St Michael’s Parish School Ashburton 268 High Street ASHBURTON PH: 9885 3105 FAX:9885 0070 Principal: Marisa Matthys School Advisory Council President: Ruth Grigg Parents and Friends President: Jacqueline Morphy-Smith Parish Priest: Fr Hien Vu 9885 2498 [email protected] [email protected] QUIS UT DEUS – WHO IS LIKE GOD THIS NEWSLETTER IS ALSO AVAILABLE ONLINE NEWSLETTER 9th October DIARY DATES 2014 OCTOBER th Thurs 9 th Sat 11 th Sun 12 th Mon 13 th th 14 & 15 th Thurs 16 th Fri 17 th Mon 20 th Fri 24 Sun 26th th Mon 27 **Wed 29th NOVEMBER Mon 3rd th Tues 4 Wed 5th th Wed 5 Thurs 6th Thurs 6th th Sat 8 th Mon 10 th Wed 12 th Thurs 13 th Sun 16 th Thurs 20 th Mon 24 th Fri 28 DECEMBER st Mon 1 rd Wed 3 th Fri 5 th Mon 8 th Tues 9 th Thurs 11 th Fri 12 Fri 12th th Mon 15 th Mon 15 th Tues 16 th Tues 16 th Wed 17 th Thurs 18 7.30pm 6pm 9 & 10.30 2.30pm 7.30pm 10am 4.30-7pm 6pm 5-7pm 2.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 9.30-10.30 4.30-6.30 3 & 6.30pm 2.30pm 7.30pm 9.30-10.30 10.30am 9.30-10.30 2.30pm 6pm 7.30pm 5-7pm 11am 6-8pm 10am 2.30pm 3.30pm 6pm Home Mass for Confirmation Commitment Mass Commitment Masses School Assembly in the HUB Home Masses for Confirmation Bunjil Mass School Disco Maintenance Committee Meeting School Enhancement Twilight PFA –Vision Portraits Fundraiser School Assembly in the HUB Prep 2015 Information Evening 31/14 Footy Day at St Michael’s Congratulations to the Mighty Hawks! School Closure Day- Staff PL Melbourne Cup –Public Holiday Confirmation Reflection Day PFA Meeting Prep 2015 Transition Morning Twilight Sports Confirmation Masses School Assembly in the Hub AGM -SAC & PFA in the Supper Rm Prep 2015 Transition Morning Year 5/6 Mass Prep 2015 Transition Morning School Assembly in the Hub School Closure Day Maintenance Committee Meeting PFA Meeting in the staffroom School Enhancement Session Parent Helpers Morning Tea Carols on the Green Year 6 Big Day Out End of School Year Mass Reports posted home Orientation Day Last Assembly for the year End of Term 4 Year 6 Graduation Mass & Dinner Handover student files/teachers Final Day for Staff ** Please note change of date for the Prep 2015 Information Evening God our Father, may we always be thankful for the Word of Christ in our hearts. Help us respect and seek the best for each other as we endeavour to produce the fruits of Your Kingdom. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord Amen Leadership and Management encompasses the following areas: Organisation, Structures, Resource Management, Staff Wellbeing, and Professional Learning Dear Parents, Caregivers, Students and Friends, Welcome Back We welcome you all back for Term Four, 2014. The last term for this school year seems to have arrived very quickly and as it is always an action packed term, we hope that everyone feels refreshed and relaxed. We anticipate that for our Year Six students this will be a memorable term, particularly as it includes their graduation. We feel positive this will be a wonderful term for all students, parents and staff. School Advisory Council Nominations In next week’s newsletter parents will be invited to self-nominate for any vacant elected positions on the School Advisory Council. The SAC is an extremely important service to our school community and I thank the current members for their support and expertise in determining the future direction of St Michael’s. Bunjil Mass On Thursday the 16th of October at 10:00am in the Church, the school community will celebrate the Bunjil Mass. Fr. Hien will lead the liturgy where we embrace and remember our indigenous brothers and sisters and to recognise the significance of the Creator Spirit, Bunjil. All parents are welcome to attend this whole school liturgy. Vicki Walker, an elder from the Wurrundjeri people will attend and after the Mass she will speak to the Year 3 to 6 students about aboriginal awareness. Annual General Meeting On Wednesday 12th November the St Michael’s School Advisory Council and PFA will hold the AGM in the Supper Room at 7:30pm. This meeting is a great opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge all of the wonderful events and dedication that our community provides for St Michael’s. It is also an occasion for parents to nominate for positions on the PFA and new SAC members are announced. We welcome your attendance and support. Sacrament of Confirmation We continue to pray for our students who are on their Confirmation journey. Thank you to the Boal, Mitra and Mackintosh families who offered their homes for the Confirmation Home Masses. The Commitment Masses are this weekend, 11th and 12th of October. All students who wish to make their Confirmation are asked to attend. Fr. Hien met with Meredith Bennett, our RE leader and our Year 6 teachers to continue our parish and school unified planning for this important sacrament. We look forward to the reflection day on Wednesday November 5th and the celebration of the Sacrament with