THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA NOVEMBER 9, 2014 HIS WORD TODAY MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10 – ST. LEO 7:00am 9:00am 2:00pm George William Everett, Jr. Eddy Kerby Mass at RR TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 – ST. MARTIN OF TOURS 7:00am 9:00am INTENTION AVAILABLE 7:00am 9:00pm Special Intentions of Hermine P. Muellerleile Ed McDonnell Special Intention of the Members of the Legion of Mary WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 – ST. JOSAPHAT THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 – ST. FRANCES XAVIER CABRINI 7:00am INTENTION AVAILABLE 9:00 am Deacon Joseph Bonanno FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 7:00am 9:00am INTENTION AVAILABLE Special Intention – Fr. David Rider SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 – ST. ALBERT THE GREAT 9:00am 5:00pm Vito A. Volpe, Sr. Claire & Prescott Scheinestuhl SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 – 33RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30am 9:00am 9:30am 11:30am Richard Coons For the Parish Carmen Orefice Dustin Baker Welcome to the Parish Community of Regina Coeli/St. Paul’s! A warm welcome is extended to all who have come to Regina Coeli/St. Paul’s this weekend to join together in this community of worship and praise to Almighty God. We are grateful to our faithful parishioners who come here every weekend and ask you to officially register if you have not. Also we welcome our neighbors and guests who visit us occasionally and want you to know that you are always welcome! If any of the below choices pertain to you, complete the information below and drop in the offertory basket or stop by the Rectory. --------------------------------THANK YOU!-----------------------Name_____________________________________________ Address____________________________________________ Phone __________________ ____Would like to register ____Send me Catholic New York ____Send Offertory Envelopes ____Need to speak with a priest “You are God’s building. Thanks to the favor God showed me I laid a foundation as a wise master-builder might do, and now someone else is building upon it. Everyone, however, must be careful how he builds. No one can lay a foundation other than the one that has been laid, namely Jesus Christ…Are you not aware that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” The church we reflect upon today, a major basilica in Rome, is called ‘the mother of all the churches of Rome and the world.’ It has a special place in the history of the church. We move from a physical building and are reminded by St. Paul that we too are temples of the Spirit. We are God’s dwelling among His people. The words of John’s gospel ‘and the Word became flesh and He dwelt among us’ speak not only of Mary and the Incarnation, but also of the reality, that God lives in and among us. How meaningful as we read these words is the person sitting and praying next to us, is a temple of God’s Spirit. How challenging for us to recognize the presence of the Lord in those of our family, those with whom we work. How beautiful we areas we reflect with Paul that ‘I live, now, not I, but Christ lives in me.’ As I spend time in prayer, whether in a magnificent cathedral or humble chapel, the fact is that the Lord is present and that is what really matters. As I spend time with family and friends, and recognize the presence of the Lord in every individual that is what really matters. The next time I pass a church, may I remember that His dwelling is there and also with me. In the words of Oscar Romero, Christ is the Master builder, we are the ministers. For anyone wishing to place an ad in our bulletin, a written ad must be submitted to the bulletin editor in time for publication, which is one week prior to date of the bulletin. Ads will no longer be taken over the phone. With regards to flyers for events that need to be stuffed into the bulletin, we request that 500 copies of the flyer be dropped off at the rectory by Thursday at the latest. Thanks for helping. Laura Ames Jazmine Cappillino Kathy Clonan Benidette Doe Kevin Keenan Gaylee Mann Kevin McGarry Thomas Petro Anne Slobodian Paul Becker Ann Capozzi Tim Coster Ollie Gorr Virginia Kenisky Stephanie Merenda Hailey Nichlas Mary Lou Re Ann Vermehren Jackie Camp Joseph Capozzi Crystal Dearborn Angelik Guthrie Stephen Korn Kathryn McGarry Audrey Marie Michael Veronica Simmons ____Moving, remove from parish census EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Available times that need coverage: Wednesday 6:00-7:00pm ; Thursday 5:00-6:00am; 3:00-4:00pm; Friday 11-12Noon, 34pm, 4-5pm; Saturday 6-7am. Call Joan @ 229.2983, Janet @ 229.5378 or Don @ 229.5920 if you can spend an hour with Our Lord. Intentions are available for each of the 6 candles that burn in The Adoration Chapel. The stipend for 1 week is $25. If you would like to arrange for a candle intention, contact the rectory office. Week of 11/1011/15. In Memory of