Saint Francis of Assisi Parish 600 Hamilton Street, Norristown, PA 19401 SACRAMENTS AND DEVOTIONS Baptism: Usually the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 1:15 PM. Pre-Jordan class is the third Monday of odd - numbered months. Pre-Jordan must be attended by all parents expecting their first child. Please call the rectory to schedule your Pre-Jordan. Marriage: Initial arrangements must be made at least six months prior to your wedding date. Please call the rectory and set up an appointment with the pastor. Communion Calls: Holy Communion is brought by the deacon and Extraordinary Ministers on a monthly basis to elderly and ill parishioners who are unable to attend Mass. Please notify the Rectory to arrange a visit. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Evening - 5:30 PM Sunday - 7:00 AM, 9:30 AM,12:00 and 5:30 PM Monday thru Saturday - 8:30 AM Eve of Holydays - 5:30 PM Holydays of Obligation –8:30 AM, 12:00 and 7:00 PM (except Christmas and Easter) CONFESSION SCHEDULE Saturday: After 8:30 AM Mass & 4:00 PM—5:00 PM (other times by appointment) RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (closed between 12:00 and 1:00 PM) Friday hours until 4:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Sunday 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM New Parishioners—Welcome to SFA! Please call the Rectory to arrange a time to register in our parish. Hospitals: Pastoral care for Catholic patients in area hospitals is shared by the local parishes. When you or a loved one is admitted please inform the hospital that you are a Catholic so that you will receive Holy Communion and the Sacrament of the Sick from the parish responsible for the hospital that day. Devotions: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament—Mon 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The church is accessible by the handicap door after the 8:30 AM Mass until 4:00 PM (Sept.-May) Rosary – Monday thru Saturday at 8:00 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet—Tues after the 8:30 AM Mass. Infant of Prague Novena- Wed after the 8:30 AM Mass. Sacred Heart Devotions—Fri after the 8:30 AM Mass. Miraculous Medal Novena-Sat after the 8:30 AM Mass. Visits to the Blessed Sacrament—Tuesday through Saturday after the 8:30 AM Mass until 4 PM—Stop at the rectory for the keypad code. CLERGY AND STAFF Rev. James E. Goerner, M.Div., Pastor Deacon James Mahar, Permanent Deacon Rev. Augustine Esposito, OSA., Weekend Assistant Rev. Jack Mc Atee, OSA., Weekend Assistant Mr. Edward Scott, Business Manager Miss Nancy Sanchez, Coordinator of Religious Education Miss Bridget Tigue, School Principal Mrs. Erica Gonzalez, Director, Early Learning Center Mrs. Elizabeth Nacarelli, Parish Secretary Mrs. Dolores Landis, Office Manager BULLETIN DEADLINE – Monday 12 Noon CONTACT INFORMATION Rectory: Phone 610-272-0402, Fax 610-272-1794 Email: [email protected] Website: School: Phone 610-272-0501, Fax 610-272-8011 Email: [email protected] Website: Early Learning Center: Phone 610-757-1523, Fax 484-231-8646 Email: [email protected] Website Prayer Request Line: 610-757-4070 DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA NOVEMBER 9, 2014 Monday, November 10th Tuesday, November 11th Wednesday, November 12th Thursday, November 13th Friday, November 14th Saturday, November 15th Sunday, November 16th 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 5:30 7:00 9:30 12:00 5:30 Nave and D’Aloia Families—Anna Nave and Family Alice Williams—Daughter, Sandy Prayer Service Reverend Vincent Welsh—Jerry Hopple Marie Eustis—Husband, Nate Reverend Vincent F. Welsh—Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fulmer Michael and Caroline Wasko—Family and Friends For the Parishioners Dieciedue Family Reunion—Dieciedue Family Joann Zimmerman—Margaret Whiteside and Family Dolores Faust—Glenn and Eleanor Metzger ALTAR SERVERS—NOVEMBER 15/16 5:30 PM Andrea Lopez, Sophia Flores 7:00 AM Esteban Cano, Kaleigh Byrnes 9:30 AM Millie Collins, Camillo Ciccipio 12:00 PM Nick Whitley, Olivia Whitley 5:30 PM Russell Boubert, Analiese Boubert EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS—NOVEMBER 15/16 5:30 PM Francis Hahn, Lee McNamara 7:00 AM Anita DiLucia, Tony Barbato 9:30 AM Angie Lindsey, Diana Martens 12:00 PM Tony Antunes, Fernanda Antunes 5:30 PM Lillian O’Donnell, Jim Gallagher LECTORS—NOVEMBER 15/16 5:30 PM Mary Ellen Hahn 7:00 AM Dave DiLucia 9:30 AM Margaret Caracappa 12:00 PM The Children 5:30 PM Lillian Gambone SUNDAY CONBTRIBUTIONS—NOVEMBER 2, 2014 Sunday Collection ……………………………..