Monsignor Terry Curtin on Saturday the 8th November. School Enhancement Afternoon The next enhancement session will be a twilight session on Friday the 24th of October. Please enrol online at with the code YKSTF to enable us to allocate and include jobs. Masterplan 2014 The Supplementary Grant application has been submitted. We are extremely hopeful that this year, we will be successful and begin to achieve our Masterplan. I will inform the community as soon as we are notified of the result. Pope Francis’ Top Ten Secrets to Happiness Each week I place one of the top ten secrets shared by Pope Francis. Number 6. ‘Find innovative ways to create dignified jobs for young people. “We need to be creative with young people. If they have no opportunities they will get into drugs’ and be more vulnerable to suicide,” he said. “It’s not enough to give them food”, he said. “Dignity is given to you when you can bring food home from your own labour.” Happy Belated Birthday to Fr. Hien I wish Fr. Hien a Happy belated Birthday. Our prayers are extended to the Boal family as Ken’s mother Jean Boal is gravely ill. Please know you are in our thoughts. Please keep Jenny D (Ezekiel’s mum) in your prayers as she is unwell at this time. Marisa Matthys Principal [email protected] DEPUTY NEWS RE News This week our Year Six students have continued with their preparation for Confirmation by participating in Home Masses. These Masses are a wonderful opportunity for parents, children, Father Hien and staff to pray together and then share a drink and supper together. Thank you to the McNamara, Boal, Mitra and Mackintosh families for offering their homes for these celebrations. All of our children preparing for Confirmation and a blessing will also be presented to the Parish this weekend over the three Masses. Their posters, which explain why they have chosen their Saint and why they want to be Confirmed, will be displayed in the Church. The children will also ask parishioners to pray for them as they continue their preparation. Next Thursday, we will celebrate our Bunjil Mass with the Parish community. This Mass will be the beginning of our school celebration of Bunjil and how we can respect the Aboriginal ancestry from our local area. We invite all families to join us for this Mass, and Helen Meehan has also organised for Vicki Walker to attend. Vicki has just been announced as the winner of the “100 Women of Influence Award in the Social Enterprise, Not for Profit category. Vicki will speak to the staff during morning team about the Fire Carrier programme and then the Year Five and Six students about the Proud Race Project. SunSmart As we start Term 4 and the weather begins to improve, it is time again for all children and staff to wear hats when outside. From next week, the rule of “No hat, no play” will again come into place, with children not wearing school hats needing to sit in shaded areas in the junior playground during break times. Please make sure that your child’s school hat is named and in his/her bag for Monday. Meredith Bennett Deputy Principal/RE & Maths Leader [email protected] FEE & LEVY PAYMENTS Thank you to all families who have paid their school fees for 2014. Please ensure your account up to date. If you have any queries contact Kathy Muhllechner. Student Wellbeing encompasses the following areas: Student Engagement. Student Connectedness, Classroom climates, Inclusion and Prevention to Intervention Welcome back to Term 4, I hope you had a great break and have enjoyed the beautiful sunshine. This term the focus for our school values are generosity and empathy. Too often we assume that generosity is only about donating money to charity. This term we aim to develop our student understanding of the variety of ways that they can demonstrate generosity each day. We anticipate that these learnings will lead to greater understanding of empathy, as we move the focus away from self and shifts it towards others. Not only will students learn how they can be generous, a special focus will be placed on how students can help our entire school to be generous and ‘pay it forward.’ We look forward to announcing our new Student Representatives during the Assembly, Monday 13th October. SRC Leaders - Term 4 Prep CG Prep M Prep VH 1/2T 1/2M 1/2 NJ James M and Karina B Stephanie P & Domenic P Olivia K & Sam B Emelia S & Michael N Skyler S & Anastasia B Hamish O and Rachel A 3/4 AA 3/4 LC 3/4S 5/6D 5/6K 5/6W Lucy G and Adele B Ryan B and Cassandra M Emily O & Tully O Joanne S & Tom M Emily W and Harrison B Alannah I and Nathaniel H Deb Chapman Student Wellbeing Leader [email protected] Learning and Teaching encompasses the following areas: Student Outcomes, Curriculum, Assessment, Reporting, Principles and Pedagogy PE Update Last Term many students participated in the Glen Iris District Track and Field Carnival with many successful performances throughout the day. A special mention to Michael H who came second in the