Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments 701.232.3242 • FAX 701.232.5043 • Case Plaza Suite 232 • One 2nd Street North • Fargo, North Dakota 58102-4807 Email: [email protected] http://www.fmmetrocog.org TO: Transportation Technical Committee and Interested Persons FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: William A. Christian, Executive Director Thursday, November 13, 2014 TTC Meeting Agenda November 7, 2014 The 444th Meeting of the Fargo‐Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments Transportation Technical Committee will be held on Thursday, November 13, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the Metro COG Office Conference Room, Fargo, North Dakota. If you have questions, please call William A. Christian at 701.232.3242 (Ext. 32). Agenda 1. Call to Order and Introductions. 2. Consider October 9, 2014 TTC Meeting Minutes (Attachment 1) 3. Consider Amendment #2 to the 2015‐2018 Transportation Improvement Program – William A. Christian (Attachment 2 and 2a) a) Open Public Meeting on the Draft 2015‐2018 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment #2 b) Review any written comments received. c) Close Public Meeting on the Draft 2015‐2018 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment #2 4. Consider Addendum #3 on the Southwest Metro Transportation Plan Contract with SRF Consulting Group – Adam Altenburg (Attachments 3 and 3a) Agenda Item pulled, 11/7/14 5. Consider Contract for Dilworth Subdivision Ordinance Update – Adam Altenburg (Attachments 4 and 4a) 6. Update on ITS Deployment Strategy, Concept of Operations, and Regional ITS Architecture – Dan Farnsworth (Attachment 5) 7. Other Business and/or Citizen Comments 8. Adjourn Note: Full agenda packet is available on the Metro COG Web Site: Go to fmmetrocog.org and click on Committees Metro COG is committed to ensuring all individuals regardless of race, color, sex, age, national origin, disability/handicap, sexual orientation, or income status have access to Metro COG’s programs and services. Meeting facilities will be accessible to mobility impaired individuals. Metro COG will make a good faith effort to accommodate requests for translation services for meeting proceedings and related materials. Please contact Kate Wurtzler, Metro COG Executive Secretary at 701.232.3242 at least five days in advance of the meeting if any special accommodations are required for any member of the public to be able to participate in the meeting. A PLANNING ORGANIZATION SERVING FARGO, WEST FARGO, CASS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA AND MOORHEAD, DILWORTH, CLAY COUNTY, MINNESOTA Attachment 1 443rd Meeting of the FM Metro COG Transportation Technical Committee Thursday, October 9, 2014 – 10:00 am Metro COG Conference Room Members Present: Chad Zander, City of West Fargo Jason Benson, Cass County Jeremy Gordon, City of Fargo Engineering Jim Gilmour, City of Fargo Jonathan Atkins, City of Moorhead Julie Bommelman, City of Fargo Kevin Gorder, NDDOT – Fargo Kristie Leshovsky, City of Moorhead Larry Weil, West Fargo Planning Lori Van Beek, City of Moorhead – Transit Mary Safgren, MnDOT – District 4 Stan Thurlow, City of Dilworth William Christian, Metro COG Members Absent: Chris Brungardt, West Fargo Public Works Director David Overbo, Clay County Engineer Michael Johnson, NDDOT Tim Magnusson, Clay County Planner Others Present: Adam Altenburg, Metro COG Brit Stevens, NDSU Dan Farnsworth, Metro COG Kate Wurtzler, Metro COG 1. CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTIONS The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am, on October 9 by Mr. Christian noting a quorum was present. Introductions were made. 2. APPROVE September 11, 2014 TTC MEETING MINUTES (Attachment 1) Mr. Christian asked if there were any questions or changes to the September 11, 2014 TTC Meeting Minutes. MOTION, PASSED Mr. Thurlow moved, seconded by Ms. Leshovsky to approve the September 11, 2014 Meeting Minutes. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consider 3rd Quarter 2014 Progress and Financial Report Mr. Christian presented the Progress and Financial Report. He said the report shows numbers through September 30. Mr. Christian gave a brief overview of the data included in the Attachment. MOTION, PASSED Mr. Atkins moved, seconded by Mr. Gordon to approve the recommendation to the Policy Board of the 3rd Quarter 2014 Progress Report. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Consider 2015-2018 TIP Amendment Mr. Christian presented the amendment. He stated that last month the committee was informed that the NDDOT had not yet finalized their project lists for the TIP and that we would amend the TIP in October to reflect any changes from the TIP being approved today and when we get the final NDDOT list of projects. Mr. Christian also noted that NDDOT and FHWA had reviewed the 2015-2018 TIP and requested that we make some changes not effecting the project list and that we include a table showing fiscal constraint. Tables 5.2 was revised and 5.3 was added. There were also thirteen projects to be amended into or within the TIP: 1. Addition of project 9152605, I-29: Christine Interchange north to Wild Rice River. Concrete pavement repair, milling, ramp improvements. Total cost: $550,000; $495,000 Federal IM funds, $55,000 NDDOT. Project year 2015. 