A ROMAN CATHOLIC FAITH COMMUNITY 40 Hopewell Street, Albany, New York (518) 489-3204 [email protected] • www.rcda.org/churches/materchristi www.facebook.com/parishofmaterchristi Rev. Kenneth J. Doyle, Pastor Parish Staff Mary Pat Aiossa Barbara Oliver Anne Reutemann-Berroyer Parish Coordinator [email protected] Finance Director & Outreach Assistant [email protected] Pastoral Associate & Outreach Director [email protected] Bernadette McSparron Theresa Ewell Sister Patricia St.John, CSJ Director of Religious Education K-12 & Sacramental Preparation [email protected] Principal, Mater Christi School (518) 489-3111 [email protected] Music Director Deacon Gerald Ladouceur Anne Peplowski Ann Marie Carswell Coordinator of Religious Education K-1, 3-5 [email protected] Coordinator of Evangelization & Adult Education [email protected] Rev. John Tallman In Residence (Chaplain at St. Peter’s Hospital) Visit our school website www.materchristischool.org Worship Schedule Saturday Vigil 4:00 p.m. • Sunday 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m. • Mon-Fri 8:15 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 3:00 p.m. Anytime on request Communal Celebrations Seasonally PARISH OF MATER CHRISTI ALBANY, NEW YORK 12208 OCTOBER 12, 2014 MONDAY, OCTOBER 13 8:15 DAVID CAPRON Req. by Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kemp TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 8:15 EUGENIA PODGORSKI Req. by The Family DAN HALLORAN Req. by The Family CARMELO CASSARO Req. by The Family WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 8:15 GEORGE & LUCY KLEINMANN Req. by Teri Kleinmann ROSE & ANTHONY PAPA Req. by The Family DECEASED MEMBERS OF THE JOHN KRUSE FAMILY Req. by the Family THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 8:15 WILLIAM A. TOOMEY, SR. Req. by Carol & Ken Toomey FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 8:15 4TH ANNIV. AURELIA AIOSSA Req. by The Family VIRGINIA FOLEY Req. by The Foley Family SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 4:00 1ST ANNIV. WILLIAM JURCSAK Req. by His Wife & Children LYNN ALLEN MELTZER Req. by The Allen Family 5TH ANNIV. RICHARD ELY Req. by Maureen Murgia EDWARD BRENNAN Req. by Robert & Mary Ellen Sochor GLADYS CONNELLY Req. by Matt & Connie Corcoran SEAN MURPHY Req. by Nan & Pa MEMORIAL FUND—NEW MEMBER: EDWARD GANDER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 8:00 JOHN DICARLO Req. by The Family ED GANDER Req. by Randy & Mary Teresa O’Neil ANN CHOPPA Req. by Anthony & Jo-Ann Choppa MARY BAUMBACA Req. by Vincent Baumbaca RICHARD LANDIS Req. by The Lenet & Libbey Family 10:00 PEOPLE OF THE PARISH 11:30 FRANK & ANTOINETTE CALDERONE Req. by Philip & Marie JAMES BYRON Req. by Emma Mannarino 2ND ANNIV. JOHN STIGLMEIER Req. by The Family BERNADETTE LEONARD Req. by The McVeigh & Parente Families JOHN A. AVELLINO Req. by The Berroyer Family GREGORY HENZEL Req. by Helen Huba RECITATION OF THE ROSARY….Worried about our world? Concerned about your family? You can do something….Come join us in the recitation of the Rosary on Tuesday evening in Church on October 14, 21 and 28 at 7:00 p.m. PARISH OF MATER CHRISTI—ACTIVE ADULT CLUB OCTOBER 14, 2014 Please join us on TUESDAY, October 14, at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. We will be presenting the “Delmar Desperadoes”, a trio of musicians/singers who liven things up with their comedy antics. We enjoyed them last year when they sang sea shanties. Refreshments will be served. We also will be charging a $2 fee per person . If you have any questions please call 439-3797. A PRAYER WITH MARY SACRIFICIAL OFFERING Mary, the mother of Jesus, is one of the most familiar figures in our Catholic Faith. But how well do we know her, and how clearly do we see the connections between her life and our own? Get better acquainted with someone you already know and admire by participating in A PRAYER WITH MARY, a faith-sharing opportunity from RENEW International. SignUp Weekend will be October 18 & 19 and groups will begin meeting the first week of November. We are also looking for group leaders for our program. Contact Ann Marie Carswell with any questions 489-3204 x6 or [email protected]. Thank you for your Sacrificial Offering on the weekend of October 4 & 5: Ordinary Collection (Sat./Sun.) ........................$15,383.00 Ordinary Collection OnLine ...................................... 1,161 Total Ordinary Collections ...............................$16,544.00 Weekly Operational Needs ..............................$14,611.00 Savings ..............................................................