MotherS of the YeAr NoMiNAtioNS DUe toDAY

scheduled events
mothers of the year
nominations due today
Today is the final day to submit nominations for 2012’s Bethesda Mother of the
Year awards. In a brief letter, tell us
about your mother’s or mother figure’s
excellent qualities; then drop it off at the
church offices or email it to [email protected].
Saturday, May 5, 6:30 PM
This Saturday, May 5, Guy Penrod
brings his entertaining countrygospel style to Bethesda. Save $5
per ticket compared to at-thedoor pricing by purchasing your
tickets in the lobby today or this week at the church
office. Serious fans of Mr. Penrod should consider the
Meet & Greet opportunity that includes a Q&A session,
photo-ops, refreshments and VIP seating for just $35.
RE/CON 2012
FRIDAY & SATURDAY, july 13-14
Announcing the first-ever Bethesda Family Camp-In
(a.k.a. RE/CON 2012), a veritable camping extravaganza
held on the sprawling and picturesque grounds of Bethesda Christian Church. What’s it all about? It’s two full days
and nights chocked full of activities for all ages, including bonfires, a pig roast and much, much more…all in
support of our theme, Reconnecting Faith and Home. The
dynamic Doug and Karen Combs of Cincinnati’s Church
on Fire are the featured speakers, so check your calendar
today and make sure your family is in town July 13 and
14 to enjoy this unforgettable mid-summer experience.
Registration starts Sunday, May 6.
Ministry updateS
Route 33 (Young Adults)
Just two openings remain in this
unique, equatorial-African missions-adventure, where travelers will work and
fellowship with long-time Bethesda
missionaries, Dr. Chris and Jane Palacas (Uganda) and Sharon Higgins Hester
(Kenya). Contact Todd Carley as soon as
possible at 248-701-0196 for trip details, including dates,
payment schedule and immunization requirements.
This Wednesday, May 2, Route 33 hosts
the Mike Murphy Band in a special evening
of singing and worship. Invite your friends
and join us at 7:33 PM in the Family Center Auditorium.
Contact Terry Allen by phone, Facebook or email for
more information.
[email protected]
Like Us on Facebook.
Follow us on Twitter: Route33BCC.
Check out our QR code for event details.
Director: Rev. Barry Allen • Ext.114
griefshare meetings - WEDNESDAYS AT 7 PM
Bethesda’s GriefShare meetings
provide a warm, Christian
setting where the bereaved
can share experiences and gain comfort and support
from others who have walked a similar path. GriefShare
participants meet on Wednesdays in Room 106 at 7 PM.
Children’s Ministries
Director: Rob Susan • Ext. 135
What did your child learn in church today?
This week’s Faith@Home theme is PROVISION. God
knows and provides for our spiritual and physical needs;
and today your children learned that just as Jesus
provides for us and our households, we should ask Him
for opportunities to provide for others.
education MINISTRIES
Director: Rev. Pat Visger • Ext.119
adult catechism: This Wednesday, May 2,
Bethesda’s Education Ministries department launches
its summer session of Adult Catechism, a 25-week study
of God’s word and principles where students establish
the spiritual and intellectual foundation that leads
to an abundant life in Christ. Registration forms are
available from the lobby racks or at bethesdachristian.
org/catechism. The summer session of Adult Catechism
classes meets Wednesdays at 7 PM in Room 102.
Director: Terry Allen • Ext. 147
The Way Ministry (Youth)
Director: Jesse Allen•Ext. 111
current series: “Is The Bible Reliable?” Beginning today,
The Way tackles this question in an all-new series. Join them
Sundays at 9 AM (Room 240)
and Wednesdays at 7 PM
(Room 230). This Wednesday, May 2, The Way meets on the mezzanine,
as usual, and then combines with Route 33 for
Worship Night with the Mike Murphy Band.
women’s ministry
Director: Rev. Julie Visger • Ext.117
Plans are in place to establish a new All-Moms group that
would meet monthly at Bethesda Christian Church. An informational/registration meeting, hosted by MOPS (Mothers of Preschool Children), is set for Tuesday, May 29 at
10:30 AM in Crystal Room “C.” ALL moms and expectant
moms are invited to attend this preliminary meeting; and
mothers of adult children are especially welcome for support and mentoring. Please contact Rev. Julie Visger to
convey your plans to attend on May 29 or if you have any
related questions.
