The Vine Thornton Methodist Church Magazine CLC BOOKSHOP 45 Abingdon Street Blackpool 01253 624160 Bibles books cards and gifts available here or order from your church bookstall Opening times Monday Saturday 9.30-5.00pm Jack Jordan qualified unisex mobile hairdresser with 4 years salon experience. Are you a business then this space could be working for you Reasonable prices and working flexible hours. For any enquiries or to make an appointment please contact Jack on 07794560782 email [email protected] Victorian Arts and Crafts Looking for a Book-keeper? Need someone to help with VAT Returns and/or Payroll? Ring Moira Hannah for a no obligation quote 8 Blackpool Old Road Poulton-le-Fylde, FY6 7DH For all your Needlework and Craft supplies Knitting, crochet, patchwork, Cross stitch, etc AP OCTOBER/ NOVEMBER 2014 suggested donation 50p 1 07870 174649 Fellow Member of Association of Accounting Technicians with over 30 years’ experience Tel: 01253 883685 Email: [email protected] 2 The Vine – October and November 2014 Welcome to this edition of The Vine. During this edition of The Vine we will be holding our Harvest Festival and welcoming new members, and then at the end of November we start the season of Advent! If you would like an article in the December/January edition of The Vine the deadline is Friday 14th November. Please let Lesley have your items, or you can send by email to the Church Office [email protected] or they can be taken to the church office, which is open on Fridays from 10.00 to 12 noon. . PLEASE HELP US TO GET TO KNOW YOU! Name…………………………………………………………. Telephone……………………………………………………. Address………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………... Tick here I am new to this church I would like someone to call I would like to receive this magazine regularly I would like further info about………………………... Please cut this out and hand / post it to the Minister, give to one of the Stewards or email your details to [email protected] 3 Rev Stephen Dunn 60 Victoria Road East Thornton Cleveleys FY5 5HQ 01253 855917 07913 442627 [email protected] Dear Friends So here we are, 12 months into life and ministry here in Thornton! If I’d known then what I know now!!! On Sunday, we looked at Psalm 23 thinking about David’s journey with God, we looked at Zacchaeus, his transformation on meeting Jesus and we committed ourselves afresh to God and His Church – Thornton Methodist Church. The anniversary of my arrival here in Thornton gives me the opportunity to reflect on what’s been achieved in the last year, and also to pray about and consider where God is leading us onto. In many ways, it has been a tough year, however, God is good! And so I give thanks for the new group of 8 worship leaders going through training, and the 4 people who have begun preaching this year (this would be considered a success for the circuit, never mind just 1 church!). Other highlights across the year include The Pancake Party, the starting of Brownies and Rainbows, Preaching series and 24 hours of prayer on The Fruit of The Spirit (Galatians 5), Holiday Club x2 and Church family socials and so I could continue! It’s a good mix of Spiritual, and Social, outreach and fellowship, old and young – which gives me hope for the future that we are in a good place for God to lead us forward. God is Good 4 So what does the future hold? Well, God knows! And in Him we must trust. My personal plans include development of the foyer café as a place of fellowship and outreach. Redevelopment of the toilets and kitchen by the hall – that we have better facilities for the Church and as a resource to the community. I hope to build on our network of housegroups and invite the whole Church to join together and do 40 Days of Purpose by Rick Warren. Again, I could continue, but I will stop with those 3 major targets, always wanting to leave space for the Holy Spirit! As well as continuing to do all that we are already committed to and are doing so well. So, we have come a long way, and equally the road stretches out a long way in front of us too, as we journey on we must keep our eyes on Jesus, and have our ear attentive to His voice. Our commitment to God, seconded only by our commitment to each other…as I wrote about last September in my first letter to you, Jesus’s great commandment to us can be condensed to Loving God, Loving People. In all we do let seek to do just that. We offer our deepest sympathy to the families of those who have died recently, assuring them of our prayers. In particular: We pray for the