Notre Dame du Portage Church & Missions of The Greater Kenora Area *Notre Dame du Portage-Kenora *Sacred Heart -Sioux Narrows *Our Lady of the Lake – Nestor Falls NOTRE DAME DU PORTAGE CHURCH November 9, 2014 222 First St. North, Kenora, ON P9N 2K4 Tel. No.: (807) 468-6149 Fax: (807) 468-5807 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: Notre Dame Masses can be seen online at: Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Office Hours: Monday thru Friday: 9:00 a.m. to Noon 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Weekday Masses – Tues. to Fri.. – 9:00 a.m. Reconciliation: Saturday: 4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Pastoral Team: Pastor: Rev. Rudy Manaloto, O.S.A. Deacon: Rev. Mr. Earl Johnson Secretary: Jane-Ann Dunville Music Co-ordinator: Jessica Smith Parish Council Chair – Art Mior Finance Council Chair-Cheryl Stajkowski SACRED HEART CHURCH, SIOUX NARROWS OUR LADY OF THE LAKE, NESTOR FALLS Pastor: Rev. Rudy Manaloto, O.S.A. SUNDAY MASS for the Fall and Winter will be celebrated in Kenora. Mass at Our Lady of the Lake, in Nestor Falls and Sacred Heart, in Sioux Narrows will resume in the Spring. Baptisms: Celebrated throughout the year. Please contact Parish Office at 468-6149. Marriages: Please call parish one year in advance, before any arrangements are made. Anointing of the Sick: Upon request. Initiation of Adults: How does a person become a Roman Catholic? Contact Parish Office at 468-6149. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Nov 9 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome Ezek 47.1-2,8-9,12 Ps 46 1 Cor 3.9-11,16-17 Jn 2.13-22 Nov 10 Titus 1:1-9 Ps 24 Lk 17:1-6 Nov 11 Titus 2:1-8,11-149 Ps 37 Lk 17:7-10 Nov 12 Titus 3:1-7 Ps 23 Lk 17:11-19 Nov 13 Philem 7-20 Ps 146 Lk 17.20-25 Nov 14 2 Jn 4-9 Ps 119 Lk 17:26-37 Nov 15 3 Jn 5-8 Ps 112 Lk 18:1-8 “Notre Dame du Portage is a community of loving and caring persons empowered to be the presence of Christ in the World”. We welcome new parishioners and visitors. If you would like to register, or are new to the parish and would like information on how you can get involved, please call the Parish Office. We welcome and encourage everyone to be active in our community. PLEASE PRAY for our Parish shut-ins, the residents of Pinecrest and Birchwood, the hospitalized. If you or someone in your family is ill and needs prayers, or if you are housebound and would like a visit, please contact the Parish Office. We especially pray for Trina Lindsay. Pray for our Priests this week: For all of the Deceased Priests of the Diocese. Please take a minute to add names of family and friends to our book of life beside the baptismal font. November 2, 2014—$4,630.00 Stewardship of your treasure helps our parish meet its financial obligations. Your generosity is greatly appreciated! THANK YOU! Working for their memory Not names engraved in marble make The best memorials of the dead, But burdens shouldered for their sake And tasks completed in their stead; A braver faith and stronger prayers, Devouter worship, nobler cares. Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Church: uppercase or lower? Building? Institution? People? Yes. That’s the challenge of this feast that celebrates a building—the Lateran Cathedral built around 324. It—not St. Peter’s as many might believe—is the cathedral church of Rome. It exercises the same function as the cathedral church in any diocese: it is a gathering place for the people of that diocese, and a visible sign of who and what the Church is in the world. The c/Church, like God’s holy people, is watered and anointed. In the Rite of Dedication of a Church, water is blessed and sprinkled on the building’s walls as a “sign of the saving waters of baptism by which we become one in Christ, the temple of your Spirit.” Then the altar and the walls are anointed with chrism, the same chrism with which every new Catholic Christian is anointed in Baptism and Confirmation, and the bishop prays that the building will be a “visible sign of the mystery of Christ and his Church/” Then in a gesture reminiscent of the candles given to the newly baptized, candles are lit, to the words, “ Light of Christ, shine forth in the Church.” Today, then, celebrates the Church, of which the church as building is a symbol. It calls us to remember our dignity as a temple built of living stones, with hearts that beat for justice, peace and mercy for all people. Bernadette Gasslein, Edmonton, AB WHAT'S HAPPENING Mon Nov. Mon Nov. Wed Nov. Thurs Nov. 10 10 12 13 1:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Rosary and Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary First Reconciliation Meeting Parish Council Meeting First Reconciliation Meeting Church Hall Boardroom Hall NOTRE DAME MASS INTENTIONS FOR Tues. Nov. 11 9:00 am + Donald