Unity College Absentee line: 5490 5700 School line: 5490 5777 Sports line: 5490 5741 News Waves Week 4 Term 4, 31st October 2014 Date Claimer TERM 4 Friday 7th November Awards Night 7pm Monday 10th November iPad Information Evening—Years 3-5 parents 5.30pm-6.30pm in our Lecture Theatre Tuesday 18th November Year 12 Valedictory Dinner “Teachers open minds Touch hearts and Shape the future” Wednesday 19th November School Banking redemption day Thursday 20th November Year 12 Thanksgiving Liturgy 7pm— Auditorium Friday 21st November Passing Over of Leadership—Final Day Year 12 Monday 24th November Cybersafety presentation for all parents 5.30pm—7pm in our Lecture Theatre From the Principal: Thursday 27th November Year 6 Transition Celebration Friday 28th November Dear Parents, Students and Friends of Unity, Final day for Years 10 & 11 students Awards Night will be held next Friday night. This is an important night as we celebrate the achievements of the year. Starting at 7pm and finishing at 9.15pm. Since the Friday 5th December College has grown, there are more awards this year and the finishing time has 15 Final day for Prep to Years 9—school minutes added to it. What will the staff do this year!!?? ends at 11.00am The staff inservice on Monday evening concentrated on IT Blogs, Notepad and other mechanisms that teachers can use to engage students and improve learning. World Teachers Day today—we will celebrate this next Tuesday as a staff, however it is time to acknowledge and recognize the important contribution that the staff of schools make to the lives of children. The teaching and huge amount of extra-curricular activities provided by our staff is truly amazing. Have a great week. Mr Rudy Goosem, Principal UNITY COLLEGE ANNUAL AWARDS NIGHT Invites you to a Night with the Stars FRIDAY 7th NOVEMBER 7PM In the Auditorium Come and celebrate our students’ achievements Junior Phase News Technology Futures in the Junior Phase – Kids Connect Conference – What a fantastic event - ‘Ride Through Technology’ a technology conference for kids by kids. It happened last Monday and Tuesday at Aussie World. What a time they all had . I had the pleasure of viewing the finished projects – awesome creativity, talent and collaboration. Well done to all the kids who were involved. Planning has already commenced on next year’s event. Unity’s Got Talent: check out the article on the skills and opportunities for our very own – Jacob Ware and his snowboarding prowess. Date-claimer: BYOD - Monday, 10th November in the new lecture theatre. This night is the second session in the series to receive some training on the setup and use of iPads and how they may be used to enhance our curriculum at Unity. Enrolments If families are leaving Unity prior to or at the end of the school year, as a courtesy - please let our enrolments officer – Mrs Leona Bowles and the classroom teacher - know as soon as possible as it will free up a space for those families on the Wait Lists. We have very limited places in some year levels! Copyright: My Weekly Preview Page 22 Issue 24 October 2014 Water Events – Term 4 We have had a rethink on the water activities we are going to offer in Term 4. Essentially, Prep to Year 3 will have a ‘Fun & Participation’ water event. We are not providing the four swimming lessons as in the past at the Caloundra Aquatic Lifestyle Centre. Students in Years 3-6 will attend Beach & Surf talks facilitated by local Surf Lifesaving members in our new lecture theatre. Students in Years 4-6 will have Beach & Surf lessons at the nominated beach venue on the dates listed below. Junior Phase Term 4 events: Dance Concert – Friday, 31st October - Auditorium Musica Viva—Wednesday, 5th November Unity College Awards Night, Friday, 7th November BYOD iPad workshop, 6-7pm Monday, 10th November P&F Meeting – 7pm, Monday, 10th November Prep Orientation morning – 9am -12pm, Tuesday, 11th November Beach & Surf talks—Years 3-6, Thursday, 20th November Year 12 Graduation Liturgy, 7pm Thursday 20th November Year 12 Graduation Assembly, 8.30-10.30am, Friday, 21st November Beach & Surf Skills—Year 5, Monday, 24th November Cybersafety workshop, Monday, 24th November P-3 ‘Fun & Participation’ water