family and friends of Winnie Holden whose funeral took place at Thornton Methodist Church on 25 July. We particularly remember her sons David, Tom and Ken and their families, and Winnie’s church family in our prayers. We pray for the family and friends of Margaret Crear whose funeral took place at Carleton Crematorium on 13 August. We particularly remember her husband Lawrence and daughter Pauline and their families in our prayers. Blessed are those who die in the Lord; for they rest from their labours Since the last magazine went to print we have been blessed to witness two christenings at Thornton Methodist Church: Yours in Christ’s service Stephen Well done to Stephen, Grace and Liz Astbury for completing the recent Fleetwood Triathlon, and thank you to everyone who has sponsored them. If you have not sponsored them and would like to do so, I am sure they will be very grateful. Congratulation to Rita and Derrick Crompton who will be celebrating their Diamond Wedding Anniversary on 2nd October. 5 Michael Lewis Shotton was Christened on 10th August and brought by her parents Donna and Stuart Shotton Taegan-Jade Heightley was Christened on 14th September and brought by her parents Wayne Heightley & Claire Green We will continue to support these parents as they seek to nurture their children in the love of God. 6 Sunday Worship October and November Worship at TMC At TMC it is part of our Vision that we cater for a variety of worship preferences, which is why we hold two services on Sunday mornings. Our 9.30 a.m. service is led by organ and choir, whilst our 11 a.m. service is usually led by a Worship Leader and one of our Worship Bands. At 10.30 a.m. between services we all meet together for coffee/tea and fellowship. Once a month we hold our Tent Service at 7.00 p.m. This is a contemporary worship service led by either our Worship Band or Youth Band and features testimony, prayer and teaching. If you have never been to a tent service before, why not give it a try? You would be made very welcome. And on the third Sunday of the month there is an intercessory prayer meeting at 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm. We pray, we teach one another about prayer, we listen to God, we pray using scripture and Spiritual gifts are encouraged. Sunday 5th October - Harvest 10.30 a.m. United Service – Rev Stephen Dunn 7.00 p.m. The Tent – Brian Robbins Sunday 12th October 9.30 a.m. Preacher - Rev Nick Moxon Holy Communion 11.00 a.m. Preacher - Rev Nick Moxon – All Age Worship and Parade Sunday 19th October – Compassion Sunday 9.30 a.m. Preacher – Rev Stephen Dunn 11.00 a.m. Preacher – Rev Stephen Dunn – Holy Communion Sunday 26th October 9.30 a.m. Preacher – Deacon Jo Critchley 11.00 a.m. Preacher - Rebekah Spinks 7 Sunday 2nd November 9.30 a.m. Preacher – Sylvia Clark Worship Leader – Eileen Harper 11.00 a.m. Preacher – Rev Bill Davies 7.00 p.m. The Tent – Rev Stephen Dunn Sunday 9th November – Remembrance Sunday 9.30 a.m. Preacher – Rev Stephen Dunn Holy Communion 11.00 a.m. Preacher – Rev Stephen Dunn All Age Worship and Parade Sunday 16th November 9.30 a.m. Preacher - Rev Stephen Dunn - Gideons 11.00 a.m. Preacher – Rev Stephen Dunn – Gideons Holy Communion Sunday 23rd November 9.30 a.m. Preacher - Rev Paul Wilson 11.00 a.m. Preacher - Rev Paul Wilson Sunday 30th November – Advent Sunday 9.30 a.m. Preacher - Rev Stephen Dunn Worship Leader – Eileen Harper 11.00 a.m. Preacher - Rev Stephen Dunn Worship Leader – Christine Penson Holding two and sometimes three services in a day requires a lot of teamwork and support. If you feel you can help in any way, perhaps welcoming, serving coffee, or with sound and vision, please start off by talking to one of the stewards who will be delighted to speak with you. Remember, the more volunteers we have, the greater the spread of our tasks. We particularly need more welcome stewards for the 11.00 service and a couple of people to make coffee on one Sunday a month 8 CIRCUIT MEETING Circuit Stewards Eileen Harper has decided to withdraw from being a circuit steward. Eileen has been the point of contact for the maintenance of manses and has contributed to the pastoral aspect of our work; we are grateful for her service. Report from the recent Circuit Meeting Staff deployment From September 2014, the circuit staffing has been reduced by one presbyter so the staffing complement is now 4 full time presbyters and 1.6 full time equivalent deacons. Decisions about deployment have not been easy but the staff and stewards feel that through