George William Everett, Jr. Special Intention – Timothy Cardinal Dolan Special Intention – Students of Regina Coeli School Special Intention– Students of Regina Coeli Faith Formation Special Intention – Deacons of Regina Coeli Church In Memory of Nancy Cece THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA REGINA COELI HEALING MASS NOVEMBER 9, 2014 STEWARDSHIP REPORT For Physical, Emotional & Psychological Healing Join us: First Tuesday of every month at 7pm. Weekly needed to meet expenses: $10,335.00 Join us: First & Third Mondays of every month. Thank you for your continued support of your Parish and all its efforts for the gospel. REGINA COELI BIBLE STUDY 11/02/2014 11/03/2013 $ 12,759.01 $ 13,516.53 Please pray for our loved ones serving in the Military… Cristin Browne, Captain, US Army, Afghanistan Paul S. Davis, Army SSG, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Christopher Delgado, Lieutenant, 82nd Airborne, Army NC Vincent DeSantola, Marines, Camp Geiger, North Carolina A1st. Patrick E. Dixon, Hurlburt Field A.F.B., Florida PFC Michael LaSelva, Army, Guam Sgt. Nathan Paielli, USS Battan, Persian Gulf Major Thomas Summers, Army, Camp Casey, Korea Kevin Woods – Colonel, US Army THE BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY @ REGINA COELI The Catholic Church designates the month of November to remember our dearly departed loved ones in a special way. Regina Coeli will hold a special Mass to remember your beloved family members on Tuesday, November 11 @ 7:00pm. Those individuals who have lost a loved one during the year and had a funeral from Regina Coeli are invited to take part in a candle lighting ceremony with their family member’s name is read in the Prayers of the Faithful. Friends who have lost a loved one, more than a year ago or from other parishes are invited to attend and share in the Mass. If you are interested in attending, please call the rectory. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER “Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” The Spirit of God dwells in our marriage Sacrament, also. Learn tools to strengthen your marriage on the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. For more information or upcoming dates go to: or call toll free: 877-NYS-WWME X3. Defensive Driving Course – Get a 4 point & 10% Insurance Rate Reduction! DATE: November 15, 9am-3:30pm @ RCS Art Room. Info & Registration: Bill Owens, Safety Education @ 845-756-4175. Please pray for all priests and deacons, especially REVEREND IRANAEUS IKHANE RCIA PROGRAM AT REGINA COELI CHURCH……If you know anyone who is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, or know someone in your life who has not completed the sacraments, you are welcome to call and find out more about our program. If you are looking for a rewarding experience of faith, consider joining our ministry team; there are many different jobs and one is just right for you! Please contact the Religious Education office at 2299139 or leave a message for Deacon Mark at the rectory, 2292134. SPECIAL ADVERTISER RECOGNITION PORTOFINO Ristorante 57 Old Post Road Staatsburg 889-4711 Craft Fair Volunteers Needed!!!! Saturday, 11/22 9-3 Call Kathy Waters @452-3225 or Sioban Bubel @ 229-0681. SANTA’S EXPRESS ARTS & CRAFTS WHITE ELEPHANT TAG SALE DONATIONS of new or gently used items can be dropped off at the Parish Center in the rear of the church property at the following times: Sat., 11/15, 2-5pm; Sun., 11/16 8:30-1pm; Wed., 11/19 4:306:30pm.(last collection day!) Call Kristin Biskup at 229-4550 if you need a different drop-off time. Anyone who has handcrafted items they would like to donate please call Monica Jones, 229-7351. Bake Booth – The Bake Booth is looking for your special baked goods for our Christmas Bazaar bake sale! A sign-up sheet will be in the back of the church for all you wonderful bakes to tell us what you can bring to sell. We want to thank you ahead of time for your help to make this bake sale and bazaar a happy and fun-filled experience for everyone! ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST BEACON Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you at the craft show!!! Make A Difference In The World! It’s Easy! Pray that young men in our Archdiocese GOOD COUNSEL – Joe Quattrocchi, a representative from Good Counsel, will speak at Mass this weekend. Good Counsel operates four Catholic pro-life homes for pregnant women and babies and a national crisis pregnancy hotline (800-723-8331). Baby bottles will be distributed after Masses. Please take home a bottle and over the next couple of weeks fill it up with your spare change. Baby bottles will be collected November 23. will hear and answer God’s call to the priesthood. For more info contact Fr. Luke Sweeney or Fr. Luis Saldana 914.968.1340 [email protected] THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA Regina Coeli School Registration for 2014-2015 DON’T FORGET TO LOG ONTO THE Regina Coeli School website @ to get the latest in photos of current