The Local By-Laws of the Beta Xi Chapter of the Theta Xi Fraternity As compiled and revised on the ____ day of the ___ month in the year ____. _______________________________ President _______________________________ Vice President TABLE OF CONTENTS BY-LAW # TITLE PAGE BY-LAW 1 Name III BY-LAW 2 Membership III BY-LAW 3 Conduct IV BY-LAW 4 Social Media VI BY-LAW 5 Meetings VII BY-LAW 6 Chapter Officers VIII BY-LAW 7 Election of Officers VIII BY-LAW 8 Standing Committees IX BY-LAW 9 General Chapter Policies IX BY-LAW 10 Dues & Fees XI BY-LAW 11 Chapter Bills XI BY-LAW 12 Fines XI BY-LAW 13 Awards XI BY-LAW 14 Amendments XII II BY-LAW 1 NAME 1.1 The name of this organization shall always be known as the Beta Xi Chapter of Theta Xi Fraternity. BY- LAW 2 MEMBERSHIP 2.1 All male students of UNO shall be eligible for membership provided he meets all requirements established by the National Constitution, by-laws of this chapter, the University, and the Interfraternity Council. 2.1.1 All Active Brothers shall maintain a GPA of 2.3 on a 4.0 scale. 2.1.2 If a brothers GPA falls below a 2.3 he must complete 5 study hours a week. 2.1.3 Failure to comply with study hours will result in Academic Suspension, at the discretion of the Executive Committee. 2.1.4 The University of New Orleans requires all active members of the chapter to be enrolled in at least 12 hours of classes. 2.2 In accordance with the Theta Xi National Constitution, the classes of membership shall be: (1) Associate Member (2) Undergraduate Member (3) Alumni Member (4) Honorary Member (5) Graduate Member 2.3 DEFINITION OF MEMBERSHIP CLASSES 2.3.1 An undergraduate member shall be an initiated member currently enrolled at UNO who fulfills the requirements for this class, as established by the National Constitution, the active chapter, and the Interfraternity Council. 2.3.2 An honorary member shall be an initiated member who is not currently enrolled in UNO but fulfills the requirements for this class, as established by the National Constitution and the active chapter. Members that pay dues shall have the same rights, privileges and consequences as active/undergraduate members and subject to the requirements of the academic institution they attend if currently enrolled (e.g. Delgado, Nunez or any other University that does not have a chapter of Theta Xi.) 2.3.3 An alumni member shall consist of any initiated member who has been granted a transfer to alumni status as provided in the National Constitution. Alumni Status can only be granted by the Grand Lodge in accordance to the National Constitution. 2.3.4 An associate member shall be a student currently enrolled at UNO who has accepted a bid to associate with Theta Xi and meets the University standards, National Constitution standards, Interfraternity Council standards and active chapter definitions for each status. III 2.3.5 A graduate member shall be an initiated member currently enrolled in the UNO graduate student program who fulfills the requirements for this class, as established by the National Constitution, the Interfraternity Council, and active chapter. 2.3.6 An Active Member shall be classified by a brother who pays dues and is not only in good standing with the chapter, but has earned his right to vote. 2.3.7 An Inactive member shall be classified as a brother who is 3 months delinquent on dues, owes any fees, has been issued any probationary status by the chapter, and/or has not earned his voting rights within two weeks of him being initiated. 2.4 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS 2.4.1 To be eligible for associate status a candidate must meet the requirements established by the National Constitution, the University, the Interfraternity Council and active chapter. The requirements of the National Constitution and the by-laws of the Beta Xi chapter of Theta Xi are a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3. The University of New Orleans requires all active members of the chapter to be enrolled in at least 12 hours of classes. 2.4.2 An invitation to become an associate member shall be extended only by a majority vote of the chapter held at a regular meeting, special meeting, or bid session at which a quorum is present. 2.4.3 Associate status may be terminated as follows: (1) Withdrawal by majority vote. (2) Resignation by the associate member. (3) After 63 days associate status will be terminated. 2.4.4 A person who transfers from associate status for any reason, other than initiation, shall be required to return his Quest book, associate member pin, and task book to the chapter. 