RED HAWK REPORT Issue 2 November 2014 NOVEMBER 2014 NEWS YOU CAN USE... RED HAWK REPORT November Calendar of Events: 2nd: Winter Sports Meeting—6:00 p.m.—Auditorium—7:00 p.m.— Individual Sports 4th: 1st Quarter Ends 14th: PTSO Meeting—9 a.m. (Parent Group) 17th: Late Start Day—9:30 a.m. 26th—28th: No School— Thanksgiving Break Family Access Mid-Term & Report Card Release Dates: Grading Period Release Date Qtr. 1 Mid-Term 2 Qtr. 2/Sem. 1 11/10/14 12/11/14 01/29/15 Beginning with Quarter 1, e-mail notification will be sent to parents/ guardians after grades have been posted to Family Access. Milton High School 114 W. High Street Milton, WI 53563 Main Office: (608) 868-9300 Activities Office: (608) 868-9565 Attendance Line: (608) 868-9340 Counseling Office: (608) 868-9560 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Greetings, As we close out the first quarter of the year, I want to share with the MHS families that I believe has been a great start of the year. While there are often changes in the world of education, this year most of them have been centered directly around the students. We presented a lot of "New Rules" to our students so far this year. Between the change in the backpack policy and the addition of the student laptops, many had to rethink how they got around school. It has been easier for some than for others. But, I could not be prouder of how most of our students have addressed these new challenges. While there are still those who would like to see the return of the backpacks, most have adjusted and are doing great. Students should really be commended for having such a positive attitude. With regards to the laptops, most students have also adjusted well to using them for their classes. It has been a joy to see how often they are used in many classes and to see the kind of learning experiences they have allowed our staff to present to their kids. It will be exciting to see where this will go in the future. I encourage all parents to talk with their student about what they are doing in class on the laptops. Finally, looking back at the first quarter, I wanted to acknowledge all of those who have attended the athletics and activities at MHS this fall. Attendance has been outstanding. From parades, to concerts, to games, to conferences, it is wonderful to witness the support that our community has for our kids. Thank you for the unending support given to MHS. It is truly one of the most enduring qualities of our school and district and what really makes us a great community. J. Jeremiah Bilhorn Principal, Milton High School 114 W. High St. Milton, WI 53563 Office: (608) 868-9300 Email: [email protected] PAGE 1 RED HAWK REPORT NOVEMBER 2014 THE HAWKS’ NEST Check out what’s new at The Hawks’ Nest! New T-shirts, Sweatshirts, Blankets, Window Clings, Water bottles and more! Stock up on the latest Red Hawk gear only at The Hawks’ Nest! Follow us on Twitter @mhshawksnest or like us on Facebook for more information on store hours and new products! EMPLOYMENT SKILLS NETWORKING EVENT Businesses today are concerned about the communication gap that exists between young adults and their employers. The Employment Skills class at Milton High School is trying hard to bridge that gap! Students enrolled in employment skills classes will take part in a networking/social event with representatives from local businesses on Thursday November 13th during PLC! The purpose of the event is for students to understand the importance of networking and give them each the opportunity to practice their social skills in a relaxed business environment and maybe even make some new professional contacts! Any local business owners wishing to participate can contact Amy Kenyon via email at [email protected] or call at (608) 868-9311 ext. 1223. Mrs. Kenyon, MHS Business Teacher & School to Work Coordinator FBLA NEWS On October 1st, FBLA kicked off the new school year by going to the Fall Leadership Lab in Madison. It was pretty cool getting to see people in Madison that were there for the same reason we were. Our group was broken into three different sections and then we were mixed into different groups with students from other schools. The day was spent playing games to get to know other students, an amazing lunch, and special guest Shannon Oleen! (Motivational Speaker and Cheerleader for the Kansas City Chiefs) We are currently working on our upcoming fundraiser. We will be raising funds for our FBLA Chapter and breast cancer awareness. Students and staff members will have a chance to pay $1 and name one teacher. Then the donator will draw a slip out of a bucket with either “trick” or “treat” on it. At the end of the week, the teacher with the most “treats” will get a basket of candy and the teacher with the most “tricks” will get a bucket of slime dumped on their head. Look for more information to come in the student announcements! Ms. Avery, Cailyn Contreras, MHS FBLA Secretary MHS Business Teacher & FBLA Advisor Miss Avery, MHS FBLA Advisor PAGE 2 RED HAWK REPORT NOVEMBER 2014 WINTER SPORTS MEETING -DON’T MISS IT!SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND Boys’ & Girls’ Basketball, Wrestling, Boys’ Swim, Gymnastics, Boys’ & Girls’ Hockey & Wrestling Cheerleading Our Winter sports sign up will be on Sunday, November 2nd in the lower cafeteria. Please be prepared to fill out required forms and pay the athletic fee of $50. The freshman and new athletes will need to attend the code meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium. The sports specific meetings will be at 7:00 p.m. in various locations. SPECIAL EDUCATION DEPT.: THE FUTURE LOOKS BRIGHT... It is not too early to look at your student’s future beyond high school. Below are some resources to take a look at. We are in full swing working with Opportunities Inc. to complete job shadows, employment applications, and college applications. Resources: Parents in Partnership Flyer Moving Out WSPEI Flyer We would also like to share an opportunity for parents and students: Transition Academy - College & Career Ready 2014 October 17, 2014: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Wilderness-Glacier Canyon Lodge 45 Hillman Rd. Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965 Cost: $0 Plan now to attend the 2014 Wisconsin Statewide Transition Academy to explore model programs, hands on workshops and best practices in the field of transition. This year, the academy will include sectionals specific to professionals, parents and youth! Experience the single-best opportunity to immerse yourself in the field of transition and network with transitionminded youth, parents and educators from around the state! For Further information, please check out this link: Transition Academy *Upcoming Event: Senior Transition Meetings November 21, 2015 Seniors will be meeting with representatives from Opportunities, Inc. UW-Whitewater, U-Rock, CESA 2, Blackhawk Technical College, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Kandu Industries, Riverfront Inc., and Rock CO Developmental Disabilities Board. Information will be sent out regarding appointment times. PAGE 3 RED HAWK REPORT NOVEMBER 2014 MILTON MOTTO NEWS The Milton Motto committee is broken up into several sub-committees. The sub-committees and members are as follows: PBIS Administrator: Tara Huber (Associate Principal of Student Services) PBIS Tier I Internal Coach: Gina Deutscher (School Psychologist) Marketing/Communications Committee: Dan Mayer (English Teacher) Data/Acknowledgments Committee: Jessica Mair (Social Studies Teacher) and Jennie Greenleaf (English Teacher) Behavior/Staff Training Committee: Jess Dowd (Special Education Teacher) and Zach Groelle (Physical Education Teacher) Student Group Committee: Sarah Brechtl (English Teacher) and Mari Sroda (Support for Success) This month, our student committee leaders, Sarah Brechtl and Mari Sroda have been working with a group of students to strengthen our Milton Motto student committee. We will use the student committee to gain feedback from the student population on various aspects of the Milton Motto such as incentives, homeroom lessons, and school-wide initiatives. The student committee members plan to launch a Shoe Drive during the month of November. The theme is “Walk in Someone Else’s Shoes.” We plan use this drive as a tool to help students realize the importance of being on time to school and classes, and respecting others. At parent-teacher conferences, members of our student committee surveyed parents on what they know about the Milton Motto. Pictured above at the Milton Motto table is junior, Brittany Oswald. PARENTS OF SENIORS! Please don’t forget - if you want to purchase a Senior Recognition Ad in the yearbook for your son/daughter, we must receive your order by DECEMBER 1ST. Information was mailed to all senior families this summer, but if you did not receive it or need another copy, you may pick up a copy in the high school main office or email Ms. Brechtl at: [email protected] Ms. Brechtl, MHS English Teacher & Yearbook Advisor PAGE 4 RED HAWK REPORT NOVEMBER 2014 FFA NEWS FFA Holiday Sale FFA Wreath & Poinsettia Sale Milton FFA Chapter's biggest fundraiser--its fruit sale--is wrapping up on November 4. FFA members will take orders for poinsettias at the same time. Deliveries of products ordered typically are made the first week of December. If you wish to place an order, please reach out to an FFA member, but if that's not possible, call Matt Lee at 868-9300 ext. 1050. FFA members will sell poinsettias and Christmas wreaths from the MHS greenhouse on Friday and Saturday, November 28 and 29 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The students in Greenhouse class have been caring for the poinsettias. (Please see the information on page 6 for sizes & prices) VETERINARY SCIENCE CLASS The Veterinary Science classes have been busy during the first quarter working with many different animals. Students have been performing physical exams on different animals during class and learning about what it takes to be a large and small animal vet. Students volunteer to bring in animals to class to be utilized as learning tools. Students evaluate temperature, pulse, and respiration along with evaluating the 12 other areas of an animal. Listening to digestion sounds of a horse. Weighing Bubba the cat. Listening to Duke’s pulse. Vet Science 1st hour class with Peaches the Brown Swiss heifer. PAGE 5 RED HAWK REPORT NOVEMBER 2014 2014 Milton FFA Poinsettia and Wreath Sale 20” Wreath………….$12 26” Wreath………….$20 36” Wreath………….$30 48” Wreath………….$45 60” Wreath………….$55 36” Christmas Cane Wreath………...$20 Easels…………………………………..$ 5 Metal Door Hanger…………………...$ 4 8” Poinsettias…………………………..$18 25’ Roping……………………………. .