2. Addition of project 9162606, I-94: Casselton to Mapleton Interchange. Concrete pavement repair, milling. Total cost: $1,352,000; $1,217,000 Federal IM funds, $135,000 NDDOT. Project year 2016. 3. Addition of project 9162607, I-94 (EB): Mapleton Interchange to Raymond Interchange. Concrete pavement repair. Total cost: $623,000, $561,000 federal IM funds, $62,000 NDDOT. Program year 2016. 4. Addition of project 9162608, I-94: lift station east of 5th Street South (West Fargo). Total cost: $253,000, $228,000 federal IM funds, $25,000 NDDOT. Program year 2016. 5. Addition of project 9182609, I-94 (EB): Horace Road Interchange (Sheyenne Street in West Fargo). Median crossovers, PCC paving, ramp revisions, structure replacement. Total cost: $15,000,000, $13,500,000 federal IM funds, $1,500,000 NDDOT. Project year 2018. 6. Addition of project 9182610, I-94(WB): Horace Road Interchange (Sheyenne Street in West Fargo). PCC paving, ramp revisions, structure replacement. Total cost: $10,000,000, $9,000,000 federal IM funds, $1,000,000 NDDOT. Project year 2018. 7. Project 318010, Sheyenne Street: 32nd Avenue to 19th Avenue. Project scope and local cost change. Total cost: $8,000,000, $5,680,000 federal STP funds, $2,320,000 West Fargo. Program year 2018. 8. Updated costs and miscellaneous changes on NDDOT projects programmed in 2015, project numbers 914032, 914033, 915050, 915030 and 915060, as well as project 417010 in 2017. a. Public Meeting Format Mr. Christian opened the public meeting on the 2015-2018 TIP Amendments. No comments from the public. Public meeting was closed by Mr. Christian. MOTION, PASSED Mr. Weil moved, seconded by Mr. Benson to approve the recommendation to the Policy Board of 2015-2018 TIP Amendment. Motion carried unanimously. 443rd Meeting of the FM Metro COG Transportation Technical Committee – page 2 Thursday, October 9, 2014 5. Consider Addendum #5 to ATAC Master Agreement Mr. Farnsworth presented Addendum #5 to the ATAC Master Agreement. Metro COG is seeking assistance from NDSU’s Advanced Traffic Analysis Center (ATAC) in completing this fall’s requested turning movement counts. Due to Metro COG’s current workload, Metro COG will be pressed to complete the requested counts in a timely manner and is therefore seeking assistance from ATAC. Seventy-two (72) hours of turning movement counts have been requested throughout the metro area. Metro COG will plan to record 72 hours of video at the requested locations and is seeking ATAC’s services in processing the counts using the video. Metro COG is seeking to have the counts completed by January 30, 2015. Mr. Weil asked if the funds would be budgeted. Mr. Christian stated that the budget would be adjusted accordingly. MOTION, PASSED Mr. Gordon moved, seconded by Mr. Atkins to approve the recommendation to the Policy Board for Addendum #5 to ATAC Master Agreement. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider Updated Project Evaluation Criteria Mr. Farnsworth presented the updated evaluation criteria. In July 2014 the update to the FargoMoorhead Metro Area’s Long Range Transportation Plan, Metro 2040, was approved and adopted. During development of Metro 2040 public input was gathered and goals, objectives, and project evaluation criteria were developed. Seven goals were developed which the public ‘weighted’ to show their preference of each goal. Metro COG is proposing revising the existing TAP and transit evaluation criteria to incorporate many of the evaluation criteria developed by Metro 2040 and to adopt the point/weight system as developed by Metro 2040. Mr. Farnsworth stated there are a few areas that will be need to be made clear, but those would be addressed prior to the Policy Board meeting. Mr. Christian asked when the applications for TAP are due. Mr. Farnsworth stated the application would be started at the beginning of November for MnDOT, and will be due for NDDOT at the end of December. Ms. Van Beek asked why the goals were not set up in order of their weights, as Goal 2 is 19 points, Goal 3 is 14 points, and Goal for is 16 points. Mr. Farnsworth stated the order of the goals was set up prior to the points being assigned, and it is a coincidence that they landed nearly in correct order. MOTION, PASSED Ms. Van Beek moved, seconded by Mr. Weil to approve recommendation to the Policy Board for the Updated Project Evaluation Criteria. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Other Business and Citizen Comment Mr. Christian stated the area aerial photos are available. Metro COG is willing to share them with our jurisdictions as needed. 