2.4.5 ELECTION TO MEMBERSHIP To be eligible for election to membership, an associate member must meet the following qualifications: (1) He must have completed the associate member education program with no more than 2 unexcused absences. (2) He must meet any additional requirements established by the University, the Interfraternity Council, the National Constitution, and the active chapter. (3) Balloting on the candidates for election to membership shall be held in accordance with the National Constitution, the by-laws of the Beta Xi chapter of Theta Xi and the ritual. IV BY-LAW 3 CONDUCT 3.1 Every active and associate member of the Beta Xi chapter of Theta Xi must hold himself, and all other brothers, to the highest standards. 3.2 ALTERCATIONS 3.2.1 Altercation is defined as a heated or angry dispute between two or more brothers, and or a noisy argument or controversy. 3.2.2 Altercations between two or more brothers must be resolved within 14 days. 3.2.3 A resolution must consist of nothing less than a written mutual agreement, signed by all parties. 3.2.4 All members involved within the altercation(s) are considered innocent until proven guilty by the Judicial Committee. 3.3 If the altercation(s) is not resolved within a 14 day period, all brothers whom are guilty will not be allowed to attend any event, meeting, or function that is held by or is in association with the Beta Xi chapter of Theta Xi. 3.3.1 If a member of the Beta Xi chapter of Theta Xi should miss any event, meeting, and/or function, all fines must be paid and/or punishments served accordingly. 3.4 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A MAJOR AND MINOR OFFENSE 3.4.1 What constitutes a minor offense: 1) Any unexcused absence of a member from an event (excluding initiation), meeting, or function that is either mandatory or that the member had previously signed up for 2) Any improper conduct or language at any meeting, event, function or in front of any alumni, political figure, etc. that may be deemed offensive 3) Any attempt to influence other members to miss any meeting, event, function, and/or to commit any offense 4) Failure to meet any financial obligation after 14 days of being due, unless otherwise discussed in the Constitution 3.4.2 What constitutes a major offense: 1) Persistent neglect to meet any financial obligations, unless otherwise discussed 2) Defamation or disrespect to anything or anyone affiliated with the Beta Xi chapter of Theta Xi, the National Constitution, the Interfraternity Council, and/or Theta Xi in a whole 3) Being under the influence of cannabis, cocaine, hallucinogens, opiates, and or sedatives at any meeting, initiation ceremony, special event, any function deemed “special”, is considered of high importance, and/or which requires formal attire. 4) Hazing 5) The sale of any book, pin, or item not meant to be sold, that is associated with Theta Xi, the Beta Xi chapter of Theta Xi, or the National Constitution. V 6) Unnecessary or ill-advised conversation about the affairs of the chapter with anyone not in the chapter, suspended from the chapter, or terminated from the chapter. 7) Any criminal conduct that may put the chapter in jeopardy 8) Any action that is vitally against Theta Xi, the Beta Xi chapter of Theta Xi, the National Constitution, and/or the Interfraternity Council 9) Damaging or defacing any property of the Beta Xi chapter of Theta Xi 10) Committing any act contrary to the by-laws of the Beta Xi chapter of Theta Xi, the National Constitution, and/or Theta Xi in a whole 11)Any conduct that shall negatively reflect the Beta Xi chapter of Theta Xi, the National Constitution, the Interfraternity Council, and Theta Xi in a whole. 12) Any neglect or abuse of authority by any chairmen. 3.5 MINOR OFFENSES 3.5.1 The first minor offense will be disciplined with a warning and the possibility of a small fine consisting of no more than $15.00. 3.5.2 The second minor offense will be disciplined with a meeting between the offender and two members from the Executive Board. The meeting will be used to discuss the offense and a fine to be paid, not exceeding $20.00. 3.5.3 The third minor offense shall consist of a $30.00 fine and the completion of at least 5 community service hours. 3.5.4 Any additional fines or punishments may be presented, by anyone, to the Judicial Board and will be passed by a majority vote in a hearing. The hearing must consist of every Judicial Board member, any defendant(s), all parties related to the case, all parties who are pressing additional charges, and all evidence and/or witnesses. 3.5.5 All accounts of minor offenses will re-start every semester. 3.6 MAJOR OFFENSES 3.6.1The first major offense will be disciplined with a $35.00 fine and no less than 6 hours of community service. 