carnival, Tuesday, 25th November Prep & Year 1 Christmas Liturgy at OLR, Wednesday, 26th November Beach & Surf Skills Year 4—Thursday, 27th November Year 6 Transition Celebration – Thursday, 27th November Junior Phase Student Leadership camp – 1st & 2nd December – Alex Heads Beach & Surf Skills Year 6—Tuesday, 2nd December P-6 Class transition afternoon – 1-2.35pm, Wednesday, 3rd December P-6 Christmas Celebration—5.30pm Wednesday, 3rd December—Auditorium Junior Phase “Handing Over of Leadership” assembly 1.45pm Thursday, 4th December 2014 School Year finishes – Friday, 5th December Junior Assembly Friday afternoons in the College Auditorium commencing at 1.45pm. This week’s assembly will be facilitated by Mrs Hiranil’s Year 4.2 class. All are very welcome. Have a great week. Mr Steve Chapman, Head of College (P-6) APRE News Unlike public opinion, Halloween is not an American invention or festival. November 1st marks Samhain, the beginning of the Celtic winter. The Celts lived as early as 2,000 years ago in England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and northern France. Samhain, for whom the feast was named, was the Celtic lord of death, and his name literally meant "summer's end." Since winter is the season of cold, darkness and death, the Celts soon made the connection with human death. The eve of Samhain, October 31st, was a time of Celtic pagan sacrifice, and Samhain allowed the souls of the dead to return to their earthly homes that evening. To protect themselves from marauding evil spirits on the eve of Samhain, the people extinguished their hearth fires, and the Druids (the priests and spiritual teachers of the Celts) built a huge new year's bonfire of sacred oak branches. The Druids offered burnt sacrifices — crops, animals, even humans — and told fortunes of the coming year by examining the burned remains. People sometimes wore costumes of animal heads and skins. From this new fire, the home hearths were again ignited. Particular ethnic groups developed their own lore, which was merged with the celebration. In Ireland, people held a parade in honor of Muck Olla, a god. They followed a leader dressed in a white robe with a mask from the head of an animal and begged for food. The Scots walked through fields and villages carrying torches and lit bonfires to ward off witches and other evil spirits. In Wales, every person placed a marked stone in the huge bonfire. If a person's stone could not be found the next morning, he would die within a year. Besides the Celtic traditions in place, the Roman conquest of Britain in A.D. 43 brought two other pagan feasts: Feralia was held in late October to honor the dead. Another autumn festival honored Pomona, the goddess of fruits and trees; probably through this festival, apples became associated with Halloween. Elements of these Roman celebrations were combined with the Celtic Samhain. With the spread of Christianity and the establishment of All Saints Day, some of these pagan customs remained in the English speaking world for All Hallows Eve (or Halloween, All Saints Eve), perhaps at first more out of superstition, and later, more out of fun without any real tie to paganism. For this reason, little ones (and some big ones) still dress in a variety of costumes and pretend for the evening to be ghosts, witches, vampires, monsters, Ninjas, pirates and so on, without any thought of paganism. Nevertheless, All Saints Day clearly arose from genuine a Christian devotion independent of paganism. Mrs Lin Johnstone and Mrs Debbie Holmes, Assistant Principals Religious Education Enrolments Is your child/family planning to leave at the end of this year? Please let us know in writing if you are leaving at the end of this year as we have an extensive waitlist in the Junior Phase. Contact Mrs Leona Bowles, Enrolment officer [email protected] Student Pathways—Important Notices Year 10 into 11 A reminder that all Certificate payments for 2015 are due by the 28th November. Year 12’s Please check your Learning Account ASAP via Student Connect website https://studentconnect.qcaa.qld.edu.au/ All Year 12 results contributing to the Queensland Certificate of Education and OPs and FPs will be available in student learning accounts