$25 Thank you for your support!! FRENCH NEWS Submitted by Erin Swope, French Club Public Relations Officer As November approaches, French Club is preparing for the annual National French Week celebrations. National French Week is a “celebration of all things French,” according to the American Association of Teachers of French website. This year, National French Week will be held at MHS from November 10 to the 14th. French Club is looking forward to holding dress up days with the themes of mustaches, flag colors, animal prints, monuments, and a French t-shirt day. The club will also be decorating the foreign language hallway with posters about various Francophone countries and streamers in the colors of red, blue, and white (French flag colors). The goal of the event is to generate interest in the French language and culture. For more information on National French Week visit: French Club has also been busy fundraising for the 2016 French Club trip to France as well as planning other events such as a movie trip, a babysitting fundraiser, and a cheese tasting. These events will take place later in the year. The club is also excited to hopefully welcome a few French foreign exchange students during the second semester. PAGE 6 RED HAWK REPORT NOVEMBER 2014 YOGA CLUB WHAT IS YOGA CLUB? Yoga Club is a group of students who gather together weekly to learn and practice the art of yoga. Yoga Club is open to any students. Students do not need to be flexible or have yoga experience to try. Students who wish to release the stress in their bodies and minds after a long day at school will find many benefits. There are countless benefits of practicing yoga. WHERE?: In Mrs. Sroda’s classroom (room 145) We begin promptly at 3:00 PM and end at 4 WHEN?: Yoga Club meets on different days throughout the school year. We try to meet between sports seasons so all can participate. See student announcements to find out when. There were 27 students at our first meeting/class on October 21st. WHO TEACHES? : Mrs. Sroda is the yoga teacher and club advisor. She has been practicing yoga for 15 years and has yoga teaching certifications through both YogaCalm and YogaFit. WHAT IS YOGA? Often people think yoga is just about doing fancy stretches but this is not true. Students do not need to be flexible to practice yoga. Yoga is really about creating balance in the body and mind through developing both strength and flexibility in both the mind and body. This is done through the performance of poses or postures, each of which has specific physical and mental benefits. Yoga allows students to find their calm, tranquil center by connecting to the vital energy in their body through the breath and by using the power of gravity to increase overall mobility in the body. The benefits of a regular yoga practice are tremendous. COST: Free! (The average cost of a yoga class in an area studio could be $12 dollars or more) WEAR: Comfortable clothing such as sweat pants, yoga pants, or shorts. (Jeans can be very uncomfortable) BRING: A yoga mat if you have one. (We have a limited number of yoga mats in the room) Thoughts from students who have attended Yoga Club: “It helped me feel calmer and it was easier for me to study when I got home” “My legs felt better after the warrior stretches. They were pretty tight from soccer” “I felt so relaxed and less overwhelmed by all I have to do” “It made it easier to sleep” “Mostly it was just fun and relaxing and I made new friends” “I would get this calm energy after class each time” “The more I did it, the more my concentration improved. Plus it made my body feel better” “I think it helped with my anxiety and ADD” “It helped me to relax and quit focusing on all the drama at school and home” “We just went on a random day and I liked how relaxing it was. Plus I met some new people” DONATIONS: Yoga club is accepting donations of: New or gently used yoga mats Anti-bacterial wipes (to clean the yoga mats after each class) New or gently used battery operated candles New or used meditative or relaxing musical CDs or iTunes cards FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Contact Mrs. Sroda through phone, (868-9300 extension 1145) email ([email protected]) or in person (room 145) or speak with Captains Laura Boudreau or Olivia Rigg Mrs. Sroda, MHS Support for Success Teacher & Yoga Club Advisor PAGE 7 RED HAWK REPORT NOVEMBER 2014 MHS DAILY BELL SCHEDULES PLC Days - Mondays & Thursdays: Period 1 Period 2 8:269:08 7:40-8:22 PLC Time Period 3 9:129:48 9:5210:34 Period 4 10:38-11:22 Period 5 Period 6 Lunch 1 5B 11:2211:52-12:34 11:48 6B 12:38-1:20 5A 11:26-12:08 Period 7 Period 8 Lunch 2 6B 1:24-2:06 2:10-2:52 12:0812:38-1:20 12:34 5A 11:26-12:08 6A 12:1212:54 Lunch 3 12:541:20 Non-PLC Days - Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays: Period 2 Period 1 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Lunch 1 11:0211:28 7:40-8:27 8:31-9:18 9:22-10:09 10:13-11:02 Period 6 5B 11:32-12:19 Period 7 Period 8 1:14-2:01 2:05-2:52 6B 12:23-1:10 5A 11:06-11:53 Lunch 2 11:5312:19 5A 11:06-11:53 6A 11:57-12:44 6B 12:23-1:10 Lunch 3 12:441:10 Late Start Days - 11/17, 12/15, 1/12, 2/16, 3/16, 4/20, & 5/18 Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 5 Lunch 1 11:2011:44 9:30-10:04 10:0810:42 10:4611:20 5B 11:48-12:22 Period 6 Period 4 Period 7 Period 8 1:04-1:40 1:44-2:16 2:20-2:52 6B 12:26-1:00 5A 11:24-11:58 Lunch 2 11:5812:22 5A 11:24-11:58 6A 12:02-12:36 6B 12:26-1:00 Lunch 3 12:361:00 PAGE 8
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