$1,933.00 DIOCESAN COLLECTIONS REST IN PEACE….Please remember in your prayers the souls of James McGreen, John Anderson Brian O’Donnell who died recently. Home Missions .......................................................$ 5.00 Catholic University ....................................................32.00 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SCHOOL NEWS Our school doors opened on Wednesday, September 3rd to welcome our students to another year filled with faith, friends and learning at MCS. We celebrated the new school year with an opening Liturgy on Friday, September 5th. We are happy to announce that for the third year in a row, we have seen an increase in our enrollment! Keep spreading the word—Mater Christi School is the place to be! We are blessed to have such a dedicated faculty and staff: Linda Aswad Sherri Simonsen Alicia Stenard Rose Kemp Meghan Taylor Bridget Fratianni Margaret Walsh Kathryn Marsh Jane Wingle Heather Harpine Mary-Lee Quinn Michele Saxe Erin Kelly Joanne Ryan Nancy Hogan Michelle Graham Lisa Witkowski Jennifer Blodgett Tammy Crasto Christopher Doody Anne Welch Jennifer Clemente Loredana Bruno Theresa Kelly Jane Ladopoulos Mary Ellen Liguori Jeanne Roche Catherine Becker Preschool Director/Teacher Preschool Teacher Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5, Grade 6 Math Grade 6, Middle School English/Literature Grade 7, Middle School Science Grade 8, Middle School Social Studies/6 Literature Math 6-8 Spanish PK-4 Spanish 5-8 Physical Education PK-8 Librarian 1-8 Librarian PK & Kindergarten/ Preschool Aide Art PK-8 Technology K-8 Music 7-8 Music 1-6 Music PK & Kindergarten Preschool/Grade 1 Aide Preschool/Kindergarten Aide Preschool Aide Preschool Aide Extended Day Director/ Kindergarten Aide Extended Day Preschool We would like to thank you, our parishioners, for all of your support and will keep you in our thoughts and prayers throughout the year. Please pray for God’s blessings on our families, children, faculty and staff as we embark on an exciting new year! PLEASE NOTE: The Parish Office will be closed October 13 in observance of Columbus Day. IT TAKES A PARISH” Flower Ministry Weekend—October 18 & 19, 2014 Letters have been sent to our Parish Flower Ministry Volunteers with the names and addresses of their recipients. If there are any questions concerning your assignment, please call the Parish Outreach Office at 489-3204, Ext. 8. Plants will be labeled and available for pick up at all the Masses on October 18th and 19th. The plants may be delivered at the convenience of the Flower Minister; please water if needed if you are delivering after the weekend. We extend to all volunteers for your help with this program. Our parishioners who are unable to attend Mass and events at Mater Christi are most grateful for your visits and kindness! ANNUAL CLOTHING DRIVE During the summer many people find the time to clean out their closets, basements, attics, and garages. As you do this, our Mater Christi School’s student council would be most grateful if you would put aside unwanted items in good condition for our annual clothing drive. It will take place in our school on Tuesday October 14th and Wednesday October 15th between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. both days. We are collecting wearable and usable clothing (men’s, women’s, and children’s); shoes, belts, handbags; backpacks; briefcases, linens, curtains, towels, sheets, bedspreads, tablecloths, blankets; stuffed animals; hard toys; baby accessories; and bicycles. Please place all items in well-tied, sturdy, plastic garbage bags. Please bag shoes separately. Donations are brought to the needy in Third-world countries, Poland and the U.S. We are so grateful for your consideration. PLEASE NOTE WE DO NOT ACCEPT …...STROLLERS, HIGH CHAIRS, CAR SEATS, CRIBS, PLAY CENTERS, BOUNCERS, WALKERS AND SWINGS. EUCHARIST STUDY PROGRAM You are invited to join a guided four part study program on the Eucharist developed by Rev. Robert Barron. The program explores Eucharist as Sacred Banquet, as Sacrifice, and examines the Real Presence in the Eucharist. Is the mass a little too routine? Do you want more out of it? We will consider among other ideas: How does Jesus use banquet and how it is connected to the Mass? Are the communion wafer and wine mere symbols or something more? Join us on Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m., October 23, November 6 and 20. Light snacks and social 6:30—7 p.m., Program 7 –8 p.m. There is no cost, nothing to buy, no preparation, please call 438-7115 evenings and weekends to register. The program is designed for teens and adults of all ages. Parents are welcome to bring their younger children.
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