SELECTION OF CONSULTANT AS TRANSACTION ADVISOR FOR PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT AT STATION LOCATIONS (“METRO PLAZA”) OF KOCHI METRO RFP No. KMRL/PDS/TAD/02/2014 KMRL RESPONSE TO QUERIES SL NO. 1 CLAUSE NO. 1.2.1 2 1.2.1 CLAUSE DETAILS QUERY PROPERTY DEVLOPMENT PLAN AT STATION PREMISES OF KOCHI METRO We presume that the areas to be considered for real estate development would include the “ADDITIONAL PLOT BESIDE STATION PREMISES” and the “ADDITIONAL PLOTS BEING CONSIDERED FOR PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT” Should we consider areas mentioned under “AT STATION PREMISES” for any real estate development? 1) The area mentioned as “ADDITIONAL PLOTS BEING CONSIDERED FOR PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT” is also inclusive of the parking area or excluding parking area? 2) Are there any other areas earmarked exclusively for parking? PROPERTY DEVLOPMENT PLAN AT STATION PREMISES OF KOCHI METRO REPLY Yes Plots at Station Premises Shall facilitate optimum space for Parking and shall accommodate Commercial Developments. 1) Additional Plots are exclusively for Real estate developments. However the commercial development shall optimally accommodate the parking requirement 2) No area is exclusively available for parking. Dy.General Manager (RS) Kochi Metro Rail Limited, 6thFloor, Revenue Tower, Park Avenue, Kochi. 682011. Kerala, India. E-mail: [email protected] Ph: +91 484- 2380 980- Extn-321, M: +91 96338 22255 KOCHI METRO RAIL LTD., Regd Office: 8th Floor, Revenue Towers, Park Avenue, Kochi - 682 011 Website: 1
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