Evan B. Rubin, Rabbi Edward H. Garsek, Rabbi Emeritus Steven Marcus, President Elsa Leveton, Administrator HASHOMER Volume 74 Affiliated with November 2014 Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 Issue 3 CONGREGATION ETZ CHAYIM cordially invites you to its 40th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION WEEKEND SATURDAY & SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8 & 9, 2014 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Saturday, November 8 Shabbat Services-honoring the incoming synagogue officers Kiddush Lunch-noon Dessert Reception-7:30 p.m. Swingmania Band Musical Presentation-8:00 p.m. Sunday, November 9 Gala Banquet at 6:30 p.m. Installation of Rabbi Evan Rubin Installation of New Officers & Board of Trustees Morris Lubitsky & Harry Levine Awards Presented The synagogue will be installing RABBI EVAN RUBIN as Rabbi of Congregation Etz Chayim as well as THE NEWLY ELECTED MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES and presenting THE MORRIS LUBITSKY MEMORIAL AWARD TO MARCIA GROSSMAN and THE HARRY LEVINE SERVICE AWARD TO ROCHELLE BLACK & BOB LICHTENSTEIN Etz Chayim Calendar of Events November 2014 Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 September November February October August March April May 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Change Clocks Back 9:00 a.m. Lech Lecha 6:00 p.m. 7:12 p.m. Havdalah 2 Intrafaith Blood Drive 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. @ Etz Chayim 3 4 5 Sisterhood Bd. Mtg. 10:00 a.m. 6:45 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6 7 8 Installation Kiddush Music Presentation-8:00 p.m. 6:45 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:45 a.m. 5:05 p.m. 5:04 p.m. Candlelighting 13 14 15 6:45 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:45 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 4:57 p.m. Candlelighting 9:00 a.m. Chaye Sarah 4:45 p.m. 5:58 p.m. Havdalah Lunch 9:00 a.m. Vayera 4:50 p.m. 6:04 p.m. Havdalah 6:45 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:45 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 9 Installation Banquet 6:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 10 11 6:45 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:45 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 12 Cooking Demonstration 1:00 p,m. 6:45 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 16 Men’s Club Mtg. 11:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 17 18 19 20 21 22 6:45 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:45 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:45 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:45 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:45 a.m. 4:55 p.m. 4:51p.m. Candlelighting 9:00 a.m. Toldot 4:40 p.m. 5:53 p.m. Havdalah 23 24 25 26 6:45 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:45 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:45 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 28 OFFICE CLOSED 6:45 a.m. 4:50 p.m. 4:48 p.m. Candlelighting 29 8:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 27 Thanksgiving OFFICE CLOSED 8:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 30 8:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. Vayetze 4:35 p.m. 5:51 p.m. Havdalah FROM THE RABBI “Everything Old is New Again” This month I am celebrating the 20th anniversary of my installation as Cantor of Congregation Etz Chayim. With great thanks to Hashem, this month also will be my formal installation as our synagogue’s Rabbi. The past two decades have been a wonderful time for our family. It has been a privilege to share in the lives and life events of our members, You, my synagogue family, have been there for me as well, in good times as well as in bad. Now the time has come for a new era to begin for me and for the shul. I will be following in the footsteps of Rabbi Nehemiah Katz, ZT”L, Rabbi Edward Garsek, and Rabbi Jonathan Bienenfeld, who have served Congregation Etz Chayim, as well as Rabbi Isaac Shapiro, Rabbi Isaac Silberman, both of blessed memory, and others who served our community prior to the merger. The challenge before me is daunting. My predecessors have left large shoes to fill. I am fortunate to have worked alongside Rabbi Garsek and Rabbi Bienenfeld, and they have taught me well. Now, I have the responsibility of continuing their rich legacy. With Hashem’s help and guidance, I am ready to meet this awesome task. I look forward to working with our membership and the community’s leadership to continue to advance