Ato Z Guide to Winter Activities The weather outside may be frightful, but these activities are so delightful! Check out the winter wonderland of fun that awaits... g Volume III Issue IV. Nov. 2014 *These materials are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Board of Education of Montgomery County, the superintendent of schools, or this school. NOW PLAYING on the Olney Theatre Center Mainstage! The Enchanting “Under the Sea” Musical Extravaganza LIVE ON STAGE! $10 OFF ADULT TICKETS! To purchase online, select ADULT ticket type and enter the code AZ10, or call the Box Office at 301.924.3400 and mention promo code AZ10. Valid for all performances of Disney’s The Little Mermaid. Subject to availability. Not to be combined with other offers. Not valid on previously purchased tickets. All sales final. For Tickets & Performance Times: OLNE Y T HE AT RE CE N T ER 301.924.3400 s¬ These materials are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Board of Education of Montgomery County, the superintendent, or this school. 2 AtoZ Guide to Winter & After-School Activities INDEX Birthdays, Day Trips & Events Game Truck Tiny Chefs 15 17 Camps Camps Airy and Louise 18 Dance Ballet Petite Maryland Youth Ballet Metropolitan Ballet Theatre 4,5 18 15 Languages, Learning & Tutoring Best Brains Learning Center 17 College Nannies & Tutors Bethesda 16 Italian Cultural Society 5 Mathnasium, The Math Learning Center 5,10-11 McLean School of Maryland 13 Music International School of Music The School of Music Drama/Theatre Adventure Theatre MTC 14 Creative Youth 5 Imagination Stage 13 Olney Theatre Center 2,5 The Robert E. Parilla Performing Arts Center 16 Round House Theatre 12 Strathmore 12,19 Fine Arts Artworks Fine Art Studio Creative Youth Renaissance Art Center VisArts of Rockville Young Rembrandts ndts 5,BC 17 Outdoors, Riding & Swim Lessons Camp Olympia 14 Potomac Horse Center 15 Sports Girls on the Run Jackals Field Hockey MC Lacrosse One On One Basketball Rockville Fencing Academy Wisp Resort Xtreme Acro & Cheer 5 5 6-7, 12 8,12 18 15 14 14 12 16 9,12 17 3 These materials are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Board of Education of Montgomery County, the superintendent of schools, or this school. Special days are nothing short of magical at Ballet WINTER CLASSES Register Now WINTER WONDERLAND CAMPS Dec 15 - 19 Dec 22, 23, 24 & 26 SUMMER DANCE CAMPS Registration Opens Jan 1 Ballet p e t i t eTM Petite 1 .866.petite1 %( 7+(6'$32720$&0&/ ( $1 These materials are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Board of Education of Montgomery County, the superintendent, or this school. 4 AtoZ Guide to Winter & After-School Activities ARTWORKS FINE ART STUDIO 7740 Old Georgetown Road Bethesda, MD 20814 6730 Curran Street McLean, VA 22101 301-656-0044 ITALIAN CULTURAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON DC 4827 Rugby Avenue, Suite 301 Bethesda, MD 20814 301-215-7885 7KH,WDOLDQ&XOWXUDO6RFLHW\LVDQRQSUR¿WRUJDQL]DWLRQZKRVHPLVVLRQ is to enhance the appreciation and knowledge of Italian language and culture. Through our Italian Language Program, established in 1974, we offer both daytime and evening classes at various levels for both adults and children, taught by native Italians at our convenient location in Downtown Bethesda and at the Friendship Heights Village Center in Chevy Chase. Artworks Fine Art Studio, with locations in Bethesda and McLean, is GHGLFDWHGWRWHDFKLQJWKHIXQGDPHQWDOVRI¿QHDUW2XUSURJUDPIRFXVHV on the fundamentals of drawing and painting. Classes take place in a highly creative, instructive environment. At Artworks, we believe that