3.6.2 The second major offense will be disciplined with a fine of no less than $35.00 and no more than $100.00, no less than 6 hours and no more than 12 hours of community service, and a meeting with the Executive Board to discuss behavior, punishment, and the possibility of probation. 3.6.3 The third major offense shall result in probation and the possibility of a fine no less than $75.00 and no more than $150.00. 3.6.4 If any punishment relative to the first, second, or third offense should be deemed lighter or heavier, then a new punishment shall be presented to the Judicial Board and passed with a majority vote. Any active or associate member can present a new punishment for the Judicial Board to review. Any hearing relative to a major offense shall consist of every Judicial Board member, any defendant(s), all parties related to the case, anyone pressing additional charges, and all evidence and/or witnesses. VI 3.6.5 All accounts of major offenses will reset every year starting on the date of the first received offense. Any member charged with any minor or major offense must go to trial with the Judicial Board or can accept the fine and/or punishment. If the accused member wished to appeal his punishment and/or fine, a separate appeals hearing will be held consisting of every Judicial Board member, any defendant(s), all parties related to the case, anyone pressing additional charges, and all evidence and/or witnesses. The Judicial Committee can decline a second appeal by majority vote. 3.6.6 If any action is not listed or if the guilty member feels as if he is being wrongfully charged, then he will be able to present his case in front of the Judicial Board in the hearing of punishment. The Judicial Board shall decide if any unlisted action is minor or major, by a majority vote. A majority vote will determine if the charges against the accused brother will be dropped, changed, or if they will remain as is. BY-LAW 4 SOCIAL MEDIA 4.1 Members of the Beta Xi chapter of Theta Xi must never use “Theta Xi”, “Beta Xi”, or any other name, symbol, or acronym that may go against and/or negatively reflect this chapter, Theta Xi, the National Constitution, and/or the Interfraternity Council. 4.2 USAGE 4.2.1 All members of the Beta Xi chapter of Theta Xi shall never post anything on any public website, social media website, social media application, that may be deemed as disrespectful, cyber-bullying, offensive, negative, illegal, inappropriate, and/or could negatively reflect on the Beta Xi chapter of Theta Xi, Theta Xi in a whole, the National Constitution, and/or the Interfraternity Council. 4.3 CHAPTER PAGES 4.3.1 The Beta Xi chapter of Theta Xi shall only have one active page per networking site for itself, each of its committees, and each of its events. 4.3.2 The following shall never be posted on any chapter page, committee page, event page, and/or any other page related to the Beta Xi chapter of Theta Xi: 1) Any private information about the chapter, fraternity, etc. 2) Any disrespectful and/or negative comments 3) Any negative view on any religious, political, and/or social issue 4) Any personal information about any individual who does not consent in writing 5) Any content involving or pertaining to illegal, and/or inappropriate conduct of the chapter or any of its members VII 6) Any announcement of any unofficial event 7) Any post that may be viewed as discrimination, harassment, and/or cyberbullying 8) Any post that contains music, links, videos, and/or photos without license to use 4.4 VIOLATIONS 4.4.1 All violations will be reviewed by the Judicial Committee 4.4.2 After being presented to the Judicial Board, the punishment will be passed by a majority vote 4.4.3 If the active member does not accept his punishment and/or fine, he may appeal in a separate trial. 4.5 SECURITY 4.5.1 Every active member of the Beta Xi chapter of Theta Xi will be subject to social media app or website for review by the head of the Social Media Committee No member shall ever have to turn over any username and/or password to anyone BY-LAW 5 MEETINGS 5.1 Chapter meetings shall be held at least three times a month during the regular school year excluding vacations, holidays, exam periods, and/or a period of disaster and at a time and place established by the active chapter. 5.1.2 All chapter meetings that require a vote shall be done under ritual. 5.2. Quorum is defined in the National Constitution and By-Laws as: 5.2.1 QUORUM: “Two-thirds of all the undergraduate members of the chapter qualified to vote shall constitute a quorum sufficient for the transaction of all business except as otherwise provided for.” 5.2.2 An active brother may elect a proxy, an active member with voting rights, to serve as present for him during meetings. 