under 11 boys 100m sprint and third in the hurdles. Well done to Madeline.M, Ethan.B, Eliza.Mc, Alannah.I, Kieran.Y, Zoe.K, Isabella.T, Harrison.E, Henry.J and Emily.M who represented the Glen Iris District at the Boroondara Division Track and Field Championships yesterday. All competitors tried their best and should be proud of their efforts. A special mention to Zoe.K who came third in the under 11 girls long jump. Also congratulations to Harrison.E who came second in the under 9/10 boys shot put and Alannah.I who came second in the under 12 girls discus. Both students now move on to the Eastern Metropolitan Region Track and Field Championships held next Thursday 16th October and we wish them good luck. I look forward to a busy and productive term with the 5/6 Bike Education which began today and Twilight Sports on Thursday 6th November from 4.30 -6.30pm. Jo Mannix PE Leader & Sports Co-ordinator [email protected] Hello and a big welcome back from holidays!!! As you may know, the library session days have changed for Term 4. The 3/4 and 5/6 classes will now come to Library on Mondays and the Prep and 1/2 classes will come to Library on Tuesdays. Every even week will be a borrowing week. Therefore, please remind your children to bring their library bags and any books they may have borrowed over the holidays, this coming Monday or Tuesday (Week 2). Also, Mrs Meehan will be running the Library Club every Thursday where the children can also borrow books. Thanks for your support and we are looking forward to a great term in the Resource Centre. Kerin Arthur – Resource Centre Team School Community encompasses the following areas: Parents, Parish, School Advisory Council, Wider Community Extra-Curricular Activities Garden Club St Michael's Garden has been a great success so far this year. Our winter crop raised $45.30 in Term 2 and the Term 3 crop raised $25.00 in donations to the Lang Song Community. Students have been meeting most Fridays to weed, plant, and harvest many veggies such as beans, parsley, lettuce and spring onions! We have now planted our spring crop and are hoping that it will be our biggest one yet. Thankyou to all of the green thumb helpers. Mike Healy Running Club Running Club returns in Term 4 and will take place every Wednesday from 7.50 – 8.30am on the Tennis Courts. This is a great opportunity to focus on fitness and fun and a wonderful way to start the day. All year levels and abilities welcome. Nicki Macfarlane Art and Tinkering Club Art and Tinkering club has begun again! Today we had lots of student keen to return to Art and Tinkerin g club. Everyone had a great time and made some amazing things. We enjoyed drawing, creating with boxes and finding out how computer keyboards and printers work. Please begin to collect recycled and broken household tinkering items. Drop them into the art room. I promise they will be well used...the students and I appreciate your support in assisting our wonderful Art and Tinkering Club. Deb Chapman FRIDAY 17th OCTOBER St Michael’s School Disco IN THE HUB -NEXT FRIDAY is the annual school disco, brought to you by the PFA and back by popular demand – Natasha & Sarah from SASH Entertainment. Preps & Grades 1/2 - 4:30pm-5:30pm 3/4’s & 5/6’s – 6:00pm-7:00pm $5 each or $10 per family (note this is a social event for the students not a fundraiser) There will be no teacher supervision provided and a small number of volunteer parent supervisors so we ask that PREP Parents enjoy the action, bring a cuppa and stay for the hour (or nominate an agreed supervisor). – I am also seeking volunteers for Set up (Friday 2:30-3:30pm) each session to help with supervision and sign in each session to help with serving water and cleaning spills pack up (Friday 7pm-7:30pm – good excuse for pizza after) Please send the correct ticket money in an envelope to Giulietta, C/O Isabella P 3/4AA via the office basket system. CASH ONLY. Include your name and the names of children attending as well as what you are volunteering to do. A note with a tear off slip will be going home to the eldest child today. NO TICKETS WILL BE ISSUED. We will sign students in at the door on arrival. ALL STUDENTS TO BE PICKED UP BY AN ADULT FROM THE SUPPER ROOM (not from car park). Giulietta P (Isabella P 3/4AA, Nicholas P 1/2M) 0400 858279 SAC UPDATE Following is a summary of last terms SAC meeting which was conducted on Wednesday September 10th 2014. The St Michael’s Principal Marisa Matthys, spoke of how schematic drawings of the building plans from the School Masterplan have been presented to the Staff of St Michaels by Garry Thompson and were very well received. She also mentioned that a Supplementary school grant and also a Sister School Grant have been applied for, the latter of which if successful, will assist to fund closer ties with the children of Lang Son. Marisa was also thrilled with the success of the “Casino Royale” event and of the amazing work of the PFA in coordinating the night. Deputy-Principal, Meredith Bennett, reported on the 2014 NAPLAN results, which were generally very pleasing for the School, particularly in terms of the improvement trends. She mentioned ‘the importance of celebrating academic achievement of the students as much as sporting achievement.’ Meredith then provided an update on various works to the school grounds, including playground equipment maintenance and checking of large trees following high winds. Fr Hien spoke about his great delight at how well the Prep Mass was attended and how much he was looking forward to the upcoming trip to Vietnam, with 18 other people connected to the Parish. The SAC then reviewed the updated Staff Mobile Devices Policy (approved), the Social Media Policy and the Privacy Policy with the last two requiring some adjustments before being resubmitted to the SAC. An extensive discussion was then conducted in relation to planning for the structure of school fees for 2015, how they compared to other similar schools in the area and with a variety of options and structures being considered. The PFA Report detailed the amount of money raised so far this year ($36K), the great success of the Casino Royale Fundraiser and that volunteers were already coming forward for proposed events in 2015. The Maintenance Committee Report gave an overview of the recent school enhancement session. It was also noted that new, safety compliant, ladders will need to be purchased. The Uniform Shop Report stated that rugby jumpers will be arranged again by the Uniform Shop for 2015. The intention for 2015, is that the jumpers will list the names of all students for that year on each jumper. Belinda and Paula are continuing to do a great job. SAC succession planning for 2015 was discussed, as several members will have completed their tenure at years end. New members will need to be nominated and the SAC needs to have representatives for all year levels at the school. The meeting was closed at 9.40pm with the next SAC meeting due on Wednesday October 7th. Tom Gorman On behalf of the SAC CDF & BENDIGO BANKING A Reminder for Term 4: Just a reminder that there will be no banking processed until Week 3 of this term. Any bank books sent to the office in the meantime will be kept here and banking will resume on Tuesday 21st October.I hope you all had a great break. Di Johnston All students are required to wear their school hat/sunscreen and summer uniform in Term 4. St Michael’s is a Sunsmart school! If you have an item you wish to include in the school’s newsletter please email it to this address: [email protected] All items need to be emailed by 6pm Wednesday. St Michael's Primary School Friendly Reminder Please book in for our photo fundraising event held on Sunday 26th of October Only $15 for your Portrait with frame, only takes 25 minutes! Share the link & pass along to your friends, neighbours and family – anyone can book in! Return a voucher & $15 to us or: Book & pay instantly online at: Limited available times – don’t miss out! For enquiries call Vision Portraits 9596 9400 Extend OSHC at St Michael’s Primary School Welcome back for Term 4! I hope that everyone has had an enjoyable school holidays and are ready for term 4! We have an exciting term ahead of us at before and after school care! Active after school care will be starting up in a few weeks, which will be great two times a week! We will be cooking at least once a week, making the most of the sunshine and playing games outside as well as having some free time. Art and craft activities will be happening with Melbourne Cup related craft as well as getting into the Christmas spirit with lots of fun activities! It is sure to be a fun term, I look forward to meeting new faces and having the regular children in too for what should be a great end to a great year! – Laura Next week’s activities: Monday 13 October: Free Choice Games (Indoor/Outdoor) Tuesday 14 October: Organised Games (Outdoor) – Freeze Tag, Line Tiggy, Octopus etc Wednesday 15 October: Free Choice Games (Indoor/Outdoor) Thursday 16 October: Minor games – Simpsons, Fruit Salad, Crab Soccer etc. Friday 17 October: Cooking – Choc Chip Biscuits ONLINE BOOKINGS: CALL OUR OFFICE: 1300 366 437 Looking for cheap city parking? Secure Parking will donate $1 to St Michael’s School for every transaction made using Secure A Spot. –Check the website for Upcoming Events in Melbourne, and where to park. Parents and Friends of St Michael’s School simply visit and book their parking online with Secure A Spot. Each time a booking is made using the promotion code: SMASHBURTON, Secure Parking will donate $1 to the school. Secure Parking has $5 Night & Weekend parking all over Melbourne PLUS weekday early bird parking from $10. This offer applies to weekend parking, evening parking, early bird & casual parking all over the city when booked online at using the promo code: SMASHBURTON.
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