Field Instruction Division (M/C 309) 1040 West Harrison Street Chicago, Illinois 60607-7134 Phone: 312-996-0037 Fax: 312-413-8555 Email: [email protected] InformationfortheField PMExtendedStudyProgram AcademicYear2015‐2016 (For1stYearPMStudents/SpringMeeting2015) FieldInstructionDivision Faculty/Staff Directory Faculty Barbara C. Coats, A.M., L.C.S.W. Director of Field Instruction Phone: 312-355-2386 E-mail: [email protected] Scott Chyna, M.S.W., L.C.S.W. Faculty Field Liaison Phone: 312-996-3136 E-mail: [email protected] Julie Fisher, M.S.W., L.S.W. Faculty Field Liaison Phone: 312-996-0033 E-mail: [email protected] Annette Johnson, M.S.W., L.C.S.W. Faculty Field Liaison Phone: 312-996-2260 E-mail: [email protected] Staff Maria Carrasco Phone: (312) 996-0037 E-mail: [email protected] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO JANE ADDAMS COLLEGE OF SOCIAL WORK Field Instruction Division January 2015 TO: PM Extended Study Program Students Eligible for Foundation Field Placements, 2015 - 2016 FROM: Faith Johnson Bonecutter, Associate Dean, Academic Services and Student Services Barbara C. Coats, Director of Field Instruction RE: Planning Your Foundation Field Placement Field Instruction in the MSW Program The Field Instruction Division of JACSW is responsible for all field instruction. Field instruction is an integral part of the social work education curriculum. It is the practice activity which integrates the entire educational experience. The college subscribes to the rationale that intellectual understanding of the classroom content is translated into practice competence when it is exemplified, reinforced, extended and challenged in the context of serving client systems. The curriculum is designed to provide the student with the knowledge, skills, values and philosophy basic to all professional social work practice. Integral to this process is comprehension and skill development relevant to practice with diverse cultural and racial groups, the economically and socially oppressed, women, gay and lesbian persons, and other urban populations atrisk. The goals of JACSW field instruction: 1. To educate professional personnel to provide social services in urban areas. 2. To provide opportunities for students to acquire and demonstrate the competencies and practice behaviors of the foundation curriculum and the advanced standing concentrations. 3. To provide opportunities for assessment of student performance in the field. The college prepares MSW students with advanced practice behaviors in one of the four concentrations. MSW education is composed of two parts: foundation and advanced concentration. Foundation Field Placement Your first year in the program has consisted of all classroom work, and you are now ready to begin working on securing your foundation placement. You have several options that you may take advantage of related to field placement, so please keep these important points in mind: Fall placement begins in September, and you are expected to acquire 450 clock hours in the field, working two days a week in an agency, until the first week of May. Spring placement begins in January, and you are expected to acquire 450 clock hours in the field, working two days a week in an agency, until the first week of August. Summer block placement begins in mid-May and you are expected to acquire 450 clock hours in an agency, working 40 hours per week for a 12 week period, until the first week of August. As a PM Extended Study Program student, you have the option to perform one of your field placements at your place of employment. If you elect to do this for either your first or second field placement, there is a Place of Employment (POE) form to be completed and approved by the field office. Only MSW students in the PM Extended Study Program may petition the Director of Field Instruction to use their place of employment as a field instruction site. Such petition will be considered in light of these criteria: 1. The student must have worked a minimum of one year in the agency. 2. The field instruction assignment must be different from regular work assignment. 3. A field instructor who is not the student’s employment supervisor, and who meets the criteria of the Jane Addams College, must be available. 4. An educational plan must be submitted, along with signatures from the student’s direct supervisor and the agency field instructor. Only PM students are eligible to apply for a field placement in their place of employment. If approved, only one field placement can be done in a place of employment: either the foundation placement or the advanced concentration placement. The Place of Employment Form is an electronic form posted on the college webpage at: Click on “Field” then “Field Forms”. The document can be saved and printed out for the required signatures before submitting. Field Agency Role The college has a long-standing relationship with a number of agencies throughout the Chicago metropolitan area. The agencies are chosen on the basis of their professional standards, the variety of their programs, and their commitment to ethnic and racial populations, the economically oppressed, women, sexual minorities. Field Agency Responsibilities: a. Provide instructors who meet the basic requirements of the Jane Addams College of Social Work; that field instructors possess at least two years of post-MSW experience and have been employed at the agency for at least one year. b. Provide adequate office space, telephone, and support services to assist the student's field instruction in the agency. c. Include students in appropriate staff meetings and in-service staff development programs. d. Assign, as appropriate, culturally and racially diverse clientele to students as well as other at-risk urban clientele to meet college requirements. Field Instructor Role Teach content in areas of curriculum as specified in the evaluations. Develop a learning plan reflecting the students’ and instructors' expectations and goals for the year. Plan a diversified range of learning experiences to enable each student to achieve the field instruction objectives as defined by the learning contract. Assess each student's performance, capacity, learning patterns, needs and progress to facilitate the individualization of planned learning experiences. Teach students the value and use of process recording. Provide regularly scheduled weekly supervisory, individual and/or group sessions (minimum of one hour weekly) to assure continuity in the teaching of content and the administrative review of performance. Provide and review with the student written evaluation of student learning and performance. Consult with the assigned faculty field liaison regarding educational