2 Dedication Of The Lateran Basilica, November 9, 2014 Parish Staff Team (756-3145) Pastor : Rev. Fr. James J. Kane [email protected] Ext. 301 Deacon: Deacon Steven Young Ext. 308 [email protected] Associate for Administration and Pastoral Care: Mrs. Lori Nunziato [email protected] Ext. 302 Pastoral Associate/D.R.E. for Faith Formation: Br. Ron Davis, FSD Ext. 304 [email protected] Pastoral Associate for Music: Mr. John Schmitt [email protected] Ext. 303 Volunteer Office Assistants: Ext. 300 Mrs. Donna Hagen [Bulletin Ed.] Mrs. Tina Irwin Mrs. Michelle Fralick [Prayer Chain Coordinator] [email protected] Volunteer Sacristan: Mrs. Joan A. Lipscomb Ext. 300 Facilities Maintenance: Mr. Rick Fralick Ext. 308 St. Patrick’s Cemetery Cemetery Manager: Mrs. Lori Nunziato Sexton: Mr. Charles Burns Groundskeeper: Mr. Angel Perez Any questions regarding cemetery plots and/or mausoleum space please call 756-3145. New Families WELCOME! We would like to include you in our Parish. Please call the rectory or stop by to register. Handicapped Accessible Personal amplifying units available for the hearing impaired Restrooms in the Parish Center Mass Intentions Sat. Nov.8 4:00 pm James C. Kinley Family Vigil 8:00 am Sun. Nov. 9 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 10:00 am Mon. Nov.10 St Martin of Tours All Souls Jimmy Kinley Fran & Pat Farrell Barry Gerardi Christine Hazieka 9:00 am NO MASS HERE 8:00 am St. Mary’s, Coxsackie Wed. Nov. 12 St Josaphat Thu. Nov. 13 Pastor NO MASS HERE 8:00 am St. Mary’s, Coxsackie St Leo the Great Tue. Nov. 11 For all Parishioners, especially our Columbiettes, as we celebrate the feast of Ven. Mo. Catherine McCauley 9:00 am Fr. Harold Colburn (Pastor 1968-1979) Parish 9:00 am Priest’s Intention Pastor 9:00 am Immaculate Conception Cathedral 163rd Anniversary of Dedication Parish Sat. Nov. 15 (Vigil) 4:00 pm Elvera Martino Rose Marie Taylor Sunday Nov.16 Thirtythird Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am St. Frances Xavier Fri. Nov. 14 Sat. Nov. 15 St. Albert the Great 10:00 am All Souls For all Parishioners, especially , all LECTORS, to be (re)installed next weekend, National Bible Week Pastor 5 $25.00 Donation would help purchase a Thanksgiving Basket for a Food Pantry Client. Make checks payable to “The Pantry” St. Patrick’s Church WAKE UP THE WORLD ! ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE INAUGURAL EUCHARISTIC LITURGY For the Year of Consecrated Life November 20th 7 p.m. Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (corner of Madison Ave & Eagle St, Albany) Most Rev. Edward B. Scharfenberger, Principal Celebrant & Homilist Call 463-4447 for information on parking and directions Spaghetti Dinner Raffle Winners $1,000 worth of Fuel Oil, donated by Persico Oil Winner - Toni Robbins $50.00 Stewart’s Gas Card, donated by The Mudge’s Winner - Lois Williams $50.00 Hannaford Gift Card, donated by St. Patrick’s Staff Winner - Carol Borger $25.00 Stewart’s Gas Card, donated by The Mudge’s Winner - Theresa Oles $25.00 CVS Gift Card, donated by St. Patrick’s Staff Winner - Fran & Dee Hunt $25.00 Rite Aid Gift Card, donated by St. Patrick’s Staff Winner - Clayton Rivers 50/50 won by Carol Paloski $108.00 Thank You to: Joan Lipscomb, Rita Gager, Diane Hoffman, Marianne McCool, Toni Robbins, Joan Thompson, Trish Visconti, Sue Ritty, Fran & Dee Hunt, Ron LeClair, Zach Clouse, Michelle Hagen, Jillian Hagen, Sara Stangle, Jordan Sumner, Barbara Tanner, Eilleen Vosburgh, Renee Perrotte, Brianna Melick, Morgan Arnold, Amanda Sumner, Morgan Sumner, Erin Herman, Clayton Sumner and Joann Powell and to all of those who supported our dinner. SPECIAL THANKS TO Frese’s Catering for a job well done!!! ~Donna Hagen, chairperson Total proceeds from the Spaghetti Dinner will be provided at a later date. 3 Stewardship Minister Schedules: N.B. Please call for a “sub” rather than Joan L. or the Rectory Nov. 15- 4:00 pm: Lector: Gina Andrews Eucharistic Ministers: Don Gager, Clayton Sumner, Eilleen Vosburgh, Bill Bruno, Josie Bruno Server: Donna Hagen Greeters: Angie Biscone Cantor: