ST. JOHN’S R.C. CHURCH 619 Chestnut Street Lakehurst, NJ 08733 Rev. Bernard Keigher, Pastor Msgr. Elso Introini, Weekend Assistant Rev. John Basil, Weekend Assistant Rev. Donald McLaughlin, Weekend Assistant Deacon Ronald J. Kerr, Deacon Richard Glogoza Deacon Edward Holowienka, Business Administrator Ms. MaryAnn Dempkowski, Director Religious Education Parish Office: 732-657-6347 Religious Ed Office: 732-657-2348 Fax: 732-657-8690 Parish Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 9:00AM—3:00PM, Friday - 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Parish Website: MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Masses .......... 4:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. Sunday Masses ............ 9:15 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. Monday - Friday .......... 8:00 A.M. First Friday .................. 8:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. Adoration from 12:00 noon until 3:00P.M. in the Parish Center Chapel ... Concluding with Benediction Miraculous Medal Mondays .................. Following the 8:00 A.M. Mass Confessions - Saturdays - 11 A.M. to 12 Noon BAPTISMS Preparation for first-time parents is required. Baptisms take place on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month at 12:15 P.M. Please contact the Parish Office for arrangements. MARRIAGES Arrangements are to be made in the Parish Office at least one year in advance. PARISH MINISTRIES Parish Council .................. Victor Bala ............. 732-657-8899 R.C.I.A…………………...Joe Pittarelli ........... 732-323-8469 Rosary Altar Society…….Joan Toth ................. 732-657-4938 Prayer Group. ................... Joan Boland ........... 732-657-6347 Hospital Ministry.............. Joan Boland ........... 732-657-6347 St. Vincent’s Social Concern...Mike Brennan. . .732-657-6359 Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers..Joe Pittarelli...732-323-8469 Legion of Mary................. Carol Glogoza......... 732-657-6874 Folk/Youth Choir. ............ Joyce Sorenson ...... 732-240-4750 Emmaus Group ................. Deacon Ron Kerr ... 732-657-6347 Religious Article Store ..... Victor Bala ............. 732-657-8899 PARISH REGISTRATION - Families moving into or out of the parish are asked to call the Parish Office as soon as possible. EMMAUS, our Bereavement Group, meets the 2nd and 3rd Thursdays of the month at 10:30A.M. in the Church coffee room. GRADE SCHOOL OF RELIGION Grades K, 1 & 2 - Sat. mornings 9 - 10:15 A.M. Grades 3A & B, 4A & B, 5A, 6A & B, 7-A and Grades 3C, 4C, 5B & C, 6C & D, 7B & C, 8A, B & C - Wed. 7:15PM-8:30 P.M. C.C.F.C. I & II -Wed. 5:30P.M. - 6:45 P.M. Nov. 9th, 2014 ST. JOHN’S PARISH CENTER Page Two November 9th, 2014 THE TEMPLE AND WORSHIP In all of today’s readings, the temple is prominently men oned. Ezekiel speaks of streams of living water flowing out from the temple, watering the desert, bringing life to all living things, offering fresh healing to God’s people. Paul reminds the Corinthians that their faith rests upon the firmest of founda ons, Christ himself. More than that, Paul reveals that those who follow Christ are themselves temples, temples of the Holy Spirit; that is, God dwells not only with them, but in them. For the Jews of Jesus’ me, the temple had come to be iden fied with the presence of God and the only place where authen c worship of God took place. Jesus had a different percep on. Jesus iden fied himself not with the temple, but as the temple. In so doing, Jesus indicated a drama c shi in what it means to worship God, to be in God’s presence. No longer was a place to be the focus of prayer. Instead, a person, the person of Jesus Christ, becomes the center of our worship. WINGS AND A PRAYER, our Religious Ar cle Store, will be open a er all Masses this weekend, Nov. 8th/9th and also Nov. 22nd/23rd. Please stop by and see all the items we have for sale. Oplatek is