Training Question ● Persuade ●Refer November 11, 2014 at 11:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m. St. Mary’s Church in the Parish Hall Featuring—Mayor Charles Lamb, Training by Edmond Police Dept. Lunch provided. Everyone is invited to attend! Register at or by phone 341-3554 Page 5 Whole in One St. Mary’s Blanket Ministry St. Mary’s Singles Ministry Whole In One will meet on Friday, November 14 and Potluck Dinner in the Parish Hall at 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the library. November 28 is canceled due to Thanksgiving Holiday. The meetings are the 2nd & 4th Friday of each month in the church library. All singles are invited to join us. The blankets that we provided this year are fleece blankets they carry great meaning, for each knot in the fringe symbolizes a prayer. One-by one the knots are tied by individual parishioners at the end of each service. Oneby one the blanket recipient is lifted-up to God by a caring congregation. For more information, call Jean Bell at 513-8170 or 341-2107. Ladies Bridge Game Thursday, November 13 & Thursday, November 27 is canceled due to Thanksgiving holiday. 1 p.m. —3 p. m. For more information contact Janet Kennedy at 919-1989 or Carol Cleveland 340-8246. A blanket is freely and reverently offered to anyone in St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Community. A donation of $10 is accepted for those outside the community. We respectfully accept all inquiries regarding this Ministry in care of Mary Lambert at [email protected]. Thank you, St. Mary’s people, for helping to feed the hungry students and staff at UCO. We have had more people come to the UCO Central Food Pantry this month than we have since it opened. Your constant gifts are greatly appreciated! Sincerely, From the hungry and from Eric Hemphill, Coordinator of the Food Pantry Chancel Choir Rehearsals will be on Wednesday nights, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. in the choir room. Any questions contact the church office at 341-3855 Thanksgiving Service Join us Wednesday, November 26 at 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. After the Thanksgiving service join us for St. Mary’s “Pie Fest” Bake your favorite pie and share. Call the church office at 405-341-3855 for more information! PAGE 6 THE MAGNIFICAT Remembering and Honoring Loved Ones and Friends ST. MARY’S Christmas Altar Flower Given to the Glory of God EPISCOPAL CHURCH The birth of Jesus is quickly approaching. Remembering and honoring your loved ones during the holidays are very special moments. Please fill out your envelope with $60 or more marked flower guild and turn envelope into the office or place your donations into the offering place by December 18, 2014. Remember…the earlier the better. Flowers for the Altar sign up sheet is posted in the North hallway across from the kitchen. Sign up dates are available. Please sign your name on the date if you would like to place flowers on the altar, In Memory of , In Thanksgiving for and/or a special occasion. For more information contact, Sally DeBellevue at 715-2428 or Karla Marshall 340-4638. Altar Flowers Flowers beautify the sacred spaces of our church, and are a gift to God and those who attend our worship services. Altar flowers may be dedicated each week by parishioners as a meaningful way to honor or remember a loved one for a birthday, anniversary, baptism, wedding, or any special occasion. The cost of Altar flowers is funded through generous donations to the St. Mary’s Flower Guild Fund. Page 7 DOK Update for November This past month’s program was really memorable, and special in every way! What a treat we shared, gathering with others in the community who came to listen to Diane Swartzendruber’s inspiring testimonial, as Diane witnessed her spiritual gift through quilting. The reception was lovely in every way, due to DOK members graciously hosting this wonderful, delightful event! As a reminder, on November 2, there will be a DOK member, or prayer partner, in the chapel during communion at each service, to pray with anyone who has a personal need, or praise, that they’d like to share. One may come to the chapel after receiving communion at the altar rail, and a prayer partner will be there to pray with you. On November 10 the Daughters of the King will be blessed to have Kathy Matthews join us and share her ministry through Edmond Family Counseling, Inc. This will be a most insightful and informational program. Following Kathy’s presentation, we’ll have a brief meeting; then we will have an opportunity for prayer time. I’m looking forward to seeing you at our 6:30pm meeting in Room 2, the Seekers Classroom. Please call me with any questions at 405-359-4102. FHS, Carol Smith St. Mary’s Travelers St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Edmond, Oklahoma Chickasaw Country Bus Tour Friday, November 7, 9 a.m.—4:30 p.m. St. Mary’s Travelers are going to the Chickasaw Cultural Center on Friday, November 7. Please be at the Oklahoma History Center by 8:30 a.m. to board the tour bus. Bus will return at 4:30 p.m. to the History Center. If you would like to carpool call the church office at 405-341-3855. PAGE 8 THE MAGNIFICAT November Nuggets in Children’s Ministry Thus far, attendance for Sunday school has been fairly consistent at 35-45 per Sunday. The teachers appreciate all of your efforts to bring your child, allowing them an opportunity to know God more personally, and to share in this spiritual adventure, as they learn, create, play, and fellowship with others. Your children are very special, and fun to have in our classes! Youth classes are averaging 16-20 due to the efforts of David Youngblood and his team. PreK-5th attendance is approximately 5 with teachers; Kimberly Webb, Miranda Kotey, and Cindi McCook 1st-2nd Grade is running 6-8 and Carol Smith as the primary teacher and rotational assistants 3rd – 5th Grades averages 8-12 with teachers; Greg Kamp and Ashley Lee We fortunately have 6 substitutes available should one of the teachers need to be absent. Mary Mattheyer, Tim Bridges, and Andy Smith have recently come on board to substitute. All of the teachers, childcare assistants, and substitutes are up-to-date with Safeguarding certification, thanks to Annalisa Douglas, who conducts these workshops whenever needed. A project to provide “Busy Bags” has been accomplished. “Busy Bags” are for children, PreK-5th grade, to use during the church service. Each bag has age appropriate activities that the child can use in the pew, should they have difficulty concentrating on the service. The