Congregation Etz Chayim through the 21st century. May we merit to see the continued blossoming of our wonderful “Tree of Life.” Rabbi Evan B. Rubin FROM THE PRESIDENT As I turn over the reins of the Presidency to Dan Becker, I again wish to convey to the Congregation how honored I was to have been asked to take over as President when David Beckman moved out of our community. Much has been accomplished by the current Board of Trustees over this past year. I have no doubt that the incoming Board of Trustees and Officers will do an outstanding job and will continue to look out for the best interests of Etz Chayim. The Congregation still has numerous issues to deal with on both a short-term and long-term basis. Pursuing an out-reach Rabbi, handling any capital improvements such as the roof and the mikvah, investigating the creation of an Eruv as well as continuing to tackle our financial needs are just a few of the matters to be dealt with by the new Board. We will be celebrating our Congregation’s 40th anniversary in a week. I look forward to seeing all of you, including Rabbi Garsek, as we reflect on the past and look forward to our future years together. Steve Marcus, President OHR CHADASH RELIGIOUS SCHOOL WHY? Over the past month we have celebrated several holidays. Coming to services and seeing our Ohr Chadash students attending and participating is a warm feeling. Your children watched attentively, as Rabbi Rubin was blowing the shofar during Rosh Hashanah. The students who were fasting understand "why" and can explain. The Tashlich ceremony at Olander was beautiful, well attended, and meaningful. Why are the verses recited next to a body of water? Rabbi Rubin led and explained the ceremony. All the students made wonderful decorations for our Sukkah. Simchat Torah offered lively dancing and celebrating for many of us. Each Sunday when I visit our classrooms, I enjoy observing the activities. Having the students (your children ) involved is "why" you as parents, send your children to Ohr Chadash. Jewish Education is so important. Whether your child attends class once or three times each week, you have made a commitment. Your support is an essential and fundamental key towards the successful continuation of our program. November offers another busy month for our teachers and students. The annual community Book Fair is November 9th. The students in grades six, seven and eight will be joining the students from Temple Shomer and B’nai Israel for a trip to the Holocaust Center on November 16th. This trip is a culmination to their eight week Holocaust unit study. The students will continue to be busy during the remainder of the month planning for a special Chanukah program on December 18th. Plan to attend a Shabbat services with your family. Warm regards, Nancy Jacobson November Calendar Sunday Classes Nov. 2-Class Nov. 9-Book Fair Nov. 16.-Class/Holocaust Center Nov. 23-Class Nov. 30- No Class/Thanksgiving Weekend Tuesday/Thursday Classes Nov. 4 & 6-Class Nov. 11 & 13-Class Nov. 18 & 20-Class Nov. 25-Class Nov. 27-No Class/Thanksgiving OHR CHADASH ADULTS The following is a list of the dates and topics for the Ohr Chadash Adult Classes in November: November 2, 2014 – 10:00 a.m. – “The Life of Abraham” – Abraham endured ten tests in his life, and stood true to Hashem through them all. We will examine his trials and successes. November 16, 2014 – 10:00 a.m. – “Isaac – The Patriarch Who Never Left Israel” – Why was his life experience different from his father and his son? November 23, 2014 – 10:00 a.m. – “Is there a Jewish perspective on Thanksgiving?” Should we celebrate or not? WE ARE IN NEED OF SPONSORS FOR THE CONTINENTAL BREAKFASTS ON SUNDAY MORNING. PLEASE CONTACT THE SYNAGOGUE OFFICE IF YOU ARE INTERESTED. THE COST IS $36.00. SISTERHOOD NEWS A heartfelt thanks goes out to all the wonderful ladies and gents who helped make the Sukkot Dinner such a success. A special thank you goes to Rabbi Evan and Kerry Rubin for their funny (and serious) words. Watch the mail for information regarding the annual Sisterhood Donor Fundraiser. Members of the Sisterhood would like to thank Kathryn Gallon for her dedication to the organization and the synagogue. Kathryn is a former Sisterhood President and has worked tirelessly on the joint sisterhood rummage sales as well as many functions in the synagogue. Everyone wishes her much joy in her move to Virginia. The next meeting of the Sisterhood Board will be held on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the synagogue library. Everyone is invited to attend. GIFT SHOP NEWS The Gift