A Newsletter for the Members and Friends of Bethesda Presbyterian Church Bethesda November 2014 IN THIS ISSUE From the Parson’s Pen Announcements Health Cabinet Presbyterian Women Youth and Christian Education Prayers and Sympathy Birthdays Calendar STAFF Rev. John Hallman Minister Mr. Brent Kendall DCE Mr. & Mrs. Bo Dickinson Directors of Music Mrs. Joy Parrott, RN Parish Nurse Mr. Tim Calhoun Clerk of Session Mrs. Alice Brice Moderator, Presbyterian Women Mrs. Leslie Williams Director Bethesda Christian School Mrs. Clara Fenton Office Manager Mrs. Holley Platt Secretary Mr. Tom Hoke Facility Technician Church office telephone 432-4593 Church office fax 432-3585 Church email [email protected] Bethesda’s Website: www.bethesdapresbyterianchurch.org E-mail addresses: John: [email protected] Brent: [email protected] Leslie: [email protected] Joy: [email protected] Clara: [email protected] Beacon From the Parson’s Pen Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My how time flies! It seems just a moment ago we were all enjoying vacations, taking some well deserved time off to spend with family and friends. October and November are the traditional times for stewardship campaigns here at Bethesda. Last year during our congregational event, I mentioned that one of the most frequent complaints about the Christian church is that the church is always trying to raise money. As many of you know, I am not a huge fan of stewardship campaigns. I have been a part of every-member visits, pony express, and many other strategies to make the congregation aware of the church’s financial needs. I have always understood stewardship from a more holistic point of view. All of us know that it takes three things from every member to make a church work and work well. I’m speaking of our time, talents and our treasure. As Christians we understand that the entire created order belongs to God (Gen. 1:1). As such, all that we have and all that we are, our time, talent and treasure, are gifts from God. Each one of us holds these gifts in trust for God who in turn charges us to be good stewards of these resources. How we use our God-given gifts says a lot about who we are and what we honestly believe. Do we give from the first fruits of the harvest or from the leftovers? In my last pastorate, financial counseling was offered to the families who patronized our food bank. As you can imagine, one of the first questions asked was “Where does your money go?” As our clients were guided through the process of developing a monthly budget, very few included their church as one of their commitments. When listing their monthly expenses, only one person (out of hundreds) placed the church at the top of their list. Scripture tells us, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad” (2 Cor. 5:10). I believe that I will be readily forgiven for what I said when I missed the fourth putt on the fifteenth green. However, I also believe the most crucial moment will be when my Lord reminds me that I was given intelligence, energy and prosperity, and what did I do with those gifts? The life lived before the face of God is a life lived in gratitude. Grace and Peace, John Bethesda Announcements November 2014 COFFEE FELLOWSHIP November 9, 2014 Westminster Hall 10:00 AM Join us for a cup of coffee, a little snack, and a moment to chat with your fellow Bethesdans. Blood pressure screenings available. During the months of November and December, we will be working on the handicapped access ramp and the porch to John Knox Hall. This project serves two purposes: to bring our handicap ramp up to ADA compliance; and to allow our school to put a door out to the porch. The doorway will allow us to use the interior room for keeping infants. Construction is projected to take between four to six weeks. Please bear with us as we make these much needed improvements. Financial Update 2014 Budget $534,439 Contributions YTD $401,352 Expenses YTD $410,501 Budget Need YTD $445,360 Congratulations to Jacob and Cora Brimmer Young on the birth of their daughter, Madeline Lucielle, born August 24, 2014. The proud grandparents are Howard and Maria Brimmer. Men’s Breakfast Tuesday, November 18 7:30 A.M. Join us for good food and fellowship! Don’t forget! Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday, November 2nd! Set your clock back one hour at midnight Saturday night. I LOVE TO TELL THE STORY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2014 9:00-12:30 WESTMINSTER HALL MEN, WOMEN, YOUTH WELCOMED! Arrive early to enjoy light refreshments. Please RSVP to the church office or email to [email protected]. Bethesda Presbyterian Church 502 DeKalb Street Camden ,SC 29020 Non Profit Org. US Postage PAID Return Service Requested Camden, S.C. 29020 Permit No. 68 November 2014 Through Thornwell Home for Children, God has been working with hurting children and broken families. We are most grateful for all you do for the children God has entrusted to our care. Today Thornwell has 85 residents on campus. These children live in cottages with family teachers(caregivers) who interact with them throughout the day, much like you do in your own families, giving them the tools to become successful adults. Whether on the Thornwell campus or in the community-based service, Thornwell is committed to serving the child, emotionally, physically, academically, and spiritually. Praise God for this place called Thornwell. Praise God for people who have a heart for children’s issues. God is working miracles in our midst. You can be part of this miracle. There is a place for you at Thornwell. You can pray, for we covert your prayers. You can support this ministry through charitable gifts, for it takes money to do God’s work. You can become a Champion for children, learning more about this ministry and ways in which you may become more involved. Bethesda Church will collect our annual offering for Thornwell on Sunday, November 23rd. Please make your check payable to Bethesda and indicate for Thornwell on the designated line. 302 S. Broad St., Clinton, SC 29325 www.thornwell.org 1-888-310-9387 NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS 2014 2. Helen Young Marie Wilson Allison McLeod Jessica Ford Cameron Hinson Linda Kanatzar 9. Greg Morris Larry Parrott Susan Brewer Berkeley Platte Catherine Hinson Coleman Hinson 16. Sydney Kline Gail Sinclair 3. Ari Dickinson Gabriel Holland 10. Michele Hinson Brannon Hough 23. Roy Issacson 5. 11. Sarah Jowers John Stevenson 6. Charlotte Sanders Polly Todd Rickie Tiller Sam Ferguson 7. John Wilson Ginger Munnerlyn 8. Mary Carol Sanders Chuck Nash 19. John Stephenson 20. Sydney Morris 24. Molly Kornegay Nicholas Butler 12. Mary Martin Quinn Baker Ben Kelly 25. Barbara Hoke 13. 28. Max Ford Joe Denton 14. Margaret Buckholz Curtis Stewart 15. Terry Hancock Chip Whitehouse 26. Rick Todd 29. Howard Brimmer 30. Sean Bates Release 3 Campaign- releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name Please join me in teaming up with Compassion International to find sponsors for each of these three children: Snehamol from India; Ashley from Honduras; and Allan from Uganda. Please pray for these children and that they will receive a much needed sponsorship this month. My family and I participate and adore the Compassion International program. We write our sponsored children about 4-6 times a year and send $38/child/month. We send optional birthday and Christmas money gifts as well. We receive about the same amount of letters from our sponsored children. We receive at least one letter per year from the pastor of the Compassion International church school that they attend. It has been so wonderful to receive their letters and pictures over the past few years watching them grow and knowing that we have helped them learn about Christ, receive education, nutrition, and medical care. I could go on and on, but please contact me for more information on our experience with Compassion or go to their website (www.compassion.com or release3.compassion.com). Bethesda family, let’s come together to pray for these three children. Please also prayerfully consider sponsoring one of them before the end of October. We have reached the end of October and the end of the Release 3 Challenge. Please contact Lisa O’Bradovich ASAP if you want to sponsor one of these three children or if you have questions. Thank you. Contact: Lisa O’Bradovich (432-8111; [email protected]) Youth and Christian Education New EPIC Youth Curriculum Begins November 9th with a movie! We will then begin a study of the movie, Left Behind which stars Nicholas Cage. While there may be some non-biblical assumptions in the movie, we will look at the second coming as promised in the Bible. Triggertyme PAINTBALL! We are planning a paintball war on Sunday, November 23rd from 1:45-6:00 at Triggertyme Paintball Center in Blythewood. Cost is only $20.00 (Regularly $38) RSVP by November 16 by giving John or Brent your $20.00. (Yes, you can shoot at Brent, Not at John, Kathryn, or Kathleen!) There will be no EPIC Youth Meeting on November 30th! HAPPY THANKSGIVING! November is here and with it comes Thanksgiving! (Actually, we should be giving thanks every month!) I do not want to miss the opportunity in this month’s Beacon to tell you all how THANKFUL I am to be here at Bethesda Presbyterian Church! You have been (and are) such a blessing to me! I am extremely grateful and thankful to be your DCE. I would like to encourage and challenge all of us this Thanksgiving season to keep Psalm 100:4-5 on the forefront of our hearts and mind. “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.” In just this one verse we have plenty of reasons