Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. 中國光大銀行股份有限公司 China Everbright Bank Company Limited (A joint stock company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability) (Stock code: 6818) THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT OF 2014 The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of China Everbright Bank Company Limited (the “Company”) hereby announces the unaudited results of the Company and its subsidiaries for the third quarter ended 30 September 2014 (the “Reporting Period”) prepared under the International Financial Reporting Standards (the “IFRS “). This announcement is made in accordance with Part XIVA of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and Rule 13.09 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. On behalf of the Board China Everbright Bank Company Limited TANG Shuangning Chairman Beijing, the PRC, October 30, 2014 As at the date of this announcement, the executive Directors of the Company are Mr. Zhao Huan and Mr. Wu Qing; the non-executive Directors are Mr. Tang Shuangning, Mr. Wu Jian, Ms. Narentuya, Mr. Wu Gang, Ms. Wang Shumin, Mr. Wang Zhongxin and Mr. Wu Gaolian; and the independent non-executive Directors are Mr. Zhou Daojiong(1), Mr. Zhang Xinze, Mr. Qiao Zhimin, Mr. Xie Rong and Ms. Fok Oi Ling Catherine. (1) Since the resignation of Mr. ZHOU Daojiong would result in the number of independent non-executive directors on the Board falling below the quorum provided by law, Mr. ZHOU Daojiong will continue to perform his duties as the independent non-executive director, the chairman of the Nomination Committee, a member of the Strategy Committee and a member of the Remuneration Committee of the sixth session of the Board until the appointment qualification of Mr. QIU Dong is approved by the CBRC. -1- China Everbright Bank Company Limited Third Quarterly Report of 2014 (H Shares) I. Important Notice 1.1 The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors and Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management of the Company hereby warrant the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this report and there are no false representations, misleading statements or material omissions, and jointly and severally accept full responsibility for the information in this report. 1.2 The 25th Meeting of the Sixth Session of the Board of Directors of the Company was convened on October 30, 2014, at which the Third Quarterly Report of 2014 was considered and approved. There were 14 Directors eligible for voting while 13 of them voted as at the date of the meeting. Mr. Zhou Daojiong, the Independent Director, did not vote. 1.3 The financial statements in this report were prepared pursuant to the IFRS and are unaudited. 1.4 In this report, “We/we”, “the Company” and “the Bank” refer to China Everbright Bank Company Limited, and “the Group” refers to China Everbright Bank Company Limited and its subsidiaries. 1.5 Mr. Tang Shuangning, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company, Mr. Zhao Huan, President, and Mr. Xie Rong, Independent Non-executive Director hereby warrant the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the financial statements in this quarterly report. -2- II. Key Financial Information and Changes in Shareholders 2.1 Key financial information July to January to September, September, 2014 2014 Item Operation performance (RMB million) Operating income Profit before tax Net profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Bank Per share (in RMB) Basic earnings per share Diluted earnings per share Profitability indicators (%) Annualized return on average total assets Annualized return on weighted average net assets Item Cash flow indicators (RMB million) Net cash flows from operating activities Net cash flows per share from operating activities (in RMB) -3- Changes in July to September 2014 over the same period of the previous year (%) 20,503 9,906 58,063 30,677 36.34 21.77 7,477 23,322 10.82 0.16 0.16 0.50 0.50 –5.88 –5.88 1.14 1.24 17.71 18.88 +0.05 percentage point –3.13 percentage points January to September, 2014 Changes over January to September of the previous year (%) 74,024 384.61 1.59 318.42 Item As at September 30, 2014 Scale indicators (RMB million) Total assets Balance of loans and advances – Performing loans – Non-performing loans Provision for impairment losses on loans Total liabilities Deposits balance – Corporate demand deposits – Corporate time deposits – Retail demand deposits – Retail time deposits – Other deposits Net assets attributable to equity shareholders of the Bank Net assets per share attributable to equity shareholders of the Bank (in RMB) Asset quality indicators (%) Non-performing loan ratio Provision coverage ratio 2,581,418 1,272,144 1,258,553 13,591 2,415,086 1,166,310 1,156,281 10,029 6.89 9.07 8.84 35.52 26,774 2,408,282 1,728,279 441,159 868,336 107,483 227,903 83,398 24,172 2,262,034 1,605,278 434,902 768,315 104,140 206,506 91,415 10.76 6.47 7.66 1.44 13.02 3.21 10.36 –8.77 172,852 152,839 