Shop has all your shopping needs for the upcoming Chanukah Shopping season. From menorahs and gift items to paper products and decorations, the gift shop is well stocked. Sandy Marcus, gift shop chairperson, has some great deals on Judaica items. If you are in the market for candles, plastic Shabbat table covers, disposable drip cups or assorted Jewish toys, books and games you can buy these at our gift shop. Get them while they last. In addition, check out the new Ahava Hibiscus and Fig lotion and body wash. Both items are available for only $32.00. This is a great time to buy Ahava and beat the price increase. There is a free gift with a $30 purchase, while supplies last. As always we offer free gift wrap. We are in need of volunteers to help clean the gift shop and take inventory of our stock. If you can help, please contact Sandy Marcus, Gift Shop Chair, 419-473-2401 (shul) or 419-841-8886. MEN’S CLUB The next meeting of the Men’s Club will be held on Sunday, November 16, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. The entire community is invited to attend the first Men’s Club Scotch and Poker Night on Wednesday, November 26, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the synagogue. Men and women are invited. Bring your own bottle. There will be a $25.00 buy-in plus a fee of $5.00 for food/snacks. Please R.S.V. P. to the synagogue office or to Steve Feldman at [email protected]. The next meeting of the Men’s Club will take place on Sunday, November 16, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. All men are invited to attend. INTRAFAITH BLOOD DRIVE Mark your calendars for Sunday, November 2, 2014 for the annual Intrafaith Blood Drive. This year the Blood Drive will be held at Congregation Etz Chayim from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. As always, we are looking for volunteers to work at the drive as well as donate blood. You may call the Etz Chayim office at 419-473-2401 or Devorah Shulamit at 419-841-4652 to volunteer. FALL COOKING DEMONSTRATION Everyone is invited to attend a cooking demonstration on Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. in the synagogue social hall. Three fall dessert recipes will be featured prepared by “chefs” from the synagogue and the community. Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and taste test some desserts for your Thanksgiving table! There is no charge for this event. Please call the synagogue office at 419-473-2401 to R.S.V.P. CONGREGATION ETZ CHAYIM cordially invites you to its 40th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION WEEKEND SATURDAY & SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8 & 9, 2014 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Saturday, November 8 Shabbat Services-honoring the incoming synagogue officers Kiddush Lunch-noon Dessert Reception-7:30 p.m. Swingmania Band Musical Presentation-8:00 p.m. Sunday, November 9 Gala Banquet at 6:30 p.m. Installation of Rabbi Evan Rubin Installation of New Officers & Board of Trustees Morris Lubitsky & Harry Levine Awards Presented The synagogue will be installing RABBI EVAN RUBIN as Rabbi of Congregation Etz Chayim as well as THE NEWLY ELECTED MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES and presenting THE MORRIS LUBITSKY MEMORIAL AWARD TO MARCIA GROSSMAN and THE HARRY LEVINE SERVICE AWARD TO ROCHELLE BLACK & BOB LICHTENSTEIN The weekend is open to the community. Reservations must be paid in advance. Please reply to the synagogue office by October 31, 2014. The Book Clubs of Congregations B’nai Israel, Etz Chayim and Shomer Emunim Are excited to announce a joint book club program At The Toledo Museum of Art Thursday December 11, 2014 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM We will be reviewing The Hare with Amber Eyes by Edmund de Waal over lunch and participating in a docent led tour of the museum’s extensive netsuke exhibit Edmund de Waal is a world-famous ceramicist. When he inherited a collection of 264 tiny Japanese wood and ivory carvings, called netsuke, he wanted to know who had touched and held them, and how the collection had managed to survive. And so begins this extraordinarily moving memoir and detective story as de Waal discovers both the story of his wealthy ancestors and their netsuke, which having been hidden from the Nazis in Vienna, was all that remained of their vast empire. $5 for the tour (at the door) Lunch from the Café (approx. $10). Vegetarian options available Members park free. $5/car for non-members (Carpools will meet at Etz Chayim at 10:15) The group will meet in