[email protected] • 586-264-2300 Ext. 117
Neva Andrews: completed three days of intensive chemotherapy, but was hospitalized for low white-cell count.
Don Banks: Removal of his prosthesis was scheduled for
4/25. It can’t be replaced until an infection is eliminated.
Sonja Bultynck: had another seizure, and doctors have diagnosed epilepsy, which brings on migraines. Since seeking a second opinion, she has changed doctors and now
feels better. All her recent physical maladies stemmed
from a concussion sustained in an auto accident. She and
her husband, Paul, moved Sonja’s mom to Florida.
Kei DeFillipi: smashed the bone of her index finger in a car
door. She had surgery 4/21 and has severe pain.
Vivian Edwards: broke the smaller bone below the knee.
She had complained about foot pain, but initially, received
no x-rays. Her own doctor followed up, and she expects
further information after x-rays and MRI on 4/26.
Margaret Geerdink: back pain has lessened.
Sylvia Geerdink: awaiting report from a new neurologist.
Olga Jackowski, 95: has circulation issues in legs.
Cheryl Marino: still limps in pain from severe leg infection;
will see doctor for more effective pain relief.
Leander McKee: sleeps a lot. Doctors seem to have no solutions for M.S., but Leander still trusts in the Lord.
Kathy Ruegsegger: underwent the first of three treatments
to restore her equilibrium.
Rod Seader: at home recovering from a mild stroke.
Steve Serra: doctor decreased the beta-blocker dosage
(heart) to reduce dizziness and light-headedness.
Mattie Woods: walking is difficult due to swollen knee and
lower-back pain. Her doctor has prescribed pain pills.
Ruth Whittaker: at home trying to recover from pleurisy.
Sonja Bultynck’s daughter, Gabrielle, 18, is learning to
cope with painful osteoarthritis in her jaw and joints.
Ann Jozefiny for Emma Webb, 13: undergoing outpatient
chemotherapy five days per week for six weeks. Later,
more intense chemotherapy will necessitate her
hospitalization. She needs medication for nausea.
Cheryl Marino: for the family and Costco coworkers of
Henry Jackson, killed by a hit-and-run driver on 4/20.
Brenda Parker’s niece, Mary, mother of two small children,
has had severe headaches for two years. Her spinal
pressure is zero, and she has received a referral to the
Duke University Clinic.
Carol Serra’s mom, Marilyn Pfeiffer, is to have surgery on
5/1 for a tumor isolated in abdomen.
Marjorie Wagner: Ultrasound has revealed a large gallstone.
A gastroscopy test is scheduled.
Sharon Wesley’s husband, Joe: Surgery to implant a
defibrillator is rescheduled for May 3.
Drew Helland: suffered a torn ACL in February as a result
of a skiing accident. The latest MRI showed no injury!
From Karen Harris: “I want to share GREAT NEWS! You have
all been so caring, concerned, kind, supportive, thoughtful,
and prayerful during my eleven months of battling various
issues. The medical tests completed this week showed fabulous
results: No colon cancer or pre-cancer cells, no inflammation,
no infection, and NO SURGERY RECOMMENDED at this
time or any time in the near future. I am thrilled beyond
imagination! I need to regain my strength, but I’m on the way.
Keep believing! Thank you all so much!”
May 20
On Sunday, May 20,
you’ll see and hear God’s gifts in action as the Children’s
Ministries department performs its Spring Concert, “This
Is The Day LIVE!” When Bethesda’s kids take over, there
is always a large following of friends and family members
on hand; so arrive early to be assured of the best-possible
view of your favorite singer-actor! Afterward, treat the
whole family to a delicious Sunday feast that includes pasta, meatballs, salad and rolls, plus a delightful and tempting
dessert selection, available during the Bake Sale Auction
(see next page for volunteer opportunity). The dinner starts
promptly at 12 noon, and the proceeds enable Children’s
Ministries to continue to bless us with their fun and fabulous
productions. So please take advantage of this tasty offer and
support Bethesda’s Children’s Ministries at the same time.
Dinner tickets are available in the lobby TODAY at $10/
adult and $5/child. At-the-door pricing is slightly higher.
This Wednesday, May 2, marks the start of two thoughtprovoking, 6-week classes, intended to foster deeper
study and spritual growth. Rev. Tim Helland resumes his
timely series, Renovating Our House, providing relevant insight on establishing and maintaining spirtual health in
today’s Christian home, while Pastor Dunn and Rev. Pat
Visger provide clarifying insight into the book of Revelation with their series, The Apocalypse. Wednesday classes
at Bethesda offer a relaxed and interactive way to enrich
your Christian walk. We hope you’ll join us!