newly organized DOK group assisted making this project a reality. Thank you for this gift of love. Although St. Mary’s has hosted an All Saints Carnival in the past, there seemed to have been some conflicts with the schedule this year. Therefore, it was decided to forgo the carnival this year, and reevaluate its return for next year. With the Advent season approaching, I will be visiting with the teachers and planning some meaningful activities for the classes to participate and share. One area of interest that has been expressed is for the younger children to collect food for the hungry. This ongoing project will continue throughout the school year, facilitating the food bank at the HOPE Center. Every child in PreK-5th grade may begin bringing their canned, bagged, and/or boxed food to your classroom each week. Thank you for your assistance to help feed hungry people in Edmond. Carol Smith, Interim Children’s Ministry Director (405-359-4102) Page 9 Read below about our Special Guest Speaker on Sunday, November 9 at the 8:45 a.m. service! Alice Azumi Iddi-Gubbels PAMBE Ghana Founder & Executive Director “I am passionate about quality basic education for children that starts with and builds on the local language and culture in poor, rural and underserved areas. I have established a non-profit organization,PAMBE Ghana that promotes mother tongue-based bilingual education, using a child-centered, experiential approach in northern Ghana. As PAMBE Ghana progresses in developing this innovative method in different communities where there are no schools, my intention is to support existing public schools interested in adapting and applying this approach.” – Alice Azumi Iddi-Gubbels PAMBE Ghana was established in 2007, founded by Alice Azumi Iddi-Gubbels and the strong support of many fellow teachers and parents of her students in Oklahoma City, where she served as a teacher for a number of years. Alice has dual nationality, Canadian and Ghanaian. In 2000, she moved to Oklahoma City, following her Canadian husband who had obtained a job there. Following her passion, she went back to university to complete a Masters degree in Early Childhood education (her second Masters). Thereafter, she began teaching at a local school. Alice’s interest in promoting bi-lingual education, starting with mother tongue education, was sparked by her studies at university, but was rooted in her own primary school experience. Alice was born and grew up in the rural village of Bongbini, in the East Mamprusi district of northern Ghana. When she started school, the use of the local language (Mampruli) was prohibited. Alice and her fellow pupils were instructed entirely in English, a completely foreign language. Pupils were punished if they used their own language in class. This made school a misery for most of the young students, resulting in high dropout numbers. This was especially the case for girls, who were needed at home to help with labor necessary to sustain livelihoods. For Alice, she continued school only because of her father’s insistence. She initially disliked school so much that she skipped classes for two months in the fourth grade, preferring to help her aunts with their domestic chores. When Alice’s father learned of her truancy, he admonished her and sent her back to school. Of over 100 children that started going to school in her village, Alice was one of three who completed high school and continued to university. Today, she is one of the very few in her native district in Ghana with a university education. Based on what she had learned in North America, Alice became convinced that she had a special role to play in Ghana. She developed a vision and a strategy for reforming and improving primary education in her native district. Encouraged by her former university professors, as well as the parents of her students and fellow teachers, family and friends in Canada and the US, Alice created the Partnership for Mother Tongue-based Bilingual Education (PAMBE Ghana). She resigned her teaching job, and moved back to the small village in Ghana, where she was born. PAGE 10 THE MAGNIFICAT November 1 November 14 November 25 Kyle Gage Susan Pettit Susan Carter Keith Dale Gage III Ben Kenyon Janet Weigand November 15 November 3 Alexander Chard Rickee Eddleman November 17 November 5 Peter Bala Jane Mason November 18 November 6 Truman Hanson Asa Stamps Scott Saulnier November 8 November 20 Judy DeVaughan Sammie Kenyon Miranda Kotey November 23 November 9 Benton Baker Kathryn Gage Tom Norton November 10 November 24 Cathy Knight Susan Gregg November 26 Michele Davey Jessica Marshall November 27 Sally DeBellevue Justin Marshall Amanda Rainey November 28 Pat Hoig Alice Norton November 29 Betsy Banks Regan Crider Chriss Barnes Father Mark Story Sunny Folmar November 11 November 30 Channing Hamel Emily Costello Linda Crider November 12 Allison Cash Baylee DeShazer November 13 Janet McDonald Happy Birthday! Page 11 Open House: November 9, 2014, 1:00-3:00 PM @ St. Mary’s Episcopal School in Edmond. The preschool – 5th grade admissions open house is your opportunity to experience us in action, interact with teachers and students, and tour our campus. Grade level curriculum presentations will take place at 1:15 and 2:15. Questions, please contact Shauna LeGrande at (405) 341-9541 x103 or [email protected]. SAVE THE DATE WHAT IS BEAU GESTE? ~ "GOOD DEED" Beau Geste is St. Mary School's largest annual fundraising event. Traditionally, it is a "themed" social gala including, fabulous items for a silent and live auction, dinner, music entertainment. This year's Beau Geste theme is "Casino Royale" and it will be held on March 7, 2015 at Oak Tree Golf and Country Club. Be sure and SAVE THE DATE! All funds from Beau Geste are used to benefit our student's educational experience at St. Mary's. It is a wonderful time to get involved and work together with other parents for a good cause. If you have any donations or wonderful auction ideas, please contact the co-chairs: [email protected] or [email protected] PAGE 12 THE MAGNIFICAT 325 East First Street Edmond, OK 73034 Return Service Requested St. Mary’s Publication Deadlines include: Magnificat — the 10th of each month Mid-Week Update — Monday, 5 p.m. of each week Weekend Announcements — Wednesday, noon of each week. Mission Statement We are called to proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord to form our lives into the image of Christ to serve our neighbors in the name of Christ to invite our neighbors into fellowship with Christ.
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