Bro. Ron Davis Nov. 16 - 8:00 am: Lector: Jim Feuerbach Eucharistic Ministers: Amanda Latter, Rosemary Lozano, Kathy Touchette, Rick Touchette, Sue VanSlyke Server: Diane Hoffman Greeters: John Margiasso Cantor: Stephanie Schmitt Nov. 16-10:00 am: Lector: Elaine Christopher Eucharistic Ministers: Mary Ann Jones, Ron LeClair, Jackie Lynch, Jane Noblett, Michelle Fralick Server: Sam Hotaling, Izaak King Greeters: Jim Lynch Cantor: Susan Blanchfield Camera: Bill Horton Counters: Mike Albano, Fran Farrell, Mary Ann Jones, Dorothy Miller PLEASE COME INTO THE SACRISTY TO SIGN-IN Number Envelopes & Average $ Amount 122 $30.80 $1,594.00 Totals:11-1/2 $4,250.00 Budget $3,815.00 Living Stewardship $46.78 Stewardship 2nd Collection As we pray today for an increase of spiritual gifts, we are reminded by the Bishops’ $3,890.00 Pastoral on Stewardship that good stewardship of the Church “means cherishing $ 258.00 and fostering the gifts of all, while using one’s own gifts to serve the community of $4,148.00 faith”. $2,656.00 Loose cash All Souls - All Saints We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who use their God-given gifts to serve others, especially through our parish’s ministries as well as out into the wider community. $1,502.00 Attendance for the weekend of November 1/2 was 366 (total number of registered families= 338) THE PANTRY October: # families 107 # children 160 # adults 192 # seniors 18 # using diapers/formula 13 We are currently in need of shampoo, toothpaste, bar soap, toothbrushes, and lunch box snacks. Fill-a-bag with food, take it to RED’S in Coxsackie and get 10% off your bill. Bags will be available after every Mass and in the food pantry. I have received a $2,000 donation from Hannaford Corp. which will be used to purchase items for the Thanksgiving baskets. I have, also, applied for a Holiday grant from WALMARTS. All monetary and food donations are greatly appreciated, as we are getting more clients in need each month. Volunteer - only 1 hour a month Pantry Hours: Tuesday & Friday 10-11 am Wednesday 6-7 pm Food Pantry Coordinator, ~Diane Hoffman Reflection 2013 THRIFT SHOP Nov. 13 - Jean Randio - Andrea McCool Nov. 14 - Angie Biscone - Dot Miller Nov. 15 - Rae Panico - Marie Wilsey CLEANING OUT ???? BRING ITEMS TO US !!! Hours: Thursday, Friday & Saturday Volunteers ????? 1 - 3 pm Only 2 hours per month call Jeanne 756-9580 Thrift Shop Coordinator -Jeanne Randio Church Linens - November - Mary Jane Persico Anyone willing to do church linens call the Rectory at 756-3145 QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “The Basilica of Saint John Lateran is the ‘Mother Church’ of all the Catholic churches of the world and the cathedral of the Diocese of Rome [the pope is pope because he is the bishop of Rome]. We commemorate its dedication as a way of honoring all the consecrated churches of the world, including our own. But we must heed the words of Saint Paul [in today’s 2nd reading], ‘You are God’s building,’ and today remember that by our baptism each of us consecrated to God’s service.” -Pastoral Patterns (Autumn ‘14) Faith Formation Ministry 4 My Dear Parishioners: This weekend is my community retreat at Mt. Alvernia in Wappinger Falls New York. We are fortunate to have a friar who is a Franciscan scholar who will be the retreat master. Please pray for me and all the brothers as we do for you and for St. Patrick’s. By now, it is certain that you have heard the news that, our pastor, Father James Kane is retiring as of February 1st. Please pray for him with gratitude to almighty God for his many years of service to the Albany Diocese as pastor in various places, including St. Patrick’s. Father will be continuing as EcuPRAYER OF THE WEEK: menical Director which is a blessing for all con“Day is don, Gone the sun From the lakes, From the cerned. Also, pray that the Holy Spirit will guide and hills, From the sky, All is well, safely rest. God is nigh direct the all discussions, securing the future of St. Fading light, Dims the sight. And a star Gems the sky, Gleaming bright, Falls the night. Thanks