We’ve all heard the old saying “sick and tired of being sick and tired.” Well, that is the exact sentiment the founders of got X Health had as they went about their daily lives. Deciding it was time to take action rather than just accept this downward spiral as inevitable, they began their search for a different path. Obviously, diet and exercise were very important and they began to implement changes in those areas, but there was still something missing, something they called the “X” factor. Research showed they weren’t alone and there were millions of people in the United States feeling the exact same way. After discussing these findings with business associates in other countries, they discovered this feeling was prevalent worldwide. With the understanding there were literally hundreds of millions of people living every day feeling like they would rather lie down and take a nap than jump out of bed and grab hold of everything life has to offer them, they decided to put their efforts into making a difference. So, they put together three products that made them feel better, more energetic and more focused. These three products became the foundation for the company known today as got X Health. We appreciate that you have taken the time to try our products and it is our sincere hope that you find they will benefit you in your daily life. If that is the case, and you want to learn more about how to purchase products or become an associate making a difference in the world around you - just like the person who gave you this brochure - then contact them and ask for more information. To learn more about our products or the got X Health opportunity, please visit our website at: www.gotxhealth.com or call: 800-439-gotx (4689) Your Independent Associate: Ask how to reserve YOUR spot in the ZIPPLINE got X Health, LLC PO Box 461, Lampe, MO 65681 800-439-gotx (4689) On the web at: gotxhealth.com Here it is… the product you’ve been waiting for! got X Health has combined the World’s Six Greatest Superfruits with a 100% natural energy component to create a drink that many people have told us is the closest thing they’ve found to the Fountain of Youth! This product is the cornerstone of the got X product line and we are excited to share it with you! This great tasting product has ingredients containing some of the highest levels of anti-oxidants you can find. Immune system boosters, anti-inflammatory protection, digestive stimulants and analgesic properties. To find out all of the benefits of these amazing ingredients please visit our website. It is widely accepted that our bodies are increasingly filled with toxins, while at the same time we are losing the ability to extract vital nutrients from poor-quality modern foods. People are experiencing low energy, lack of focus, weight problems and lowered natural resistance to health issues. Supplement Facts Serving Size: 1 Capsule Supplement Facts Serving Size: 1/2 vial This formula is designed as a single daily capsule which contains a complete system for dealing with toxicity issues brought on by modern lifestyles, including lack of exercise, poor eating habits, poorquality foods, food additives, chemicals, medicines and environmental pollutants. Servings Per Sample: 2 A mo u nt P e r S e r v i n g % D ail y V al ue Aloe Vera 200/ 1ext r act ^ * 1billion ** * Pr opriet ary Pr obiot ic Blend P R OP RI E T AR Y BLE N D Servings Per Sample: 2 This multi-vitamin is formulated specifically to meet the needs of active people who are constantly on the go. The vitamins and minerals in this formula work together to promote good health and combat nutrient deficiencies. Formulated to deliver pure and potent nutritional protection, the got X Daily Multi-Vitamin is rich in essential vitamins and minerals. In order to ensure that you get the most healthful blend of ingredients this multi-vitamin contains no sugar, salt, yeast, wheat, gluten, corn preservatives, colors or flavors. To find out all of the benefits of the quality ingredients found