WEEKLY NEWS God calls us to through the mission of Meeting Christ

November 2, 2014
5229 W. Capitol Drive , Milwaukee, WI 53216
God calls us to
Sound the Love of Christ
through the mission of
Meeting Christ
Serving Christ
Living Christ
Welcome to Visitors
Welcome to all joining us for worship today. Please
make yourselves known to the ushers or pastor, and
sign the visitor’s register near the west entrance.
We offer a Play Area in back where you and your
child can worship and play in a comfortable setting.
Children’s Church (Sunday School)
This week children will start in worship and be
invited to Sunday School with Julane after Children's
Sermon. Ages 3-12yo. Don’t want to miss it!
This Week: Humble and Exalted
Adult Forum
After stopping for a treat after worship, join us in the
Lounge to continue our “A Change of Season, a
Season of Change” bible discussion series.
Coming up in November—
Nov 9: Simmering Sunday w/ Pr Ellwanger
Nov 23: Christ the King Sunday
Nov 26: 11:00 am Thanksgiving worship and meal
Nov 27: 9:30 am Thanksgiving at the Boathouse
Nov 30: Advent 1 worship
3pm—Organ concert with Dr. Cheatham
Prayers of joy & thanksgiving for the births
of Eve Katherine Kannas (daughter of James
& Martha) and Augustus Lawrence Kowal
(son of Julie Katrichis & Stephen Kowal).
Julie Katrichis, Ruth Lee (Friend of Kathy
Kannas), Jessie Keller, LaVerne Campbell,
Audrey Gee (Robert Gee’s mother), Ron
Shikora (friend of Kathy Kannass), LaVerne
Herold (Mike’s mom), Ardiss Nelson, Jeff
Jaeger, Cheryl Jeuch, Marleen Baumann
(friend of Linda Jaeger’s), Dick Bartel, Jeff
Hussinger, Reuben Rodriguez, Ryan
Spooner, Patty Longhurst (friend of Mike
Herold), Mary Ann Malia (friend of Robert
Gee), Linda Squires (friend of Marlene
Smith), Ed Schroeder (father of Linda J’s coworker), Donna Schmidt (friend of the
quilters), and Mike Schroeder (friend of the
All Saint’s Day
Today we remember those who passed away in the last
Lucille Platt 1921— 2013
Franklin “Bud” Mussotter 1922—2014
Lucille E. Englert 1920—2014
Shirley Mussotter 1924—2014
Elizabeth “Betty” Hanson 1923—2014
Donna Kleinow 1925—2014
Audrey Landgren 1919—2014
James “Jim” Butler, Sr. 1929—2014
Herbert Iseler (Karla Iseler’s Grandfather)
Dr. Robert Rice (Robert Gee’s friend)
Annabelle Riffler (Marlene Smith’s mom)
Ken Fischer (Marlene Smith’s brother)
Anyone wishing to add a person to the prayer
list or to remove someone with thanksgiving
may do so by calling the office 445-1656 ext 1.
Choir Rehearsals
CDLC Choir returns to sing today, Nov. 2. Stay
tuned for coming rehearsals for the Advent and
Christmas season. Please contact Robert Gee with
your availability.
Gloria Beal sends handmade cards of comfort,
condolence, or congratulations. Please email at
[email protected] or call her at (414) 282
-0111 with your request to send a card today.
Capitol Drive News
**Third World Handcraft Shoppe Needs You!!**
As we mentioned in the last couple weeks, Bridget
left the Shoppe to pursue a new position elsewhere,
and while we are in transition, we are going to need
lots of help filling in volunteer slots. The Shoppe is
an important ministry of the congregation, and we
need to show our support to keep it open in the next
few months. We need volunteers both for in-shop
hours, and for off-site sales. Our most pressing need
is for volunteers on Wednesdays. The shop is open
from 9:30-12:30 (in Oct), or 9:30-3:30 (Nov-Dec).
Please sign up on the sheet in back if you are
willing to volunteer in the next couple of months,
to help keep the Shoppe going strong!