available. SPECIAL MEMORIAL MASS FOR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN This Wednesday, November 12th, at 11:00A.M., we will have a special Memorial Mass in Church for our deceased children/grandchildren. These children went to God much sooner than we hoped for. All are invited to a end this Mass. “We pray to the angels, for they are given to us as guardians ….. St. Ambrose” Our THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE will be next weekend, Nov. 15th and 16th. Baskets will be made for those less fortunate in our area. Please put all your non-perishable dona ons … such as cranberry sauce, stuffing fixings, canned vegetables, bo led juices, etc. in the containers at the doors of the church. Please save your turkeys and/or food coupons for our Thanksgiving Food Drive, Nov. 15th and 16th! Our freezer is located at the rear of our Church Hall. You may put your frozen turkeys in it any me this week before 3:00P.M. All food will be distributed on Monday morning, Nov. 17th, at 9A.M. ∗ ∗ ALTAR FLOWERS FOR THE WEEK In Loving Memory of Michael Calarco (65th Wedding Ann.) req. wife, Gloria. For all the Living and Deceased Members of our Rosary Altar Society. Flowers may be purchased for any occasion by calling Marie Angelella of the Rosary Altar Society at 732-408-1233. A two week no ce is requested. St. John’s Rosary Altar Society will host a CAKE SALE a er Masses this Saturday (Nov. 8th) at 4:00pm and Sunday (Nov. 9th) at 9:15A.M. and 11:00A.M. in the rear of the Church Hall. Please stop by a er Mass and purchase one of our delicious delights!!! EMMAUS, our Bereavement Ministry, will not meet this Thursday, November 13th, but will meet on Thursday, November20th. Page Three THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA MULTIPLE INTENTION MASS Monday, November 10th, 2014—11:00A.M. The People of our Parish Marie Radack req. friend, Mary Johnson Rose Mirkovich (Birthday Rem.) req. Deacon Ed and Rita Holowienka Flavius Guglielmo req. wife, Marylou Louise Palmieri req. Alphonse, Joseph and Alyssa Chiarolanza Albert Barry req. wife, Edith Patricia Smalling and Dorothy Herlihy req. Ray Dennis and Ricky Smalling req. dad, Ray Kevin Peacock (Birthday Rem.) req. wife, Carol Helen McDowell req. Angelina Bernardi Tom Karlok req. wife Louis John Vasta req. mom and dad Lorraine Metro req. husband, Joseph Antoine e Vaccaro Mayer req. Rochelle DuChateau Louise Mary Rowe req. Garry Conklin St. Padre Pio and St. Anthony for favors received req. Rose Coppolino Evelyn Caballero req. John and Joan Crawford Domingo Hertez req. The Pagdatoon Family Dave Callison req. Nick and Carole Raspa Leo Corpuz req. Michael and Gwen Colino Filomena and Marciano Colino, Sr. req. Michael and Gwen Apolonia Gacho req. Michael and Gwen Serafin and Pura Elaquison req. Michael and Gwen Robert Corey req. Anne and Paul In Thanksgiving to the Blessed Mother for Prayers Answered For Good Health for Geraldine Forte req. Ed and Monica Birmingham Bill Brennan req. Lore a Milesi. We received the following note from the family of Rev. James A. Thompson, our former pastor: “Thank you all for the love you gave our Uncle Jim while he was in your parish, and for the support you gave us when it was Ɵme to say good-bye. He loved St. John’s, and I know that he will conƟnue to send smiles and blessings on you forever.” ST. JOHN’S ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY We will have our Christmas Luncheon at LaBove Grande on December 8th. The cost is $26.00. Tickets may be purchased at our November mee ng or by calling Angela at 732-657-1728 or Carol at 732-657-6926. The reserva on cut-off date is November 30th. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, Council 12940 COATS FOR KIDS PROGRAM Ge ng ready for the cold!!!! Please help us meet our goal of 174 “New Kids Coats”. Please contact Peter Reuter, PGK at 732-341-2245 for further info. SEND A HERO HOME … Please HELP the K of C Council 12940 in sending a SOLDIER home for the Holidays. Send dona ons to the Parish Center or in the collec on baskets. A n: “Send a Hero Home”. READINGS FOR NOVEMBER 16th, 2014 First Reading — Proverbs 31: 10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Psalm — 128; Second Reading —1 Thessalonians 5: 1-6; Gospel — Ma hew 25: 14-30. PLEASE PRAY for all our parishioners and friends who are serving in the Military. Caregivers FesƟval of Trees will take place Nov. 21, 22 and 23, 2014 at the Ocean County Voca onal Technical School, Toms River Center, 1299 Old Freehold Road, Toms River. The Fes val will feature beau fully decorated Christmas trees donated by Ocean County Businesses. A endees may par cipate in a drawing to win a tree (winner will be announced Nov. 23.) Also will be vendors, ar sans and cra ers. Dona on $5.00. Children under 12 free. Hours: Nov. 21st: 4- 8P.M., Nov. 22nd: 10A.M. –8P.M., Nov. 23rd, 10A.M.—2:P.M. All proceeds benefit CVCI, non-profit interfaith organiza on dedicated to helping the frail elderly, and individuals with Alzheimer’s of Ocean County remain living with dignity in their own homes. Addi onal informa on at Page Four MASSES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, November 10th 8:00A.M. THOMAS JANNACO req. wife, Lore a JOSEPH J. SNACK III req. mom, Lore a (Birthday Rem.) 11:00A.M. MULTIPLE INTENTION MASS TUESDAY, November 11th 8:00A.M. ROBERT MILESI req. wife, Lore a WANDA JENKINS req. Ed and Lorraine Graf WEDNESDAY, November 12th 8:00A.M. DECEASED MEMBERS of the LEGION of MARY DOMINICK BUSSANICH req. Eda Bussanich and family THURSDAY, November 13th 8:00A.M. CAROLINE and LOUIS FALTERMEIER req. Carole and Bob Szymanski BARRY FORTUNATO req. wife, Pat FRIDAY, November 14th 8:00A.M. 25th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION MASS for CINDY and GREGORY SNACK req. mom, Lore a TONY and TERRY FIORELLINO (Ann. Rem.) and FRANK MASIELLO SATURDAY, November 15th 4:00P.M. THE CHAMBERS, LOUSZKO and SMIGIELSKI FAMILIES req. Frank and Pat Smigielski JOSEPH RYNN req. daughters 7:00P.M. RON HENNINGER req. wife, JoAnn PATRICIA SMALLING (14th Ann.) req. husband, Ray SUNDAY, November 16th 9:15A.M. THOMAS J. BRENNAN (Birthday Rem.) req. wife, Agnes Brennan and family PAT DESIDERIO (Birthday Rem.) req. wife, Gerry 11:00A.M. JOSEPH PRINCIPE (14th Ann.) req. wife, Fran LARRY BELL req. John and Janet Caltagirone Candles November 9th—15th, 2014 SANCTUARY CANDLE For Sr. Elizabeth Kelliher, S.A. req. Tim Brown. SACRED HEART CANDLE For the Birthday Inten ons of Gloria Brown req. son, Tim. SHRINE CANDLE In Loving Memory of Patricia Smalling (Ann. Rem.) req. husband, Ray. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK, especially: Week 1: Rachel Belson, Julia Ekert, Rachel Belson, Vicki Marinaccio, Ma Merrigan, Marie Hill, Gerry Gabriel, Pasquale Mar no, Maureen Doyle, Dorothy Chapman Week 2: Josephine Cordaro, Lillian Gambale, Denise Thiel, Eileen Carney, Chris ne Kosanovich, Theresa Pinczes, Robert Groschel, Alex Schissler, Gloria Manger, Jenny Lorenzo, Ernie Gallo, Dan Cuite, Maureen Manor, Josephine Benedic s, Jerre Schalkoff, Frank O’Hara, Fred and Barbara Boker, Mary Alice Kane, Shirley Voellinger, Carmine Masi, Joy Mayhew, Robert and Mary Hayden, Maureen Wortham, Lynn Scarpone, Timothy O’Brien, Barbara Timko, Lisa Ledda, Hank Karlewicz, Janet Rusin, Anna Schmidle, Bill Weber, Barbara Woodruff, Frances Gawlick, Jim Gawlick, Dorothy Tuska, Kathleen Garriety, Adeline Calafa , Carol Fredericks, Earlena Kriscoe, George Lamorte, John Jones, Maria Tarullo, Jackie Eberhardt, Patricia Azzollini, Peter Reuter, John P. Tully, Billy Lepore Week 3: Phylis Hourigan, Ryan Casale PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL OUR DECEASED, especially: Marian McGough, Rev. Bernardino Esguerra, Mary Lou Yaccavica, Bob Delaney, Ronald Syanovitz, Walter Schlatmann, Sr.
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