Although the Daystar Gift Shoppe is always
stocked with an assortment of cards and
thoughtful gifts for all occasions, you will
be especially pleased when you stop in for
that perfect Mothers Day gift. And on that
note, make a point to visit Daystar on the
“Big Day,” Sunday, May 13, to choose from
a colorful array of potted plants. Check us out before or
after service. You and Mom will be so glad you did!
You came! You shopped! And you
In response to EACH’s
planned distribution of 8,000 food
boxes at the Resource/Evangelistic
Event, Bethesdans responded by
claiming all 100 boxes allotted to our church. Thank you for
your unending generosity; you are a blessing! And for those
who have yet to return their filled boxes, please be sure to
present them at the church by next Sunday, May 6.
bethesda bible
course opening
This Tuesday, May 1, Dr. Ruth Whittaker, director of the Bethesda Bible Institute, launches the six-week
course, “Acts and the First-Century
Church.” Elements of the course
include the church’s establishment,
transition and expansion under the
Apostles; Paul’s missionary journeys and imprisonments; and the
suffering and persecution of the
church. This also marks Ruth’s final
undertaking in a distinguished career as the BBI director. So register
to reserve your place, either at the
West Information Desk or by calling
the Institute at 586-264-0819.
Are your brownies the best, bar
none? Is your coconut-cream pie
beyond compare? If so, this could
be your finest hour! Bethesda’s
Children’s Ministries department
kindly requests your generous
and delectable support at its Bake
Sale Auction on Sunday, May 20.
Desserts contributed by Bethesda
bakers will be auctioned during
the Spaghetti Dinner, which begins
at 12 noon. Please sign up at the
Children’s Ministries table or
contact Rob Susan to confirm your
support. We ask that you deliver
your fabulous creation(s) to the
Crystal Dining Room by 8:30 AM
on May 20.
[email protected]
586-264-2300, Ext. 135
Volunteer Corner:
Heartfelt thanks are extended to all
Bethesda men and women who volunteered to help make the Women’s
Breakfast of 2012 an overwhelming
success. Whether your contributions involved greeting, altar work,
decorating, set-up, serving or food
preparation, the generosity of your
time, effort and expertise cannot be
overstated. May God bless you!
Visiting us today? We would love
to meet you and get acquainted. So
please stop by the Visitor Welcome
Center in the lobby following
today’s service. We’re eager to
provide answers to your questions
and furnish more information
about Bethesda Christian Church!
have a prayer request?
A praise report?
On Sundays, meet with Rev. Phyllis
Nelson at the Visitor Desk. Otherwise, contact Rev. Barry Allen by
email or submit your request online
The National Day
of Prayer is this
Thursday, May 3,
and special time will
be set aside at the
Thursday morning
service as we go humbly before
the Lord to seek His guidance for
our leaders and His grace upon
our nation. We hope you can join
us, but wherever you happen to be
on Thursday, please take the time
to unite spiritually with Americans
everywhere who know that God
answers our prayers!
Help’s Available at Bethesda!
Bethesda hosts DivorceCare and
Overcomers: 12-Step meetings on
Tuesdays at 7 PM. Tell someone
who could use the help and
Volunteer Corner
Did you know that Bethesda’s
volunteers are asked to help on
only one Sunday or Wednesday
of each month? If you can lend a
hand, we need volunteers in the
following areas:
Greeters • Nursery
Tech/Audio/Visual • Security
Kindly circle your area of interest
above and place this form in the
offering plate, or contact the
Church Office (586) 264-2300.