13.09 3.70 3.30 12.12 1.07 0.86 197.00 -4- Changes over As at the end of the December 31, 2013 previous year(%) +0.21 percentage point 241.02 –44.02 percentage points 2.2 Capital Adequacy Indicators Capital adequacy indicators as at the end of the Reporting Period calculated in accordance with the Capital Rules for Commercial Banks (Provisional), released by China Banking Regulatory Commission (the “CBRC”) on June 7, 2012, are as follows: Unit: RMB million, % Consolidated Non-consolidated Item Net core tier-1 capital Net tier-1 capital Net capital Risk weighted assets Core tier-1 capital adequacy ratio Tier-1 capital adequacy ratio Capital adequacy ratio 171,153 171,162 207,640 1,808,943 9.46 9.46 11.48 168,929 168,929 204,992 1,789,448 9.44 9.44 11.46 The consolidated and non-consolidated capital adequacy ratios as at the end of the Reporting Period calculated in accordance with the Rules on Capital Adequacy of Commercial Banks, promulgated by the CBRC on December 28, 2006, were 12.42% and 12.41%, respectively. 2.3 Differences of financial statements prepared pursuant to the PRC GAAP and the IFRS There was no difference between the net profit for January to September, 2014 and the shareholders’ equity as at September 30, 2014 as presented in the consolidated financial statements of the Group prepared pursuant to the PRC Accounting Standards and Accounting Regulations for Business Enterprises (“PRC GAAP”) and the IFRS. -5- 2.4 Analysis of operating results As at the end of the Reporting Period, total assets of the Group were RMB2,581.418 billion, an increase of 6.89% as compared with the end of the previous year, while its total liabilities were RMB2,408.282 billion, up by 6.47% as compared with the end of the previous year. Deposits balance was RMB1,728.279 billion, an increase of 7.66% as compared with the end of the previous year. Total loans and advances were RMB1,272.144 billion, up by 9.07% as compared with the end of the previous year. From the beginning of the year to the end of the Reporting Period, the Group attained a net profit of RMB23.363 billion, up by 7.66% year on year. Operating income of the Group increased to RMB58.063 billion, up by 18.80% year on year. Its net interest income reached RMB43.469 billion, up by 12.80% year on year and representing 74.87% of the total operating income, while its net fee and commission income was RMB13.443 billion, up by 21.04% year on year and representing 23.15% of the total operating income. From the beginning of the year to the end of the Reporting Period, operating expenses of the Group was RMB21.426 billion, an increase of 18.86% year on year. Expenditure on asset impairment loss was RMB5.960 billion, an increase of 81.32% year on year. As at the end of the Reporting Period, non-performing loans of the Group totaled RMB13.591 billion, an increase of RMB3.562 billion as compared with the end of the previous year. Non-performing loan ratio was 1.07%, up by 0.21 percentage point compared with the end of the previous year. Provision coverage ratio was 197.00%, a decrease of 44.02 percentage points as compared with the end of the previous year. As at the end of the Reporting Period, capital adequacy ratio of the Group calculated in accordance with the Capital Rules for Commercial Banks (Provisional), promulgated by the CBRC, was 11.48%, an increase of 0.91 percentage point as compared with the end of the previous year. Core tier-one capital adequacy ratio and tier-one capital adequacy ratio were 9.46%, up by 0.35 percentage point as compared with the end of the previous year. -6- 2.5 Total number of shareholders, shareholdings of top 10 shareholders and top 10 shareholders not subject to selling restrictions as at the end of the Reporting Period Unit: Share, % Total number of shareholders as at the end of the Reporting Period (shareholders) Particulars of shareholdings of top 10 shareholders Nature of shareholder State / A shares: 195,544; H shares: 1,280 Number of shares 19,250,916,094 6,861,046,500 Change Number of in the shares subject Reporting Shareholding to selling Shares pledged Period Type of shares percentage (%) restrictions or frozen – A shares 41.24 – – 208,000 H shares 14.70 – Unknown Name of shareholder Central Huijin Investment Limited Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Nominees Limited, of which 1 Ocean Fortune Investment Limited Overseas legal person 1,584,273,000 11,214,000 H shares 3.39 – – China Life Reinsurance Company Domestic legal person 1,041,260,000 – H shares 2.23 – – Limited China Everbright (Group) Corporation Domestic legal person 2,057,280,034 – A shares 4.41 – – China Everbright Limited Overseas legal person 1,572,735,868 – A shares 3.37 – – China Reinsurance (Group) Domestic legal person 954,836,367 – A shares 2.05 – – Corporation Shenergy (Group) Co., Ltd. Domestic legal person 766,002,403 – A shares 1.64 – – Hongta Tobacco (Group) Co., Ltd. Domestic legal person 538,417,850 – A shares 1.15 – – Sino Life Insurance Co., Ltd.Domestic legal person 518,081,855 343,164,450 A