Package ‘shinyMethyl’ November 10, 2014 Title Interactive visualization for Illumina's 450k methylation arrays Version 1.0.0 Depends methods, BiocGenerics (>= 0.3.2), shiny (>= 0.9.1), minfi (>= 1.6.0), IlluminaHumanMethylation450kmanifest, matrixStats, R (>= 3.0.0) Imports RColorBrewer Suggests shinyMethylData, minfiData, BiocStyle, RUnit, digest, knitr Description Interactive tool for visualizing Illumina's 450k array data Url VignetteBuilder knitr License Artistic-2.0 biocViews DNAMethylation, Microarray, TwoChannel, Preprocessing, QualityControl Author Jean-Philippe Fortin [cre, aut], Kasper Daniel Hansen [aut] Maintainer Jean-Philippe Fortin <[email protected]> R topics documented: shinyMethyl-package . . . runShinyMethyl . . . . . . shinyMethylSet-class . . . shinySummarize-methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 3 5 7 1 2 runShinyMethyl shinyMethyl-package Interactive visualization for Illumina’s 450k methylation arrays Description Interactive tool for visualizing Illumina’s 450k array data Author(s) Jean-Philippe Fortin <[email protected]> Run the interactive shinyMethyl session runShinyMethyl Description Function to run the interactive shinyMethyl session from a shinyMethylSet. Usage runShinyMethyl(shinyMethylSet1, shinyMethylSet2 = NULL) Arguments shinyMethylSet1 shinyMethylSet that must be extracted from an RGChannelSet shinyMethylSet2 optional shinyMethylSet that must be extracted from an GenomicRatioSet Value No value returned. Instead the shinyMethyl interactive session is launched. Author(s) Jean-Philippe Fortin See Also shinyMethylSet shinyMethylSet-class 3 Examples ## Not run: if (require(minfiData)){ baseDir <- system.file("extdata", package = "minfiData") targets <- read.450k.sheet(baseDir) targets$Sample_Plate <- substr(targets$Slide,1,7) RGSet <- read.450k.exp(base = baseDir, targets = targets) <- shinySummarize(RGSet) runShinyMethyl( } ## End(Not run) shinyMethylSet-class shinyMethylSet instances Description This class holds summarized data from Illumina methylation microarrays for interactive visualization purpose. Usage ## Constructor shinyMethylSet(sampleNames = new("character"), phenotype = new("data.frame"), mQuantiles = new(vector("list",5)), betaQuantiles = new(vector("list",5)), methQuantiles = new(vector("list",5)), unmethQuantiles = new(vector("list",5)), cnQuantiles = new(vector("list",5)), greenControls = new(vector("list",12)), redControls = new(vector("list",12)), pca = new("list"), originObject = new("character")) ## Data extraction / Accessors ## S4 method for signature shinyMethylSet getMeth(object) ## S4 method for signature shinyMethylSet getUnmeth(object) ## S4 method for signature shinyMethylSet 4 shinyMethylSet-class getBeta(object) ## S4 method for signature getM(object) ## S4 method for signature getCN(object) ## S4 method for signature pData(object) ## S4 method for signature sampleNames(object) shinyMethylSet shinyMethylSet shinyMethylSet shinyMethylSet Arguments object A shinyMethylSet. sampleNames A character vector phenotype A data.frame object. methQuantiles A list of 5 matrices containing several quantiles for the methylation values (between zero and infinity) separated by probe tpye and autosomal/sex probes. Each row is a quantile and each column is a sample. unmethQuantiles Similar to Meth betaQuantiles Similar to Meth but for Beta-values mQuantiles Similar to Meth but for M-values cnQuantiles Similar to Meth but for Copy Number greenControls A list containing the matrices of different raw control probes intensities in the green channel redControls Similar to greenControls but for the red channel pca List containing the PCA scores for the 20,000 most variable CpGs and the percentages of variance explained originObject Name of the minfi object from which the data were extracted Details These class is a representation of a Meth matrix and a Unmeth matrix linked to a pData data frame. A creationMethod slot is present to indicate from which object type the shinyMethylSet has been created: either a RGChannelSet or GenomicRatioSet A MethylSet stores meth and Unmeth. Constructor Instances are constructed using the shinyMethylSet function with the arguments outlined above. shinySummarize-methods 5 Accessors In the following code, object is a shinyMethylSet. getMeth(object), getUnmeth(object) Get the Meth or Unmeth matrix. getBeta(object) get Beta, see details. getM(object) get M-values, see details. getCN(object) get copy number values which are defined as the sum of the methylation and unmethylation channel. sampleNames(object) Get the sampleNames combine(object1,object2) combine shinyMethylSet objects Author(s) Jean-Philippe Fortin <[email protected]> See Also Objects of this class are typically created by using the function shinySummarize on a RGChannelSet or GenomicRatioSet. Examples showClass("shinyMethylSet") shinySummarize-methods Summarizing a large 450K experiment into a shinyMethylSet Description Summarizing methylation data from a RGChannelSet or GenomicRatioSet into a shinyMethylSet needed to launch the interactive interface of shinyMethyl. Usage ## S4 method for signature RGChannelSet shinySummarize(object) ## S4 method for signature GenomicRatioSet shinySummarize(object) Arguments object Either a RGChannelSet or a GenomicRatioSet. 6 shinySummarize-methods Details Either a RGChannelSet is transformed into a shinyMethylSet, or a GenomicRatioSet is transformed to a shinyMethylSet Author(s) Jean-Philippe Fortin <[email protected]> See Also shinyMethylSet for the output object and RGChannelSet or GenomicRatioSet for the input object. Examples if (require(minfiData)){ library(minfiData) <- shinySummarize(RGsetEx) } Index ∗Topic methods shinySummarize-methods, 5 ∗Topic package shinyMethyl-package, 2 sampleNames,shinyMethylSet-method (shinyMethylSet-class), 3 shinyMethyl (shinyMethyl-package), 2 shinyMethyl-package, 2 shinyMethylSet, 2, 6 combine (shinyMethylSet-class), 3 shinyMethylSet (shinyMethylSet-class), 3 combine,shinyMethylSet,shinyMethylSet-method shinyMethylSet-class, 3 (shinyMethylSet-class), 3 shinySummarize, 5 shinySummarize GenomicRatioSet, 5, 6 (shinySummarize-methods), 5 getBeta (shinyMethylSet-class), 3 shinySummarize,GenomicRatioSet-method getBeta,shinyMethylSet-method (shinySummarize-methods), 5 (shinyMethylSet-class), 3 shinySummarize,RGChannelSet-method getCN (shinyMethylSet-class), 3 (shinySummarize-methods), 5 getCN,shinyMethylSet-method shinySummarize-methods, 5 (shinyMethylSet-class), 3 show,shinyMethylSet-method getGreenControls (shinyMethylSet-class), 3 (shinyMethylSet-class), 3 getM (shinyMethylSet-class), 3 getM,shinyMethylSet-method (shinyMethylSet-class), 3 getMeth (shinyMethylSet-class), 3 getMeth,shinyMethylSet-method (shinyMethylSet-class), 3 getPCA (shinyMethylSet-class), 3 getRedControls (shinyMethylSet-class), 3 getUnmeth (shinyMethylSet-class), 3 getUnmeth,shinyMethylSet-method (shinyMethylSet-class), 3 orderByName (shinyMethylSet-class), 3 pData (shinyMethylSet-class), 3 pData,shinyMethylSet-method (shinyMethylSet-class), 3 RGChannelSet, 5, 6 runShinyMethyl, 2 sampleNames (shinyMethylSet-class), 3 7
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