VIT University Vellore-632 014, Tamil Nadu, India. Two-Day Workshop on Mobile Communication Concepts using MATLAB & Simulink 19th & 20th December 2014 Organized by TIFAC - CORE in AUTOMOTIVE INFOTRONICS (Sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India) Co-ordinators Dr. K. Ganesan, Director, TIFAC-CORE & Senior Professor, SITE Prof. Karthiga Yuvaraj, TIFAC-CORE Prof. N. Rajesh, TIFAC-CORE N. T. Madhuraambiga, Development Engineer, TIFAC-CORE TIFAC-CORE IN AUTOMOTIVE INFOTRONICS @VIT E The Centre is conducting need based training programs on cutting edge technologies for students, faculties and industry participants. Offering consultancy services for the industries and carrying out research works through the research grants received from funding agencies. The Centre has so far conducted 245 Training programs. The Centre has completed nearly 20 consultancy projects with many leading Automotive and Telecom companies. The Centre has filed 16 patents. Backdrop ¾ Due to its wide range of operation and other advantages wireless transmission is always preferred over wired. For example, cellular network (GSM) has over taken the wired telephony system. Programme This workshop intends to provide an opportunity for the delegates to understand the underlying concepts of Mobile Communication like radio-wave propagation, equalization, etc. and implementation of various digital schemes using MATLAB & Simulink. Topics Covered Discussed concepts, Demonstration, ¾ Evolution from 1G to 5G Indoor radio-wave propagation using MATLAB, • ¾ Mobile Communication concepts, • • • • Radio-wave propagation (Free Space Path Loss) Multipath transmission, reflection and diffraction (Rayleigh and Rician fading channels) Doppler shift Delay dispersion ¾ Digital Modulations (Eg. BPSK, QPSK, PAM, GMSK, QAM) ¾ Adaptive Equalization, • • MMSE & MLSE Equalizer. LMS, RLS and Decision Equalizer. ¾ Multiplexing (TDMA, FDMA, Feedback SDMA, CDMA, OFDM) ¾ Brief on Cellular Communication – GSM, Cellular planning and capacity (Frequency reuse). Explains how in real-time LoS and Non-LoS transmission happens depending on the distance between BS & MS and the obstacles (walls) present. MATLAB & Simulink Hands-on, ¾ Modulations techniques, • • • QPSK, Offset QPSK & π/4 QPSK GMSK (GSM), 8-PSK (EDGE) QAM ¾ Tx & Rx design using AWGN, Rayleigh and Rician Channels. ¾ Bench-marking (BER, Peak to mean ration, CDF & PDF) ¾ LMS, MLSE, Equalizers. Decision Feedback ¾ Multiplexing Schemes (TDMA & CDMA). Participation is open to: ¾ Students ¾ Faculties and Research Scholars REGISTRATION FEES: Rs. 1500 per delegate from Institute (Student) Rs. 3000 per delegate from Institute (Faculty & Research Scholar) Registration charges include Course Material, Lunch & Snacks. The number of participants is limited to 30 based on first come first serve. Venue: Room No. 701, 7th Floor Technology Tower, VIT HOW TO REACH VIT Time: 19th Dec 2014 : 09.30 – 17.30 Hours 20th Dec 2014 : 09.30 – 17.30 Hours Format for Registration confirmation Two-Day Workshop on Mobile Communication Concepts using MATLAB & Simulink 19th & 20th December 2014 Name: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Designation: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Organization: --------------------------------------------------------------------------Address: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phone: -------------------------Mobile------------------------------------------------Fax: ----------------------------e-mail: ------------------------------------------------DD Details: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Payment through DD drawn in favor of “TIFAC-CORE, VIT University”, payable at Vellore Please complete and mail (or fax) us the above form on or before 16th Dec 2014 For details about our centre, visit our web site For Registration Details: For Technical Details: Ms. R. Devaki Secretary, TIFAC-CORE, TT-701, 7th Floor, Technology Tower, VIT, Vellore-632 014 Tel: 0416-2202381, Fax: 0416-2244797 e-mail: [email protected] Prof.Karthiga Yuvaraj, TIFAC-CORE Mobile: +91-8870834540 e-mail: [email protected]
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