from 9 am on Saturday 20 December. Students must know their Learner Unique Identifier (LUI) and password to log in. If you are unable to log in or need your password reset please see Mrs Christie as soon as possible - I will not be available on the 20th December. Do you own a business? If you are a business owner and are looking for employees for next year please consider our Unity College Year 12 school leavers. If you have a position available, please email Mrs Christie or Mrs Paton with the details. [email protected] or [email protected] Mrs Amanda Paton, Acting Pathways Coordinator Day for Daniel Friday 31st of October marks Day for Daniel. Some Unity students took the challenge and joined hundreds of people in the annual walk for Daniel. They made the trek from Suncoast Christian College where Daniel was taken to Briggs Park in Palmwoods. We keep in our prayers the Morcombe family and all children who have been taken from us. As I arise today, may the strength of God pilot me, the power of God uphold me, the wisdom of God guide me. May the eye of God look before me, the ear of God hear me, the Word of God speak for me. May the hand of God protect me, the way of God lie before me, the shield of God defend me, the host of God save me. May Christ shield me today. Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lay down, Christ when I sit, Christ when I stand, Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me. Mrs Mariana Passeggi Romagnoli, Campus Minister Kids Connect Aussie World was the place to be on Monday and Tuesday this week and 46 of our Year 6 and 5 students were there to enjoy Kids Connect 2014. The two day event was hosted by our Year 6 Unity College students for the second year running. Schools in our area were invited to participate in a variety of technology workshops to take a ‘Ride Through Technology”. The students were fortunate enough to have eight experts to guide them through their workshops for the two days. Mr Pinel, Mr Webb, Mrs McNaught, Mrs Boustead, Mrs Lanksey and Miss Schlaikier from Unity College were fantastic role models for the students along with Mr Hannah from Stella Maris and Mr Van Trier from Resourcelink. They explored a number of things including ride design, app development, image manipulation, film, composing, 21 st Century classroom design, landscape drawing and graphic design. Students from Stella Maris, Siena Primary and St Eugene’s were treated to some wonderful hospitality from our students. Congratulations on a fantastic job and I certainly look forward to bigger and better things next year! Mrs Jenny Wilson, Junior Phase eLearning Coordinator & Teacher Librarian Junior Phase Music Notes AMEB Instrumental Exam Results are now coming in. Congratulations to the following students: B for Sunny Ma for grade 2 AMEB violin, and A for Jess Foley for prelim sax for leisure. Charlotte Webster & Lola Weeks completed Flute & Cello exams Good luck to Ali Klein completing her exam this Friday Any other exam results? Let us know. KIDS CONNECT 27th & 28th October. Music workshops were held on iPads with Garage Band at Aussie World. Students composed spooky music in the Halloween spirit and then recorded themselves on a ride with the Gopro and iMovie and created an accompanying backing track with many layers and compositional elements. MUSIC COUNT US IN 2014 By the time you receive this newsletter, well over 520 children will have performed “Paint You A Song” in our support the growth and benefits of Music in our schools. This National Music Advocacy initiative was widely promoted in the media this week. They performed with well over 600,000 children from all over Australia. Instrumentalists, Choirs, painters and dancers all with colour and energy performed with gusto. MUSICA VIVA CONCERTS The B’Tutta boys bring their various percussion to the Unity Auditorium on Wednesday November 5th. The MUSICA VIVA Concert schedule has been published. Parents are more than welcome to attend one of the 3 concerts free of charge. 