everyone has the ability to learn to draw and paint. We use a unique step-by-step process which helps children produce beautiful works of art while building self-esteem. Children will speak, read and write using traditional methods, but also will learn vocabulary and grammar by playing and moving, using the Total Physical Response approach. They will learn Italian traditions by creating artwork, singing songs, watching videos and reading stories. In the beginners course children are introduced to the target language from the start. Intermediate classes are held completely in Italian, and are designed for children who have been exposed to the language, and who need to reinforce their communications skills. Students begin by learning basic drawing and pastel techniques, building a strong foundation for learning the fundamentals of art. Enrollment is ongoing. BALLET PETITE Locations in Bethesda, Potomac, and McLean 1-866-PETITE-1 MATHNASIUM Bethesda 301-652-MATH Germantown 301-363-4744 Kentlands 240-252-1184 N. Bethesda 301-468-MATH Rockville 301-768-4255 Olney 240-252-2992 Northern Silver Spring 301-879-2848 Let your dancer shine in one of our Winter and Spring Ballet, Musical Theatre, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Lyrical and/or Modern classes for ages 18 months to 18 years. For your child’s special occasion, we offer magical Ballerina or exciting Musical Theatre birthday parties. Don’t forget to stop by one of our Petite Boutiques for a stylish selection of dancewear or a fairyland of dreamy tutus, jewelry, books, and crafts for make-believe play. See our ad on the opposite page for more information! CREATIVE YOUTH 4805 St. Elmo Avenue Bethesda, MD 20814 240-800-4916 Does math make sense to your child? 0DWKQDVLXPRIIHUVWKH¿QHVWPDWKHPDWLFVLQVWUXFWLRQZRUOGZLGH We utilize a time-tested approach that provides initial and ongoing assessments, individually tailored learning plans, personalized instruction and guided practice to build each student’s math understanding and skills. Simply put, we teach math in a way that makes sense. Dare to be dramatic. Dream in design. Be a Creative Youth! OLNEY THEATRE CENTER 2001 Olney-Sandy Spring Road Olney, MD 20832 301-924-3400 Try a FREE Intro class today! Creative Youth is the only school in the entire Washington Metro area offering Fashion Design & Illustration, Sewing, and On Camera Film Acting Classes for Children & Teens! 2OQH\7KHDWUH&HQWHULVDQDZDUGZLQQLQJQRQSUR¿WWKHDWUHRIIHULQJD diverse array of professional productions year-round. Located in Olney, Maryland, Olney Theatre Center is only 15 minutes from Rockville, Gaithersburg, and Silver Spring. Olney Theatre Center offers free, no hassle parking and is close to a number of restaurants ranging from IDPLO\IULHQGO\WR¿QHGLQLQJ8SFRPLQJSHUIRUPDQFHVDQGHYHQWVLQFOXGH DISNEY’S THE LITTLE MERMAID, A CHRISTMAS CAROL, GODSPELL, and Behind-the-Scenes of DISNEY’S THE LITTLE MERMAID. All curriculum has been tailored to the needs of Students ages 7-18. Acting classes are taught On Camera and foster improvisation, public VSHDNLQJVNLOOVDQGDVHOIFRQ¿GHQWDWWLWXGHWKDWVHUYHVWKURXJKRXWOLIH Our Fashion Design and Sewing Studios provide step by step instruction to teach any novice what it takes to be a Fashion Star. From professional design markers to couture fabrics, everything is included. Visit our website to register. Visit for more information. INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF MUSIC North Campus:10450 Auto Park Avenue Bethesda, MD 20817 301-365-5888 6RXWK&DPSXV5LGJH¿HOG5RDG6XLWH Bethesda, MD 20816 301-657-0763 Does your child love music? Are they fascinated by musical instruments? Encourage their creativity by enrolling them in the fastest growing music program in Montgomery County! Voted “Best of Bethesda,” the International School of Music has a friendly, experienced faculty dedicated to bringing out the best musical ability in every student. 