planning, assignments, and student progress. Recommend grade to field faculty. Assist in the students' critical evaluation of their own practice. Faculty Field Liaison Role A faculty field liaison will be assigned to you. The faculty field liaison is a full-time clinical faculty member who is responsible to the director of the field instruction division. Faculty field liaisons have contact with each field instructor, assist students in selection of field placements, and monitor the learning of students in the field. Student Role Every effort is made to provide placements that meet the student's educational needs and career plans. Students are expected to participate in the selection of their field placements. Exemplify professional behavior including: a. Prompt and regular attendance on all field days. b. Conformity with conventions of dress and other norms of field agency. c. Submission of all administrative material promptly in accordance with agency needs and requirements. d. Use field time only for field instruction activities. e. Completion of field responsibilities during assigned field instruction time. 2. Demonstrate commitment to own educational program by: a. Participation in identification of learning needs. b. Preparation for supervisory conferences, including the preparation and study of agendas and the submission of appropriate materials prior to conferences. c. Using supervision to identify client system needs and determine appropriate interventive techniques. d. Seeking opportunities for a broad based practice which includes services to populationsat-risk, culturally and racially diverse clientele including the economically oppressed, gender and sexual orientation. e. Continued use of evaluating own practice with a variety of client systems. 3. Use process recording in the learning environment. 4. Use agency materials according to the ethical standards established by the agency and the national association of social workers. *** To protect confidentiality, students must obtain permission from the field instructor or other agency personnel before using agency records, cases, or report. * The student intern cannot transport clients. * The student intern cannot accept employment at the field site while completing his/her internship. * Internship is a course requirement for completing an MSW program. To help you in selecting a field placement, Faculty Field Liaisons will be available to meet with you to discuss your agency choices, and the field education opportunities available in various agencies. You may also want to discuss your plans with your advisor. 1. Complete the Foundation Field Instruction Questionnaire. It is located at on our website:, click on “Field” then “Field Forms”. Return the form promptly to the Field Division Office for assignment of a Faculty Field Liaison to assist you in the placement process. Indicate when you plan to start foundation placement: August (fall), January (spring), May (summer). Additionally, if you wish to use your place of employment as a field placement, complete and attach the Place of Employment Form. Submit the Foundation Field Instruction Questionnaire either via email to the email listed on the form or to the Field Instruction Office (Room 4137 or mailbox #52) no later than the following deadlines: August 2015 (fall) start → deadline: February 20, 2015 January 2016(spring) start → deadline: October 12, 2015 May 2016(summer) start → deadline: February 15, 2016 2. Review the foundation agency listed also posted on the Field Forms page. 3. Meet with the Faculty Field Liaison assigned to work with you to discuss field placement choices. 4. Contact the agencies to arrange interviews. Agencies will expect that you have a current resume. Do not contact any agency for an interview before speaking with your assigned Faculty Field Liaison. 5. Field internship is considered a course. In order to earn a grade and credit towards your master’s degree, you must register for the appropriate field instruction courses. In March you will be notified by the university regarding registration for fall 2015. If you choose: August (fall) start → register for SocW 570 in the fall; SocW571 in the spring January (spring) start → register for SocW570 in the spring; SocW571 in the summer May (summer block placement) → register for both SocW570 and 571 for the summer 6. After you have completed your interview(s), discussed them, as necessary, with your Faculty Field Liaison, and reached agreement with an agency, complete the Field Instruction Confirmation Form (located on the field forms page referenced above). Submit the form as soon as possible. Concentration Year: Your concentration year field placement must coincide with your designated choice in concentration. Concentration planning sessions at the college in January 2016 will explain the concentration field placement process. *** PM Fall 2015 Foundation Placement Planning KEY DATES 2015 * All deadlines must be met in order to be placed in time for the fall semester. Wednesday Jan 21 & Monday Jan 26 Field Placement Information Meeting Friday, February 20 Deadline for submitting Field Instruction Questionnaire February 2 through April 17 Consultations with liaisons, interviews with agencies for PM students planning Fall start. Friday, April 17 Deadline for submitting Field Instruction Confirmation Form for Fall start (submit earlier if possible) Monday, August 31, 2015 Field placement begins for Fall start PM students PM January 2016 Foundation Placement Planning KEY DATES 2015 * All deadlines must be met in order to be placed in time for the spring semester. Monday, Sept. 14 & Wednesday, Sept. 16 Field Placement Information Meetings Monday, October 12 Deadline for submitting Field Instruction Questionnaire September 21 through November 13 Consultations with liaisons, interviews with agencies for PM students planning January start. Monday, November 16 Deadline for submitting Field Instruction Confirmation Form for January start (submit earlier if possible) Monday, January 11, 2016 Field placement begins for January start PM students PM Summer Block 2016 Foundation Placement Planning KEY DATES 2016 * All deadlines must be met in order to be placed in time for the summer semester. Monday, February 15 Deadline for submitting Field Instruction Questionnaire February 15 through April 1 Consultations with liaisons, interviews with agencies for PM students planning Summer start. Monday, April 11 Deadline for submitting Field Instruction Confirmation Form for Summer start (submit earlier if possible) Monday, May 16, 2016 Field placement begins for Summer Block PM students REVISED_PMProgInfo_Spring2015.doc mc/9/2014
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