Simmering Sunday
Lunch, & Conversation
Pastor Joe Ellwanger has
long been an icon for race
and justice ministry in the
city of Milwaukee. His
prophetic witness through
the Civil Rights Movement
and turbulent years in
Milwaukee as an inner city pastor are captured in his
recent book “Strength for the Struggle.” Pastor Joe
joins us for a conversation about race, justice, and
ministry in Milwaukee. You won’t want to miss it!
Women’s Guild
Women’s Guild meets this Tuesday, Nov. 4 in the
Lounge. Our hostess this month is Nita Matter—please
call her with questions.
Sunday Nov 9, 2014
Kids’ Klub—November 12, 5-6 pm
All elementary students, K5-6th grade, are invited to
attend Kid’s Klub on Wednesday Nov 12th from
5-6pm. Kids join the Pastor and adult volunteers for a
time of Bible lessons, crafts, activities, and games. At
6pm, families can join the Kid’s Klub kids for dinner,
$2/person. If you would like to be one of our
volunteers for the night, please sign up in the back!
Just a friendly reminder: If you have not yet
turned in your 2015 Stewardship and Capital Fund
Appeal Commitment cards, please
do so this week. You may turn them
in to the offering plate, or mail them
to the church office. There are extra
cards on the back hospitality table.
Thank you!
Thursday Nov. 27
Thanksgiving at the Boathouse
Bring a dish to share and join us for a morning of
thanks, song, and friends.
Boathouse at Brown Deer Park (7835 N. Green Bay Rd.)
Thanksgiving Worship & Meal
On Wed, November 26th, you are invited to join us for
a Thanksgiving worship service in the sanctuary at
11am. We will be joined by our friends from The
Gathering Place. Following worship, everyone is
invited to stick around for a festive meal. No need to
RSVP. Hope to see you there!
Dear CDLC friends,
The Discernment Team has been reading a book
entitled “The Future Starts Now.” In it, we were
encouraged to see how our whole model of being has
been centered around scarcity thinking— if only we
had ____, we could do/be ____. And so we try to fill
in all the blanks. But, what would happen if we took a
step back, and stopped trying to fix problems or meet
needs? What if we began by trying to know more
deeply who we are in Christ, and what God’s plan for
us is? What then?
District 7 Faith Based Initiative Meeting
This month we meet at Albright UMC (next door) on
Thurs Nov 6th, from 5:30-7pm. If you’d like to get
more involved with other faith-based groups in keeping
our community happier, healthier, and safer, then
please come along!
You’ll notice in worship a new installation
piece— our Renewal Dream Board. The Discernment
Team will be helping lead us in envisioning what the
future could look like. And we will invite you to add
to the board as well!
Make a Difference Day Sat Nov 8th
Our EPiC friends are all meeting to help seniors in our
immediate church neighborhoods from 9-12 on Sat.
Nov. 8. We will be raking, light yard work, and other
things to help seniors winterize. Please sign up on the
sheet in the back so we can organize volunteers.
BE WHO YOU ARE. Before any strategic plan,
before any asset-mapping, before any renewal can
begin, we start by prayerfully discerning how we can
be used to do God’s will. Because we are all gifted
and blessed, we each have a part to play in God’s plan.
And so does our church... So, what is it? What is our
mission? Being clear about who we are and what
really matters to us is essential if we want to meaningfully do what matters to God. So— who are
you? Who is CDLC? What is our purpose?
GIRL RISING: Film, Activities, Lunch
Girls AGES TEN AND OLDER, and the women in
their lives, are invited to come explore the education of
girls through a world lens. Join us Saturday, November
22, 2014, 10am-2pm at Body and Soul Healing Arts
Center, 3617 N. 48th Street, Milwaukee. See flyer in
back for more info.
SEE WHAT YOU HAVE. Sometimes the trouble
with “seeing what we have” isn’t that we don’t have,
it’s that we can’t see. Do we see where God is loose
in the world? Do we see what resources, passions, and
gifts are in our church and in the community at large?