….. $11,362 Sunday Collection One Year Ago……….………… $12,654 Change from Last Year………………………… - $ 1,292 Thank you very much for your contributions! Please remember to use your envelopes! Please consider remembering St. Francis of Assisi Parish in your will! FAMILY REGISTER We are glad to welcome into our parish community: Mr. and Mrs. Diego Guerrero and Family Laura Ortiz and Family We mourn those who have gone before us in death and commend them to the Lord and the communion of saints: Harriet Paravati BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS (PRE JORDAN) The next class in English will be held on Monday, November 17, 2014 at 7:00 PM. The next class in Spanish will be held on Monday, December 15, 2014 at 7:00 PM. Pre Jordan classes are held in the Parish Meeting House Room 1. Please contact the rectory to register. PARISH CALENDAR OF EVENTS ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT EVERY MONDAY BEGINNING FROM 9 AM TO 4 PM Monday 2:30 Cheerleading (G) 4:00 Teen PREP (R) 6:20 Cub Scouts Committee (R) Tuesday 4:00 RCIA Teens (R) 7:00 RCIA Adults (MH2) Thursday 6:30 Cub Scouts (S) 7:00 Legion of Mary (R) 7:00 Liturgy Committee (R) Friday School Pictures All Day (G) Saturday Wednesday 6:30 Choir (C) 6:30 Girl Scouts (S) Sunday 10:30 PREP (S) PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK The sick list will be updated monthly. We will be glad to keep the name of your loved one on the list for one month. If you want to extend a request for prayers beyond that time, please call the Rectory to let us know so we do not remove your loved one’s name from the list. Please remember only the names of the seriously ill should be placed on our sick Meriann Black Stephen Buckley Joe Byrnes Michael Cantello Jack Char Nicholas Ciccarella Brian DeCarlo Vincent DeCarlo Millie Cooper Daniel Enz Fr. Dominick Finn Ed Howard Nancy Kazmierczak Joseph Marchese Rose Marinari Charlotte Mateja Bethann McElroy John Moore Edward O’Brien Blanche Petko Kathleen Stephens Joseph Steuer Sissy Undercuffler Charles Wood Paul Wright 2015 ANNOUNCED MASS BOOK The 2015 announced Mass book is now open. Mass intentions will be taken during regular rectory business hours: Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.; Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.; Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon. There is a limit of six Mass intentions per family (two Sunday and four weekday). Page001-031 November 9, 2014—Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Reflection by Rev. Leonard N. Peterson The calendar has done it again. Just as with last weekend, the 2014 calendar brings to a Sunday a feast usually lost to most hard-working Christians by occurring on a weekday. It is called the “Dedication of the Lateran Basilica.” So, in modern parlance, “What’s the deal here?” MARK YOUR CALENDARS Upcoming Special Liturgies FAMILY MASS Nov 16th @ Noon THANKSGIVING DAY MASS Nov 27th @ 9:00 AM If you were to go to the Eternal City you could visit this church, one of the four so-called “major basilicas” of Rome, and not know its significance. Some background is necessary. The basilica sits on land donated to the infant Church by the wealthy Lateran family way back in the fourth century. Such a donation was only recently possible, as the Church had just been relieved of official state persecution only a few years by decree of the newly-converted emperor Constantine, who issued his edict in 313 AD. Eleven years later, on November 9, 324 A.D., Pope St. Sylvester I dedicated the brand new building. Ever since, this Church has been honored as the locale of the pope’s official “seat” (cathedral) as the Bishop of Rome. (It is a mistake to think this of St. Peter’s basilica.) According to an inscription placed on the facade of the present building, Pope Clement XII in the eighteenth century declared that St. John Lateran is “the mother and head of all the churches of Rome and the world.” It was the site of five Ecumenical Councils. Pope Innocent X commissioned the present structure in 1646, so it was already 