APRIL - MAY 2012
9 am
• Youth & Adult Catechism
• Nurseries
• Connection Groups
• Growing Together
10 am
Service & Children’s
Listen in
11am - noon
For pastor Dunn’s
Radio Spots
2 pm Parkway School
Open House
6 pm
Financial Peace Class
9 am
• Youth & Adult Catechism
• Nurseries
• Connection Groups
• Growing Together
10 am
Service & Children’s
12 noon
Bethesda Book Club
(Daystar Bookstore)
Listen in
11am - noon
For pastor Dunn’s
Radio Spots
9 am
• Youth & Adult Catechism
• Nurseries
• Connection Groups
• Growing Together
10 am
Service & Children’s
6 pm
Financial Peace Class
9 am
• Youth & Adult Catechism
• Nurseries
• Connection Groups
• Growing Together
10 am
Children’s Ministries’
Spring Concert
12 noon
Spaghetti Dinner
Listen in
11am - noon
For pastor Dunn’s
Radio Spots
Listen in
11am - noon
For pastor Dunn’s
Radio Spots
6:30 pm TheWay Cafe
7 pm
• Adult Classes
• Adult Catechism
• Youth Ministry
• Children’s Ministry
• GriefShare
• Growing Kids
10:30 am
Prayer Mtg
10 am
Service (Chapel)
9:30 am
Bible Study: Hebrews
6:30 pm TheWay Cafe
7 pm
• Adult Classes
• Adult Catechism
• Youth Ministry
• Children’s Ministry
• GriefShare
• Growing Kids
10:30 am
Prayer Mtg
Office Closed
10 am
Caregivers Support
10 am
Service (Chapel)
Office Closed
Office Closed
6:30 pm
7 pm
• BBI: Acts and the
7:33 pm Route 33
1st-Century Church
• DivorceCare
• First Place 4 Health
• Overcomers:12 Step
Order Of Service
Call to Worship..................................Worship Team
9:30 am
6:30 pm TheWay Cafe
Bible Study: Hebrews
7 pm
10:30 am
• Adult Classes
Prayer Mtg
• Adult Catechism
7 pm
• Youth Ministry
• BBI: Acts and the
• Children’s Ministry
1st-Century Church • GriefShare
• DivorceCare
• Growing Kids
• First Place 4 Health
• Overcomers:12 Step 7:33 pm Route 33
10 am
Service (Chapel)
Office Closed
Office Closed
Great I Am
Mighty To Save
Office Closed
Prayer Requests/Greeting.................Rev. Barry Allen
Offering/Announcements.................Rev. Barry Allen
Special Music..............Leanne Gauthier/Dan Raveau
2 - 4 PM
Bring your family and join us for a fun, informative afternoon.
Now enrolling Preschool through grade 12.
For more information, call 586.446.9900 or visit
PARKWAY international family fun festival
4 - 8:30 PM
Worthy Is The Lamb
Office Closed
Welcome/Scripture/Prayer...............Rev. Barry Allen
Worship................................................... Terry Allen
9:30 am
6:30 pm TheWay Cafe 10 am
Bible Study: Hebrews
Service (Chapel)
7 pm
10:30 am
Prayer Mtg
• Adult Catechism
6:30 pm
• Youth Ministry
• Children’s Ministry
7 pm
• GriefShare
• BBI: Acts and the
• Growing Kids
1st-Century Church
7:33 pm Route 33
• DivorceCare
• First Place 4 Health
• Overcomers:12 Step
sermon notes
Our God
A Worshipping Community since 1934
April 29, 2012
4 pm
Parkway International 6:30 pm
Family Fun Festival
Guy Penrod Concert
Bethesda Christian Church
7 pm
• BBI: Acts and the
1st-Century Church
• DivorceCare
• First Place 4 Health 7:33 pm Route 33
• Overcomers:12 Step Mike Murphy Band
6 pm
Financial Peace Class
9:30 am
Bible Study: Hebrews
(a.k.a. “pifff”)
$1 admission
Have you heard? PIFFF is just days away! So plan to bring the whole clan - this Friday - for a fun-packed afternoon
and evening. Don’t worry about dinner. Satisfy your appetite with a variety of selections at the World Food Court and
splurge on scrumptious desserts at the Bake Sale. Kids will love the Carnival Activities and Inflatables while Mom and
Dad check out the Gift Basket Drawing...a Book/VHS/DVD Sale...and Silent Auction. The evening concludes with the
Parkway’s Got Talent show from 8:30 to 9:30 PM (admission for show: $1). And remember, PIFFF is open to the public,
so don’t hog all the fun...bring the whole neighborhood!
10,000 Reasons
Message..................................... Pastor Analee Dunn
Our Prophet
Closing Prayer........................... Pastor Analee Dunn
Senior Pastor Analee Dunn
14000 Metropolitan Parkway, Sterling Heights, MI 48312-3402
Church Phone: (586) 264-2300 • Bible Institute: (586) 264-0819 • Parkway School: (586) 446-9900 •
E-mail: All Bethesda e-mail addresses use the first initial and the last name of the contact: [email protected]