Sunday Afternoon Worship by GST @ Luther Manor
For the next 3 weeks, Nov 2-16, Good Shepherd
Trinity is taking Sunday Worship to Luther Manor at
3:00pm. All are invited for Sunday afternoon worship and help bring a senior resident that needs assistance
down the hall to worship.
DO WHAT MATTERS. Once we are clear about
God’s purposes for us, and then see what God’s
already working and lifting up in our communities,
then we will start to have a sense about the direction
God is headed with us. Ideas for action will emerge.
“Curtains” the Musical—an all ages event
Where can you go and see a murder mystery, a wild
west saloon dance, a Kansas square dance, a 1950’s
night on the town, and MERMAIDS?? “Curtains” the
Musical is coming to Wauwatosa East High School—
and the EPiC churches are meeting there on Friday
November 21 for the 7pm show—come and see Livia
Quinn in the show and the 210+ costumes that Lisa
Quinn designed. Tickets are $15 adult/$12 senior and
s t u d e n t . B u y yo u r t i c k e t s a t : h t t p : / /
www.tosaeasttheatre.org or call 866-967-8167.
Our hope is that with this visual plotting of our
vocations and assets this congregation will be
convicted in its mission to be set free to use our gifts in
ways that make a real difference in this church which
we care about.
Starting the Future with You Now,
Pr Alexis
An Inaugural Event!
Sunday November 30, 2014
3:00 PM
Free-will offering
Dr. Cheatham has been featured as a
soloist, collaborative artist,
composer, and lecturer in England,
Scotland, China, and the United
States. His compositions have been
published by several houses and
have been performed and recorded
by major artists.
Capitol Drive’s new Sacred Music Series
will feature gifted artists from the
Milwaukee area, as we celebrate God’s
gift of music. Proceeds from the series
will benefit our CDLC Organ Fund.
Messiah Concert
If you would like to hear the Milwaukee Area Messiah
Community Choir and Orchestra share the beloved
piece of Handel’s Messiah, please consider attending
Friday Dec 5th, at Brookfield Christian Reformed
Church (141st & Burleigh) at 7:30pm. We would love
to have a group from CDLC attend. If you cannot
make that concert, there is a Sunday show, Sun Dec
7th at Crossroads Presbyterian (Mequon), at 3pm.
Both shows are free. See Pastor Alexis or Linda Jaeger
if you are interested in attending the Friday show.
Peder Eide comes to town the weekend of Nov 21-23!
Singer/Songwriter/Worship Leader
Peder Eide will be at St. John’s in
Brookfield November 21-23. If you
haven’t experienced him, he is a
dynamic performer who draws
people into worshipping Jesus. While
Peder has a heart for young people,
his music appeals to all ages and his stories relate across
the generations.
Friday, November 21 is an all-ages concert starting
at 7:30. Prior to the concert, the Synod is hosting Pizza
with Peder as a kick-off event for the Youth Gathering.
Pizza will be provided for those that pre-register at:
Saturday, November 22 from 8:30am-2pm Peder will
host a Worship Planning Workshop, with ELCA Dir of
Worship Kevin Strickland. Cost is $20/ person. If you’re
interested in attending, let Pr Alexis know.
Last Week—Oct 26
Attendance: 42
Regular Offering: $1,255
With questions about the events, please contact St.
John’s Pastor Eric at [email protected].
Nov 2
All Saints Sunday
Nov 9
Nov 16
Nov 23
Christ the King
Minister &
Pr Alexis Twito
Pr Alexis Twito
Pr Roosevelt
Pr Alexis Twito
Pr Alexis Twito
Julane Sebastian
David Bartel
Mike Herold
Brian Lauttamus
Matt Lorbeck
Evan Jaeger
Jim Katrichis
Linda Jaeger
John Katrichis
Leia Sparks
Robert Gee
Robert Gee
Robert Gee
Robert Gee
Robert Gee
Elmer Matter
Nita Matter
Doris Thomas
Marilyn Bauer
Bonnie Lund
Marlene Smith
Gloria Beal
Carol Hess
Ardiss Nelson
Mike Herold
Julane Sebastian
Dennis Smoody
Linda Jaeger
John Katrichis
Brian Lauttamus
OB Beal
Gloria Beal
Rose Sorrles
Irene Champion
Jim Katrichis
John Katrichis
Mike Herold
Marlene Smith
OB Beal
Gloria Beal
Mike, Rose, and
Marlene Smith
Karla Iseler
Donna Weis and
Altar Guild
Marilyn Bauer
Nita Matter
Nita Matter
Donna Weis
Donna Weis
Nov 30
Advent 1
Matt Lorbeck, Dan Lehenbauer, Leia Sparks, Brian Lauttamus, Marie Byrd, Robert Gee,
John Katrichis, Bonnie Lund, Julane Sebastian, Linda Jaeger, and David Bartel.