prayerful consideration of the circumstances of each church we have arrived at a good position. Our strategy has been to recognise the distinction between the Presbyter in Pastoral Charge of a Church and its Lead Minister, ie the minister who will do most of the work in the local church. In two churches (Pilling and Springfield Greenlands) the lead minster will be a deacon. A consequence of this is that our deacons will not be able to do as much as they did in other churches. Deployment will be: Church Presbyter in Pastoral Charge Lead minister Diaconal support Anchorsholme Michael Payne Michael Payne Cleveleys Park Michael Payne Michael Payne Jo Critchley Knott End (and Bethel URC) Paul Critchley Paul Critchley Jo Critchley Pilling Paul Critchley Jo Critchley Poulton-le-Fylde Barrie Lees Barrie Lees Springfield Greenlands Paul Critchley Maureen Spinks Thornton Stephen Dunn Stephen Dunn Trinity Paul Critchley Paul Critchley Maureen Spinks Maureen Spinks The detail of how the Presbyter in Pastoral Charge and the Lead Minister (where they are different) will be worked through in discussion, but the Lead Minister will be the minister who does most preaching in the church. Church Councils will be chaired by the Presbyter and the Lead Minister. Bispham and The Mount churches are being rented by Kings Church and Emmanuel Church respectively, but are both on the market for sale. Poulton Methodist Church is undergoing Development phase 2 development has five sub-phases: Development of the hall, removing the stage and replacing with modular stage units, increasing activity space, flexibility and accessible storage Enlarging and dividing the lounge to create safe, welcoming and attractive spaces Redesigning the Upper Room, including spaces for our young people and increasing its accessibility by installing a lift; this sub-phase also includes renewing the stairway and improving the office Enlarging the coffee shop kitchen and reconfiguring the toilets Replacing the scout hut with a two-level ‘youth centre’ extension. The project will be phased. Decisions have been made to prioritise work on the hall, upper room and extending the coffee shop kitchen. The project is being steered by a development group responsible to Church Council. The total cost of the project will be about £430k including VAT, fees and contingencies, but it will be implemented in stages over time. It is expected that work on the hall will begin in the next few weeks, assuming consent from district, and will be completed by the end of January 2015 to mark the Church’s Golden Anniversary. This has been made possible by a large grant from the Lancashire Environmental Fund as well as generous giving. A new circuit website will be launched very soon. The domain address is Anchorsholme Methodist Church - May 2013 was the 75th anniversary of the building of Anchorsholme Methodist Church and it was a successful time of celebration. It also led into a time of seriously looking at what God wanted of us as a congregation in the coming years. Almost 9 10 from day one there has been water ingress into various parts of the building and in recent years this has become a bigger problem with no easy solution. The heating of the worship area became an almost impossible task and so over the winter we moved into the Community Hall for worship. This has been successful and the Church Council, following consultation with the wider Church Community, has asked an architect to look at the viability of selling the Luton Road end of the site, containing the Worship Area and developing the Community Hall end of the building into a better equipped area for community and Church use with a new smaller hall and better kitchen and toilet facilities. At the moment we are investigating with the council outline planning permission for part of the site to increase its saleable value to what is envisioned as being in the region of the cost to do the alterations and improvements to the rest of the site. Knott End Methodist Church and Bethel United Reformed Church are working closer together and now sharing two Sunday services a month with Rev Paul Critchley assuming Ministerial oversight of the congregation at Bethel URC. Eventually both churches will be closed, but refurbishing or redeveloping the Knott End Methodist Church site, and open, at some point in the future, as a new church. BADMINTON Whilst the hall at Poulton Methodist Church is being refurbished, their Badminton group will be meeting at TMC on Monday evening at 8.00pm. They welcome any members of TMC to join them. LANCASHIRE METHODIST DISTRICT 2015 will be the Year of Social Justice and the District Inspire Conference will be on Saturday 7th March at Runshaw College – please put this date in your diary. 