5.2.3 Documentation of the elected proxy must be presented to the chapter president before the start of a meeting in order for the proxy to be honored. 5.3 Parliamentary procedures shall be governed by “Roberts Rules” except as otherwise specified by the National Constitution and the ritual. 5.4 Meetings must be cancelled with a minimum of 24 hour notice or by a majority vote of members in attendance. VIII 5.4.1 A meeting may only be canceled by majority vote of the active chapter only once per month. BY-LAW 6 CHAPTER OFFICES ELECTED OFFICERS: 6.1 Elected officers will consist of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Senior Steward, Junior Steward, Secretary, and Scholarship Chairman. 6.2 The Judicial Board officers shall be Chief Justice, Secretary of Justice, Records Keeper, Active Justice, and Co-Active Justice. 6.3 A member may hold an elected office or elected chair position concurrently so long as the chapter has 25 or less active members in good standing. If the chapter has over 25 members in good standing, then no active member may hold an elected office or elected chair position concurrently, except as specified in the by-laws. 6.4 ELECTED CHAIRMAN 6.4.1 The elected vice presidents of the active chapter shall be: (1) Philanthropy (2) Social (3) Ritual (4) IFC Representative (5) Risk Management (6) Brotherhood (7) Social Media (8) Awards (9) Trailer Master (10) Birthday (11) Fundraising (12) Athletics 6.4.2 These chairman will be voted in by a majority vote by the active chapter. 6.4.3 These chairman can be removed by a majority vote of the active chapter. 6.5 ELECTED JUDICIAL COMMITTEE 6.5.1 The elected Judicial Committee of the active chapter shall be: (1) Chief Justice (2) Secretary of Justice (3) Records Keeper (4) Active Justice (5) Co-Active Justice IX 6.5.2 No member of the Judicial Committee can hold both and Executive and Judicial position 6.5.3 These committee members shall be elected by majority vote by the active chapter. 6.5.4 These committee members can be removed by majority vote of the active chapter. 6.6 DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND CHAIRMEN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President: Supervise all other Executive Committee officers to assure their duties are being performed and responsibilities being completed. Also, monitor that all members are completing their responsibilities as active brothers. Designate authority among members and assign committee members. Change names on the checking account when new president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer are elected. Check the mailboxes in the campus activity office and post office regularly. Make sure all paperwork issued by nationals and the university is done promptly and correctly (Benchmarks, change of officer forms, active rosters, etc.) Establish relationship with and meet regularly with the director of campus activities, RIS, national president, and the alumni association to see if anything is required of the chapter at that time. Make a budget with the treasurer and stick with it. Inform each E-board officer of his budget and ask for a written plan for spending. Keep dues at a reasonable rate that will cover your budget and allow for some leftover in the account. Preside over all regular, special, and ritual meetings. Attend regional and national conventions as necessary. Stress the importance of the ritual and the secrets. A section of the constitution and by- laws at each meeting. Keep good relations with other sororities, fraternities, and student organizations. Vice President Preside over all regular, special, and ritual meetings in the absence of the President. Take minute’s at all regular, special, and ritual meetings when the president presides. Send minutes to President for proofreading after every chapter meeting. Responsible for helping risk-management and reading sections of the insurance policy at each meeting. Learn all of the duties and responsibilities of the president to take over if need be. X Secretary Make a contact list of all active members. Responsible for all lodge correspondence including alumni letters for crawfish boil, and dinners. Contact all active members, alumni, and associates for meetings, parties, and gatherings. Reserve room for ritual, chapter, and or special meetings. Treasurer Set up a budget that includes all major parties, exchanges, and rush. Set up dues with President and Executive Committee based on budget. Pay all bills in a timely manner. Keep in touch with nationals to know how much the