Saint Joan of Arc The Maid of Orleans

Saint Joan of Arc
The Maid of Orleans
6414 Montour Street
South Park, Pennsylvania 15129
Reverend Phillip Pribonic, Pastor
Parish Office (412) 833-2400
CCD (412) 835-3724
Domremy Pavilion (412) 854-3173
Fax (412) 835-1764
Diocese Victim Hotline 1-888-808-1235
Liturgical Schedule
Saturday Mass: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Mass:
7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. and 12:00 noon
Weekday Mass: 8:00 a.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday, 12:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Sacrament of Baptism:
First and Second Sunday, 1:00 pm.
Sacrament of Marriage:
Please call and arrange with Rectory.
Anointing of the Sick:
Please call the Rectory.
Rectory Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.
November 2, 2014
Mass Intentions
Saturday, November 1-All Saints
5:00 P.M. - Frank Triglia (Carolyn & Harry Smith)
Sunday, November 2– All Souls’ Day
7:30 A.M. - Andrew Vasko
(M/M Pete Stancampiano)
9:00 A.M. - Josephine Anderson
(The Engott Family)
10:30 A.M. - Rose Angelo (Unger Family)
12:00 Noon - Albert Greco (Wife, Janice)
Monday, November 3– Saint Martin de Porres
8:00 A.M. - James Wagner (Bob& Joann Wagner)
Tuesday, November 4– Saint Charles Borromeo
8:00 A.M. - Thom Sonick (Bill & Margaret Boyer)
Wednesday, November 5– Weekday
8:00 A.M. - Joan Buehler (Paul Buehler)
Thursday, November 6– Weekday
8:00 A.M. - Temporal & Spiritual Welfare of Harriet
Hagerich (The Don Connor Family)
Friday, November 7– Weekday
8:00 A.M. - Dee Verno (Robert Podlesnik)
Saturday, November 8– Weekday
5:00 P.M. - Patricia Darks (Jan Reinhardt)
Sunday, November 9– The Dedication of the Lateran
7:30 A.M. - Sara Taboni (M/M Gutrie Taboni)
9:00 A.M. - John Boehm (Wife, Clara)
10:30 A.M. - Francis Donohue (Bill & Kay Reddy)
12:00 Noon - Deceased Members of the Doyle Family
(Elisa Doyle)
Please remember in your prayers those who are sick:
Jericho Fedor, Ed Stetar, Nikki, John Rachuba,
Cathy & Ed Villella, Pamela Roberts, Ann Morrison,
Debbie Fitzpatrick, Bernie Allen Sr., Frank Allen,
Cindy Gries Chatman, Frank Mathews,
Mary Rachuba, William Reddy, Carol Kuhn,
Tiffany Musser, Dale Kragnes, Chuck Stanford,
Mary Englert, Dorothy Kudla, Jay Briggs,
Dorothy Smith, Gregory Gibson Kenney, David Evans,
William Urbanek, Jim Manion, Gayle Koontz,
Eleanor Young, Julie Kiley,Peg Gallagher,
Raymond Metzel, Nardia Rickoff, Roger Antis,
Deneen Allison, Joanne Engott, Carolyn Smith,
Father Dan Whalen, Mike Donahue, and Josef Fabus.
Help, save, pity and defend your servants O God.
Financial Statement
Regular Offertory……………………… $ 6,868.00
World Mission Collection……………….$ 770.00
THANK YOU For Your Generosity.
From the Pastor’s Desk
Today is All Souls Day, when we commemorate all the
faithful departed and try to renew our commitment to
Christian living, the best way to prepare for eternity……
St. Francis went so far as to call death his “sister”, so
intense was his connection with Christ, all creation, calling
people and animals and nature his brothers and sisters,….a
representative of SHIM will speak at Masses on Sunday,
November 16, as well as having an information table at
the youth group parish breakfast…..this is one way by
which we reach out to be of assistance in the South Hills
community, most notably through the garden and
participation in the clothing drive by the youth
group…..the Pastoral Council, under the leadership of
Mr Michael Palus, will meet on Tuesday, November 11 at
7:00 pm in Sister Kathy’s office, and reports will be given
by SHIM, our evangelization team, and Mr. Lou Ruzzi in
regard to the bridge replacement…..we are in need of
members for this council, which comprises four
committees: Temporalities (buildings and property),
Welcoming, Evangelization, and Community
Outreach…..if you would like to serve in any manner,
please give me a call…… anyone is welcome to attend the
Father Phillip Pribonic
Second Collection next week is for Repairs &
BAPTISM; Monday, November 17 at 7:00 pm in the
Rectory, please call to register
Sanctuary Lamp will burn one week for the Blessed
Mother for the Temporal & Spiritual Welfare of Judy &
Ray Urias, requested by the Sedon Family.
Altar Bread and Wine for one week in memory of Rose
Angelo, requested by Raymond & Roberts Refosco.