11 THANK YOU David, Tom and Ken Holden and family would like to thank you for your kind thoughts, prayers and messages of sympathy to them during their sad loss of their mum, Winnie Holden. They would particularly like to thank Rev Stephen Dunn for his many visits to Winnie and for conducting the funeral service. HARVEST Harvest and receiving New Members 10:30am Sunday 5th October. A united service at 10:30am to celebrate Harvest followed by a shared lunch (please bring food to share). As a double celebration we will be welcoming new members into the church family – if this is something you feel might be for you please speak to Rev Stephen Dunn. The Harvest Supper is on Saturday 4th October at 6.30 pm. Hot Pot and Apple Pie with a vegetarian alternative. Tickets £2.50 adults and £7.50 for family of 4 available from Pat Gregory and Lesley Butterworth. The church will be open on Saturday 4th October from 10.00 am to 12 noon if anyone would like to bring tins etc for Streetlife or Comfort Zone then these will be displayed for the Sunday, they can still be brought on the Sunday morning. Drinks will be available on Saturday morning. Alpha Our Alpha course has just started, why not join them on Thursdays at 7.15 to 9.15pm? All welcome. For catering purposes please let Eileen (07979 648348) or Stephen (855917) know. 12 Monthly Giving: July and August 2014 July 6th 13th 20th 27th £ £ £ £ 470.24 676.79 346.91 464.28 Aug. 3rd 10th 17th 24th 31st £ £ £ £ £ 459.16 349.53 394.11 472.79 278.75 “In one single quiet time of prayer the soul will often make more progress than in days of company with others. It is in the desert that the eye gets the clearest, simplest view of eternal certainties; it’s in his presence alone, it is then that the soul gathers in wondrous refreshment and power and energy. And so it is also in this way that we become truly useful to others. It is when coming out fresh from communion with God that we go forth to do his work successfully. Standing Orders: £1,652.00 £1,620.00 Total: £3,610.22 £3,574.34 Average weekly: £ 902.55 £ 714.86 Total income: July: £ 6,206.10* Total expenses: July: £ 5,241.74 *includes some Gift Day Aug: Aug: PRAYER TIMES £ 6,252.49 £ 5,957.54 The coffee morning in Aug raised £235 The coffee morning in Sept raised £208 FINANCE TEAM NEWSFLASH I’m very pleased to report that we have achieved a small surplus for the last financial year of just over £2000. This would not have been possible with the Gift Day held at the end of June which raised £3726 and shows that we are still very dependent on such extra fund raising activities. Thanks to all who contributed to this appeal. The accounts are currently being audited and when this is completed will be available to anyone who is interested. The budget for next year has also been prepared and due to continued increases in running costs it looks as if we shall just about break even. Please review your current level of Giving to see if you can increase this to help us – an average increase of just 50p per week from each Member would make a huge difference. In nearness to God we get our vessels filled with blessing, so that, when we come forth, we cannot contain it to ourselves but must, as by a blessed necessity, pour it out whithersoever we go” Horatius Bonar In the Aug/Sept “Vine”, we read some strong words of the Rev. Bonar about our absolute need for more prayer – always, more prayer. His words this time help to explain why. In prayer and in prayerful reflection on scripture, we come into closest contact with our God, with his power and his energy. In prayer we’re reenergized and re-empowered to reach out and to do the work he wants us to do. In prayer we receive (or maybe we simply become more aware of) his rich blessings poured out on us. The same thoughts put into more contemporary language, lie at the heart of this beautiful worship song: Jesus, be the centre, be my source, be my light, Jesus. Jesus, be the centre, be my song, Jesus. Be the fire in my heart, be the wind in my sails, Be the reason that I live, Jesus, Jesus. Jesus, be my vision, be my help, be my guide, Jesus © 1999 Vineyard Song Brian Watkins 13 14 Prayer Ministry By the time you read this, there will be a number of people who will have completed - either for the first time, or as a refresher course