chapter owes. Associate Member Educator Stress the importance of the history of Theta Xi and Beta Xi to all associate members. Administer all AM tests. Plan and find a place or initiation and pledge-in. Get all pledge forms and Form-A’s filled out and turned in to nationals in a timely fashion. Schedule enough events to keep associate members involved and interested in Theta Xi. Stress the importance of the secrets as well as aid in the learning of secrets for A.M.s. Recruitment Chairman: Schedule all rush events early so that all actives can plan to attend- Assemble rush packet before formal rush night. Keep active chapter informed of all rush rules and violations. Schedule rush retreats to get ready for rush Plan and reserve all rush events (place and supplies for formal rush night, bid night, and all nights of formal rush. Compile a list of all potential rushees and make sure to keep in touch with all of them. Get a list of all incoming male freshmen and underclassmen from the student activities office. Complete a list of rushees who did not get bids and try to get them to try Theta Xi. Remind the chapter that rush doesn’t end on bid night and that rush is year round. Keep nationals and the alumni chapter involved and informed about new associates and rush functions. Scholarship Chairman: Update and keep up the test file. XI Monitor the scholastic progress of the chapter Make a file of classes and teachers that activities recommend and dislike. Set up avenues that struggling members can take to get help in classes Keep all associate members in good scholastic standing (get a copy of associate grades before initiation.) FRATERNITY CHAIRMEN Social Chairman: Make a budget of all social events planned and give to the treasurer Plan events early enough for members to be able to be present Become familiar with the presidents and social chairs of the sororities Invite all sororities to open parties (invite sororities from other schools to promote That Xi in the community) Invite other Theta Xi Chapters to attend parties Insure that all parties comply with chapter and national rules along with state and national laws Compile a list of all members on suspense from the treasure and have them set up a payment plan or come off of suspension to attend social functions Philanthropy Chair: Plan and schedule all philanthropy events Keep in touch with faculty advisor Thomas Mulleady to schedule blood drives Get associate members involved with philanthropy events Think of new and creative philanthropy and fundraising events that will keep the chapter involved and make some money Ritual Chairman: Keep all ritual equipment updated and looking new Keep all of the historical memorabilia of the chapter until a house is purchased Keep a list of all Beta Xi’s that are deceased and add them to the chapter eternal list Assure that active members obtain voting rights within two weeks of initiation Stress the importance of the ritual to the active chapter Make sure that ritual meeting occur on a regular basis Brotherhood Chair Responsible for scheduling at least 2 brotherhood events during the semester. Stress the importance of brotherhood. Birthday Chair Keep track of all active members birthdays. Plan to make celebrations for brother’s birthdays. IFC Representative Attend IFC meeting regularly and report back to chapter. XII Risk Management Ensure that all brothers follow by-laws. Ensure that all brothers maintain orderly conduct while representing the chapter. Schedule workshops to educate brothers on proper behavior. Have a risk management plan. Social Media Chair Responsible for maintenance of the fraternity website. Responsible for all chapter social marketing Awards Chair Responsible for taking votes for all awards. Responsible for buying awards with the budget presented by the Executive Committee. Fundraising Chair Responsible for organizing at least two fundraising events for the chapter. Stress the importance of fundraising. Hold brothers accountable to participate in fundraising. JUDICIAL COMMITTEE: Chief Justice Supervise all other Judicial Committee officers to assure their duties are being performed and responsibilities being completed. Also, monitor that all members are completing their responsibilities as active brothers. Designate authority between Judicial Committee members. Preside over all hearings. Stress importance of by-laws and chapter standards. Secretary of Justice Responsible for all Judicial Committee correspondence. Records Keeper Responsible for keeping files on all infractions of brothers. Active Justices Serve as votes on the Judicial Committee Serve as stewards of the Judicial Committee. BY-LAW 7 XIII ELECTION OF OFFICERS 7.1 Chapter elections shall be held between the fall and the spring semesters and between the spring and summer semesters, four weeks before the final meeting of the semester. 