the Grove Street lobby of the Art Museum at 10:45 AM Reservations are limited to the first 40 people For Reservations contact Elsa Leveton (419) 473-2401 or [email protected] by Dec. 1. HAPPY NOTES ….Those celebrating birthdays in the month of November: Louis Balkany, Joel Beren, Linda Beren, Connie Brunswick, Andrea Delman, Stanford Feldstein, Eliana Friedman, Tehilah Friedman, Yael Friedman, Harvey Grossman, Shirley Hes, Laura Isenstein, Richard Kaminsky, Joel Marcovitch, Steven Marcus, Patrick Mollenkamp, Ken Pargament, Ben Pertcheck, Rona Rothschild, Louise Schuster, Harry Shiff, Marcia Silverman, Madeline Vandyke, Lynne Wengrow, Craig Wexler ....Those celebrating anniversaries in the month of November: Judith Feldman & Tom Peterman, Hallie & David Freed, Jill & Bill Lane, Marcia & William Zimmerman MAZEL TOV ...to Arlene Rubinoff on the birth of her granddaughter ...to Marcia Grossman for receiving the Morris Lubitsky Memorial Award ...to Rochelle Black for receiving the Harry Levine Service Award ...to Bob Lichtenstein for receiving the Harry Levine Service Award TREE OF LIFE LEAF PURCHASED A leaf has been purchased on the Tree of Life in honor of Dore & Ilise Shafransky on their 30th wedding anniversary. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS Don’t forget to change your clocks back one hour on Saturday evening, November 1, 2014. TODAH RABAH Thank you to our wonderful members & friends who make very generous contributions to our shul… ...to everyone who donated food to the JFS holiday food drive ...to everyone who volunteered to work and donate blood at the Intrafaith Blood Drive KOSHER MEATS & BREADS AVAILABLE AT SAUTTER’S MARKET IN SYLVANIA Various cuts of fresh kosher Empire chicken and Meal Mart beef products are now available at Sautter’s Market on Main St. in Sylvania. There are also frozen turkeys and turkey breasts in the freezer section. BOOK CLUB The next meeting of the Book Club will be a joint meeting of the three synagogue book clubs. It will be held on Thursday, December 11, 2014 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Toledo Museum of Art. The book being reviewed is The Hare with Amber Eyes by Edmund deWall. There will also be a docent led tour. Please see the flier in this bulletin for all the details. DELICIOUS CHALLAHS FOR SALE ALIYAHS & HAFTORAHS Etz Chayim is ordering challahs bi-weekly from Challywood Bakery in New York. Please call or email the synagogue office by Monday at noon and the order will be placed on Monday for delivery on Thursday. For a description of the various kinds and prices of challahs and rolls that are available, you can visit their website at www.challywood.com. The synagogue profits from the sale and everyone gets wonderful challah from New York with no shipping charges. When requesting an aliyah or a haftorah, it would be greatly appreciated if a monetary donation would be made to the synagogue. It is an honor to be called to the Torah and your donation helps support the synagogue in many ways. MASTERCARD,VISA & DISCOVER NOW ACCEPTED In addition, various breads such as challah and rye bread are shipped in weekly from Zeman’s Bakery in Detroit. Please patronize Sautter’s and let them know how much we appreciate their service to the Toledo Jewish Community. SHABBAT KIDDUSH Anyone who would like to sponsor a Shabbat Kiddush in memory or in honor of a loved one, please contact Elsa Leveton in the Synagogue Office to schedule a date. The minimum cost for a Kiddush is $75. Mastercard, Visa & Discover are accepted at the shul as payment for dues, contributions and gift shop purchases. You may call in your payment or stop in the office. When charging your purchases, the shul would appreciate if you would add 3% to the charge to cover our cost of the credit card fees paid by the shul. JEWISH FEDERATION OF GREATER TOLEDO UPCOMING EVENTS The Senior Adult Programs of the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo are supported in part through your campaign dollars and through a generous grant from the Jewish Senior Services Supporting Organization. All events are part of the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo and occasionally take place at the various synagogues. Please note registration deadlines for all programs! To register for a Jewish Federation Senior Program, please call 419-724-0354 or email [email protected]. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6 President Richard Nixon and “My Jew Boy” with speaker, Dr. Jerry Bazer 1 p.m. Leonard Lounge Jewish Federation Campus 6465 Sylvania Avenue (transportation provided from Pelham) Registration requested by Monday, October 27. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Veteran’s Day Observance 1 p.m. Senior Adult Center 2700 Pelham Road Registration requested by Monday, November 3. %+ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10 Old Jews Telling Jokes at Jewish Ensemble Theatre Co. 10:30 a.m.: Depart Jewish Federation Campus 6465 Sylvania Avenue Noon: lunch/2 p.m.: show $45/person (includes transportation, theatre ticket and dinner) Registration & payment requested by Monday, November 24. Special Notice: Our trips are open to all seniors; reservations and payment are due at the time of the request to hold your space. We will accept reservations on a first-come basis since space is limited. A waitlist will be formed as needed. No confirmations will be mailed; your credit card charge or cancelled check will serve as your confirmation. Please fill out an Emergency Contact Form if you will be traveling with us for the first time. For questions about a program, please contact René Rusgo (419-531-2119; rene@ JewishToledo.org). Please note registration deadlines for all programs. Books! Awe - $ % & ' E x c i t e Life! Read- # ( ( ( # ' ) * " Full information regarding all programs can be found in Toledo Jewish News. To register for a Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo senior program, please call 419-7240354 or email [email protected] Travel Opportunities YO U R C A M PA I G N G I F TS AT WO R K " # TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 Mickey Mouse Birthday Bash 1 p.m. Senior Adult Center 2700 Pelham Road Registration requested by Monday, November 10. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 Annual Thanksgiving Celebration – The Turkey Dinner 5 p.m. - Dinner Senior Adult Center 2700 Pelham Road $5 per person Registration & payment requested by Monday, November 10. SUPPORTED BY Toledo T Reads R Fugitive Colors; Wrestling with Yoga; Knish; From Scratch-The Uncensored History of the Food Network; An American Caddie; Elan, Son of Two Peoples; Schools Hope Check your mail for the e e or Book Festival brochure download the brochure re at www.jewishtoledo.org orrg or contact René Rusgo o at at 419-724-0365 or [email protected] rg MEMORY OF THE RIGHTEOUS IS A BLESSING *YAHRTZEIT DATES* NOV. 1 CHESHVAN 8 Frank Fingerhut* Jack Fingerhut Joseph Fishler* Marvin Hascal* Leila Braun Peskoff* Irving Pollock* Frieda Schoen* Hyman S. Topper* Hope Vinson NOV. 2 CHESHVAN 9 Herman Kander* Shlomo Linver* Mollie Sharfman* Samuel B. Wolff* Anna Zaner* NOV. 3 CHESHVAN 10 Samuel Boxenbaum George Davidson* Norman Erlich* Edith Gell* David W. Mann* Hannah Solomon* Esther Stein* NOV. 4 CHESHVAN 11 Blanche Sakols Abrams Jerome H. Bellman* Bess Felstein* Beatrice Horwitz* Morris Karlinsky Moishe Milstein* Ella Rothman NOV. 5 CHESHVAN 12 Sophie Brandman* Jerilyn Elaine Cohen* Sylvia Feldstein* Martin Fingeroff* Jake Kander* Riva Silverman Katz Lena Mitchell Morris Rosenberg* Moritz Rubner* Carrie Segall* Mary Leedyn Tilchen* Harry Zimmerman* NOV. 6 CHESHVAN 13 Anne Weinblatt Farber* Regina Friedman* Dr. Donald Steinberg* Marie Tarschis* Max Weisberg* NOV. 7 CHESHVAN 14 Esther Bauer* Albert Bernstein* Beulah Fleishman Max Issacs* Lillian Maerson* NOV. 8 CHESHVAN 15 Ethel Eckber* Lillian Fox Hyman Goodman* Bessie Klatzel Asher Ludwig Chanah Newmark* Dorothy Schwartz* Meyer Teitlebaum NOV. 9 CHESHVAN 16 Esther Abrams* Marilyn Lewis Alworth* Henry Black* David Greenberg* NOV. 10 CHESHVAN 17 Stanley Akers* Donald H. Berman Charles A. Feldstein* Rose Feldstein* Faye Infeld* Sarah Cenen Kagen Harry Krauss Elliot Latez* Emanuel (Manny) Levinson Abraham Moss* Rebecca Obst* Esser Riman* Jacob Couple Shiff* Alec Wise* NOV. 11 CHESHVAN 18 Jules Felstein* Nathan J. Greenberg* Rev. Aaron Kustanovitz Katz* Fannie Levine* Isadore Lichtenstein* Sarah Marcus* Ida Seitz* NOV. 12 CHESHVAN 19 Isadore Kohler* Philip Seligman NOV. 13 CHESHVAN 20 Martin Black* Frank Doomchin* Margie Friedman* Max Samuel Jaffe* Stephen Peskoff* Pauline Solomon* NOV. 14 CHESHVAN 21 Abe Berlowitz* Esther Baim Fruchtman* Elsie Grossman* Essar Mallamad* Beatrice Philips* Henry (Schmalwich) Schultz* Joseph Schwartz* Anne B. Zanville* Polly Zimmerman NOV. 15 CHESHVAN 22 Milton David Adler Morris Goldberg* Pauline Hirsch* George Lewis* Charles Linver* John J. Zaft* NOV. 16 CHESHVAN 23 Sam Berlowitz* Katie Rosenberg* Max Scheroff* LIbbie Silberman Schottenstein* Harry L. Wasserman* NOV. 17 CHESHVAN 24 Jack Frank* Morris Hirsch* Minnie Kaplan* Zelman Moss* Rose Resnick* Lena Sobul Sam Thau* Shirley