shares 1.11 – – Dividend Shanghai Chengtou Holding Co., Ltd. Domestic legal person 352,485,083 – A shares 0.76 – – Guangzhou Maritime Transport Domestic legal person 335,516,286 335,516,286 A shares 0.72 – – (Group) Co., Ltd. The connecting relationship or concerted actions among the above shareholders: China Reinsurance (Group) Corporation is a subsidiary of Central Huijin Investment Limited; China Life Reinsurance Company Limited is a subsidiary of China Reinsurance (Group) Corporation; China Everbright Limited is a subsidiary of China Everbright Holdings Company Limited. China Everbright (Group) Corporation, China Everbright Holdings Company Limited and China Everbright Limited have the same Chairman, and some members of their Senior Management are overlapping. Guangzhou Maritime Transport (Group) Co., Ltd. and Ocean Fortune Investment Limited are subsidiaries of China Shipping (Group) Company. Save for these, the Bank is not aware of any connecting relationship or concerted action among the above shareholders. Particulars of shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders not subject to selling restrictions are same with that of the top 10 shareholders. Note:The total number of H shares of the Bank held by the Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Nominees Limited acting as the nominee for all institutional and individual investors that maintain an account with it as at the end of the Reporting Period was 6,861,046,500 shares. Besides 1,584,273,000 and 1,041,260,000 H shares of the Bank held by Ocean Fortune Investment Limited and China Life Reinsurance Company Limited respectively so far as the Company is aware, all of which were held under the name of Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Nominees Limited, the remaining 4,235,513,500 H shares of the Bank were held under the name of Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Nominees Limited. -7- III. Significant Events 3.1Material change in major financial statements items, financial indicators and the reasons thereof 3 Applicable Inapplicable Unit: RMB million, % Item Positive fair value of derivatives September 30, 2014 December 31, 2013 Change (%) Main reasons for change 1,032 1,870 (44.81) With market interest rates trending down, gains from interest-related derivatives decreased on revaluation 33,981 73,753 (53.93) Decrease in exposure of on-balance sheet wealth management investments Negative fair value of derivatives 1,120 2,465 (54.56) Affected by changes in Renminbi exchange rate, losses from some forward foreign exchange swaps decreased on revaluation Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements 19,445 63,164 (69.22) D e c r e a s e i n s c a l e o f financial assets sold under repurchase agreements based on treasury position 3,475 2,605 33.40 Substantial increase in provision for impairment and increase in income tax payable Interests payable 28,463 20,949 35.87 Increase in scale of deposits and interest rate Debts securities issued 64,884 42,247 53.58 Issuance of tier-2 capital bonds and inter-bank negotiable certificate of deposits (NCDs) Other liabilities 15,441 27,756 (44.37) D u e t o t h e s t r i c t management of duration mismatch, the scale of other liabilities and other assets decreased synchronously Retained earnings 54,088 38,795 39.42 Increase in profit for the period Other assets Taxes payable -8- Item January to January to September, September, 2013 2014 Fee and commission expense 948 Net trading gains/(losses) 914 532 (1,358) Change (%) Main reasons for change 78.20 Increase in bank card transaction fees (167.30) Affected by changes in Renminbi exchange rate, the forward valuation of some foreign exchange swaps increased, bond prices also increased and the valuation of debt securities held for trading increased significantly (104) 94 (210.64) Adjustments to the bond investment portfolio by disposing of the low yield bonds previously purchased whenever possible 95 292 (67.47) Affected by changes in Renminbi exchange rate, the spot settlement losses of some foreign exchange swaps increased, and there was a negative correlation with net gains from changes in fair value Impairment losses on assets 5,960 3,287 81.32 Increase in impairment loss on loans accrued Change in fair value recognised in capital reserve 3,764 (1,876) Reclassified to profit or loss upon disposal 889 Net (losses)/gains arising from investment securities Net foreign exchange gains 46 -9- (300.64) Declining market interest rate resulted in increase in fair value of availablefor-sale financial assets 1,832.61 I n c r e a s e i n d i s p o s a l of available-for-sale financial assets in the period 3.2 Progress and impact of significant events and analysis and explanation of solutions 3 Applicable Inapplicable On August 29, 2014, the Bank’s application for making additional capital contribution to Everbright Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter known as “Everbright Leasing”) was approved by CBRC. On September 16, 2014, the Bank made additional capital contribution of RMB1.98 billion to Everbright Leasing and its total investment amount in Everbright Leasing reached RMB3.33 billion. As at the date of this report, Everbright Leasing had completed the additional capital contribution scheme and the relevant change of business registration was in progress. 