7.2 To be eligible for nomination, election, and installation in a chapter office a candidate must possess the following: (1) He must not be on academic or disciplinary probation. (1.1) Academic probation is defined as a chapter member who’s cumulative GPA has fallen under a 2.3. (1.2) Disciplinary probation- Not being able to recite the secrets within the two week grace period and all actions representing the fraternity in a negative way will result in disciplinary probation. A member under disciplinary probation cannot attend any social functions of and/or related to the Beta Xi chapter of Theta Xi. (2) A paid-up bill, including fines, excluding the current month. 7.3 DUTIES 7.3.1 Once elected into office, all duties must be completed both effectively and in a timely manner throughout the term. 7.3.2 Failure to complete duties, neglect of position, abuse or disregard of authority, and/or if the member holding the position is negatively effecting the chapter then an Executive Absence will be issued. If a member is issued an Executive Absence and he will never be allowed to hold that position ever again. 7.3.3 If the chapter, as a whole, feels as if a member is not doing his duties quickly and effectively or is not fit for his position then a 3/4 vote will remove him from office and an Executive Absence will be issued. 7.4 JUDICIAL DUTIES 7.4.1 Chief Justice shall serve as head of the Judicial Committee and shall be the tie breaking vote. 7.4.2 Secretary of Justice shall handle all Judicial Committee correspondence. 7.4.3 Records keeper shall keep files of all infractions and hearings. 7.4.4 Both Active Justices serve as stewards of the Judicial Committee 7.5 JUDICAL PROCEDURE 7.5.1 Any infraction of the by-laws may be presented to the Judicial Committee for review. 7.5.2In order for a hearing to be made the Judicial Committee must first affirm the infraction and potential penalties by majority vote. The brother(s) are then presented with their summoning and are allowed to present any witnesses or evidence in their defense. If the initial infraction is not approved by the Judicial Committee it is expunged. After the initial hearing, the Judicial Committee votes to pass the penalty. If passed, an official document written by the Secretary of Justice is presented to the President by the Chief Justice. The Executive Committee then votes on the penalty for passing, in order for penalties to pass it must be by majority vote. XIV 7.5.3 If a member from the Judicial Committee has committed an offense the hearing is done by the Executive Committee the process is just vice-versa. In order for a formal document with penalties on it to be deemed official it must have the signatures of the both the President and Chief Justice acknowledging that both parties have voted majority and finally the signature of the brother(s) being penalized. 7.5.4 If the penalties involve the President and/or Chief Justice it requires the signatures of the corresponding member, ex. Vice President and Secretary of Justice. 7.5.5 In a special case where a member of the Judicial and Executive committee members are both the offenders a special judicial committee is then created consisting of one member from the Executive committee , one member from the Judicial committee, and 3 member voted on by majority vote by the active chapter outside both committees to go forth with the hearing. In this special case the official document will be signed by the delegate of the Grand Lodge acknowledging the majority vote as well as the brothers being penalized. 7.5.6 An order of removal of officer can also be presented to Judicial Committee to vote on a re-voting of any position. If the President has been ordered to impeachment a special meeting will be conducted between the Judicial Committee, the Alumni Advisor , and may include the Greek Advisor, to come up with a plan to improve the situation. 7.5.7 If a document is vetoed by the receiving committee it will be returned to amend. BY-LAW 8 STANDING COMMITTEES 8.1 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 8.1.1 The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Senior Steward (Recruitment Chair), Junior Steward (New Member Educator), Secretary, and Scholarship Chairman. 8.1.2 The purpose of the Executive Committee shall be to: (1) Establish long term plans and objectives. (2) Supervise the administration of chapter affairs. (3) Determine all business before the next chapter meeting. 