Zimmerman NOV. 18 CHESHVAN 25 Charles E. Fedlock Jennie Fink* Felicia Fishler* Anna Hertzberg* Harry Hoffman* Mary Perlman* Ella Rosenbaum* Celia Weiner Smith* Issac Wexler* Aaron Jacob Zylber NOV. 19 CHESHVAN 26 Gary Gershon Berkowitz* Jacob Kale* Rachel Hinda Papurt* Sarah Schomer* Dora Sharfman* Theodore Steinberg* Mollie Zaft* Milton Zakowitz* NOV. 20 CHESHVAN 27 David Berman Philip Burg Elizabeth (Betty) Bustow Joe Cohen* Jay Glassman* Nathan Henick* Israel Horowitz Gustave Jacob Sarah Klepfish* Louis Marenberg* Deborah Rayman* Louis Rosenbaum* Israel Scheinbach* Mary Tarschis* Rev. Abraham Zachariash* NOV. 21 CHESHVAN 28 Mildred Ackerman* Frances Close* Louis Simon Frank* Dorothy Glassman Roberta Hope Katz* Celia Nudelbaum* Solomon Rappaport* Morris Shall* Edith Petlin Tobish* NOV. 22 CHESHVAN 29 Sidney Cousin Robert Karlinsky Sarah Karp Harry Klapfish Mary Rappaport Meerkreebs* Sarah Morstain* Sonia Pollock* Louis (Lable) M. Sharfman* Morris Siegle* NOV. 23 KISLEV 1 Barney Barnett* Anna Feder* Jack (Jacob) Fox* Harry Goldberg Jacob Kaplan* Betty Leiberman Molly Leveton* Fanny Shoffer* Mathilda Stein* Bernard Terman* Samuel Treuhaft* Pauline Wittenberg* Abraham Harry Yourist* Morris Zant* NOV. 24 KISLEV 2 Helene Bines Maurice Brandman* Eva Rachel Heimlich* Dora Kimmelman* Henry Nudelbaum* E. Seymour Rich* Pearl & Rose Rubins Barnett Sherman* NOV. 25 KISLEV 3 James (Jimmy) Baron* Yosef Rachamim Elkaim Anna Greene* Rachael Kest* Anna Weinblatt* NOV. 26 KISLEV 4 Pauline Szilard* NOV. 27 KISLEV 5 Augusta Berkowitz* David Essick* Charles Fruchtman Samuel Goldberg* Fred Jacobs Ida Kaplan* Muriel Kohn* David Rayman* NOV. 28 KISLEV 6 Harry Cousins* Irving Jacobson Sarah Part* Mary Patterson Eileen Preston NOV. 29 KISLEV 7 Wolf Czarny* Alice Fagen* Ellen Freed* Gertrude Powder Max Ravin* Doris Block Solomon* NOV. 30 KISLEV 8 Morey Baim* Albert Bellman* Harry Cannon* Hyman D. Dolgin* Andrew Jacob Fishler* David I. Frumkin* Lena Wittenberg Goldberg* Charles O. Greenberg* Jean Kaminsky Samuel Adolph Katz* Edith Schwartz Levine* Rae Linver* Hyman Weinblatt* CONTRIBUTIONS WILL BE ACKNOWLEDGED AS FOLLOWS: STANDARD ANNOUNCEMENT In Memory, Yahrtzeit, Speedy Recovery, Happy Events - $10.00 IN APPRECIATION- $12.00 MISHABERACHS (Special Prayer) - $12.00 CHAI FUND - $18.00 DOUBLE CHAI FUND - $36.00 TREE PLANTED IN ISRAEL - $18.00 SILVER CONTRIBUTION (Single Box) - $25.00 GOLD CONTRIBUTION (Double Box) - $50.00 PLATINUM CONTRIBUTION (Bold Box) -$100.00 (Box to include up to 4 names. Over 4 names will be an additional charge of $8.00 per name.) BUILDING FUND SHABBAS/HOLIDAY PRAYER BOOK - $50.00 CHUMASH - 75.00 BIMA FLOWER FUND - Shabbas - $100.00 HOLIDAYS - $125.00 TREE OF LIFE LEAF - $150.00 STONE - $500.00 MEMORIAL PLATES - $600.00 SHABBAT KIDDUSH - $75.00 SHALOSH SEUDOS (November - March) - $125.00 PLATES ON ODESKY PLAQUE - $180.00 SANCTUARY DEDICATION PLATES - $1000.00 YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF ANNABELLE SHAPIRO Steven & Linda Selman SPEEDY RECOVERY OF: YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF MORRIS SHAPIRO Steven & Linda Selman CHERYL BERKOWITZ DEBBIE SPANGENTHAL Barbara & Allan Feldstein IN LOVING MEMORY OF: BERNARD WILKER BILL SHERMAN Mickey & Suzie Rosenberg TOBY KLASNER Bob Lichtenstein & Mickey Pantoja ARLENE BUSTOW Harriet Malkin & Family Alice Applebaum MARIAN BARON Harry Schulman Muriel & Alice Applebaum Sanford & Sharon Stein WILLIAM SHERMAN Shirley & Alan Tarschis IN LOVING MEMORY OF BELOVED MOTHER & GRANDMOTHER BEATRICE HENNING Arlene, Jim, Jeff & Vicki Rose YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF: JERILYN ELAINE COHEN Jeff & Judy Cohen EDITH BRAFF Mickey & Suzie Rosenberg ROSE RESNICK Larry & Marcia Frank RIVA SILVERMAN KATZ Gary & Ilene Katz PAUL BLAUSTEIN Rita Darrough ELLIOT LATEZ Diane & Richard Mason & Family MARY RAPPAPORT MEERKREEBS Marcia & Bill Zimmerman & Family JACOB KALE Jack & Sally Kaminsky YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF LEO YOURIST Daryl & Jolene Yourist YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF ANNE B. ZANVILLE Dorotha & Jerry Baum YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF BELOVED FATHER & GRANDFATHER MOE HENNING Arlene, Jim, Jeff & Vicki Rose YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF DONALD STEINBERG, M.D. Daniel N. Steinberg & Family YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF FAYE INFELD Dr. & Mrs. Paul Infeld YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF ISRAEL HOROWITZ Inge Horowitz YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF BELOVED