3.3 Fulfillment of undertakings by the Bank or shareholders holding 5% or more of the shares 3 Applicable Inapplicable During the Reporting Period, there were no new undertakings by the Company or shareholders holding 5% or more of the shares. For the period ended September 30, 2014, all continuous undertakings made by the Company and shareholders holding 5% or more of the shares were fulfilled. Please refer to the 2014 interim report of the Company for the relevant undertakings. 3.4 Implementation of cash dividend policy during the Reporting Period Applicable 3 Inapplicable 3.5 Warnings and explanations of any forecasted loss or significant changes in accumulated net profit for the period from the beginning of the year to the end of the next Reporting Period compared to the same period of last year Applicable 3 Inapplicable IV. Publication of Quarterly Report The quarterly reports prepared in accordance with the PRC GAAP and the IFRS are available on the websites of SSE (www.sse.com.cn), HKSE (www.hkex.com.hk) and the Bank (www.cebbank.com). V.Appendices The consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, the consolidated statement of financial position, the statement of financial position, and the consolidated cash flow statement prepared under IFRS are attached below. - 10 - China Everbright Bank Company Limited Financial Statements For the Nine Months Ended 30 September 2014 (prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards) - 11 - China Everbright Bank Company Limited Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the period ended 30 September 2014 (Expressed in millions of Renminbi, unless otherwise stated) Nine Months ended 30 September 2014 2013 Interest income Interest expense 100,103 (56,634) Net interest income 43,469 -------------------------------- Fee and commission income Fee and commission expense 14,391 (948) Net fee and commission income 13,443 -------------------------------- 914 3 Net trading gains/(losses) Dividend income Net (losses)/gains arising from investment securities Net foreign exchange gains Other operating income (104) 95 243 Operating income Operating expenses 89,015 (50,477) 38,538 ------------------------------ 11,638 (532) 11,106 ------------------------------ (1,358) 3 94 292 201 58,063 (21,426) 48,876 (18,026) Operating profit before impairment Impairment losses on assets 36,637 (5,960) 30,850 (3,287) Profit before tax 30,677 27,563 Income tax (7,314) (5,863) Net profit 23,363 21,700 - 12 - China Everbright Bank Company Limited Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income (continued) for the period ended 30 September 2014 (Expressed in millions of Renminbi, unless otherwise stated) Nine Months ended 30 September 2014 2013 Net profit (continued) 23,363 Other comprehensive income for period: Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss: Available-for-sale financial assets: - Change in fair value recognised in the Capital Reserve - Reclassified to the profit or loss upon disposal - Related income tax effect Other comprehensive income net of tax 3,764 889 (1,163) 3,490 21,700 (1,876) 46 469 (1,361) -------------------------------- -------------------------------- Total comprehensive income 26,853 20,339 Net profit attributable to: Equity shareholders of the Bank Non-controlling interests 23,322 41 21,664 36 23,363 21,700 26,812 41 20,303 36 26,853 20,339 0.50 0.54 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Equity shareholders of the Bank Non-controlling interests Basic and diluted earnings per share (in RMB) - 13 - China Everbright Bank Company Limited Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the period from 1 July to 30 September 2014 (Expressed in millions of Renminbi, unless otherwise stated) Three Months from 1 July to 30 September 2014 2013 Interest income Interest expense 33,961 (18,330) Net interest income 15,631 -------------------------------- Fee and commission income Fee and commission expense 5,133 (322) Net fee and commission income 4,811 -------------------------------- 30,647 (18,163) 12,484 ------------------------------ 3,972 (215) 3,757 ------------------------------ (313) 3 (1,406) 3 (5) 328 48 (27) 152 75 Operating income Operating expenses 20,503 (7,765) 15,038 (5,866) Operating profit before impairment Impairment losses on assets 12,738 (2,832) 9,172 (1,037) 9,906 8,135 Income tax (2,415) (1,374) Net profit 7,491 6,761 Net trading gains Dividend income Net (losses)/gains arising from investment securities Net foreign exchange gains Other operating income Profit before tax - 14 - China Everbright Bank Company Limited Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income (continued) for the period from 1 July to 30 September 2014 (Expressed