8.2 JUDICIAL COMMITTEE 8.2.1 The Judicial Committee shall be composed of the Chief Justice, Secretary of Justice, Records Keeper, as well as Active Justice and Co-Active justice. 8.2.2 The purpose of the Judicial Committee shall be to: (1) Handle all judicial affairs (2)Decide on Penalties for the Approval of the Executive Committee 8.3 PHILANTHROPY COMMITTEE XV 8.3.1 This committee shall at least be composed of the Philanthropy Chairman, one other member who shall then be given the title of Junior Philanthropy Chairman, and three other active members. Junior Philanthropy Chairman’s term shall end accordingly with the Philanthropy Chairman’s term. 8.4 BROTHERHOOD COMMITTEE 8.4.1 This committee shall at least consist of the Brotherhood Chair, Ritual Chair, and three other active members. 8.4.2 The purpose of this committee is to plan, organize, and implement all brotherhood events as well as initiation. 8.5 SOCIAL MEDIA COMMITTEE 8.5.1 This committee shall at least consist of the Social Media Chair as well as four other active members. 8.5.2 The purpose of this committee shall be to: (1) Maintain the fraternity website (2) Design any fliers or marketing paraphernalia for the chapter (3) Maintain and review any fraternal social media. 8.6 ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE 8.6.1 This committee shall at least consist of the Social Chair as well as four other active members. 8.6.2 The purpose of this committee shall be to: (1) Schedule and plan any mixers with sororities. (2) Plan any fraternity social events. 8.7 FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE 8.7.1 This committee shall at least consist of the Fundraising chair as well as four other active members. 8.7.2The purpose of this committee shall be to: (1) Schedule and plan any fundraising events. (2) Raise money for the active chapter. 8.8 6294 COMMITTEE 8.8.1 This committee shall at least consist of the Birthday Chair, as well as four other active members. 8.8.2 The purpose of this committee shall be to: (1) Plan an event for the brothers who celebrate their birthdays, on a monthly basis. (2) Plan 6294 events with alumni. 8.9 Awards Committee 8.9.1 This committee shall at least consist of the Awards Chair, as well as four other active members. 8.9.2 The purpose of this committee shall be to: (1) Take ballots for chapter awards. (2) Plan and schedule semester award ceremonies XVI BY- LAW 9 GENERAL CHAPTER POLICIES 9.1 Whenever a member is absent without an excuse from two consecutive chapter meetings or any three unexcused chapter meetings during one semester, the chapter must include, as a regular agenda item at that meeting, a resolution instituting disciplinary action against the member and is to be reviewed by the Judicial Committee. 9.1.1 When discussing disciplinary actions, all violations from Articles 5.41 and 5.42 of Theta Xi’s resolution and all violations of the by-laws of the Beta Xi chapter of Theta Xi must be considered before agreeing upon any disciplinary action. 9.2 Undergraduate members with bills in excess of 2 month’s dues shall be on social probation. 9.3 FINANCES 9.3.1 The President, Vice President, Treasurer, or Secretary is authorized to sign checks drawn on the general account, but must be approved by the President first. 9.3.3 If the President is to sign a check it must be approved by the chapter by majority vote. 9.3.2 If any Executive Committee members are against the signing of a check, the check will be frozen until passed by a majority vote by the active chapter. 9.4 CLOSED FUNCTIONS 9.4.1 Closed functions are intended mainly for undergraduate members and associate members. Invitations to anyone else shall be extended only by a twothirds majority vote of the active chapter, except as otherwise provided for. 9.4.2 Appropriate assessments for attendance at closed social functions shall be established by a two-thirds majority vote of the active chapter, except as otherwise provided for. 9.4.3 FOUNDERS WEEK ACTIVITIES- A CLOSED FUNCTION Founders Week activities shall be closed functions upon a ¾ majority vote. The following provisions shall govern attendance: (1) Undergraduate members and associate members shall have their bill paid in full prior to the first activity in order to be able to attend any and all functions. (2) Alumni members of the Beta Xi chapter of Theta Xi, who are in good standing, shall be automatically invited to all functions and shall pay only the basic price per function. (3) Alumni members of the Beta Xi chapter of Theta Xi who have an unpaid bill shall be extended an invitation to all functions contingent on their payment to the Beta Xi chapter of Theta Xi plus one third of their outstanding bill as a collection on account. 