HIGHGATE PRIMARY SCHOOL 147 LINCOLN STREET HIGHGATE WA 6003 PRINCIPAL: CRISTINA SANDRI PHONE 9328 4201 FAX 9328 8570 WEB : www.highgateps.wa.edu.au EMAIL: [email protected] 31 October 2014 PP1 and Room 21 Assembly Pre-primary 1 and Year 7 Room 21 joined forces to perform their 'Jungle' themed assembly on Friday 24 October. These classes have worked closely as ‘buddy classes’ throughout the year. During the performance, the audience was treated to a Power-Point presentation with photos and illustration of the work these classes achieved. Students performed an acoustic rendition of the song, 'We Are Going To Be Friends'. What a lovely example of how Highgate students work together to create a powerful learning community. Science Challenge On 20 October, eight students from Years 6 and 7 went to Scitech for the inaugural Science Challenge. William, Waiira, Anna Poppy, Hannah, Manol, Hannah, Sam and Thomas were required to compete in several activities in which they had to problem solve and work together to complete. Some of the challenges involved folding paper more than seven times, making a pill dissolve after thirty seconds and a physics quiz. All the Highgate participants had a wonderful time and learnt many new things regarding the scientific world. By William Year 7 Important Dates for Your Diary The Prefects are holding a fundraiser on Tuesday 4 November to coincide with Melbourne Cup, students are invited to dress in their favourite sport gear for a gold coin donation. All proceeds will go to Ronald McDonald House. November 3 4 5 6 Sport Dress Up Day 7 Assembly- Choir and Singing Club Concert at St Andrews (PM) 10 11 Scitech Incursion 12 13 14 15 Beaufort Street Festival From the Principal CLASS PLACEMENTS FOR 2015 We are now considering class groupings for 2015. As in previous years, you are invited to be part of this process. It is our intention to always place the children in the best learning environment possible. In placing our students we carefully consider the following criteria : ♦ Specific needs of the child ♦ Professional recommendations e.g. school psychologist, paediatrician ♦ Ability to work with certain peers ♦ Ability to work independently ♦ Class placement in previous years If you feel there are additional concerns or issues we need to consider when allocating your child a class for 2015, would you please let me know in writing by Friday 28 November. As you can appreciate, it is always very difficult to make changes to class placements once the new school year begins. As we begin the process of class allocations for next year, we would appreciate knowing if you are intending on leaving Highgate PS. Please inform office staff of your intentions as soon as possible so we have a clear indication of student number for 2015. GUEST SPEAKER It gives us great pleasure to host Maggie Dent, author, educator and parenting and resilience specialist, at Highgate Primary School on Thursday 20 November at 6:30. Maggie is a passionate advocate for the healthy, common-sense raising of children in order to strengthen families and communities. She has a broad perspective and range of experience that shape her work, a slightly irreverent sense of humour and a depth of knowledge based on modern research and ancient wisdom that she shares passionately during her presentations. We hope to see as many family and friends as possible for this popular evening event. Please see the information below for further details. Barbara Iffla Maggie Dent-Guest Speaker Thursday 20 November Real Kids in an Unreal World www.maggiedent.com Building Resilience and Self Esteem in Today’s Children Maggie’s seminar will explore how the 10 essential building blocks will build resilience and self esteem for all children from birth to 12. These building blocks improve the cognitive, psychological, emotional and social health of children for life. Her informative, insightful and entertaining seminars inspire teachers and parents to make small changes for young children- small things that become big things later in life. Where: Highgate Primary School Senior Hall When: Thursday 20 November 2014 Time: 6.30pm to 8.30pm Cost: $10.00 per head RSVP Date: Tuesday 18th November Trish or Anne phone: Highgate PS 93284201 Booking Details: Please send $10.00 to classroom teacher and a ticket will be sent home with your child. Tickets can also be purchased on the evening at the door. ECU Artist in Residence Project As part of an Artist in Residency Program through Edith Cowan University, I was able to work once a week at Highgate Primary School with the year 4/5-extension art class during Term 3. The project was about the students creating their very own still life mural by piecing together 40 individually painted squares. I taught students valuable techniques such as perspective, layering, application and composition in the process of creating their very own paintings. The students had to develop an idea and drawing of their object/s. From there they then transferred their drawings onto their boards and painted onto their pre-painted backgrounds. I am thankful and appreciative to have been