1. TECH-WB – GREEN TECH WB: Smart and Green Technologies... Societies in Western Balkan

1. TECH-WB – GREEN TECH WB: Smart and Green Technologies for Innovative and Sustainable
Societies in Western Balkan
Координатор пројекта:
ЕУ – партнери:
Universidad De Leon, Шпанија
Universidade Do Porto, Португал
Universitaet Paderborn, Немачка
University of Split, Хрватска
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach, Пољска
Univerza v Ljubljani, Словенија
Chimikotechnologichen i Metalurgichen
Universitet, Бугарска
Универзитет у Крагујевцу је пуноправни
партнер у овој мрежи, што значи да ће нам у
оквиру мреже бити доступне стипендије за све
нивое студија (размена студената на нивоу
основних, мастер и докторских академских
студија; стипендије за целе студије на нивоу
мастер и докторских студија), као и стипендије
за размену академског и административног
Конкурс за ову мрежу очекујемо у току јесени
2014. године за реализацију мобилности у
школској 2015/2016.
Универзитет Виго, Шпанија
Universidad de Vigo – Escuela Ingenieria
Кратак опис пројекта:
Europe 2020 stresses the need of achieving a smart and
inclusive economy in the continent. Today
environmental and development challenges are linked
both in the EU and WB area. Globalisation and fast
technological development are rapidly changing the
landscape of higher education. The digital agenda is
inevitably at the heart of many EU policies and few could
deny that new technologies play a crucial role in societal
advancement and in opening new employment
possibilities for graduates. The Green-Tech WB EM
project will give its 20 full partners and 27 associated
members, from 10 different EU countries the
opportunity to work in a wider European framework,
and in a broader international context. Our mobility plan
that includes 153 undergraduate, master, PhD, postdoctorate and staff grants (28 for Europeans and 125 for
WB) under target group 1, 2 & 3 is designed around the
triangle: cooperation in higher education, research and
innovation and under the umbrella of the thematic field
GREEN TECH. This proposal promotes European HEIs as
centres of excellence in learning and research around
GREEN TECH and drives this excellence to multi-ethnic
Western Balkan countries to contribute to their better
governance and social cohesion, and further connect the
region to the global economy.
Интернет презентација Програма у изради!!
Structured University between the Balkans and Europe for the Adriatic-ionian Macro-region
Координатор пројекта:
Università Politecnica delle Marche, Анкона,
ЕУ – партнери:
Кратак опис пројекта:
Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, Италија
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Италија
Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna,
Univerza v Ljubljani, Словенија
University of Primorska, Словенија
University of Split, Хрватска
University of Zadar, Хрватска
University of Ioannina, Грчка
The activities will be implemented by a partnership of
Universities mainly belonging to the Uniadrion network
(Virtual network of universities of the Adriatic-Ionian
basin) and located in 9 countries of the Adriatic-Ionian
area. They consist in the organization and
implementation of a structured mobility of different
target groups of students, academic and administrative
staff, with a focus on students at high educational level
and academic staff, for the purposes of high-quality
Универзитет у Крагујевцу није укључен у ову
мрежу, што значи да можемо очекивати да ће
нам у оквиру мреже бити доступне стипендије
за размену студената на вишим нивоима
(мастер и докторске академске
студије), за целе мастер/докторске студије, као
и стипендије за размену академског и
административног особља.
Конкурс за ову мрежу очекујемо у току јесени
2014. године за реализацију мобилности у
школској 2015/2016.
Интернет презентација програма:
cultural exchange. The partners are distributed all over
the Western Balkans and cover a great variety of fields
of study, although the project, being strictly connected
with the reinforcement of the Uniadrion network, will
focus on the main fields of interest already shared by the
network’s members: protection, cataloguing and
promotion of cultural heritage; environment and
sustainable development; cultural tourism and
development; communication, ports and economic
relations. The aim of the project in the short to medium
term is to strengthen and consolidate academic
cooperation among Higher Education Institutions of the
Adriatic-Ionian area. The network of relations to be
created thanks to mobility flows will represent the
academic and cultural infrastructure of the future
Adriatic-Ionian Macro-region, whose strategy is being
developed by the European Commission upon mandate
of the European Council and whose establishment will
become effective by the end of 2014. The long-term
target of the project is to establish a platform for sharing
educational paths in order to implement joint
programmes for the awarding of joint titles among the
universities in the countries of the area. In addition to
that, the mobility of researchers will enable the
exchange of expertise and the identification of research
areas of
common interest, which the scientific resources of the
area should be invested in, with the purpose of creating
an adequate scientific background for the Adriatic-Ionian
*ВАЖНО: за детаље о доступним стипендијама
за циљну групу 2 (Target Group 2) где припадају
факултетима Универзитета у Крагујевцу,
молимо Вас да пратите објаве на сајту
Универзитета, као и на сајту самог Програма.