9.5 SWEETHEART ELECTIONS 9.5.1 Each April the chapter shall select, by secret ballot, a Sweetheart and four members of the Blue Iris Court to be presented at an appropriate function during Founder’s week, once a year, per formal. 9.5.2 Nominations will be made during the first meeting in April. XVII 9.5.3 The Executive Committee will be responsible for counting the votes for Sweetheart. 9.5.4 The Executive Committee will have a meeting in April, in which a vote shall be taken to determine the five semi-finalists. Each member shall indicate a preference for five names, without regard to rank. The five girls receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared the candidates. 9.5.5 At the third meeting in April, a vote shall be taken to determine who is to be sweetheart. Each member is entitled to only one vote. 9.5.6 The Sweetheart’s name shall be kept secret until presentation of the court. The maids shall be presented in alphabetical order. BY-LAW 10 DUES AND FEES 10.1 The Associate fee shall be 30 % of initiation fee. 10.1.2 - 15% of this fee shall be non-refundable. 10.2 The initiation fee shall be determined by the Executive Committee, prior to each semester, and made payable prior to initiation, in accordance with the National Constitution. 10.3 Dues for undergraduate members shall be determined by the Executive Committee, prior to each semester. 10.4 Until a member is granted alumni status, the Beta Xi chapter of Theta Xi will still be charged to cover their insurance premium. BY-LAW 11 CHAPTER BILLS 11.1 The accounts of the undergraduate members and associate members are due on the seventh of each month and payable by the seventh of each month. If the bill is not paid by the third consecutive month and additional $15.00 late fee will be added to the brother’s account. 11.2 Any undergraduate member and graduate members that have paid dues to the chapter for 3 years and are in good standing; shall be reduced to 50% of the current dues assessed. XVIII BY- LAW 12 FINES 12.1 CHAPTER FUNCTIONS 12.1.1 The fine for an unexcused absence from any meeting shall be $15.00. 12.1.2 The fine for an unexcused absence from an Associate Member ceremony or rush function (party or bid session) shall be $30.00 for each absence. 12.1.3 The fine for an unexcused tardiness shall be $5.00 every 15 minutes. 12.1.4 The fine for disorderly conduct (any action that is a disturbance or interferes with the progression of the function) shall be a $10.00 warning offense and $15.00 for each subsequent offense. If a brother commits 3 consecutive offences he will be asked to leave the location and fined an additional $30.00. 12.1.5 The fine for an unexcused absence from an initiation or any 6294 event shall be a minimum of $50.00 and a maximum of $150.00. 12.1.6 A brother who refuses to uphold his status of probation shall receive a fine of $30.00 to $100.00. 12.2 SECRET ENACTMENTS 12.2.1 The fine for improperly handling any of the fraternity secret enactments or equipment shall be levied increments of $15.00 up to $450.00. BY-LAW 13 AWARDS 13.1 Each April the active chapter shall select, by secret ballot, a Ted Alexander Award, Bryan Pearl Award, and an Academic Excellence Award to be presented at an appropriate function. 13.2 The Awards Committee shall be responsible for counting the votes of these awards and getting the appropriate plaques and/or certificates. 13.3 Ted Alexander Award Ted Alexander Award Member of the Year Presented By Beta Xi Chapter of Theta Xi To (Recipient’s Name) Date 13.4 Bryan Pearl Award Bryan Pearl Award X Member of the Year Presented By Beta Xi Chapter of Theta Xi To (Recipient’s Name) Date XIX 13.5 Academic Excellence Award Academic Excellence Award Highest Annual GPA Presented By Beta Xi Chapter of Theta Xi To (Recipient's Name) Date BY-LAW 14 AMENDMENTS *Additions, deletions, or revisions these by-laws may be proposed at any regular or special meeting.* 14.1 A ¾ majority vote is required to amend these by-laws. 14.1.1 If any change is not passed, it will be returned to the party who presented it for re-writing. 14.1.2 If the re-written change is not passed, it will be dropped and the party presenting the change will not be allowed to present it again for a 10 day period. 14.1.3 No same change or by-law will be allowed to be presented twice. 14.2 These by-laws shall supersede all previous by-laws effective _____ __, ____ and may be waved or suspended at any time only by a ¾ majority vote at any regular or special meeting. 14.2.1 By-laws will be revised and/or re-written and voted on before every election, if needed. 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