Prayer Ministry Training. Over the four sessions of training, they will have reflected on: the work of the Holy Spirit among us what scripture says about praying for one another the practicalities of praying with one another These Prayer Ministers will be available at each service - before and after - to pray with you over any issue or need. To make it easier to spot them, they will wear “Prayer Ministry” badges at each service. There is already much prayer ministry in our church, so many people praying for others; in their personal prayer, through our Prayer Chain, our Intercessions Book and our Prayer Tree. And over the years we’ve seen many of those prayers answered. Face-to-face Prayer Ministry brings its own special blessings. Like all prayer it’s an act of faith on the part of the one praying as well as the one being prayed with. As Sandy Millar put it so succinctly on the training video:‘The work is all God’s. We simply reach out and pray.’ But for all those who have already experienced being prayed with, it can bring a great sense of the immediate presence of the Holy Spirit; and when we are in the presence of the Spirit, great things happen. Please do use our Prayer Ministers; they are there to serve us all in their work. 24 HOURS OF PRAYER 6pm FRIDAY 17th - 6pm SATURDAY 18th OCTOBER The Lord’s Prayer church open: 6pm – midnight on Friday 6am – 6pm on Saturday Worship together: Friday 7:30 – 8:30 pm Saturday 5-6:00pm - informal communion Children’s prayer activities Saturday 10-10:55 a.m. & 11-11:55 a.m. TUESDAY PRAYER MEETING The half hour Tuesday prayer meeting has changed time and now meets from 7.00 to 7.30 pm OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOX APPEAL This year we will once again be supporting this charity. If you would like to fill a shoebox for a child who would otherwise not receive anything this Christmas please help yourself to a shoebox and/or leaflet from the back of church. If you have any spare shoeboxes these would be greatly appreciated. For any who were unable to attend the recent training sessions, but feel interested in, or intrigued by this ministry, there’ll be a further opportunity to do the training in a single Saturday session - date to be arranged. You can bring completed boxes to church upto Sunday 16th November. If you are interested please contact Stephen or Brian Robbins. Gail Carolan and Shirley Eade 15 Many thanks for your support. 16 FASHION SHOW Forget the catwalks of Paris and Milan and the famous models, TMC is where it’s at! On Friday 12th September we had a fantastic evening watching our own ‘Famous Models’ strut their stuff on the catwalk. The outfits they modelled were provided by Paula of Noosa Boutique of Poulton. After the fashion show all the lovely outfits modelled, plus many more were available to buy along with handbags and jewellery. Also there was an Avon stall, Raffle, craft stall and a guess Teddy’s favourite drink game to empty our purses! There were plenty of nibbles and drinks to keep us going through the evening. It was a great night and BIG thank you’s go out to all who helped set up and run the evening and tidy up afterwards. Also a big thank you to our lovely models. NIMBLE FINGERS Thanks to the generous donations of wool and time, Nimble Fingers have managed to complete 15 knee blankets and donated them to the Conifers Care Home. We are still knitting various items for charity and for the Christmas Fair. It amazes us just how we keep getting bags and bags of wool! Only 2 weeks ago we discussed putting out an appeal for wool, and that very same day 2 people came to offer us wool, we are now stocked up again (God really moved fast on that request!) Knitting is back in fashion, come and join us on Thursdays at 11.00 and we can teach you how to knit, or, if you are a knitter bring your knitting along and have a natter. I am not sure what we do most, knitting or nattering but it’s a fun hour! SOUL SURVIVOR TESTIMONIES ACTION FOR CHILDREN The amount raised from Action for Children Sunday on 12 th July was £93.50, also a total of £157.50 was collected by having an AFC stall at our monthly Saturday coffee mornings. Thank you to everyone who donated money or goods to make this possible. If anyone would like a League of Light collection box please see me. Shirley Eade 17 Sophie Oh man, what to say? Jesus was there and so we all had a truly amazing time. There was a lot of freedom for me from things I’ve been battling with for a while. Hallelujah indeed! The whole gang were brilliant and