5 These materials are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Board of Education of Montgomery County, the superintendent of schools, or this school. ART CLASSES FOR ALL AGES POTTERY - DRAWING/PAINTING - DIGITAL ARTS DRAWING & PAINTING WINTER CLASSES NOW ENROLLING! DIGITAL ARTS POTTERY 10off $ Winter Classes code=AZW Renaissance Art Center (BJUIFS3Et With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Offer expires 12-31-14. CHILDREN’S CLASSES: AFTER SCHOOL & SATURDAYSt"%6-5$-"44&4 DAYTIME & SATURDAY AFTERNOON An Ar tC enter Fo r Peo p l e o f Al lA ge s ! (BJUIFS3Et301-685-5171 Just off Shady Grove Road Near Home Depot WWW.RCARTS.COM 6 NEW! PRACTICUM SERIES Ceramics & Sculpture In Pottery BEGINNING THIS JANUARY t%FTJHOFEGPSBEWBODFEQPUUFSZTUVEFOUT tIPVSTBXFFL+BOVBSZ+VOF t8IFFMUISPXJOHIBOECVJMEJOH BEWBODFETDVMQUVSFUFDIOJRVFT t"HFT0MEFS A VARIETY OF CLASSES TO CHOOSE FROM t%SBXJOH1BJOUJOH t8IFFM5ISPXJOH t.VE1JFTGPSZFBSPMET t%JHJUBM"OJNBUJPO t%JHJUBM*MMVTUSBUJPO t4UPQ.PUJPO t"EVMU$MBTTFT t"MM"HFTo"MM-FWFMT RENAISSANCE FEATURES t4NBMM$MBTT4J[FT t"DBEFNJD&OSJDINFOU t1SPGFTTJPOBM4UBGG NEW DIGITAL CLASSES THIS WINTER KEYBOARDING & COMPOSITION (Ages 8 & Older) "DSFBUJWFOFXDMBTTDPNCJOJOHTLJMMT t5 :1*/( -FBSOUIFDPSSFDUXBZUPUZQF t$3&"5*7&83*5*/( 4IPSU4UPSJFT1PFNT t*--6453"5*0/ %SBXCZIBOEBOEDPNQVUFS Full-Year Tuition Available For All Programs. 3FTUSJDUJPOT BOESVMFTBQQMZ CODE & GAME DESIGN (Ages 8 & Older) t*OEJWJEVBMMZQBDFEJOTUSVDUJPO IBOETPOMFBSOJOH t$SFBUFHBNFTBOJNBUFETUPSJFT GVOXFCBOENPCJMFBQQToTIBSF XJUIGSJFOETBOEGBNJMZ t#FHJOOFSTMFBSOUIFGVOEBNFOUBMT PGQSPHSBNNJOHJOUFSNFEJBUF DPVSTFGPDVTFTPOHBNFEFTJHO t8883$"354$0. 7 is open for Kids Create! Winter Craft Days Let’s get creative this winter break! Day long camps featuring winter themed crafts, ice skating and hot chocolate! Lunch and snacks provided. All day camps from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, only $100/ day! Winter Craft Days: -December 29th -December 30th -December 31st -January 2nd -January 19th -January 20th **Special new date: February 16th!! Registration now open! Sign up online at *These materials are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Board of Education of Montgomery County, the superintendent, or this school. 8 9 Mixed up with multiplication? Dizzy over division? Frazzled by fractions? Just want some math enrichment? Let Mathnasium help! GET AHEAD 301-768-4255 240-252-2992 301-879-2848 Mathnasium of Rockville 20 Courthouse Square # 106 Rockville, MD 20850 Mathnasium of Olney 18157 Village Center Drive Olney, MD 20832 Mathnasium of Northern Silver Spring 732 Cloverly Street Silver Spring, MD 20905 301-468-MATH 240-252-1184 Mathnasium of North Bethesda 5268-N Nicholson Lane North Bethesda, MD 20895 Mathnasium of Kentlands - Opening early 2015! 206 Market Street East Gaithersburg, MD 20878 301-363-4744 301-652-MATH Mathnasium of Germantown 18000 Mateny Road Germantown, MD 20874 Mathnasium of Bethesda 4918 Fairmont Avenue Bethesda, MD 20814 CALL OR VISIT TODAY! or already ahead in math. When math makes sense, you succeed. Kids leap way ahead—whether they started out far behind in math by teaching in a way that makes sense to them. At Mathnasium, we help kids in grades 2–12 reach their potential in Math this school year! or CATCH UP, KEEP UP, AtoZ Guide to Winter & After-School