130 years old when our country was formed in Philadelphia. Beneath the high altar of this church rests the remains of a small wooden table on which, according to tradition, St. Peter himself celebrated Mass. The church honors St. John the Baptist. I hope you find this brief sketch of the building’s history more for encouragement than education. Sometimes I believe that the pace of modern life added to its intensifying secularism, can intimidate us Christians. We might think that we have become little more than a fringe group with little experience and nothing to say to the wide world. This ancient building we are honoring today gives powerful witness to the fact that our calendar pages embrace centuries not decades. Our worldwide community numbering more than a billion souls has weathered numerous assaults, and has only lasted because of Jesus’ promise of standing with it and the Holy Spirit’s dwelling within it. But the real joy for us this day is captured in St. Paul’s Letter. He tells us that we are the real temple of God. No building, no matter how historic or splendid in decor can match that of a soul in love with God. No edifice of material construction is as important to God as the relationship we build with Him each day of our life. So, while we remain proud of all the historical markers a great basilica such as St. John Lateran gives us, there is really only one mark that counts. It is His signature on our souls. CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE Beginning right after Thanksgiving the “Giving Tree” will once again be set up in the vestibule of the church. Once again we will have tags on the tree with suggested gift items to purchase and return unwrapped under the tree for distribution. This year we will again be collecting gifts to give to our “Shut-Ins”. So often these folks who have worked their whole lives and given of themselves to their families and communities are forgotten at Christmas. Below are some generic gift ideas for shut-ins and senior citizens. Some of the tags on the giving tree will have more specific gift suggestions. WRITING PAPER AND STAMPS WOMEN’S SCARF AND HAT SET MEN’S SCARF AND HAT SET KNIT GLOVES – Men’s or Women’s WARM SOCKS – Men’s or Women’s LARGE PRINT BOOKS (Crossword, Word Find, Readers Digest) AUDIO BOOKS TOWEL SET (1 bath & hand towel and face cloth) LAP BLANKETS / THROWS LARGE BUTTON TELEPHONE LARGE BUTTON REMOTE CONTROLS BOX OF ASSORTED TEAS OR COFFEES SNACK BASKET (Granola bars, nuts, hard candies, juice boxes) If you are stumped just think of your mother or father, grandmother or grandfather and ask yourself what they would need or like to have. As I said more specific suggestions will be on the Giving Tree beginning in December. Fr. Goerner Page 2—031 Cub Scout Pack 268—Any boy in 1st thru 4th grade who would like to join the Cubs should stop by any Thursday at 6:45 in the Library at the school or email Liz Parker at [email protected]. PRAYER LINE St. Francis of Assisi Prayer Line is open. As a community we pray for those who are sick and/or in need of prayers for other reasons. There are two ways to have one included in the Prayer Line. E-mail and a phone line are available. To e-mail your request visit our website, select “Prayer Requests” and follow the instructions. You do not have to include your name unless you desire. Please call 610757-4070 for phone requests and follow the prompts. Each week the requests are printed and distributed to our Prayer Group for prayers and a copy placed in the Mass Intention Book, which is located in the Sacred Heart Chapel. From September until the end of May the Eucharistic Adoration members also pray for your requests after the 8:30 am Monday Mass until 4:00 pm, and during the summer months after the 8:30 am Monday Mass until 9:30 am. Please consider volunteering for the prayer line Ministry. Prayer is a spiritual work of Mercy and a powerful healer for all of us. There are many in need of our prayers because of health problems or those suffering mental anguish of caring for a loved one. Be assured our Prayer Group wants to pray for your intentions. Thank you and God Bless you. The Saint Francis of Assisi School Canticle Where Service, Faith, & Academics Come Together WE VALUE . . . CATHOLIC EDUCATION Halloween Happenings On Thursday, October 30th, Saint