443rd Meeting of the FM Metro COG Transportation Technical Committee – page 3 Thursday, October 9, 2014 Mr. Thurlow asked for a timeline on hiring a new Executive Director. Mr. Christian stated the Executive Committee has made an offer to Mr. Christian and it will be presented to the Policy Board on October 16. If the Policy Board approves the candidate, he will begin November 1st, and Metro COG will begin the search for a new Senior Transportation Planner. If they do not approve the candidate, the process will begin again for the Executive Director. 8. Adjourn The 443rd Regular Meeting of the TTC was adjourned on October 9 at 10:30 a.m. 9. THE NEXT FM METRO COG TRANSPORTATION TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEETING WILL BE HELD NOVEMBER 13, 2014, 10:00 A.M. AT THE FM METRO COG CONFERENCE ROOM, ONE NORTH 2ND STREET, CASE PLAZA SUITE 232, FARGO, ND. Respectfully Submitted, Katherine T. Wurtzler Executive Secretary 443rd Meeting of the FM Metro COG Transportation Technical Committee – page 4 Thursday, October 9, 2014 Attachment 2 To: From: Date: Re: Transportation Technical Committee Bill Christian, Metro COG November 6, 2014 Amendment #2 to the 2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program The Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments (Metro COG) will hold a public meeting at the Case Plaza Conference Room at One 2nd Street North, Suite 232, in Fargo, North Dakota on Thursday November 13, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. to consider public comments regarding a proposed amendment to the 2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the FM Metropolitan Area. The proposed amendment to the 2015-2018 TIP is as follows: 1. Addition of project 8152614, I-94: TH-336 to Barnesville and 3.0 miles east of Alexandria to East Douglas County Line - Install median cable guardrail. Total cost: $2,600,000 in Federal HSIP funds. Project year 2015. Requested Action: Pending public comment, Metro COG requests a favorable recommendation to the Policy Board for approval of the proposed Amendment #2 to the 2015-2018 TIP. Attachment 2a Public Information Packet Regarding Proposed Amendment #2 to the 2015-2018 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) November 13, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. 1. Addition of project 8152614, I-94: TH-336 to Barnesville and 3.0 miles east of Alexandria to East Douglas County Line - Install median cable guardrail. Total cost: $2,600,000 in Federal HSIP funds. Project year 2015. Public Input Meeting Proposed Amendments for the 2015-2018 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program Those who wish to comment may also do so in writing. Written comments can be turned in at the end of the meeting, or mailed to: Metro COG, One North Second Street, #232, Fargo, ND, 58102. Additionally, comments can be emailed to: [email protected] or faxed to 701-232-5043. Written comments must be received by 12:00 noon, October 16, 2014 __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your input. Attachment 4 To: From: Date: Re: Transportation Technical Committee Adam Altenburg, Metro COG November 5, 2014 Consider Contract for Dilworth Subdivision Ordinance Update In wrapping up items in the 2013-2014 UPWP, the City of Dilworth has requested Metro COG move forward with project #1101 – Dilworth Subdivision Ordinance Update. Based on the scope of work Metro COG has prepared, a total of 120 hours will be necessary to satisfactorily complete the proposed project. The project budget, including direct and indirect costs, shall be $4,231.12 and will be funded 100% locally by the City of Dilworth. The contract would extend from November 20, 2014 to February 9, 2015. The scope of work includes an update to the Dilworth Subdivision Ordinance which was originally adopted in June 1999. The update would better ensure uniformity with the December 2010 City of Dilworth Zoning Ordinance and consistency with up-to-date statutory and industry standards. Requested Action: It is requested that the TTC recommend Policy Board approval of the draft contract for the City of Dilworth Subdivision Ordinance update. Attachment 4a CITY OF DILWORTH, MINNESOTA and the FARGO‐MOORHEAD METROPOLITAN COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS (METRO COG) CITY OF DILWORTH SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE UPDATE (2014#1101) This agreement is entered into by the Fargo‐Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments, hereinafter referred to as METRO COG; and the City of Dilworth, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the CITY OF DILWORTH. This agreement shall cover services related to the update of the City of Dilworth Subdivision Ordinance. Scope of Work: METRO COG shall perform those tasks and activities