Activities RENAISSANCE ART CENTER 9250 Gaither Road Gaithersburg, MD 20877 301-476-1615 VISARTS AT ROCKVILLE 155 Gibbs Street Rockville, MD 20850 301-315-8200 Drawing/Painting. Classes for all ages, 3 - adult. An educational & creative format encourages the development of art skills for anyone. Pottery & Clay. From introductory classes (5 & 6 years) to wheel throwing for older students (adults included). All levels learn using 14 pottery wheels, plus glazing techniques. Digital Arts. Stop Motion, Animation/Cartooning, Coding & Programming classes are featured using professional grade equipment & software. Winter Craft Day (ages 6-12): Dec 29, 30, 31, Jan 2, 19, 20 or Feb 16 Weekly Kids, Tweens, and Teens Classes (grades K- 12): Dates available online VisArts encourages creative exploration for students in a variety of media including ceramics, drawing, fused glass, mixed media, mosaics, painting & much more! If you’re looking for a fun yet enriching way to spend days off from school, VisArts is the place to be! Enroll in classes today at! Check out our summer camps too! WISP RESORT 296 Marsh Hill Road McHenry, MD 21541 844-237-7035 STRATHMORE 5301 Tuckerman Lane North Bethesda, MD 301-581-5000 Forecast: Heightened Chance of Adventure this Winter. An experience at Strathmore is unlike anywhere else. Here, the arts are everywhere—from the beauty that emerges throughout our campus, to the electrifying performances that unfold under our roofs. This is a place that opens your eyes and awakens your spirit. What will you discover? Tucked away in the mountains of Western Maryland lies Wisp Resort, Maryland’s only 4-season ski, golf and recreational destination resort. With a new beginner area for adults and children opening this winter, now is the time to get the entire family into skiing and snowboarding. Plus, Wisp offers snow tubing, ice skating, snowshoeing, cross country skiing and more. Strathmore provides a venue for discovery as well as a canvas for expression through exciting performances and arts experiences for all ages in the Mansion at Strathmore, the Music Center at Strathmore, on its scenic 16-acre site, and in the community. Wisp Resort is much more than a destination; it’s your family memories. WINTER INSTRUCTIONAL YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUE “MOVING, INCLUSIVE, AND WHOLLY ORIGINAL” :?NGBGLMKN<MBHG:E=>O>EHIF>GM:EIKH@K:F IK>L>GM>=;R — Chicago Tribune BACK FOR OUR 6TH YEAR! U6 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM For 5-6 year olds. Designed to introduce participants to sport of basketball and teach them rules and basic fundamentals of the game U8 U10 1:25 PM - 2:40 PM For 7 & 8 year olds with a goal of teaching young players the basic concepts of offense and defense, while reviewing rules and basic fundamentals. 2:50 PM - 4:05 PM For 9 & 10 year olds with a goal of reinforcing rules and fundamentals, while introducing more advanced offensive and defensive concepts. The JCC of Greater Washington 6125 Montrose Rd, Rockville, MD 20852 !]hgmaZo^mh[^Zf^f[^k" Sundays, January 11th – March 8th FOR MORE INFO : U13 4:15 PM - 5:30 PM For 11-13 year olds. Players will work to integrate targeted skill work into competitive game play environment. Delightful original score. Dazzling theatricality. Astonishing puppetry. As poignant & touching as it is tuneful & fun. $170 PER PLAYER !Bg\en]^lm^Zfngb_hkf% \hZ\a^l% Zg]m^Zfiahmh" NOV. 26 – DEC. 28 WE PROVIDE OUR OWN COACHES! +)++--++.. [email protected] Tickets $10 to $45: 240.644.1100 or Bethesda 12 These materials are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Board of Education of