Document 401881

5 November 2014 Term 4 Week 4
29th Oct. First Aid Refresher course 3.30-7.30pm.
2nd Nov. School Fair
6th Nov. Ruud Kleinpaste (Bug Man) 1.30pm
17thNov. Teacher Only Day
19th Nov. Junior Athletics Day
24th Nov. Dunedin Leadership Day for 4 students
24th Nov. Junior swimming starts Mon, Wed and Friday
for 3 weeks
27th Nov. FMS Challenge Day Edgar Centre Yrs. 1&2
12th Dec. Year 6 Orange Parade
17th Dec. Last day of Term 4, 2014
3rd Feb 2015 First day of Term 1.
Our Vision “Together we will treat each other and our
environment with care and respect. We will be
individually valued on our journey to achieving our
best in a safe and caring environment.”
Ngā mihi nui kia koutou / Greetings to you all
I felt very proud to be a part of Waikouaiti School when I
walked around the corner of the office area on Sunday to
see so many people and everything in action for our
School Fair. I have been away the past week in the North
Island with family, so it was great to see everyone helping
to make our fair a success. A School Fair takes a lot of
organising and co coordinating, and I congratulate the
team who put this fair together. Well done and thank you.
Our school community came together for another successful event!
The staff and children are completing testing over the
next 3 weeks so we can moderate the children's work and
get their overall teacher judgements (OTJ’s) for the
school reports. A test alone does not give us a result anymore. Included are many samples of work, observations
and tests and we will discuss and compare our thinking to
make the correct OTJ’s before writing the school reports.
When tests etc. are over, it is back to work and carry on
with our learning right up to the last day of term. Everyday
counts for your child/ren to be at school. Our collection of
data and OTJs is earlier than usual, as we now need our
data by the 1st of Dec so we can start our planning for the
next year. The student achievement is the driving force of
our planning for the following year. It is encouraging to
know that we have 4 classrooms again from the beginning
of the school year and we have just been accepted to
have another ALIM programme in our school. This is
accelerated learning in maths which costs approx. $6500
and the Ministry provide us with those funds.
The building alterations are moving along nicely and not
affecting the children and their learning and you will see
we have the Mobile Dental Truck parked up for dental
care as well.
Correction to last weeks newsletter; the Orange Parade is
held on the 12th Dec not the 12th Nov.
Don’t forget you are most welcome to come
along tomorrow afternoon and listen to
Ruud Kleinpaste, the ‘Bug man’ ‘who is
visiting the school: 1.30 pm till 3.00pm.
Kia ora from Mount Watkin
The children did a great job of making art and crafts for the
School Fair. It was great seeing so many of you at the fair.
For maths we are finishing off Fractions and we will be
moving onto Algebra next. We continue to practice counting forwards and backwards and skip counting. It would be
great if you could help with this at home.
There is a shortage of glue sticks in our class with only 2
children having one. It would be greatly appreciated if you
could provide your child with at least one.
This week we have the ‘Bug Man’ coming to speak to us
about having the right sort of insects/bugs in our school
garden. This will provide a really good platform for reading,
writing, science and maths.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns please
don’t hesitate to come and see me.
Kind regards
Wow! Fantastic effort everyone for the School Fair! It’s
been great seeing everyone pull together for the school
and hopefully you have all recovered! We continue working hard in Taranaki, focussing on finding and using
adjectives in our reading and written work. We are also
working on writing and describing a special event that we
share with our family. In Maths we continue to explore
Algebra and patterns, this week realising that yes, we do
indeed know several Times Tables (1’s, 2’s 5’s and 10’s)
and identifying the patterns in these. As this week is
Conservation Week we are talking about looking after our
environment and look forward to hearing what the ‘Bug
man’ Ruud Kleinpaste will share with us on Thursday. We
will be thinking hard about some questions to pose to our
visitor. As we come closer to the Junior Athletics we will
be also be practising many of the running, jumping and
throwing techniques we will need. Until next time!
Kiaora from Aoraki
What a busy past few weeks the children have had getting
ready for the School Fair! The children worked really hard
on their tinfoil art, lanterns and their herb containers and it
was great to see that most of their creations were sold. It
was a fantastic day and enjoyed by all the children who
Well done to all of the senior children who participated at
the cluster Athletics in Palmerston. It was great to see so
many children placed in individual events. I have
certificates to hand out at Friday’s assembly to the children
who were placed in the events. Thanks again to Noni and
Ada who helped the children train, and also to the parents
who helped out on the day.
Over the next few weeks the children will be completing
several assessment tasks in reading, writing and
numeracy. We will be continuing to complete activities on
the land and are currently learning about volcanoes. The
children have made a list of questions about the land such
as, how was the earth made and why do we have earthquakes. The next stage for the children will be choosing
one question that would like to research and completing
their own presentations.
I recently put some links onto our kidblog page for reading,
writing, spelling and maths. If you are looking for extra
activities for your child to do in these areas, please go onto
our class blog page at
Finally if you would like to see me this term for an
Interview, I am available on Monday and Tuesday afternoons. Have a great week.
Mrs Hurst
Kia ora from Aorangi
Firstly, a big thank you for supporting the students and
school at the fair last weekend. Aorangi class worked hard
to produce items for the craft stall and they were thrilled to
see their efforts fly out the door!
All classes are undergoing assessments at the moment,
and we are encouraging Aorangi class to be confident and
do their best. We are of course continuing with topic work,
and invite you to come in and see their wonderful Climate
Change posters which are up on the wall in the classroom.
Y6's have been given the opportunity to do some orienteering next Wednesday at Logan Park; please hand in the
forms as soon as possible.
A reminder about sunhats - please bring them everyday
and have your name in them.
Bye for now.
Best Wishes, Kate and Sandy
Fantastic weather and Fair.
Sponsors - all the businesses and
people who donated items for the Fair.
Parents, teachers and friends for all the
time spent organising stalls and activities
and for running the stalls on the day.
Children and teachers for all the artwork
they made to sell at the Fair.
Everyone in the community for coming
and supporting our fantastic School Fair.
We have meat patties and packets of burger
buns for sale. $10 for a pack of 6 meat patties
and a pack of burger buns.
Winner of Guess the Number of Lollies in the
Jar: Dani Gager. Total in Jar 226
Sausage Sizzles and Juicies will be available only on
the following dates during Term 4:
November 7 (FRIDAY)
November 21
December 5
DUE: Please pay at the office or online:
Waikouaiti School 03 1737 0023252 00
Thank you.
Lost during or after the school fair - a child's black
framed BMX bike with blue rims. If you have seen or
know where it might be; please phone the school
office 4657 225
During the Fair on Sunday a black Torrana truck was
damaged while parked beside the school grounds on
SHway1. The Torrana received major damage to the
rear of the vehicle, possibly from a vehicle pulling out
from behind. If you witnessed this incident or know of
anyone who did witness the incident, please contact
Debra 03 4651 767 or 022 174 9880
Important Community Meeting
Tuesday 11th November. 7.30pm.
East Otago High School Library
Thank you,
Mary O’Connell - Chairperson
East Otago Community Health Trust