to give thanks and praise our God’s name….1) The Lord is good, 2) The Lord’s love endures forever, and 3) The Lord’s faithfulness continues through all generations! We all have been truly blessed by God’s goodness, love, and faithfulness. It might be helpful to remember that it was when our “first parents” (Adam & Eve) became “unthankful” that the human race began that terrible descent into sin and judgment. Instead of being thankful for what they had, Adam and Eve believed Satan’s lie that the Lord was holding out on them and this led to their sin. A thankful spirit is a triumphant spirit! So, let’s all make sure we take some time each day this month to thank God and praise His name. RightNow Media One excellent resource for Bible Study that every church member can have access to is RightNow Media. If you haven’t checked it out, please do so at RightNowMedia.org. It has over 3,500 video Bible studies for kids, youth, and adults. Teachers include: Andy Stanley, Francis Chan, Dave Ramsey, Max Lucado, Beth Moore, John Piper, Jen Hatmaker, Bill Hybels, RC Sproul, Kay Arthur, Michael W. Smith, Steven Curtis Chapman, Charles Colson, and many more! Topics include: The Christian Life, Marriage, Parenting, Family, Leadership, Finances, Work, People in the Bible, Books of the Bible, Women Bible studies, Men Bible studies, Real-Life stories / Documentaries, and much more! If you are interested, please contact me or the church office and we will supply you with a password and login. With that said, we have started looking over this year’s financial budget and working on the budget proposal for the new fiscal year 2015. RightNow Media is one of the expenses we are considering whether or not we need to continue financing. We just simply do not have any idea how many (if any) people are using this resource. If you are currently using this resource – WONDERFUL! However, if we as a church family are NOT using it, we are not being good stewards of the church’s money. While it is an excellent resource…it is not FREE or CHEAP….and it is only excellent if we are using it, learning from it, and growing spiritually from it. If no one is using it, let’s look for other areas to invest our resources. We have a little over a month to decide if we should keep this resource or cut it from our expenses. If you are using RightNow Media (OR are interested in using it), please contact me (or the church office) and let us know. If we do not hear back from anyone, this may be a resource that we cut from our budget for next year. However, if it is being used by members of our church family, by all means, we will keep this valuable Bible Study resource. Thank you! Health Cabinet November is Diabetes Awareness Month The Health Cabinet is posting information on the bulletin board about a medical grant now being offered to study type two diabetes. For those qualified applicants, mediations and treatments are free. The name of the Study is GRADE (Glycemic Reduction approaches in Diabetes). This grant is supported by the National Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disorders, and the purpose is to determine which medications commonly prescribed are the best treatment long term for type two diabetes. The nearest medical center for us will be Duke University in Durham, NC. If you would like to know more about this study, you can go on line and type in GRADE for diabetes study. I have a brochure as well. Please let anyone who has type two diabetes know about this worthwhile opportunity. Joy Parrott, RN, Parish Nurse Flu shot reminder: It is time to get your flu shot. Do you need to get rid of old medications? Flu has arrived already. Hospice Care of Tri County & Liggett Pharmacy is offering a Safe This virus is Medication disposal Day at Liggett Pharmacy 1053 Hwy 1 S avoidable, so please get protected. (Patterson Plaza Lugoff) Thursday, November 20th at 1-1:30pm Drop off your unused prescriptions to be safely disposed of to protect the environment. No controlled substances accepted. Celebrating National Hospice Month The Light at Bethesda Prayer Concerns for Members and Friends: Sybil Carson, Beth Nettles, Gail Sinclair, Larry Reynolds, Frank Dieringer, Curtis Watkins, Herb Shepherd, Parker Young, Don Pullum, Clyde Jones, Larry Ogburn, Nancy Tucker, Felix Mock, Alex Etters, Jim LaFrage, Richard Holmes (Deborah Davis’ friend), Lou Beth Kelly (Jody’s mother), Virginia McCrae, Ann Jackson Dixon (friend of Bettysue Webber), Leigh Lown (friend of Lee Griggs), Jim Holmes (friend of Serena Ogburn), Lisa Meares, Jim McHone (Angie Guy’s stepfather), Susan Marshall, Norm Duncan (friend of Susan Marshall), Ken Shroeder (friend of Cindy Dieringer), Carmela Cooper (friend of Cindy Dieringer), Pat Deal, Judy Terrell, Susan McFarland (sister-in-law of Kay and Dickie Tiller), Dorothy Howell (mother of Patricia