We the parishioners of
St. Joan of Arc Parish are called to
Holiness, Service and
Commitment to the Gospel demands of Jesus Christ.
We strive to grow as a Eucharistic Community
through Worship, Education, and Community
Outreach to the unchurched,
youth, those in need, the sick and the elderly.
We want to welcome all to our Parish,
so that all may be welcomed by Christ, and come to
repent by changing the way we think and behave.
To this end we trust the grace of the
Holy Spirit to the Glory of God the Father.
Scripture Reflection
A friend told me she had been the last in her family to
stop going to Mass on Sundays. Her siblings had long
since given it up. The reasons had a great deal to do with
the quality of church leadership they experienced. Too
much outward show of authority, too little indication of
inner sanctity. Dispensing official teaching is not enough;
living humbly and as a servant is the heart of ministry.
The harsh words of the prophet Malachi seem more
relevant than ever in our day. When we priests fail to walk
in the way of Christ, fail to give glory to God’s name by
what we do, we become unworthy of our calling to serve
God’s people. Of course, this kind of behavior is not
limited to clergy. Jesus is speaking to the crowds and
disciples about the Pharisees, the lay leaders who saw
themselves as “separate” from the rest because of their
outward signs of piety. He also calls them to authentic
“The greatest among you must be your servant,” Jesus
says, a message he repeats again and again in the Gospels.
His followers are as resistant to it now as they were then.
But the faithful follower is not about titles, or
ecclesiastical dress-up, or posturing in self-importance.
Discipleship in the kingdom that Jesus came preaching is
about being brothers and sisters who gather around Jesus
Christ, the one Master, who humbled himself and waited
for God to exalt him. May the same goal be ours.
—James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
History of All Souls Day
The importance of All Souls Day was made clear by
Pope Benedict XV (1914-22), when he granted all
priests the privilege of celebrating three Masses on All
Souls Day: one for the faithful departed; one for the
priest's intentions; and one for the intentions of the
Holy Father. Only on a handful of other very important
feast days are priests allowed to celebrate more than
two Masses. While All Souls Day is now paired with
All Saints Day, which celebrates all of the faithful who
are in Heaven, it originally was celebrated in the Easter
season, around Pentecost Sunday (and still is in the
Eastern Catholic Churches). By the tenth century, the
celebration had been moved to October; and sometime
between 998 and 1030, St. Odilo of Cluny decreed that
it should be celebrated on November 2 in all of the
monasteries of his Benedictine congregation. Over the
next two centuries, other Benedictines and the
Carthusians began to celebrate it in their monasteries as
well, and soon it spread to the entire Church. On All
Souls Day, we not only remember the dead, but we apply our efforts, through prayer, almsgiving, and the
Mass, to their release from Purgatory. There are two
plenary indulgences attached to All Souls Day, one for
visiting a church and another for visiting a cemetery.
(The plenary indulgence for visiting a cemetery can
also be obtained every day from November 1-8, and, as
a partial indulgence, on any day of the year.) While the
actions are performed by the living, the merits of the
indulgences are applicable only to the souls in
Purgatory. (
Prayer of Remembrance
Those We Love Must Someday Pass
Those we love must someday
pass beyond our present sight...
Must leave us and the world
we know without their radiant light.
But we know that like a candle
their lovely light will surely shine
to brighten up another place
more perfect... more divine.
And in the realm of Heaven where
they shine so warm and bright.
Our loved ones live forevermore
in God’s eternal light.
All Souls Day Prayer
Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May the souls of the faithful departed
through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
Confirmation retreat is Monday November 10th
beginning at 5:15 and ending at 8:30pm. Please be
on time!
There is NO CCD on Monday November 10th for
7th grade. Please do Chapter 12 for home study.
Rest in Peace- Nellie McClellan and Donna Payne
sister of Dan Simmons.
Altar Server Schedule
November 8th
5:00 Tommy Muha, Owen Cernetic, Joshua Kosmach
November 9th
7:30 Matt Pensenstadler
9:00 Julius & Alexis Riske, Marissa Wycinsky
10:30 Carlos & Sammy Jess, Cameron Carroll
12:00 Keith Messner
November 11 is the next prayer shawl
ministry - We welcome anyone that
would like to join our ministry or even
stop by to check it out first- no need to
know how to crochet or knit - there are
many things we can use your help with.
If you are interested in joining this
interfaith ministry, and/or are in need of a
prayer shawl, please call at 412-8332400. Thank you - Karen Urbanowicz
Saint Vincent de Paul is starting to take donations
for Thanksgiving. If you can donate canned
vegetables, instant potatoes, canned pumpkin, pie
crust mix, stuffing, gravy mix, , or any other non
perishable item, please do so and leave the items in
the vestibule. Thank you in advance
The Sisters of St. Francis of the Providence of
God’s Soup Take Out on November 12 includes
Wedding, Sweet Potato, and Stuffed Pepper soups for
$5.00 a quart. Orders must be placed by Thursday, Nov. 6 at (412) 885-7232 or [email protected]. Pickup is Wednesday, Nov. 12 from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM at
the Sisters’ Motherhouse, located at 3603 McRoberts
Road in Pittsburgh’s South Hills (15234.) .