in our multi-vitamin, please visit our website. Supplement Facts Serving Size: 1 Tablet % Da i l y (L Acidophilus, B.bif idum & B.longum) V a l ue BioCor Opt imum T M Servings Per Sample: 2 Tablets % D ail y V al ue * A mo u n t P e r S e r v i n g 3,500 DU * Vit amin A ( as bet a c ar ot ene) 5,000 iu Pr ot ease (f r om Aspergillus oryzae) 21,000 HUT * Vit amin C ( as ascorbic ac id) 150 mg Glucoamylase (f r om Aspergillus niger ) 4,000 PC * Vit amin D ( as cholec alc if er ol ) * Pr ot ease (f r om Aspergillus niger ) 50 SAPU * Vit amin E ( as d- alpha t ocopher al Goj i Ber r y * Inver t ase (f r om Sacchar omyces 400 SU * Pomegr anate * El euther o Root (Si ber ian Gi nseng) * Malt Diast ase ( f rom Hordeum vulgare) 1,500 DP ^ * Vit amin B- 2 ( as r ibof l avi n) 15 mg 882% Molybdenum Yohi mbe Bar k * Lipase ( f r om Candida r ugosa, A. niger 500 FIP * Niac in ( as niacinamide) 50 mg 250% Choline ( as c hol ine bit ar t rat e) 10 mg Caf f ei ne * Vit amin B- 6 ( as py ri dox ine 15 mg 750% Inosit ol 10 mg * Amer i can Gi nseng Root * 25 mg * Panax Genseng Root * * Acai Ber r y * Mangosteen * Noni Fr ui t Kol a Nut * Dai l y val ue not establ i shed * * S ug g e s t e d u s e : As a dietar y s upplement, adults mix 1 vial with 14 ounces of water . Stor e in a cool, dr y place and away f r omdir ect light. Keep out of r each of childr en. Contains no s ugar , s alt, dair y, yeas t, wheat, gluten, cor n, pr es er vatives , ar tif icial color s or f lavor s . Wa r n i ng : If you ar e pr egnant or have health concer ns, please cons ult your phys ician bef or e taking this pr oduct, or any other nutr itional s upplement. cerevisiae) 60 iu succi nat e) 100% Zinc ( as monomet hionine) 250% Selenium ( as selenomet hionine) 15 mg 50 mg 333% 100 mc g 143% 100% Copper ( as copper gl uconat e) 2 mg 100% 200% Manganese ( as ami no ac id chelat e) 5 mg 250% 100 mc g 83% 75 mc g 100% Chr omium ( as chr omium Vit amin B- 1 (as t hi amine mononi t r at e) & Rhizopus or yzae) 400 iu A mo u n t P e r S e r v i n g % D ai l y V alue 100 mg Amylase ( f rom Aspergillus oryzae) Capuacu Fr ui t 1000% pol yni cot i nat e) Milk Thist le Seed Ext ract ^ * Ar t ichoke Root Ext r act ^ * Fol ic ac id 800 mcg Dandelion Root Ext r act ^ * B-12 ( as cy anocobalamin) 100 mcg 1667% Co Q10 200 mg * Sarsaparilla Root Ext r act ^ * Biot in 1000 mcg 333% Lut ein 300 mc g * Senna Leaf Ext ract 3% ^ * Pant ot henic ac id 250% Ly copene 300 mc g Cascar a Sagrada Bark Ext r act ^ * ( as d- calcium pant ot henat e) * Daily value not est ablished ^ Pr opriet ar y blend ** Live cells S u gg e st e d u se : As a diet ary supplement , t ake one (1) capsule wit h a f ood daily, hydrochlor ide) Magnesium (as oxide, amino acid c helat e) Calc ium 25 mg 200% ( as cal cium car bonat e, c alc ium c it r at e) Ir on 5 mg 1% Iodine ( as pot assium iodide) * 6 mg 33% 150 mc g 100% *Daily Value Not Est abli shed depending on individual t olerance. Do not exceed t wo capsules per day. Keep out of S u g g e st e d u se : As a diet ar y suppl ement , adult s t ak e one ( 1) t ablet wit h a meal, or as dir ec t ed by a heal t hcare r each of children. Do not use if pregnant or nur sing. As wit h any diet ary supplement , prof essional. St or e in a cool, dry plac e and away f r om dir ect l ight . Keep out of r eac h of chi ldr en. No art i f i cial color s, f lav or s, consult wit h a physician or licensed qualif ied healt hcar e prof essional bef or e product use preser vat i ves or yeast and gl ut en f r ee. if you have heart disease, high blood pressur e, a hist ory of st rokes, psychiat ric disorder , If you enjoyed this sample, contact your Independent Associate and ORDER NOW!!! * or if you ar e t aking any prescr ipt ion medicat ion. This product is not int ended t o t reat , cur e or pr event any disease or exist ing medical condit ion. St ore pr oduct at room t emperat ure. If you enjoyed this sample, contact your Independent Associate and ORDER NOW!!!
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