9.10am, 11.00am and 1.10pm. Patterns, layers of sound and evocative soundscapes have been experienced. NEW INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC IMMERSION PROGRAM Year 5 Immersion 2105 and Gifted & Talented Program for Year 7 Year 4 & 6 students will be tested in Week 5 and students will receive information booklets. Instruments will be demonstrated in class. Many students are coming to the Music room at lunch to try the instruments to assist in choosing their preferences. Their enthusiasm is infectious. Mrs Jacinta Lanskey, Junior Phase Music Teacher End of Year Academic Reports Prep to Year 11 academic reports will be issued to students on Friday 5th December. No reports will be posted. If you have any queries or concerns please contact Belinda Dawkins via email on [email protected]. Mr Mark Ballam, Assistant Principal Curriculum Junior Phase Sport News The following articles can be found on the Teacher’s Blog on the Parent Portal (https://extranet.bne.catholic.edu.au/parent/uc/ ourschool/unitysportblog/default.aspx): State Athletics Championships Tennis Ace Kristen Cavanna Continues to Hold Court! Mr Justin Williams, Junior Phase Sport Coordinator Uniform Shop News For your convenience, uniform fitting appointments are available as follows from Monday 10th November until Friday 21st November: Monday 12pm to 3pm Tuesday 8am to 12pm Thursday 8am to 12pm If you require a fitting for your child, please view the step -by-step instructions www.schoolinterviews.com.au . Our school code is VNGP8. Walk in sales are still welcome during normal Uniform Shop trading hours. Mrs Dorelle Rub, Uniform Shop Convenor Parents and Friends Association The P & F are having another fundraiser. Buy yourself a 10kg box of fresh mangoes!!! The cost is $30 with a percentage going back to the P & F from each box sold. The mangoes will be delivered FRESH to Unity College on Thursday 27th November. Please return forms and money to the P & F locked box in Student Reception today, Friday 31 October. Extra forms will also be available from Front Reception or by emailing [email protected]. Family and friends are all welcome to order or why not go halves in a box with another family? Mrs Colleen Read, P&F Fundraising Coordinator Community Announcements Unity College Caloundra Catholic Parish 61 Edmund Street, Moffat Beach Sunday Mass Timetable for Caloundra: Saturdays 5pm; Sundays 6.30am; 9.30am & 5pm. Church Office ph: 5491 2011. Parish Priest Fr Kevin Smith. 47 Lomond Crescent Caloundra West Qld 4551 Ph: 5490 5777 Fax: 5490 5757 Email: [email protected] P&F email: [email protected] http://caloundracatholicparish.net/ Caloundra Uniting Church 56C Queen Street (Cnr Ulm St), Caloundra Worship times: Sundays 9.30am; 5pm BELLS Informal worship at Community Meeting Place, Bellvista; 3rd Sunday of every 2nd month—5pm (Emerging alternative worship at the Church). Church Office ph: 5491 5353. Minister Rev’d Robin Osborne; Pastor Phil Smith. http://www.caloundra.unitingchurch.org.au/ Term Time Uniform Shop Hours Mondays 8.00am—9.30am; 10.15am—11.00am; Tuesdays 12 noon—1.00pm; 2.00pm—3.30pm; Thursdays 12 noon—1.00pm; 2.00pm—3.30pm Unity Soccer Club For more information visit http://www.unitycollegesoccer.com/ Term Time Office Hours Unity Bellvista Netball Club Mondays to Thursdays 8.00am—4.00pm Fridays 8.00am—3.30pm For more information visit http://www.unitybellvistaclub.netball.asn.au/ Don't miss this wonderful opportunity for your family! TICKETS FROM $50 THE LION KING autism-friendly performance will be held on Saturday, 29 November 1.30pm at the Lyric Theatre, QPAC. For one performance in Brisbane only, THE LION KING will be adapted for people on the autism spectrum and their families, to see this landmark musical event in a friendly and supportive environment. Trained volunteers and staff will be on hand to help you on the day, and there will be dedicated quiet and activity areas should anyone need to leave their seats. Slight adjustments to the production will include reduction of any jarring sounds or lights focused into the audience. Performance Details Saturday, 29 November 2014 1.30pm, Lyric Theatre, QPAC BOOK NOW! Online: lionkingautismfriendly.com.au Phone: 07 3840 7466 (Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm) In person: QPAC Box office, Cultural Precinct, Cnr Grey and Melbourne Street, South Bank 4101
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