McKim—Margaret Davis Wed. Thurs. Nov. 12 Nov. 13 9:00 am 9:00 am + John Kapera—Laurence Gosselin Intentions of Bev and Stubby Dubchak—CWL Fri. Nov. 14 9:00 am + Adelle Peloquin—Betty Yarechewski Sat. Pinecrest Nov. 15 10: 00 am + Jose Kipling—Rita Reynard + Dan DeGagne—The Family Sat. Nov. 15 5:00 pm Sun. Nov. 16 9:00 am Sun. Nov. 16 11:00 am The Parish + Deceased Members of the Charlebois and Olafsen Families The New Sunday Missal for 2015 have arrived. They will be in available at the Parish Office or may be purchased in the vestibule after Mass November 15th/16th for $5.00 each. At the same time the Offertory Envelopes for 2015 will be in the vestibule. Please pick up your envelopes of next year. Thank you. BISHOP’S DIOCESAN MINISTRY CAMPAIGN 2014 Is our opportunity to share our resources with our Diocesan Family so that many may benefit through spiritual and faith development programs. Parish goal - $30,000.00 Amount Raised to Date—$ 7,880.00 26% If you have not received the information on the campaign you may pick up a copy from the back pew. BUILDING RESTORATION FUND HELP DECORATE OUR CHRISTMAS TREE To assist the Salvation Army with the Miracle Marathon, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul have volunteered to collect donations of food and gifts for our local poor. Everyone is asked to participate by: Choosing a cut-out ornament from the baskets under the MIRACLE TREE in the vestibule, as a reminder to bring in a food and/or gift item. These ornaments are only suggestions for donations. Purchase a food and/or gift and return it to the church no later then December 6. Place the items in the Christmas box and hang the ornament on our Miracle Tree. All donations are to remain UNWRAPPED. Gifts are needed for children of all ages, from infants to teenagers. Please help put a smile on the face of all our children this Christmas. Remember, “your gift just may be a miracle for someone as well as yourself”. The Salvation Army wants you to know how appreciative they are to receive the weekly donations of food items from our Notre Dame Parish. The St. Vincent de Paul group thanks you for your participation and ongoing support. Balance Forward Donation Balance $ 6,554.73 $ 70.00 $ 6,624.73 Everyone is Invited to a Pot Luck Supper Mark your calendars. Monday December 8th is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. The parish will be having a Pot Luck Supper to celebrate this feast. It will be held in the Parish Hall at 6:00 p.m.. Bring your family and friends. Come out and enjoy the fellowship of your parish family. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of our annual CWL Christmas Tea. Your donations of sandwiches, baking, deli items, crafts and items for the re-gifting table were very much appreciated. Thank you to the kitchen convener and all the table conveners and their helpers. You did a great job! Thank you to all our servers – well done! And lastly, thanks to everyone who came to the Tea to shop and enjoy the delicious lunch. We are so grateful to everyone for the support and encouragement given to us. Thank you and God bless. Anne Sweeney and Carolyn Johnson, Tea Conveners The winner of the 50/50 draw was Louise Van Belleghem. Congratulations Louise! “In so far as you did this for one of the least of my brothers, you did it for me.” There is a need for food hampers, for the many disadvantaged, all year round. Please remember to bring grocery items with you when you come to Mass. Deliveries are made to the Salvation Army and the Fellowship Centre on a regular basis. The Fellowship Centre have also advised us that there is always a need for men’s and women’s mittens and socks. Donation of these items would also be appreciated. Thank You! The Society of St. Vincent CWL - The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is a national organization rooted in gospel values calling its members to holiness through service to the people of God. NEW MEMBERS ARE NEEDED AND WELCOMED. For more information contact Jane-Ann Dunville at 468-4579. Our next meeting is December 1, 2014, at 6:30 pm at St. Louis Church. Please remember to bring a donation for the Pediatric Ward. Membership envelopes are in the wooden box in the vestibule for anyone who has not paid their 2015 dues—$25.00. Thank you! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS : Next Regular Monthly Meeting Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in Notre Dame Parish Hall. Do you wish to learn more about becoming a Knight? Please call Paul Landry at 468-5110 for more information. FOURTH DEGREE ASSEMBLY MEETING: 12:00 Noon –Third Sunday of the month—Inn of the Woods WE HAVE PUT TOGETHER A DIRECTORY TO ASSIST YOU WITH YOUR BUSINESS. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR LISTINGS
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