in millions of Renminbi, unless otherwise stated) Three Months from 1 July to 30 September 2014 2013 Net profit (continued) 7,491 Other comprehensive income for period: Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss: Available-for-sale financial assets: - Change in fair value recognised in the Capital Reserve - Reclassified to the profit or loss upon disposal - Related income tax effect Other comprehensive income net of tax 141 410 (137) 414 6,761 (1,956) (14) 489 (1,481) -------------------------------- -------------------------------- Total comprehensive income 7,905 5,280 Net profit attributable to: Equity shareholders of the Bank Non-controlling interests 7,477 14 6,747 14 7,491 6,761 7,891 14 5,266 14 7,905 5,280 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Equity shareholders of the Bank Non-controlling interests - 15 - China Everbright Bank Company Limited Consolidated statement of financial position As at 30 September 2014 (Expressed in millions of Renminbi, unless otherwise stated) 30 September 2014 31 December 2013 350,266 312,643 54,291 67,153 149,149 124,291 Assets Cash and deposits with the central bank Deposits with banks and other financial institutions Placements with banks and other financial institutions Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Positive fair value of derivatives Financial assets held under resale agreements Interests receivable Loans and advances to customers Available-for-sale financial assets Held-to-maturity investments Debt securities classified as receivables Fixed assets Goodwill Deferred tax assets Other assets 10,381 1,032 12,490 1,870 138,062 15,938 1,245,370 129,101 109,602 326,884 12,830 1,281 3,250 33,981 169,182 13,074 1,142,138 111,948 105,920 262,699 12,629 1,281 4,015 73,753 Total assets 2,581,418 2,415,086 - 16 - China Everbright Bank Company Limited Consolidated statement of financial position (continued) As at 30 September 2014 (Expressed in millions of Renminbi, unless otherwise stated) 30 September 2014 31 December 2013 494,235 438,604 43,680 1,120 50,817 2,465 19,445 1,728,279 9,260 3,475 28,463 64,884 15,441 63,164 1,605,278 8,149 2,605 20,949 42,247 27,756 Liabilities and equity Liabilities Deposits from banks and other financial institutions Placements from banks and other financial institutions Negative fair value of derivatives Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements Deposits from customers Accrued staff costs Taxes payable Interests payable Debts securities issued Other liabilities Total liabilities 2,408,282 -------------------------------- - 17 - 2,262,034 -------------------------------- China Everbright Bank Company Limited Consolidated statement of financial position (continued) As at 30 September 2014 (Expressed in millions of Renminbi, unless otherwise stated) Equity Share capital Capital reserve Surplus reserve General reserve Retained earnings Total equity attributable to equity shareholders of the Bank Non-controlling interests Total equity 30 September 2014 31 December 2013 46,679 33,025 9,199 29,861 54,088 46,277 28,707 9,199 29,861 38,795 172,852 284 152,839 213 173,136 Total liabilities and equity 153,052 -------------------------------- -------------------------------- 2,581,418 2,415,086 Approved and authorised for issue by the board of directors on 30 October 2014. Tang Shuangning Chairman of the Board of Directors, Non-executive Director Zhao Huan President, Executive Director - 18 - Xie Rong Independent Non-executive Director China Everbright Bank Company Limited Statement of financial position As at 30 September 2014 (Expressed in millions of Renminbi, unless otherwise stated) 30 September 2014 31 December 2013 350,120 312,494 51,942 66,746 149,554 124,773 Assets Cash and deposits with the central bank Deposits with banks and other financial institutions Placements with banks and other financial institutions Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Positive fair value of derivatives Financial assets held under resale agreements Interests receivable Loans and advances to customers Available-for-sale financial assets Held-to-maturity investments Debt securities classified as receivables Investments in subsidiaries Fixed assets Goodwill Deferred tax assets Other assets 10,381 1,032 12,490 1,870 138,062 15,779 1,244,645 129,101 109,602 326,884 895 12,814 1,281 3,190 16,225 169,182 12,955 1,141,622 111,948 105,920 262,699 825 12,615 1,281 3,955 57,443 Total assets 2,561,507 2,398,818 - 19 - China Everbright Bank Company Limited Statement of financial position (continued) As at 30 September 2014 (Expressed in millions of Renminbi, unless otherwise stated) 30 September 2014 31 December 2013 496,209 442,034 27,396 1,120 35,867 2,465 19,432 1,727,295 9,231 3,420 28,314 64,884 12,450 63,151 1,604,365 8,105 2,578 20,779 42,247 25,137 Liabilities and equity Liabilities Deposits from banks and other financial institutions Placements from banks and other financial institutions Negative fair value of derivatives Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements Deposits from customers Accrued staff costs Taxes payable Interests payable Debts securities issued Other liabilities Total liabilities 2,389,751 -------------------------------- - 20 - 2,246,728 -------------------------------- China Everbright Bank Company Limited Statement of financial position (continued) As at 30 September 2014 (Expressed in millions of Renminbi, unless otherwise stated) Equity Share capital Capital reserve Surplus reserve General reserve Retained earnings Total equity 30 September 2014 31 December 2013 46,679 33,025 9,199 29,861 52,992 46,277 28,707 9,199 29,861 38,046 171,756 Total liabilities and equity 152,090 -------------------------------- -------------------------------- 2,561,507 2,398,818 Approved and authorised for issue by the board of directors on 30 October 2014. Tang Shuangning Chairman of the Board of Directors, Non-executive Director Zhao Huan President, Executive Director - 21 - Xie Rong Independent Non-executive Director China Everbright Bank Company Limited Consolidated cash flow statement for the period ended 30 September 2014 (Expressed in millions of Renminbi, unless otherwise stated) Nine months ended 30 September 2014 2013 Cash flows from operating activities Net profit Adjustments for: Impairment losses on assets Depreciation and amortisation Unwinding of discount Dividend income Unrealised foreign exchange (gains)/ losses Net losses / (gains) on disposal of investment securities Net (gains) / losses on disposal of trading securities Revaluation (gains) / losses on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss Interest expense on debt securities issued Net losses on disposal of fixed assets Income tax 23,363 5,960 1,419 (400) (3) (249) (94) (22) 228 (892) 1,652 4 7,314 1,130 1,637 3 5,863 38,250 34,721 -------------------------------- (11,385) (50,835) (29,592) (109,288) (22,537) (121,735) 31,385 37,227 (81,653) -------------------------------- - 22 - 3,287 1,202 (266) (3) 34 104 -------------------------------- Changes in operating assets Net increase in deposits with the central bank, banks and other financial institutions Net increase in placements with banks and other financial institutions Net increase in loans and advances to customers Net decrease in financial assets held under resale agreements Net (increase)/decrease in other operating assets 21,700 6,352 (9,007) (197,762) -------------------------------- China Everbright Bank Company Limited Consolidated cash flow statement (continued) for the period ended 30 September 2014 (Expressed in millions of Renminbi, unless otherwise stated) Cash flows from operating activities (continued) Changes in operating liabilities Net increase / (decrease) in deposits from banks and other financial institutions Net (decrease)/increase in placements from banks and other financial institutions Net decrease in financial assets sold under repurchase agreements Net increase in deposits from customers Income tax paid Net decrease in other operating liabilities Nine months ended 30 September 2014 2013 55,631 (15,295) (7,137) 28,949 (43,741) 123,001 (6,883) (3,444) 117,427 -------------------------------- Net cash flows from operating activities 74,024 (20,439) 195,166 (7,005) (3,060) 178,316 -------------------------------- 15,275 -------------------------------- -------------------------------- 152,911 3 205,678 3 47 (230,738) 113 (248,950) (1,719) (1,469) Cash flows from investing activities Proceeds from disposal and redemption of investments Received dividend income Proceeds from disposal of fixed assets and other assets Payments on acquisition of investments Payments on acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other assets Net cash flows used in investing activities - 23 - (79,496) -------------------------------- (44,625) -------------------------------- China Everbright Bank Company Limited Consolidated cash flow statement (continued) for the period ended 30 September 2014 (Expressed in millions of Renminbi, unless otherwise stated) Nine months ended 30 September 2014 2013 Cash flows from financing activities Net proceeds from issue of H shares Capital contribution by non-controlling interests Proceeds from issue of new debt securities Cash paid on subordinated debts redeemed Interest paid on debts securities issued Dividends paid 1,230 30 25,637 (3,000) (1,836) (8,028) Net cash flows from/(used in) financing activities 14,033 -------------------------------- Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents Net increase /(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 79 -------------------------------- 8,640 30 481 (8,000) (2,211) (2,348) (12,048) -------------------------------- (189) -------------------------------- (41,587) Cash and cash equivalents as at 1 January 116,821 137,913 Cash and cash equivalents as at 30 September 125,461 96,326 96,764 86,286 (47,262) (45,950) Interest received Interest paid (excluding interest expense on debts securities issued) - 24 -
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