ICDE OPERATIONAL NETWORK (ON)_BOLDIC SVERDs HÖSTKONFERENS DEN 22 OKTOBER, 2015. KK-STIFTELSEN STOCKHOLM Fil. Dr. Ebba Ossiannilsson, V Ordförande SVERD, ansvarig för ICDE ON_BOLDIC Fil. Dr. Ebba Ossiannilsson V President SVERD EDEN FELLOW OPEN EDUCATION EUROPA FELLOW EC/ET WG Digital and online learning IPTS OpenEdu framework (quality) Quality Reviewer EADTU Excellence/OpenupEd SIS/ISO Quality committeé Svenska Riksorganisationen för Distansutbildning (SVERD) …vidga kunskapen om och medverka i utvecklingen av flexibel utbildning, distansutbildning, online lärande och e-lärande initierar erfarenhetsutbyte och samverkan mellan organisationens medlemmar skapa öppna mötesplatser genom att bl a anordna konferenser och seminarier främja internationellt utbyte och samarbete stimulera kunskapsuppbyggnad inom området medverka till områdets bevakning och utveckling i beslutande organ vidga samarbetet med andra aktörer inom Distansutbildningsområdet SVERD satsar på internationell projektverksamhet såsom Boldic Open online learning tex ICDE ON The 26TH ICDE World Conference that was hosted by UNISA in Sun City 16th October 2015 The ICDE Operational Network launch is announced In recognition of the importance of strengthening cooperation and reinforcing the impact of activities of the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) and its network of members globally, ICDE have launched a regional Operational Network. The Operational Networks are known as: ICDE Operational Network Mediterranean and Southern Europe ICDE Operational Network Boldic ICDE Operational Network Asia Pacific ICDE Operational Network Africa SVERD är regional partner i samarbetet med ICDE, The international Council for Open and Online Education, ICDE, 2 år Node Area African Virtual University, AVU, Kenya More than 30 countries in sub-Saharan Africa Swedish Association for Distance Education, SADE/SVERD, Nordic and Baltic Countries in North of Sweden Europe The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, Italy Southern Europea, Mediterranean and Arab countries Universitas Terbuka, UT, Indonesia Asia - Pacific The purpose of the ICDE Operational Network Strengthen ICDE as membership driven organization and offer a regional localised support structure Strengthen the visibility and representation of ICDE around the world and increase ICDE’s operational capacity, global insight and it will support global knowledge exchange Gard Titlestad, ICDE Secretary General said “We are very much looking forward to working in partnership with the regional ICDE Operational Networks. It enables ICDE to offer a more localised, personalised on the ground, support network system and offer its members regional tailored events and resources, something that is very much needed”. For the regional partners, the benefits of being an ICDE Operational Network is extensive. It enables them increased regional and global visibility, access to ICDEs’ extensive global network and insight into the daily operations of ICDE, the leading global membership organization for open, distance, flexible and online education, including e-learning. Gard Titlestad, ICDE Secretary General said “We are very much looking forward to working in partnership with the regional ICDE Operational Networks. It enables ICDE to offer a more localised, personalised on the ground, support network system and offer its members regional tailored events and resources, something that is very much needed”. For the regional partners, the benefits of being an ICDE Operational Network is extensive. It enables them increased regional and global visibility, access to ICDEs’ extensive global network and insight into the daily operations of ICDE, the leading global membership organization for open, distance, flexible and online education, including e-learning. Outgoing ICDE President, Tian Belawati said “I leave my capacity as ICDE President with confidence that the ICDE Network will cater to the needs of members and grow, galvanise and invigorate online and distance education regionally.” ICDE ON_Boldic Norge: 9utb.org+1Ind.+Fun Sverige: 1utb.org+2 ind. + SVERD Danmark: 0 Island: 0 Finland: 0 Estland: 0 Lettland: 0 Litauen: 0 Exempel på aktiviteter SVERD ansvarar för det regionala arbetet med nätverksuppbyggnad Översikt över distansutbildningsaktörer Stimulera nätverk i området Regionala rundabords samtal Webinarer för ICDE Breddat nätverk i Norden och Baltikum Konferensarrangemang med Boldic, SVERD, ICDE hösten 2015 Avgränsad enkät om vad ICDE medlemmar vill ha för aktiviteter Anordna Webinar för ICDE medlemmar Caring is sharing, sharing is caring My Footprints
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