and praise for Patrick’s Parish. our days, Neath the sky, As we go, This we know, Go is Very soon the holidays will be upon us. Let’s try not nigh.” -the words to “Taps”, played at military cemetery to get ahead of ourselves beginning the season committals, as we celebrate Veterans’ Day on Nov. 11 much too early like some department stores. Already, the stores are filled with Christmas images and bargain specials. Here we go! QUESTION OF THE WEEK: You are reminded that on November 16th we will be involved in Safe Environment training for all grades “How do I edify others [‘edify’ from the Latin, ‘to build’] by my witness as a ‘living stone’ fitted into the structure in Faith Formation. This, of course, is mandated by the diocese and parents were given the permission of God’s holy temple, the Church?” slip to attend or opt out of the training. Parents, of “Pastoral Pattern (Autumn ’14) course, are allowed to attend with their children and in this day and age it is highly suggested that the FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK: children participate. Catechists are reminded that we will be meeting on WELCOME to our team of Mass SERVERS: November 16th at 9 am in Room 5 to pick up the LUCY TRENCHARD & ZANDER ALAIMO materials needed for the training and, of course, WELCOME to our new LECTORS (Readers): necessary directions. Br. DAN LaMORA TAMMY BROOKS JILLIAN Parents are reminded that for the younger grades, HAGEN this is K-5, parents should be present to bring their children home at the end of faith formation instrucFr. Jim Kane tion. Our practice has been that you go to the room and pick up your child. From the desk of the Pastoral Associate for Administration: It gives me great pleasure to announce to you, this week, that we have Once again, we are still accepting Faith Formation hired a new maintenance man to work here at St. Patrick’s Church. registrations. No one is ever turned away and cerHelp me in welcoming Rick Fralick to our staff and keep him in your tainly if your child has not started it is never to late!! prayers as he begins this new journey in life. Welcome to St. Patrick’s Staff Rick! With every good wish, Lori Nunziato In Christ and Francis, Church Calendar Tue., Nov. 11 - Rectory office closed Veteran’s Day Holiday - NO Women’s Bible Study today - Holy Hour, 7 pm, church Thu., Nov. 13 - Men’s Bible Study, 1 pm, Rectory Mon., Nov. 17- K of C luncheon, noon, Room 4 Tue., Nov 18 - Women’s Bible Study, 1 pm, Rectory ~Brother Ronald-Francis Davis, FSD Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation/DRE 6 Let Us Pray For The Dead Sanctuary Lamp -November In Loving Memory of Christopher J. Biscone . Our deceased loved ones, parishioners and benefactors: Love, Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren Patricia “Anne” Wilsey In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of Donna & Elaine Margiasso Love, The Family Anna & Ralph Bruno Thelma & James Winters Love, Carol & John In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of Deceased members of the Ratchford Family Geraldine Bruno Love, Diane Hoffman For Chaplains; Emil, Vin, & Tim In Gratitude, Barbara Burrows Love, Jimmy & daughters Altar Bread -November In Loving Memory of Szpak Family Love, The Family Altar Candles - November In Loving Memory Robert Oles Love The Family In Loving Memory of My great-great granddaughter Evelyn Grace James Love, Jimmy Bruno Memorials Sacraments Memorial [ as in above] Baptism: Please contact the Office to make arrangements. Memorials are available for your loved ones. Baptisms take place on a seasonal basis.. Call and sign up as soon as possible to insure Communal Baptism today at 10:00 am Mass that you can get your choice. Sanctuary Lamp - 2 weeks - $15.00 Altar Candles - 1 month - $15.00 Altar Bread - 1 month - $50.00 Memorial Block - 1 month - $35.00 Marriage: Please contact the Office at least six Months before the proposed date of the wedding. Homebound: 10:00 Mass can be seen live on Ch.11 T.V. each Sunday. 7
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