relationships between us all have really grown. And the food was amazing! I’m going to miss Soul Survivor but I know my relationship with Jesus has deepened immensely. Pretty groovy that. Dougie Grotty showers were made up for by the awesome worship and fantastic youth leaders that stayed up late and cooked beautiful food. Thank you. 18 George H I really enjoyed Soul Survivor, it was a great experience and the worship was great. On day 3 I went to a seminar about fear. I went in anxious with a lot of fear and came out feeling refreshed and free from all of this. Soul Survivor was great and I am definitely going next year. Lizzie This year was my first year at Soul Survivor and it was great. The seminars were interesting and the main worships were funny but still serious. I especially enjoyed the colour chaos paint party. By the end I was covered in red paint. The only bad thing was being squeezed into a tight space during the main services. I really enjoyed myself and I will definitely be going again next year. Rececca I’ve had a really amazing week and met really strongly with God. Can’t wait for next year. Amelia I really enjoyed Soul Survivor and thought the worship was really great. I particularly thought Beth Croft was awesome. Overall it was a fabulous week!!! AUTUMN STAY & PLAY Friday 31st October 9.45am-11.30am Parents & carers are invited to bring along toddlers & children of all ages for a fun morning: Toys to play with; Craft to make; Costs: £2 parent & toddler/child - includes tea/coffee/juice 50p for each additional child Toast; Teacakes; Cakes to buy GARDEN PARTY Many thanks to all my friends who came to the garden party, we had such a lovely afternoon together. The weather was perfect, I didn’t think I would be handing out sun hats, Andy looked real dapper in his Australian Akubra. Your support never fails to amaze me, I couldn’t do any of it without your help and contributions. A grand total of £450 was raised for church funds, a credit to all of you. Thank you Love Moira x God Bless COMFORT ZONE Saturday 11th October from 1030 – 1230 we will be holding our annual fair to raise funds for Comfort Zone. There will be bacon/egg butties, tombola, home-bake stall, jams, chutneys and so much more. Cost of entry will be a donation of tins of minced beef, corned beef or beans or packets of Smash. Our funds and food stores are getting low so please come along and help us to face the winter knowing we can continue to feed our Comfort Zone Community. Gwen BIBLETRACK Tuesday 14th October Reading the Bible Part 2 Cost £2.00 including handout and coffee 19 20 Two years on .... an update Just over two years ago I was admitted to The Priory for 10 weeks with anorexia. I was in danger of sudden death. On discharge I wrote an article in The Vine about mental health illnesses and the stigma I felt was attached to them by many in society. I felt also that a Christian should be immune from mental health problems. Two years on I thought I would write an update. I did not realise then that recovery would take over two years and even now, whilst I am nearly there, I'm working on weight restoration. What I do know is that God's timing is not our timing. I have been frustrated, despairing and have many times questioned why healing hasn't been instantaneous. I also questioned why I suffered in the first place. Notwithstanding that I do not have the answer to those questions. I now look back and see that God has been working in my life during those two year. He is changing me, refining me and healing me. I am a work in progress. Something went wrong with the clay pot, so the potter used the clay to make another pot the way He wanted it to be.(Jeremiah 18:3). That sometimes can't happen overnight. It is a process. God is a God who heals, who can turn any situation around. I now understand that healing may come in an instant, it may not happen until eternity or it may happen like a hospital healing antibiotic drip, drop by drop, little by little. God can do suddenly but He also can do slowly. me and showing me that Jesus loves, forgives, heals and restores. Mental health illnesses can affect anyone, Christian or not. It is OK to say I am not OK . The real test is how we respond both as individuals and as a church. Acceptance, love and support are vital.. extending God's love and yours too.. it can make such a difference... I know ! Gillian Mathews CHRISTMAS FAIR and CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES DAY Saturday 6th December 10.00 am to 2.00 pm. Various stalls