Francis of Assisi School celebrated Halloween a day early since the SFA Faculty attended Archbishop Chaput’s Day for Teachers at the Pennsylvania Convention Center on Friday, October 31st. Our students in Pre-K through 8th Grade participated in the Halloween Parade at 10:45 A.M. in the Parking Lot. Students walked around the block a few times and were greeted by a special Halloween visitor, Fr. Goerner, by the Rectory. Following the parade, the following students were recognized as winners of the Best Costume Contest: Pre-K—Haley Spitko as Olaf the Snowman; Kindergarten—Cora Carlin as Toothless the Dragon, Addison Gordon from Chicka Chicka Boom Boom; 1st Grade - Eliana Harvey as a Pirate; 2nd Grade—Finnian Alleborn as a Volcano; 3rd Grade - Scott McNamee as a Vending Machine; 4th Grade—Peighton Gordon as a Carnival Game; 5th Grade— Olivia Whitley as Cotton Candy; 6th Grade—Julianna McNamee as the Claw Machine; 7th Grade—Tamia Patterson as Wonder Woman; 8th Grade—Maria Montanez as a Cupcake, Tyler Murray as the Incredible Hulk. Catholic Clinical Consultants Catholic Clinical Consultants, the behavioral health company of Catholic Healthcare Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, provides individual, couples, &family counseling in a welcoming &supportive environment. Our staff includes psychologists & Master’s level professional psychotherapists. Day & evening hours are available. We are a Medicare provider & accept most health insurance. We have offices in Levittown, East Norriton, Northeast Philadelphia, South Philadelphia & Springfield, Delaware County. To schedule an appointment call 855-518-2223. The Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul conducts an evangelization ministry with Cathedral Ambassadors. This enthusiastic group of trained Ambassadors staffs the Basilica every day of the week and is comprised of volunteer parishioners from all over the Archdiocese. They answer questions, offer assistance and give tours. Cathedral Ambassadors provide a personal presence in the Basilica, they put a face on the Church. Cathedral Ambassadors are assigned 4 hour shifts. The schedule is flexible - one day or more a month. They are provided training and materials to support their evangelization ministry. Learn more about our Cathedral Basilica at For more information on the Ambassador Program and/or to become an Ambassador, please contact Nick or Louise Pascale, coordinators of the Program at [email protected]. St. Teresa of Avila Christmas Bazaar, Friday, Nov. 14 from 5 to 10 pm. Food, vendors, basket raffles, silent auction, baked goods, cookie walk & kids activities. Call for any further info 610-666-5820. Here’s a look at the week ahead: Monday, November 10th, 2014 NO SCHOOL – Faculty Professional Development Day Tuesday, November 11th, 2014 – Veterans Day Pretzel Orders due Safe Environment Lessons Pre-K - 8th Grade Wednesday, November 12th, 2014 Pretzel Day Facenda Whitaker Bowling Club 2:40 – 5:00 PM Chick-fil-A Rally Night (East Norriton) 5:00 – 7:30 PM Thursday, November 13th, 2014 8th Grade Archdiocesan High School Visitation Day Zumba Dance Class for Pre-K - 3rd Grade 2:45 – 3:15 PM in the Kindergarten classroom Cub Scout Meeting 6:30 PM Friday, November 14th, 2014 8th Grade Christmas Show Rehearsal (Gym) Sunday, November 16th, 2014 Family Mass at Noon Mass – All are welcome! Page 3—031 PARISH ACTIVITIES AND ORGANIZATIONS Aid For Friends Lynn Trombetta Altar Servers (Schedule) Lillian Aguilar Bereavement Committee Fr. James Goerner Cantors Michael Maresca Carnival Committee Tom O’Donnell Choir—Adult Michael Maresca Contemporary Music Group Anne Korkus Cub Scouts John Moore Deaf Apostolate Fr. Anthony Russo Eucharistic Adoration Group Liz Nacarelli Extraordinary Ministers Tony Barbato Evangelization Group Adel Herge Finance Council Fr. James Goerner Girl Scouts Alysia DiRado Harte Greeters John Bilella Ladies of St. Francis Linda Steppe Lectors Tony Barbato Legion of Mary Virginia Chernick Liturgy Committee Fr. James Goerner Men of St. Francis Charles Wood Musicians Michael Maresca Pastoral Council Fr. James Goerner Prayer Shawl Ministry Kay Boyce Pre-Jordan Nancy Sanchez Prayer Line Volunteers Nancy DeKok P.R.E.P. (C.C.D.) Nancy Sanchez Pro-Life Group Joseph Aquilani, Jr. RCIA Nancy Sanchez Senior Citizens Ann Filon St. Vincent