identified in Attachment A. Any work requested by the CITY OF DILWORTH beyond that identified in Attachment A will require an amendment to this agreement. Duration of Agreement: This agreement shall extend from November 20, 2014 to February 9, 2015. Costs: Based on the scope of work, METRO COG estimates a total of 120 hours will be necessary to satisfactory complete the scope of work as detailed in Attachment A. The project budget, including direct and indirect costs, shall be $4,231.12. The CITY OF DILWORTH shall be responsible for the entirety of incurred project costs. Metro COG shall invoice the CITY OF DILWORTH once at the time of project initiation for reimbursement of expenses. Billed expenses shall be strictly limited to Metro COG staff time dedicated to the completion of this project. If METRO COG anticipates project costs to exceed those identified herein METRO COG shall duly inform the CITY OF DILWORTH and a budget amendment shall be completed to cover additional costs. Records: METRO COG shall maintain accounting and project records as per adopted procedure. Such records shall be made available to the CITY OF DILWORTH and the state/federal government for inspection and audit during the agreement term and for three (3) years after the expiration date of this agreement, unless any litigation, claim or audit is started before the expiration of the three (3) years, then the records shall be retained until such action is satisfied. Conflicts of Interest: No official or employee of METRO COG, a state, or any other governmental instrumentality who is authorized in his or her official capacity to negotiate, make, accept, or approve, or to take part in negotiating, making, accepting or approving any contract or subcontract in connection with a project shall have, directly or indirectly, any financial or other personal interest in any such contract or subcontract. No engineer, attorney, appraiser, inspector, or other person performing services for METRO COG, a state, or a governmental instrumentality in connection with a project shall have, directly or indirectly, a financial or other personal interest, other than his or her employment or retention by METRO COG, a state, or other governmental instrumentality, in any contract or subcontract in connection with such project. No officer or employee of such person retained by METRO COG, a state, or other governmental instrumentality shall have, directly or indirectly, any financial or other personal interest in any real property acquired for a project unless such interest is openly disclosed upon the public records of the METRO COG, or such other governmental instrumentality, and such officer, employee, or person has not participated in such acquisition for and in behalf of the state. Ownership/Publications: All work products of the METRO COG which result from this contract are the property of METRO COG, its federal/state grantor agencies and the CITY OF DILWORTH. Assignments: METRO COG shall not assign nor transfer METRO COG’s interest in this agreement without the express written consent of the CITY OF DILWORTH. Termination: The right is reserved by any party to terminate this agreement with or without cause at any time upon thirty (30) day written notice. METRO COG may terminate this agreement at any time if the CITY OF DILWORTH does not comply with the provisions of this agreement or its attachments. Amendments: The terms of this agreement shall not be waived, altered, modified, supplemented, or amended, in any manner whatsoever, except by written instrument signed by both parties. Waivers: The failure of METRO COG to enforce any provisions of this contract shall not constitute a waiver by METRO COG of any other provision. Notice: All notices, certificates, or other communications shall be sufficiently given when delivered or mailed, postage prepaid, to the parties at their respective places of business as set forth below or at a place designated hereafter in writing by the parties. William A. Christian Peyton Mastera Executive Director City Administrator Metro COG City of Dilworth nd One 2 Street N, Suite 232 Two 1st Avenue SE Fargo, ND 58102‐4807 Dilworth, MN 56529‐1468 Hold Harmless: The CITY OF DILWORTH shall save and hold harmless METRO COG, its officers, agents, employees, and members from all claims, suits, or actions of whatsoever nature resulting from or arising out of the activities of the CITY OF DILWORTH, or its subcontractors, agents, or employees under this agreement. Compliance with Federal Regulations: The CITY OF DILWORTH is advised that his or her signature on this contract certifies that its jurisdiction shall comply with all provisions of this agreement as well as applicable federal and state laws, regulations, and procedures. Merger: This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. No waiver consent, modification or change of terms of this agreement shall bind any party unless