Montgomery County, the superintendent of schools, or this school. OR ALL AGES! F E R T A THE 101 Dalmatians Inside Out Nov. 19, 2014–Jan. 11, 2015 Dec 6, 2014–Feb. 1, 2015 Heartwarming Musical Classic! Discover the joy of turning things inside out! | 301-280-1660 13 Our Early Learning Programs are interactive fun! 10% off first class registration Use Discount D Code: WINTER14AtoZ W WI winter classes 8-Week Sessions begin Jan. 5th Preschool - 3rd Grade Creative Explorer Sing, Dance, Act! Acting 101 Mini-Play: Robin Hood Student Production: Dinosaurs Before Dark, Kids And more! 14 301.251.5766 WE BRING THE We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. GAMES TO YOU! Equipped with: Huge HDTVs Comfortable Seati ng XBox, Nintendo , Playstation For more information about our program, visit ® 888-602-4263 Patented. Reliable. Fun.™ 15 Happy Children. Successful Students. Stronger Families. + On-Call Babysitting + Full-time Nannies + After-School Care ! + Tutoring All Subjects + Homework Help K-12 + SAT/ACT Prep %&"' ( ) * +, * ! "##$ 240.743.4950 16 Sharing the Joy of Cooking with Kids! BRING TINY CHEFS TO YOUR SCHOOL! Book our after school enrichment classes at your FKLOG·VVFKRROWKLV\HDU TINY CHEFS OFFERS: $IWHU6FKRRO:HHNHQG&ODVVHV 6XPPHU&RRNLQJ&DPSV %LUWKGD\3DUWLHV 6FRXWLQJ%DGJH(YHQWV 6SHFLDO(YHQWVIRU*URXSV Get details & register at | 301.841.7395 | [email protected] DQDRVG@SL@JDRSQDLDBQN}GDDQRN We have the most gold medals won for Acrobatics Gymnastics VDQDNMDNESGDM@SHNMRGHFGDRSQ@MJDCSD@LR There is something for everyone: from beginner to Elite We offer classes in acrobatic gymnastics, tumbling, trampoline, BGDDQKD@CHMF~O@QJNTQ~GHOGNO~@MCAQD@JC@MBHMF Our 11,000-sq. ft. facility has state-of-the-art equipment DNEEDQFXLM@RSHBR~O@QJNTQ~@MCBGDDQKD@CHMFAHQSGC@X parties! ! " # $% & treme NVG@S@QDXNT V@HSHMFENQ @KK®«¬§°¬§°°° SNC@X VVVWSQDLD@BQN@MCBGDDQBNL 8+ "" :0!;!;$< = ! '9 ""' ""31#5#81#+ '((' *1#06"" $7#18/ .51#**1111 # *#03-./4 51#+*15551 )*++, ! -./0 *#12 17 )#11 The Nutcracker M a r y l a n d Yo u t h B a l l e t “IT’S ENOUGH TO LEAVE SUGARPLUMS DANCING IN ANY CHILD’S HEAD.” -The Washington Post 25 th Montgomery College, Rockville DEC 20-28 and The Mini-Nut at Montgomery College, Silver Spring DEC 13-14 TICKETS: INFO: 301-608-2232 18 ANNIVERSARY coming to STRATHMORE COMPLIMENTARY PARKING • TAKE METRO! WE’RE RIGHT ON THE RED LINE THE A CAPPELLA OFF-BROADWAY HIT! VOCA People SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 8PM The Temptations & The Four Tops FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 8PM Step Afrika! SUNDAY, JANUARY 18, 4PM “Coolest show EVER!” –Jimmy Fallon Kfir Bolotin The Temptations Savion Glover’s STePz FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 8PM The Four Tops Mind-blowing NASA images of Earth, set to live music and dance from around the world Bella Gaia Lois Greenfield FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 8PM Mannheim Steamroller Christmas Lightwire Theater: A Very Electric Christmas SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 4 & 8PM SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 3 & 8PM Strathmore Children’s Chorus Winter Concert TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 7:30PM Matt Stiglitz Imago Theatre: Frogz SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 4PM WWW.STRATHMORE.ORG | (301) 581-5100 STRATHMORE TICKET OFFICE | 5301 TUCKERMAN LANE, NORTH BETHESDA These materials are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Board of Education of Montgomery County, the superintendent, or this school. 19
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