Fish Fry Friday November 7, 2014
Eat in or Take out
11am - 7pm
Fresh homemade soups and delicious menu items.
Bakers needed.
Fish Fry is in need of baked goods for
our bake sale table. Please drop off at
Domremy Pavilion .
Thank you for your support.
T-Shirt Green- Wizard of Oz
Life Enrichment meeting , Wednesday, Nov. 12th
beginning at 11 am in the Domremy
Pavilion-food to bring - A FAMILY FAVORITE. Topic
- Environmental Eye Openers. Guest speaker - Sister
Lynn Szykiewicz, CSJ. Sister Lynn presently works
with farmers and community groups to foster
environmental education, conservation and sustainability
of the earth, Sister maintains her communities beehive
colony and garden, makes honey and soap and shares
produce with local food banks. Sister Lynn will speak
to us on the many aspects of her ministry of taking
care ;of and nurturing God's good earth. Sister will offer
many practical tips on how we can care for, nurture
and protect the environment around us.
Remember to invite a friend and call Sr. Kathy for
further information. See you Nov. 12th.
November 8th members of the SJA youth group are
offering their FREE service to help you rake leaves,
clean closets, clean the garage, holiday decorating, etc.
They will be accompanied by an adult chaperone. If you
would like us to pay you a visit, please call Laura Stein
@ 412 -506-1940 no later than November 2.This service
is free and youth group members have been instructed
not to accept payment for their services. We hope to
hear from you.
Banns of Marriage: Shaun O’Rorke
to Kristi Lattorre
Caregivers Morning of Prayer and Support
November 22, 2014 9:30AM-11:30AM
Franciscan Spirit & Life Center-Whitehall. Free
Will offering/No Charge. Call 412-215-7743 to
register. This is time to create space for those
who are providing care for others and are in need
of renewal and healing. Techniques for self-care
as well as uplifting spiritual exercises together
with the support and prayer of one another will
be part of the morning.
The Men's Club of St. Valentine's is having their
47th annual Men Only Fish Fry on Friday Jan. 30,
2015 from 6PM to Midnight. The ticket is $25.00
and includes shrimp, fish, soup, french fries, cole
slaw, and beverage of choice. There will be games
of chance, 50/50 raffle, and door prizes. For tickets,
call Don at 412-833-3291.
Christian Mothers & Ladies Guild of St.
Francis of Assisi Parish, Finleyville will sponsor
a Turkey Bingo Sunday, November 9th at
1:00P.M. in Finley Hall. Admission: $3.00 includes 1 card, extra cards available. Door Prizes,
Turkey Dinner Raffle, Special Games. Bring your
bingo chips. Not a paper bingo.
I was dropping of paper in the recycling bin at the
garden and noticed several large piles of what seemed like
top soil. Can you tell me what that is for?
Signed: Curious Corrine
Dear Curious Corrine:
Those two piles of “top soil” are very “top” in
deed. They are courtesy of the local Royal Arabian Stable
in Peters Twp and the soil is actually fertilizer from the farm
and will provide very “royal” nutrients for the vegetables in
the garden next year. Thank you for inquiring.
Signed: Joan d’Arc
Help to make someone else's Thanksgiving a little
sweeter! The Youth Group is sponsoring a pie drive for the
South Hills Interfaith Ministries with this upcoming
Market Day order. If you would like to help, please return
an order form (or online ordering) no later than November
9, 2014. Pies will be delivered November 15th, with
plenty of time for a family to enjoy!
A Gift of a Retirement Plan Remainder
Retirement plan remainders such as (IRA’s, 403B’s,
401K’s, etc.) left to your heirs will be subject to both income and estate taxation after your life. If you leave that
remainder to your parish or school, it will be completely tax
free. This does not need to be stated in your will. You must
designate it by completing a form with your retirement plan
custodian, (bank, financial planner, insurance company,
etc.). Consider leaving after-tax funds to your heirs.
Transfer a Gift of Stock to Your Parish Call 412-456-3055
to facilitate a transfer of stock. Your gift can be used as a
campaign pledge payment, an endowed scholarship, for
Parish Share, your offertory, or unrestricted for the parish’s
greatest need. Establish a Named Endowment Fund Your
current donation or future gift through your will, gift annuity or trust can establish a named fund in the Diocese of
Pittsburgh Foundation (in honor of or in memory of your
family) that will benefit your parish forever.
Please remember your parish as you plan your estate. Consult
your attorney or tax advisor for more specific advice. For information on any current or deferred gift option, such as a trust,
insurance policy, will, retirement fund, endowed fund, stock
transfer, charitable gift annuity, or bequest intention document,
please contact Paul Stabile, Director of Planned Giving, Office
for Stewardship at 412-456-3055 or [email protected].