Geddings), Mary Clair Dixon (Susan Coble’s great niece), Suzanne Thigpen (Charlie and Alice Brice’s sister-in-law), Walter Hickman, Mary McNeeley (friend of Carolyn Drake), Rose Braz (friend of Shaylors), John Grey Crosby (Freeman’s grandson), Jean Holland, Pat Watts, Todd Loman (Kim Kelly’s brother), Bob Barr (Sonny’s brother), Martha Ann Kennedy (Janet McCorkle’s sister), Edna Bradley (Keith Bradley’s mother), Hannah Lynch (Susan Brewer’s daughter) Nancy Tucker on the death of her mother Allen Roberts on the death of his mother. Bethesda Church Members, Thank you so much for the beautiful arrangement of flowers you shared with our residents. What a delight for them to see as they pass by! Your kindness and thoughtfulness are appreciated. Sincerely, Dianna Morningside Assisted Living SACKS OF LOVE As Thanksgiving approaches, we are mindful of the many blessings God has bestowed upon us, blessings that we can never repay. Among our blessings, of course, are all of you who are so willing to help us fill out sacks week to week. We can’t repay God’s blessings, but we can share our blessings when we “pay forward” by purchasing and packing sacks of food for children in our community who need it. The items listed below are things that we use. Please pick something up when you shop for groceries. They can be placed in the box in the hallway outside of Brent’s office. Food List for Sacks of Love *All should be individual serving sizes with pop-tops or tear-off lids*. Tuna, chicken, spam Peanut butter and cheese crackers Beanie Weenies Ramen noodles Spaghettios, Beefaroni, or other canned pasta Poptarts Pudding cups Raisins Instant oatmeal Soup Instant grits Individual cereal boxes Canned fruit or fruit cups Applesauce cups Canned vegetables Juice boxes If you are interested in volunteering or have any questions, please contact us at 803-713-8749. Charlie and Alice Brice Coordinators Presbyterian Women It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is almost here and that the holiday season will soon be upon us. My wish for all of you is that your holidays will be filled with joy. On October 4, Mary Carol Sanders and I went to the Presbyterian Women’s Fall Gathering at Bethelwoods and had lovely morning with women from around Providence Presbytery. At that meeting Ann Barnwell, PW Moderator for the Synod of the South Atlantic, issued a “$10 challenge” to benefit Mission Haven. As I am sure many of you know, Mission Haven provides rent-free living spaces for missionaries who are returning to this country on furlough or who are transitioning back into life at home. It is owned and operated by Presbyterian Women in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina and Tennessee. The homes, however, are in need of some maintenance. Ann has challenged the women of each church to raise $10 for that purpose. Just $10! Not $10 from each of us, just $10! Isn’t it nice to have such a doable request? Of course, any amount over $10 will be gratefully accepted. Our Circles began collecting money at our October meetings, but if you were unable to contribute, don’t despair! We will still collect money for Mission Haven at our November meetings. Circles 1 and 2 will meet on Tuesday, November 11. Circle 1 will meet at 2:30 in John Knox Hall; Circle 2 will meet at 10:30 in the Conference Room in the McArn building. The Evening Circle will meet at 7:00 on November 17. As of this writing the location has not been determined. Contact Amanda Godfrey at 320-4406 or watch the Sunday bulletin for more information. PW Coordinating Team Our PW Coordinating Team meeting will be on Tuesday, November 4, at 3:00 in the Conference Room. Please let me know if you will not be able to attend. Alice Brice Moderator 713-8749, 331-2423 ( C ) November 2014 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 1 9:00-12:30 I Love to Tell the Story – seminar Please check the weekly church bulletin for changes or additions! 2 3 9:00 1st Worship 10:15 Sun. School 10:30 Member Care 11:15 2nd Worship 5:30 Youth 5:30 Islam Study 4 5 3:00 PWCT 3:00 Choir Plus/ Pioneer 7:00 CE Committee 6:00 Supper Sat 6 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 7:00 Adult Choir 9 10 9:00 1st Worship 10:15 SS & Coffee 7:00 Session Fellowship 11:15 2nd Worship Youth –movie 11 12 10:30 & 2:30 PW Circles 3:00 Choir Plus/ Pioneer 6:00 Supper/ program 7:00 Adult Choir 16 17 9:00 1st Worship 10:15 Sun. School 7:00 PW Evening 11:15 2nd Worship Circle 5:30 Youth 5:30 Islam Study 18 19 7:30 Men’s Breakfast 3:00 Choir Plus/ Pioneer 6:00 Supper 7:00 Adult Choir 23 COMMUNION 9:00 1st Worship 10:15 Sun. School 11:15 2nd Worship 1:45 Youthpaintball 30 9:00 1st Worship 10:15 Sun. School 11:15 2nd Worship No Youth 24 25 26 Church offices closed THANKSGIVING DAY Church offices closed
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