Usual Office Hours: Mission Matters Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM The Newsletter of St. Andrew’s Okanagan Mission October 26, 2014 [email protected] Pentecost Hours may vary without notice when circumstances require. We apologize for any inconvenience. Parish Staff Priest-in-Charge: The Rev. Alan Akehurst Forthcoming Events [email protected] Minister of Community Outreach The Ven. Christine Ross Nov 2 Families and Children’s Minister: The Rev. Deb Wilson Nov 6 Cemetery Meeting 10 am Nov 9 Remembrance Day Service Nov 13 Women’s Guild 1:30 pm Nov 17 Church Committee Nov 19 Holy Eucharist 10:00 am Nov 23 Farewell to Alan Nov 30 Welcome Reception for All Saints’ Day Daylight Saving Time Ends [email protected] Parish Nurse: Lynn Fairey, RN Parish Secretary: Marolyn Armstrong [email protected] Music Ministry: David Sproule, Suzanne Phillips Wardens People’s Warden: Cameron Graham Archbishop’s Warden: Kenneth Phillips Connect With Us Rev. Anne Privett St. Andrew’s Anglican Church 4619 Lakeshore Road Kelowna, B.C. V1W 1X3 250 764-2626 8 HARVEST POTLUCK LUNCH TODAY!! Please join us in the hall after the service for fun, fellowship and food! YOGA AND REFLECTION AT ST. ANDREW’S starts Oct. 15 to Dec. 17, 6:45 - 8:00. $60 for 10 sessions or $10 drop-in per session. Bring your own yoga mat. See page 4 for further information. PIES - St. Mary’s Church, East Kelowna, are making blackberry and apple pies again this month. If you would like to order pies, please phone Anna 250-860-3705 or Marj 250-860-9944 as soon as possible. The cost is $8. Please let us know if you want them frozen or baked. Thank you. Together in Mission - Stacey Luckin, our Diocesan TiM Consultant and Campaign Chair for St. Andrew’s can be reached at 1-778-990-1783 or via email at [email protected] for anyone wishing to volunteer or requiring further information. Please contact Stacey and she’ll be happy to answer any of your questions. Wednesday Eucharist - A Holy Eucharist will be celebrated on the third Wednesday of each month at 10:00 am, this is a normal Eucharist and everyone is welcome to attend. Those who wish to seek healing for themselves may be anointed with consecrated oil if they choose, during this service. 2015 Church Calendars - to reserve your copy please contact Marolyn at the office 250-764-2626 or speak to her at the coffee hour. Price: $5:00 - a great bargain! The Rev. Alan Akehurst is our interim Priest-in-Charge . He is available for any pastoral needs of our parish. Contact information is as follows: email: [email protected] (office) or [email protected] (home) or by telephone at 250-765-2883 (H), 250-212-7733 (Cell) and at the parish office 250-764-2626. In case of emergency he can be reached either by phone or email. 2 7 Readings for this Week October 26 Deut. 34:1-12 1 Thess 2:1-8 Matt 22:34-46 Sunday Service Roster Presiding The Rev. Alan Akehurst Preaching The Rev. Alan Akehurst Readings for Next Week November 2 Rev. 7:9-17 1 John 3:1-3 Matt. 5:1-12 Altar Guild Joan Bodner and Brenda Thomson Announcements Kenneth Phillips Readings for Nov. 9 Servers Margaret Dunderdale Old Testament Josh 24:1-3a, 14-25 New Testament Greeters Rose Lloyd and Delma Evans 1 Thess 4:13-18 Gospel Readers Russell Kirby and Hugh Philip Matt 25:1-13 Intercessor Pam Blaskovich Ongoing Facility Rentals Monday Morning: Tai Chi Monday Evening: Dog Training Tuesday Afternoon: Sparks Thursday Anam Cara Meditation OC 9:30—Noon Thursday Evening: Brownies Sat & Sun afternoons: Recitals Various days: Music lessons 6 3 Communion Ministers Harvey and Marian Mazinke Coffee Hour Hosts Wilf and Bev Akerlund Counters Bev Akerlund and Hugh Philip Check out the DVD Library We have new DVDs from Buck Denver, “What’s in the Bible” Volumes 1 through 11 Please check at home for these missing DVDs Josh and the Big Wall Robin Good Royalty Collection Mac Larry and the Stinky Cheese Princess and the Popstar Welcome Bags Our welcome bags are destined for people moving off the streets of Kelowna into supportive programs that enable them to take those important first steps. The bags will offer basic items for personal hygiene and care as they get settled in. They will be distributed through New Opportunities for Women and Willowbridge House (operated by the CMHA) and will be given out throughout the year. The cost for a Welcome Bag is $25.00. Special donation envelopes are available at the back of the church for your donations. All donations are tax deductible. Thank you so much! 4 5
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