Handicraft, Christmas Gifts, Books, Jewellery, Toys and Christmas Decorations stalls . Tombola, Raffle Lots of activities for children Father Christmas Refreshments CHRISTMAS GREETINGS What I do know is that I am not the same person I was two years ago. I have been changed. I am so grateful to God who did not give up on me, who loves me in my mess and who forgives me for doubting His sovereignty. I am also grateful for all those who have stood with me, accepting me, encouraging The next Vine will contain a section for Christmas greetings. You can use this to reach all your friends at Thornton Methodist Church, instead of sending Christmas cards. Further details will be in the weekly notices. 21 22 LADIES FELLOWSHIP The first session of the Ladies Fellowship is on Tuesday 7th October at 2.00pm. The speaker is the Rev Stephen Dunn and there will be a Faith Tea. A very warm welcome awaits both "old friends" and any newcomers. The ladies meet every Tuesday, but if you can't attend every week please don't worry, just come as you are able. We look forward to seeing you. Sylvia Clark SERVICE FOR THE BEREAVED Many of us have experienced the pain of losing someone special, and we know that God understands that loss, He is with us in everything we face and is the great comforter. At the 9.30am service on Sunday 9th November (Remembrance Sunday) people will have the opportunity to light a candle in memory of a loved one, and prayers will be said for the bereaved. Maybe this is a service you would especially like to come along to, or perhaps it would be just right for someone you know…if so please do invite them! The prayer Chapel and Prayer Ministry team will be available should people wish to use them, and there will be refreshments in the church hall for people to stay and chat. All welcome, hope to see you there 23rd October, 20th November and 18th December Stephen 23 24 Meeting Together: People to Contact DATES FOR YOUR DIARY SUNDAY Young Church Mettle (Year 10+) MONDAY Quiet time of Prayer Saturday 4 Oct Sunday 5 Oct 6.30 pm 10.30 am Monday 6 Oct Thursday 7 Oct 7.30 pm 2.00 pm Saturday 11 Oct 10.30 am Harvest Supper Harvest Festival and new members service Worship Leader’s Training Ladies Fellowship – Rev Stephen Dunn - Faith Tea Comfort Zone – Coffee Morning Church Council Bibletrack 24 hours of prayer Monthly Coffee Morning Worship Leader’s Training Monthly lunch Leadership Team meeting Monthly Coffee morning Finance Team meeting Monthly lunch Trinity Hospice Christmas Fair Steward’s Team meeting Trinity Hospice Concert TMC Christmas Fair and Children’s activities Monday 13 Oct 7.30 pm Tuesday 14 Oct 7.30 pm Friday 17 Oct 6.00 pm Saturday 18 Oct 10.00 am Monday 20 Oct 7.30 pm Thursday 23 Oct 12.30 pm Tuesday 11 Nov 7.30 pm Saturday 15 Nov 10.00 am Wednesday 19 Nov 7.00 pm Thursday 20 Nov 12.30 pm Saturday 22 Nov 10.00 am Monday 24 Nov Saturday 29 Nov Saturday 6 Dec 7.30 pm 10.00 am 25 Scruffy Club Cool Club for Kids TUESDAY Ladies Fellowship 11.00 Kristina Wilson 07974 152092 19.00 James & Kristina Wilson 07967 044327 13.30Brian Robbins 15.30 873625 17.15 Kristina Wilson 07974 152092 18.15 Rachel Kearton 07763 065997 14.00 Sylvia Clark 857754 Prayer Meeting 19.00Brian Robbins 19.30 873625 WEDNESDAY Ladies Bible Study THURSDAY 19.30 Jenny Whiteside 07525 346922 Café 09.30 Pat Gregory 823814 Nimble Fingers 11.00 Pat Gregory 823814 Choir Practice 11.00 Sylvia Clark 857754 Monthly Lunch 12.30 Jenny Whiteside 07525 346922 Board Mates 14.00 Pat Gregory 823814 09.45 Alison Stevenson 826931 19.00 Rebekah Spinks 07506 945400 08.00 Doug Harper 825871 FRIDAY YOYO Parent & Toddler Youth Social SATURDAY Men’s Breakfast 26 CHURCH OFFICE 07967 497617 (Open Fridays 10 am to 12 noon) [email protected] ALPHA COURSE Eileen Harper CHILDREN’S TEAM LEADER Kristina Wilson 07979 648348 John Byrne Dip. F.D. John Byrne Jnr. Dip. F.D. Angela Byrne 07974152092 CLEANING Doreen Faragher 868712 FINANCE TEAM LEADER Brian Watkins 851301 MEMORIAL BOOK Margaret Daniel 826183 NOTICES/COMMUNICATIONS Lesley Butterworth 821957 (by 5pm Thursday) [email protected] NURTURE Eileen Harper 07979 648348 PARENTING COURSES Wendy Reeds 594335 PASTORAL Sylvia Clark 857754 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Mansel Jones 886749 ROOM BOOKINGS Lesley Butterworth 07927 912218 room bookings phone [email protected] SENIOR STEWARD Sheena Hendrie 868635 WORSHIP Rev Stephen Dunn 855917 PRAYER Brian Robbins 873625 YOUTH TEAM LEADER c/o Rev S Dunn 855917 27 28
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