in writing and signed by all parties. Such waiver, consent, modification, or change, if made, shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the specific purpose given. There are no understandings, agreements, or representations, oral or written, not specified herein regarding this agreement. The CITY OF DILWORTH by the signature below of its authorized representative, hereby acknowledges that the CITY OF DILWORTH has read this agreement, understands it, and agrees to be bound by its terms and conditions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this agreement has been executed this _____ day of_________________, 2014. CITY OF DILWORTH WITNESS ____________________________ _______________________________ Mayor, City of Dilworth FM METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WITNESS OF GOVERNMENTS _______________________________ _______________________________ Executive Director Attachment A City of Dilworth, Minnesota and the Fargo‐Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments Dilworth Subdivision Ordinance Update (2014#1101) Scope of Work. Metro COG has prepared the following scope of work for the Dilworth Subdivision Ordinance (2014#1101) update. The update to the June 1999 Subdivision Ordinance shall be inclusive of the following, at minimum: a) Metro COG shall produce, organize, and format a document that is dynamic, accessible and easily modified. This shall include converting the existing document into Microsoft Word (.doc) and codifying all general provisions, plat and data requirements, development agreements and required improvements, and subdivision design standards, that may be used as part of an overarching Land Use Code; b) Metro COG shall research and rewrite certain provisions within the definitions chapter to ensure uniformity with the December 2010 City of Dilworth Zoning Ordinance and consistency with statutory and/or industry standards; c) Metro COG shall update flow charts, graphics, and diagrams within the document as required; d) Metro COG shall address and correct grammar mistakes, minor details, inconsistencies, or any other issue that meets the intent of this scope of work; e) Metro COG shall track all proposed changes between the existing subdivision ordinance and the proposed provisions, excluding grammar and minor detail corrections; f) Metro COG shall keep the document in a similar layout; specifically regarding section references and chapters, to the fullest extent feasible; g) Metro COG shall provide clarifying memoranda to the City of Dilworth, Dilworth City Council and Dilworth Planning Commission and be available to present project updates on work pertaining to the subdivision ordinance update; h) Metro COG shall prepare a public hearing notice to be used by the City of Dilworth during the public comment and inspection process; i) Metro COG shall provide the City of Dilworth a redlined hard copy of the draft subdivision ordinance for use during the public comment and inspection process. Metro COG shall also make available a redlined .pdf of the draft subdivision ordinance on its website during this period; j) Metro COG shall provide 20 hard copies and all electronic files of the final subdivision ordinance to the City of Dilworth; k) Metro COG shall complete other tasks as deemed appropriate by both parties. Attachment 5 To: From: Date: Re: Transportation Technical Committee Dan Farnsworth 11/5/2014 Update on ITS Deployment Strategy, Concept of Operations, and Regional ITS Architecture On November 4, the Traffic Operations Working Group met to review the final draft of the ITS Deployment Strategy and Concept of Operations and to review the Regional Architecture. Representatives from the City of Moorhead and NDDOT were present at the meeting however representatives from MnDOT, City of West Fargo, and City of Fargo were unable to attend. The input of MnDOT, City of West Fargo, and Fargo are crucial in implementing these plans. Therefore Metro COG would ask that MnDOT, City of West Fargo, and Fargo review the ITS Deployment Strategy and Concept of Operations reports and provide any input by November 27. The ITS Deployment Strategy and Concept of Operations reports can be found in the agenda packet emailed to the Traffic Operations Working Group on October 22. If anyone who did not receive these reports and would like to review them, please contact Dan Farnsworth at [email protected] or 701-232-3242 ex 35. Also, ATAC plans to post the Regional Architecture on the web which could be reviewed by those that do not have the Turbo software. Metro COG will notify the Traffic Operations Working Group of the website for the Regional Architecture once it is available. Metro COG plans to have the final ITS Deployment Strategy, Concept of Operations, and Regional Architecture prepared for the TTC and Policy Board for approval in December.
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