3. SIGMA Agile: Critical Skills Learning for Innovation, Sustainable Growth, Mobility and
Employаbility in the Multicultural Environment of the Western Balkans
Координатор пројекта:
Универзитет у Варшави, Пољска
University of Warsaw
ЕУ – партнери:
Кратак опис пројекта:
City University London, УК
Humboldt University, Немачка
Lappeenranta University of Technology, Финска
University of Milan, Италија
University Nova de Lisboa, Португалија
University of Salzburg, Аустрија
Universityof Twente, ITC, Холандија
Pompeu Fabra University, Шпанија
The mission of EM A2 SIGMA Agile is to address the real
and changing needs of the Western Balkan Higher
Education Institutions and to contribute towards
innovative education, human resources professional
development, employability, institutional and academic
infrastructure building. These aims will be achieved not
only through exposing students, researchers, academic
and administrative staff to studies, research and training
in other European countries, but also through
accompanying initiatives, such as workshops, webinars
or conferences. As the title of the project promises, the
focus will be on the development of critical skills
necessary for functioning in the knowledge-based
society and increasing chances for success on the labour
market. One of the characteristics of SIGMA Agile will be
inclusion of students and alumni in the project activities,
such as a conference organized by the scholarship
holders themselves. Following Agile manifesto, the
will be enhancing effective interactions among the
partners, scholarship holders, alumni, policy makers,
local authorities, other Erasmus Mundus partnerships,
NGO's, and other stakeholders. It will be using effective
project management tools and techniques and quality
measures. It will be actively responding to the dynamics
of the region. EM A2 SIGMA Agile will be built upon the
tangible achievements of the ongoing project, but will
add substantial value to it and surge up to capitalize the
multiplier effects together with other partnerships and
other organizations. By supporting talents and
developing hard, transferable skills for employment,
SIGMA Agile will fight brain-drain. It will further facilitate
social inclusion (for example, students of Roma origin or
IDP), cross-cultural understanding, and human capital
building in the region. In a wider perspective, SIGMA
Agile will positively affect innovation, employability,
sustainable growth, stability, and peace in the Western
Универзитет у Крагујевцу није укључен у ову
мрежу, што значи да можемо очекивати да ће
нам у оквиру мреже бити доступне стипендије
за размену студената на вишим нивоима
(мастер и докторске академске
студије), за целе мастер/докторске студије, као
и стипендије за размену академског и
административног особља.
Конкурс за ову мрежу очекујемо у
новембру/децембру 2014. године за
реализацију мобилности у школској
Интернет презентација програма:
*ВАЖНО: за детаље о доступним стипендијама
за циљну групу 2 (Target Group 2) где припадају
факултетима Универзитета у Крагујевцу,
молимо Вас да пратите објаве на сајту
Универзитета, као и на сајту самог Програма.
4. EUROWEB + (European Research and Educational Collaboration with Western Balkans)
Координатор пројекта:
Malardalen University- ШВЕДСКА
ЕУ – партнери:
Кратак опис пројекта:
Universita degli Studi dell'Aquila, ИТАЛИЈА
VU University Amsterdam, ХОЛАНДИЈА
Universität Paderborn, НЕМАЧКА
Åbo Akademi University, ФИНСКА
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski,
University of Osijek, ХРВАТСКА
Universitat de les Illes Balears, ШПАНИЈА
Politehnica University, Bucharest,
The project aims to nurture and strengthen an EU- Western
Balkans academic mobility
network, to achieve excellence in both research and education,
with special focus on
Information Technology, and Engineering in the global
context, by identifying key themes
for cooperation, leveraging on the complementary
competencies and providing synergies
essential for the progress and mutual benefit of the targeted
Western Balkan countries and
the EU. Further, the project aims for an increased and durable
communication between
Western Balkan countries themselves by:
• Enabling parts of the Bachelor, Master and
Doctoral study programmes in thematic areas of study through
the exchange of academic
staff, post-doctoral researchers, research students, graduate
and undergraduate students.
• Assimilation of best practices of EU-partner universities in the
areas of management,
curricula development, research and innovations management,
quality management to the
specialists and teachers at Western Balkan partner universities.
• Quality assurance of new study programmes at Western
Balkan partner universities, by providing guidance from an EU
perspective and the Bologna process.
• Enabling mobility in educational and career markets of the EU
member states and Western Balkans by the mutual recognition
of courses and other qualifications.
• Improvement of the qualifications and knowledge level of
students, teachers and young researchers from Western Balkan
by the simplification of knowledge and competence transfer
using the modern research methods.
• Guidance in innovation and entrepreneurship at Western
Balkan universities for facilitating easier and better technology
transfer and creation of start-up companies.
• Dissemination of the findings and successes of this
partnership within the European and the Western Balkan
• Sustainability of efforts by continuation of activities with
other means of support as well as joint future projects.
Универзитет у Крагујевцу није укључен у
ову мрежу, што значи да можемо
очекивати да ће нам у оквиру мреже
бити доступне стипендије за размену
студената на вишим нивоима студија
(мастер и докторске академске студије), и
за целе мастер/докторске студије.
Конкурс за ову мрежу очекујемо крајем
новембра 2014. године за реализацију
мобилности у школској 2015/2016.
Интернет презентација програма:
*ВАЖНО: за детаље о доступним
стипендијама за циљну групу 2 (Target
Group 2) где припадају студенти,
дипломци и запослени на факултетима
Универзитета у Крагујевцу, молимо Вас да
пратите објаве на сајту Универзитета, као
и на сајту самог Програма.