dePaul Tony Antunes Ushers John Bilella 215-464-2224 717-514-7035 610-272-0402 610-539-7597 610-476-3050 610-539-7597 610-539-7854 610-272-3324 215-423-9547 610-272-0402 484-576-3161 610-547-5935 610-272-0402 610-350-6762 610-279-1058 610-539-7917 484-576-3161 610-630-6950 610-272-0402 267-438-2572 610-539-7597 610-272-0402 610-539-1876 610-272-0402 610-277-1344 610-272-0402 610-539-0592 610-272-0402 610-539-5055 610-272-0402 610-279-1058 PASTORAL COUNCIL MEMBERS Millie Cooper, Nancy DeKok, Rev. James E. Goerner, Deacon Jim Mahar, Kay McDonald, Lillian O’Donnell, Patricia Perna, Nancy Sanchez, Linda Steppe, Bridget Tigue FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS Patricia Bader, Jim Busciacco, Rev. James E. Goerner, Patricia Perna, Felicia Riehman, Mary Anne Serosky, Edward Shaw, Edward Scott St. Francis Seniors meet the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month at 1pm in the Parish Meetinghouse. All seniors age 55 & over are invited. Our next meeting is November 18. A speaker from the Norristown Farm Park, Ruth King, will be at our November 18 meeting. December 9—St. Francis Seniors Christmas Luncheon—at Plymouth Country Club. Please join us! Call Barbara Ruser for more information 610-831-1063. December 11—Christmas Outing at The American Music Theatre. Included is lunch, family style, at Good & Plenty. There will be a short stop at Rockvale Outlets for some Christmas shopping. Entertainment at this theatre is top notch as many celebrities perform here. $96 includes tax, gratuity and show. $20 deposit is required. September 12 to 19, 2015—Norwegian Cruise Line - Round trip from NY. Ship: Norwegian Gem - Departure: New York. Ports of Call: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada - Bar Harbor, Maine, St. John, New Brunswick, Canada - Newport, Rhode Island. Inside Cabins, Outside Cabins w/window and Balcony Cabins are presently available $1,249, $1,449, $1699. Flyer is available. If interested contact Jane Caruso 610-539-1681. The Shrine of the Miraculous Medal will host their Annual Solemn Novena (Nine Days of Prayer), November 17th to 25th with Fr. Michael Whalen, C.M. The Theme is: “The Hail Mary: Prayer of Angels, Saints, and Sinners.” Mass, homily and Novena prayers at 7 am, 9am, & 12pm daily except Sunday. Novena prayers, Homily & Benediction in afternoons and evenings. Confessions heard on Mondays and Thursday. Free and secure parking is always available. Visit for details. St. Alphonsus Parish, Maple Glen invites you to join us for an “Olde Fashioned Christmas Bazaar” on Sat., Nov. 22, 9:00 - 3:30.HO-HO-HO!! Start your Christmas buying & enjoy a holiday atmosphere. There will be a food court; a children’s Secret Santa Shoppe; a home-baked goods table; gift raffles and 50-50 chances plus 40 vendors featuring mostly handcrafted items. Instead of an entrance fee, we ask that shoppers bring a dry staple or canned good for a local food pantry! Further info: Ellen Lee (215) 837-0706 or Mary Frances Kelly (215) 206-9112. Advent Retreat Day for Women - Journey with Mary Begin preparations for Christmas with the story of Mary as you take time to pray with God’s presence in your own story. This day is designed for Catholic women of all ages seeking to enter into the season of Advent more reflectively. The day includes Mass and Lunch. Sunday, December 7th 9am to 4:30pm Provincialate of the Sisters of the Holy Redeemer 521 Moredon Road Huntingdon Valley , PA 19006 Space is limited – please RSVP by December 5th. Free will offering gratefully accepted. Sponsored by the Sisters of the Holy Redeemer. For more information please contact: Sr. Ana Dura, CSR or Sr. Katharina Maria 215-9144109; [email protected] www.sistersholyrede World Meeting of Families-Philadelphia 2015 – Save the Date! Mark your family calendar for the 8th World Meeting of Families! Philadelphia is proud to welcome families from around the world to this event on September 22-27, 2015. Families can look forward to speakers, celebrations, activities for kids, and prayer, all of which will bring renewal and transformation for you, your loved ones, and the world. Visit the official World Meeting of Families website at: to learn more and to sign up for regular updates on how you can participate. Page 4-031
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