given the opportunity to work along side my brilliant mentor teacher, Chani Crow, as well as every student in the class. They were a pleasure to teach! I would also like to thank my sponsor Local Appliance Rentals for funding the resources. Lisa Pignatiello - Artist in Residence Grandparents’ Morning Tea The Grandparents’ Morning Tea was a wonderful opportunity to share our school with extended family and showcase some of our talented students. Grandparents attended classes, examined work, enjoyed morning tea and a concert performed by our talented students. A sincere thank you to all the grandparents for attending. We hope you enjoyed the morning and sharing this time with your family. Thank you to the many people involved with supporting this popular event. Merit Award Recipients-Celebrating Success at Highgate Congratulations to the following students for their wonderful achievements. Room Name Room Name Room Name Room Name PP1 Angela M PP1 Leho B PP1 Pearl H PP2 Millar WK PP2 Margaux A PP2 Sharmikia T PP3 Bengamin J PP3 Roy S 1 Grace McE 1 Dylan J 2 Ella-Joyce W 2 Cian O’B 2 Leah O’B 2 Aryana F 3 Benjamin C 4 Nirvana W 4 Noah C 5 Lucas L 5 Raphael C 5 Stephanie McP 6 Lachlan L 7 Peter G 8 Adriano B 8 Jana R 9 Sahej H 9 Steven L ART Berlinda N LOTE Henry B 11 Chloe F 11 Kyan H 12 Miki N 12 Helen T 13 Bianca G 13 Susan J 14 Cohan C 14 Vinu R 15 Netta S-K 15 Alistair S 18 Xiuyyuan Y 18 Giovanni D 19 Dao Ahn LH 19 Anya B 20 Kenny P 20 Maggie C 21 Violet W 21 Tom D 21 Isaac C 23 Nick L 23 Kai S-W ART Josh M Music The Highgate music students have some fantastic performances coming up. • The Year 4 Choir and Singing Club will perform at the next assembly 7 November. • Both School Rock Bands will perform at St Andrew’s Grammar. The concert will take place at the school’s amphitheatre and a number of other talented young musicians will also be performing. Please feel free to bring along friends and relatives, food and some confortable seating. There will be a hotdog and drinks stall. It should be a relaxed atmosphere and the students will be supported by professional sound and lighting on the night. Date: Friday 7 November 2014 Time: 5:30pm- 8.30pm (performing students are asked to be there at 5:00pm) Venue: St Andrew’s Grammar, 4 Hellenic Drive, Dianella 6059 • Both Rock Bands and both Singing Groups will perform at the Beaufort Street Festival. The Highgate students will perform on the City of Vincent Family Stage. This is located on the corner of Beaufort Street and Broome Street, Highgate. Date: Saturday 15 November 2014 Time: 12:30pm- 1:30pm (Performing students should arrive at midday) Venue: City of Vincent Family Stage We look forward to these coming performances and hope to see you there! Mr Luke Frears (Music Specialist) Miss Dana Ellert (Year 4 Choir teacher) Dad's shed plate ceremonial fixing' Sunday 9 November Calling all dads, granddads, uncles and MC's (male carers) associated with Highgate Primary. The P&C would be delighted if you spare some time to attend the 'Dad's shed plate ceremonial fixing' Sunday 9th November at 2pm at Highgate Primary School. Bring the kids, so they can show you their school from their eyes, enjoy networking with other Highgate dads and join in a game of social cricket. For more information call Bruce Dainton 0403770227 or email [email protected] P & C Update BEAUFORT ST FESTIVAL SATURDAY 15 NOVEMBER Car Parking Fundraiser - Positions Vacant! Car parking attendants and general helpers are needed for one of our major fundraisers, the Forrest Park car parking for Beaufort St festival. You will be provided with a fancy high vis vest and refreshments will be provided! Please volunteer an hour or so of your time - call Anne-Maree on 0439 820 177. UNIFORM SHOP Second hand stock is getting low in the uniform shop. Alison would appreciate donations of uniform items that you no longer need. The uniform shop is open Tuesday mornings 8.30-9am or you can drop items off at the front office. Thanks! MUSIC LESSONS After school piano and guitar lessons are very popular at Highgate! There is now a waiting list for Term 1 2015. If you are interested contact Creative Labs: creativelabs.com.au or call 0433 166 890. KOOLBARDI CANTEEN The canteen is busy as ever this term so volunteers are still needed - please contact Naomi on 0409 994930. Friday chicken burgers have been a hit ! Naomi has started working in the kitchen garden with the help of room 21's nature group, come and check it out! We cooked up room 23's home grown broad beans and shared a delicious meal. We are looking forward to growing more food in the garden in 2015. MOVIE NIGHT A Festive Film Night will take place from 5.00pm to 8.30pm, on Wednesday 10 December 2014 at school. Bring a picnic or sausages and sushi will also be on sale. Tickets available on line and at school soon. All welcome. NEXT P&C MEETING Tuesday 25 November at 7pm in the school library. Optional drinks afterwards at the Queens hotel. All welcome. Follow us on Facebook to keep up with breaking P&C news and views a www.facebook.com/ HighgatePrimarySchoolPc
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