November Birthdays at CDLC
Nov 8
Nov 8
Nov 8
Nov 15
Nov 16
Nov 16
Nov 25
Nov 27
Church office: (414) 445-1656
Pastor Alexis Twito—ext. 2
[email protected]
Admin. Assistant:
Lisa Quinn—ext. 1
[email protected]
Robert Gee 444-4130
[email protected]
TenderCare Director:
Gathering Place:
Third World Shoppe:
Wendy Bahr
[email protected]
LaVerne Maertz
Adeline Stimac
Alex Quinn
Jason Hubacher
Kathleen Kannass
Patrick Kiley
Cameron Rockette
Jean Kosta
Steve O’Connell 975-4414
[email protected]
Bridget Smith
[email protected]
In case of a pastor emergency while the pastor is away, please
contact the church office or a member of the church council.
Thank you for sharing your Hospitality with CDLC:
October 5—Matt and George Lorbeck
October 12—Bill and Dawn Hahesy
October 19—All Potluck Partakers
October 26—Dennis Smoody and Robert Gee
There are more opportunities in the fall still waiting
for your Hospitality—please sign the sheet in the
Weekly News and Liturgy expense is supported by:
Raacsh-Raetz Funeral Home:
Joseph A. Boehnlein, Director
7709 West Burleigh St -Milwaukee, WI 53222
(414) 445-7404
November 2014
6:30 Men’s
9:30 Gathering Place
10:15 Exercise
11:00 Bible Study
12:00 Meal
9-12 Make A
Difference Day—
start at Bethel–
9:30 Gathering
9:30 Gathering Place 6:30 Men’s
5:00— 6:30pm
6:00 Making Change
10:15 Exercise
Kid’s Klub
11:00 Guest
11:00 Bible Study
9:00 Quilter’s
6:00 TC Board
12:00 Meal
10:00 TC chapel
6:00 Council
7:00pm EPiC
23 Christ the King
9:30 Worship w/
Children’s Church
10:45 Fellowship &
Adult Forum
9:30 Gathering 9:00 All- Staff
Office closed
9:30 Worship w/
Children’s Church
10:45 Fellowship &
Adult Forum
1 December
9:30 Gathering
11:00 Women’s
Card making
9:30 Gathering Place
10:15 Exercise
11:00 Bible Study
12:00 Meal
2 All Saints Sunday
9:30 Worship w/
9:30 Gathering
Children’s Church Place
10:45 Fellowship &
Adult Forum
4 Election Day
6:00 Worship
Planning Team
9:30 Worship w/
9:30 Gathering
Children’s Church Place
10:45 Simmering
5-6:30 pm
Kid’s Klub
9:30 Worship w/
Children’s Church
10:45 Fellowship &
Adult Forum
10:00 TC chapel
11:30 SPARC
5:30 District 7
Faith Based Mtg
10:00 TC chapel
5:00 Capital
Fund Appeal Mtg
Making Change
10:15 Exercise
11:00 SPGP
Thanksgiving Worship
12:00 Meal
9:30 Gathering Place
10:15 Exercise
11:00 Bible Study
12:00 Meal
10:00 TC chapel
3:00 Organ Recital
with Dr. Wallace
10:00 Block
Watch Mtg
7:00 EPiC at
9:30 am
Thanksgiving at
the Boathouse
7:30 Messiah