MOTHER & GRANDMOTHER DORA COHEN Jeff & Judy Cohen Stacy & Steve Cochran Lee & Tracy Cohen YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF BELOVED BROTHER & UNCLE MURRAY COHEN Jeff & Judy Cohen Stacy & Steve Cochran Lee & Tracy Cohen STEVE SPERLING Mickey & Suzie Rosenberg IN APPRECIATION OF: HARRY SCHULMAN Shirley & Alan Tarschis HAPPY EVENT IN HONOR OF: RABBI EVAN RUBIN ON HIS INSTALLATION AS RABBI OF ETZ CHAYIM Arlene Rubinoff MARCIA GROSSMAN RECEIVING THE MORRIS LUBITSKY MEMORIAL AWARD Mickey & Suzie Rosenberg Barbara & Allan Feldstein Harry Schulman Arlene Rubinoff ROCHELLE BLACK RECEIVING THE HARRY LEVINE SERVICE AWARD Mickey & Suzie Rosenberg Barbara & Allan Feldstein Arlene Rubinoff BOB LICHTENSTEIN RECEIVING THE HARRY LEVINE SERVICE AWARD Mickey & Suzie Rosenberg Barbara & Allan Feldstein Arlene Rubinoff IN HONOR OF BOB LICHTENSTEIN RECEIVING THE HARRY LEVINE SERVICE AWARD Len Rosenberg & Georgia Bouldes IN HONOR OF MIKE & SHERRY FELSTEIN ON THEIR NEW HOME Len Rosenberg & Georgia Bouldes CHAI FUND YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR DEAR FATHER LEO YOURIST Dr. & Mrs. Jay Yourist YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF: YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF JAY GLASSMAN Susan & Mark Kaufman GEORGE & EVE DAVIDSON SCHOLARSHIP FUND ABE & FLORENCE GREENBERG TORAH FUND BETTY ROBERTS MEMORIAL FUND YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF: IN LOVING MEMORY OF: IN LOVING MEMORY OF: YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF GEORGE DAVIDSON Linda & Gene Davidson & Family DR. JOHN DUNN Marvyn Greenberg BETTY ROBERTS Marci & David Burch YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF: HELEN HASCAL LEWIS Sandi, John & Sonny Kniep ETZ CHAYIM FUND IN LOVING MEMORY OF: DR. SAMUEL KARR Eileen Manoff JAY GLASSMAN Sharon Rainwasser HARRY & FRIEDA LEVINE SYNAGOGUE FUND YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF: MARVIN HASCAL Fran Dolgin & Family NATHAN SILVERMAN MEMORIAL FUND YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF: IN LOVING MEMORY OF: YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF CHARLES LINVER RAE LINVER Gilbert & Janice Linver ARLENE BUSTOW Mel & Margie Siegel YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF: MISHABERACH FOR A SPEEDY RECOVERY OF: ANNE K. ROGOLSKY Janet Rogolsky, Elisabeth Rogolsky & Steve Ulrich CHERYL BERKOWITZ Mel & Margie Siegel YARHTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF DEAR FRIEND BARNEY BARNETT Alex Silverman & Estelle Hallem YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF GEORGE DAVIDSON Linda & Gene Davidson & Family SPEEDY RECOVERY OF: SPEEDY RECOVERY OF: CHERYL BERKOWITZ Steve & Sandy Marcus HAPPY EVENT IN HONOR OF: MARCIA GROSSMAN RECEIVING THE MORRIS LUBITSKY MEMORIAL AWARD Steve & Sandy Marcus ROCHELLE BLACK RECEIVING THE HARRY LEVINE SERVICE AWARD Steve & Sandy Marcus BOB LICHTENSTEIN RECEIVING THE HARRY LEVINE SERVICE AWARD Steve & Sandy Marcus Cindy & Danny Becker JOE & SYLVIA FELDSTEIN ENDOWMENT FUND CHERYL BERKOWITZ Ken & Aileen Pargament Marc & Nancy Jacobson DEBBIE SPANGENTHAL Mel & Margie Siegel IN APPRECIATION OF: MEL & MARGIE SIEGEL Shirley & Alan Tarschis HAPPY EVENT IN HONOR OF: ROCHELLE BLACK RECEIVING THE HARRY LEVINE SERVICE AWARD Harry Schulman Shirley & Alan Tarschis BOB LICHTENSTEIN RECEIVING THE HARRY LEVINE SERVICE AWARD Shirley & Alan Tarschis Harry Schulman RUTH & DANIEL STEINGROOT KITCHEN FUND IN APPRECIATION OF: ELSA & ALLEN LEVETON Shirley & Alan Tarschis HAPPY EVENT IN HONOR OF: RUTH STEINGROOT ON HER SPECIAL BIRTHDAY Ken & Aileen Pargament DANNY BECKER ON BECOMING PRESIDENT OF ETZ CHAYIM Lou Steingroot MARCIA GROSSMAN RECEIVING THE MORRIS LUBITSKY MEMORIAL AWARD Cindy & Danny Becker Lou Steingroot MIKVAH FUND IN LOVING MEMORY OF: GERTRUDE FELDSTEIN Jerry Feldstein YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF: YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF SYLVIA FELDSTEIN Joann Brooks & Family HAPPY EVENT IN HONOR OF: WISHING RABBI EDWARD & SARA GARSEK GOOD HEALTH & HAPPINESS FOR THE NEW YEAR Steve & Kati Gale WISHING RABBI JONATHAN & SARAH BIENENFELD GOOD HEALTH & HAPPINESS FOR THE NEW YEAR Steve & Kati Gale ROCHELLE BLACK RECEIVING THE HARRY LEVINE SERVICE AWARD Cindy & Danny Becker Lou Steingroot BOB LICHTENSTEIN RECEIVING THE HARRY LEVINE SERVICE AWARD Lou Steingroot IN HONOR OF OKUN PRODUCE CELEBRATING 100 YEARS AND FIVE GENERATIONS Ruth Steingroot & Family SUNDAY SCHOOL FUND YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF: YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF BELOVED SISTER & AUNT JERILYN COHEN Merilyn & Nathan Sanders Chuck & Helena Geller Louis & Michelle Geller, Avery, Lilly & Ari Justin & Angel Geller, Camryn & Cadyn Kimberly & J.D. Panza, Cole & Khloe Derek & Michele Sanders & Gabriella YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF BELOVED BROTHER & UNCLE MURRAY COHEN Merilyn & Nathan Sanders Chuck & Helena Geller Louis & Michelle Geller, Avery, Lilly & Ari Justin & Angel Geller, Camryn & Cadyn Kimberly & J.D. Panza, Cole & Khloe Derek & Michele Sanders & Gabriella TREES PLANTED IN ISRAEL IN LOVING MEMORY OF: CHERYL BERKOWITZ Paul & Linda Franklin PAUL GOLDSTEIN Charles & Phyllis Wittenberg SPEEDY RECOVERY OF: NACHMAN BERKOWITZ Jeff & Judy Cohen CHERYL BERKOWITZ Charles & Phyllis Wittenberg YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF: IN APPRECIATION OF: GERSHON (GARY) BERKOWITZ Lois Berkowitz CHARLES & PHYLLIS WITTENBERG Shirley & Alan Tarschis ROY WENGROW MEMORIAL FUND BARBARA RUSSMAN Bob & Lynne Wengrow YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF MORRIS GOLDBERG Bill & Dorothy Goldberg HAPPY EVENT IN HONOR OF: YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF BELOVED MOTHER, GRANDMOTHER & GREAT-GRANDMOTHER DORA COHEN Merilyn & Nathan Sanders Chuck & Helena Geller Louis & Michelle Geller, Avery, Lilly & Ari Justin & Angel Geller, Camryn & Cadyn Kimberly & J.D. Panza, Cole & Khloe Derek & Michele Sanders & Gabriella MARCIA GROSSMAN RECEIVING THE MORRIS LUBITSKY MEMORIAL AWARD Bob & Lynne Wengrow ROCHELLE BLACK RECEIVING THE HARRY LEVINE SERVICE AWARD Bob & Lynne Wengrow BOB LICHTENSTEIN RECEIVING THE HARRY LEVINE SERVICE AWARD Bob & Lynne Wengrow HAPPY EVENT IN HONOR OF: RABBI EVAN RUBIN BECOMING RABBI OF ETZ CHAYIM Cindy & Danny Becker RABBI EVAN & KERRY RUBIN ON THEIR RETURN TO TOLEDO Shirley & Alan Tarschis IN APPRECIATION OF JOE WITTENBERG Clara Rona IN LOVING MEMORY OF: YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF: YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF BELOVED FATHER & GRANDFATHER IRVING JACOBSON Beth & Robert Adleman & Family MISHABERACH FOR A SPEEDY RECOVERY OF: LOUIS M. WITTENBERG MEMORIAL FUND IN LOVING MEMORY OF: NACHMAN BERKOWITZ Charles & Phyllis Wittenberg ARLENE BUSTOW Andrea & Jeff Lublin YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF: JENNY ESSICK ROSE BORENSTEIN Ruth Essick & Family EVA RACHEL HEIMLICH Mel & Donna Rukin LENA SOBUL Paul & Linda Franklin & Family HAPPY EVENT IN HONOR OF: RABBI EVAN & KERRY RUBIN ON THEIR RETURN TO TOLEDO Mel & Donna Rukin MARCIA GROSSMAN RECEIVING THE MORRIS LUBITSKY MEMORIAL AWARD Mel & Donna Rukin IN HONOR OF RABBI EVAN & KERRY RUBIN ON THEIR RETURN TO TOLEDO David & Marcia Kaplan ZANVILLE-LUBITSKY MEMORIAL FUND YAHRTZEIT IN LOVING MEMORY OF: ESSAR MALLAMAD Sarah, Max & Helen Mallamad SHABBAT SCHEDULE DATE Friday, Nov. Friday, Nov. Friday, Nov. Friday, Nov. 7th 14th 21st 28th DATE Saturday, Nov. Saturday, Nov. Saturday, Nov. Saturday, Nov. Saturday, Nov. 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th FRIDAY NIGHT CANDLELIGHTING 5:04 p.m. 4:57 p.m. 4:51 p.m. 4:48 p.m. FRIDAY NIGHT SERVICES 5:05 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 4:55 p.m. 4:50 p.m. SATURDAY EVENING SERVICES 6:00 p.m. 4:50 p.m. 4:45 p.m. 4:40 p.m. 4:35 p.m. HAVDALAH TIME 7:12 p.m. 6:04 p.m. 5:58 p.m. 5:53 p.m. 5:51 p.m. SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND STUDY GROUP SABBATH 9:00 a.m. Study Group 1/2 hour before evening services SUNDAY 8:30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. WEEKDAYS 6:45 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. CIVIL HOLIDAYS 8:30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Candle Lighting Blessing Boruch atta A-do-noy elohainu melech ho’olam asher kidshano b’mitzvosov, v’tzivonu l’hadlik nair shel: On Shabbos conclude: Shabbos. On Festivals conclude: Yom Tov. On Festivals occuring Friday conclude: Shabbos ve’yom tov. Synagogue web page: www.etzchayimtoledo.org E-Mail Addresses: [email protected] [email protected] Board of Trustees 2013-2014 President Steven Marcus V. President - Finance Daniel Becker V. President - Personnel Tobi Kipling V. President - Membership David Freed Recording Secretary Kathryn Gallon Treasurer Tom Jaffee Religious Secretary Melvin Siegel Sec’y Chevera Kadisha Naomi Baron Gabbai Allen Leveton Gabbai Charles Wittenberg Blessed art Thou, O Lord, our G-d, King of the universe, who hast sanctified us by Thy commandments and instructed us to kindle the Sabbath (and/or) Festival Lights.
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