Dental Membership Services Board – Report for AGM 31st October 2014 The Dental Membership Services Board has undergone some degree of change this year. Ms Lynnsey Crane was appointed as Director on 1st March 2014, taking over from Mr Lee Savarrio. Five new board members were also welcomed at the meeting of 23rd June 2014; Mr Alastair Gardner, Mrs Patricia Black, Mr David Brunton, Mr Greig Taylor and Mr Callum Wemyss (undergraduate member). There was a significant amount of interest for these positions with over 60 applicants, including a number of our international members and fellows. Work as usual Ideas and strategies: DMSB continues to develop new ideas and strategies to increase core membership Proposals for Fellowship and Membership: since the last AGM, the DMSB has recommended 13 proposals for Fellowship and 32 proposals for Membership to Dental Council through the non-examination route. Dental Update Faculty Specific Edition: of the abstracts received, we have commissioned 10 authors to write for this forthcoming edition, due to be published July/August 2015, as well as a report from the forthcoming endodontic symposium on 21st November 2014. The articles will be subject to the usual Dental Update peer review process. I would once again like to thank Mr Alex Keightley for coordinating this process MFDS Training Package: since the last AGM, an additional 15 applicants have signed up to this package. In order to increase its appeal, we have proposed an amended package to include those who already have part 1 MJDF/MFDS from another College, to encourage them to sit part 2 MFDS with Glasgow, and affiliate with us thereafter Dental Elective Awards: an additional £2000 has been granted to be opened up to all UK dental schools. DMSB has agreed that undergraduates must be introductory members of this Faculty in order to be eligible for the award, so it is seen as a membership benefit. This is in addition to the £2000 already ring-fenced for the University of Glasgow and University of Dundee Dental Schools. It is anticipated that this award will be brought into the overall Dental Awards process as of 2015/16. Our regional advisors will have an important role in promoting this across the UK. Dental Awards: DMSB reviewed all of the Dental Award applications and awarded the following: o 2 applicants for the TC White Young Researcher Grant o 4 applicants for the TC White Travel Grant o 2 applicants for the TC White Observership Award o 1 applicant for the TC White Lecture Award Key Objectives 2014/15 Increase in Core Membership: our target for 31st March 2015 is to increase core membership to 1,750 (an increase of 50) and we are well on target to achieve this. As of 2nd October 2014, our core membership was 1,716, an increase of 5.7% since last year Increase MFDS candidates: our target is to grow the total number of UK based MFDS candidates by 10% to 220, across Glasgow and Manchester examination centres. MFDS part 2 in New Delhi: our plan is to deliver part 2 MFDS in New Delhi in January 2016 with a minimum of 20 candidates. Professor Lal Madathil, our International Advisor in India, has been invaluable in helping us deliver this and I would like to formally thank him for his work on this project so far. Plan and launch a new course for CASC: in progress, in conjunction with Dental Education and Professional Development Board (DEPDB). Mr Lee Savarrio has recently become the clinical lead for CASC on DEPDB Proposal of a Short-Life International Working Group: we received a significant number of international applicants for the vacancies on DMSB when advertised earlier this year. We would like to utilise the knowledge of these members to attempt to increase core membership internationally. Six applicants were selected and invited to sit on this group. As of 30th September 2014, only one applicant had responded positively. Professor Lal Madathil will chair this group by teleconference once we have heard from the other applicants. International applications for Fellowship/Membership: some applications this year were incomplete as it seems individuals are struggling to find sponsors. DMSB felt the onus should still be on individuals to obtain appropriate sponsorship, but the new SLIWG and International Advisors would have an important role to play in connecting potential applicants with suitable sponsors Proposal to combine the role of Liaison Officer with Regional Advisor: we have not particularly utilised our undergraduate Liaison Officers recently and DMSB felt it would be a good idea to ask of Regional Advisors across the UK to take up this role to their local dental schools Need for more engagement with specialist trainees: RCPSG administers a number of specialty fellowship and membership examinations but the number of candidates affiliating with us after the exam is very low. We are in the process of developing a strategy on how to change this Promoting Membership of the Faculty - Faculty of Dental Surgery Exhibition Stands TMD Symposium (held for Aberdeen and Dundee 5th Year dental students) at Dundee Dental Education Centre on 9th January 2014 The BDA Careers' Fair - at Senate House, London on 7th February 2014 (mostly Dental Core Trainees/Vocational Dental Trainees) British Medical and Dental Careers' Fair at Old Trafford Manchester on 22nd February 2014 (undergraduates students from various dental schools throughout the UK). We had help on this stand from Mr Andy Edwards Faculty Stand in College for the Top Tips for VPDs on 26th February 2014 - most VDPs Faculty Stand in College for all the BDA Evening lectures (2013 - 2014) session mostly GDPs British Dental Students Association (BDSA) - Faculty stand at Sheffield Students' Union on 15 March - attended by dental undergraduate students from all over the UK Stand at the East of England Junior Papers Day, Newmarket - 10th July 2014. This event was highlighted by our Regional Advisor in that area and Mr Ian Holland attended as this College's representative - all levels Faculty stand at the British Orthodontic Society Annual Conference in Edinburgh, 18th September 2014. This is also when Dr Laura Short presented her T C White Lecture Award at this meeting. This was awarded to her in 2013. All levels Faculty stand at BOMS - Junior Training Group meeting, Newcastle 20th November I would like to thank my predecessor, Mr Lee Savarrio, for all his help in ensuring a smooth transition during his handover of the Directorship of DMSB to me. I would also like to thank all board members (old and new) for their hard-work and support and I look forward to working with them to develop our ideas and strategies over the next few years. And finally, my thanks is extended to the wider Dental Faculty Committees and staff for encouraging and supporting the work of DMSB. Ms Lynnsey Crane FDS (RestDent) RCPS(Glasg) Director Dental Membership Services Board October 2014
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