events as well as download forms, newsletters, check upcoming events, etc. Considering a Catholic Elementary School for your child? Are you interested in learning more about Catholic schools serving children in grades Pre-K through Grade 8 in Dutchess Co.? Come and visit us! More than 1,000 new scholarships across the archdiocese, of up to $2,900 per family, are available on a first-come, first-served basis, as part of the Children’s Scholarship Partnership Regionalization Awards Program (CSPRA). These scholarships are for public school families with children entering grades K-6 and current Catholic school families with children entering Kindergarten in September 2014. Classes are filling up quickly for the 2014-2015 academic year. Please consider sharing the gift of time with RCS! We urgently need volunteers to help during our daily lunch service and recess, between the hours of 11AM and 12:45PM. Your weekly commitment is much appreciated and ensures a safe environment for our students. Three short shifts are available: Kitchen Service: 11AM to 12:15pm, and recess duty: 11:25am TO 12:15pm AND/OR 12:10 TO 12:45pm. Please CALL Colleen Paige (233.4291) or DeAnne Norton (233.4580), Lunch/Recess Volunteer Coordinators for more details & to sign up! Thank you. TOURING TUESDAYS ARE BACK! Are you interested in learning more about Catholic schools serving children in grades Pre-K through Grade 8 in Dutchess County? Visit a Catholic school on TOURING TUESDAY, November 18, 2014 from 9-11am or by appointment. TOURING TUESDAYS are universal open houses held at all regional and participating parish-based Catholic elementary schools throughout the Archdiocese of New York. RESERVATIONS ARE RECOMMENDED. To RSVP, please call (845) 554-5585. To reach a bilingual assistant, please call (646)794-2885. Dutchess County Schools: Holy Trinity 20 Springside Ave. Poughkeepsie Regina Coeli 4337 Albany Post Rd. Hyde Park St. Denis/ St. Columba 849 Rt. 82 Hopewell Jct. St. Martin 122 Cedar Valley Rd. Poughkeepsie St. Mary 106 Jackson St. Fishkill St. Mary 2 Convent Ave. Wappingers Falls St. Peter 12 Fr. Cody Plaza Poughkeepsie The Ark & The Dove Preschool 604 Beekman Rd. Hopewell Jct. NOVEMBER 9, 2014 “KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS” CAR MAGNETS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE RECTORY FOR $5.00. SEPARATED/DIVORCED ROMAN CATHOLIC SUPPORT GROUP Meetings held @ Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Mill Street, Poughkeepsie every other Wednesday from 7pm to 8:30pm. Ministry to the Separated & Divorced will be held at St. Martin DePorres on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. For more information, please contact Fran @ 914.522.5928 or Cathy @ 845.546.0268. Students in high school at FDR, OLL or home schooled are invited to join a newly forming Bible Study under the direction of Fr. Fitzgerald with the assistance of Sarah Mundell and Paul Belcher, members of the Focolare at Mariapolis Luminosa. We plan to meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 6:30 to 8pm in the Sacristy at Regina Coeli. Our meetings will be downstairs in the St. Joseph’s room. The focus of our meetings will be “Created in God’s Image” and will include Scripture, discussion of concerns for young people today as well as fellowship & pizza. If you would like more information, please call Kathie Depew in the Faith Formation Office at 229-9139. Bibles will be provided or you may bring your own. We look forward to meeting with all of you this coming Tuesday! MAY HE WHO IS THE LIGHT AND STRENGTH OF OUR SOULS SEE YOU THROUGH THIS TRYING TIME… If you would like to help Lori McKeon-Dahl and family get back on their feet after experiencing a devastating house fire at 9 Hudson Drive, you can go online to: and type: Lori McKeon-Dahl 12538 Thank you for your kindness and your prayers. VIRTUAL PILGRIMAGE OF LOURDES, FRANCE IS COMING TO REGINA COELI PARISH North American Lourdes Volunteers will present a 90 minute prayerful VIRTUAL PILGRIMAGE to Lourdes, France, at our parish on Friday, December 5th at 7pm. During this guided Lourdes experience, you will immerse yourself in the Gospel Message of Lourdes as given by Our Lady to St. Bernadette. You will have the opportunity to touch the Grotto Rock and to experience the healing grace of Lourdes Water. As part of this spiritual opportunity to draw nearer to God with our Lady and St. Bernadette, you will receive a Eucharistic blessing and pray the Rosary. A Plenary Indulgence is granted to all the faithful, under the usual conditions, who attend a Virtual Pilgrimage with North American Lourdes Volunteers. Come and experience the healing grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ through His Immaculate Mother. Invite your family, children and friends! The next best thing to visiting Lourdes itself is a Pilgrimage journey without the travel! For more info, call the rectory @ 229-2134. Our Lady extends her invitation to all!
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